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WEST WOODSTOCK Mr. and M13. Kinsman Wright and two sons of Norwood, N.Y., meat Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Butier. Herman Bennett was with his another. Mrs. Clara Bennett over the hoiidays. Having finished his training he is now working for the Bartiett Tree Expert company and is iiving in Danbury. He iikes his work very mnch, it was reported. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beauehemin, farmer residents of West Parish, are receiving congratuiations on the birth pf p son, November 22, who has been ppmpff Mark. WiBuna fiark was a guest of his ^ 4fwe in Boston, on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Eieanor Young and Jean and Robert Fioyd were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McFariane in Eastford. Mr. and Mrs. Vine R. Parmelff of W indsor were guests on Thanhs, giving Day at the Wiilianfaon home stead. Miss Ida Robbins has been a re cent guest of Mrs. Aiice Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. John Perrin and famiiy entertained over the Thanks giving hoiidays. Mr. and Mrs. George Herbert and chiidren and Miss Char iotte Preuss of Corona, N, Y. Thanksgiving Day guests of Mrs. Ruth Sumner were h?r three eons. AtUiA B RtTANNt^A fOR QHRiSTw^ ! * For your own success, or for a friend or relative this Chrtstmas, find out about the handsome, time honored Encyclopaedia Britannica. the most cherished posses sion of informed people the world over. With Britannica, you can watch the turning wheels of industry, or travel to far-off lands. You can plot the progress of science or learn of the magic and wonder of the universe. In a practical way too, you can solve the problems of the day-to-day things around you— cooking, landscaping, decorating, dress destgn, house hold repairs, photography, first aid, and the rest. Imagine! Over four thousand famous contributors worked together to make the twenty-four volume Encyclopaedia Britannica such an outstanding Well of Knowledge. Men like J. Edgar Hoover, Bernard Baruch, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Louis Unter meyer, Deems Taylor, Ely Culbertson, Walter Lipp man and many others. * Britannica Junior is for children from six to sixteen. Fifteen magnificent volumes of facts and interesting information written by many of the same authorita tive contributors who write the Britannica . . . WRIT TEN AND ILLUSTRATED IN A STYLE TAILOR MADE FOR YOUNGSTERS. Ftnd out about Britannica and the TEN YEAR SERVICE PROGRAM on Easy Monthly Payments Find out how you can have Britannica and how easy it is to gfve Britannica or Britan nica Junior as a Christmas gift. sfwo foe rwM ate aootrLfr AaouT a<MTAMN<c^ roMV. Mai) Coupon Today! FREE BOOKLET COUPON Chi<#g^ 6, MMnwi* TEN YEAE PEOGEAA^ond°ob^" E^da# °E)o<! CiTy-Zon#_StoF#__ SOUTH WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Boivin, David and Madeiine Boivin were in Manchester on Thanksgiving Day, where David participated in the track meet and was a member of the winning team. Mrs Ida Robbins of East Thomp son and M**s. Mildred Marcy of West Wondstevk visited Mrs. Beiie [ Young and Mr*. Waytand Marcy early this week. Mr. and Mrs. Satbin Spalding ieft for Florida Friday after visiting Freeman Spalding and Mrs. Maro Chappell on Thanksgiving Day. The Christian Endeavor service Sunday evening was led by Wayne Huston. Malcolm and Miss Donna Huston beautifully rendered a duet, '.'The Sweet By and By." W^vLand Marcy and family, Mrs. P**"'' Young spent the M«faV y'th %r. Mrs. Her 31^!1 MW? 8? W?!t. Wead'tock. Mrs. Wheelock, who is caring for Mrs. Belie Young, was the Thanks giving guest of her daughter, Mrs. Phiiip Bridges of Pomfret. Mrs. Henry Rzeznikerwitz was guest of honor at a recent stork shower at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Eiia Whitehouse. A cottage preayer meeting was heid at the home of Deacon and Mrs. Lee Huston iast Tuesday evening. Quinebaug News and Notes Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cudworth. Mr. and Mrs. Ciayton Cudworth were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Livingston in See konk, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Luman Turner of Springheid. Vermont spent the week end with Mrs. Liiiian Reynoids. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vinton spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Weeks in Abington. T. R. Gardner, secretary-terasurer of the Atiantic Union Conference in South Lancaster. Mass., was speaker Saturday afternoon at the Seventh day Adventist church. He reeentiy returned from the autumn counci] of the denomination heid in St. Louis, Missouri and read reports from there. He said,"In planning for appropri ations at that time a budget of $16,000,000 was voted for the year 1950 for work in North America and forign tieids." Mr. Gardner sang the hymn "O Thy Way Is Long and Weary." Bernard, Francis, Roland and their famiiies. Miss Sarah DeLamater and Mrs. Wiiiiam Clark were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Sheehan of Washington, R. 1. NEED MONEY? See Putnam Finance Ce. LOANS UP TO $300 ON YOUR SIGNATURE Complete privacy and convenient monthly payment* Prompt Loans A loan of (100 costs (20.60 when promptly repaid in 12 equal monthly installment* PUTMAM F!HAME CO. 205 Main St. Putnam (Next to Post Office) License No. 535 Serving: Northeastern Connecticut and Rhode !*!and \ PROTECTION - ALL SAVERS ACCOUNTS iMSURED H! $5000 */ f ,*) DANIELSON FEDERAL SAVERS KNOW THEY ARE GETTiNG AHEAD Your margin between pleasant living and a mare existence !ies in your Danielson Federal Savings Account. Do you, like hundreds of your neighbors, have an active, growing savings account work ing for you at Danielson Federa! Savings? You can open a Danielson Federal Savings Ac count with $1.00. Add regular or irregular sums whenever you wish. Replace your dreams with saving success that makes your dreams come true. Save here by mail. DIVIDEND FOR 33 YEARS DAN!ELSON FEDERAL SAVtMGS and kOAN ASSOOAHON ^ _ n *' R T E L Mrs. Robert Paine. Mrs. W'ayiand . iarcy, and Misses Eileen and Hazel Marcy spent Saturday in Worcester. The specia) music exceitentiy ren dered Sunday by the young iadies' choir added much to the service. Henry Creapo and Mrs. Eiia W hitehouse entertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rzeznickerwitz and Master AHan of Danieison and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reich and baby. Robert of M^ood^tock VaRey on Thanksgiving Day. t Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reich and ] iittie Robert od Woodstock Vaitey. and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rezeniker-j '"'t* ***"' AHan pf Danielson [ were Thanksgiving Pay guests of Hedry Creapo. j Barbara and Peter Phaneuf of. Putnam spent the weekend with their I Phawtuf and BernaM [ mah^n^l?^ Mr!. Baruyr Pesh-! --..teysng the Thanksgiving devotions of the iocai schooi to the Day Kimbaii hospitai was much ap preciated. The chiidren and parents responded most generousiy to the appeal. Mrs. Lawrence Phanuf Rareiy has the viiiage been so shocked and saddened as when word' passed from house to house early iast week that Mrs. Lawrence Pha neuf had been stricken on Saturday evening with a cerbra! hemorrhage, and died eariy Monday morning. The deepest sympathy is extended the' bereaved family. Mrs. Phaneuf had for some time been in poor heaith. hut had not been considered in im mediate danger. She had iived in this viiiage for about thirten years and had made many friends. Her funerai was held Wednesday at St. Mary's church and was targeiy attended. The fiorai tributes were many and beautiful, testifying to the esteem in which she was heid. Xmas Trees OVaiwe Doleam Trees) Beautiful Spraya-— Made up of Tinted Sprays of Balsam. Dec orated with spanking red ribbon and cluster of silver bell. Silver Treea — Made to order up to 5 feet. Buaineaa Location — Lot oppo site City Garage on Front Street. Order Forly by Telephone Phone 1061 Free Delivery ol ,4wy Time nOettp (Christmas We are proud to announce to our customers and friends that on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 from 9 ti!! 3 Miss Patricia Yarbrough LICENSED COSMETICIAN ^.111 t** of the J Donna Lo La^ora^on^s will be at our store to demonstrate Donna Lo Non-Allergic Cosmetics. She will give facials and answer any questions on beauty makeup problems. Do Come - Every One CHICOiNE PHARMACY 17! Providence St. O. J. CHICOINE, Reg. Pharm., Prop Phone 573 ?*"" fn j. 7AVLCW, 4BC N.fwor^ see it quick-stepping along J. the highway—and you can't miss the parallel. You glimpse a bold front end —sleek tapering fenders —Haring, stream lined roof lines —even to 'double bubble" taillights, here is the look of "the fastest thing that Hies." Then you try one on the road, cour tesy of your Buick dealer. Adjectives Hock into mind—"agile" — nimble " — "eager. \ou realize that here is action, swift and easy —action born of Fireball valve-in-head straight-eight power — action Boated on soft coil springs that, for all their lightness, keep your grip on the road sure-footed and Hrm. TAis you tell yourself, is fratr/ing as trarr/iwg sAoa/ti Ac. (Comfortable —in the spacious man ner of king-size interiors. Easy —in the lightness of controls, which can include even the magic of DynaHow Drive* if you wish. Pleasurable —in the wide, wide outlook that's yours, and the inner satisfaction of having a Buick for your very own. And we might add another thing, just by way of being practical. ft s frugal too. Frugal in a hrst cost that's actually less than for some sixes. Frugal in the surprising way such a sizable car gives the go-by to gas pumps. And if you have DynaHow, frugal even in many upkeep costs you can forget about —such as clutch troubles, trans nnsston mamtenance, even many engine servicing costs. Why not put yourseif into one of these jet iined beauties right now? ft's more easity managed than you might imagine — as you'H see by tatking to your Buick deaier. * g/ r^f/ra ray/. r^v <*M #Atc#e F^e«#wrMf ^^HC^AWDy NZF * AKMt #OOA< FOa FWf MOMff . CWAftOW DMVF ophonat of extra corf - JfT-UMf STVUMG . MOM-tOOHMG HU/MPaf-GUAftO GfMUB . MfGM^fMSSUM FfMBAU SHAfCMMfGWr FMGfMF . COft SFMMGfMG Ati AtfOUND # tOW^atSHfae HHtS ON SAFFTYacf MMS . GafATK VHWUHf FOM AMD AFT . $aF-iOCMMG tUGCAGF UOS . STtADY-atMMC fOaOUFfUM DHVF . FHME MtAWF AfOOFU WfTW aocr ay Ffswea BEAESOEEHE BMCK CO. PROV!OENCE STREET PUTNAM, CONNECTICUT