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Helen S. Hopkins With Phone Co. Twenty Years Among veteran empioyees of the The Southern New England Tele phone Company celebrating anni versaries, according to the November issue of The Bulletin, company publi cation. is a tone city resident. The Builettn reveaied Heten S. Hopkins at the ioca! exchange has been in the empioy of the company for the past 20 years. Xmas Toys Sought For Needy Tots A campaign to provide toys for needy children at Christmas has been launched again under auspices of the American Legion Auxiliary. Toys in usable condition are need ed by the committee in charge as well as contributions, it was revealed this weak. General arrangements for the an nual project are in charge of a com mittee headed by Mrs. Bernice De laney, president. Others include Mrs. Theresa Gildard, Mrs* Rita Lefevre, Mrs. Ruth Charron and Mrs. Marie Fontaine. —Mrs. Newton A. Vaughn of Grove street spent the holiday with relatives in Worcester, Mass. —John M. Dean, local business ex ecutive who recently returned from Europe, was speaker at the Tuesday afternoon meeting of the Rotary Club under direction of President Emil Leschke at Putnam Country Club. Buz Time Table Dai!y Putnam for Worcester JOLLY WOG S. Main St. - Tel. 1863 AM. P.M. 7:30 12:30 8:30 1:30 9:30 2:30 10:30 3:30 11:30 4:30 5:30 New 6:30 Time Table 7 :30 Effective 8:30 October 23 10 :00 11:00 Announce Marriage Of Miss Thompson To City Resident Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Thomp son, Jr., of Canton, Ohio, formerly of New London, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Caro] Lor raine Thompson, to Archibald Mac donatd, HI, son of Atty. and Mrs. Archibald Macdonatd, Jr., of Put nam. The wedding was ]ast Friday in Canton. Mr. Macdonatd is a graduate of the Univarsity of Connecticut and is now doing graduate work at the same institution. His wife is a gradu ate of New London Junior College. ANNOUNCES MARRIAGE Mrs. Daisy Burton of Lyons street announced Monday morning that her daughter, Gloria was married Thanks giving Day to Carl C. Hampton <^f Raeford, North Carolina. The cere mony was performed in St. Philip's church. They will make their home in Washington, D. C. —Mr. and Mrs. A. Raymond Tour tellotte of Putnam Heights enter tained at a family party Thanksgiv ing Day. The out-of-town dinner guests were George Law and George Law, Jr., of Thompson, Mrs. George Elliott of North Grosvenordale, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tourtellotte and children of Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chandler and children of Fabyan joined them for supper and the evening. —Mrs. Thomas C. Ryan of Main street has returned after a week's vacation at the home of her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Evans of Ellington. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Rhoades and family of Thomp son and Thomas Ryan of Putnam were Thanksgiving Day guests at the Evans home. —Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Ranicar and children called on friends in Southbridge, Mass., Thursday. Tony's Package Store 355% Schoo! St. Putnam Complete Line of Choice Liquors - Wines - Beer No Meters and Ptenty of Parking Space DROP 7.V TO SEE US Free Detivery Telephone 547 JESStCA.:. '71.59 14K"atvro!ofwhit* go!d Dom#d €ry$ta!. ** ASHLEY... ^71.5! 14K nature* go!d fH!*dca$*. USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN PUTNAM BUILDING and LOAN ASSOCIATION A co-operative Association, doing business in Put nam, continuously since 1916, under the supervision of the State Banking Department, and during all that time paying dividends of not less than 3^ per cent per annum, offers for subscription, a limited number of its SINGLE PAYMENT SHARES and FULL PAID INCOME SHARES in addition to its regular Installment Shares. Assets, Nov. 1, 1949 $871,420.84 FOR FOLL INFORM<4CALL 4ND SFF M. H. GEISSLER Secretary 168 Main Street Telephone Putnam 47 Pi/fnam %rsoMa/s —John Simonzi, Jr., son of Select-1 man and Mrs. John F. Simonzi of Mechanics street, freshmen student at Tufts College, Medford, Mass., ^ visited with his parents for the holi day and weekend. —Mr. and Mrs. Howard H Shir reffs and her mother, Mrs. William j Gray, of Larchmont, New York, spent Thanksgiving and the weekend as! guests of Dr. and Mrs. William Gray and family of Genevieve street. —Mrs. B. Kroll of 211 Mechanics street has been discharged as a pa tient from Day Kimball hospital. —Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McGarry, Sr., Bernard McGarry, Jr., Mrs. David McGarry and children, Bruce and Joyce, and the Misses Florence and Alice Devine motored to Gilford, Vermont, Thanksgiving Day, where Mrs. David McGarry and children joined David McGarry to spend the holiday and weekend. —Mr. and Mrs. Ernest White of Norwich called on Mrs. John Whalen of Bellevue street, Thanksgiving Day. —Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and children of Holyoke, Mass.? and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sparrow of Wash ington. D. C , were holiday guests of Mrs. Ruby Sparrow of Grove street and Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Sparrow and family of Bellevue street. —Mr. and Mrs. Carol Fletcher of Worcester, Mass., called on Mrs. William T. Fletcher and Mrs. Newton A. Ballard of South Main street Saturday. —Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shaw ar rived home last Tuesday from a month's motor trip to California. They, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shaw, Jr., Mrs. Ernestine Gilbert and Miss Gertrude Kibbee, spent Thanks giving Day as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reinhard Born of Whitinsville, Mass. —Mrs. Bernard McGarry, Sr., Mrs. Josephine Webster and Miss Hazel Gifford were in Worcester Saturday. —Mrs. Newton Ballard entertained Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Ballard of Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Wojno of Akron, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ballard of Wash ington, D. C., a few days last week including Thanksgiving Day. —Mrs. Dois Houghton of Gardner, Mass., was the holiday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Walker and Miss Thyra Walker of Grove street. —Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gif ford of Center street entertained Mrs. Josephine Webster. Miss Hazel Gifford and James Gifford as Thanks giving dinner guests at General Lyon Inn, Eastford. —Mr. and Mrs. J. Manning Durt'ee of Lowell. Mass., formerly of Put-1 nam, called on Mrs. Augustu Cutlet and family of Bellevue street Friday — Roland J. Basinet, student at Arnold College in Milford, was a holiday and weekend visitot at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Basi net of Mill street. —Dr. and Mrs. Rene Desaulniers of Church street were Sunday guests of relatives in Dorchester, Mass. —Albert Tetreault, student at Providence College, was a holiday and weekend visitor at the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Tetreault of Providence street. —Loren Dubois, student at Yale University and Joseph Dubois of Bos ton, Mass., were holiday and week end visitors with their mother, Mrs. Edna Dubois of Walnut street. —Leonard Friedrich, freshman student at Trinity College in Hart ford, visited the holiday and weekend with his parents .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Friedrich of 351 Woodstock avenue. —David and Norman Whittemore. sophomores at Cornell University in Ithaca. N. Y., visited the holiday and weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elliot S. Whittemore of Far rows street. —Mr. and Mrs. Leo Venturini and sons, Jean and James were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fried rich of Woodstock avenue. —Mr. and Mrs. John M. Flaherty and family of Battey street enter tained his mother, who was on a short visit here Saturday. She re turned to Webster with her sister, Mrs. Armand Lizotte of Woodstock i avenue and later continued to Bos- ] ton, Mass., accompanied by her granddaughter, (Gloria Sherman. —Raymond Roy of Hartford and Long Island, N.Y., former PHS grid coach, was a holiday visitor at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Weiss of Fre-1 mont street. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Frey and family of Fremont street visited relatives in Milford on Friday and also entertained local fniends at their home Thursday evening. —Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frechette and children of Middletown spent Thanksgiving Day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. .Ernest Bousquet of Providence street. -—Mr. and Airs. Eli Hal t and fam ily of Wethersfield spent Thanks giving Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack I.ussier f Sawyer District. SEVEN WEDDINGS ARE PERFORMED IN CITY, /REA Seven weddings were performed in Putnam and North Grosvenordaie over the hoiiday weekend. Principal invotved are residents from Wood stock, East Woodstock, North Gros venordaie, Putnam, Dudiey, Mass., and Tortiand, Maine. Mor*e Shepard Miss Jane Louise Shepard, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett G. Shep ard of Woodstock, and Lewis Morse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Morse of East Woodstock, were ntarrid No vember 23 at the Methodist church. Rev. Percy F. Smith oiRciated. Mrs. Aiden Farber was matron of honor and Stephen Morse was best man. The bride wore a brown gien piaid suit with a corsage of white carna tions. The coupie wiii live in East Wood stock. Gadoury Blain Miss Theresa main, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rosario Biain was mar ried Thursday to Arthur Gadoury, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gadoury, Sr., of Dudley, Mass. Rev. Oscar Nor mand officiated in St. Joseph's church. Eveiyn Barrette was maid of honor and Omer Gadoury served as best man. The bride was given in marriage by her father. The bride wore a !ong gown of white satin and iace with a chapel length veil and carried a white missal with an orchid. The bridesmaids wore orchid and carried yellow roses. Following the ceremony, a recep tion was held at the Firemen's hall and later the couple left on a wed ding trip to New York and Washing ton. On their return they will live in Dudley. Hejwotz Defifippo Miss Mary Defilippo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Defilippo of North Grosvenordale, was married Thursday to Joseph P. Hejwosz, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hejwosz of Webster. Rev. Arthur Marchesseault officiated in St. Joseph's church. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gursky attended the couple. The bride wore a long gown of white satin with a court train and a white crown. She carried white chrys antehmums and an orchid. The ma tron of honor wore orchid satin and carried yellow chrysanthemums. After a reception at Thompson Speedway clubhouse the couple left on a wedding trip to New York. On their return they will live in Webster. Burke Beau lac Miss Faith E. Beaulac, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beaulac of North Grosvenordale, was married Thursday to Leone] R. Burke, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Burke of Smith street, Putnam. Rev Arthur Mar chessault officiated in St. Joseph's church. Anna Hayes of North Gros venordale was maid of honor and Wilfred Beauregard of Pawtucket, R L. served as best man. The bride wore a long gown of ivory satin with a court train and a chapel length veil falling from a Juliet cap of seed pearls. She carried white roses and an orchid. The maid of honor wore a rose gown and carried a colonial bouquet. Following the ceremony, a recep tion was held at the Community Club and later the couple left on a wed ding trip to Boston. On their return they will live in Mechanicsville. Gahan Montvitte Miss Jeanette T. Montviiie, daugh ter of Mr. and M/rs. George H. Montviiie of Chapel street, and John W. Gahan of Main street, were mar ried Saturday morning at 9t. Mary's church. Rev. Joseph Macdonaid of Baitic, ; a cousin of the bride, officiated. Mrs. Bernice Deianey was the matron of honor and Miss Rache! LaCroix was the bridesmaid. Chester Benoit was best man and the ushers were Robert Dutfy and Gerard Lizotte. The bride wore a !ong white gown of chantiiiy iace off the shoulder with a net yoke, long pointed sieeves, a tight bodice over a bouffant skirt of iayer upon iayer of marquisette. Het fingertip vei! of itiusion feii from a tiara and she carrid a white orchid with white roses. The [patron of honor wore tiger iiiy satin and car ried chrysanthemums. The brides maid wore mint green and carried chrysanthemums. A reception was heid at Fomfret Inn and iater Mr. and Mrs. Gahan ieft for Miami* They wii) iive in Putnam. Mr. Gahan served as a lieutenant in the Army during the war and at present is commanding officer of Co. C, 169th Inf., C.N G. He is a junior partner in the Deianey Insurance Agency. His wife is a graduate of Putnam Cathoiic Academy and yas empioyed as a secretary at Wyckoff Steei Co. Menard Aldrich Miss Ruth Aldrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Aldrich of Pomfret street, was married Satur day morning at St. Mary's church to Philip Menard, son of Mr. and Mis. Louis Menard of Portiand, Maine. Rev. Thodore Gubala officiated. Mr. and Airs. Alfred Rondeau attended the couple. The bride wore a green taffeta dress with white accessories and a corsage of white chrysanthmums. The matron of honor wore a tan dress with a white hat and a pink corsage. Breakfast was served at the home of the bride. The couple left on a trip to Maine and will live on Pom fret street. Goulet Patterson Miss Harriet Louise Patterson, daughter of Ralph Patterson, Sr., of Buckley Hill, was married Saturday morning at St, Joseph's church to Alfred Arthur Goulet, son of Mr. and Airs. Arthur Goulet of 26 Woodside street. Putnam. Rev. Arthur Afnrcbcsseault offici ated. Aiiss Rose Patterson was maid of honor and Edward Goulet was best man. The bride was gowned in a bridal white slipper satin wedding gown with a coolie neckline, A'iennese lace with capucine bead embroidered bertha, and dirndl skirt cut entrain. Her fingertip length veil was of illusion tulle with a Viennese lace coronet forming the cap tcratment. She car ried a white missal with a cover corsage of orchids. Her maid of honor wore a royal blue polonaise gown and carried yellow and white pompons. A reception was held at the Dudley Country Club and the couple left on a trip. For traveling the bride wore a green garbardine ensemble with brown accessories. Mrs. Goulet is a graduate of Tour tellotte Memorial High School and secretary to the principal of Putnam High School. Mr. Goulet graduated from Putnam high school and is at tending Arnold College at Milford. He is a naval veteran of the last war. —Robert Rovatti. student at St. John's School in Deep River, spent i the holiday and weekend with his mother, Mrs. Elaine Rovatti of Me chanics street. —Mrs. Thomas Duffy of Wainut street entertained relatives from Hol iiston. Mass., and Westheld, Mass., on Thanksgiving Day. —Mr. Patrick Moore of Webster, ! Mass., spent Thanksgiving Day with his sister, Miss Catherine Moore of Wainut street. —Mrs. Aifred Aiarie and son, i Richard pf Mit! street were Thanks- j giving Day guests of her son and , daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Aiarie of Ludiow, Mass. —Rev. Paui J Rivard of Wiitiman tic spent Thanksgiving Day with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rivard of Green street. —Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Ryan of Providence street entertained on the hoiiday and over the weekend their sons Thomas of Greenwich and Robert, student at Boston University and their daughter, Marion, student at University of Connecticut. —Mys. J. Benoit and daughters, Jeanette and Juiiette of Bridge street spent Thanksgiving Day as guests of reiatives in Worcester, Mass. —Mrs. Norma Lussier of Provi dence street entertained during the hoiiday weekend, Seaman Veri Park er of the U. S. Submarine Base, New London. Pfc. John A. McDonaid, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDonald of Baiiou street,is on a 30-day furlough with his parents. He was formeriy sta tioned in Japan. — Mrs. Charies Biake of West Hartford was a recent visitor at the home of her sister, Miss Elia Bouthil lette of this city. —Mrs. Anthony Sulkowski of South Main street is a patient at Day Kimball hospital. —Mrs. R. Arthur Chase of Put nam Heights won the door prize at the Quadic Community Club dance on Saturday and Arthur Boutin of Church street won it the previous Saturday. —Mrs. Ahbie Gleason, who has been the guest of Miss Rose Baker, expects to return to her home in Hoiden, Mass., some time this week. ] — i.ittie Heien Lyon is a patient at Pay Kimbaii h ?pitai with a ftac tured skuii. —Mrs. Hester Chase and chiidren. Christine, Benny, Wiiiiam and Mark of Upper Wainut street and her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Cum mings of Webster visited Thanks giving Day in New Hampshire. —Mr and Mrs. Charies Pickier of Providence, R. L. spent the hotiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ciyde Pickier of Schooi street. —Mr. Hiram Oatiey, who has been a patient at Day Kimhaii hospitai for about ten days, returned to his home on Kiiiingiy avenue Sunday —Mr. artd Mrs. D. €. Durand and da^^ter, Christine of New York City spent the hoiiday weekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs. D. C. Du rand of Kiiiingiy avenue. —Mr. and Mrs. Dan Putzae of Hamden were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wiiiiam Kinder of Kiiiingiy avenue. —Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tourtei iotte of Putnam Heights motored to Manchester on Sunday to visit his brother, Jerome. They were accom panied by their weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. Carroii Fietcher and Mrs. Howard J. Ciark. —Mrs. R. Arthur Chase, Mrs. Hes ter Chase and chiidren, Christine, Benny, Wiiiiam and Mark visited Mr and Mrs. Sherman Cummings of Webster on Monday. —Mrs Emory Keith of Kiiiingiy avenue is a patient at Day Kimbaii hospitai. —Mr. and Mrs. E. I.aRocque of Manchester were hoiiday weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pred Durand of Van den Noort street. — Mr. and Mrs. Carroii C. Fietcher of Worcester and Mrs. Howard J. Ciark of Hyde Park were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tourteiiotte of Putnam Heights. Bit! Kinder, a sophomore at Brown University, was guest of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiiiiam Kin der of Kiiiingiy avenue over the hoii day weekend. —Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peikey and famiiy spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Bernkiow of Woonsocket, K. 1. —Mr. and Mrs. William Buckley of Walnpt street spent the holiday weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lonergan of Brockton, Mass. — Mr. and Mrs. William Perry family of Upper Walnut street with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morse, Sr., of Highland Place and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morse, Jr., of Van der. Xoort street spent Thanks giving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Coult hurst of Pawtucket, R. !. —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dufresne, Mrs. Marie Dufresne and Joseph Du fresne of Walnut street were it Woonsocket, R. I . Thursday to at tend the funeral of Wilfred Croteau. —Mr. and Mrs. George ConneH and son, Peter of Concord, N H„ visited Mrs. Sherwood ConneU of Upper Walnut street over the week end. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Page of Upper Walnut street held a reunion Thanksgiving dinner party at their home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page of Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Pike of Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. David Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson and daughter, Margaret of Putnam. —Mr. and Mrs. Dalbert MacKennie of Upper Walnut street entertained Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Prince of Willi mantic and Mr. and Mrs. W. E Prince of Mansfield on Thanksgiving Day in honor of their son, Norman's birthday. —Miss Inga Leonardson of WaT nut street spent the weekend with her brother and family, Dr. and Mr&. Orvar Leonardson of Wakefield, Mass. —Miss Nelida Archambeault re turned to her home on Woodstock avenue. Sunday, after spending Thanksgiving with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George Davignon in Paw tucket. R. 1 . and attending the wed ding of their daughter, Theresa, and reception at the Pawtucket Country Club. On Saturday she was the gueid. of Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Chauvut and son, Raynald of North Attle boro. Mass. —Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Howard of Hartford were Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Byron How I ard of Bates avenue. B M MB 14 UNION STREET - Directly across from the PUTNAM NEWS \ / Wonderful, wonderful beef, lanab, vea! and poultry at super savings at Big Chief. Shop and save every weekend by visiting Big Chief. BrookAetd BUTTER "66 OLEO Ml'r " 21 Land of Lakes—La Chedda CHEESE 2 ^ 75 LARD '" 2 " 29 STORE HOURS # Closed # Fri-Sat. 8 a. m. Monday 9 p m. SiRLOiN CLUB STEAKS ^ 7!) CHUCK ROAST " 49 VEAL LEGS " 55* GENUiNE SPRING LAMB SALE LEGS " 67' RIB CHOPS " 69* LO!!\ CHOPS Lb. yy HJKtS 42* HAMBURG ^ - 49 FANCY BmSKET CORNED BEEF - 55 SMOKED or FRESH SHOULDERS - 37 FRESH PORK J:,,- 39 STAR SK!NLESS FRANKFURTS -45 PORK L!VER VEAL t CHOPS Del Monte Roundup Sale SARDINES "" 19 PEACHES -"25 PINEAPPLE " 27 COCKTAIL -"19 COCKTAIL -*" 33 RAISINS ^d,r 15 PEAS 1!) De) Monte No2 can Cream Sty!e can i I TOMATO SAUCE^L3 " 23 CHERRIES ^ - 33 Walt's APPLE SAUCE 10' Cape Cod CRANBERRY SAUCE 5 """ 25' So!ite MARSHMALLOW CREME -15* Fruit Crest GRAPE JELLY ^ !-!b jars Fruits & VegetaMes SPECMLS Lettuce 2 heads 29c Celery, Pasca! 17c LARGE FLORIDA Oranges doz 29c CELLO Spinach 2 phgs 29c Cranberries 2 p***' 25c CtGARETTES Popular Brands Carton $ Armour s EVAPORATED MtLK 6 65* SUGAR 10 !bs