Newspaper Page Text
HOUSE FOR SALE !! S 1 !n Dayvitle. The Henault homestead, formerly the W. E. i^aBelle residence, one of the best locations, ip town. A very attractive nine room cottage house, with aii improve ments, steam heat (oi!), doubie parlor with a fireplace, some picture windows. Lot 95 x 177. An outstanding value at a price to sell. Visit this place. Your offer will be con sidered. Open for inspection daily. For details contact RACINE AGENCY. 125 Main Street. Dayville. Telephone Danielson 1-5995 or 9-9925. COLONIAL HOME FOR SALE Fine genuine colonial white clapboard home with nine rooms in real New England village. Old colonial perfectly restored. Retains all old features of early American archi tecture with central chimney, iive fireplaces. Dutch oven, hearthstone, door hardware, wide floorboards and small window panes. Modern in equipment but old in charm. Two baths, two kitchens, oil burner hot water heat, all brand new. Garages for two cars. Oiled driveway. Ample space for workshop or storage. One acre of land. Must be ^en to be appreciated. Price $15,500. VERNON T. WETHERELL, East Woodstock. Conn. Telephone Putnam 331-J4. L_ LEG4LS LIQUOR PERMIT NOTICE OE APPLICATION This is to give notice that i. Mario Ltdrew Vandi of 235* Main Street, futnam. Conn., have tiled an applica tion dated November 22. 194!?, with die Liquor Control Commission for a CM) Permit for the sale of alco nolic liquor on the premises at 79 Ha rr -Tiaret. Putnam. The business is fW6*.t -tty Lodge H.P.D.Eiks. :574 of 79 Main Street, Putnam. <nd srRl'ire conducted by Mario An Vandi of 235 Main Street, Putnam, as permittee. MARIO ANDREW VANDI "Dated November 22. 1949. 47-48 ^ NOTICE ? Notice is hereby given that Pass 3ook No. 8099 of the Savings de partment of the Citizens National Sant. Putnam. Conn., has been lost Cny person finding this book will nndly report to the bank, as pay ment on this account has been -topped. <6-48 4HTHDR E. SMITH Cashier HENRY'S USED CARS 1942 Chevrolet Pane! 395 1937 Pontiac 4 dr Sedan 185 1938 Plymouth 4 dr Sedan 285 1936 Chevrolet 2 dr Sedan 165 P93P5 Oldsmobile 2 dr Sedan 145 1S16 Dodge 4 dr Sedan 165 1936 Ford 4 dr 145 1933 Chevrolet 4 dr 85 1935 DeSoto 4 dr 75 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Ea.-y Payments. Xo Finance or ^ interest Charges [Used Parts for a!) makes. [ Repairing at a reasonabte j rate. Work guaranteed. i- 223 Providence St. Putnam, Connecticut Tetephone 904-W1 * ! FOR SALE !n City of Putnam 150 Acres Choice Lane Sotd by tots or by acre as desired DAVID 0. BREAULT Telephone Putnam f224 LEGAL City of Putnam NOTICE City Meeting The iegai voters of the City of: Putnam are hereby warned to meet j in the Town Hatl on MONDAY, DECEMBER S, !949 to efeqt by a pfuraiity of haftots the folfowing officers: A Mayor, an Aiderman-at-Earge, eight Aldermen, a Treasurer, a Coi iector of Taxes, and two Registrars, ai! of whom shaft, be voted for on ore baftot. but no person shaif vote for more than one Registrar, nor for more than four Aidermem Pofts wilf open at 6:30 A. M. and! ciose at 7:30 P.M. Dated at Putnam. Connecticut this Jsth (ia\ of November. 1949. JOliN N. DEMPSEY Mayor Attest: GERARD J. EAVALEEE City Cferk 48 f*9< (.'Mt/.s/fr ("<)<';wrah'uii PARTS MoPar ACCESSORtES NEW PLYMOUTH MOTORS (NOT REBUtLT) 1937 thru 1949 EASY PAYMENTS CITY GARAGE DESOTO PLYMOUTH DEALER 95 Front St. Tet. 770 Putnam Painting and Paperhanging Ceilings Painted $5.00 Papering one Room $6.00 ALL WORK GUARANTEED Telephone 1220-J4 Putnam Conn. ESEM CARS BOUGHT — SOLD — TRADED CtTY GARAGE DESOTO - PLYMOUTH DEALER os Front Street, Putnam Tetephone 770 1936 Ford 4 dr Sedan.$ 95.00 1937 Chevrolet Coupe. 115.00 1937 Chevrolet 2 dr Sedan .$ 98.00 1946 Plymouth 4 dr Sedan, Radio and Heater 1075.00 LEGALS NOTICE ! wit) no totiger be responsibie for biiis contracted by my wife on and after this date. RaiphA. Nichois Putnam, Conn. TOWN OF PUTNAM NO IT I C E The Board of Education wit) re ceive bids on three (3) tires. 7.50x20 S-ply. for the Putnam School Bus. Bids to be submitted to ALBERT J. MURPHY, Superintendent of Schoois, Putnam. Connecticut ORDER OF NOTICE At a Court of Probate he)d at Putnam within and for the District of Putnam, on the 30th day of No vember, 1949. Present Witiiam L. St. Onge. Judge. Estate of Fred J. Briere, late of Putnam, in said District, deceased. The administrator having exhibited his administration account for aitowance by said Court and having made appiicatidn for an order ascertaining the heirs of said deceased and for an order of distribution, it is ORDERED — That the 6th day of Decem ber. 1949, at 10:00 o'ciock in the ' forenoon, at a court ot t'robatf to be heid at Putnam in said District he appointed for a hearing upon the aiiowance of said account and on the appiication for an order ascertaining the heirs of said deceased and order ing distribution' of said estate, and that pubiic notice of the time and piace of said hearing be given by pttbiishing this order once in a news paper having a circuiation in said District, at ieast five days before the date of said hearing and due return make. Bv the Court WILLIAM L. : ST. ONCE, Judge. 48 ORDER OF NOTICE At a Court of Probate, heid at Putnam within and for the District . of Putnam, on the 30th day of No vember, 1949. Present, Wiiiiam L St. Onge, Judge. In the Matter of ^ Beatrice Briere of Putnam in said District, a minor person'. Aibina Briere, parent of said minor person, having made applica tion to this Court for the appoint ment of a guardian of the estate of said minor, as per application on hie more fuiiy appears, it is ORDERED —That said appiication be heard and determined at a Court of Probate to be heid at Putnam in said District, on the 6th day of December, 1949, .at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, and that pubiic notice of said appiication and of the time and piace of the hearing thereon be given by pubiish ing this order once in a newspaper having a circuiation in said District, at ieast five days before the date of said hearing; and further that per sona) notice of said appiication and of the time and piace of the hearing thereon be given by depositing in the Post Ofhce at Putnam, Connecti cut, in said District, postage prepaid and letter registered, a true and at tested copy of said appiication and of this order, addressed to Beatrice Briere, at No. 170 Sisson Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut, before th' 1st day of December, 1949, and due return make. Bv the Court, WILLIAM L. ST. ONCE, Jud" ORDER OF NOTICE At a Court of Probate heid at Woodstock, in and for the District of Woodstock, on the first day of December, 1949. Present. Heien Periey Cornet), Judge. Estate of Caroiynt Mae Bowen, iate of Wood stock, in said Probate District, de ceased. The executors under the wiii of said deceased having exhibited to this Court, their first administration account with said estate for accept ance arid ailo vance and appiication having been made therein to author ize the purchase of a cemetery monu ment. aid for a payment of in part! for services as executors. ORDERED -— That the 8th day of December, 1949, at 11:00 o'clock tn the fore-i noon, at a Court of Probate to be he'd at the Probate OfUce in said Woodstock in said District, he and the same is appointed for a hearing upon the acceptance and allowance of said account, and upon said appli cation' for an order to authorize the purchase of a cemetery .monument and for a payment in part for serv ices as executors. The executors, having matte further application fori an order to sett the corporation stocks ' tisted in the inventory of said estate ' and to pay the collateral loan se- i cured by certain of said stocks. OR DERED— That the* 8th day of De "ember, 1949. at 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at a Court of Probate to he held at the Probate Office in s^id Woodstock, be appointed for a hear ing on said application to seR The executors having further made appli cation for order to distribute cer tain personal property in said, estate to the beneficiaries under Items Three, Five. Eleven and Twelve of ! said will. ORDERED*— That the 8th day of December, 1949. at 11:00 ! o'clock in the forenoon, at a Court ' of Probate to be held at the Pro bate Office in said Woodstock, be appointed for a hearing ort said ap plication. That notice of the time and ! piace of said hearings be given to all interested parties by publishing a copy of this order in a newspaper having a circulation in said District, and by mailing a copy of this order, postage paid, registered mail, to the oUcwing petsons at the address 'iven below-, all at least five days before the date therein set for a hearing, viz: Arthur Wellesley Taylor, 3d Park St., Southbridge, Mass.; Gardner Richardson. Woodstock. Connecticut; Henry C. Holt. Pomfret. Connecticut; Constance Holt, Woodstock, Connec ticut; Ferdinand E. Clegg, 10.1 ChrystieSt.,I^-onia. New Jersey. And due return make. HELEN PERLEY CORNELL, Judge. 48 LOST Mother of Pear) Necklace Yellow Stone Cl*tp. IRENE GILMAN, 25 Green Street, Putnam. Tele phone 744 Jl. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED OLD COLORED GLASS — And China tamps and shades. China tig urines, vases, ornaments, otd jew e!ry, otd dotts. ovat frames. Best prices pant Write or phone Daniet son 4-3047. LYN-BROOK AN TtQUES, Brooktyn, Conn. 15.f LISTINGS -List with one who has served you in the past, with years of experience, t need, at once, ! severat cottages, also smatt farms. For quick action, cat). 1 have prospects waiting for the above. N. J. rOL'LtX. Quinebaug. Conn, j Tetephor.e Putnam 2377-J2 38tf POSITION—A baby Sitting position wanted by young woman. Ptease TELEPHONE 1814. Putnam, aftor! 5:00 p.m. Lorraine White. 48* j TRANSPORTATION HTxeedJd at once. To and from Wittimantic. 7:00 - 4:00 shift TELEPHONE 248-J2, Putnam. 48tf MASON WORK—Francis E. Angett, Abington, Conn. TELEPHONE 1769-W2, Putnam. 48-50 ' ---—- ! * * *ON—As mother's helper, care I of children or housework wanted by young girl. Telephone DANIEL SON 4-9391. 48* FEMALE HELP—Middle axed wom an wanted to care for children, while mother is at work. Prefer ably to live in. Write BOX W, e/o Putnam Patriot, Putnam, Conn. i _ 43* DESK — Roll top wanted in fairly good condition. TELEPHONE i 171C-J2, Putnam. 48-49 BICYCLE — L^sed. two wheel, small I size (24"). TELEPHONE 1738-Jl. Putnam. 48 GARAGE—Near Putnam hixh school urxently needed by reliable party. Also xood second-hand piano. TEI EPHONE 2344, Putnam. 48* COINS I want to buy old copper, silver and gold U. S. coins. Prop me a card stating what you may have and 1 will arrange to call on you . F. J. HERRICK. Box 173. Quinebaug. Conn. 48-50* __Lost ELKHOLfND—Norwegian. Grey and black, long hair, female. Answers to nam<? of "Branka," TELE PHONE 2tS0-Wl, Putr.anT. 48* LFGALS LIMITATION OF CLAIMS -4t a Court of Probate held a*t Putnam, in and for the District of Putnam, on the 25th dav of N'overn^ ber, 1949. Present. Hon. William L. St. Outre, fudge. Estate of Timbthe Tefrcault. late of Putnam in said District, deceased. Aramnd Tetrebbl't, Putnam. Conn.. Alpfterie Tetreault. Jewett City, Conn , Executors. OR DERED—That six months from the date hereof be and the same are hereby appointed and limited for the creditots of said deceased to bring their claims agamst' said estate., and that the executors of said estate cite said creditors of sand deceased to bring in their claimtf within said tune, by posting a notice to that effect on the public sign-post in said Town of l^utuam, ami tty publishing' the same in a newspaper having aJ circulation in said District, and that due teturn be made. WPLL1AM L, ST. ONGE. Judge. 48 N O T FC E ThL is to give ntAice that 1 wiit j rot be responsible for any bills com ' traeted by my wife. Violrt, on or, after this date. Alfred Pete Riemieau FOR SALE Leo J Lemoine ! Park Place Putnam, Conn. Real Estate For Sale We havo a. number of hornet and farm* fx*r *afe-Lat ua know your nooda. may have whai: you are Aao^in^ for. LESCHRE AGENCY Putnam Saving. Bardr KuiMl^g Putnam, Conn Pho^e 1685 R'tOUNtL SIDING, 1NSJL.A TION^, WALL TILE! AT WARDS LOW PRICES New beauty and protectRw for your home. Wards cnaterials are top quaiity, yet they coat you dollars less! i:C< 'Fr.YC — A wide variety of styles, color-s and weights. Cb<<ose today, for an attractive burnt' at low cost! SIDING— Asphalt and asbestos! Roil or insulated type in lannon stone, brick and new shake shingle design. Choice of color. INSULATION —Save up to 30% on winter fuel 1 Hr! Make yo"r home 8°-lo° cooler in summer. Cet Rock Wool at Wards for less! WALL TILE — Durable alutpi i um with baked-enamel finish! bright, colorful, long-lasting. Wipes clean! U' \RANTEED INSTALLATION! Let Wards experienced men <1. the installation! No trouble or bother for you. and the job will be done right! Your satis faction guaranteed! Get your free estimate! MONTGOMERY WARD Main Street Putnam, Conn. FOR SALE NEW BUNGALOW—-Large, attrac tive, with large living room, dinette attached, modern cabinet kitchen, oak flooring, oii heat. Cemented cellar, porches and garage. This is very low priced for its quality. N. J. POULIN. Quine baug. Conn. Telephone Putnam 2377-J2. 44tf HARDWOOD — Seasoned. Fireplace and stove lengths. TELEPHONE 1102-J4, Putnam, evenings. + 46-48* HOUSE—Located on Senexet Road, W oodstock. Air conditioning heat ing system, fireplace, artesian well. TELEPHONE 2330-W2, Putnam. 47tf CHEVROLET—Late 1947 Fleetline. Perfect condition, a beautiful car. Terms if desired. MR. DENIS. Pomfret Inn, Pomfret, Conn. Telephone Putnani &93-J2. 48tf MISCELLANEOUS SAWS—Precision filed by machine. Don't waste time and energy vkith dull saws. Quick service; you wiH like our work. D. W. DYKE, Speed way Road, East Thompson. Tele-1 phone Putnam 1585-J3. 46-48 RADIO REPAIRING— Expert re pairing on automobile radios, radio consoles, table models, automatic record players. FERRO'S RADIO SERVICE, 14 South Main Street. Telephone 1731-W1, Putnam. 48tf CATERING —To weddings, ban quets, showers, stags. Draught beePcooler furnished. Free deliv ery. CITY FRUIT & PRODUCE CO., rear of Post Othce. Tele phone Putnam 476-J2. Ates, wines liquors. 48tf CESSPOOLS — And septic tanks cieaneo and contents carried away. ARTHUR PARENT, 13 Sayles avenue, Dayilie, Conn. Telephone Danielson 4-3124. 48tf KEYS — We make keys. Prompt de bt ery. Door closer service. BER NIER'S MUSIC & FURNITURE STORE, 243 Providence Street. Teiepnone 1576, Putnam, Conn. 48tf POULTRY DRESSING SERVICE — t\ e are now equtppeo to adi, piuck and chiil your pouAry for apiece. Also wrapped and quick fForen when desired. DONALD B. WILLIAMS, Woodstock, Conn, t eiepnone Putnam 1707-W 3. 48tf SEWIIVtG MtACFttNES — AH make* bought., sold and repaired, da .Tears experience. We call and de lcuor anywhere. J, V. SEWING MACHINE CO. Saies atrd Repairs. R E D. 1. Mlingly Centec. Conn. Telephone Daruelso* 4.-d2Z0. Litf JiaLESr SUGGESTION? — Ywa can now !irty ytw ChriWnaas. ator chandatR on small- weekly pay ments, sttch. a^toys, blanket*, jew elty, wsnohes, silver ware, t^crea-ds, slip coMois, <tur tains, Venetian blinds; dishes; lamps,. sh<M<n,. pillow oases,, end taAies, tad, nr and waxherstalso a grant ass,#!tsntent of <lolls. Tel&phone or write and our salesman vil] ca3i JUTES BOKE SUPPLY* CO., 11 Canal Street, Putnam. Teiephtue 1'798-Ji2t 43tf CHRISTMAS GIFTY—Alt Ends of fancy toxa. dTesses, crocket work, biankets, bedspreads, rwgs and other miseeiianeous iteme^ Come andi see. for yatrsedf.. MJRS.. HENRY PEPIN. Upper Park. Stieet. Tdepnone Putnani 37-W3.. 4S-49' CHRISTMAS SPEClALr—2Atke yowr family kappy with a lasting gtfi. Just two left, almost fall gruMt-t. Harlequin Great Dane bitched. deg, P'srfect hmtzse peta, Registered. Will sell cheugt to right owner. Write MRS. LEWIS LEVIN. Church, Roacd. BgooAjiyn, Conr.., or TTelephotRe Dauaiitlson 4-181B. 48 TAVERN — Per sale, w rent Exceilent location near erattei of city. Modern, with saaatli Mtchen. Rent very reasonable. WiSP sell fot For aaote SmtFermation lLLtoHoNE I860, Pskttiam. be tween 9:00 a-. aa- &ndi H tW p. m. 48. For Rent RCOM—Furnished, in South stoe&. Pleasant, tp new htesded aparttuent. Garage space av^abie 1 ele photic 2558-W7 , Putn^tt, 48tf ^COTTAGE — At Alexander's l.ake. Telephone DAK!ELSO'\; 4-3479. 26ti OFFICE SPACE—Tw #. good rtwms Heat furnished a;^. janitor serv iee is to be had if wanted. Now available. OMEPt J. M1LOT, 158 Main Street, PaActaat. 27tf OFFICE SPAQt — At 168 Mair Main Street, over Benoit Ratio Store. Nice modern ofBce. Hea! and parRtng space inctuded. Avail able at once. OMER J. M1LOT 158 Alain Street, Putnam, Conn. 43tf APARTMENT — 4 rooms and bath Steam heat and hot water. Cen traily located. Reasonable rent Write BOX X, c/o Putnam Patriot Putnam, Conn. 48tf APARTMENT — Furnished. 3 largt rooms, private bath, steam heat and hot water. Private entrance Also one large room, heated, witl twin beds. 350 MAIN STREET Putnam. Telephone 1275-\V1, 48-50 FOR SALE SEWING MACHINE — One White model. For further information TELEPHONE 1573 Putnam. 48tf GLENDALE STOVE—Grey enamel, equipped with oi) burner and chrome stovepipe. Perfect condi tion. TELEPHONE 2314, Putnam. 34tf BUILDING LOT — Woodstock Av enue, in residentiai section. 128 ft. frontage by 306 ft. deep. Beautifui location. SARAH JETTE. Tele phone Putnam 1609-J2. 43tf HOUSE — Two family. Four rooms each, built with the best materials, hardwood Hoots, steam heated; nice shrubbery. Residential section of Putnam. Very good buy at $10,500. If you are looking for a Dairy or Poultry farm, a Home, city or suburban. Business Block, Tavern, Dine and Dance, Grocery store. Gas Station or Meat Market, If it's a business worth listing, we must have it. BUSSIERE AGENCY REALTORS, Center Street, Dan ielson. Telephone 4-3920; Arthur Buss]<??e. 4-5875; Joseph Bussiere, 4-3555. 48tf ?AVERN —- fn center of Putnam. Will bring you better than $100 v fekly. Stock* and fixtures includ ing' walk-in colder $6500. BUS SIElKE AGENCY REALTORS, Cente"* Street, Danielson, Conn. Telephone 4-3920. Arthur Bussiere 4-5875; Joseph Busutore 4-3555'. 48tf . NEWSSTAND — WindhaA County. Doing $500 g*?oss week!)' average. Located in center of buty town, j Setting at a sacobce. Price $4500. ' ARTHUR'S REAL ESTATE t5 j Schoot Street, D.-inietson, Conn. . Tetephon Danietson 4-2803. fstf DtNE AND DANCE—Vicinity of Putnant, with tiving quarter.-, .wit modern conveniences. Getting ca parity over 200 peopte. Plenty of narking space. Beer and iiquot i ticense. I.iberat terms. BL.SSIERK REALTORS. 8 Center Street. Danietson. Office Tetephone 4-3020. i Residence 4-5875 or 4-4355. 48tf' FARM — 40 acres. Modern 4 rt<om dwetting. Large barn. 100 young anptc trees. TELEPHONE 2581-J2 Putnam. 48*' PUPPIES—Cocker. Reautifut btonds, ' aft champion stock. MORSE OR- ' j ( HARDS. 68! Woodstock Road, t South bride, Mass. 48-50* i KUtCK — 4946 Super. Two-door sedanette, radio and heater; atso I 1949 Bn ick Roadmaster, 4-door Radi<y, heater and white watt tires. D J. DUCffARME. North Gros venordafe. Ctwrn, Tetephone Put tram 21162^2. 48tf ARE YOU tNTEKESTEO — In a business? f have at present (Garages, Ranry Farms, Pouttry Farm?, Taverny Fish Market, News Room, Lern-ch Hoorn and Business Bhek. Let us get togeth er and talk iit over. N. J. POUHN, Qdinebaugt Cbtrnt. TeCephone Put Bum 23TT-J2. 42tf KtKfSH TKAIT.E1C—1948. 2! foot, cully equipped, efectric brakes, deeps fomr.. Can- be seen at MAT- ! TEAtTH SERVICE yPATION. East Maim Street, Webster, Mass. 42tf COTTAGE—Five ramus. Pf*actica!!y new. 1 E'LEPTTONE 1575. Putnam, after 8 pr m. 48 i MAN'S OQAT— Leather-, sheepskin^ tined. 1-arge sire. 37 4 teri-gth. M'orn few times. Price $T0. TELE PHONE! I720-W2, Pul warn. 48-50 ' HOGS — .'0 pocmdk to 300 pen- ds. Cat! nfter 6:0t) p. nu TEt.EPHONE 1880--J!3, Putnaim 48<* j COTTAGE — 4 roorms aruf bath. Garnge. Piant antf wtttrdwTrking shoy with <dl power tout's. Ready f«t- your hobby. Priced for quick sa5e.. $15'3<&. Nl. J. WUT.rtN. Qtdne baug. Coon. Teecphmuc Putnam' 2.$7r?-J2. 4Ktf ! -— RANKE —-Cti'nwottd! grey eramet. [ Burns cu^t or w<M<L TELEPHONE -8, PutsamL 48-50 S,HOE SKATES—White -hoes, gir! s, size fS. Exceileut Christmas gift. May set-n at the PATRIOT; OFFICE,. Utwtt Square, Putnam. 48tf j TRUCE—tH3<& t<am International , pickup. PCrrcHlcnr condition. t94<! nuator. REX LANGER, Thompson, R<ra<i, Webster. Mass. Telephone thitnam )220-W4. 48tf: STGRM WINDOWS — Four. ^ S3 x 58. good condition. A)so. ysar lot heater for coal or wood. ^ply ; 42 MILL STREET. Putmo*. or Telephone 1609-W4. 48^ STOVE — Barstow combinaclon. gas and oit. Practically new. TELE PHONE 211-W4, Putn^pr. 48-49 STOVE -Nearly new oil heating. Complete with piper rind hoard. Size 42 x 24 x%2 with !0" burner. TELEPHONIC 34H2-J), Putnam. 48 WOOD — $''< M) per eordwhib blasts. TELEPHONE 2087, Putnam. 48 RANGE—Westinghouse electric with autonmtie timing device. Just like I brand new, at less than half origi nal cost. A One Christmas gift. ' TELEPHONE 743-W2, Putnam. 48* RANGE — Barstow with oil burner (Silent Glow). Water heatgr, grates included for coal or wood. TELEPHONE 433-W2, Putnam. 48-50* REFRIGERATOR — Used Leonard; also washing machines. All in good running condition. PUTNAM FUR NITURE COMPANY, 50 Main ! Street. Putnam. Conn, 44tf FOR SALE CEW1NG MACHINES — New and used. Free inspection. Ail makee repaired. We guarantee to save you money. Authorized agents for White Sewing Machines. BER NIER'S MUSIC STORE. 243 Providence street, Putnam, Conn. Tetephone 1576. 48tf ANTiQUES — Gas ranges, oil stoves, washing machines. We buy and sett. Phone for an appointment. ST. JOHN'S ANTIQUES, Putnam Pike, Route 44, Putnam, Conn. Telephone 2011-J1. 48tf LOUDEN BARN EQUIPMENT — We have in stock cow pens, buii pens, caif pens, stanchions, water howis, mtik stoois, long and short handie 5 - 6 tine manure forks, hay forks, shovels, brooms, rakes; 2 and 4 point barb wire, and staples. Largest stock of Held Seeds and Fertiiizer in town. DATVILLE GRAIN & FgED CO. Please phone 800. 26 Buck Street, Putnam, Conn. 15tf HARDWOOD — Dry, sawed and de [ivered. Dry stabs. Board ends, HI.00 per cord. ARTHUR PAR ENT. 13 Saytes Avenue, DayviHe, Conn. Tetephone Danietson 4-3124. 48tf GROCERY STORE—With fixtures. Downtown section, City of Put natn. For particulars write BOX L, c/o The Patriot, Putnam, Conn. 24tf COTTAGE — In a very good loca tion, Built only a year ago. With 6 rooms and att modern improve ments. Hot water, oit heat, bath room upstairs and washroom, bath and shower in cellar. Storm win dows and combination storm doors. Wili sell t-eiow* cost for quick sale. Apply A. BENOIT, 44 Vandale Street. Telephone 1032-W3, Put nam, 40tf HOUSE- -Two apartments, on Tom fret Street near hospital. Garage, 2 acres of land! with plenty of frontage Must bt seen to appreci ate value- N. .1. POULIN, Quine haug, Coi'M. Telephone Putnam' 3377-J2. 41tf NEiHf HOME—Five roumu witli bath. Modern equipment. Future expan sion possible. Excellent location, 343 Woodstock Avenue: For ap pointment TB7-EPHONE 494-J2, Putnaift 45tf S^ENCERX — Smooth ugly bulges and improve figtrt-e lines. Look smarter—-feel better! Have Spen cer Body .Mid Bretat Supports de igned tet meet ytur individual nbeds. Yom* posture wilt begrace f^Hy erect)—you'll have better li^lth! MRS- ALICE* PIKE. Pom fret: Center; lonn. T^ephonc Put naM. 1166-W1' before 8:00 a. m, oi after 5:00 ^ m; 45-48 STOVES—One SuperHeg pot oil burner $25.00. One Putnam oil burner $15)00. One Flbrenee 3 bumer oil stove, oven included 810J00" T93LEM&NE. 2S65-W2, Putnant; 46-48 SLABS^—Hardwood. attd mixed. Also cordwood. Sawed! and delivered. Telephone DANimiSON 4-5334;. any time aftei 4:3^0 p..m. 46tf CLOTHING-lautitut suits and dresses, size 9,. Slightly used,. TELEPHONE. I77faJJ, Putnam. 4g-47* LADIES DRESSES)—A'od two coats, size 44%, Worn oni$y a few times. Also Junior Heatrodn for coal and wood. Good con^hiom TELE PHONE ^7B-J!; Pamam. Hi-51' PINE SLABS-—Also green and dry hardwood, Sand and gravel. De livered. ROBERT 1). HERIN t'FEN. South Woodstock. Conn. Telephone PhtnarsilpOR;. 48tf WE HAVE MANY good buys now listed. If you are thinking uf buy ing a home, apawtment hanae, dairy ir poultry, farm, busdaaaa biocka,. etc., an appointment mith us will solve vour prubi. ms. May we lisp yours? ARTHUR'S REAL ES TATE. 15 School street. Daniei-. son, Cbnn,. TUdephtue- 4-2^63. 48tf HOUSC—A supecY nesidstace with) modern; kitchen, dining room, don,. !&rge lining roevn. Mij-.pnrch, lava tony of twtehen, three targe* hedrteetrts, coes.pirte th&throonr and Sinwn staJY Plertty of closet, spa<*te. T^',\ a)Ojtiiia,ry bedTooctts &nte room in basement, steanh h<oat, oil hmraer. Two-ear garage and nice cement tennis court. Shown by appointment, OMER J. MILOT, US Main Strwe-t. Putnam, Conn. ?7tf TURKEYS—Onler now for Christ mas. EMOKO'S TURKEY FARM, Putnam Heights. Telephone Put nam 2465-W1. 48-51* TWO HOMES—Comptetety furnish-, ed Automatic oi! heat, hot water, modern ptumbing, gas range, elec tric refrigerator. Comptete with beds, chairs and couch. Other modets 2 weeks notice. A house ties you down to one spot. In a Modern Traiter Home yem can live anywhere and they coat tess than hatf as much to own nmt heat, Lux uries and convenience you never dt earned of. If you want to have the surprise of your life, stop in and see for yourself. No obligation to buy. He modern, live in a home of tomorrow, today. PIKE TRAILER CO.. Route 92, Pomfret j Center, Conn. Telephone Putnam 1I66-W1. 48tf OiL BURNER — Putnam. Siightly used. TELEPHONE 522-J1, Put ( "am. 48-49 LADIES COAT — Reversible winter, size 10-12. Cost $40. Like new, will sell for $10. An RCA Record Player, price $5. Also gas water TELEPHONE 248-J2 j Putnam, 48tf