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EAST WOODSTOCK Frank X. May visited his cousins. *!r. andMrs. Everett May. Sunday sfternoon and evening. Mrs. Esteiia F. Barrett, Barbara. Doris and George Barrett were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. trover Haiiquist and Mrs. Robert Carpenter at their new ranch house. Everett May. Henry Cote and Mar tin Barrett, the iatter from Xorth Woodstock. attended the annuai aii tay meeting of Putnam Lodge A. F. & A.M. in South Woodstock. Saturday. Officers were eiected and atstaiied. Auxiiiaty of the American Legion ifeid a meeting on a recent evening with Mrs. Burton DeVries. Mrs. Atice Spencer presided, it was voted 3D purchase 1500 poppies and Christ mas boxes to be distributed to needy famines in Woodstock and Eastford. 9ther members present were Mrs. Ruth Smith, Mrs. Barbara Brown. Mrs. Eveiyn Eddy, Mrs. Patricia Berntson. Mrs. Marguerite May. Mrs. luiia Weiis. Refreshments were aerved. "Wnrte Sunday" wi'i be observ' d Ay the Sunday Schooi at the Congre fationai church. Miss Fiorence Hanson and friend tf Boston. Mass., were weekend guest- of Mr. and Mrs. Aibert R. Todd Ready Hands 4-H Club m tFr.iay afternoon at the home of Mrs. i.eon trd Martin, who entertained cion aienabers for supper, (jtris excna e U ' Christmas gifts and also displayed gifts they had made. Members are Ann Martin. Charlott Peckham. Deb orah Chi!d. Emmy Khol, Helene Sorenson, Ruth Anderson, Barbara Hicks. Jean Fowler. Marcia Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Marvin and son. Kenneth and daught r. Mrs. George Brown. Jr., and children. Sharon and W ade, visited her mother. Mrs. Alice Batdwin and his sister, Miss Grace Marvin in Mapleville, R. !.. Sunday. Lviug A. Paine of Xotth Wood stock is spending the winter ssith his sor,-iu-la.vanddaughte). Postmastet and Alts. Wendell R. Bosworth. Stephen and Penny t.rncoin spent Saturday night with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher in Dudley, Mass. AlerryAlaid-4-H Club met Friday afternoon with their leader. Mrs. Do! is Anderson W ork on Christmas gifts was a feature of the meeting and plans for a Christmas party were discussed. Refreshments were served. Menrbe - are Siyno Anderson, l.averne Child. Audrey Forrest, Ann Hibbard. Caro! Laurers. Sally Soars. Betty Ann White, assistant leader, gave a -afety radio play at Achievement nirht held recently in grange hall. AD. and Airs. Robert Lincoln, Mr. liiil All-. Richard Sears. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Boyd attended a party at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Harry C t <ion. Woodstock Hill, Saturday evening. 1924 1949 Twenty Fifth Anniversary Tear JO!N ONE OF THESE CLUB CLASSES Depo*itWeek!y * * 23 Receive in ...*12 ... 25 ... 50 ... 100 ... 150 ... 250 888883 S No Fee For Joining CARGILL TRUST CO. ^ - Putnam, Connecticut Member Fedeva! Deposit insurance Corporation ASK US ABOUT THE BOND-A-MONTH PLAN Buy and Hotd U S. Savings Bonds , !924 Twenty Five Years of Service 1949 t % Mr. and Mrs. Franktin S. Wether ett and chitdren. Peter and Jane of Hastford were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wetherett and son. Vernon Sunday. Jane had been spendtng severai days with her grandparents. (reorge A. Wetherett recentty feii in the t<ai n when a [adder stipped and he fractured his wrist. He was i attended by Dr. David Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Morse have moved to the Stephen Morse place and Arthur G. Morse Jr. and t famiiy, who have occupied the house I for severa! years, moved to the home ptace and A. G. wit) run the dairy arm with brother. Lewis S. Morse, recentty married to Jane Shepard of W oodstock Hitt. Joseph Wittiams teft Saturday by bus for his home in St. Petersburg, Fta. He came north a year and a ha f ago to take h s senior year at Woodstock Academy, making his home with Mrs. Estetta F. Barrett and famity. For severa) weeks he has been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. John E. Chitd of Putnam. Mrs. Myrtte W. Anderson, teacher n the sixth grade, is confined with grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sears and j children. Keith, Satty, Christopher , and Paut were recent dinner guests [of h s parents, Mr. and Mrs. trving Sears in Webster, Mass. Mrs. Ray Eddy, Mrs. Richard Con verse, Mrs. Ctayton Peckham, Mrs. Robert Farrows. Mrs. Button De Vries are hostesses for a supper in the Community House Friday evening from (< to 8. The Christmas sate be gins at 3:30 o'ctock, Mrs. Henry Baker chairman. Annua! Society Meeting Tuesday; Whaples to Speak The Woodstock Agricutturai So ciety wit! hoid its annuai meeting Tuesday evening, December 13, in the vestry of the Woodstock Hiii Congre gationai church. Supper wiit be served at 7:00 o'ciock by the iadies of the church. The speaker wiit be Randotph Whapies. 4-M Ctub ieader. He wiit discuss "t-H Ctuh Work in Reiationship to the Country Fair." Annua: etection of officers wiit be heid. Ait members are urged to at tend. Woodstock Mrs. Jan Long of Westtown, Pa., was the guest of Mrs. Ctinton Taytor on Sunday. Miss Cate Maass spent the past weekend in Troy. Xew York and at tended the miiitary bat! at Renssetaer Potytechnic Institute on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Xetson and daughter Jane, and Mr. and Mrs. HaroidCorteitar.d daughter Jane, att of Andover, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Xeison. Betty Putnam Chapter O.E.S. hetd its tegutar meeting Monday evening at the Masonic Tempie. The program honored the Past Matrons and Past Patrons of the chapter. A pot tuck supper was served before the meet ing. After the meeting Mr. and Mrs. George Young were tendered a re ception, celebrating the 5'Jth wedding anniversary. They were presented a beautifut wedding cake and bouquet. !AMTA SUOOESH— G/VE HER A WONDERFUL G?ff THAT'S PRACTICAE, TOOf COMVMHXT tUMtT MMH * !ronrt)e / AUTOMAHC tRONKR w/rw you o<ve wM N!ON<NC fXEEOOM fWAN cvm KNfW/ y^jAWASAAi (live her fatigue-free, sit down ironing on an Ironrite! Hive her more hours of free <iom, on ironing dr.*! Give i her Ironrite. the world's only complete ironer. Only Iron rite Imstiie exclusive "Twin Rod" roll with the two iden tica), open, usabte ends! Iron rite has atready found the widest acceptance from thou sands of year-after-year users! Hnd her greatest home drudg ery today . . . hand-ironing . . . give her a tovety ironrite, come Christmas morning! KRB Co.m <n on<f too US for yovr FREE )RONR)TE Domootfrahon/ CARL M. SHARPE CO. ,\*f^ffoCoMgr)fyaf;oHafCf!Mrf/i r 175 Main St. Telephone 53-W1 Putnam THUS Christmas give her a LANE the gift she wants that says f.Saka her Hope Chest dreams come true with a LANS Cedar Hope Chest * * * the gift that starts the home! Now, while our selection is complete, come in and choose the perfect gift for Pay later on low, easy terms! Remember, you got a Moth Protection f/naranfce when you < buy a LANE. Styles to blend with any room . . . any type of furniture. LANE is the on/y pressure-tested aroma-tight cedar chest in the world! , LANE Christmas Specia! A! advertised in LtFE. LOOK and SEVENTEEN waterfall style in mat^l^ed Atnernan Walnut Tray tucluded $49.9? PUTNAM FURN!TURE CO. Putnam's Leading Furniture Store 50 Main Street Telephone 950 Putnam Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. George Young cele brated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage Sunday, entertaining friends front three to eight o'clock at their pleasant home. Many were gathered to honor the couple, who have endeared themselves in every way to the community in which their life has been spent. Refreshments were served and Mr. and Mrs. Young received handsome gifts. All who know them unite in congratulations and good wishes for the years to come. Madeline Boivin was stricken with tonsillitis last week. Ladies Aid society held a meeting last week Tuesday with Mrs. Way land Marcy. The Tuesday evening cottage prayer meeting last week was held at the home of Miss Nellie Burleson. Christian Endeavor service Sun day evening was led by Miss Eileen Marcy. She illustrated her topic, "The Good Samaritan" by stereopticon slides, and Russell Marcy finely ren dered a cornet solo. Rev. John White was the dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Boivin. West Woodstock Miss Joyce Bruneau of Woodstock Valley was a Sunday guest of Miss Aili Kiuru. Emerson Morse has been quite ill for several weeks. He was 92 on his last birthday. Charles Caldwell, Sidney P. But ler and Joseph Petersen attended a meeting of their lodge Saturday eve ning. Stainless steel pots and pans should be used to heat pickling liquids, to avoid contamination of the pickles and discoloring utensils. North Woodwork Mr. and Mrs.Ewart Heatey were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Levy of Abington. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Heatey catted on Mrs. E. R. Cox and Mrs. Minnie Meyers at the Swanhotm Home in Pomfret Sunday afternoon. OPEN EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FROM 7:00 A M. UNT!L 9:00 P. M. LET US HAVE YOUR REQUIREMENTS EARLY AND AVOID DELAYS BUILDING MATERIALS . . HARDWARE GENERAL ^ ELECTRIC HOME APPLIANCES CHAFFEE BROTHERS COMPANY Yards at 79 Pleasant Street Main Street Webster, Mass. Oxford, Mas*. Tel: Webster 1311 Tel: Ox. 86 & 159 Wor. 5-3300 Manf to save 24.000 steps ? ^ou, Mrs. Homemaker, take about 24.000 extra steps a year if you have an oid-fashioned water heater in the ceiiar that you must turn on and off by hand. Think of it—24,000 extra steps ciimbing ceiiar steps! Why not put an end to this waste of your energy. Instaii an AUTOMATA ELECTRiC WATER HEATER Have aii the piping hot water you need for every househoid purpose by simpiy turning any hot water faucet in your home. Never a minute's wait tor baths, dishes, ciothes, houseciean ing. etc.! For dependabte automatic performance. utmost economy and freedom from tank rust and corrosion. AUTOMATtCELECTRtC WATER HEATERS are in a ciass by themseives. See them now at our showroom. Your Mas ter Piumber, Eiertricai Deaier or our representative w it! heip you seiect the correct size to meet the requirements of your househoid. $ ONLY to DOWN !NSTALLS ONE !N YOUR HOME NOW 24 MONTHS TO PAY BALANCE IHE CONNECT!CUT^jj.!GHT & POWER Co. ^4 T«w-P«y4<!^ /