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Student Council P.H.S. Notes The regular meeting of the Stu dent Couneii of Putnam High School was held Monday. November 23. William Hm-Me-l. adidser. gave rhe council an unofficial report of the recent magazine drive. It is estimated total sales were $3341.20. Therefore, the profit to the Student Council will ho around $1100.00. The council is sver.'oyod with this success and wishes to thank those who partici pated. The Constitution Committee, which was chosen by President William Mansfield. was put I'efore the touncil for approval. This committee conssts of five members and the president. They ate R. DeSantis, P Schmanska, P. Elliott. H. Smith. X. Donovan. W. Mansfield. A committee for planning of assemblies for the student body was also chosen and are as follows: S. Cameron. P Schman ska. K. Ericson. G. Ceissler, P. La fhapelle. Cnfintshed business of appropriat ittg $9o for girls' hask fha'l uniforms was presented. After much discus sion, a motion was put on the floor QUiNEBAUG CHURCH SPEAKER The speaker Saturday afternoon at the Quinebaug Seventh-day Ad ventist church was Eugene Wood, theological student from Atiantic fri. n Coiiege. South Lancaster. Mass. "Prayer, and Is It Out of Date? .sas the topic of his sermon. He said. "Prayer is the k<y in the hand of faith to uuiock hoaven' storehuuse." to appropriate -he money. T It" vote was in favor. We at e sure the g r s w i ho glad to know they wiii have the ' un forms for tne tirst game. The matter of recommending a -unk i method to receive lunches was iu ught up. Sue Cameron voiunteered to meet with Principat Francis Cur tan to discuss this matter. Supt. Aibert Murphy addressed the council as to the matter of a new schoot. It is his wish that the Stu d mt Council wo k with hint, the fac ulty. attd the schoot hoard in show ing the peopie of Putnam the need for a new high schoot budding im lediatoiy. mY P-.TRIOT CLASStFiEt) AC; PUTNAM BUILDING and LOAN ASSOCIATION A co operative Association, doing business in Put nam, continuously since 1916, under the supervision of the State Banking Department, and during all that time paying DIVIDENDS OF NOT LESS THAN 3 ^ % PER ANNUM I! Offers for sub cription, a limited number of its SINGLE PAYMENT SHARES and FULL PAID INCOME SHARES in addition to its regular Installment Shares. Assets, Nov. 1, 1949 .$871,420.84 FOR RtY.f. /.YFOR.1/.4 770.Y C.-1RL d.YD SEC M. H. GEIS8LER Secretary 168 Main Street Telephone Putnam 47 P.H.S. TEENS (By Nancy Tubert A special Thanksgiving Day as sembly washed in the auditoruim the day preceding this festive hoiiday. The program was opened with the Lord's Prayer and the satute to the Flag, which was followed by the singing of the ' Star Spangled Ban ner.' Principal Francis Curran then read a proclamation issued by Gover nor Chester Bowles. Guest speaker, Rtv. Giles F. Goodenough. who is an authoi ty on New Fngiand colonial times, gave an inspiring talk, com paring Thanksgiving of 16^1 to that fl '4K.H;statk was fully enjoyed by both the faculty and student body. hollowing this assembly a football rally was conducted by the students in the auditorium. An extremely c.eser and humorous skit set every one otf into fits of hilarious laughter. Those who participated in the sketch were Robert Bates, Robert DeSantis, Thomas Rondeau, John MacDonald, Stanley Scraba and Norman Lapointe, it was nai rated by W iliiam Mans held. who was also master of cere monies. The cheerleaders, led by Marie Rak r, soon had the school in ani mated spirits and in no time the auu:tonum was tided wath exhilarat ing cheers. The majorettes, who made their tirst public appearance at th s pep rally. displayed a "tirst-rate" ex hibition on their twirling ability. The .-and, unde)' supervision of Robert Slaughnessy, vs as aiso congratulated fording such a splendid job in only three months tune. Several of the faculty members spoke and wished the team all the luck in the world. Pupils wore dismissed at twelve o'clock and afternoon classes were omitted. T < most people Thanksgiving Day means a day of festivity and good but to Putnamites it means more than that, for on that day vvhi h marks the conclusion of the ..otba!) season. Putnam meets its old rival. Killingly. The grounds were jammed with anxious spectators ner vously waiting to witness the tra ditional Turkey Day game. There was a st r of excitement and wonder in the air as both school bands piayed their songs proudly and whole-heart -dly. Putnam was aiso assisted by the V.F.W. Drum Corps, under di rction of Fred St. Onge. This band received second place in the State of Connect cut and won the \ F.W . championship. Doth teams then en tered the field and exuberant cries and cheers arose from the people. The game was on! Putnam cheerleaders were at their best in their w h te pique outfits and biue tights. Each girl wore an ex quisite white chrysanthemum, trimmed voh blue ribbons. KiHicriv cheer leaders, in red and white skirts and red sweaters, were aiso putting everything they had into cheering. Taking a look at the bleachers after the game was well under way. one vas apt to notice many people Wc-a. NOW !N EFFECT ON THE NEW HAVEN! 15'/'% MDUCnOM UNDER OLD COACH FARES If WO ROY A R0UM)-nHf noffr, OOIHO AMD COAMH6 5AA!f PAY 12/'% INCREASE OVER OLD COACH FARES ON A ONE-WAY COACH TICKET MO tHCREASE <M PAREOR CAR FAREC 10% REDUCTION UNDER OLD PARLOR CAR FARES If YOU BUY A 30-DAY ROUND-TRIP TICKET !2%% INCREASE OVER OLD SLEEPING CAR FARES NO INCREASE IN COMMUTATION FARM Eckter on Dean s List at Bryant (Special to The Patriot) Charter \V Eckier has won a ptace on the Dear's List for the Last mark ing period. Dr. Henry L. Jacobs, president of Bryant Coitege of Provi dence. R. L. has announced. To attain this honor, a student must have ait his marks above "B" <85 percent). Since on!y four per cent of the entire student body has been so honored, this is a mark of outstanding performance. Mr. Eckicr is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ciyde L. Eckier of Putnam. He is a graduate of Putnam High Schoot. it was atso reveated this week that his wife, the former Mao Kittian, previously employed at the otiice of Dr. William Dray, is now a dentai technician at the otiice of Drs. George and Russeti tarpenter in the How ard building, Providence, R.L ing fur coats. unbeilished with yellow chrysanthemums. Time dew rapidly and before lung the first haif was over. During intermission the Kill ingiy and \.1'.W. bands performed. The iast half went by even faster than the first. Both teams played to the best of their ability. You can rest assured that our turkey dinner would have tasted even better if I'utnam had won, but tire boys did a fine job and we were all proud of them. Coal sometimes ignites spontane ously in a shaft, the phenomenon be ing called a "gob tire." LOANS ON YOUR OWN SiGNATURE Single people sign atone. Married couptes both sign. Ii' you can make smalt monthly payments, don't hesitate to see us for a toan. A toan of $100 costs $20.60 when promptly repaid in 12 monthly consecutive install ments. PEOPLE'S LOAN CO, of DANIELSON W. E. Harding. Manager 100 Main St. Danielson Teh Danielson 4-5446 License No 524 O/'fM Saturdays f*?Ud /J.'tur .Yuan EXCLUSWE ":mW!tBMWT!NEr! SIZES FOR DOUBLE AND TWIN BEDS CHOICE OF ROSE. BLUE OR GREEN SEE THESE NEW UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC BLANKETS AT YOUR DEALER S TODAY i For Mother, Dad, the Children, for everyone on your Christmas list. . . here's the gift that keeps on giving from the night after Christ mas a!l through the year. Even on the coldest nights the Universal exclusive "Slumber-Sentinel" assures sound restful slumber . . . keeps the bed at just the right warmth all through the night. For a perfect Christmas gift give the gift of perfect sleep, give a luxurious new Universal Electric Blank et. QUAUTY FEATURES FOR A L)FET!ME OF SLEEPtNG COMFORT FINEST QUALITY IN TWIN AND DOUBLE-BED SIZES! Light as a feather, finer than ever, Universal Electric Blankets are beautifully made of fleecy 75% woof in three soft pastel shades—Blue, Green and Rose Both the "twin' (66x86 in.) and double-bed sixes (72x86 m.) make a wonderful gift. 4 UM! V E RSA LANOM!, fKAKY * CLARK, NtW MtTAtN, CONN. THE CONNECTICUT UGHT & POWER COMPANY ^4 Co.-7!p-ay mnmmmBtTmmmcmm TOOK this tidy Buick over —and ) ^ you may hear a stiH smaff voice saying "go ahead—gf/ ft/" If so, don't think it's mere ambition urging you to spfurge. The simpfe fact is that this fivefy fashion setter is not onfy a car straight from your rosiest dreams, but a Aratt'MV tAut prart/ru//y any raw ^iatch prices — and you'if find that many a six costs you more than this does. Boi! it down to costs per pound — and poundage in a car often means more durahitity and fonger fife as wet) as smoother riding—and you')) find this one right down among the so-catted fowest priced cars. Figure your investment over the extra years you')! he happy in a Buick —check the used-car fistings and see how Buicks hang onto their resafe vafue — and you!) see the wisdom in buying a better car to begin w ith. TAKE THU, TO* EXAMPLE —A roomy & passenger 4 door Sedan aMfomoM? you're getting here. The extra vaiue of Buick's own Firebatt vatve-in-head straight-eight power. r* deater's —and if you want to trave! tike fortune's favorite, the time to sign on the dotted tine is Motf/ The bump-smothering gentteness of soft coi! springs on at! wheefs, both fore and aft. The roominess of Buick's king size interiors — the tightness of Buick controts—the new parking and garaging ease of trafhc-handy size— And that comptetety different and distinguished took of Buick's tapered fenders, steek jet-ptane tines and the sturdy, shock-deflecting protection of that botd new front-end design. So go ahead and tisten to that stitt smatt voice, tt's your budget, nudging you to go get the actuat figures and reptace guesses with facts. The ptace to go is your Buick "^W4f4N0ysZf . coa SP„^,^ ^ 4,o„„o . <OC*'"G ^GG4Gf t,o, . "'-'G.; ... . *oom w,rw ,oop „ And just figure how much twor? Nn* in HEN#/ 7. fA/LOR, ABC Nefwoti. every Mondoy evening. MEACSOLE1C MUCH CO. 148 Providence Street Telephone 355 Putnam, Connecticut