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DISTRICT B SCOUTING Freeman Nelson. Chairman of the District Camping and Activities com mittee, announced his committee will meet soon with district leaders to plan for a special district event to be staged during Scout Week in Febru ary. 1950. This will be the most ambitious scout week undertaking in recent years. All possible attention will be given celebration of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America next year. The event will be held indoors and Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Explor ers will take active part in the pro- ! gram. Considerable enthusiasm for such an event was shown at a recent Roundtable meeting. Cub, Scout and Explorer leaders and committeemen will be asked to serve on the general committee. The Commissioner's staff will also serve and coordinate the work of all units. Detailed plans for the affair will be made known within a few weeks so that leaders of the various units can use the preparation work in their weekly program. New! of the Unit! Pack 22, of St. Mary's Church, will hold their December pack meeting December 16. The theme for the meeting will be "Christmas Spirit" and will feature Santa Claus and a program of Christmas songs, skits and the usual refreshments. The Cubmaster, Den Mothers, and Com mittee of the pack extend a special invitation to parents of the pack cubs. Sergio Berti and Jesse Costa have been elected patrol leaders of Troop 68 of Putnam. Scoutmaster Bill Sim mons has named Richard Colec as Senior Patrol leader of the troop. The Commissioner's staff wishes to thank Troop and Pack 27 for pro viding a meeting piace for the Roundtable meeting. Special thanks to Chairman Charles Albrecht. Cub master Roy Adams and Mrs. Adams, Charles Nagy. Albert Williams and Scoutmaster Carl !<aurens of the Woodstocks for the delicious refresh ments and the effort that went into their preparation. Explorer Chew 23 has completed work on a set of marine signal flags. The crew numbering fourteen Sea Explorers meet on Monday nights under the guidance Dick Miour, Ad viser, Leo Lapointe, Assistant and Elphege Bissonette counselor. Explorer Crew ^25, Dr. Gerry Adams, Adviser is carrying out the Explorer program of service, social, outdoor and indoor activities. Major project this week is the decoration of their meeting room. Dr. Adams has generously given the Explorers the use of one room in his home. Explorer Crew 66, Ernest Joslin, Adviser, has just organized. The crew consists of three Life Scouts: Duane Luster, Lewis Elliott and Robert Spooner. These scouts are interested in aeronautics and will work on the aviation rating with the help of Don Hayes. Neighborhood Commissioner. Robert Spooner of Troop 66 is working on the God and Country awards. This is the Protestant religi ous award made to Boy Scouts who meet with specific requirements. Last weekend's snowfall was a perfect setting for a winter hike. Eleven scouts of Troop 21 hiked to East Putnam and spent a day in the white fields and forests learning VALUES AT RobitaiMe's Liquor Store 89 Front Street Telephone 802 Putnam, Conn. Free Delivery Schweppes Imported Quinnine water Gin ger Beer - 10 oz. bottle.35 No Deposit Billy Baxter. Domestic Quinnine water Gin ger Beer Club Soda 10 oz. bottle.17 No Deposit IMPORTED SCOTCH WHISKEY Watson 4 10 86.8 proof 3.99 Robertson 86.8 proof 3.99 S. S. Pierce Old Mill 86.8 proof 4.49 Harvey . 86.8 proof 4.49 Bellow's Campbell King 86.8 proof 4.49 John Bagg 86.8 proof 4.49 We have 18 other brands of Scotch, five of which are 8 10-12-20-21 vears old. Prices 5.45 to 11.00 G!N Graves—bg ga!. 90 proof 5.99 Graves—5th 90 proof 2.99 17 other popular Gins from 2.99 to 5.56 WHISKEY Oliver's—a blend of 30%—4. 5 and 6 yr. old. 2. Tom Bums Straight Bourbon . 2. Green River—86.0 proof . 2. Bellows Straight Bourbon—86.0 . 3.95 Many other popular brands SWEET WINES Somerset Port, Sherry, Muscatel and White Port Full quart .69 % gallon 1.29 Gallon 2.59 RED TABLE WINES Roma's Pride of the Vineyard—Claret, Zinfande! and Burgundy % gal. .99 Gallon 1.84 Fifths .50 We have one of the largest assortments of wines and liquors in the State. Sufficient parking space. No meters across the street. Business hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. and Thurs. 9 A M. to 7 P.M. Friday 9 A M. to 9 PM. Saturday 9 A M. to 10 P.M. $g$ Vange! Angelo Has Submarine Position Vanyei ^Anyreio. seaman apprentice. USX. of Fahyan. was recentiy gradu ated from the Submarine School, at New London, and has been assig-ned to Commander Submarine Squadron 2, New London. the scout skills of tracking, compass, the use of hand signals and cooking. Some of the boys were out for the first time and gained much experi ence in hiking and preparing food under adverse conditions. On the hike were George Bordua, Leo Fontaine, Robert Leclair, Paul Cristofori, Charles Boucher, Dan Greene, Tom Beaudry, Boyd Cristofori, Joe Te treault, Paul Desorcy. David Belisle and Scoutmaster Robert Miller. Explorer Crew 21 boasts a leader ship staff of four men who came up through the ranks of scouting in Troop 21 from the age of twelve. They are Norman Breault. Adviser and Robert Breau t, Robert Doucette and Emile Gaulin, assistants. The crew meets every Wednesday and dis plays the Sea scout program. The meeting place is arranged to simulate a ship and the proper ship ceremonies and schedule are carried out. Dtatrtct Roundtabie Well Attended Twenty-five scouters representing eight district units were present at the monthiy Roundtabie meeting; heid in Kast Woodstock iast Thursday. Roy Adams, t ubbing Commissioner, was in charge of the Cubbers pro gram. Neighborhood Commissioner ].en DesJardins demonstrated the Tenderfoot investiture ceremony to a group of scout ieaders and N.C. Don Hayes presided at an open forum question: "What was the most suc cessfui project your troop carried out in the past three months?" Com missioner Robert Miiier and three Expiorer Advisers discussed the Ex piorer program. The evening pro gram featured severai impressive ceremonies, games and refreshments. The foiiowing scouters were pres ent: Tack 22, Cubmaster Fred Ra cine, Chairman Arthur Corden, Den Mothers, Mrs. W. Wiimot. Mrs. W. Winsiow and Mrs. John MeCormac, and Committeeman Wiifred Wins )ow ; Rack 27, Cubmaster Roy Adams, Mrs. Adams, and Committeeman Charles Nagy; Troop 21, Roger Beau soieii; Troop 25, Russeii Dagnaii;! Troop 27, Chairman Charies Aibrecht, Committeeman Atbert WiHiams and Scoutmaster Cari Laurens; Troop 66, Robert Spooner; Troop 68, Rich- ! ard Goiec; Troop 67. Waiter Ship-^ pee; Expiorer Crew 21, Normar; Breauit. Adviser; Expiorer Crew 25, Dr. Cerry Adams; Expiorer Crew 66, Adviser Ernest Josiin, Louis Eiiiott, Duane Luster and Commissioners Don Hayes, Len DesJardins and Rob ert Miiier. The next meeting has been set! tentativeiy for January 11 and wiii be heid on Thompson Hiii with Troop 66 as host. Cub Commissioner Roy i Adams wiii make an important an-' nouncement regarding a Cubbers" Training course at this meeting. j NEED MONEY? See Putnam Finance Co. LOANS UP TO *300 ON YOUR SiGNATURE Compiete prtvacy and convenient monthiy payment* Prompt Loans A ioan of *100 costs $20.60 when ! promptly repaid in 12 equal monthiy installments PUINAM FINANCE CO. 205 Main St. Putnam (Next to Post Office) License No. 635 tHTERHAHOHAE HARVESTER Prices start at $21495 ! Big 7 4 to ft, Mode) H-74 Other modets 8.4 to 9.5 cu ft., $239.95 to $299.95 HEW...hthre!y Hew 1950 REFRIGERATORS '7%K3^1g;26**6aMKHKK%y They're here! They're beautiful! Four sizes ... four big-value price tags ... four great new re frigerators, that women dreamed and home economists planned lor*ye*/ Come in today and see them. See the big freezer tochers,the spacious shelves, the extra roomy meat trays and vege table crispers. See the new, exciting, ' shadowline" styling — no ledges, no crevices to catch dust and make work. See the Egg O Mat, clever new egg dispenser. See the new DiHusd Lite for sha dow tess interiors. Don t miss the exclusive, built in bottle opener. And let us show yon how "Every Feature Has a Function" in these great new International Harvester refrigerators. Buy on convenient terms. Baker Farm Equipment Co. EAST WOODSTOCK, CONN TELEPHONE PUTNAM 2165 J1 235 MAIN STREET — PUTNAM, CONN. UGHT * KHRtSTMAS TRH UGHTfMG OUTftT *<!h ossoftcd tototfd TABLE and CMMR SET ! ""** qu,hty hardwood. Map a gs,. iMMAMUMMS finish VH-OCWEDES ^bb.r **"**'' *"d n.t. ' *"d temferf,^ *0'"ch $Jt #tn *6* 4.98 '2 inch mode! !6 inch mode! ?g **9- !!2.93 y COMPLETE TOOL K!T For tht activt boy. WAGON & BLOCKS 42 blocks smoothly sanded and waxed, in sturdy wood wagon. *1.89 ALL STEEL WACOM For tho L!t+!* Tot! SUPER STEEL WACOMS MtAvy ^Aug^ body And und+rgtAr. Tubut&r stet! hnnd!f tHor ^beeh wttb rvbbcf E)urAb)f Ant*h. 1.98 "P !/) !! BENNY'S ^ StZZLER STEEMHQ WHEEL COVER Thiehty woven, heavy material with rub^riMj B baeh. M"t to he eonfnsed th<«. sh.mpy,H priced covers. Keeps hands warm and comtortabte. Grips whee) secureiy. One size 6ts a!! cars. One of the Biggest Vaises we have ever ottered. Take them away for onty METHAZOME ALCOHOL AHUFREEZE U. S. Government Formuia — Tested — Proven. Safe—Positive—Dependabte. Prevents freezing;, prevents rusting. No un pteasant odor. Greativ concentrated ... requires tess for ai! winter protection. Sold ontv in Tapper proof seated cans for your proteetion. S1.00 Vahe 1 GALLOM 69 in seoitd can _1 Mutter Heed MOTOR WARMER Ju*t hang it under the hood. Keep* motor warm. Easier starting Leas drag oa yaw battery Safe to u*e. Low fuai coAAaumpnoo *2.98 E.A.OE-LUXE HOT WATER AUTO HEATER SPOMGE ^ WEATHER For r^T'R "^oft.pHQ 19* 1 ELECTRO BOWL HEATER)! Huge H inch bow)! m<Mt boeufiful end ofMcleM on the morhef. Now type "fotohp,." hooting on^ro. ^!och hoof where needed most. Sofeond dependable. BUM WARMER ^ PoMshtd atum! Uv* **! unf!*! ALARM CLOCK An accurate time piece. Ivory fittish. Clear figures. Reduced to "RED RtDER" HOBBY HORSE A!m<*t * f*+! Tubu^r t*n wUh rubber gr!p" douMe wprtng acHca i fob*r Mn)"h MESSED BABY DOLLS A t*'9* nt+<(!on s! btfutifu) dollt. DELUXE SPARKUNG MACH!NEGUN Shoohh*rm!tM$p*rtt!. ^ Long funning doth tprtngmotor. METAL CASH REGISTER b+!) rings. With p!ay PttNCH A BAG ( Kuggad punching bag *tthntt<H*'a)tt biaddcr — awing* w mttaittand. BASKETBALL Needle valve bladder, peb ble grain cover, __ official size. $<%39 2 DOLL STROLLED AMmetafwithadjustabfey footrest. BREAD and CAKE BOX Gtramtng white eaame) hnish. Berorated with AMlra spray and ret! trim. Haa2fom,<art Reduced WATER JUG Modern styling in durable plastic. 89 An Extra tire hoater big enough to heat any car. Large core, pow trfui motor and fan forces heat to circulate throughout entire car. . . Complete with hose and fktinga. R#g. !M.50 *t2.95 AUTO BATTERY CHARGER Koopt Mttery tuny cndfgeo .T M tww without romoving bottory from tot. Coo'fovotthotso. *7.98