Newspaper Page Text
PiM&KMM %rson#/5 ! —Mrs. Fred C. Taft and daughter, Mrs. William Koltet of Millville, Mass., Wayland F. Davison and daughter, Mrs. Stephen Emerick of Uxbridge. Mass., were here to at tend the funerai of Waiter Hawkins Thursday. —-Rho Deita gtoup o$ the Metho dist church wit] hold the Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Waiter King of Grove street, Thursday. December 15th at 2:30 o'ciock. Be sides entertainment there wiii be an exchange of gifts. Contributions for the Sunshine boxes are to brought at this time. — Mrs. Edward Rondeau of Pom fret gave a piastic party at her mother's home recentiy. Thirty-four guests were present coming from Ihanieison, Dayviiie, Webster, Pom fret and Putnam. Lioyd Beebee of Moosup put on the demonstration. —Mrs. Byron Chandldf of Worces ter, Mass., was the guest of her sis ter, Mrs. Charies Darting of Schooi street iast Thursday and attended the funerai of Waiter Hawkins. —Mr. and Mrs. Roiand Gilbert, Miss Ruth Giibert and a party of friends from Siatersviiie. R. L. came Saturday evening to attend the bazaar and supper at the Methodis. church. —Mrs. Aiice Carpenter of Wilkin son street is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clifford Dustin and famity of i Randoiph, Vermont. —Mr. and Mrs. George C. Gordon of Springfieid, Mass., spent Sunday , with Mr. and Mr.-,. Arthur Loomis of Schooi street. —The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Methodist church wiii be entertained by Mrs. Percy F. Smith at the parstonage December 13th, at 8 o'clock, at the annual Christmas party. Mrs. Edith Bardin wiii have the program on "Christ- ! mas in Other Lands." There wiii be a gift exchange. The assisting com-' mtttee wiii be Mrs. Thomas Beii, j Mrs. Haroid Wilcox. Mrs. Russell King and Mrs. Paul Wilson. —Mrs. Floyd Loomis of East Put-' nam gave a plastic demonstration party Wednesday evening. Guests were present from Danielson, Day v:He, Pomfret and Putnam. —Among those from out-of-town coming to attend the funeral of Walter Hawkins, Thursday, were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bussey and daughter, Villa of Korwich, former ^ Putnam residents. —Miss Gertrude Kibbee of Put- j nam Heights has been visiting rela- ! ttves in Shrewsbury, Mass., several days. j —Mr. and Mrs. Helson Cotnoir and son, Xelson, Jr., of Farrows street spent Saturday in Hartford. ! —Leon Alarie and son, Ronald of Ludlow, Mass., spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Alfred Aiarie of Mi)! street. —Miss Celia Bourque of Chape! street visited Sunday in Woonsocket —Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cotnoir and Chi!dren, Nelson, Jr., and Carole, and Mrs. Guy R. Vose of Farrows street spent Sunday in Providence visiting friends. —Mr. and Mrs. Haroh! Franklin of Putnam Heights attended neigh bors' night at the Hopkinton grange !ast week. —Mrs. Ce!ia DiVincenzo of Wa!nut street visited in Worcester over the weekend. —Mr. and Mrs. Jcseph Worth, Jr., and son, Joseph, 3rd of Thompson were Sunday dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. Joseph Worth, Sr., of New London. —Mrs. Wi!liam Perry of Upper Walnut street spent the weekend visiting her sister, Mrs. Ruby Forney at Cape Cod. —Miss Theresa Breton of Upper Walnut street spent Saturday in Providence. —Mr. and Mrs. Delbert MacKenzie and son. Norman of Upper Walnut street motored to Worcester, Sun day, to attend a lecture by James Marston at the Play House. The lec ture was on mountains. —Mr. and Mrs. R. R. North of Walnut street were Thanksgiving dinner guests of his brother and sis ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John North of Greenwich. —Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tourtel lotte of South Main street spent Thanksgiving Day with her parents, ! Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ballard of Ber wick, Maine. —Floyd Cole, student at Renssel aer College, was a Thanksgiving guest of his mother. Mrs. Pearl Cole. -—Mrs. Thomas E. Ryan of Main i street and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jean ; of Putnam Hotel visited Monday at ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis ^ Mayo. Sr., in Pomfret. —Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Evans and family of Ellington entertained Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Rhoades and family of Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ryan of Main street Saturday. —Miss Mary Carpenter of Boston. Dean of Bouve-Boston School of Phy- ; sical Education, visited her mother, i Mrs. Alice Carpenter over the week end. Mrs. Carpenter spent last week with her daughter in Boston. —Ray Lehrer has arrived to spend the forthcoming holidays with his ] parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lehrer, { Grove street. He i6 still recuperating ! from injuries received in an auto mobile accident last July. Ballet Star MISS 1NANA GOLLNER Graceful Xana Gollner, shown above, is one of the famous ballerinas who wi)i be seen at the Bushnell Me moria! in Hartford when the cele brated BaHet Theatre presents two different, programs there on Thursday and Friday evenings of next week. December 15 and 16. Other stars of this troupe, which Life Magazine tails the best in the country, at e Xora Kaye. Igor Youskevitch, Hugh Laing. John Kriza and Maria Talichief, in addition to the big corps de ballet that completes the company of 80. On Thursday night the Ballet Theatre will perform "Pas de Quatre," "Giselle" and "Theme and Variations." The Friday night pro gram consists of "Princess Aurora," "Fall River Legend" and "Fancy Free." —Miss Esther E. Welles and Miss Alice Wilder Smith entertained at luncheon last Saturday Mrs. James F. English and Mrs. Tertius van Dyke of West Hartford, to celebrate Miss Smith's birthday. Miss Welles accompanied her sister, Mrs. English, back to West Hartford to spent the weekend. —Mrs. Chester E. Child spent a few days at her home on South Main street last week. She was accom panied by her daughter,' Mrs. Bertha Rrousseau, with whom she is staying in Quincy, Mass. —Mrs. Henry Robinson and Miss Harriet Brown were in riainfield on Monday attending a meeting for women of the Congregational churches of Eastern Windham j County. —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schntanska spent a weekend with Mrs. Schman ska's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis, Bethlehem, j Pennsylvania. Mr. Davis is a profes- ! sor at Lehigh University. New Cosmos C!ub Club Officers Elected Xew officers weree!ectedat the annua) meeting of the Cosmos Ciub Tuesday evening at the home of Mr-. ChatlesDtew, Ki))ing)y avenue. A) s. Edward Spe))acy served as co-hostess. Mrs. Heruy Gerardi, chairman of the nominating committee, presented the state of new officers. AHwete approved. They inctude Mrs. John McCormac, president; Alts Edwart) Spe))acy, vice president; Mrs. How ard TourteHotte, secretary; Mrs. Rernard Sandys. treasurer; Mr-. Charies Drew and Mrs Ernest Gerardi, investigation committee; Mrs. Henry Gerardi, chairman of puhticity and Mrs. Robert Xorth, chairman of dower committee. The meeting was in charge of Airs. Charles Drew, who retires as presi dent. Xew officers wi!i assume their duties at the January session. Airs. Edgar Phaneuf. trea-urer. reported Tuesday that the annua) Thanksgiving basket henetit was a financia) success. Proceeds are to provide mi)k for underprivdeged ehi) dren, a project with which the organ ization has been prominency identi fied for many years. Lurie to Manage M!T Junior Prom (Special to The Patriot) Robert M. Lurie, son of Mrs. Ger trude Lurie, formerly of Putnam, now living in Brighton, Mass., is one of five men who were recentiy elected to the Junior Prom comnnttee by the Class of 1963 of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is the task of this committee to manage the Junior Prom for the Class of 1953 next fall. Bob. a graduate of Putnam High School, has been active in these Tech nology activities: the Sophomore Council; "The Tech," college news paper; the Nautical Association, and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Bob is a student in the course of chemical engineering at the'Institute, j MARRIED !N POMFRET The marriage of Miss Edna Hop- j kins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Hopkins of Woodstock, to ' Alphonse Dumas, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Dumas, also of Wood stock, was announced Tuesday by her parents. The marriage ceremony was performed Saturday in the rec tory of Holy Trinity church, Pom fret, by the Rev. Omer X Mandler, pastor. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Orville T. Colby of 2210 Washington Avenue, Silver Springs, Maryland, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Janet Wells, to John P. Bills of Washington, D. C. No date has been set for the wedding. Qbrtetmae (Btfte CERARD!S /royn... MEN'S SHOP 77 Main Street, Putnam, Conn. Give him a fine CORDUROY COAT in either Maroon Green Brown Tan Grey ONLY $16.75 GLOVE and MUFFLER SETS Maroon, Grey, YeMo, Beige Only $2.95 JEWELRY by SWANK *NEW THINGS * NEW IDEAS IDEAL XMAS GIFT WOOL JAC SHIRTS In a variety of plaids. $9.95 up GLOVES t Pig Skin - Deer Skin Fur Lined - Woo! Lined Priced from $2.95 Manhattan Shirts and Ties $3.25 up SWEATERS That New WEMBLEY HATS by Lee Gift Certificates—Miniature Hats FANCY PATTERNS $7.95 up Silver Look $2.00 A* Advertised in Esquife Give the Best—Give a Lee! Helen Fiheld To Wed City Man In Parish Rectory The engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Heien F. Filield. daughter of Mrs. Lydia Fiheld of Hast Thompson, to Ernest Fontaine. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fon taine of Woodstock avenue, has been announced by her mother. The marriage ceremony will be performed Saturday, December 17th. in St. Mary's rectory, it was re vealed. * Evelyn Aldrich Engaged to Marry Danielson Resident Miss Evelyn Aldrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Aldrich of 79 f'omfret street, is engaged to Leo Marois of Danielson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Marois of Fitchburg, Mass., according to an announcement hy her parents. The ceremony is scheduled Satur day. January 7. 1950, in St Mary's church. Veteran Treasurer LC'CIUS P MERR1AM ^ — Mrs (!. Stanley Shaw of Put nam Heights and Mrs. Ellsworth tHorse of Walnut street art spending a few days this week i Xew York City. MASONIC LODGE OFFICERS NAMED Newly elected officers of Quine ! haug Lodge. No. 106. A. F. & A. M . ; rill he inducted at the January meet* ; ing it was announced Thursday evc : nit tr after the business meeting and } election in charge of A tty. Arthur Kaminsky, master. A feature of the meeting, after . which refreshments were served, in i ciuded an interesting account of a [ cross - country motor trip recentiy taken hy (1. Stanley Shaw, executive vice president of the Cargiii Trust ! Company. Due limited time the ; speaker was unable to present a com plete stoty of his travels and at some future date hopes to "get the group back from California." Newly elected officers include: Mas ter. H. Wallace Crook; senior ward en, Erwin Rhoades; senior deacon. Leonard Shepard; junior deacon. Elliott Dean; treasurer, Lucius P Merriam; secretary. Edward S. Duf fey; chaplain. Thomas Bell; marshal, Harold A. W ilcox: tiler. John Leasca; -enior steward, Stanley Evans, and junior steward. Merrill Bosworth. HH Ml ME !!F 14 UNION STREET - Directly across from the FU 1 NAM Nt<WS —^ ^——-— *- * ) BELMONTE ROUNDUP SALE ^ [ Another chance to stock up on your favorite brands of canned foods. .DEL MONTE DEL MONTE PEACHES No 2^4 can 25c SWEET PEAS can 19c DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE No 2 can 27c DEL MONDE FRUIT COCKTAIL No 2^/4 can 33c DEL MONTE SEEDLESS RAISINS.pkg 15c DEL MONTE TOMATO SAUCE . 3 cans 23c DEL MONTE CREAM STYLE CORN.can 17c DEL MONTE PEARS . No 2^ can 35c Brands You Know EDUCATOR CRAX lb 29c SUNSHINE HI HO lb 30c NABISCO RITZ lb 31c CR1SCO 1 lb 31c 3 lbs 83c SPRY 1 lb 31c 3 lbs 83c TIDE . . . pkg 28c DUZ . pkg 28c CAMAY SOAP bar 8c IVORY SNOW pkg 28c IVORY SOAP 3 bars 24c SUPER SUDS pkg 28c VEL . pkg 27c FAB . pkg 28c PALMOLIVE 2 bars 21c AJAX CLEANSER 2 cans 23c PALMOLIVE 3 bars 22c OCTAGON SOAP bar 7c R1NSO.pkg 28c LUX . pkg 28c SILVER DUST pkg 29c LUX SOAP . 3 bars 23c LIFEBUOY 3 bars 22c SWAN . 3 bars 24c LUX SOAP bath bar 11c LIFEBUOY 2 bath 2!c SWAN SOAP 2!gebars27c IVORY FLAKES pkg 28c DREFT. pkg 27c SPIC AND SPAN pkg 23c OXYDOL . pkg 28c IVORY 4 guest bars 22c CAMAY_2 bath 2lc IVORY . 2 !ge 27c Garber's Strained or ^4 Junior Food* Corea! - Oatmeal pkg or Barley Dazzle BLEACH ^18' *"'31'"' 53' Beech-Nut COFFEE 8^ can Fruits and Vegetables SPEMALS LETTUCE 2hds29c Ca). Large Head SPtNACH 2 pkgs 29c CeUe—sand free ORANGES doz 29c !<arge Juicy Fla. CELERY .. bnch 15c Pascal Double Bunch Welch'. ELBERTA PEACHES Large Q^c No 2% can CARTON ^R!CE !F YOU WANT A TREAT instead of a treatment Just off the Fiorida boat! ORANGE JUKE Honey 46 oz Sweetened can Compare this low price! PtNEAPPLE JUKE Do)e or Libby 46 oz STORE HOURS # Tuer thru Thurt. 8 to 6 p. m. # Ctoted # Eri-Sat 8 a. tn. Monday to 9 p m. CIGARETTES Popular carton ^77 Brands price A — imm 6J'",65° Sohte MARSHMALLOW Creme Jar SWIFT'S BROOKFtELD ARMOUR STAR BUTTER LARD n 67* 2 27* OLEO ^ '19 SAUSAGE MEAT Pure Pork Lb. 39 CHEESE La Chedda 2^.69* STEAKS "- 7!) CHUCK ROAST " 49 PORK LOINS ^ " 37 SHOULDERS ^ " 33 ! LAMB LEGS " 63 L AMB FORES " '39 VEAL LEGS R^p, " 53 HAMBURG ^ "49 Fancy Brisket CORNED BEEF " 55^ PORK UVER VEAL CHOPS " 59 LAMB PATTIES Lb. LAMB Loin . . CHOPS 4y 79^