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4 COMPANY HEADED BY BYRNE JOINS FEDERAL RESERVE (FpeciaitoThePatr'ot) Boston, December 2 — The Hart hrd-Connecticut Trust Com]'any. one <f the ten iargestnon-memher banks n Dm nation and the largest non uember in \ea England, will join he Federai Reseme System today. Officially welcomed into the sys em by Joseph A. Erickson, president <f the Federal Reserve Bank of Ros on. the Hartfnd bank. Connecticut's oldest and largest trust company, vith deposits of approximately $1.10 nillion, brings to 112 the number of nember banks in the First Federal Reserve District. John B. Byrne of Putnam, presi letit of the rtartford institution, said ais bank expects "definite advan uages" in its ne.v association. 'Thro igtr this relationship." he said, 'our 'lankl 'in.- ft cs with the c") rai banking organization of the -ountiy and thereby benefits from it drength. facilties and resources.' fhe bark also becomes a nuinbe. of the Federal Deposit fnsurante Cor poration. automatically insuring 11 o' ts deposits up to a maximum of {5.000 for each depositor. Organized 82 years ago The Ha - ford-t onnecticut Trust Company has ^rown through the years until today t occupies a sixteen-story office ruilding in Hartford; operates eleven arar.ches in Connecticut and has thr argest trust department in the state, fitlr trust funds of more than $2t!0 Tiiliiou. P.H.S. TEENS (By Xancy Tub?;) A gitls' sports club ans organized nr the first time this year nndersu wrwty'on of Miss Xancy Birch, gits* athletic instructor. The following of Jcer- wtre electetl; Charlotte Ro vero. president; Ruth Stilu. vice president: Xancv Yeomans, secre arv; Louise Cutler, treasurer. At a recent meeting of the Stu dent Council it was disclose)! that the ounct! would appropriate for girls' Itaskethal! uniforms, as in pre vious years the girls have had no -epcifi. uniforms. We're all looking forwatd to a spectacular showing of heir new, classy attire at the first game, A "Sports Dance" sponsored by he C.rtt Sports Club was held in the gytu.Trastum Friday, December 2. The gynr was cleverly decorated with -olorftd pennants from many of the jea'lin" football college-;. Streamers znd pictures of various sports also sdded to the gaiety of the - *ene. e The big news g)dng aroun 1 school it the present tim<* concerns the -tmh-ornoro pre-holiday dance, whi h rill Pe heM in the gvmnasium Friday, Jecember ?. at 7 dO. It's been untoiedthatit'sg'ingtobeatre nendous success! Geceral chairman f the dance is Kdward'Sheldon. Com !!itre& oM.w: Tickets^ Agnes Car age. Roland Senacic, Arlene Bi oeault and Ronald Smith; decora on.r. Sue Cameron, Ann Heriihy. David P:itcha''d, .fudith Ratker and '"a-MU'is Baker; hali. Robert Weiss. ?orald Smith, Richard Coiec. Rich ard Touchette. John Mdia. Francis fote. Richard Lebeau, Xorman La nothe; music, Aiice Josiin. Mitcheli i.easka. Richatai Gari'ner. Gloria Teissier, Patricia Glenn., and Litiian ^e<rkhwn. refreshments, Richard Parker. Richard Lebeau. Saily Ames, ijnt 1 Mian Reckham; publicity, Jean Watson. Carol Frankliti. Tito De *!antis. Lorna Gagnon, Mary Hanni hi.n and Xancy Tuber. Boosters to Hold Meeting Monday Members of t'ne Booster f'tub are rrged to meet at town hat) next Mon /ay fwmittg at k o'ctock at which anre pians for sponsorship of a Junior Community Baskett)att League wit] tte discussed, according to Atfterman Ed ward T. Spettacy, ctub secretary. Rev. Theodore P. Cubata. coach md dtrector of athtetics at Ht. ittary's lanjci'ta! schoot and Wittiam Buckiey, r number of the PHS facutty and in fharge of pubtic schoot junior ath btics.witt be invited guests. UNED FOR GAMBUNG Wittiam Joticoeur, 36, of North frhsvonordate, arrested tast week as * resutt of a raid in Webster, ptead -*d gpitty to a gambting charge at re r^mdar Tuesday morning session *f Webster District court and was cae<f by Judge Louis Rieutord. Santa Visits City With Tots Saturday Candy, Prizes Given Santa Claus put in a pre-Xmas ! appearance here Saturday and it was itst;mated some 2000 children par ticipated in a spec a) program ar ranged under auspices of the M r , chants Committee of the Chamber of Commerce headed by Raymond Bmusseau. I Santa was greeted by Mayor John X. Dempsey and assist d in distribution of candy and special g'ft3. The ceremony took place on Mam street opposite Montgomery Mard and Bugbee Department stores. ' "h ot address was delivered by CofC President Gerald Lapointe. . Through kindness of Mgr. Wilbur Xeumann an appropriate motion pic 'ure program was given at Bradley theatre to terminate the festivities. Three specials bonds were awarded to help finance the program. LEGALS NOTICE I wilt no longer be responsible for any bdls contracted by mv wife. Mildred \.. on and after this date. Henry I.adouceur Putnam, Conn. ORDER OE NOTICE D:stri t of Woodstock ss. Probate Curt. Decomhcd. A.D. 1949. Estate of Anna R Anderson, late of Wood cock, in said District, deceased. Upon the application of Arthur R. Ander son praying that letters of adminis tration may he granted on said estate '(-presented intestate as per applica tion on file more fully appears, it is ; ORDERED — That said application be heard and determined at the Pro bate Office in Woodstock, in said i ^strict, on the 2.'!rd day of Decem ber. A.D. 1949. at 3:90 o'clock in the afternoon: and that a public notice be given of the pendency of said application and time and place of hearing thereon, by publishing a copy of this order in a newspaper having a circulation in said District, and by posting a copy thereof, on the public "ign-post in the town of Woodstock, in the said District, at least five days aefor'e said day of heating. HE!.EX PERf.EY CORNELL. Judge. 49 SALE OF BULLDOZER INVITATION TO BID De-aription: Used. Allis Chalmers HD-7W Deisel Powered Tractor. 60-DBHP. Equipped with cable operated Buckeye Bulldozer Biade with Double Drum Power Control Unit. Sealed Bids wiii be received unti] 5:00 p.m., December 20th, 1949 by Alex Pakuiis. Chairman, Windham County Soi] Conservation* District, RFD ftl. Brooklyn. Conn. Basis of saie will be cash, cashiers or certified check for property "as is" payable to the Windham County S"ii. Conserva tion District prior to removal of I ptopertv which mus^ be moved within ten calenda) <la;ts after date of mail ing notice of awards The property is ; located at the farm of Mr. Alex j Pakuiis, Brooklyn. Conn., and may j be inspected between the hours ofj 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. The right is reserved by the Wind- j ham District to reject any or all bids. ] 48 ^ ORDER OF NOTICE At a Court of Probabe heid at ! Woodstock, in and for the District of Woodstock, on the 6th day of December. 1949. Present, Heien Periey Corneii. Judge. Estate of John A. Anderson, tate of Wood stock, in said District, deceased Upon the appiication of Frank T. Anderson, praying that administra tion of said estate be granted as per appiication onfiie more futly appears; it is ORDERED — That said appiication be heard and determined at a Court of Probate to be heid at the Probate Office in the Town of Woodstock, on the 23rd day of December. 1949. at 2:30 o'ctock in the afternoon; and that notice of the pendency of said appiication, and tie time and piace of Hearing there on, be given to ai! persons- interested in said estate by causing a copy of this order to be pubiished in some newspaper having a circuiatian in said District, and sent by registered maii. postage prepaid, to Cart A. Anderson, Campbeii, Caii fornia; Evans Haraid,'ttoom 717. PeariStreet, Hartford, Conn.; Eari Haraid. Box t52. Norv-h Vc'-mo Frankiin Haraid, 53 Taft. Street, Southbridge. Mass.; Frances H. Mitnes, 22 Wave Avenue, Wakefieid, Mass., <** aii on or before the 8th day of December. 1949. HEi.KN PEttLEY CORXELL, Judge. 49 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN iN THiS AND SURROUNDiNG TERRtTORY Active man or woman to iist, show anti seii Farms, Homes anti C <intry Rusiness Properties to peopie onr Nationai Advertising brings ttt you. Experience not essential, we train you for the work. Your Listings are advertised in newspapers, magazines and in STROCT'S famous eataiogs that circuiate over 400,000 copies yearly fr <tn Coast to Coast. A protitabte permanent connection with the World's Largest Adver tisers of Country Rea) Estate; in business 50 years. A near-by Saies mart sod thirty-one properties in 1!'4K, earning $7,733. as his share «' the comm ssions. Others earned from $10,000 to $15,000. Preference given to anpi'cants iocated or who can iocate in smai! town or on main highway. Y. A. M1KHLS, President STROUT REALTY AGENCY 255 Fourth Avenue, New York 10, N Y CS! R CARS BOUGHT — SOLD — TRADED CITY GARAGE DESOTO - PLYMOUTH DEALER 95 Front Street, Putnam Telephone 770 1936 Ford 4 dr 1937 Chevrolet 2 dr Sedan $ 95.00 Sedan S 98.00 1946 Plymouth 4 dr 1937 Chevrolet Sedan. Radio Coupe. 115.00 and Heater 1075.00 115.00 ' LEGALS ORDER OF NOTtCE Distiict of f'omfret ss. Court of i.ttp. December 5. H<49. Estate ; f Se!dom B. Overtock. !ate of Pom fret. in suit Disttict, deceased. The Hatford-Connecticut Trust Com pany. of Hartford. Conn., Trustee. Th - Trustee having exhibited its an nua! account wth said trust estate for a period beginning with October 23. ]!)4S to an ! inciuding October 23rd. t ' )K. tothisCourtforaUowanceitis ORDURE!)— That the 15th day of December, 194!). at 11:00 o'ctock in rhe forenoon, at the Probate Court in Pomfret be. and the same is as signed tor a hearing on the aMowance of saiti annua! account with said trust estate and this Court directs the Trustee to cite a!! persons in terested therein to appear at said time and p!ace by pub!ishing this order in some newspaper having a circutation in said District of Pom fret and by sending a tike copy by registered niai). postage prepaid to Day-Kimba!! Hospita!. Putnam, Conn., at feast five days before said time assigned for the hearing and ieturn make to this Court of the notice give!) ESTHER!,. COVE!.!.. Judge. 4b fown of Putnam Speciai Town Meeting The tegat voters of the Town of Putnam are hereby warned to meet in Town Hatton MONDAY,DECEMBER )2,1949 at 9:00 a m in Speciat Town Meeting, to transact the fottowing business: !. Upon the recommentation of the Board of Education ait) the Board of Finance, to appropriate the sum of F'ght Hundred Thousand ($800,000.00) Dottars for the pur chase of a high schoot huiiding site and the construction and furnishing of a high schoo) thereon. 2. Provided said appropiiationi. voted: A. To appoint a Schoot Buitdng Committee with absotute authority to act in the name and on behatf of the I*own of Putnam and to cause to be buitt a new high schoot within said appropriation. B. To authorize said Schoot Buitd ng Committee to purchase the Lucier property between Yanuate Street ind Woodstock Avenue, together A'ith such adjacent tand as may he necessary, for a high schoot buitding site. t loprovtdeiorthehnancmg rf such appropriation by attocating Seventy-five Thousand ($75,000.00) DoHars from the "Reserve bund for Capita! and Non - recurring Ex penses," now earmarked for ^chooi building purposes; /' by altotating Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000.00) DoHars from the item for "schooi budding fund" in the cut-rent budget; and by authorizing the Board of Sefectmen. with the advice and con sent of the Board of Finance, to bor row and to issue bonds, pursuant to statutory provisions, not in excess of Seven Hundred Thousand ($700, 000.00) Dodars. upon such terms as they may determine. D. To authorize the Board of Edu cation to app!y to the Connecticut State Pubtic Schoot Buitding Com mission for a grant to aid in financ ng said schoo! buitding project. 3. To do any other busr.ess that nay be proper to come before said neeting. !hevoteonArttc!el wiHbebv baiiot. Those in favor of the appro priation wit! cast a baiiot with the word YES printed or written thereon. Those opposed to the appro priation wiii cast a baitot with the word NO printed or written thereon The poiis wiii be open for the con sideration of Articie 1 from 9:C9 a m. to 6:00 p.m FERDINAND GAGNON NORMAND O. LAROSE JOHN F. SIMONZI Selectmen Attest: WILLIAM J. McCOY Town Clerk Dated at Putnam. Connecticut, this 5th day of December. 1949. 49 i Rea! Estate For Sa!e We have a number of home* and farm* for sa!e — Let u* know your need*. We may have what you are iooking for. LESCHKE AGENCY Putnam Savings Bank Buiiding Putnam, Conn Phone 1685 FOR SALE !n City of Putnam 150 Acres Choice Lane So!d by tots or by acre as desired DAVtD 0. BREAULT Tetephone Putnam t224 FOR SALE 12 foot CAB BODY Tait Gate and Tarpautin in perfect condition PYTKO BROTHERS Oxford Ma** Telephone 83 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED OLD COLORED GLASS — And China iamps and shad?*. China tig urines, vases, ornaments, oid jew *!ry, oid doiis. ova! frames. Best prices paid Write or phone Daniei son 4-3047. LYX-BROOK AX TiQUES, Brooktyn. Conn. 15.t LISTINGS—List with one who has served you in the past, with years of experience ! need, at once, severai cottages, aiso sntaii farms. For quick action, caii. ! have prospects waiting for the above. X. .1. rOUHX. Quinehaug. Conn. Teiephone Putnam 2377-J2 3Stf TRANSPORTATION — Xeeded at once. To and from Wiiiimantic, 7:00 - 4 00 shift. TEi.EPHOXE 248-J2, Putnam. 48tf MASON WORK—Francis E. Angeii, Abington, Conn. TELEPHOXE 1769-W2. Putnam. 48-50 FEMALE HELP—Middie aged wom an wanted to care for chiidren. white mother is at work. Prefer abiy to iive in. Teiephone DAX1EL SOX 4-9914. 49 ; DESK — Roii top wanted in fairiy good condition. TELEPHOXE 1716-J2, Putnam. 48-49 ' COiNS — i want to buy oid copper, siiver and goid C. S. coins. Drop me a card stating what you may have and i wiit arrange to caii on you . F. J. HERRiCK. Box 176. Quinebaug. Conn. 48-50* HOLSEWORK — Woinan experi enced with chiidren wants house work by the day. TELEPHOXE 1736-W3, Putnam. 49-50* ! WOOD TO CUT — i wiii cut wood. $5.00 per cord. RAY BEXXETT, Teiephone Putnam 205'5-J3. 49* Lost KEYS — 6 or 7 on key ring. Lost about two weeks ago on Main Street. Reward if returned to MRS. DUFFYS SHOP. 2S Front Street. Putnam, Conn. 49 PACKAGE— Wrapped fr mailing Dropped in front of Putnam Tech nical School. Wednesday. Decem ber 7th. MRS WILLIAM ADINT Telephone Putnam 499-Jd. 49 HENRY'S USED CARS 1942 Chevrolet Panel 395 1937 Pontiac 4-dr Sedan 185 1938 Plymouth 4 dr Sedan 285 1936 Chevrolet 2 dr Sedan 165 1935 Oldamobile 2-dr Sedan 145 1936 Dodge 4-dr Sedan 165 1936 Ford 4 dr 145 1933 Chevrolet 4-dr 85 193^ D.^nto 75 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Ea^y Payments. No Finance or Interest Charges Used Parts for a!) makes. Repairing at a reasonable rate. Work guaranteed. 223 Providence St. Putnam, Connecticut Tetephone 904-W1 NEW PLYMOUTH MOTORS (NOT REBUILT) 1937 thru 1949 EASY PAYMENTS CITY GARAGE DESOTO PLYMOUTH DEALER 95 Front St. Tel 770 Putnam ROOFIXG. SIDING. IXSJLA TIOX. WALL TILE! AT WARDS LOW PRICES New beauty and protection for your home. Wards materials are top quaiity. yet they cost you j doiiars tess! RCOFIXG — A wide variety of styles, coioys and weights. Choose today, for an attractive home at iow cost! SIDIXG —Asphait and asbestos! Roii or insuiated type in lannon stone. brick and new shake shingie design. Choice of coior. iXSULATIOX — Save up to 30% on winter fuel I Ms! Make your j home 8* 15° cooier in summer. Get Rock Woo) at Wards for j [ess! WALL TILE —Durable alumi num with baked-enamei finish! t Bright, coiorful. long-lasting. Wipes ctean! GUARAXTEHD IXSTALI.ATIOX! — Let Wards experienced men do the instaMation! Xo trouble ! or bother for you. and the job w '.i be done right! 5 our satis factior guaranteed! Get your free estimate! MONTGOMERY WARD Main Street Putnam. Conn - - - d.. FOR SALE NEW BUNGALOW — Large, attrac tive. with targe iiving room.; dinette attached, modern cabinet : kitchen, oak flooring, oit heat. I Cemented ceitar, porches ami garage. This is very )ow priced for , its quaiity. X. J. POL'LiX. Quine- I baug, Conn. Teiephone Putnam ' 2377-J2. 44tf HOUSE—Located on Set.exet Road. Woodstock. Air conditioning heat ing system. Arepiace. artesian weii. TELEPiiOXE 2330-W2, Putnam. 47tf CHEVROLET—Late 1947 Fieetiine. Perfect condition, a heautifui cat Terms if desired. MR. DEXIS. Ponifret inn, Pomfret, Conn. Teiephone Putnam 593-J2. 48tf CHRiSTMAS TREES — Whoiesale and retai). Pine Acres Farm. Hampton. Conn., offers weii-shaped White and Xorway Sptuce. of aii sizes, from its plantations. Uniike trees cut eatiier in the fad up Xotth. whose needies may fait be fore Christmas, these Connecticut grown trees, cut shortiy before Christmas, wiii be fresh for the hotidav season. Teiephone WiLl.l MAXTiC 1776. 49-51 MISCELLANEOUS SAWS—Precision hied by machine. Don't waste time and energy with duii saws. Quick service; you wiii iike our work. B. W. DYKE, Speed way Road, East Thompson. Teie phone Putnam 1585-J3. 49-50 RADIO REPAIRING—Expert re pairing on automobile radios, radio consoles, table models, automatic record players. FERRO'S RADIO SERVICE, 14 South Main Street. Telephone 1731-W1, Putnam. 4Stf CATERING — To weddings. ban quets, showers, stags. Draught beer-cooler furnished. Free deitv ery. CITY FRUIT & PRODUCE CO., rear of Post Office. Tele phone Putnam 476-J2. Ales, wines liquors. 48tf CESSPOOLS — And septic tanks cleaned and contents earned away. ARTHUR PARENT, 13 Sayies avenue, Dayville, Conn. Telephone Danielson 4-3124. 48tf KEYS — We make keys. Prompt de livery. Door closer servtce. BER NIER'S MUSIC & FURNITURE STORE, 243 Providence Street. Telepnone 1576, Putnam, Conn. 4Stf POULTRY DRESSING SERVICE — We are now equtppeo to ktli, prucx , ar.d enni your poultry tor 20c , antecc. Aiso wrapped a;td qurea trozen wnen destreu. DONALD B. WILLIAMS. Woodstoca, Loan Telephone Putna.i 1707-W3. 4Stf SEWING MACHINES — AL1 makes bought,, sold and repaired. 35 years experience. We call and de liver anywhere. J. V. SEWING MACHINE CO. Sales and Repairs, j R.F D. 1, Killingly Center, Conn. Telephone Danielson 4-6270. 43tf JULES SUGGESTIONS —You can now buy your Christmas met'-, chandise on small weekly pay ments. such as toys, blankets, jew etry. watches, silverware, spreads, slip covers, curtains, Venetian blinds, dishes, lamps, sheets, pillow cases, end tables, radios and washers; also a good assortment of dolls. Telephone or write and our ; salesman will call. JULES HOME SUPPLY CO., 11 Canal Street.; Putnam, telephone 1798-.12. 43tf CHRISTMAS GIFTS —All kinds of fancy toys, dresses, crochet work, j blankets, bedspreads, rugs and other miscellaneous items. Come and see fot yourself. MRS. HENRY PEPIN. Upper Park Street. Telephone Putnam 37-W3. 48-49" CHRISTMAS SHOP -For the whole family at your International Har vester Oeafers. Model Tractors. Spreaders. Plows, Trailers and Farms for the youngsters, life-size 1 H. Tractors and Implements for ! Dad;,, and 1. H. Home Freezing Sup plies and the new 1950 Femineered Household Refrigerator for Mother. RAKER FARM EQUIP MENT CO.. East Woodstock. Conn. 49-51 For Rent ROOM—Furnished, in South Wood-; stock. Pleasant, in new heated ; apartment. Garage space available Telephone 2558-W1, Putnam. 48tf ; OFFICE SPACE—Two good rooms. Heat furnished and janitor serv ice is to be had if wanted. Now available. OMEK J. MILOT, 158 Main Street. Putnam. 27tf OFFICE SPACE — At 168 Main Main Street, over Benoit Radio Store. Nice modern othce. Heat and parking space included. Avail able at once. OMER J. MILOT, 158 Main Street, Putnam, Conn. 43tf APARTMENT — 4 rooms and bath. Steam heat and hot water. Cen trally located. Reasonable rent. Write BOX X. c/o Putnam Patriot, Putnam. Conn. 48tf ROOM — Warm, newly furnished. With or without meals. Excellent food. TELEPHONE 1038-W3, Put- j nam. 49* ' FOR SALE Sand, Grave!, Loam and Stone A!wo Dump Truck for hire Leo J. Lemoine 1 Park Place Putnam. Conn FOR SALE SEWING MACHINE — One White model. For further information TELEPHONE 1575 Putnam. 48tf GLENDALE STOVE—Grey enamet. equipped with oii burner and chrome stovepipe. Perfect condi tion. TELEPHONE 2314. Putnam. 34tf HOUSE — Two famiiy. Four room each. buitt with the best materials, hardwood doors, steam heated; nice shrubbery. Residential section of Putnam. Very good buy at $10.54)0. If you are looking for a Dairy or Poultry farm, a Home, city or suburban. Business Block. Tavern. Dine and Dance, Grocery store. Gas Station or Meat Market, if it's a business worth listing, we must have it. BUSS1ERE AGENCY REALTORS. Center Street. Dan ielson. Telephone 4-3920; Arthur Bussiere. 4-5875; Joseph Bussiere, 4-3556. 48tf TAVERN — !;: center of Putnam. Will bring you better than $100 weekly. Stock and fixtures includ ing walk-in cooler $6500. BUS SIERE AGENCY REALTORS. Center Street. Danielson, Conn. Telephone 4-3920. Arthur Bussiere 4-5875; Joseph Bussiere 4-3555'. 4Stf NEWSSTAND — Windham County. Doing $500 gross weekly average. Located in center of busy town. Selling at a sacrifice. Price $4500. ARTHURS REAL ESTATE, 15 School Street, Danielson, Conn. Telephon Danielson 4-2803. 48tf DINE AND DANCE—Vicinity of Putnam, with living quartern .-til modern conveniences. Setting ca pacity over 200 peopie. Plenty of parking space. Beer ant) iiquor license. Liberal terms. BUSSIERE REALTORS, 8 Center Street. Danielson. Office Telephone 4-3920. Residence 4-5873 or 4-4355. 48tf PUPPIES—Cocker. Beautiful blonds, all champion stock. MORSE OR CHARDS. 681 Woodstock Road. Southbride. Mass. 48-50* BU1CK — 4946 Super. Two-door sedanette. radio and heater; also 1949 Buick Roadmaster, 4-door Radio, heater and white wall tires. D. J. DUCHARME. North Gros venordale. Conn. Telephone Put-; nam 2362-J2. 48tf : ARE YOU INTERESTED — In a business? I have at present Garages, Dairy Farms, Poultry Farms. Tavern, Fish Market, News Room. Lunch Room and Business Block. Let us get togeth er and talk it over. N. J. POULIN. Quinebaug. Conn. Telenhone Put nam 2377-J2. 42tf PONTIAC — !946 Fo-dor. Stream liner. Radio and heater. Beautiful condition. Winterized. One owner car. TELEPHONE 803, Putnam. 49 ! _ HOUSE TRAILER—1948. 21 foot, fully equipped, electric brakes, sleeps four. Can be seen at MAT TEAU'S SERVICE STATION.} East Main Street, Webster, Mass. 42tf ! COTTAGE — 4 rooms and bath ! Garage. Paint and woodworking ; shop with ait power toots. Ready } for your hobby. Priced for quick j sate. $6500. N. J. POULIN. Quine- i baug. Conn. Tetephone Putnam 2377-J2. 48tf j RANGE — Gtenwood grey eiramet. * Burns coat or wood. TELEPHONE 38, Putnam. * 48-50 FORD — 1949 Tudor. RadhTUd heater. Custom Deluxe. One owner car. Ctean. excettent condition. Wit) sett with or without trade. TELEPHONE 803. Putnam. 49 SHOE SKATES — White shoes, giri s. size 6. Excettent Christmas gift. } May be seen at the PATRIOT OEF'ICE, Union Square, Putnam. 48tf ^ TRUCK—19.26. % ton Internationa! pickup. Excettent condition. 1946 motor. BEN LANGER, Thompson Road, Webster, Mass. Tetephone Putnam 1220-Wt. 48tf STOVE — Barstow combination, gas and oit. Practicatty new. TELE PHONE 2I1-W4, Putnam. 48-49 RANGE — Barstow with oit burner (Silent Ctowt. Water heater, grates inctuded for coat or wood. TELEPHONE 413-W2, Putnam. 48-50* } REFRtGERATOR—Used Leonard; atso washing machines At) in good running condition. PUTNAM FUR-i NITUBE COMPANY, 50 Main Street, Putnam. Conn. 44tf CHEVROLET !946 Fordo''. Radio; and heater. Comptetety gone over. Runs beautifutty. Reasonahte. TFiLEPHONE 803, Putnam. 49 FURNtTURE—Idea) for young cou pte. A comptete set of furniture for 5 rooms. Inctudes china, tinen and att nriscettaeous items for com ptete home. Buy and move in. TELEPHONF! 2645, Putnam or catt at 22 Middte Street, between 2:00 and 10:00 p. m. 49 FURNACE—Used, one pipe. Good condition; atso a hot water tank. TELEPHONE 116-J2, Putnam. 49 ; -__ ROASTERS — Fresh kitled, large.! 40c per pound dressed, drawn and delivered. No extra charge. TELE PHONE 1079-W4, Putnam. 49tf SHOE SKATES—New and used shoe skates at ALEXANDERS SHOE STORE, Main Street, Putnam, Conn. 49tf FORD — Modet A, 2-door coach. Good condition. Reasonable price ROLAND DUMAS. 41 Bridge Street. Putnam. Conn. 49 FOR SALE CEWING MACHINES — New and used. Free infection. AH make* repaired. We g.arantee to save you money. Authorized agents for White Sewing Machines. BER NIER'S MUSIC STORE. 243 Providence street. Putnam, Conn. Telephone 1576. ^IStf ANTIQUES — Gas ranges, oil stoves, ' washing machines. e buy and seii. Phone for an appointment. ST. JOHN'S ANTIQUES, Putnam Pike, Route 4 4, Putnam, Conn. Teiephone 2011-J1. 48tf LOUDEN BARN EQUIPMENT — We have in stock cow pens, bull pens, caif pens, stanchions, water howis, mtik stools. long and short handle 5 - 6 tine manure forks, hay forks shoveis, brooms, rakes; 2 and 4 point barb wire, and staples. Largest stock of Fieid Seeds and Fertiiizer in town. DAYVILLE GRAIN & FEED CO. Please phone 800. 26 Buck Street, Putnam, Conn. 15tf HARDWOOD — Dry. sawed and de livered. Dry slabs. Roard ends, $11.00 per cord. ARTHUR PAR ENT. 13 Sayles Avenue. Dayville. Conn. Telephone Danielson 4-3124. 48tf GROCERY STORE—With fixtures. Downtown section, City of Put nam. For particulars write BOX L, c/o The Patriot, Putnam, Conn. 24tf HARDWOOD—Seasoned and green. Fireplace wood. Sawed and deliv ered. P E. LAMPHERE. RFD 3, off Providence Road, near Pecks Pond. Telephone Putnam 1883-J3. 49tf CHEVROLET—1937 Fordor. Heater. Runs good. Very reasonable. Win terized. TELEPHONE 803, Put nam. ' 49 COTTAGE—In a very good loca tion. Built only a year ago. With 6 rooms and all modern improve ments. Hot water, oil heat, bath room upstairs and washroom, bath and shower in cellar. Storm win dows and combination storm doors. Will sell below cost for quick sale. Apply A. BENOIT, 44 Vandale Street. Telephone 1032-W3, Put nam. 40tf HOUSE—Two apartments, on Pom fret Street near hospital. Garage, 2 acres of land with plenty of frontage. Must be seen to appreci ate value. N. Jt POULIN. Quine baug. Conn. Telephone Putnam 2377-J2. 41tf NEW HOME—Five rooms with bath. Modern equipment. Future expan sion possible. Excellent Ideation, 343 Woodstock Avenue. For ap pointment TELEPHONE 494-J2, Putnam. 45tf CHEVROLET — 194b Convertible Club Coupe. One owner car. Radio ard heater. Fully equipped. Like new. Will sell with or without trade. TELEPHONE 803, Putnam. 49 SLABS—Hardwood and mixed. Also cordwood. Sawed and delivered. Telephone DANIELSON 4-5314, any time after 4 :30 p. m. 46tf LADIES DRESSES—And two coats, size 44%. Worn only a few times. Also Junior Heatrola for coal and wood. Good condition. TELE PHONE 270-J1, Putnam. 46-51* PINE SLABS—Also green and dry hardwood, Sand and gravel. De livered. ROBERT D. HER1N DEEN. South Woodstock. Conn. Telephone Putnam 1903. 48tf WE HAVE MANY good buys now listed. ]f you are thinking of buy i!tg a hcn:e, apartment house, datry or pouttry farm business biocka, etc., an appointment with us witl sotve your problems. May we list yours? ARTHUR'S REAL ES TATE 15 Schoo) street. Daniei son, Conn. Tetephone 4-2303. 48tf HOUSE — A superb residence with modern kitchen, dining room, den, iarge tiving room, sunporch, lava tory out of kitchen, three large bedrooms, compiete bathroom and shower statt. Plenty of closet space. Two auxiti&ry bedrooms. Came room in basement, steam heat, oi! burner. Two-car garage and nice cement tennis court. Shown by appointment. OMER J. MtLOT, 158 Main Street. Putnam. Conn. *^7tf TURKEYS—-Order now for Christ mas. EMOND'S TURKEY FARM Putnam Heights. Tetephone Put! nam 2465-Wl. 48-5!* TWO HOMES—Comptetety furnish ed. Automatic oi) heat, hot water, modern plumbing, gas range, etec tric refrigerator. Comptete with 'eds. chairs and couch. Other modets 2 weeks notice. A house ties you down to one spot. In a Modern Trader Home you can tive anywhere and they cost tess than half as much to own and heat. Lux uries and convenience you never dreamed of. If you want to have the surprise of your tife, stop in and see for yoursetf. No obtigation to buy. Be modern, tive in a home of tomorrow, today. PtKE TR\tLER CO., Route 93. Pomfret ( enter, Conn. Tetephone Putnam llbb-Wl. dAtf OtL BURNER — Putnam. Stightty used. TELEPHONE 522-Jt. Put nam. 48-49 LADIES COAT—Reversibte winter, size 10 - 12. Cost $40. Like new, wtH sett for $10. An RCA Record P'ayer. price $5. Atso gas water TELEPHONE 248-J2 Putnam. aarf DODGE—1936 Fordor. Witt^etTa^ reasonabte as possibie. Come and Oy it. TELEPHONE 803. Putnam. 43