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^Lbe patriot lURtsbes Everyone R ftfkrrp Gbrtstmae SIXTEEN PACES THE PUTNAM PATRIOT, PUTNAM, CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1949 Single Copies Six Cents No 51 _-_r', -----————---————— VOL. LXXVII. E.t.bH.hed 1872 CHOIRS TO SING SPECIAL MUSIC AT ST. MARY'S Special music will be rendered at both the 9:30 (high) and 10:45 (]ow) masses Sunday morning in St. Mary's church, officials announced eariy this week. Members of the senior choir, di rected by Hurside Bonin with Miss Rose Metras as organist, wiii sing at the 9:30 mass. The mate choir will offer a speciai program at the 10:30 mass, directed by Miss Rose Metras, organist. Speciai music for benediction wiii aiso by rendered after mass. Personnei of the senior choir in cludes Irene Auger, Irene Beaud reauit, Phyllis Broduer, Jeanette Du fauit, Prisciiia Fariey, Liiiian Marion, Mrs. Shiriey Menard, Anna Pauihus, Theresa Quinta), Mrs. Raymond Vige ant, Luciiie Keroack, Lorraine Greg oire, Joan Phaneuf, Pauiine Quintai, Eugenie Tetreauit, Mrs. Aiice Quin tal, Mrs. Roland Bernier, Leonard Ethier, George Montville, Edward Frappier, Wilfred White, Eric Erick son, Joseph Rivard, Albert Landry. Members of the male choir include Rene Beausoleil, Roland Bellerive, Adward Bernier, Armand Fontaine, Walter Golec, Alva Leclair, Edgar Page, I^ester Parker, Norman Pelo quin, Urban Peloquin, Leonide Te treault, Henry Vadnais, Jr., Francis Wallen. MARIANAPOLIS TOPS TECH FIVE FOR FIFTH VICTORY Deft ball-handling and accurate basket-tossing enabled the Marian apolis Academy cagers to score an easy decision over the Putnam Tech hoopsters yesterday afternoon in the PHS gym. The victory was the fifth in seven tilts for the winners. The setback was the hrst in three starts for the Smithmen. Putnam Mil! Workers Receive Xmas Bonuses Approximate!)? 275 omp!oyeo* of the Putnam Mi!!* Corporation re ceived their annua! Christmas bonuses at the concern today, it was announce^ by John Mason, genera! manager. !t was estimated that bonuses amounted to a!most $6,000. The concern he!d their annua! Christ mas party Saturday evening at Thompson Speedway C!ubhou*e at which time a turkey dinner was served and entertainment pro vided, as we!! as genera! dancing. 50TH WEDMNG DATE MONDAY Mr. and Mrs. Jean Bailiargeon of 167 Providence street wiil mark the observance of their golden wed ding anniversary next Monday after noon. Friends and reiatives are cor dially invited to a special "Open House" program which wiii be con duct from 1 to 6 p.m. at Beiding Clubhouse. A buffet lunch will be served. They were married December 26, 1H99, in Sanford, Maine and have been residents of this community for the past two years, it was disclosed. t (Continued on Page Eight) Anne M. Hogan Named to National Society for Educators * It was learned this morning that Miss Anne M. Hogan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Hogan of Tatem street, commercial teacher at Putnam High School, recently at tained an outstanding educational honor in that she was admitted to the National Delta Kappa Gamma Society. The popular and experienced teach er, a graduate of New York Univer sity, was recently inducted into the society at a ceremony held at the Connecticut College for Women at New London. Membership in the so ciety is limited to women educators who have contributed outstanding work in that profession. ReAnish Your F!oors Now! RENT WARDS FLOOR SANDER MONTGOMERY WARD CO. Putnam Conn. CARD PARTY Fire Station 2 (Abington Schoo!) Friday, December 23rd (and every Friday thr^ December) Prize* — and Grand Prize Dec. 30 Fewest Porn/ret Pwd. Fire Co. NOW OPEN Mason's Te/eMs/on So/on Open for Demonstration 7 to 9 P M Viewing as in your own home. Handiing Proven Sets for the Putnam area. Radio and Teievision Servicing. Latest equipment used. Get Your Teievision Set Now for Christmas 2nd Fioor—Victory Bldg. Opposite Post Office Telephone Putnam 1699-W1 and 917 - - WATCHES - - See Our... ELGINS - CALVERT LONVILLE - BANNER - BOSTON - CRAWFORD AND RIBAUX WATCHES D!AMONDS - LADY'S and GENT'S STONE R!NGS ROSAR!ES - RONSON LIGHTERS - PEN AND PENCIL SETS - SILVERWARE - CLOCKS JEWELRY. Save by Coming Up Stair* to FRANK X. LUCIER & SON ' JEWELERS 80 Main Street Over A&P Store Putnam, Conn. P!an Testimonial January 4 For Rev. Henry Robinson P'ans for a testimonial m honor of Rev. Henry E. Robinson, pastor of the Congregational church, have been launched under chairmanship of Dr. Wiltiam Gray. The clergyman, who served here for eight years, has accepted a ca!t to a pastorate in North Carolina. He wiii be feted at a farewell dinner scheduled January 4th at the Grove Club. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. Originaily it was believed the testi monial should be confined to church members, but because of the various associations of the clergyman throughout the community and nu merous requests lrom lna.vmuais anxious to attend it was deemed ad visabie to conduct the program on a community basis. Tickets for the afPa.r are in charge of Kenneth Rawiey and Mrs. Arthur Keith. Lesiie B. Merrii! is making pians for the dinner and Wiiiiam Moss has charge of pubiicity. Atty. Wiiiiam P. Barber is desig nated to obtain a guest speaker and an announcement is expected in the immediate future. It was emphasized this morning by the cha rman that the testimonial pro gram is open to aii friends of the popuiar ciergyman. W. P. Barber Named Chairman Of School Building Group (UPPERS DOWN WOODSTOCK FOR THIRD VICTORY In sweeping their home and home series with Woodstock by taking a 54-34 decision at the sports arena iast night, Ciipper cagers of* Putnam High School notched their third _ (Continued on Page Eight) WITH FIRM 20 YEARS According to the current issue of < The Teiephone Buiietin. official com pany publication, Amelia M. Krosin ski has been employed at the local exchange for the past 20 years and is listed with others "celebrating an niversaries" with the Southern New England Telephone Company. HOSPITAL STAFF FETED Members of the entire Day Kim ball hospital staff were feted at a Christmas party Tuesday evening at the Nurses' Home under auspices of staff physicians. Gifts were presented and refreshments served. FOR SALE 1949 four-door sedan, de luxe Plymouth. Fully equip ped. One owner car. 7500 original miles. A-l condition. Telephone Putnam 2013-W1 Make Reservations Now New Year's Eve Party Putnam Country Club $6.50 Per Couple Includes Dinner and Dancing Until 3 In The Morning Tel. Putnam 580 in session Tuesday f'.f nmg mem bers of the board of education met and organized as the . new schooi buiiding committee. Atty. WilPam P. ^ her, who served a* uis-riot tena.-Hr and city court judge, was named chairman with Schooi Supt. Albert Murphy as secretary. Five prominent individuals were added, aside from members of the education board, to constitute the en larged building committee. They are Atty. William L. St .Onge, chairman of the Putnam Housing Authority; Rep. John N. Dempsey, Mayor of (Continued on Page Fight) Citizens National Bank Gives Dividend, Bonus A prepared statement was issued this week by Treasurer Arthur E. Smith of the Citizens National Bank of Putnam in recognition of the institu tion's 25th anniversary The release follows :** "Because of the 25th anniversary of the Citizens National Bank of Put nam, which occurred on November Hth this year, the Directors felt it was a suitable time to remember our stockholders and also our employees. "Having had a successful year and wishing to show our appreciation to our stockholders and employees, the Directors voted on December 7, 1949 to pay to our stockholders an extra dividend of two, dollars per share payable December 20, 1949 to stock holders of record December 10, 1949. "To each employee was voted a bonus of $100 and also those in the low bracket salary class were givel an increase in pay." HOLIDAY LIQUORS W!NES AND BEERS Erick's Package Store POMFRET, CONN. Telephone Putnam 207-W3 DELIVERIES MADE SEASON'S GREETINGS Every member of our organization joins in extending to you the Season's Warmest Greetings. We greatiy appreciate your patronage during the past year and want you to know that it has been a pleasure to serve you. Your good wii] is treasured by us and we sincerely hope that our pleasant relationship may continue for years to come. Please accept our heartiest wishes for a verv MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. YOUR FRIENDS AT GREEN'S AUTO SERVICE Pomfret Center Connecticut WORLD FAMOUS BECAUSE !T'S THE WORLD S FtNEST Kelson Named New Belding Co. Supt. Some Stores Will Remain Open Until 9 P.M. On Saturday After a survey it was learned this morning that some stores throughout the community will remain open to accommodate late shoppers Saturday evening. In some cases, however, it was also revealed that business Satur day evening will be suspended at 6 p m. Other stores will close at 9 p m. It was also disclosed by chamber of commerce officials that business will be conducted tonight and also Friday evening until 9 p. m. Another Presidency .A? p. successor to t^eon P. Broad hurst^ who resigned, John B. Byrne of Putnam, president of The Hart ford-Connecticut Trust Company, has been eiected as president of the ) Hartford Clearing House Association. The election was heid Thursday. The new president, wideiy known in banking and business circles throughout Connecticut for the past several years, has served as a com mittee member of the CHA fo rmany years, it was revealed. Xmas Fete, Bonus (Cheeks For Rawley Employees Tuesday The annua! Christmas party of the Rawley Plumbing Supply, Inc., was held Tuesday evening at the Grove Club. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Rawley acted as host and hostess for the cor poration, ably assisted by their son, Kenneth. Among ethers present for this gala occasion were Mr. and Mrs. James Griffin of Worcester, Mass., Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Miss Florence Murphy, J. Harold Bowen, Mrs. Ken neth Rawley, Mrs. Stephen Kacerik, Miss Frances Kacerik. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bates, Miss Marie Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Franklin. A full course turkey dinner was very capably served by the club management, after which the group enjoyed a television program. Dur ing the evening's entertainment, George A. Rawley presented bonus checks to the employees of the cor poration. CHMSTMAS TREES Fresh Hand-Picked Baisam Trees The Best In Town PARK STREET GREENHOUSES .r THE FLOWER BOX Telephone 9O0 J2 Robert Johnston Appointed Assistant; Dahigren Is Transferred to N.Y. Two executive promotions were an nounced today by Lloyd B. Seaver, plant manager at Bolding Hcniinway company. Rudolph "Rip ' Neison of Putnam and Robert "Bob" .Johnston of Tutnam were named superinten dent and assistant superintendent, respectively. The promotions become effective January 2nd, 1950 it was revealed. For the past five months both in dividuals have been serving in their respective capacities on a temporary basis, it was explained. The new superintendent was named to replace Hans BaMgren of Putnam, who has been transferred to the sales division in New York City. The former pre viously served as assistant superin tendent. Mr. Johnston formerly served as foreman of the quality control de partment. The new superintendent has been affiliated with the concern since 1932. He is wideiy known throughout the community as a former athiete of repute and in recent years has taken an active interest in supervision of various youth activities throughout the community. He fotmeriy ptayed footbail for the New York Aggies. Mr. Johnston joined the Beiding company in 1939 and has served with them since that time, aside from duty in the last war with the U.S. Navy. He attained the rank of Lieutenant and was an outstanding piiot in the Pacific theatre of operations. He is a graduate of Coiby Coltege. Episcopal Church Yuletide Program Listed This week The traditional twelve days of Christhias wiil be observed at St. Phitip's Rpiscopai Church, beginning with the midnight celebration of the Eucharist. The first carol at this service will be sung at 11:30 p. m. Saturday night, and carols will include O Come AH Ye Faithful, Hark the Herald Angels Sing. Angels From the Realm of Glory, O Little Town of Bethlehem, Silent Night, Calm on the Listening Ear of Night, and It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. The music for the communion service will be the Merbecke setting from the first English Prayer Book. A second service will take place at 7:30 a. m. Sunday morning with out music. At 11 o'clock the third service of the day will include the carols, O Little Town of Bethlehem, While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night, and Hark the Herald Angels (Continued on Tage Five) BELD1NG WORKERS GIVEN $25 BONUS; XMAS FETE ION!GHI Members of the Belding Hemit way Employee Association will cev duct their annual Christmas partr at the Providence street clubhMise with genera! arrangements in of the social committee headed V Roland Lowe i The event culminates the sotia : season for the membership au^ t ; always a gay and colorful aFarr. ^ I buFet lunch will he served and en tertainment provided. Appropriate . decorations have been arranged. All employees at the firm, engaged prior to September 1, 1949, received a $25 bonus Friday, a custom of the firm started during the last war and continued since that time every year Officials in charge of the clubhouse announced that several reservatume have been made there for the wees In addition to the party this everuBg an outside concern has engaged fa cilities for tomorrow. Saturday after noon the annual Christmas party far children of both groups connected with the Union St. Jean Baptist* Society will be conducted ISRAEL PUTNAM LODGE OFFICERS ELECTED TUESDAY Officers of Israel Putnam lodge 1.0.O F., were named at the annua: meeting conducted Tuesday evema^ in the Pomfret street quarters. Versa! Drowns, who served la s similar capacity some years ago, war elected noble grand t^ succeed Can rad Gaudet. The new noble granc has been authorized to select Inc assistants for the nnual inductm! scheduled January 17th. Leon T. Wilson, prominent rea estate man and former insurance ea ecutive, was renamed lodge treasnmr and will start his 42nd consecutive term in that ofHce next month. This (Continued pn Page lErght. FOR BETTER RADIO SERVICE Brown's Radio Shop 319 Main St., Tet. 176-J2, Putjm o/ Parking Spam IheBenGrosvenorhm Pomfret, Conn. Route 44 Your Host for CHMSIMAS MNWER Serving 1:00-8:00 P M. COMPLETE DINNER $2.50 For Reservations Telephone Putnam 1330 **WtWWK<WWt<C'M'C*'W<M<<W NU-WAY TAXI 24 HOUR SERV!CE Telephone 1060 or 661 Taxi Drivers Wanted OPEN FOR BUSINESS F3 YAM'S PACKAGE STORE 25 Cana! Street Putnam, Conn. A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hew Year To AH Our Patrons and Friends Natalie Boneer Marie De-Angelis Helen Witkowski Natalie's Beauty Salon !53 School Street, Putnam, Conn. SOUND MOVES presented by Conn. State Operator and U.S.O. Entertainer 16 Sound Ciubs, Night Ciubs and Organizations M.G.M. A!! Film Features Ai! the Latest Releases Benefit Shows Wanted Reasonable Rates Telephone Moosup 168 MACINTOSH APPLES $1.25 bushe! and up Pure Sweet Cider 65f Gallon H!LLTOP FARM Putnam Heighta Telephone 850-J3