Newspaper Page Text
10 THE FARMER: APRIL 1, 1909. INTEREST Allowed on Balances Subject to Check SWATSONS BANKERS Established 1866 Stocks and Bonds Private Wires to New York, Boston, Philadelphia Cor. i Main and John Sts. THE BRIDGEPORT TRUST CO. Capital and Surplus. . . .$300,000 Banking in all its branches. Deposits received subject to check. Department for savings. A legal depository for trust 167-171 STATE STREET W. W. MARSH. President K. H. JTJDSON, Treasurer mmi SAMNGS BANK MA if 4WiUiF BUILDING 920 MAIN STREET (interest 4 per cent, per Annum DIVIDENDS PAYABLE JANUARY 1st AND July 1st Bonn. A. M. to S P. M. Saturdays, t A H. to 13 M. WHERE ONE f MAN GETS RICH I through hazardous spec if illations, . hundreds get poor. We will start an ac count for you with one dollar, and vou are al ways sure of your mon ey wnen tne ramy aay ft comes. LI fflT SAVINGS BANK 946 MAN ST. Bridgeport Savings Bank Corner Main and State Streets Incorporated 1842 Deposits received from $1.00 upwards. Deposits draw interest from the hrst of each month. Loans made on real es tate. "Select the Easter Clothes NOW At $10 cassimeres, terns also the finest At $15 teds in oliv Men's Suits made of pure all wool fabrics such as dark and medium fancy gray worsteds, etc. A variety of desirable shades and pat a great line of warranted all wool Blue Serges showing in town greatest value. Wonderful showing of Men's Suits at this price cheviots, cassimeres, unfinished wors- e, trrav. srreen. tan. stone ana taupe snaaes shadow stripes, neat mixtures splendidly tailored garments. Rogers, Peet & Co. and Kup penheimer Spring Clothes The equal of the FT NEST CUSTOM MADE Spring Suits and Overcoats $15 to $35 Copyright 1909 Toe House of KuppeoheiiBet Our Juvenile Section Is complete ly ready for Bast or. SPRING OVERCOATS A comprehensive showing of all the wanted styles and lengths. Your tailor's price would be twice ours for garments no better. $12.50, $15, $18.50. Stylish Black Overcoats full silk lined at $12, $15, $20, $22.50, $25. CHILDREN'S SUITS Included in this offer of Knickerbocker Suits are all wool Blue Serges a good -v Easter buying chance Jr Hats, Gloves, Neckwear, Underwear. Every want ed Easter fixing. RIDGETORT.CONN. 'WW MAIN & JOHN 5T HI D HAYES' MARKET FURNISHES YOUR BREAKFAST DINNER AND SUPPER AS NO ONE ELSE CAN and BROOK TROUT Whatever, whenever wherever you want Steaks, Chops, Lobsters, Ham, etc. Oysters, Clams, Lobsters, Crab Meat, Shad, Westport Smelts, Cod, Halibut, Perch, etc. Poultry, Squabs, Sweetbreads, Meats, Vegetables, Groceries. THE WHOLE IDEAL, RELIABLE MARKET 629 WATER ST. TEL. 412. FINE ROAD TO BE BUILT T BOUGH TR0MBULL WILL, EXTEND FOR 3 METRES AND CONNECT WITH NORTH MAIN STREET. McElroy & Kershaw, the civil en gineers of this city, have been selected by State Highway Commissioner Mac Donald to prepare the plans and pro- nies for three and a half miles of . macadam highway construction I through the town of Trumbull, begin ning at the Bridgeport town line. The construction will be on the turnpike, which is a continuation of North Main street. The work will be one of the I most important pieces of h'-hway con struction that has been performed in this section for some time past. Bids will be asked for as soon as the spec!- I fications are completed. Who is who in Bridgeport? Read the Evening Farmer Monday, April 5, 1909, then you know. E. H. REED Phone 594-2 Dealer In all kinds of Live Stock and Inter, national Endless Apron Manure Spreader. Agent for Swift Lowell Fertilizer. STRATFORD. CONN. H30 tf SAME" EL JACOB Established 18M JACOB JACOB FOR SALE PLUMBERS' AND TINNERS' TOOLS OFFICE AND YARD 55 KOSSUTH STREET PHONE 439-4 MOVING Have it done by us as we assume all the responsibility and do It to your entire satisfaction. We move you cheaper than any other Arm and the work is done by sober and experienced men. O. GREGORY, STRATFORD, CONN. Telephone 1424-23 Sportsman's INN CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. HOT AND COLD LUNCH DAILY 1751 MAIN STREET, II. W. SMITH, Prop. THE BRIDGEPORT LAND & TITLE CO. 169-171 STATE STREET Real Estate bought and sold. Rents collected. Genera care taken of property. D. F. WHEELER, Pres.A Treas. EGBERT MARSH, Vice-Pres. SPECIAL JAMAICA TOURS arcb 1 5 to April 3 First class round trip, rate including eight days hotel accommodation $85.00 for Further Particulars Apply to Ss Loewith & Co. t4 agents 99 116 BANK ST. Want Ads. lc a Westporl-HAWTHORNE INN-Phone 94 On the Boston Post Road. Private Dining Rooms- Steaks, Chops, Lobster, and Rarebits. First Class Cafe. Special Attention to Automobile Parties. MRS. L. C. FTKE, Prop. FAMILY WASH 50 CENTS Bridgeport Wet Wash Laundry Co., B- v- Maatrolann'. rop- 145 LINEN AV. Tel. 2375. Branch. 470 BROOKLAWN AV. Tel. 1042-2 H 25 tf KEITH'S The Varsity Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY FTRFTELD AVE,, COR. PARK AVE. Phone 1447-2 Day or Night. H5tf THE OLD HOMESTEAD CORNER EAST MAIN AND WALTER STREETS Finest Wines. Liquors and Cigars in the City. Hot and Cold Lunch Daily 'Phone 914-3 M. F O'CONNOR, Prop. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT LADIES' TURKISH BATHS Facial Massage Shampooing Scalp Treatmen8jManlcnrlng IRENE S. VAN TASSEL CORNER STATE AND COURT STREETS UNION HOTEL m'V t .... n Mr Ft vme Jiiaisi iwiij3. WATER STREET. OPP. DEPOT EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50 CENTS AND UP First Class Cafe. EDW. FARRELL. Prop. LOWE'S LAUNDRY 100O SEAVIEW AVE. WET WASH. ROUGH DRY AND MANGLE WORK. THOMAS L. LOWE Prop., formerly of Wells & Lowe Phone 15.4. Delivery Free T 17 tf THE PEOPLE'S DAIRY 28c IB -WI qpj OC IE JR 28c TELEPHONE 589 130 STATE ST. GEO. A. ROBERTSON LICENSES OF BARBERS'. Hearing On Bills For Repeal of the License System. Hartford, April L Barbers from al1 portions of the state were present at the hearing before the committee on public health and safety yesterday afternoon. The barbers were present to favor the bills repealing the 1' cense law for barbers and providing for proper inspection of barber shops by local or town health officers. Secretary Heineman of Meriden pre sented a substitute for the bills which do away with the barbers' commission. In favoring the repeal of the license system he said that the system had become a farce. Charles Weisner of Meriden. repre senting the boss barbers, said that the license system had been a great in jury to the boss barbers, in that it kept the Rood men out of the state, because they objected to the fee. In advocating the inspection of shops by health officers instead of by th commissioners, he said that his shop had never been properly inspected. Mr. Weisner also spoke of "graft" in the license system, c'aiming that bad barbers can get a license even If they don't pass examinations, provid ing they pay money enouerh. Mr. Weis ner admitted That he had no personal knowledge of any man paying more than $5. which Is prescribed by law, for a license. Representative George B. Chancier of Rocky Hill, said that the majority of the journeyman barbers wanted the commission. YOU htfnvA Ml lUI U CANNOT to go without good clothes. Get whatever you need on Cheerful Credit You can pay us as yon are able, by the week or month SPRING STYLES READY a&sartlliscli INC. 1116-1118 MAIN ST. Clothiers for Men, Women and Children from head to foot SPEEDING UP FIRE BELLS FOR QUICKER SERVICE Big Bells in Towers Will be Detached and Operated Manually. APPARATUS WILL BE WELL, ON WAY BEFORE PUBLIC KNOWS THAT BLAZE IS IN PROGRESS NEW SYSTEM CALLS FOR STROKE A SECOND PUTTING WIRES UNDERGROUND. You may think that the fire laddies get out of the engine houses in great time now, but just wait until all of the engine house gongs are speeded up to a stroke a second. Anyone pulling a fire alarm will think that the horses come out of the box. At present there is a stroke of the gong every 2 3-4 sec onds with a pause of 6 7-8 seconds be tween each number. This Is getting the alarm in in good time and in most instances all of the companies are ready to go after getting the first round unless it is a very short box. On receiving the majority of the boxes, however, the drivers are in their seats before the first round is in and are waiting to go. In this interval val uable seconds are lost. This waiting for the alarm to come in is because the big tower bells are hitched up with the small house gongs and the big ham mers connected with the tower bells cannot be raised and lowered any fast er than the 2 3-4 second intervals. During the next 60 days Supt. Barnes of the fire alarm telegraph will be engaged in putting the fire alarm wires underground where there are conduits. The commissioners have ordered the house gongs speeded up and disconnected from the big tower bells. This does not mean that the tower bells are going to be done away with, but a manual system will be es tablished in connection with tower bell service. After the first round has been sounded on the house gong ser vice, a fireman at headquarters will send in the alarm on the big bells. The latter will be operated by small cog wheels with notches in them to corre spond with the number of the box that is sounded. Fire companies will be on their way long before the first round is sound ed by the tower bells. The warning horns at Fairfield ave nue and the warning signals which Supt. Barnes will place on the bridges will be connected with the same cir cuit as the small house gongs so the public in the center of the city will be warned. The disconnecting of the big bells is a step toward a manual system as the city is getting too large for an auto matic system. The metnoa empioyea in rlnginir the big bells will be the same as that in New Haven. There the big bells were cut out altogether for a time, but the people missed them and because of public opinion they were placed in commission again. MODEL FOOD MARKET 150-54 CANNON ST. NEXT TO HOWLAND'S HALIBUT STEAKS (not frozen) 10c K BUCK SHAD ., , 35c each ONE HALF LARGE ROE SHAD 45c LARGE SHAD ROE .35c pair GREEN BLUEFISH .-. 18c K COD STEAKS .. 8c lb FRESH HERRING mam -m -m . 2ffiKS. 5C It. imijyuvu ............. Upper Store 1370 Main St. Arch and 'High Streets lIS.M LJHI.I Jsffafl mm WE WANT 500 RELIABLE PEOPLE TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US AT ONCE and select their furniture needs from our new Spring I stock. It's up to you. A MERRY EVENING AT ANNUAL SMOKER Park City Yacbt Club Will Pat All Craft into Commission May 30 Races Arranged. The Park City Yacht club had a merry gathering at its annual smoker last night. The members decided to put their boats into commission, May 30. There will be club races on that date, which will be succeeded by an entertainment in the club house, fol lowed by dancing. Kid Holley and Dick Gill boxed four rounds; honors even. J. Burke went six rounds with D. Lillis. This bout was much appreciated. Those who contributed to the entertainment were John Higgins, on the piano; Charleg Benham, assisted by the Benham Bros., of Milford, Vincent, Fred and George, songs; George A. Rajotte, and "Billy" Parry, songs; Joseph Hurley, a clever wooden shoe dance. The committee which reecived the credit for the evening's success was William H. Clark, chairman; Zach Wheatley, Mathtey Potvin, Charles Phillips, Constant Reiling. TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES As they are indespensible to health and happiness. Head ache and many nervous disord ers arc due to eye strain and can be relieved by proper glass es. We have one of the most comrilete optical establishments in th- city and we grind our own lenses, thus assuring satisfac tion and prompt service. EYES EXAMINED FREE. GOOD GLASSES AS LOW AS $1 M. J. BUECHLER, The Reliable Jeweler and Optician 48 FAIRFIELD AVENUE Near Middle Street Who is who In Bridgeport? Read the Evening Farmer Monday, April 5, 19C9, then you know. KING PETER MAY ABDICATE SOON Blamed for Set Back to Sen la in Recent Ba'kans Trouble- (Special from United Press.') Belgrade, April 1. The next few days will decide whether King Peter will continue on the Servian throne In the opinion of leading Servian pol iticians. If the present angry temper of the people continues, the King it is expected, will abdicate, regardless of whether the government grants him an rtnnulty. Should the people, how ever, swallow their discontent over tne complete reverse that befell them in the Balkan issue, for which Peter Is held primarily responsible, he will re tain the crown. The belief is general that Peter wil abdicate. It is said that he has already asked the good graces of the Russian and English ministers in an attempt to have the government grant him an an nuity of $50,000. One thing that holds the King in check is his fear that his withdrawal would endanger the con tinuance of the House of Karageorge vitch. His younger son, the new.y named Crown Prince George would succeed him In the legal course of events but owing to the political con ditions the people would not long sub mit to the son's rule. Hot Water AT ANY MOMENT, IN ANY QUANTITY at every faucet, furnished instantaneously and automatically. The Ruud Automatic Gas Water Heater does the work. A Ruud expert will demonstrate this wonderful heater at our exhi bition ro ms on , MONDAY, APRIL 5, FOR ONE WEEK Full information and free estimate gladly fur nished. Come and see us. The Bridgeport Gas Light Co. 799-303 MAIN ST. SCHLITZ BEER "THE KIND THAT'S IMITATED" ON SALE AT ALL FIRST CLASS PLACES GUSTAV BROCH & SON, 870 MAIN ST., Distributors CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS, New Management. Strictly Up-to-date, Hot Lunch All Day DAN COO NET. Proprietor Corner Cedar and East Main Park City Cycle&Enameling Co. Have opened an up-to-date place at 556 Broad Street, where they are equipped to do any kind of Repairing or Japanning. They also carry Sporting Goods, Gas Fixtures and a full line of Gold Glass Letters. 556 BROAD STREET 9. A. WELLS. Mgr. TOMLINSON'S -SK i Mrs. Tomllnson, PlUji ismwr'ATTCi rnotG nVfiTVRC KTrf RFRTTTj AW Til NNICHt. SUNDAY DINNERS A SPECIALTY. Opp. Smith's Theatre. Always R. A- Helman's MARKET, BEEF. VEAL AND NATIVE VEGETABLES. Phone. 2S COLEMAN STREET TAX! CABS for City Service.. .Call 9 a. m. to 12 p. m. Orders by phone 1378, Office 268 State Street. K GUARANTEED HOSE, Six uair for GUARANTEED FOR SIX MONTHS $1.00 F. MARION CRAWFORD IS DANGEROUSLY ILL Novelist Suffering From Congestion of the Langs. (Special from United Press.') Sorrento, Italy, April 1 F. Marion Crawford, the novelist, is lying at the piont of death, due to the development of an acute influenza into a conges tion of the lungs. Physicians are in consultation. The last bulletin issued stated that the novelist was barely alive. STRATFIELD HOTEL BUILDING GEORGE S. BAKER GROCER AND BUTCHER CHOICE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BUNNELL AND DEACON STREETS MICHIEL HRICZKO Successor to J. B. SULLIVAN, East Main and Steuben Sts. 'Phone 1605-. Where there will lie found the finest Meats, Groceries and Provisions In the city. Our Cafe is strictly np-to-date. Our motto, Fair Treatment to AIL WATCH OUR SATURDAY SPECIALS. 0& BICYCLES and SPORTING GOODS Headquarters for FOOTBALL and POLO GOODS Liberty Liberty Special and Bridgeport Bicycles Office and Salesroom, 1029 Broad St. J. L. BLOOMER. Manager. Office Phone. 231- Factory, 153 John St. V j.u.a1.nS NO HARMFUL ' DRUGS Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat The Genuine is in the and Lung T1-''. Prevents Pn,!,"Tioniq r,H Coprinn yellow package F. B. Brill, Druggist, Stratford Ave., and Sixth Street.