Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: APRIL 1, 1909. 4- ANDREW McPHERSON of 1469 Stratford Avenue' WINS THE $25 MADE TO . MEASURE SUIT I BASKETBALL NOTES j Andrew McPherson of 1469 Stratford Avenue, was tlie lucky man whose correct solution of the Rebus was first drawn from the bosket. We ask all who sent In readings to Rebus to call at our store and receive them back, that they may compare with the correct solution and observe their mistakes. THIS IS THE CORRECT READING Bridgeport's big tailoring plant, the English Woolen Mills Com pany, Is going to present someone with a handsomely tailored Twenty five Dollar suit of clothes. It will be equal to what small, one-shop tailors all ask forty and over for. We want all men to know about King K lot lies made tq measure. There are no better anywhere. Our prices are at all times one-half or less what other tailors charge. When yon buy clothes buy King Klothes made to measure. You can wear stylish, well fitting, well made King Kiothes made to measure at smaller expense than you can wear misfit ready mades. King Klothes made to measure have no superiors at any price double their cost. IMPORTANT NOTICE oat for a short time yet. with each $15 give an extra pair of $5 trousers free, trousers free. With each $25 suit, extra : We wish you to suit, made to order, v With each $20 suit, ex $7 trousers free. a. va. a a. . ,-Htni(n s.r .vuiai mill uuii I . t UIIU C it I I m i -1 band-me-dowus. I 1134 MAIN ST., raj muu BRIDGEPORT, CONN. SPORTS OF A DAY RASEBALL President Tracy of the league advises all managers to look " out for the Bridgeport team. Tracy says that O'Rourke Is out for the players and surely win be in strong in the league. He says that no other team can boast of better work for ten years service in the league. The president looks for ward to one grand successful season. 1 AMATEUR BASEBALL Tommy Corcoran, the veteran major leaguer, has learned to his sorrow that the price of the Waterbury team has increased $1,000 since he started nego tiations for the pur-chase about a month ago. Corcoran was in Water bury during the week but could! not make a deal, although it is probable that he may eventually buy the club. The National Baseball Commission at Its meeting yesterday adopted two rules which will in a way stop con tract Jumping. No player can make application for reinstatement who has Jumped a contract until a period of five years has elapsed. If a player falls to report or .leaves a dub which Is entitled to his services and joins an outlaw team, no application! will be considered by the commission, If Nit in volves a major league player, unless a period of three years shall have elapsed. - i: - Add another name to those quitting . -ranks of the Hold: Out club. Jack has turned in his signed contract the Lancaster club. Out in Tri- circles it is said that the farmer roke first sacker may be shipped i the New York State League. V, ,-11' a . . ii" t'lt, , . -i 1 1711 L , 1 , 1 1.1 for .Springfield two seasons ago, has set in his signed contract to the JaflHpsonville, Tenn., management. ! 1 The "Waterbury plav-ers will report Oft;- Wednesday for their pre-seaspn training. flaying Manager jviiKe hmerty has arranged for the mrtactice fame fta take o'ace on day with TomcBoo ivd's New BedCo.d nine. Lennox and Hummell, two ex-StMe Leaguers, stil continue 'to swat .the ball for the Brooklyn nine. In yester day's game aerainst Montgomery. Len nox got two hits out of four times up. one a double and the other good for "a circuit of thv bases; Hummell also iga-t two hits au' of four times up, one of his also good for a homer. Newark has released- Pitcher Stoop to the William STKrt Tri- club. Stoup got away to a flying jst;u:t with the Jersey City club, but aftr'ja. few exhibition games had been played he was not round as effective as he appeared to be in practice. He was with New Haven last season. Manager Bowler of the Nrthajnrit,on baWtw II club, has received a signed contract from H- K. Lauaniin of fpv. Tack, who is 4 eauttldate for sfrbrt stofx Laurhli 4s a Fordham college man and has nulk atron record that'". uwu Great interest is being displayed by the managers of the teams in the Jun ior Industrial League, which will start its season next month under bright er prospects, perhaps, than has any other league ever contemplated in this city. All ready six teams have signi fied their intention of joining the or ganization, but the managers desire that the league shall consist of eight teams. In the factories where the teams have been proposed the officials have taken a hold and promised their support. A chance is open for two teams. The E. C. & B. No. 1, Jr., team which played the Clovers at Seaside Park last Saturday and lost, still think that they can trim the Clovers and issue a challenge through this paper to that effect. The game to be played on any fie'd or at any time. The Warner Brothers' team of the Industrial league are in need of prac tice games and would like to hear from teams about town for contests prior to the opening of the regular Industrial league seaapn. Address Manager Keppy care f Warner Bros.' Co., or through the Parmer. The Emeralds challenge any team in the city for a game of baseball Sun day, April 4, 1909, the team to average about 16 years of age: Please answer through this paper. The Bridgeport Brass Co. Junior baseball team, champions of 1908, are already in the field, and challenge any team of 15-year-o'ds ift the city for a game at Wheeler's lot on Saturday. April 3at 2:30 p. m. If this challenge is accepted answer through The Tele gram not later than Friday. All members of the Tost Jrs., and others in that factory looking for a try out with the team, will please re port at the circus grounds Sunday at 2:30 p. m. TWO CONTESTS IN POOL TOURNAMENT Last night there were two contests .run off in the first round of th Y. M. ?. A. pool tournament. Th flr't be tween Alfred Tomlinson. and Jerome Bennett resulted in a win for Tomlin son. The second between F. L. Burns and Wm. Duff was won br Purns. Touilinson and Burns are qualified for Aijie second round. Ehere will be a drawing on Saturday -evening at eight o'clock for the second .round and the games in that round -ptfP be played off commencing the first rc .next week bUPjf LOSES TEN POUNDS IN BOSTON jiigpston, April 1. Whether or not Jeffries will fight Johnson there is no doubt that he is rapidly falling into condition to do so. After a strenu ous piece of road work yesterday he j declared he had taken off 10 pounds Since reaching Boston. I ne Dig iei 16w has cut out his after-theatre training stunts as he considers that l&ie road work and the exercise gain ed in his two daily performances suffi cient. To-day Jeff, to get the sort of exer cise he really enjoys, has gone hunt- The manager of the Edgewoods would like to know if the St. Charles; are coming out to the West End Boys' club Friday night. April 2 to play the second game of the series arrang ed between them. If so they will please send word to Manager Beloin, or ans wer through the Friday evening Far mer. The Kdgewoods will finish up their season Friday night April 2, af ter having- one of the most successful seasons and winning- the 115 lb. cham pionship of the city. The line up of the Edgewoods is as follows: Shea, center: T. Mallon and A. Rist, right forward; C. Cooper and H. Frank, left forward; W. Burke, J. Mallon right guard; W. Beloin, J. Carroll, left guard. died at the Convent of Mercy. Tues day night. The funeral was held this morning from St. Rose's Church. Mrs. Martin Troy and Miss Lillian Troy have enjoyed a trip to Bridge port. Mrs. Auger is entertaining Miss Unice Auger of Woodbridge. Mies Madge Peck has returned to her School duties at Half Way River. Harley Peck and Walter Ruff of Yale are spending the Easter Holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Peck. They enjoyed a tramp from New Haven Wednesday doing the distance in six hours. A Reliable Remedy FOR 13 BLUE RIBBONS WIN OVER TIME GAME ESSEX MANUFACTURERS FIGHT REVALUATION. (Special from United Press.) Essex. April 1. In view of the enor mous increa-se in taxation since the re valuation of property last year, it was I learned today that the manufacturing interests have brought suit against the town to tost the legality of the assess ment. The suit has been fcrousrht by George L. Cheney, a prominent manu facturer, and the court's decision ef fects every property halder and manu facturer in the city. It is thought the case will come up in the May term of the Superior court. (By Dick Barrett.) The Blue Ribbons, champions of Bridgeport defeated the Bassett Five of Derby in an over time game last night by the score of 23 to 21. Ernie Lush was there with the real gooos and they had to travel to beat those Big men. Ernie was kind of rough with those fellows and that kind of scared them a little. Burdick was right there with his work also and Lewis of the Bassett Five was right beside Lush but didn't have a chance o fgetting the ball away from him. The game was three minutes over time and Ernie Lush caged the win ning goal for his team. The line up is as follows: BLUE RIBBONS BASSETT FIBE Right Forward, Fanning, Smalling Left Forward. Lang-hammer, Center. Keating, Right Guard, Burdick, . Left Guard, Lush. Summary: Blue Ribbons, 23; Bassett Five. 21. Goals, Levenor 7, Lush 4, Langhammr 3. Keating 2, Davenport 2. Lewis, Burdick. Goals from fouls, Burdick 2. Fanning, Levenor. Referee, Joe Waters. Timer McCormack. Scorer Mahoney. Attendance 450. NELSON NOT MATCHED BANK CASHIER1 SUICIDES. (Special from United Press.) Norfolk, Va April 1. Frank A. Por ter, assistant cashier of the National Bank ofCommerce. the largest bank ing institution in this city, committed suicide today. the cause. Ill health is given as Levenor Davenport Smith Draper Lewis BERMUDA and Return $20 and up First Class Including Berth and Menl-s The Most Delightful Resort In the World Ideal Climate All Year The Garden Spot of the World Less than two days from New York by the magnificent nineteen knot twin screw ocean flyer "Prince George" (equipped with wireless), the fastest and most comfortable steamer to Ber muda. Sails every Thursday at 11 a.rr. ( AREri'I.IiY NOTE THESE FACTS: SS. "Prince George." Strictly first class passenger and mail steamer. Car ries no cattle or offensive freight. The Fastest, Steadiest and Most Comfort able Steamer to Bermuda. Handsome booklet and full particulars of THE BERMUDA -ATLANTIC S S. CO. 24 STATE ST., NEW YORK Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses, sootiies, heals and protects cue Diseased mem brane resulting from Catarrh and drive away aCcld in the Head quickly, llestor' the Senses of Taste and SmelL Full si: 50 cts. at Druggists or by mail, Liqui Cream Balm for use in atomizers 75 cts. rs. 56 Warren Street, New Yor' 5 Per Cent. (Special from United Press.) Milwaukee. April 1. Battling Nelson today denied the report sent out from Pittsburg that he had heen matched to fight Frederick Welsh at Juarez. Mexico, June 15. Nelson said he would not fight Welsh unless offered a good- purse 'b-f New York promoters. TO PURCHASE JEFFRIES' CLUB (Special from United Press.) ' Los Angeles, April 1. H. R. Haw kins, a local real estate dealer, today began negotiations for the purchase of the "Jim Jeffries Club" where a num ber of bis fights have been held re cently. Jeffries forfeited his stock in the club when he broke his agreement to referee all fights occurring there. GOTCfl HATCHED FUR 513.9W IN MELBOURNE FRISBfE'S PtES always look so tempting and taste so good, the housewife can't really afford to spend her time in baking pies. Try hem. Sold at all stores. WASH DAY. BACKACHES ARE NO MORE 50 CENTS. Will do your washing. We call and deliver the washing. Our machinery leaves no wrinkles to make the iron tng hard for you. Telephone or send a postal. IDEAL LAUNDRY, . . . 67-87 Commercial St. Tele. 21172. WELLS LOWE. Props. Safe and Profitable Invest ments, First Mortgages, Secured Jby Bridgeport Real Estate We offer, subject to sale, the follow ing, which is only a partial list of mortgages we have on hand: Amount Appraisal Rate Insurance $ 400 $1,000 6 per cent. S00 2,500 6 " 1,000 1.000 2.S00 6 " 1,800 1,500 3,500 5 " 2,000 2,500 4,500 6 " 3. 000 3,500 6,000 6 " 4.000 4,000 7.500 6 " 4,500 BURR & KNAPP 923 MAIN ST. Bridgeport, Conn. The City of Bridgeport vs. The American Sparklets Co. and Lawyers Incorporation Co. ORDER OF NOTICES. STATE OF CONNECTICUT. PAIKMELD COUNTY, ss. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, Bridgeport. March 31st, A. D.. 1909. Upon the complaint of the said The City of Bridgeport praying for reasons therein set forth, for a foreclosure of tax 'liens as described, returnable to the Court of Common Pleas, in and for Fairfield County, on the first Tues day of May. 1909. It appearing to and being found by the subscribing author ity that the said defendant is absent from this State and gone to parts un known, THEREFORE ORDERED, That no tice of the pendency of said complaint be given by publishing this order in the Bridgeport Evening Farmer, a newspaper printed in Bridgeport, two weeks successively, commencing on or before the 22d day of April, A. D., 1909, directed to said' defendant. SIDNEY N. LOCK WOOD, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Fairfield County. Hit LAWN Grass Seed Lawn Fertilizers, Lawn Rollers, Lawn Rakes, Flower, Gar lien and Field Seeds, fools of all kinds for tlie Lawn, Gar den and Farm. FARMERS' SUPPLY & ROOFING CO., 256 MIDDLE STREET anenagagone Mixture. Female Regulator in t Bachman's E A splendid cases of suppressed menstruation, de lays due to colds, ill health, or other unnatuial causes. $1.75 for the whole outfit THE WOMAN'S DRUG STORE. WHma M. Bacbman. Prop.. . 129 State St.. Bridgeport. Con. ST. DENld - - t j nuiv a wn iiTd ctdsptI new iuka bii it Within TSatj Access of Bvery Point of luiret. Unit Block from Waumkc.--. S minu m' walk of Sbvpptsi: District. -NOTKD Full : Excellence of Cuisiftt:. Com fortuble Appointments. Courteous Serv ice' jH Homelike SnnusuMto. ROW SI.08 PES MY AND UP ROPEAN PLAN, Table 1'Hote Breakfast 50c. WIH.1 AYLORfcSONo'TiC. AUU HOTEL MAHTlMftr Broaftvsyalr 38ra SHc - THE AEW KOTfcL ALBERI eleventh fat. & University Flao NEW YORK CITY. One b!oc:c west of Broadway The only absolutely modern fire-proof transient hotel below 2 2d street. Locatlor. central, yet quiet. 4 00 rooms, 200 with bath, from J1.00 per day up wards. Excellent restaurant and cafe attached. Moderate prices. Eend 2c stamp for lilnstrated guide and map of New York ry. jg 1Qn H i 4 I BOWLING'S Display Days today V TOMORROW AND FRIDAY You Are Invited to Inspect the New Designs in SPRING MILLINERY A Cordial Welcome to All J. L D0WLHVG 100 MEIGS BLDG. Fairfield Ave. Entrance one flight elevator GLEDHILL & CO. Dealers in second hand Iron and" wood-working machinery. engines boilers, motors, dynamos, lathes, plan ers, drills, anvils, band saws, vises elevators, office fixtures, safes, desks, etc., etc. Telephone call 773-2. COR. WATER A UNION STS. r We Cure Men... 51 XVc arc specialists la m chronic diseases of men. vate diseases and weikM have permanently cured M cases -of blood poison, nee ty. exhausted vltality,k.dne der troubles,'' skin errJpBoi and long standing dischari nature. Consultation a! talk free. MEN, because physicians and mpe ciallsts of ordinary ability have failed you don't be discouraged. Come vt our modernly equipped offices and w will cure yon. We allow car fare to Brldgevorf patients. If you cannot call write m Specialists services at family doc tor's prices. Office hours, 2 to 8 p. m. dally cept Fridays and Sundays. Bio -Medic Physicians,! 102 Orange St.. New Haven. Coon. WANT ADS. CENT A WORD. fSDecial from United Press.) Chicago, Arril 1. Fr-fink Gotch. world's champion wrast-ler. today branded a a. false a statement thit he was tryinsr to sidestep a match with WaoVeTr"h"iidt at Melbourne. Gotch explained that he is already signed up with the Sanderson-Vincent syndicate for the match, agreeing to accept $13, 000, win, lose , or draw, 'and his ex-. penses. The bout will take place at Melbourne either January 1 or 9, 1910. Bears the Signature of The Kind You Haw Aware Bougfit SINACORA BEATEN AT EVERY STAGE (Special from United Press.) Detroit, April 1. Touted as having learned some points' in the boxing game on the Pacific coast, where he has been for six months, Paul Sina cora, a Detroit and Chicago light weight, is to-day something of a dis appointment to his local friends. In his eight round bout at 124 pounds with Charley White of Chicago at the Windsor A. C. last night he was beat en at every stage of the contest. WELLINGTON OF P0X0LULU CAPTAIN OF m CREW (Special from Unite! Press ) Boston, April 1. Paul Withington of Honolulu is to-day captain of the Har vard second varsity crew, having been elected for the rest of the college year. This is taken to mean that Withing ton is regarded as sure of a seat in the varsity four oar as the second eight in which he is now rowing will be cut in half before the crew is taken to New London in June. f BLOCK KNOCKED OUT IN JUST A MINUTE (Specail from United Press.) New York. April 1. Phil Brock, the Cleveland fighter to-day knows that there are some New Yorkers who have the punch. The Ohioan met Frankie Madden last night and the Bowery lad put over a knockout after one minute of fighting in the eighth round. O Bean the Signature of ASTORIA. Tho Kind You Hae Always Bought NEWTOWN. The annual meeting of the Hillside klub for the election of officers will be held at the club rooms, Friday even ing, April 2. at S o'clock. All members are requested to be present. Carlton Smith of Yale is spending his Easter vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Smith. Miss Lillian Troy, teacher of Middle Gate District school is home with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Martin Troy for the vacation . Mrs. Addle Nichols has returned from New Haven to her home on Mount Pleasant for the summer. The family of L. C. Nicholson left for New Fairfield Wednesday where they will make their home. ( A successful auction was held at the Rice place in Land's End district Tuesday by Charles F. Beardsley. Mr. and Mrs. George Kyneal and family left Wednesday for their new home in Canaan. Michael Crowe resigned his position at Crowe's button factory Saturday after 12 years service. A son was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. George Parker. Mrs. Daniel Keefe of Canaan is the guest of Mrs. John Whalen. A. large delegation of Taunton folks atetnded the auction sale at Plum trees, Bethel to- day. . A red plaid blanket -jvas lost Sunday between Wm. Glover's and the New town postoffice by Bii B. Beers. A reward is offered. Visa Catherine Wixon aged 79 years. $500 Counting Contest PIANO FREE GIVEN AWAY TO COUNTERS $5,000 IN VALUABLE PRIZES Bag.: fefes 9. i " JJr- . . , !... . f .'. . O you want to win a Valuable Prize? If so enter the Great Counting Contest , of the F. FOTCH PIANO CO. Prizes Awarded as Follows: One Celebrated Milton Piano, valued at $500 as First Prize, to the First Correct Answer or the nearest. $126.00 $100.00 $75.00 Credit Strad. Second Prize, Certificate. Third Prize, Certificate. Fourth Prize Certificate. Fifth Prize, Beautiful Violin, inlaid with pearl. Following the Grand Prizes the next sending in the highest number will receive a certificate for $50.00 and so on until entire amount has been awarded. Remember is costs nothing to try, ex cept the use of your brains. Our reason for distributing these Valuable Prizes is the fact That we are Head quarters for HIjh Grade Pianos. MATCHLESS MILTON PIANOS A NT we want to be thoroughly and favorable known throughout the state as dealers in hut One Quality and that the best that money can buy. and we want everybody who is interested in the purchase of a Piano. Orgn. Piano Player or Player Piano, TJprlgfat or Grand, . to investigate. Ctall at our ware rooms. 844 Noble Ave., Bridgeport, Conn., and examine our stock and give us a chance to prove aU we claim. The conditions under which this Great Counting Contest is to be held are ar foUows: The Correct Number of Dots is only known to the Milton Piano Co., of N. Y. The correct answer will be in a Sealed Envelope and deposited at the business office of the Bridgeport Morning Telegram. WE DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER. Each answer will be numbered consecutively as soon as received and will be opened by a committee. Anyone residing in the TJnlted States is entitled to one answer. When more than one answer is received from tl5 me party, all but the first will be discarded. It is easy, use your brains. Just COUNT THE DOTS in the Outlined Milton Piano. Send in your Count or bring it to F. FOTCH PIANO CO. within the next 10 days. This contest runs for ten days. All 'answers mart be written plainly and the coupon filled in, giving name and address. ALso state whether you have an Organ, Square or Upright Piano, giving name. No one engaged in the music business or any one employed by this firm or any other music Arm will be allowed to participate in this con test. Hundreds and hundreds of people throughout the State of Connecticut attest to our fair and honest dealing who have purchased pianos from us. We carry in stock over 26 Pianos and we have the Finest Selections and Best Makes in America, and the prices on the famous lines of pianos handled by us are well established and marked in plain figures, and have been sold here for many years. We are factory distributors for the Matchless Milton, Chickering Bros., McPhail, K. S Howarjl. Upright and Grand, and Player Pianos, and others of established reputations The Number of Dots Is - Name Street No Upright, Square, Organ Name of Instrument City ......... State Address all letters to DOT CONTEST F. FOTCH PIANO C0, 844 Noble Ave.. Bridgeport. Conn. EXTRA COUPONS MAY BE HAD ON REQUEST CALL OR WRITE FOR THEM. ------