Newspaper Page Text
CHILDREN OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS WILL GIVE EXHIBITION IN ARMORY Waltersville School Eoard and Assembly." Parents Given Opportunity to See the Means by Which the Physical Well Eeinf of Their Children is Promoted in fhs Schools. exnfWtfon will be given under ...a auspices of the Athletic Associa tion of the Bridgeport Public Schools, in the airmory, Saturday afternoon, which promises to be worth the time of parents who are interested in the physical and mental progress of their children in the schools. The money, which will be raised by the exhibition, la to be used to pay the rent for the cymnasium at the Boys' Club, so that the Girls' Basketball League may con tinue its practice games. . How many people know that the children have a band? They have, and a very good band it Is, too. It is attached to the Waltersvttle school, and while its work would not make Sousa, jsaloua, it has done much to stimulate interest in the school among the pupils and has proved a most sat isfactory teaching- adjunct. This band wttl be followed by $00 children as it rentiers "The Assembly." Drills will be given by the third and fourth grade class of the Prospect, Shelton. Nichols and Lincoln schools; the first grade class of the Prospect school, directed by Miss Agnes Dennis; and by the eighth grade of Prospect, Washington, Black Rock and Lincoln BKIDGEPORTERS IN BERMUDA Every trip of the Ber ludiam boats brings to the Hotel Hamilton guests from Bridgeport. The first one in March brought Messrs. Henry Setzer, Bernard Setssr, and Dr. Frederick B. Downs; and the next one Lewis Beers Curtis, while the last trip of the wal Mag steamer Bermtadtan brought Mr. and lata. . E. Lsjley, who still re main. The rest left on the Saturday's boat with deepest regret, havinc great ly enjoyed the quaintly picturesque life of Bermuda and its salubrious climate. Especially did they regret leaving all of the buds and Mosooass which will soon be in fuH bloom. The lilies and oieancVra which cover the islands so thickly will In a few days be in full bloom, and their sweat fragrance will entirely envelop the Islands and ex tend out to sea in sweet greeting to the coming guests as they near the coral reefs and sapphire waters of this ocean paradise. Bermuda, will then be In the height of her floral beauty. The Bridgeport party were very ac tive in social life while In Bermuda, and missed no opportunity for enjoy ing all of the special Bermudian pleas ures, such as sailing on the wonderful blue waters, fishing, driving, riding, and .attending- the races at Shelly Kr wvn is looking forward to the white Easter ball which will be the most elaborate occasion of the season, the baH room being profusely decorat ed in Easter lilies. Everyone, Ber- mudians and visitors from the States i and Canada will be expected to dress in wHe for this function. Maray sjre planning to remain this ' mitymtvUi Uu and June in order to enjoy Bermuda and the Bermudian Hf th most ideal season Ol tne NOLL TAKEN TO ASYLUM YESTERDAY Augustine Noll was arrested yester day by Patrolman M-cCulloueh and looked up at headquarters. In the aft ernoon Investigator Alexander Morrls eey of the Charities department took Noll to Middietown and left him at the insane retreat. The house at 254 Sea view avenue, occupied by Noll for years, will be cleaned up under the direction of Noll's conservator, Alfred Grieeinjrer, and will be made to return an income for the support of the owner,- while he Is in the insane asylum, if? is believed that a course of treat ment will result In the recovery of the patient. GATHLY & BRENNAN'S BIG STYLE SHOW. Eclipsing In Beauty end Worth Offers Excellent Opportunity for Easter Apparel Selections. With spring budding- and Easter but a few days eway the various displays of stylish wearing apparel in the stores are at their height. Among the show ings however, there is none to sur pass the one offered for inspection by Gately & Bretvnan in their spacious apd fully stocked store at 185 State et-eet. Just west of Main. This enter prising establishment provides for its patrons a line of head-to-foot furnish ings which reixresent all the styles ap proved by Dame Fashion for spring and summer wear. Both men and women's departments are stocked to the capacity and offer a ran.-re of se lection that often is unobtainable in the largest stores. Gatelv A- Br en nan are partieu'-a.rly fitted to give their patrons the very latest models in wearing aipparel of every description because this firm has tores in the very largest cities of the country arxJ- their huge buying capac ity for 44 stores bearirwr their name plaices them very conspicuously before the manufacturers and gains for them a standing- with the large clothing pro ducers which results in the best and closest purchases at all times. The firm believing in the adage that "turn about is fair play", gives their patrons Che benefit of their buying power by selling as they buy at the lowest pos sible prices, at the same time offering to their customers terms of credit that make buying at all times a pleasure ratner umii o. .uiwu. , The Oately & Brennan plan Is the Ideal way to procure Easter clothing. In fact the entire outfit, for the whole family. Any well meaning person may go to their store and select the de aired clothing, shoes or furnishings and open a charge account. It isn't necessary to pay spot cash, for at this tore anyone is aecord'ed the same cor dial treatment and given the identical liberal terms as the wealthiest man in the world would receive if he were to ask for time on a .purchase. Be dress ed for Eatster Gately & Brennan's stock contains Just the things you need. Through this paper this firm invites you to inspect their spring showing. Removal of Conservator. The motion for the removal of the conservator over Dr. W. L. Piatt of Torrington. was granted Monday with out opposition. Burglary in Kent. Kent reports a burglary at the store of C. A. Eaton ens night recently. ; when the change in the cash drawer i was stolen, after which the malefac tors though tloiwTa mat off and lost Pupils in "The schools. Miss- Edith Russell will give a very pretty exhibition of Indian club swing ing andi the eighth grade children of the City Normal. Maplewood, Shelton and Barnum schools will give a simi lar exhibition. The boys' gymnasium class of the Y. M. C. A. under Physical Director H. B. Reinhardt, will do some fancy marching. John and Frank Fucello, of the Pros pect street school, will do a very clever and interesting dance. There will be musical interludes by John D. Woos ter and Norman Hovey and the Lin coln school orchestra. Fred Penpraise will be accompanist. The exhibition will conclude with a basketball game between the girls of the Nichols street school and those of the Black Rock school. The work of the association is super vised by the Athletic committee, who are Supt. Charles W. Deane. Ph. D. ; Principal W. W. Porter, Principal S. P. William. Supervisor Htarvey C. Went, Principal Robert L. Zink, Principal William B. Kelsey and Supervisor C. 5. Prince. Its activities ara: Track athletics, Poys' Tramping Club. School Athletic Clubs, Polo, Girls' Basketball, Baseball. Girls' Tramping Club. CARBOLIC ACID AGAIN MEANS OF SUICIDE Woman Swallows Dose of Corrosive and Ends Life in Windsor Locks. Windsor Locks. April L A woman about 35 years old. committed suicide Tuesday night In front of Che Yellow Tavern on the road between this place said Hayden's "Station, by drinking carbolic acid, is still unidentified. The bodV was found by Edward Broderlck and later removed to th3 undertaking rooms of Coogan & Mer wm. The woman was an American, well dressed and good looking. ?he had dark hair and a light complexion. She was small in stature. 6 feet. 2 inchss tall, and wore a black skirt and a fairly good black coat. She had on a pair of No. 5 hh lace shoes. Nothing was found on her identi fy her. Who la who in Bridgeport? Read the Evening Farmer. Monday, April 5, 19t. then you know. Working Agreement At Coal Mines Will Be Continued for Time (Special from United Press.) New York. March 31. The working agreement under which the Pennsyl- vanla anthrac te coal mines are being "peraiea win oe continued maenmteiy. ''pending the completion of negot a- tions between the operators and the committee of mine workers of Ameri- ca. ir- acvcii uicmuera ui me leuu-cum mittee. appointed by the operators at the recent 'conference with the miners In Philadelphia, all received letters from Tom L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers asking that the old award be continued. They replied by letter to-day that they were wi'l ng that this be done. To-morrow will be a holiday in the anthracite flald. BIG PRIZE FOR ESSAY ON AERONAUTICS (Special from United Pressfl) Washington, March 31. A prise of $5,000 for the best essay on the pro gress of aerial navigation has been of fered by King Leopold of Belgium ac cording to an announcement to-day by the Belgium minister in Washington, Baron Mundach. That the students of aeronautics from all over the world may have a chance to compete for the prize King Leopold has provided that the work may be written in French English, Flemish. German, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese. The Jury which will award the prize will consist of three Belgians and four foreigners. Mr. Ernest Ort'epp, Secretary of the Connecticut Funeral Directors' Asso ciation, left for Hartford yente-dty to attend the meeting to be held by the legislative and executive commit tee when bills of great Importance will be acted upon. Don't Wear A Truss After Thirty Years Experi ence I Have Made a New Discovery For Men, Women or Children That Cures Rup ture Costs You Nothing To Try It ysu have tried moat everything if ilse. come to me. Where others fail Send attached coupon today and I wili Knd vmi free mv book on Rupture ana its cure, showing my new discovery and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It is instant relief when all others fail. Remember I use no salves, no harness, no lies. I send on trial to prove what I say is true. You are the judge and once navlng seen my book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as my hun dreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. It's well worth yuur time whether you try my discov ery or not. FREE INFORMATION COUPON C. E. BROOKS, 9347 Brooks Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mall In plain wrapper full Information of your new discovery for the cure of rup ture. Name Address Cltv State. Cut This CGUPON Out It Is Valuable, and Will Save Half Your Money.---Redeemable at Leverty's. J. A. Leverty & Bro.. the popular druggists, will save you money. Pre sent the following coupon at either of their three stores, lb So Main St., 60 8 Park ivenue, or North Ave., and Main street, and they will let you have a regular fifty cent package of r. Ames' Pleasant Sieclrlc for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia, containing a full month's treatment at hall i.rice. Out Tins Coupon Out and Use It at Once. Tliis coupon entitles the hold er o one 60c package of Dr. Ames" Pleasant Specific for the cure of dyspepsia, constipation and biliousness, at half price, 25c. We agree to return money In all cases where it does not o-rf. .1. A. LEVERTY A BRO. Messrs. Leverty will go turther, and will give with every package they sell their personal guarantee to refund the money if Dr. Ames' Pleasant Spe cific does not cure, a reliable medi cine at half price, with the guarantee lhat your money will be cheerfully re funded if the remedy dees not cure. Anyone who is suffering from liver trouble, constipation, sick headache indigestion, bad taste in the mouth, biliousness, specks before the eyes, melancholy, or tired feelings, should take advantage of this offer. Messrs. Leverty do not know how long they will be able to sell Ames' Pleasant Specific at half price, for the sale has been something phenomenal. As the dose is diminished after the nrst few days a bottle that you can obtain now for 25 cents, will last a month. And It costs nothing if it does not curs. nAWLrf. WILItoOTi RFYNOIBS Undertakers and Embalmers No. 168 State St.. Bridgeport. Ct. All calls. diT nr nlHt, answer ed from office. George B. Haw ley. Vine St.. near Pa-k Ave.; Ed ward H.Wilmot, 885 Clinton Ave.: John B. Reynolds. 22 West Ave. ROURKE & ROURKE Undertakers and Embalmers 1x95 MAIN STREET. Tel. 1661 Calls Answered Day or Night AUGUST LIEBERUM Undertaker and Embalmer 7, 69. 71 STATE ST. All orders promptly - i tended to. Night calls answered from resi dence. 179 Golden Hill St.. oppo site Court House. Tel. call 337-3. House telephone 855. ' Wm. Lieberum & Son Embalmer and Undertaker Office and Residence 531 MAIN STREET Telephone Connection Margaret L. Gallagher John F. Gallagher UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS 880 LAFAYETTE ST. Tel. S192 AUGUST G. BAKER Funeral Director and Embalmer Office. 931 Stratford Ave. Telephone 1098-9 Calls Answered Night or Day from Office H30 tf M. J. GANNON Funeral Director and Embalmer 1051 Broad St.. Opp. Post Office 'Phone 1339 Residence. 1650 Park Ave. 'Phone. 1259 Lady Attendant T 12tf STEAMERS 25c qt. OPEN OYSTERS 25c qt. CODFISH 10c lb STUFFED AND BAKED CLAMS 15c dozen SEA FOOD OF ALL KINDS SOLEN'S FISH MARKET 1036 EAST MAIN STREET B 3 tf 3 4 P COL and EGftLIN G ECKLER ft C O.'S (Two Stores) 968 Main St. 874 Thii EXCLUSIVE FEATHER SHOP Buy your Ostrich Feathers at first cost. From manufacturer to wearer. In any color to harmonize with youi hat or gown. Come and see our disp",.y and com pare prices. New Plumes made from your old discarded feathers. Having the at mosphere of newness and the fresh ness of strictly new feathers. We handle them from the Ostrich Farm to your hat. Cleaning, Curling and Dyeing. GEO. M. STADLER Feather Dyer and Manufacturer 1158 MAIN STREET AS WELL AND AS MUCH No merchant ever failed if he advertised as WELL and as MUCH as he could. THE FARMER: APRIL 1, 1909. female help wanted WANTED. Experienced operators on one needle gort making. Blrdsey Somers Co. B 15 tf. MALE HELP WANTED DRAFTSMEN, mechanical architec tural or structural, are always in demand at good salaries; ten young men wanted to Join club to learn drawing-, at home evenings: instru ments furnished. Address C. S. K.. Box 828, City. TJ25 tf ROOMS TO LET TO RENT. 10 room colonial h-use, improvement, Main St.. Stratford, from April L Large lot. Will lease or selL S. B. Brewster, Arcade. S 17 tf. TO RENT. 5 rooms, all Improvements, 881 Wood Ave. S 18 tf FOR RENT One store and rent. 3 786 Main St. HI tf FOR RENT Several 5-room flats, all improvemnts, 312: desirable loca tion. L. Weiss, Room 24, 92B Main St. T 11 tf TO RENT. 5 room flat, all modern improvements. Jis. 699 East Main: 4 room flats, modern improvenets. $10. Sterling and Noble: 3 room. 87. 8 Sterling St. Inquire 693 East Main, or Attorney Meltzer. 925 Main. G It p TO RENT 5 rooms Ellsworth St., all imp.; 5 rooms. Sixth St.. all imp.; 5 rooms Carroll Ave., all imp.; 5 rooms. Drew Place, all imp.: 6 rooms, Elmwood Ave., all Imp, Hurlburt & Co., agents, 1094 Main St. MS tf FOR RENT. The office formerly oc- ! cupled by the late r. Nerval Smith, j No. 486 Shelton St. This Is a splen- I did apot for a physician. There Is a nice practice, worked up for tne pas, two years, and the rent fer the of fice ir very reasonable. Inquire, H. L. Blackman A Son. Room 105 War ner Bid.. 82 Fairfield Ave. LOOK AT THESE RENTS 749 Wood Ave., 6 rooms $18 9 86 Norman St.. 8 room house. .$30 112 Pacific St., 4 rooms $10 88 Wells St., 5 rooms $11 94 5 Capitol Ave., 7 room house. .$15 2870 Park Ave., 6 rooms, barn and ground $14 HimncirT comujti. Room 1, and soar, 1Q94 Main Street BARGAINS In one, two and four-family houses: building lots on Wells Place. Strat- iora ana at waaningTon snop; ujr building lots at great redaction in prices; want to close these properties; payments to suit purchaser. Steamship tickets to and from all parts. Money drafts at lowest rates. JAMES FEELEVS Open Evenings T WE ARE DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE RENTS INSURANCE ANDERSON & CO. 952 MAIN STREET MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To go out for washing and Ironing and houseeleanlng. 188 Pine St. Bessie Beicko. S 31 sp NOTICE. I hereby forbid any persons harbor ing or trusting any of my children as I shall not pay any bills contracted by them. MRS. FRANK DUFFY. K 31 sp 412 Broad St. WANTED. We want to buy 100 van leads of second hand furniture and household goods, and also mdse. o every description. We R'.ve 6 per cent, more than other dealers. A. Elwood & Son. Inc.. auctioneers salesroom. 171 John St. B M tf. REMOVAL! The Industrial Savings Bank and the Office of J. F. NoVe will be removed on or about March 14th Inst., from 54 Middle street to 225 Stratford Avenue, corner of Kos suth Street. Are You In the Market for the BEST COAL AND WOOD at lowest market prices? If so send your orders to EMACK & HOYT CO. Yard. Evergreen and River Streets; or City Office. 181 State Street, Opposite City Hall. 'Phone 951-3. IN A HURRY? We have anticipated yonr hurry up jobs by providing; the quickest optical repair shop In Bridgeport. F. LYMAN, Optician Cameras .and .Photo .Supplies Established 1875 02O MAIN STREET CLEAN EASY. A hand soap for mechanics or any body who runs an automobile. Try It WM. K. WINN. A 17 all 29 Water St. Howard VTa'ches guaranteed; the best of time pieces on the market PARKER, Jeweler 9 ARCADE SMITH'S CREAM ALE The Finest Made Bartholomay's Rochester Lager. Soda and Mineral Waters, bottled by M. J. MALONEY 86 Jones Avenue Free Delivery Tel. 2424-3 REAL ESTATE We are offering for sale at a bargain three houses For further particular see BARTRAM & GREENE NO. 4 FRANKLIN BLOCK FOR SALE. Farm of 12 acres, 2 horses, 2 cows, 75 chickens, and all farming utensils. Steven Lewis, Avon Ave., Stratford. S S t p AUCTION SALE HIGHEST PRICKS PAID for used 'nr. nlture. carpets and store Bridgeport Auction & Commission Co.. 296 State St. Tel. 1686-2. D 1 tf STORAGE FURNITURE STORED, packed and shipped: new building, light and dry rooms. One Dollar per month. Bridgeport Van & Storage Ca.. 296 State St. Tel. 1586-2. D 1 tf HOTELS ADAMS HOUSE Finest Liquors and Cifrars Free Innrh Every Day 42 FAIRFIELD AVE. Opp. Poll's I IP tf BOWLING ARCADE ALLEYS 11 First Class Alleys A. P. DUDLEY, W. K. HOLAH Proprietors 56 JOHN STREET FURNITURE FURITURE. BEDDING. STOVES, neusef urnehings. cash or on easy terns V.iur credit s good, ask tor prices and -arms. The Sterling Fur niture Co.. 127 Main St. Tel. 923-1. B 21 tf. STORAGE OF FURNITURE. Sepa rate rooms, securely locked, furni ture and china packing. Purnit-e and Pianos removed, large vans, careful handling. Bridgeport Storage Warehouse Co.. 1287 Main SC. Cor. Congress St. Tel. 923-1. tf. INSTRUCTION PIANO REPAIRING Now la the time to have your piano put In per fect condition. Our workmen are not busy and we can give you a very low figure now. Let us tel' you how much it will coat. Drop postal or Sill. Stelnert's Piano Store. 916 ain St. L tf CARPET CLEANING Bridgeport Stean. Carpet Cleaning and Fluff Rug Works Has Removed to 236 Stratford Ave. O. W. WILCOX, Prop. J. G. FLORIDA, Mgr. Telephone 1328-3 ..S23 tf PERSONAL MRS. BLANCHE BARNARD. Clair voyant and Trance Medium, gbrea readings dally; Sunday by appoint ment only. Six questions answered by mail, 2 5 cents and self addressed postpaid envelope. Address 491 Main St., Bridgeport. Conn. 112 ti CARD READER. Advice on all af fairs. 25c. Mrs. Levy. 674 Madison Ave.. 4th house above North Ave. Q 6 tf. SWELL CAFES LAUGH AND THE WORLD LAUGHS with you. Weep and yua weep alone. Stop at the Eagles' Nest for a amlle. Cor. East Washington Ave., and No. Main St.. J. 3. Ra leigh. Prep. BANKS THE CITY NATIONAL BANK 101, 10S, 105 Wall Street Capital $250,000 Surplus an.' Profits 340,006 FRANK MILLER. President CHARLES E. HOUGH. Cashier THE BRIDGEPORT NATIONAL BANK of Bridgeport, Conn., cor ner Main and Bank streets. T. B. DeForest, president; F. N. Benham. Cashier. Capital $215,850: surplus and undivided profits, $280,000. THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK, of Bridgeport, corner Main and Wall streets. S. W. Baldwin. President; H. S. Shelton, Vice Pres ident; L. B. Powe. Cashier; T. C. Cumming Assistant Cashier; Cap ital, $332,100; Surplus and Profits. $300,090. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of Bridge port, corner of Main and Bank Sts. Chas. G. Sanford, presidnt; E. W. Marsh, vice president; O. H. Broth well, cashier. Capital, $250,000; surplus. $300,000. CHICHESTER S PILLS THE VIAMOXD UKA.XD. A Ladle! AllriarDranhtli Cbl-chet-ter'a Vliuiuiliw 1MU in Red ana Hold mcUUic boxes, seal en wlta Blue KIbbon. Tam It a no other. Buy of roup Uracfhit. Ask forCin-CIfKe-TEE 8 DIAMOND BRAND 111-!., for 8S vcui kaoim u Boat. Safest, Always Rellablo SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE HINDLE'S Prescription Drug Store 987 MAIN STREET Bridgeport, Ct. A. GRIVE Contractor and Builder Manufacturer of Door and Window Frames, Stairs and all kinds of Inter ior Trim. Mill and Office 1231 PEMBROKE ST. Telephone 1640. KELLY'S CIGAR STORE 141 FAIRFIEIJJ AVE. The best cigar made In imported and domestic brands. Complete line of smokers' supplies. Pool room ad joining Cigar Store. JAMES H. KELLY SIDEWALKS Sandnd Gravel TKe BURNS CO., 83 FAIRFIELD AVENUE BROKEN STONE, all sixes. ROOFING- 1 1 A SB ll Telephone Ta?S BARGAINS FOR SALE FOR SALE. A good investment, a first ciass 6 family house. This house is built with double floors and all lm- j provements, 560. 562 564 Atlantic St. Also a 50x118 ft. Corner lot. Inquire of John Bonner. S 24 tp FOR SALE. Ash Creek Bridge Inn. on Fairfield road. All cars stop In front. 8 or 7 feet of tide water. 300 feet front. Good paying property. Full particulars apply to Tom Lowe, 555 Central Ave. Free from a 1 n cumbrance. S 15 t P FOR SALE.-Nos. 220 to 238 North Washington avenue near Gran 1 St.) This property is all rented and com prises tenements and stores and will be sold in one lot or will be divided to suit purchaser. Apply to J. Wilde, 29 West Liberty St. B 20 tf FOR SALE Typewriters, all makis. new and second hand. Mulllns' Typewriter Exchange, 159 State St. B20 tf TYPEWRITERS Mullins' Typewrit er Exchange, 159 State St. B20 tf FOR SALE Cottage house of six rooms, west part of the city. Fine home for working man. Little mon ey will buy. 318 Meigs Bldg. R 5 tf I BUY OLD HORSES to kill. Re move dead ones free of charge any where within 25 miles of Bridge port.. F. H. Daniels, 2367 Madison Road. Tel. 1811-6. Lll S EDUCATIONAL MRS. E. J. O'NEILL Voice Production Scientific Breathing A Few More Pupils Accepted Tel. 487-2 s7Sn MAIN STREET MADAM MALL has opened a dress cutting school and will be In Bridge port Thursday. Friday and Saturday of each week. Will have day and evening classes. Also do fashionable dress making. Money refunded If not satisfied. Room 305 Court Ex change Building. State St. H 28 tf SURGICAL APPLIANCES ELASTIC SURGICAL. APPLIANCES fashioned on hand looms to individ ual requirements. Requisites for physicians, nuraes. hospitals. Wil liam Snowden. No. Taylor Block, 111S Broad street. A pra.--.ieal ex perience of over 25 years. Telephone 997. I 29 tf Business Opportunities Our specialty Is Business Proposi tions of all kinds; stores. factories, cafe's realty, etc., bought, sold, ex changed ; city or country. Informa tion confidential. MacDaniel & Co., Business Brokerage, 212 Warner Build ing. Bridgeport. H7fp STEAMBOATS Tf , Bridgeport Line fmm FOR NEW YORK Fare 50 Cents. STEAMER NUGATUCK IN COMMISSION Bridgeport Naugatuck wharf, dally except Saturdays at IS night. Returning. leaves New York. Pier S7, East River, daily except Sun days, at 1 1 :00 a. m. L. B. Nickerson. agent, Bridgeport. F. C. Coley. A. G. P. A.. New York. New York and Bridgeport Transportation Co. ONLY INDEPENDENT LINE daily between BRIDGEPORT. NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN Now located at their New Dock, Foot of Pembroke Street J. F. GRANDFIELD, Agent 'Phone 3270 Merchant's line Formerly Joy Steamship Co. STEAMER SEABOARD Daily Except Sunday Leaves New York. Pier 19 East Riv er, 2:30 p. m. Due at Bridgeport 7:30 p. m. Leave Bridgeport. Joy Line Dock, S:00 a. m. Arrive New York- 7:00 a. m. For farther Information and rates apply to W. H. PEASE. Agent. MEN AND WOK Uu Big G for an o a dtscfc arg is, in flaamrat irritation! or nlcetu of raucous merubr Piinlua anrl nnt m t EEVAJtSCHEMlMlOft. gent or poUonotu. or ut in plain wm by exprens, prepaid SI. 00. or S bottle S2 Circular sans oa r THE NEW ELECTRIC LIGHT TUNGSTEN 40 Watt Lamp. $0.70 60 Watt Lamp. . 0.85 100 Watt Lamp 1.00 These Lamps furnished only to cus tomers connected with our service. CHEAPER and BETTER than any other LIGHT. Let us give yon an estimate to wire and fit your store or office with these lamps. The United Illuminating Co. 148 John Street SOMETHING NEW IN SCARF PINS, Brooches, and Belt Pins, just received "Spring Styles" HENRY C. REID 052 MAIN STREET, Near Bank Street 'Phone 021-14 CLEANING! CLEANING ! ! CLEANING!!! Begin and have your house cleaned in the proper time. Chimney work a specialty. BRIDGEPORT HOUSE CLEANING BUREAU Phone 1&10-O. W. K. McKlnnon. Prop. WANT AOS. CENT A WORD. wf OaaraateMl 'ffl fTM U (uksfise. W GIKOmiUTl.t.&GXB MISCELLANEOUS Wi Edwin Smit tc Co.. dealei In runs, flsh- ' Ing tackle and sporting goods X" o lvl get your keys fitted, locks repaired, saws tiled, lawn mowers sharpened, ana. all kinds of light repairing done at Smith's Gun Store. 95 Wall Street. Tel- 75-4. s 14 tf POOL CHECKS, milk checks, stencils, ourning brands, steel stamps, and rubber stamps. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co., 41 Cannon St SW d WANTED Housekeepers to try "In fusoria Cream." The finest and best silver polish known. Guaranteed harmless. Ask your dealer for it. S26 Jp CONNECTICUT CYCLE CO., ltT Stratford Ave. (at the lower bridge). Now is the time to have your bicy cles put in running order for the spring. B1 TO RENT Typewriters, Underwood. Remington. Smith, O'iver, etc. at Mullins' Typewriter Exchange. 169 State St. b 20 tf DOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS made tao order. Old screens repair ed In all kinds of wood ind finish. Estimates furnished. Henry C. Hoff man & Co.. 255 Water St. HH tf PEOPLE SAY to go to the Bridgeport Household Supply Co.and trade with them. It is true because Mr.BersWr gives you all accommodations. 1U Main St., near Arch St Pi UPHOLSTERING Mattress making; and steam feather renovating. Ern est Ortlepp, 171 Burroughs St. Tele phone 312-2. u IS "tf" SHOW CASES Cigar combinaOoW I T. H .lla-i , . "'-"l MieBmaa, score aJM Ox- r, ""mgs. cabinet work ot k mas designed and made. Heffm auuw (.aae -:o., Za6 Water 8 LADIES' ATTENTION Ladies SVAiil wa.. . V... '..-.. I mj jj .-'. ft out i vm for delayed period, and which. Mi only reliable mnnthlr sale. Thousands of testim cad; " "c irura our patrons to pro It Pnsltftrlv .. alt ... . . matter what they claim, trial sax? UP-TO-DATE TAILORS DO YOU WANT to have year cteaneo. pressed, repaired, or altered? The well known Middle street tailor will do the lob neat, quick and rea sonable. Matthias 8ajbea. MM tailor. Middle street, bat ma Lafayette aad Tremont Hotel. Bridgs-j port. conn. SHOES NEW AND SECOND HAND sale Repairing neatly and ly done at lowest prices. Hartman. 72 State street. A i tf 1 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY LOANED on property oa second and third mortgages at 5 per cent; also on diamonds and jewelry at 3 per cent. Inquire at N. Glas-,. ner's Loan Office, 82 Wan Streetjfp between 2 and 3 or 7 and 8 p. m. S 19 tf . MONEY LOANED on household goods; also on second and third mortgages on property, to be repaid in small weekly payments. Strictly confi dential. Bridgeport Loan Co., Room 110. Warner Building, 83 Fairfield Ave. B 18 tf MON'Py ADVANCED TO CONDUC TORS, engineers, firemen, trainmen, clerks, letter carriers, mail clerks, school teachers, bookkeepers, cash-., iers. mechanics and others. StrlcOJf confidential. Heffron Co., Rood 301 Meigs Bldg. G17 HK NOTES OP SALARIED PEOPMS apd business concerns bought wthotftf secr'ty. Cheapest rates, easiest navf ments. Offices in 66 princ'pal citlea, D H. Tolmon, Room 47, 4 Cannon St". SI tf RAILROADS A rer YarK 'a Mr tJaissn a VnH Hartford OCTOBER 12, 1908. Trains Leave Bridgeport ai Follows: POR NEW VUltk :. : t6:43. t6:26, 17:17. 7:S0. tt:. 9:08. 9:21. 10:02. 11:M. A. 12:29. 12:34. 1:49. 2:27. SiSt, 4:13, 5:08. '5:27, 4:12. 2. 8:11. 9:27, 10:00 P. M. SUNDAYS 4:44. :1. t8:25, 19:0t A. M. U2:30. 2:2kw 2:27. 4:13. :. SiT 16:45. 7:29. 8:11. 9:27. 9:52. P-.M. FOR WASHINGTON, wtm Hariaea River. 12:30 (.dally) A. M.; 1:24, F Iff JbOR NEW UAVKN 12:32. I:U 2:19. 6:50. 7:58. 8:S :, 10:44. 11:33 A. M. 12:16. 12:8ft. 1:50. 2:29- 3:30. 3:4. 4:te. 4:48, 6:41, 6:32. 7:01. 7.2. 9:7. :B8. tll:54 P. M. SUNDAYS 1S:S2. 1:41 2:19. 8:13. 9:43, 10 :.44.I1:J8, A. M 2:29. 4:26. 6:32. 7:18. 7:8X, :47. 10:02 P. M. t Oil boslO.V. via New London and Proldeice 1:41. "3:1. :S0. 11:33 A. M. 2:29. 3:48, 4:25. 6:32 P. M. SUNDAYS 1:41. -J.-lg 11:33 A. M. 2:29 4:25. 8:SJ P M. FOR BOSTON, via Hartford and WiUUnautic 9:35. A M. 3:30. . i at. 1 OK WINSTKD and Intermediate Stations 5:00. 7:00. 9:45. A M. 2:35. 5:54, 7:40 P. M. SUNDAYS 8:30 A. M. 6:45 P. M. FOR WATKKMliMY. ANSONIA. DERBY and Intermediate StaUoae- S:tM 7:00. 8:00. 9:45 A. M 2:35. tB:64. 7:40 P. M. SUNDAYS. 8:30. 10:30. A. M- 6:45. 8:50. P. M. FOR Gl. UAKIUNUIUX, LKNuX. PrtTSr'lKLD. ETC. 7:00. 9:68. AM. 4:33. P.' M. SUNDAYS 8:80 A M. FOR DAN BUR V. NKW MILFUHD, ETC.. via BrooUlieid Junction. 7:0s. 0:1,0, A. M. 4:33. 6:37 P. M. FOR LITCHI'IKLD. ETC 9:88 A, M.4:33 P. M. SUNDAYS 8:3ft. A. M. Express train f Local Bxpre STEAMSHIP TICKETS to and from all parts of the world by all lines, drafts payable in all for eign countries. As It is now time for vour spring booking, if you intend going abroad this summer. Call or 'phone at the Old 7 Arcade 'Phest Building Lots for Sale Wants, To-Rent, For &c, l cent a word in Want CoL