Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: MARCH 19, 1910 JAMES STAPLES & CO. i Bankers and Brokers i8S State Street - iritigeport. coon. FIRE INSURANCE SCRETY BONOS REAL ESTATE Bought and sold on Commission Loans' made on Approved HfT Real Ectnte SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS We re ceive deposits subject to check and al low interest on balances ot 8500 and over. We will act as Trustees and Administrators of Est a tec. 1. L. HOLZER K. T. STAPLES We offc, subject to previous sale, the following list of 1 Georgia ior2gages. An.. Appraisal. Rate Insurance. " f 600 $ly550 fAfc 750 City 650 1,810 " , .... . 650 2,100 " 5 00 2,500 . ., - l,00 City 700 2.550 1.00P 3,000 1,200 2,755 800 1.250 4,650 ' - 600 1.350 3 400 -.:..;- 1,500 4,20ff , ', . 1,600 2,000 6,100 , -.400 6,406 7 The above Is only a partial list of mortgages, on" hand. All mortgages are accompanied by an .appraisal -made by either Dun & . Co. i,- or Bradstreet's Mercantile Agen cy. A similar line of . Georgia Mort gages can- usually -be furnished. Full information will be given to any one desiring- to invest in the same. BURR & KNAPP 923 MAIN STREET SIDEWALKS Sand and Gravel THE 'JiKJV- CO. " 83 FAIRFIELD AVENUE BROKEN STONE, all sizes ROOFING G14 all ... Telephone F. S. Brady , PLUMBING, HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORK i J " 114 JOHN STREET Telephone 1604-2 ," . ' S14 tf Frisbie's Pies Delicious - and Appetizing SOLD AT ALL STORES ' ' ' TRT THEM 1 v Prescription - ' Drug i Store 987 MAIN STREET . Bridgeport, Ct. Descriptive Guiife' Atlantic crnr AMFRICA'S LFADIO At L-YEAW-POUND HbALTri AM) PttAbtkh klV-T ; Particularly ttrartive dnring winter and rrinc months. Ideal dun ate tempered by Gulf Stream. Halrnyt smioiilny dys. InvlKoniti-iK mr- fcTfry oiii-fioor enioyir.enfc- Sevpn mt--a boardwalk, four the-- res. and five inersolfprnm1vallediit'B't)lriiiu;uU Hotel ccouiuoda.LiouB ot tle UiKlio-n exoeUenee. . FREE DISTRIBUTION - 80 r(r brimful of nseful information, beam! folly ilta&tr;iied, t lie led-t boils descrtbtrd, with rules, city tnnp, tr. It tells All about Atlantic Cuy a -lAitris to distinction Ja tlie Qnenof All Krft-ia The only reituble nd coinpte mi de of the eify. (Copyrighted.) IS VALUABLE TO &XBA2UK. ' . IF YOU CONTEMPLATE AN OUTING - FOX HEALTH OR FLEASVRE Mte t once for compliment-ry copy, enclosing a cts. postage for mailing. Address, ' fv ' Atlantic City Free Information Boreas NX. 10 Sooth Hew York Ave. i!. Atlantic City, N.J. ' GRILL AND LUNCH ROOMS fox Ladles and Gentlemen Corner Broad and Cannon SIS. . If ever. Closed A Reliable Remedy CATMRH Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. Gives Reiiet at Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased mem brane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and HmeU. Full size 60 cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for use in atomizers 75 cts. Ely Brothers, 56 "Warren Streat, New York. CHICHESTER S PILLS - THE IH AMOM) BBANU, A. DIAilONO JtRABiO PiIIS for 5 jrears known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOID BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE KELLY'S CIGAR STORE 141 FAIR FIELD AVE. The best cigar made In imported and 'domestic brands. Complete line of smokers' supplies. Pool room ad joining Clear Store. JAMES H. KELLY BACKACHES ARE KP MORE ST WASH- DAY--60C Will do your wasliing. We call and deliver the washing. Onr machinery leaves no wrinkles to make the iron In sr bard for you. Tel-phme. or send po-ml IDEAL LAUNDRY 7-67 CoTiimerrial St. Tel. 2117-3 FBAN& U. WELLS, Prop. .Lad lea! Ak yenr UrucelrA for A t'hl-cbeft-ter Diamond Bndjr I Mils la Re4 and Crold inetolli.f boxes, seaied with Blue Ribbon. T Take no other. Tiny of roar V Itras-ffUL Ak for I.fflT.'M'rB,B it LAST ORDER GIVEK.IN MIKE LYONS' CAFE FAMOUS BOWERY RESTAURANT, DYING FOR YEARS, IS NOW CLOSED L"P, BUT HAD BREAD LINE TO THE LAST. New York, March 19. The famous Mike Lyons' restaurant, at 241 Bowery, is finally dead. Strictly sdeaking, it has been dead for some time, and dy ing a much longer time. Preliminary obituaries have been printed "at inter vals in the last five years. But this is final. The interior fixtures were yesterday sold at auction in connection with Michael K. Lyons' decision' to wind up the business for all time. Lyons' restaurant started business forty years ago in the basement where the later double building stood. It was owned by Cunning-ham & Lyons, and did a thriving business in corned beef nd cabbage. In 1878 "Mike" Lyons became sole owner. Then for fifteen years Lyons', or "Mike's place", was a noted resort of politicians, characters, and "'charac ters." In those palmy days, when the Bowery was a blaze of light, "with 800 concert saloons in an almost unbroken line; when the old Olympic, Tony Pas tor's, Niblo's, and Harrig-an & Hart's nightly played to full houses; when the St. Regises and the WaJdorf s of the day. were the old St. Nichols Ho tel, the St. Charles, and the Metropoli tan; when "Mike" fed from 1,000 to 2,000 persons every night, and opened as many as 400 quarts of champagne between dusk and dawn; when he had no less than J50. 000, representing th& "boys' rolls" "after a friendly game stowed away in the old safe in these days - Lyons' place was a recognized institution and the pride of the Bow ery. As "Mike" used . to say, when the town began to move toward Mount "Vernon, bis restaurant boasted in its time "the biggest aggregation of sma t men ever seen at one time and place." Even in later days you couid drop in and see the Mayor of the Bowery, Johnny Matthews, swapping truthful yarns witb California George. and Broken-NoM) Burke a respectful lis tener. And there ' were the camp-followers of Bowery politics then, as in the later days when there was a special ta ble for the Sullivans and their coterie. There - were also brawny men of a particularly brawny police force Thorn and "Dead Line" Byrnes. And John Kelly, too, leader of Tammany Hall, was there, and another Kelly the original "Honest John." - 'The best and tbe worst," Mike Lyons used to eay, "None of "em too good and none of 'em too bad. Ches ter Arthur came here and William C. Whitney. But none of "em are left. M : you added 'em all up T guess Mike Lyons would be the total." - One, of the habitues Mike some times mentioned was Theodore Til ton, author f that poem, each verse of which ends with the line. , Even this shall pass away, s For the last time let it be stated with all ' reverence that when Mike Lyons opened the.' place he threw away the key, and not . until bad business forced a discontinuance or being opert air, night did he call in a locksmith to make a new one. Al so, for the last time be it told that during the panic of '73 a group of now well known Wall Street men found refuge, " bed, board, and Irish stew at "Mike's Place." And, finally, unto the ,end the bread . line did not assemble in vain at 6 A.-M. for the left-over scraps which were freely handed out' to the Bowery' waifs. Mike Lyon's place was elosed a week ago. It is expected that credit- ors will get 100 cents on the dollar vhen the business has been finally wound up. When the fixtures are sold today, they may be the only souvenirs left of the Bowery's old pride, for Mike Lyons' restaurant will have been interred. : Requiescat! Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O AS TO R I A TWO LYNCHED IN JAIL YARD (Special from Flirted Press.) ' . Memphis, March 19. Charles Rich ardson and Bob Austin were ! taken from the Jail at Marine, Ark., near here, and lynched In the Jail yard yes terday. Few details of the lynching are known beyond the fact that shortly after midight a party of men over powered Deputy Sheriff Wilford and forcibly took the keys to the Jail. Two hours later a crowd went to the jail, seized Richardson and t Austin and hanged them to a tree in the jail yard. There was no noise or confusion. . The lynching was not discovered until day light when the bodies were found swinging from the tree. Both negroes had confessed to tak ing part in a Jail delivery last week in which 12 negroes had escaped. BOSTON- HOLDING CO'S ; BOND NOT LEGAL FOR SAVINGS BANKS. Massachusetts Financiers Opposed to What They Call Special Legisla tion for Class of Securities, Boston, March 19. Not a single sav ings bank man rose in favor of the bill to allow savings banks in Massa chusetts to invest in the bonds of the Boston Holding company, when an in formal roll was called before the leg is.ative hearing on the subject at the state house Thursday. On the opposition many of the bank men rose. : Financed and controlled by the New Yrk, New Haven and Hartford rail road, the Boston Holding company was organized last year to take over the Boston and Maine railroad stock held by the New Haven and it now wishes to issue bonds for the im provement of the Boston and Maine road. William H. Ctoolidge,. attorney for the Boston and Maine, declared that investment woold cease if. the state did not cease its attack on corpora tions. The last speaker was J. H. i".'-rgis, who appealed for the Massa chusetts bankers' association. He sa:d the bankers were not attacking the Boston and Maine, but are merely watching out for their own. interests. He declared the bill meant special leg islation in favor of a definite class of securities which was a bad precedent, and thought the state should not un dertake to give the securities a cer tificate of character. DANBURY'S AUTO FIRE APPARATUS STIRS THE TOWN. Danbury, March 19. Danbury citi zens are today crowing, over the fact that the Danbury Fire Department is soon to boast of a brand new automo bile combination fire engine and hose wagon. The purchase of such an ap paratus Ih", the Pope-Hartford make was decided upon late last evening by the fire committee of the. Common Council. The contract will call lor an expenditure of about xivnoO ECZEFiA LURE J Pimples Disappear and Ccn plexion Cleared Over-Nigt.t Nttv Tork. Thousands are taking advantage of the gener ous offer made by The Wood worth Co., 1161 Broadway, New Tork City, requesting an exptr- ' Imental package of Lemola. the new skin discovery, which is mailed free of charge to all who write for it. It alone is suffi cient to clear the complexion over night and rid the face of pimples in a few hours. Those who have tried LEM OLA will find that the 50c box ore sale In Bridgeport at all drug stores is sufficient to cure the worst form of Ec zema where the parts affected are not too large. On the first application of Lemola the Itchj ing will stop. It has cured thou sands afflicted w'th Eczema. Teeters, Rashes. Itchings. Irri tations. Acme. Scalings and Crusting of skin, scalps of in fants, children and adults. It Is good for the preservation and purification of the skin, scalp, hair and hands, for the preven tion of the clogging of the pores the usual cause of pimples, blackheads, redness' and rough ness and also the treatment of burns, scalds, wounds, sores, chappings as well as tha toilette and nursery. It contains no grease and be ing flesh-colored the presence of Lemola on the face 61 hands is not perceptible. hAVtLtY.VYILIVlQl & KtlNuLbS Undertakers and Embalmers Xo. 168 State St., Bridgeport. Ct. All calls, day or nigbt. answer- ! ed from olTlee. George B. Haw-1 ey. Vine St.. near Park Ave-: Ed. 1 ward P. Wllmot. 865 Clinton Ave.; j P John P. Reynolds. 225 West Ave, j - John P. Gallagher TTnuertakars and Embalmers Margaret L. Gallagher The only graduate and licensed woman in the city 571 FAIRFIELD AVE. Tel. 1390 ROTJRKE & ROTJRKE Undertakers and Embalmers 1295 MAIN STREET. Tel. 1661 Calls Answered Day or Night AUGUST LIEBERUM : Undertaker and Embalmer - 67. 69, 71 STATE ST. All orders promptly attended to. Night calls answered from rei dence. 179 CSolden 1IHI St.i' oppo site Court House. Tel. call 9374. House telephone 855. Wm. Lieberum. & Son Embalmer and Undertaker Office and Residence S31 MAIN STREET Telephone Connection AUGUST G. BAKER Funeral Director and Embalmer Office. 1520 Seaview Ave. Telephone 1036-4 Calls Answered N-iglit or Day from Office H30 tf M. J. GANNON Funeral Director and Embalmer 1051 Broad St., Opp. Post Office Phone 1S39 . - -Residence. 1650 Park Aye. Lady Attendant ' ' 'Phone 1259 SPECIAL 10 DAYS SALE of ACHINISTS' TOOL CHESTS Ash, Oak, Cherry, Chestnut, Black Walnut. Get busy before they are all gone T. HAWLEY & CO. 549-555 WATER ST. si tf Special Low Colonist Fares To The West Via Poughkeepsie Bridge Route and the Erie Railroad For tickets and all information apply to Ticket Agent N.Y..N. II. Ac 11. il. R. FARES IN EFFECT February 28th to April 14th inclusive Bridgeport to Pacific Coast $48.95 O. W. Jordan, N. E. P. A.. 196 Wash ington St.. Boston. Mass. No matter what you want try the Farmer Want Col-umn FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED. Middle aged widow for housework. No objection to one child. Address Farmer Office. S 18 s p OSTRICH FEATHERS, 2 more young girls about 15 as learners. Stadler's, 1158 Miain St. S 17 sp MALE HELP WANTED WANTED. Sober, reliable men to qualify for automobile positions; 4 graduates placed in good paying jobs last week, pretty good for this early. This spring will be a hummer. Why hot be ready for one of those places. Classes days and evenings. New England Auto School, 615 State St., Bridgeport. 3 14- tf WANTED. Men who want positions driving or repairing automobiles, must first learn the business. Here is the place; finest equipped school; pupils now working on Thomas. Pope-Hartford, Auto car. Locomobile and Columbia; classes days and ev enings. Lots of spring jobs. Get busy. New England Auto School, 615 State St.. Bridgeport. B 28 tf WANTED Men to learn automobile driving and repuiring and qualify for early spring positions naylng J 18 to $30 weekly- Practical work tear ing down and rebuilding 1909 anc 1910 cars makes you successful More pupils or this school holding positions than any school in N"W England. Days and evenings. New England Auto School. 61a State St.. Bridgeport. HI 8 tf 1 MADE $50,000 In five years in the mail order business: began with Send for free booklet. Tell? how. Heacock, 765, Lockport, N. Y; R28 2 -8 4 5 6 tf DRAFTSMEN, mechanical architect ural or structural, are always in demand at good salaries; ten young men wanted to Join club to learn drawing, at home evenings; lnstru merits furnished. Address C. S. K.. Box 2 28. City. U25 tf WANTED--- Art experienced man to act as pay roll clerk in manufac turing business, one familiar with piece work. Address Pay Roll, care Farmer. S 16 tf LOST AND FOUND. LOST. Tellow and white Boston bull pup. Reward at 426 State St. -. S 1 tf ROOMS TO LET TO RENT. 8 nice rooms, $9, to small family. 92 Alice St. S 18 b p TO RENT Five room flat, steam heat. all improvements, 75 Linwood ave. Enquire on premises, upstairs. . ' . S U po TO RENT. An elegant apartment of ten rooms. 649 Clinton Ave. Enquire of Mrs. P. F. West. 647 Clinton Ave. B 14 5 TO RENT Light, airy store and ex cellent Dasement. 35 ' John street near Main. Apply. Superintendent. Public Library. I 14 a 8 FOR RENT One store "and rent, ' H2 Xt 1786 Main St, FOR RENT Several 6 -room flats, all improvements, jiz; desirable loca tion. L, Weiss, Room 24. 925 Main St. - - Til tf Hurlburt & Co., i09 1764 Main St.. 5 rooms . 14 116 Parallel St.. 6 rooms...... Sis 764 North Ave., 4 rooms...... $18 945 Capital Ave., 7 room cottage 918 2370 Park Av.. 5 rooms and barn SU 2370 Park Av., 4 rooms and barn SI '2 112 Pacific St.. 4 rooms SIO IN ALL PARTS OF CITY FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN AT LOWEST RATES Full Particulars ANCERSON & CO. 952 MAIN ST. The three story brick building, Nos. 486. and 488 Water Street. Contains about 6.00Q square d eet with elevator. . Good sidetrack facilities make tliis proper ty very desirable .for whole sale purposes. Possession immediately. Address A. IT. RydcrJ Rnt" Agent, N. Y.. N. H. & H. Ill R. Co.. New Ha ven, Onn. S15 d 2 4 6 HOTELS ADAMS HOUSE CETEPRTKll IMPORTED WTRTZ. BURGER BEER ON DRAUGHT 42 FAIR FIELD AVE. Opp. Poll's JEWELRY Repairing of all kinds Is a Specialty at PARKER'S THE JEWELER, O P. O. ARCADE STATE OF CONNECTICUT, DISTRICT OF BRIDGEPORT, 8S., PROBATE COURT. March 18, A. D. 1910. Estate of William A. Hopkinson. late of the Town of Bridgeport, in said District. deceased. The Administrator, having exhibited his account with said Estate to this Court for allowance, it is ORDERED That the 22nd day of March, A. D., .1910, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Probate Office in Bridgeport be, and the same, is as signed for a hearing on the allowance of said account, and this Court directs the Administrator to give notice there of, by publishing this order in some newspaper , having a circulation in said District at least three days' be fore said day of hearing, and return make to this Court. Attest ' EDWARD P. NOBBS, S 18 s . Judge. RENT REAL ESTATE BARGAINS We are offering for sale at a bargain three houses. For Further Particnlarn See BARTRAM & GREENE No. 4 FRANKLIN BLOCK MISCELLANEOUS SATURDAY SPECIALS. Seedless Raisins, oc; 3 lbs. Cal. Prunes, loc; Cal. Dried Peaches, 10c; canned Peas, Corn, Succotasn. String Beans, 8c; French Peas, 10c; Fancy Potatoes, 69c; Mixed Nuts, 9c. The Coe & White Co. . S 18 b ' PAPER HANGER. Paints and pa pers rooms f3.50. 1M10 samples. GeatorLS, &92 Broad. S 17 dp PAPER . HANGING 25c double roll Paintinj; done reasonable. . Gooti work guaranteed. F. Beck. 30 Third St.. S 14 a 5 " P JUNK and second hand articles. The only way to get best prices and onic-kc-st attention Is by mail or tele- puonlng Jacob Bros., the original junk dealers who cater to private families. we buy and sell turniture In good condition, carpets and an tiques; also rags, bottles, folded newspapers, magazines, metals and scrap iron. Office and shop 55 Kos suth St. Store 57 Kossuth St. A 12 tf GENTS'. LADIES AN1 i CHILDKKN'S clothing bought atd sold. Miss C Myers, 1447 Main street. TS 5 P WANTFD. Girls to know tnat you can hove your suits and cloaks made to order reasonable at 32 P. O. Ar cade. Tl !' WANTED. Girls to know that you can have you- suits and cloaks made to order reasonable at 32 P. O. Ar cade. H 6 MRS; HASTINGS' SPECIAL 2 A $4 Directore Corset i' To be had at Mrs. Hastings' stores onlyBridge port, Hartford, Waterbury and Springfield. L 12 tf SI. 00 CORSETS 59c. SI. 50 corsets 69c. -SI. 76 corsets 79c. Mrs. Hastings Corset Shop. 13 98 Main St.. foot of High St. L12 tf CORSETS to make thin people to look plump. Corsets to make stout peo ple look slender. Mrs Hastings Corset Shop. 1398 Main St., foot of High St. L12 tf TO RENT Typewriters, Underwood, . Remington, Smith. Oliver, etc., at Mullins Typewriter Exchange. 158 State. St. 320 tf PERSONAL MADAM CARLKN. great English clairvoyant and palmist, tells' all you wish to know. Can be consulted at 947 Broad St.. S 19 u p MRS. BLANCHE BARNARD, Clair . voyant and Trance Medium." gives readings daily; Sunday by appoint ment only. Six questions answered by mail. 25 cents aid sell addressed postpaid envelope. Address 19 Wal- ler Place, Bridgeport. Conn. T 14 tf CARD READER Advice on all af fairs, 9 5c Mrs. Levy. 674 Madison Ave.. 4th house above North Ave. . 06 tf BOWLING . ARCADE ALLEYS 'll First Class Alleys -A- P. DUDLEY. W. E. IIOLAH Proprietors ' 5B JOHN STREET CARPET CLEANING Bridgeport Steam Carpet Cleaning and Fluff Rug Works Has Removed to 3 Stratford Ave. O. W. WII.COX. Prop. J. R. FLORIDA, Mgr. ; Telephone 1328-3 S23 tf THE ' - NEW HOTtL ALBERT Eleventh St, & University Place ... NEW YORK CITY One BIpck West of Broadway The only x absolutely modern fire proof transient hotel below 2 2d street. Location central, yet quiet. 400 rooms, 200 wtth bath, from $1.00 per day upwards. Excellent Restaurant and Care i Attached. Moderate Prices Send 2c Stamp for Illustrated Guide' and Map of New York Cttv ' G10 a l 2 4 6 Ask voar Grocer For, Bradbury's Old FasKorid WHO WANTS A BARGAIN , in a hundred acre farm, 10 room house, barn, sheds, fruit trees, we: 6 cows, 2 horses. 4 calves, chickens, pigs. On the main road oetwein Sfatford and Shelton. 4 miles from Ftratford and 2 miles from Shelton. Price and terms to suit. JAMES FEELEY, 7 ARCADE Open Evenings. rhm. tinv rsiifiiilea nr- 1 1 rest in 3 ho js without A inconvenience, aflectionsllBirjT 1 in which Copaiba, i'"-V. J bebs and Ipjectionn Tall. , MILES' CREAM ALE THE FINEST MADE Bartholomay's Rochester Lager, Soda and Mineral Waters Bottled by- M. J. MALONEY 86 JONES AVENUE Free Deliver- Tel. 2072-3 MEN & WOrVtEliX I g CJsa Bin G for ana-taral J f diaoharges, inflammation-, il a r"PJf lrntaiona or u?crationH ot K vx. 4 mticoua membranes. Painless. I . Tnfli . I Guaranteed not to stricture. I X. 1 Prevents, contagion. I !ska 1 fold fry Iru. gtsta. iBisat or u plain wrappel. express V im.' 1 prepaid, on recf-ipt of S1.00, V or three bottles, (216. V Circular sent on request, mnmmmmm V Te Brans Chemical Oo.-f J- A S. CINCINNATI, O. S. ' FOR SALE FOR SALE. Three belt-driven Freight iilcvators having capacity of ,000 pounds, fci lift of S5 feet; size of car. Cx8. Everything comple'e. See William McLennan at plant of Bry- ant j.iccti-ic corriiiany. a xs a FOR. SALE. Two g-jod 28 hundred pounds ana one ux years R. F. D. No. 2. Telephone. S 15 r FOR SALE New ten room house in Boston vcnue, three minutes from Whiting Silver Co.'s new factory all improvements. including vacuum cleaner. J4.000. Terms reasonable. M. McNamara, 306 East Main street. Phone 934. A 13 tfo FORD RUNABOT'T for sale. 4 cylin der, 22 h. p.. first class condition. Address Ford, Farmer. S 7 g CAR OF Buffalo Fertilizer on track Reduced price from the oar. The Standard . Feed Co., 437 Housatonic Ave. Telephone 320. A 20 tf, FOR SALE Typewriters, all makes. rew and second hand. Mullins Typewriter Exchange. 159 State St. B20 tf FOR SALE 60 acre farm, large barn, several outbuildings, large, fine hen house, 9, room , house, 40 acres level, clear land can be worked with mod ern machinery and all in one piece, balance in pasture and woodland; all in good condition, near station and near trolley; home markets for all produce with top prices. Bargain if sold before April 1st. Address uw.Ni!.R, Box 216 Saybrook, Conn. S 16 a. 5 P i - it-fc WRITERS Mullins' Typewrit -uxenange, 15 state St. B20 tf OK JSALE Cottage house of s1x roorps. west part of the city. - Fln home for working man. Little men. y wii; ouy. 218 Meigs Bldff. 4 t t5 tf I BUT OLD HORSES to kill. Re- mow dead ones free of charge any wnere within 25 miles of Bridge port.- F. H. Daniels. 2867 Madison Kcaa. Tel. 1811-6. Lll 8' AUCTION SALE HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture, carpets and store fixtures. Bridgeport Auction & Commission Jo., 4 4 Union Square. Tel. 1688-2 Dl tf STEAMBOATS EridgeportLini FCR NEW YORK Fare 50 Cents I it 1 1 lailr i w iftr lEimnd f2VMffJf oriMKii BRIDGEPORT leaves Bridgeport, Naugatuck, wharf, daily except Saturdays at 12 night. Return Ing, leaves New York, Pier 27, E. R. daily except Sundays, at 11:00 a. m. L.,B. Nickerson, Aprent, Bridgeport. F. C. Coley, A. G. P. A New York. L1ERG HAfiT'S. LlflE Daily Except Sunday , I .eaves ew York, pier 19 East River. 3:00 p. m. Due at Bridgeport 7:30 p.m. Leave Bridgeport. Joy Line Dock, 2;00 a. in. Arrive New York 7:uo a. m. For further information and rates apply to W. II. PEASE, Agt, SWELL CAFES LAUGH AND THE WORLD LAUGHS with you. Weep and you weep .alone. Stop at the Eagles' Nest for . a smile. Corner East Washington Ave. ana ivortn Main st- J. J. Ra leigh, Prop. ' . BANKS iu- CITY NATIONAL BANK United States Depository Capital 9-50,000 Surplus and Profits 400,000 FRANK. MILLER, President CHARLES E. HOUGH, Cashier H. K. TERRILL, Asst. Cashier THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK, of Bridgeport, corner Main and wan streets, s. w. Baldwin. President: H. S. Shelton, Vice Pres ident; L. ' B. Powje, Cashier; T. C CummJng, AHslstant Cashier. CaD ital. $332,100; Surplus and Profits, $330,000. . FURNITURE FURNITURE. BEDDING. STOVES, housefurnishings. rash or on easy terms. Tour credit is good, ask for prices ana terms. The Sterling r-ur. niture Co.. 1287 Main St. Tel. 923-S B23 tf STORAGE OF FURNITURE Sepa rate rooms, securely locked, furnl ture and china packing. Furniture and Pianos removed, large vans. careful handling. Bridgeport Storage Warehouse Co.. 128 7 Main St.. Cor. Congress St. Tel. 923-2. , nacliman's Emmenagagone Mixture A splendid Female Regulator :n cases of suppressed menstruation, de- lavs due to colds. 111 health, or other unnatural causes. $1.75 for the whole outfit. THE WOMAN'S .DRUG STORE Wilma'M. Bachman, Prop. 129 STATE ST.. Bridgeport, Conn. I fOAL FIGURE How much did your koal tost j-ou last year ? " Buy it from us this year and then figure. The saving; wi!lsurprise you. Patrick JtfcGee, 1.69 East Washington Ave: MISCELLANEOUS . WANTS Edwin fcmith &. oo., dealers in guns, fish- im tackle ana si-orting goods. You can also get your kevs fitted locks re rial red. saws hied, lawn mowers sharpened. ir . un- r .j sJ i od horses- wein'it I a" kJ"d of light repairing dor f onfnearsie,'- Store. 95 Wall l itre. Edward Miro. i ... done at. STENCILS. We carry a full line ol stencils, letters and figures, alo make stencils to order. Burning iij-ands, rubber and steel 'stamps, ihe Schwerdtle Stamp Co., 41 Can no St. s lg d WANTED Housekeepers to try "In lusoria Cream." the finest and best silver poiieh known. Guaranteed harmless. Ask your dealer for it S26 1P D0r; AND WINDOW SCREENS made to order. Old screens repair-e- . a 1 klnds ot wood and finish. .stlmates furnished. Henry C. HofT rnan & Co.. 255 Water St. Rll ti PEOPLE SAT to go to the Bridgeport Household Supply Co-and trade with inem. It Is true because Mr.Bergei gives, you all accommodations. 134 "am St.. near Arch St. Pli 6Iy CASES Cigar combination silent salesman, store and of E?e tt,nsra- Cabinet work of all Kinds designed and made. Hoffman fehow Case Co., 256 Water St. . . R14 tf LADIES' ATTENTION Ladies wilt -void worry by using our remedy ror delayed period, and which la the only reliable monthly remedy for Thousands of testimonials we have from our patrons to prove Positively refuse all others, no matter whit they claim; trial sent !ree- Paris Chemical Co.. Milwau kee, Wis. T22 tf MONEY TO LOAN MEY FURNISHED "SALARIED business concerns and others without security. Cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 66 principal cities. D. H .Toiman. Rom 4 7. 46 Cannon St. 8 18 tf. CALL AT OUR OFFICE We will ad vance you money on your own note " you own property, no matter how much your property is mortgaged Bridgeport Realty Co.. Room 109-110. Warner Bldg. . L13 tf ''C-VKY ADVANCED TO CONDUCT. ORS. engineers, firemen, trainmen, clerks, letter carriers, mali clerks., school teachers, bookkeepers, cash -lers. mechanics i.nd others. Strictly confidential. Heffron Co.. Room 01 Meigs Bldg. G17 tf LAUNDRIES OPEN AIR .DRYING Family wash ing, ironing tak n by week. Park City Hand Laundry. 483 Newfleld Ave. Telephone 131C-5. . OT I'd SHOES NEW AND SECOND HAND Shoes for sale. Repairing neatly and prompt ly done at lowest prices. Nathan Hartman. 72 State St. Al tf BIRDS LOUTS COURTNEY dealer In Import ed canaries, foreign song and Aviary birds and talking parrots and paro quets. Birdseeds, foods, gravel., etc. Birds boarded and con'ditioned. 118 Wall St.. upstairs. Cpen evenings. R3 I DETECTIVE AGENCY ORIN50N'S LICKXSED" DETEC. TTVT T?ttt?katt Civil and rrlmina Investigations in any city or town. Rnnm M? Ca-nev Buil'Une 4S Tre mont St., Boston. Nathaniel G. "-'-tnstn. manager. T,on'-in Hayi 1200. H I I I H RAILROADS jMarrtor Aft rrf. FEBRUARY 21, 1910 , Trains Leave Bridgeport as. Follows: FOR NEW YORK "12:300. 4:4. 5:16, ,5:43. ,6:24, t7:17, ?7:48, f8:25. 8:61, :06, 10;00. tll:05 A. M. 12.28. 1:1SQ, 1:49. 2:27. 3:00. 4:13. 5:07, 5:27, 6:12, 6:29, 7:30. 8:11, 9:3. 9:68 P. M. SUNDAYS 1230Q. "4:45. 5:16, t8:25, 10:00 A. M. tl2:30, 2:22. 2:27. 4:13, 5:07, 5:27, t:45, 7:80. '8:11. :6, 9:52 P. M. j FOR WASHINGTON, . Via Harlem River 12:30 (dally) A. M. ; 1-:18 P. M. FOR NEW HAVBN 1Z:32. 1:41. 6:50, 7:56. 9:81, 9:25, 10.43. 11:3J A. M. 12:16. '12:30, 1:60, -:-, 3-29, '3:46, 4:5. 4:5, 6:3, -:su, 6-54. 7:10, 7:32, 9:41, tll:54 P. M. SUNDAYS 12:82, 1:41. 8:13. 9:43. 10:43. 11:38 A. M. :. -4:.s, 6:32. 6:54. 7:18, 7:32, 8:47, 10:0 P. M. FOR BOSTON, via New London and Providence 1:41. 6:60. 11:3- A M. 2:29. S:46. 4:25, 6:54 P. M. SUNDAYS 1:41, 11:18 A M. -2:20. 4:2S. 6:54 P. M. FOR BOSTON, via Hartford and Wllllmantlc 9:21 A. M. $:9 P. M. FOR WINSTED and Intermediate Stations 5:00, 7:00, 9:35 tll:40 A.M. a- 2:35. 5:'B1, 7:40 P. M. SUNDAYS" --8:3ft A. M. 6:45 P. M. FOR WATERBURY. ANSONIA. r DERBY and Intermediate Station 5-00, 7:00, b:ou, :ab, i:e.u a. ra. - 2:35. t5:54, 7:40 P. M. SUNDAYS 8:30. 10:60. A. M. 6:45. 8:50 P. M. ) FOR GT. BAHKINGTO5, LliVOX PITTS FIELD, ETC. 7:30. 9:50 A. M 4:33 p. M.--SUNDAYS 8:30 A. M. FOR DANBURY. NEW MILFORP PTC via Brookfield Junction 7:0' 9:50 A. :o-. :o9 xr. xr. DAYS 8:30 A. M. (to new saurorcij; FOR LITCHFIELD. ETC. :5C A. M 4;33 p. M. SUJlUAJS 8:30 A m! . . I Express trains. tuociu r-iic. Q To Harlem River Station. FURNITURE MOVING AFJD TRUCKING 1379 STATE STREET Phone 652 Fred J." Elander, Prep.