Newspaper Page Text
f- 10 THE FARMER: APRIL 9, 1910 FINANCIAL CATHOLIC CHURCHES THE I FIRST-BRIDGEPORT NATIONAL y HARLES 3. SANFORD, Pre". YjF. X. BESHAM. Vice President JJr O. ' H. BROTHWELL. Cashier i.juiuai Confidence t ! It is the constant pur pose of the management of this bank to come in to close personal contact with its patrons 'and es tablish mutual confi dence between its offi cers and its customers. Every facility is extended consistent with omr conservative policy and every courtesy Is ae-; corded to those who patronize this bank. - t v7 Jt CAPITAL AND SUR- J . PLUS $1,100,000 NOT ICE iMSOndnctliie bnstness at the same old 'iocaxton corner ox jxusui iwiu yuuu streets, Bridgeport, Conn., and .our tTiTt Bank has been established there continuously- We have received nd paid ont on demand without no tice millions oC dollars ol money de iDoalted with us and we continue to ,recfve money subject to depositor's ictoeclE at sight, on which we allow tiburee per cent, per annum, credited to narti account monthly. We solicit the (eoonnta of Individuals, business . mm rfcii . wftrtW and nil vrho went a bank account where they , . JI . . cian 'aepoaiu ranacf, cucvu w Bud leave it for one day. one week,one mnnth nr one vear. and draw Interest inn tt for any time It is left with us. lwe give to the Business our careiui personal attention as the oldest firm f private bankers in this state. v ; : T. L. WATSON & CO. DIUBSEPOm Sayings Bank Cor. Main and State Sts. Incorporated 1842 , Deposits received from $1.00 upwards 4 interest paid on " 'v- deposits Loans . made on Real Estate Str6ng, Conservative, Safe n YOU HAD BETTER BE WISE Misfortune is very much like the owl. She Aits about noise lessly during the night seeking what she may devour. Her presence is not suspected until with one fell swoop she is upon you. But ninety-nine per cent, of tier wounds may be healed by a bank account. MONET MAY NOT BRING HAPPINESS, but a savings .bank account pre vents a lot of unfaappiness. CITY SAWS BANK If O .i. .EV.Ci.Ci A j- ssm , JAMES STAPLES & CO. Bankers and Brokers 189 State Street Bridgeport, Conn. FTRK INSURANCE SURETY BONDS REAL ESTATE Bought and sold on Commission Loana made on Approved ' Cty Real Estate SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS We re ceive deposits subject to check and al low interest on balances of $500 and over. We will act as Trustees and Administrators of Estates. PL. HOLZER V. T. STAPLES ROPE' TMs Summer? If you are why not ask us about your tickets, staterooms, etc., and liave them reserved for you In ad vance. Sailing lists of all lines al ways on hand. We also Issue Travel ers' letters of Credit, Money Orders, Steamship Drafts, etc. S. Loewith & Co. ' AGENTS ' iTcL CD ; 116 BAITS ST. $3.98 For A Blue Serge Suit For Your Boy Isn't that a real bargain when you come to con sider the splendid wearing qualities of good serge? It makes just the suit you want for that lively youngster of yours, a rare combination of careful designing, correct style, good fabrics and thorough tailoring. Of course we might say the same thing about any suit but 'these suits tell their own story to any father or mother who will take a few moments to examine them. Other very attractive lines at $3.50, $3.98, $5, $6 and $7. Including handsome Scotch effects, mixtures, etc., all the new ideas of the best New York de signers. . rAn exceptional line at $2.98, $3.50 and $3.98 with two pairs of trousers to the suit. ' 3 " " i. .a1 B-m- "-Heiff- n rrr "" "t'-t M i a FOR SATURDAY, APRIL 9TH Medium Lave Lobsters FRESH PICKED CRAB MEAT BROOK TROUT WESTPORT SMELT FROGS' LEGS DELAWARE SHAD, ETC. HAYES FISH COMPANY 629 WATER STREET . Telephoned' THE MARKET OF QUALITY LOWE'S LAUNDRY lOOO SEA VIEW AVE. WET WASH. ROUGH DET AND MANGLE WORK. THOMAS L. LOWE FNf, fannerly at Wells A Lowe Phone 15.4. Delivery Free Pocket Size Loose Leaf Ring Books 20 Sizes 5 rulings in each size BLACK MORROCO RED RUSSIA Sure to find something to suit at Connecticut Office & Library Supply House 5 FAIRFIELD AVE., COR. WATER ST. Vo Do Al! Kinds of Laundry Work - Let your collars and shirts come along with the regular family wash. New machinery equipment just installed assures the perfect laun dering of fine work and VO U ALREADY KNOW our reputation for wet washing and mangle work. Our new "U" shaped cuff ironing machine is the only one between Philadelphia and Boston it saves your cuifs. ri7 METHOD LAUNDRY, SHALLUE & KEYS Cor. George and Center Streets Phone 1387 JOHN F. FAY, High class Furniture, Draperies and Novelties, re-upholstering and refinishing furniture, Shades and Curtains in great variety. . AH kinds or hearting maae to oraer kind in New England. To VVAiI-IIIMCSTOIM And the SOUTHLAND TWO LUXURIOUS TRAINS FEDERAL EXPRESS COLONIAL EXPRESS Through service. You pass through New York without changing cars. To ladies traveling alone this is a great advantage. These trains are splendidly equipped vesti buled buffet parlor cars and dining car in either direction. FEDERAL EXPRESS f Daily, Sundays Included Through sleeping cars between Boston and Philadelphia and Wash, lngton. Due Washington at 0:45 a. m. Prompt connection for all South ern Winter .Resorts. Excursion Tickets For Information write A. B. Smith, the General Passenger Agent. New Haven, Conn. NEW YORK.NEW HAVEN & HARTFORD RAILROAD WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT A WORD WJ4llWM.tlMal.'ilt.ll. ,111111.1 n T 17 tf 239 FAIRFIELD AVE. 9 a uoors Above Broad St and made over. The only store of Its Telenhone 7SS-S COLONIAL EXPRESS Daily Except Sundays Duo Washington 9:44 p. m. Dining car between Boston and South Nor walk. Through sleeping car connec tion at Washington for principal Win ter Resorts. Now On Sale. J) RELIGIOUS SERVICES Christ Episcopal Church, Courtland street, Rev. E. J. Craft, rector. Holy communion, & a. m. ; morning prayer, 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 12:15 p, m.; evening prayer, 7:30. St. George's Episcopal Church, t.oioraao ana Maplewood Aves. Com munion at 8 a. m. Morning service with Communion at 10:30. Sunday sscnooi at 12. Evening prayer and sermon at t p. m. First Consrecrationnl Chniwh. dnr. Broad and Bank streets. Rev. John jje-eu, pastor, service with sermon iu:su a. m. Song service. 4:30 p. m, Organ recital 4:15. Sunday School and Bible Class at noon. Wednesday evening prayer meeting in the chapel at y:46 o'clock. First Presbyterian Church, State street, corner Myrtle avenue, Rev. John MacLaren Richardson, Pastor. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: Morning, "Children and the Christ." Second in a. series on the Home. Evening, "Winning Out." Sunday School at 12:10. Or gan recital by Mr. Joyce, beginning at :io p. m. The People's Church. Laurel and Park avenues, Rev. II. A. Davenport, Minister, uivine worship iu:30 a. m, Theme. "Jesus and Seventy Others." Solo by 'Mr. Strout. Sunday School 12 m. Christian Endeavor meetings with reports, 3:30 and 6:30. Even ing service 7:30. Chorus. Theme, "Where to Find Him?" All are wel coined. In the First Methodist Episcopal Church, airfield Ave. and Broad St, Miss Minerva Guthaphel, a returned missionary from Korea, will speak at 1030. The Sunday School will meet at- 12 o clock. The Ep worth League service at 6:30 will be conducted by Miss Edith Youngs. At 7:30, Rev. Chas. W. Simpson, Supt. of the. City Christian Union, will speak. Olivet Congregational Church, North Ave. and Alain St.. Rev. Mor gan Millar, Minister. Morning ser vice at 10:30v Inspiration Jfoints. Evening service at .7:30. Rev. P. E. Mathias of King's Highway Church will preach at the evening service, Mid-week meeting, Wednesday even ing at 7:45. Subject, "What Are We Making of God's Promises?" Washington Park Methodist Epis copal Church. ' corner of Noble and Barnnm avenues. Charles Elmore Barto, D.D., Pastor. Morning service at 10:30 with sermon, by the pastor. subject, "The Link That Holds." Sun day school. H.'Almon Chaffee, super. intendent, at 12:10. Epworth League service at 6:30 led by Mrs. S. A. War burton. The pastor will preach at 7:30 on "Sowing and Reaping. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 871 Lafayette St. Service at 11 a. m. Subject, "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" Sunday School, 12:15. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room open every day except Sunday from 10 to 1, and Irom 3 to 5. Also .Friday evening. All are welcome to both the services, and to the privileges of the reading room. - King's Highway Congregational Church, Spring St., near Noble Ave., Rev. P. E. Matthias. Pastor. Services, preaching, 10:45; Sunday School, 12:15; Christian- Endeavor, 6; 30; preaching, 7:30. Morning subject, "Judged by Our Words." In the evening Rev. Morgan Millar will preach in exchange with the pastor. During the morning service there will be an address to boys and girls. West End Congregational Church, Colorado avenue, between Fairfield avenue and State street, W. Irving Maurer, Minister. Subject of sermon tomorrow at 10:30, Thirsting i'or Righteousness." Sunday school at 12:10. Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30 p. m. Subject, God is Here." Leader, Miss Vida Bradley. Evening service at 7:30, subject, "City Forces The Theater." The evening service will be enriched by a program of or chestra music under the leadership of Mr. G. .B Houston. Park Street Congregational church, corner Barnnm avenue and Park street, Gerald II. Beard, Minister. Morning worship at 10:30. Sermon by the minister. Subject: "The Sec ret Struggles of Life." Sunday School at 12 noon. Men's Seminar subject: "The Redemption of Africa. Xoung People's Alliance at 6:15. Topic: "fird is- TTAre " Leader. Miss Wini fred Beach. Evening service in charge of the Men s League. A Dud ley Buck musical service, with ad dress by Irof essor Henry Hallam Tweedy. Subject: "Leaning on Our Necessities. Connecticut Becomes Own Holding Company Hartford, ' April 9. Through notice sent out pier the signature of Presi dent Calvert Townley, of the Con necticut company it is announced that the company, which for the past two years has been the operating com pany in charge of the trolley prop erties of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, has now be come the holding company, and has taken over the properties under its own holding. This move, it is understood, is in line with the general policy of the company In segregating its several properties more completely than here tofore. This policy was applied to the Massachusetts holdings some time ago. TWO MEN DROWN; CANOE UPSETS Greenwich, April 9. James Mc- Cabe, of South Norwalk, a -foreman for the New YorE Telephone Com pany, and Harry Powell, of Hoboken, another employe of the company, were drowned at noon yesterday in Rockland Lake, at Stanwich, near the estate of E. C. Converse. The men were crossing the lake in a' canoe and had reached the deepest part of the pond wnen tne canoe up set. The accident was seen by an other telephone man, R. L. - Gordon Torrans, who said . that the men started to swim to the shore, more than an eighth of a mile away. Mc- Cabe soon became exhausted, and Powell went back to rescue him. After several minutes . Powell was obliged to give up the struggle to save his exhausted companion, who went down. - He swam some distance nearer the shore and went down also. Torrons toolr off his shoes and outer clothing and swam out, but just before he reached Powell the man disappeared. te naa aimcuny getting back, as his limbs were chill ed through. The accident occurred 3ust otr tne George W. Darr place. Divers have been sent for and will go to wore to day in an effort to recover the bodies. ENGINE CO. WILL GO TO NEWARK The Pacific Engine Company at a meeting last night voted to accept the invitation of the Thomas F. Jones As sociation of Newark, to be their guests June 2 and 30. The Wheeler & Wil son band will accompany the party. The steamer Commodore has been en gaged to transport the company. GREEK LETTER ANNUAL Alpha "Chapter, Lamba Iota Nu Sor ority, B. ' .IT. S.. held their annual ban quet at 'the Stratfield lost evening. Miss Mildred Vajistone was toastmis tress. Mrs. . Louie Ginand chaper oned. ... . . , 1- MASSES, VESPER SERVICES, AND HOURS OF HOLIDAY MASSES Following are the hours of devo tion in the Roman Catholic churches throughout the city: St. Augustine's Church, Washington avenue and I'equonnock street, Charles J. McElroy, P. R., pastor. Masses on Sunday. 7:00. 8:30, 9:30, 10:30. Vespers, 4:00. Daily mass, 700. 8:20. Masses on Holvdays. b:i" 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. Confessions Satur day afternoons and evenings, and tha eves of holydays. St. Man's ninreh. Pembroke and Steuben streets. Rev. John F. Murphy, pastor. Masses on Sunday, 7: 3U, :u", 9:30 Children's mats). 10:30. Ves pers, 3:30. Daily mass, 7:30. Masses on Holydays, 5:30, 7:30, 9:00. con fessions Saturday afternoons and evening and the eves of holydays. Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 718 Mvrtle avenue. Rev. T. R. Sweeney, pastor. Masses on Sundayi 7:30, 9:00, 9:30 (children's mass,) 10:30. Vesners. 3:00 except dur ing Advent and Lent, when the hour is 7:30: dailv mass. 7:00. First Fridays, 5:30 and 7:00. Holy Hour Tuesdav evenings. 7:30 to 8:30 Confessions every Saturday, :0Q. to 6:00. 7:00 to 10:00. St. Joseph's German Church, 43 Madison avenue, Rev. UnDert uanme, pastor. Masses on Sunday, 8:30,10:30. Sunday schol. 9:15. Vespers, 4:00. Daily mass, 8:15. Masses on Holy days, 6:00, 9:00. .Confessions every Saturday afternoon and evening, evea of holydays. First Friday mass, 8: an, St. Patrick's Church, 851 North avenue. Rev. James B. NIhill. pastor. Masses on Sunday, 7:00, 8:30, 10:30. vespers.- 4:00. Daily mass, 7:3U Masses on Holydays, 5 : 3 0, 7:30. Daily mass, St. Vincent s hospital cnapei 6:00. Sunday mass, jail chapel, 7:00 Confessions every Saturday afternoon and evening. St. Anthony's French Church, 96 Colorado avenue, Rev. J. L. Desanl niers, pastor. Masses on Sunday, 8:45, 10:45. , Daily mass, 8:00. Holydays, :46, 10:45. Confessions every Satur day afternoon and evening. St. Charles Church, 1297 East Main street, Rev. William H. Lynch, pastor. Masses on Sunday, 7:30, 8:30, -9:30, 10:30. Mass Lakeview home chapel. 7:00.. Vespers. 3:00. Daily mass. 7:30. Holyday masses, 5:30, 6:15, 7:30, 8:00. Confessions daily before parish mass, and Saturday afternoon ana evening. St. Peter's Church. 521 Howard avenue, Rev. Thomas J. Kelley, pas tor. Masses Sunday, 8:30, 10:30. Ves pers, 4:00. Daily mass. 8:00. Holy- aay masses, 6:30, 8:00. Confessions every Saturday afternoon and 1 even Ing. Holy Rosary Church. Italian. 385 East Washington avenue, Rev. Angelo ue Toro, pastor. Masses on Sunday, 7:00, 8:00. 9:00. 10:30. Vespers. 7:00. Sunday school 9:30 and 2:30. Daily masses, 7:00. 8:00. Holydays. mass es, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. Confessions ev ery evening, 7:00 to 9:00. St. Stephen's Hungarian Church. Spruce street, near Bostwick avenue. Rev. John Madar, pastor. Masses on Sunday, v:uo, 11:00 Vespers, 7:00. Daily mass, 8:00. Holyday masses, 9:00. Confessions. Saturday afternoon and evening. Church of St. John of Nepomnck, Slavish, 320 Brooks street. Rev. De- sidirius Major, pastor.' Masses on Sun day, 8:30, 10:30. Vespers, 7:00. Daily mass, 8:00. Confessions every Satur day afternoon and evening. St. Cyril and Methodius. Slovak. Crescent avenue and Church street, Rev. Matthew Jankola, pastor. Mass es on Sunday, 9:00. 10:00. Vespers, 3:00. Daily mass, 8:00. Confessions every Saturday afternoon and even ing. , St. Michael, the Archangel, Polish. 310 Sterling street, Rev. Felix Baran, pastor. Masses on Sunday, 8:30, 10:30. Vespers, 3:00. Daily mass, 7:30. Confessions every Saturday afternoon and evening. POINTS OF INTEREST. Low Shoes. Not only the dull finish Burroiaps leather in tine "Korrect Shape" shoes for men is guaranteed, but the patent leather also has a positive guarantee. A new pair will be given for the old shoes if the upper breafee-through be fore the first sole is worn through. JNew styles m these iiurt $s Packara low shoes for men have been received daily at Mollan's, 10i.6 Main street. and the different cuts aad designs are calculated to suit all tastes. For style, durability and comfort, "Kor rect Shape" low shoes cannot be out done. " , Of Interest to Women. We are fast approaching the warm weather and there is nothing that appeels to the housekeeper in the hot months of summer like a good gas range to lighten the burden of house work. The economy in the use of a gas range has been proven beyond dispute. The new cabinet and ele vated ranges are receiving approval from the many users. A large line of all the modern ideals and styles are on display at the new show rooms of the Bridgeport Gas Fixture Co., 869 Main street. April Weather predictions are generally rainy, which means coughs, colds and general run- aown conditions. Our Blood Tonic, a valuable tonic and restorative, makes new blood, puts new life into your veins; try it once, you'll not regret it. Stop in a minute and let us show you our large line of rubber goods, ab dominal belts, trusses, crutches, braces and other surgical appliances. 'We can show you rubber goods that won't leak for years at very low prices, be cause we are direct factory buyers. We follow the same high standard in buying our drugs and drug-store gciods. hence the value you find here. Every customer receives the individual attention of a competent clerk. . The Woman's Rrug Store, 129 State street. Tel. 288-4. Lady always In attend ance. . MR. HDfKS ENTERTAINS William T. HIncksi. president of the Brooklawn Club, entertained the past presidents and the board of gover nors of the club last night at the club house. Covers were laid for 25. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O AST O R I A OVER 20,000 WATCHES have- gone through our Repair De partment since we have kept a careful record of the work done and we are glad that the present year shows an improvement. It must be because our work is satisfactory. Let us es timate on your repairs or a new watch. Our work is guaranteed. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS MONTH WATCH CLEANING MAIN SPRING....... .75c :.75c M. J. Buechler The Reliable Jeweler and Optician IS FAIRFIELD AVE.,Near Middle St. WANT ADS, CENT A .WORD siBi ALCOHOL, 3 PKR n AV&getable Iteparat ionfcrAs- Simi'larlKWhpFhnrf-inrfDnriMf., tJ ting the StomacbsancLBowdsof Promotes DigesttonJCJiecriid- ness and RestContalns neither Opium-Morphine norMoeraL' WOT ARC OTIC. Modftlle Salts tniseSetd Jii CarionakSa mm Seed -Clarified Sugar . A perfect Remedy for Consfina- Hon , Sour Stomach,Dtantioei! Worms ,ConvElsi(5ns.fCTEris& ness andLoss OF SLEEP. Pac Simile Signature of NEW YOBK. Exact Copy of Wrapper, mm Where To Buy Aut omoiiiles INTERSTATE MITCHELL REO RENAULT SPRAGUE'S 200 FAIRFIELD AV. Open Until 12 A. yniorj hotel Private Dining Room. FlrM PACKARD Ei g w W ? Dealer In all kinds of Live Stock and Intera fl tl I-1 I 3 national Endlosa Apron Manure) SpxcaMtaa Phone 54-9 TRIMMED WE OFFER FOR YOUR SELECTION A VERY CHOICE ASSORT-. MEN! OF ALL THE LEADING STYLES. . , W. E. Halligan, DR. CHARLES - cncrriT.TET TV VMN HlltTATi AND Cosmopolitan Pharmacy, KEITH'S The Varsity Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY FAIRFIELD AVE., COR. PARK AVE. STRATFORD I N N tei,ep:hon:e STRATFORD. CT. Boston Post Road, west side of Washington Bridge. Vlew:.--. - 140T-a Special arrangements tor Automobile Parties. Special Order Cooking at all times. Garni- in Sr-ason. Steaks, Chickens. Chons and Oysters. On light power presses, tapping machines and light, clean bench work. Steady work at good pay j and rapid advancement guaranteed to steady, will- j ing workers. I THE BRYANT ELECTRIC CO. TfflMWit:.. U5 tf j GERMAN RESTAURANT AND DELICATESSEN BOCKWCRST, BOCK BEER, IMPORTED SALVATOR BEER NOW IN SEASON BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH DAILY GUSTAV BROCH & SON, 870 MAIN STREET mm For Infants and Children. The Kind You Itavr Always Bough! Bears the Signature of n Use For Over Thirty Years OEMTAUa MMMUT, HCW VOKK CrTT. HOUSEKEEPERS and Workin jjmca We desire to aall yonx- Attention to Uta tmUOr approaching Spring aeaaoa when everyone I j desires a little extra money. Spring- demazuU, I as yon know, are frequent and nrgant, and it re- I i q tures a little capital to satisfy the extra needs. We will loan you. money in soma of g! anS on wards and the small charge we make Cor the ac commodation is nothing eoemjared wfUa to peace ana contentment of mind it win grre yon. I Write or call today-statisgtaeenm of money you ! desire and our confidential maw wM call at omoe. i f AMERICAN LOAN ASSTM, ! 29 F airfield Ave, f Over Evening Fanner. TeleplsoaM 2M& ; I j BRIDGEPOBT, COMM. THE MITCHELL AGENCY Harrison Court BLUE RIBBON GARAGE 283 Fairfield Avenue 1 TH BRIDGEPORT VEHICLE CO. Fairfield and Holland Aves. RESTAURANT AND OYSTER PARLOR M. a 'la Carte. Mrs. D. Spragne. Prop. WATER STREET, OPP. DETOI EUROPEAN PLATf ROOMS SO CENTS AND TTF ClMa Oafs. EDW. FARRELL. Proa, "nmtiSy.l BTRATFORD. CONJf. HS9 MILLINERY 989 BROAD STREET 81 l P. CIPOLLA SKIN DISEASES. OFFICE AT 882 street- Oornor 8tcub61 Phone 1447-2 Day or Night HBtt ON THE BOSTON POST ROAD . Private Dining Soomi BTEAKS. CHOPS, LOBSTERS, Ehv ! Officially Appointed A. C A. Hotel Electric Liglited. Steam Heated ThronehonT WANT