Newspaper Page Text
CENT A WORD WEATHER FORECAST ror warns, to Kent, For sale, Kc, rm et the BKST AND MOST REC TURNS from TDK "FARMER." Eair tonight; unsettled to morrow. VOL. 46. NO. 158 BRIDGEPORT, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1910 PRICE ONE CENT FIGHT PICTURE TO BE BARRED IN MANY CITIES GOOD IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO; NOT IN BOSTON FOUNDRYMEN OF SINGER MFG. C CELEBRATE SUSPENSION OF FOUNDRY Sentiment In Southern Mu nicipalities Is that Fight Scenes May Provoke Race Riots Stlayor Buckingham Will Deal With Problem When It Is Properly Present ed to Him "A Grloved'Fist Makes Poor Showing Beside a Machine Oun," Says Mayor, In Philosophic Discussion of Prize Fight As Method of Combat. ' . WHERE THE FIGHT PICTURES1 WILL NOT BE SHOWN. . Washington, D. C. Johannesburg, South Africa. . Cincinnati, O. Atlanta, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Boston. Mass. Louisville, Ky. ..'"'.' Lincoln, Neb. . lnw. f Entire State. I MAY BE, BARRED. Columbus, O. ' Taunton, Mass. , Springfield, 3Iass. Detroit, Mich. Denver, CoL St. Louis. WHERE PICTURES WILL BE EXHIBITED. New York, N. X. Philadelphia, New Orleans, La. Chicago, Ills. Middletown, Conn. Erie, Pa. Albany, X. Y. Pittsburg:, Pa. (Special from United Press.) Boston, July 6. Denouncing1 prize fighting . as brutalizing and the exhi bition of pictures of the Reno fight as no less so, Mayor iritzgeraia 01 Boston, today announced that Boston would see nothing of the Jeffries-Johnson battle. The mayor's announce- znent followed the inception of a gen eral crusade against the fight pictures which had been begun by Secretary "William Shaw of the Christian Endea vor Society. "Prize flgnting in itself," said Mayor Fitzgerald in explaining his position, "is brutalizing -and for this reason is inrntilW'toil n ahmit kvpitt at a ft in tnet , Union. "In a few months no state in the union will permit a prize fight. Bos ton oueht to take the lead in banish- .. lng pictures of this sort. Consequent ly I do not think that the pictures of the fight will be given in Boston." Mr. Shaw has sent out appeals to "President "Taft, Colonel Roosevelt, Governor Hughes of New York and Mayor Gaynor of New York City, urg- - ing their Influence against the mov ing picture campaign. Today he will continue the battle and will send out to mayors and governors all over the"' United States, the following tele gram: "Race riots and murders already fol low the announcement of Johnson's "victory. Moving pictures of the prize fight will create more violence. Will you Join in appeal to authorities, cit ies and towns, to prohibit pictures as law provides?- Help save our young people from these demoralizing shows. Wire answer. (Signed William Shaw, General Secretary, United Society of New York, July 6. Led by the Uni ted Societies of Christian Endeavor with four million members,' and the International Association of Police Chiefs, a movement is on foot to pre vent the exhibition,, of the pictures of the Jeffries-Johnson fight that prom ises to be international in its scope. The Christian Endeavor Society, through its Boston authorities, . has t wired a lengthy petition to the gover nor of every state in the union asking . that pictures be barred on the grounds that they reproduce an illegal act and that the moving pictures of the fight will be Just as Illegal as the actual fight itself. Secretary William Shaw declared to day that he had also wired Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and President Taft to use their Influence to prevent the pictures from being exhibited. The American Vitagraph Company, which owns the films of the fight, is believed to have expended a quarter of a million dollars in purchasing the exclusive rights and in taking the pic tures. Jeffries was paid $66,666 while Johnson got $50,000. Rickard and Gleason got a "cut" and still own one sixth of the rights. In addition, the moving picture concern spent a small fortune perfecting machines for mak ing Improved pictures, sending a score other incidental expenses. The pic ture people expected to take in $1, 000,000 during the first month the film were on exhibition. This sum is sure to be reduced materially if the agitation against the production of the pictures continues to spread. It is feared that the sight of a ne gro knocking out a white man would lead to more of the race feeling that resulted in Monday night's rioting. Among the larger cities that have put uic.9Lo.uxi oi uisappruvai uii me pii;- '-. tures are Washington, the national capital, Cincinnati, St. Louis,. and At lanta. At the last meeting of the Inter national Association of Police Chiefs there was passed a resolution intro duced by William A. Pinkerton, of Chicago, urging the police to stop all the moving picture shows that exhibit films casting ridicule upon the police or showing pictures of criminal acts, thus tending to Increase crime. Moving pictures of prize fights are placed in this category. Mayor Gay nor of New York today declared he would take no action looking toward barring the pictures. "New York," he said, 'has not the large negro population of other cities and I am sure that there will be no race feeling engendered here by the pictures." But what Mayor Gaynor refuses to do Mayor Schwab of Cincinnati has already done. "I cannot share the be lief of those who believe such an ex hibition has any good effect like in creasing interest in physical culture. It would not be consistent to bar the Actual Aght and then allow the pic BRIDGEPORT REFUSED TO BUY WATER FOB THIS FOUNTAIN WHICH' BARNUM THEN GAVE TO BETHEL, HIS BOYHOOD HOME There Is in Bethel, the boyhood home of Barnum, a beautiful fountain, which the great showman once of fered to Bridgeport, ori the under standing that it should be erected at tures shown." It was in Cincinnati that the troops wcro onlleri emt to nrevent the Jeff- ries-Ruelli-n fieht several vears aeo. Mayor Maddox, of Atlanta, Ga., af ter a conference with Carlos Mason, chairman of the police board, has re fused to allow the pictures there. "We had a small riot here Monday night and had not the reserves arrived quickly the -riot would have assumed serious proportions. I have refused aboslutely to allow any pictures shown of the fight," said Mayor Maddox. Chairman Reynolds of the police board of St. Louis announced today that he would call a special meeting of the board for tonight and prevent the exhibition of the pictures in that city. - In many southern cities the agita tion against the fight pictures is In creasing due to the fact that a negro was the victor. Mayor Reyburn of Philadelphia de clines to stop the fight pictures. "I do not anticipate a riot,' he said. "We simply spit on our hands and hold back." Baltimore is almost sure to bar the pictures. -The police board commis sioners has asked Mayor Mahool to take action and the chief executive replied that such a request from the commissioners would meet with his hearty approval. The crusade has extended abroad for in Johannesburg, South Africa, the vitagraph halls, themselves have prohibited the pictures. The latest race feeling in South Africa, it is feared, would burst into flame, if the pictures were ever shown in that country. Washington, ' July 6. The commis sioners of the District of Columbia today Issued an order prohibiting the exhibition of moving pictures of the Jeff-Johnson fight within the boun daries of the district. The action was taken upon recommendation of Chief of Police Sylvester. The fear of a repetition of Monday night's race riots was the chief incentive of the commis sioners. Pittsburg, July 6. Jeffries-Johnson fight pictures will be exhibited at the local moving picture shows here unless it is found they incite riot and also encourage crime, according to Direc tor of Public Safety Morin and Chief of Police McQuaid here today. WEEKS WILL NOT ACT. Middletown, Conn., July . Be cause the fight returns -were bulle tined all over Connecticut without any serious race riots on Monday, it is not believed today " that Governor Frank B. Weeks will take any action toward prohibiting showing the fight pictures in the state. "I have not given the matter the slightest thought," , he said ' today when interviewed as he was coming from -a meeting of the trustees of the Connecticut Hospital for, the Insane. "If necessary I will make a 'State ment later." " . NO FIGHT FOR TAUNTON. Taunton,' Mass.,' 'July 6. Mayor William S. Woods said today that he certainly would oppose the exhibition of the fight pictures in Taunton pro vided that it appeared to him -to be the wishes of the citizens. He be lieved that the race issue, already aroused would be intensified by such an exhibition and, even laying this part of the matter aside, he did not believe that the pictures could have other than a bad effect upon the minds of young people and as such were not desirable as an exhibition. NO POWER IN GOVERNOR. Denver, July 6. Following the ac tion of several eastern cities in bar ring exhibitions of the Jeffries-Johnson motion pictures, a movement was started in Denver today to petition Governor Shaffroth and the mayors of every city in Colorado to follow suit. It is doubtful, however, wheth er the governor has power to act. NOT BARRED IN CHICAGO. Chicago, July 6. Although protest has been made to the city officials against the Jeffries-Johnson fight pic tures, there is little likelihood of their being barred from Chicago. Mayor Busse and Chief of Police Steward today said they could see no reason for discriminating against the Jeff Johnson pictures. LINCOLN OPPOSED. Lincoln, Neb., July 6. "The Johnson-Jeffries fisht pictures will not be exhibited in Lincoln." declared Chief of Police Malone today FORBIDDEN IN ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, July 6. Action will be (Continued on Paga 2. J - n - - n lrriimiir 1 1 TV -"'inm r i- - r i" Iranistan and Waldemere avenues, and that the city should supply it with water. An effort was made to in duce the water monopoly to supply water for the fountain free of charge. FULLER WEPT WHEN NEWS OF OFFICE GAME Attorney George P. Faxley Tells Interesting Anecdote r of Late Chief. J ustice Interesting"" Meeting Be tween Young Lawyer and Famous Jurist in Thomp son's Restaurant. In speaking of the death of Chief Justice Fuller, Attorney George P. Farley of this city said, "I was per sonally acquainted' with Chief Jus tice Fuller for a number of years and my remembrances of him are pleasant. I first had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Fuller during the early part of 1888. At that time as a member of a Lawyers Club in Chicago I was ap pointed as one of a committee to in vite leading members of the Cook County bar to be present and address the meeting, which was held about once in three months. As a member of the committee I sought arid se cured Mr. Fuller as speaker for one of our regular meetings in the early part of April. 'His fame as an orator was well "known to the older as well as the younger members of the Bar, " and when the night of meeting came every seat in our Club room was occupied. Mr. Fuller's subject was "This Repub lic is Opportunity" and for over an hour he kept his audience spell bound with his brilliant and graceful diction. Some days afterwards I happened to meet Mr. Fuller in Thompson's restaurant across the street' from his office. - I had finished my meal and was passing out and in doing so I went by the table at which Mr. Fuller was seated. I was only too glad of an opportunity to express my grati tude to the - gentleman 1 who had ac cepted, my invitation as one of a com mittee from the club, and , had made such a lasting impression. We had spoken but a" few words when a. telegram was handed, to Mr. Fuller. ' As he broke the envelope 1 felt as if a further stay on "my part would be an intrusion, and -I start ed to go out.' more than turned my back when I . heard some one calling.- Mr. Farley and turning around Mr. Fuller proffered me the telegram which he had just - opened and read. . Upon taking it from him I was practically beside myself with surprise .as it read "President Cleve land" has this day nominated -you for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Signed, Daniel Lamont, Secretary. "After reading the dispatch I hand ed it to Judge Shope then one of the most brilliant Judges occupying a seat on the Supreme Bench of Illi nois, and who with a number of friends was seated at an adjoining' table. Upon reading the dispatch Judge Shope at once came over to of fer his congratulations to Mr. Fuller. Returning to Mr. Fuller's table we found his face buried in his hand kerchief, and he was shedding tears. Judge Shope was one of those tactful men who never allowed his good hu mor to desert him and taking in the situation remarked, "O never mind brother Fuller, If you have any diffi culty with that job just send for me." Of course this set us all laughing, and Mr. Fuller brushing the tears from his eyes most gracefully thanked Judge Shope for his offer and re marked, "We will think of that after the Senate takes action." Of course we were all very happy and in a few minutes the news was on all bulletin boards of Chicago, and Mr. Fuller was overwhelmed with congratula tions from every source. No man could occupy that eminent position with a more lofty purpose and simple dignity than -did Chief Justice Fuller. For many years after he went to Washington he was a fre quent visitor to Chicago which he seemed to cherish more as his home than any other place in the world It seemed to relieve his mind from heavier cares to come back to that city and meet and shake hands with It was not successful. The council, in a fit of parsimony, or inspired per haps by persons not friendly to Bar num, declined to meet the conditions. The gift then went to Bethel. It Is JEFFRIES MAY SIGHT ADMITTED NOW THAT JOHNSON'S BLOW IN SECOND BOUND P ARALYZED OPTIC NERVE Rumor that Great White Fighter Was Doped Will Not " Down Despite Reno D enial&effnesrHahd-; lers Show Bitterness (Special from United Press.) Aboard Jeffries' Special Car Sacra mento, Cal., July. 6. Although ef forts have been made to! keep the facts secret the blow, that Johnson delivered in the second round para lyzed the optic nerve of Jeffries' right eye and possibly permanently in jured the white man's sight. , Jeff made light . of the blow at his friends in the most informal man ner. X Yet when he returned to Washing ton the language in his decisions and official work was most refined, stud ied and often of a poetic character, and the one thing that will be regret ted by the members of his time hon ored profession is that he has not left atreatise upon some subject of law in which would be preserved his fault less, flowing, legal style which would be a great help to many younger members who find the study of law dry and uninteresting. TO WED TONIGHT UNDER FLORAL BELL Elizabeth Schine to Become Bride of Aaron Witt stein GROOM IS YALE GRADUATE Members of Two Prominent Jewish Families to Em brace Wedlock .The most pretentious wedding in lo cal Jewish society . in . years will be that which will take Dlace this even ing at 6 o'clock in Lincoln ball room in the Taylor building In Cannon street, when Miss Lena May. the ac complished and attractive daughter of David and Elizabeth Schine. of 771 Seaview avenue, and Mr.' Aaron Witt stein. B. A., son of former Park Com missioner Max and Clara Wittstein. of 210 Coleman street, will be united in marriage with full Jewish ceremonies by Rabbi WSttenstein of the East Washington avenue synagogue. The ceremony will be solemnized be neath an immense floral bell, made up of carnations, intertwined with par lands of smilax. The bell stands seven feet in height and has a diame ter of over five feet, hanging from a spreading arch of ferns, palms and other green plants brousrtit about by the horticulturist's art. The floral ef fects are the creation of Horan. as are also the bouquets carried by the bride, the maid of honor, aoid the brides maids. Srhine will be Miss Teresa Scher as maid of honor, and the following bridesmaids: iMiss Tances Romm, Margaret Goldstein. Aususte Mendel, Jessie Schwartz and Anne V. Coene. the latter two cousins of . the bride, residing- in Xew Tork city. At tending the groom will be his brother. Attorney Henry H. -Wittstein. as best man. The ushers will be Attorney Henry Greeinstein. Dr. Morris J. Greenstrfn. Attorney Theodore Steiber. Arthur Gotthilf and Herman Wittstein. the latter of Xew Haven, a cousin of the groom. The bride will be attired in a sown of deep Spanish lace over white satin and will carry a-shower bouquet of bridal roses and white chiffon. The maid of honor will wear white . lace said that Barnum was much chagrin ed by the action of the council and that Bridgeport in consequence failed to be his beneficiary in some other matters.; LOSE OF RIGHT EYE first but admitted today that the right side of his face was still af fected, that the sight of his right eye had been deranged and that the optic nerve was still partly paralyzed. Jef fries is able to see very little with his right eye. His doctors hold out strong hope, however, that he will eventually recover his full sight. Continued on Page 2.) ' over pink silk as will also the brides maids. The maid of honor will .carry a bouquet of pink carnations and white sweet peas, and the bridesmaids, pink carnations and pink sweet peas. Many invitations to the wedding have been sent out, and it is antici pated that the sruests who are expected not only from this city, but also from New York and various parts of this State, will outnumber any such event held in this city in years. Following: the nuptials, an elaborate wedding breakfast will be spread for the guests, after which the wedding ceremony will be held, continuing till well into the evening, with dancing; singing and other diversions agreeable to a hymenal feast. The bride and groom- have not an nounced their wedding itinerary, but they will take a late train this evening for New York and will be gone for some time. They will be at home to their friends after Aug. 15th at 35 San ford avenue. The contracting parties are well known in this city, coming of promi nent Jewish families... the father of the groom being- a Main street jeweler and a former Park Commissioner. The bride is highly accomplished and a leading Jewish belle of the city. ' The groom is a graduate of Bridgeport High school in the class of 1900. Yale University 1904. and has traveled two years in study in Europe. . For the past year, up to Easter; . he has been in charge of the senior 'room, and was teacher of modern languages at the local High school. He also took a course in law at Tale. GREEK MINISTER WEDS MISS ANNA COCKRELL TODAY (Special from United Press.) Norwich, Conn., July" 6. Miss Anna Cockrell, daughter of Former United States Senator F. M. Cockrell of Mis souri, and Lambros A. Coromilas, the Greek minister at Washington, were wed quietly today in the home of the bride's sister in the presence of mem bers of Miss Cockrell's family and a few intimate friends. The ceremony was performed by a Greek priest from the capitol city, and according to the Greek church service. With fifty-four years upon his head Mr. Coromilas was regarded as a con firmed bachelor. They left for Greece, where the minister will spend six months leave of absence. STREET EMPLOYE IN COURT. Promising: to give an order upon the city auditor for his" weekly pay from the city, Edward Colgan. employed in the street department, escaped jail in the City court today and was released in custody of the probation officer. He lives Sn Crescent avenue and his wife's home is at 108 Arctic street. THJ3 UNIVERSITY! SCHOOL pro vides special opportunities for boys over twelve years of age who are one, two. or three years below high school grade. . 14 3 PRICKS have gone up and will go higher, cover your boiler and pipes now. J. P. Welsh. 114 Kos3uth street. " H18tfo631 AL CASTINGS WILL HEREAFTER BE MADE AT COMPANY'S PLANT IN ELIZABETH Manager Eames Gives Jobs that Others Can Get The foundry of the Singer Mfg. Co., which has been in operation since the beginning of the manufacture of Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines, closed its doors for the last time, Saturday night. The 80 men employ ed in the plant celebrated the wind ing up of the department with fire works and refreshments. General Manager George M. Eames notified 12 of the oldest employes of the shop that places would be found for them in the other departments of the local factory. He also told the other employes that if they could not secure jobs in local foundries and they wanted to go to Elizabethport, N. J., they could secure work there. All the casting .for the Bridgeport plant will be done there in the fu- BUCK ATTiTU FIGHT PIHTU Sensible Views-imtertained By City's Chief Execu v tive Sound Public Opinion Should Guide Authorities Who Have Discretionary Power. When asked if he would permit the pictures of the Johnson-Jeffries fight to be shown in Bridgeport, Mayor Buckingham said: ' . 4'In . the state of Iowa the exhibi tion of such pictures is forbidden by statute. ' ' ', ' v ' "In this state there is no such law. I presume that the rule Is that there should be as little interference as pos sible by Jhe authorities with things that are lawful. .. . . ' "Yet, undoubtedly. In the matter of these' pictures the. authorities have discretion:- T.Uis alscretltfn? tfKbnidbe exercised in accordance wifh . sdund public opinion, and I believe that it will be." Regarding the claim thAt the exhi bition of the pictures may cause race riots, Mayor Buckingham said: "No race riots are to be feared in Bridge port. Our negro population is sen sible and law abiding. They under stand all that talk about the fight settling a question of race supremacy for what it was just advertising. "Jeffries is not the first white ;an "who has been knocked out by a ntgro, nor is Johnson the last negro who will be knocked out by a white man. "Until our negro brethren begin to surpass us in the invention and per fection of the modern implements of warfare, they will not claim race su premacy and we will not fear a change in the existing status. "One able bodied tiger in a 24 foot ring with Johnson, or Jeffries, would find little difficulty in disposing of either in a combat by brute strength. "But give either man .a x Winches ter Rifle loaded with a cartridge made under the direction of Jerome Orcutt, in the plant of the U. M. C. Co., and the hide of that tiger will be made into a rug. ' "A prize fight in the show house of race supremacy is like the first steam engine, a mere display of an , obsolete form of settling disputes. "The first engine and the first steam boat are interesting because they show the beginnings of locomotion and how poorly the thing used to be done. . "Band to hand combat with fists is about as stimulating. "A fist is a poor thing beside a Maxim machine gun. And I noted," concluded the mayor, with a smile, "that before the sports were admitted at Reno, they had to leave their guns outside." v PRATT'S CAFE, 137 Fairfield Ave., is sure to have what you want in ales, wines and liquors. Do not forget the fine free hot roast beef to-morrow. G213So XEW YORK BOLOGNA" and frank furters, home made meat loaf, fresh daily. Peter Hron, 1216 Stratford Ave. U 28 tf 3 5 o WE DO THE RIGHT kind of picture framing at lowest prices. Standard Art Store, 1210 Main St.. Stratfleld building. I SO 3 S WHEN YOU WANT a good Derby or soft hat. see Tom at 974 East Main street. You know who. Thomas Meath. D 14 tf o 1 3 5 GUINEA HENS, ducks, roasting chickens, broilers, fowl, liver pud ding, sausage meat, bologna. Bom mos & Biltz. ' G 15 1 3 5 o SAFES. New and second hand house safes $20. Business safes of every description in stock for quick de livery. Combinations changed and adjusted. Walter E. Marsh, 192 Fairfield Ave S 16 1 3 5 o FOR SALE. 3 family house, 5th St. ext. near Seaview avenue, 5 room fiat, all improvements. Easy terms. Two 3 family houses, Lindley street near North Washington avenue, 4 room fiats, all improvements. Easy terms. Two 2 family houses, Hancock ave nue, 5 room flats, all impovements. Easy terms. One 6 family house, Hancock ave nue, 5 room flats, all improve ments. Easy terms. Investment property Large frontage on Main street store and .. flats. Pays 12 per cent. Farms for sale or exchange. Alvord Real Est. Agency, 102 Warner Bulding, 83 Fairfield avenue. P 5 s p SOCLVLIST LABOR PARTY. Arthur E. Reimer of Boston. Mass., will speak at corner Main and Wall, Wednesday and Thursday, 8 p. m. P 5 b p o INGHAM'S DE ON to Some Employes and Says Jobs In New Jersey ture. Mr. Eames said this morning that the building occupied by the foundrj is going to be utOized for depart ments that will employ many more men than the foundry did. He wa3 not at liberty to make public the nature of the new departments. He said that the closing of the foundry was not new, as the company had been six months winding up it3 af fairs. The reason for the change is that the foundries of the Singer Mfg. Co. at Elizabethport are located at -tidewater and coal and iron ore are brought there a great deal cheaper than they can be brought to Bridge port. The raw materials are un loaded at the door of the New Jersy plant. (UK CLASSIFIED.) FOR SALE. 5 rooms of household furniture. Parties leaving town. 1017 Madison Ave. p bp HELLO the pretty girls of How land's to Brooklawn Rink tonight. A good time. ap FOR SALE. Sail boat 27x11, ,-ith engine bed ready for engine, $159 at Miamogue Yacht Club. P 6 b p a FOR SALE. Lot on Peace street Hollister Heights, cheap. Must be sold at once. Inquire II. C. Reid. 952 Main St. ap DR. MANSFIELD, 201 Meigs Bldg. will cure without pain your warts, corns and bunions. See him and get relief. a NO. 462 MADSON PLEASE. Hello Harry. , Meet me at Brooklawn to night, it is Mardi Gras for the How land girls. All right I will be i there. ap LOST. Elks card. Name 11. A. Dubuque Lodge . 924. Reward iflpft at Farmer office. p g bpo FOR SALE. Six room cottage, lot 100x100, North Main section $2,600. D. R. Whitney, 1025 Main St. P5b! FOR SALE. Nearly new threr- fam ily house, East End, well t ted. o.ouu. . u. ii. wnitney, lOZI, . Jain St. P & br, FOR SALE. New tenement house on Carrol Ave., $3,500, small amount i of cash. D, R, Whitney. Pfj"r, FOR SALE. Two family house,$oth End, $3,000. D. R. Whitney, 1025 Main St. P 5 bo FOR SALE. Six room cottage on Central Ave., $2,500. D. R. Whit ney, 1025 Main St. p 5 Do TO RENT. Six room cottage. North . Main St., near trolley. D.R, Whit ney, 1025 Main St. P 5 bo HOT ROAST BEEF and potato salad servide at 4:30 o'clock every day .free at Hartmann's. 126 Wall street. R 16 tf A GIRL of experience to do general housework. Apply 100 Uncowa Hill. R 9 tf. o FOR SALE. Model T 1910 Ford touring car, fully equipped. Al ' condition, been run only few hun dred miles. Call Bridgeport Auto Co., 388 Fairfield Ave. P 2 so CALL ON DIAL & LEE MUSIC CO., 84 Cannon St., when you are think ing of purchasing a piano. Terms very reasonable and no interest charged. P 2 tf . o WANTED. Hose supporter stitchers and stringers. Also sewing machin . operators on waists. Apply to The Warner Brothers Company, Main Office, cor. Lafayette and Atlantic fits. P 2 d o . 3 ' WANTED. Sewing machine opera tors on corsets, also flossers. Small girls for hand work. Apply to The Warner Brothers Company, Main Office, cor. Lafayette and Atlantic Sts. P 2 do WANTED. First class cook, none , other heed apply. Swedish or Ger man preferred. Call 542 Park Place after 6 p. m. Pldo WILLIAM J .MEAD, Rents, Real Es tate and Insurance. Room 219 New field Building. 8 12 tf o CARLOAD OF HORSES. Just arriv ed at Cannon & Ferguson's barn. Commerce street. New Haven, Ct. Workers, drivers and business horses.' R 28 g op TYPE WRIT IN G Mimeographing. Notary Public. 8ears, 103 Meigs Bldg. Mr it iw TO RENT. Desk room with roll top oesK. 41 .warner uxuiaing. I 2 tf o GOOD SECOND HAND National Cash Register for sale cheap. Address P. O. Box 16, City. S 2 tf.o I LIKE Casca Laxlne Tablets best for constipation, don't you? Bl'o AROUND the corner of Fairfield ave. and Water St. McPadden's Cafe. F. & M. Schaefer N. Y. Old German Brew, Welner Beer, M. McPadden, agent. Fine lunch all day. Prime , Roast of Beef Saturday, 4:30. U23 tf o WANTED. All Haymakers to know that Konckapotanauh Hayloft, No. 30V2t- will hold a consolidated meet ing July 6, at their loft Main and Gilbert Sts., when a big bunch of tramps will be taught the art of making hay by gas light .followed by big feed. P 5 bo DO YOU KNOW, we absolutely guar antee, honest material and work manship. No tricks or schemes, but honest dealings. The largest stock of wall paper in the city to select from. Pardee & Co., 1230 Pem broke St. Phone 3569. R 28 a 31 5 o WANTED. Experienced girls on the following branches of paper box making; machine operators, jiJk lining makers, and silk case mak ers. Also small girls on turnins.- in. No experience needed. Highest wages. Apply to Paper Box Iept., The Warner Brothers? Cnmt)?RT, Warren St. , l Z o