Newspaper Page Text
mm mm mm m , mJ 1 Vv X WEATHER FORECAST Pair; cooler tonight and tomorrow. VOL. 46. NO. 162 BRIDGEPORT, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 11. 1910 PRICE ONE CENT - - X V r fr r nv vNsvjr'wigA ss y x r 's orca ' WAR AGAINST LEADS TO BEFORE Secretary Shaw of Christian Endeavor Society, Thus Es timates Statistics Today, In His Crusade on Preventing Jeffries-Johnson Fight Films From Being Exhibited . . ; ' b Affiliated Companies Controlling the Films Now Make Announcement that the "Moving Pictures of the Prize Fight Would Be Shown Only In "Stage" Theatres and that Children Would Be Barred. (Special from United Press.) Boston, July 1. The fight against the showing- of the' Jeffries-Johnson fight pictures has .already led to the prohibition of their exhibition before E5.000.000 people according to estimates here today by Wm. Shaw, secretary of the , National Christian Endeavor body, who is leading the war against the films. He declares that statistics of the crusade against the pictures show the; following area3 which have forbidden the display. Maine, Texas, Georgia, Virginia, and District of Columbia, South Africa 8.000.000 population, Cuba 2,000,000 pop ulation. Province of Ontario, Canada, 3,500.00 population. Mr. Shaw received many letters and telegrams from all parts of the coun try today commending the action tak en by the Society and offering as- Governor Hadley of Missouri wrote that he would make every possible effort to kfeep the fight pictures out of Missouri and that he would urge In the next legislature the passing of bill to prohibit the showing of ob jectionable pictures anywhere in the state. Governor Augustus E. Wilson, of Kentucky, wrote that he had no au thority under the law to prohibit the fight pictures-but that he would urge the theatre managers -and others in terested to cooperate with him in stopping1 exhibitions ' of the Reno bat tle. Governor W. R.' Stubbs, of Kansas is away on his vacation. A letter re ceived from his secretary told Mr. Shaw that the governor, was in hearty accord with the fight campaign and that ia would Art all in his nower to aid the movement on his return. i London, July 11. The moving pic tures of the Jeffries-Johnson fight will be exhibited in England without in terference on the part of the .authori ties. Home Secretary "Winston Chur chill announced today . in the House of Commons that the government had COOLER WEATHER WAY AND SHOWERS PREDICTED Cher up! The worst has come. -The old weather prophets say that it .is to be cooler, and that probably there will be a few little thunder showers coming this way. They can't come any too soon. All Bridgeport has been sweltering for the past three days, the over worked thermometer reaching Its highest mark yesterday afternoon. It wasn't the heat, it was the humidity. Everything stuck to everything, everybody tried to make for the big shade, but everybody couldn't. Yesterday a multitude went a trolley riding, the most popular amusement around these parts. The beaches were overcrowded, the streets of the city were deserted, the exodus all being on account of the heat. Only once yesterday did the skies darken up, that around 3:30 o'clock, following which there was a decided drop for the better, that is much cooler. This drop continued until 'evening, when' the temperature was not so bad that one could hot keep cool. With old Sol out again today, the rays started getting in their good work, the temperature, being on the jump all day. The heat wave struck Bridgeport during the middle of the week, but did not get into its Intensity till Sat urday. At 8 o'clock Saturday after noon the thermometer was batting ELKS NOW IN POSSESSION OF DETROIT (Special from United Press.) ' Detroit, July 11. Mary thousand Elks took possession of Detroit today after a trying experience with a real dry spot yesterday. Barring the kiln denied feature, Detroit is . out for a week of real revelry. The town is decorated to the last word and every train and boat brings new thousands to join the antlered herd that will browse here for a week. Todav'B iifttnw hn TOifh . Ion aumrfd?! amotoY i and a big luncheon at the Rusaere j Club at 3L Clair Flats. A return IriD ! by motor boats consumed the rest of ? the day. PRINDLE ESTATE WORTH $40,000 An Inventory of the estate, of the ate Isaac B. Prindle, who lor many years was cashier of the Pequonnock National bank, was returned to Pro bate court today. The estate is valued at $40,801.84, of which $9,000 in in local realty. The bulk of th jersonaI estate consists of iong term railroad bonds. Aninyentory of the estate of the late Edith A. Couch shows realty valued at $600 and personal property valued at $100. Big Abattoir Plant Goes Up in Smoke (Special from United Press.) Washington. D. C. July 11. A big Abbattoir, boiler house and power plant owned by the Columbia Cotton t)il & Provision corporation near Ar lington Junction, Va., were complete ly destroyed by fire today with a loss estimated ai avv.vvv. PICTURES PROHIBITION 25,000,000, PE0PL no power to prevent the exhibition of the pictures. Cleveland Ohio. Jly. 11. Chief of Police Koehler today issued an order prohibiting the reproduction of the Jeffries-Johnson : fight pictures in Cleveland. ; f" ' "I New York, July 11. Heeding the j world-wide clamor against the exhi- bition of the moving pictures of the ; Jeffries-Johnson, the affiliated com- j panies controlling the films announc-: ed today that the pictures would be exhibited only in "stage" theatres and that children would be barred from attending. Women may view them if they see fit but they are warned In advance of the character of the per formance. The Jeffries and Johnson corpora tion, composed of the nine moving picture concerns which . have an in terest in the fight films, has refused large offers from roof gardens and vaudeville houses in New York to .be allowed to present the pictures. J. S. Blackton, vice-president of the American Vitagraph. Company, one of the nine companies, declared today that the men ' Interested in the fight pictures had all tjie films reeled off for them yesterday and had selected one set as the best. From this all the films to be shown throughout ' the country will be reproduced , "We decided , to show the pictures only In tage theatres,", declared only in 'stage theatres," , declared training camp scenes and all' the pre liminaries will occupy two hours and we will make a regular performance of them, charging SI and $$ admission. "We may even show the - pictures to the self constituted New York Board of Censors before exhibiting them to the public. We showed the pictures of , the Johnson-Ketchel fight to the board, which was greatly pleased with them. There is nothing brutal about them." ' - Blackton declined to discuss the ac tion of the authorities of many states and the Philippine Islands in restrict ing . the production of vthe pictures, -j ON THE for 92 degrees. From that hour on there"" was a goodly decrease, more so during the late hours of the even ing. Starting at 7 o'clock yesterday morning at 68 degrees,- the mercury took heel, when jump by jump it climbed up to 101 degrees at 3 o'clock. . All , these figures are ac cording to the self registering ther mometer at F. Lyman's, the optician, onv Main street. Shortly after .3 o'clock clouds began to appear in the west, and rain was looked for, but the expected didn't materialize, only a few drops falling to earth. How ever it brought about a change, the winds blowing up fresher and with more cooling effect, i There was a constant drop, the mercury going down into the 70's. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the same thermometer showed 52 degrees, with every indica tion of going higher. All forms of records1 are reported about the city for the highest mark set yesterday. In some of the cen tral unprotected places of the is said that the mercury registered 110 degrees. f At the County Court house, which is regarded about the coolest spot in the city, where papers have to pe chained down to prevent their blow ing away, the thermometer at noon toia 8 i degrees. SECOND AND TROOP A REACH Nl ANTIC (Special from United Press.) Niantic Conn. July .11. The Second regiment and troop A of New Haven county arrived here on a special train today and immediately set out for Camp Weeks where the- men will V. 4.1 1 . j - - yui lurougu a sun six days course or instruction m the gentle art of warrare. , The mercury was up to 93 on the camp grounds and the "Greenies" from office and factory found pitching camp no cinch. They did not finish during the forenoon. In addition the ornciai program today calls for theo retical instructions by each company "iu;r iu ine enustea men in aa VaStaSon Cam S,8"?11", pdisPo8ltlon ' kn slops and refuse, files, care of sinks, cunrmanaer to tne enlisted men , I c se order- artillery. tivxnj. im signal corps drill, guard mounting, retreat and lectures at the stated hours. The real heavy work: of Sham war will come tomorrow. The work this year will be different from past years. There will be few er long hikes and more tactical walka Salesman Killed Robber Who Attempted Hold Up (Special from United Press.) Chicago, July 11. One unidentified highwayman is dead and the police are hunting another day following an encounter between Elmec Cooper, a young salesman, and two robbers. Cooper had been visiting Miss Kath erine Rush, whose home is in a fash ionable neighborhood, and departed at 10 o'clock last night. As he passed a dark areaway near the girl's home two men attempted to hold him up. Coop er had been stopped by thieves once before in the same neighborhood and last night he was . armed. He shot and killed one of the men but the other escaped. Gilbert Gordon, who had been robbed earlier in the evening, identified the dead man as one of two who held him up. , .cooper .was not arrested. EFECTIV KIOAN OBEAONAUOHTS START A STRICT 'INVESTIGATION- BY SECRETARY OF NAVY wx:.V 7.'A www-- :: yyr RANSACKED ROOMS WHILE MAN SLEPT Burglars in North Washing ton Avenue House Steal Bank Books and Money ,f While boarders slept in the house of Frank Musante, 145 North Wash in geon avenue, early Sunday morn ing, burglars climbed through a pan try window and ransacked the house. They made off "with a bank book belonging to Musante, and a wallet containing a number of statements of account of the Hallett Spring Water Co., for which Musante is collector. In the pockets of Joseph Barilli, a roomer, they found $25, a bank book and a hunting case silver watch. HEWS BUREAU APPOINTED BY BISHOP rilUN FOR THE HARTFORD DIOCESE Information concerning the affairs of the Roman Catholic diocese of Hartford will hereafter be disseminat ed through an official news bureau of the diocese. That is an order made by the new bishop of the diocese, Rt. Rev. John J. Nilan. The order is that all information intended for publica tion in the newspapers of the state must come through the Transcript, which is the official organ of the dio cese. Rev. Father Duggan of Hart ford is the editor of the Transcript. This rule, it is presumed is the re sult of reports that came out concern ing changes in pastorates and regard ing new parishes. Before and since Bishop Nilan be gan his administration there have been rumors of divisions of parishes which if is claimed have proved embarrass ing, both to those at the head of the diocese and to the clergy throughout the state. Local priests give out the information that the new rule is now in effect , and whatever changes in pastorates or in the creation of new parishes will in the future come from Hartford direct. FATHER HELD IN $2,000 ' FOR KIDNAPPING SON (Special from United Press.) Boston, Mass., July 11. Jos. W. Swan, arraigned in the Superior Crim inal court today before Judge Chas. A. Decourcey on an Indictment accus ing him of kidnaping his minor son, Robert G. Swan, pleaded not guilty and was held in $2,000. Swan recently returned from Bra zil and was arrested in New York on his wife's complaint. " She had been awarded custody of the body, by the courts. CUT FELLOW ROOMER FROM SCALP TO CHIN Charged with assault with intent to kill, Joseph Spadel, a carpenter's helper of New York city who board ed for two weeks at 38 Reilly street, was sent to jail today to wait for the appearance of his victim, Raffaele Diramondo in the city court tomor row. Diramondo accused Spadel with theft of his clothing and Spadel re taliated witn a stab leaving a wound from the top of Diramondo's fore head down across the nose to the lower lip, probably permanently dis figuring him. Doorman Burke of the Second Pre cinct station located the prisoner as he prepared to quit the city. I -i w - -w' ' ' . mvx&r- n o j h-Scif 1 - ' E ARMOR PLATES ON TWO -':--":::":-:"y::' 7 " .-.-x0-t:1'.;.-.vaw.-.' :v NEGRO PARSON WANTS FIGHT PICTURES SHOWN W. Spencer Carpenter, colored pas tor of the Bethel M. E. church, in a sermon yesterday came out strong ly In favor of the display of the Jeff ries-Johnson fight pictures, declaring it was race prejudice, not a fear for the public morality, that instituted the crusade against their display. TAFT DECIDES TO LOOK INTO GRAFT CASE AT ALASKA , (Special from United Press.) Beverly, Mass.. July 11. As a result of the disclosures during the Congres sional inquiry into the Ballinger-Pin- chot controversy and the amazing rela tions of the grip which the Guggen heims have on Alaska, as brought to light at the hearings of the Senate committee on Judiciary durins the in vestigation into the discharge of Mar shal Sutherland and District Attorney Boyce, President Taft has determined that the territory must be overhauled. Within a few weeks Attorney Gen eral Wickersham and Secretary of Commerce and Labor Naffel will go to Alaska to investigate conditions there. They go as personal ambassadors of the President. They are to probe the truth of the charge that the Guggen heims are in control of Alaska. A bitter fight has been waging be tween factions in the territory for some months. Walter E. Clark, Gov ernor of Alaska, has been accused of "playing in" with the Guggenheims, and documentary evidence filed with the Senate Judiciary committee alleges that the Morgan-Guggenheim syndi cate tampered with Federal grand jur ies, government witnesses and suborn ed federal employes. Testimony be fore the Ballinger committee indicates that the syndicate owned all the feas ible railroad inlets to the country, had a practical monopoly of the fisheries. controlled by far the greater part of the steamship lines and owned most of the copper. In addition to this, an agent of the syndicate admitted on the stand that the key to the situation was the coal, and stated that they held an option on the 5,000 acres in the Cun ningham group of claims. The charges of "graft" in Alaska have seriously embarrassed the admin istration. .president Tart wants a clean up. ' Some time this week or next Wickersham and Nagel are ex pected at Beverly to talk over matters with the executive. Famous Leaning Tower of Pisa Reported on Verge of Collapse Pisa, Italy. July 11. The Royal En gineers appointed to investigate the condition of the famous leaning tower of Pisa reported today that the incli nation from the perpendicular has re cently increased eight inches, owing to the weakness of the foundation. The engineers declare the historic old tower Is on the verge of a collapse and that it is extremely doubtful if it can be repaired. The ringing of the bells in the tower has been ordered stopped, because the vibration, thus caused, threatened to throw down the structure. The Companile or leaning tower was erected in 1174. It was in this struc ture that Galileo worked out the theory of the pendulum. 5 IhW.iv.r..K.-."i,!'.-i.:-S!:...w ''"1'f;;5!5?35 Washington, July 11. Secretary . of Navy Meyer has ordered a strict in vestigation Into defective armor plate on the Dreadnoughts North Dakota and Utah. News of the startling dis covery became public as the result of ,a protraoted conference held at the navy" department. The revelation is the more sensational because the North Dakota, which is the greatest and fastest warship afloat, is already in commission. The Utah, which is still building at Camden, N. J., is to exceed even the North Dakota in enor mous dimensions. Naval . experts find small comfort in the fact that the defective plates on the North Dakota have already been replaced at the Charleston (Mass. navy yard, where the great battleship was recently plac ed in commission after a record break ing trial trip from the yards of her builders, the Fore River Shipbuilding company at Quincy, . Mass. Tne con ference was over the legal phases in volved the cost, of replacing the ar mor and the responsibility. Prasent at the important gathering were rep resentatives of the New York Ship building company, which Is building the Utah: tbe'Miavaie teei company. : which has supplied armor for tnatr American warships, and a numDer or government experts. InnnTADi r oai nflM rUniMDLL OHLUUH FOUND 111 WATER ST. Salvation Army Backslider Suspected of Selling Booze to Loungers Four big bottles of whiskey were found on Harry Hunter, a backslider of the Salvation army, when Patrol men Beamer and -Brady, suspecting him of being a portable saloon for the benefit of the Sunday., loungers about Water street, arrested him yes terday for selling liquor on the street. Hunter was held in bail of $100 until July 16 to allow the police to learn whether any saloon keepers of the vicinity supplied him, with, the liquor to sell. He says when he drinks he has an unfortunate habit of loading up like an arsenal, but denies that he planned to sell the liquor. ' UNCLE SAM TO SELL PART OF HIS NAVY CHEAP (Special from United Press.) Washington, July 11. Anybody that wants a navy can get one cheap by taking ' advantage of the oppor tunity offered by ; the Navy Depart ment for the purchase of the cruisers Detroit and Boston the gunboat Con cord and the Winslow. ' They-will be advertised for sale within a few days. With them will be given, if desired, a certified pedigree showing that they have been in action at one time or another, and have acquited them selves with distinction. The Detroit participated in the bombardment of San Jpan during the Spanish-American war. The Boston once hoisted the American flag over Hawaii. The Winslow is the boat on which Ensign Bagley was serving when killed during - the Spanish- American war. - Nobody knows who is likely to buy these ships. . They are the first steel vessels ever offered for sale by Uncle Sam. Obsolete wooden vessels are disposed of readily enough as they can be hauled up on the beach and burned for the copper that is in them. The steel vessels have no such value. They must- serve as navies or junk. It s possible that some unknown millionaire may come forward to buy one for whale hunting in the North. or that some -Central American re public may purchase one 1o consti tute an invincible navy. MARRIAGE LICENSES. A license was issued todav to Daniel E. Ryan, aged 26, machinist, to marry Miss Mary Glen, aged 27, of this city. TWO FAMILY houses for sale. South main St., 54.800. Warren Court, $3,000. Iranistan Ave.,-- $4,100. Connecticut Ave., $4,200. Union Ave., $4,200. Wheler Ave., $3,400. .Orchard St., $5,000. D. R. Whit ney, 1025 Main St. P 11 so FOR SALE Three familv houses. Pembroke St., $5,000. Three fam ily house on Center St.,- $4,300. Union Ave., $5,500. D. R. Whit ney, 1025 Main St. P li so WANTED. Position in grocery store oy experienced young man or good habits, three years in last place, best of references. Address Arthur Ford, West Granby, Ct. P 9 spo KAISER AGAIN SHOWS . HOSTILITY BY MIXING It'Is Claimed German ter to Madriz, As "Great and Good Friend" and Congratulated State Department at Washington, on Account of Other Snubs from Same Quarter Recently, Looks Upon Diplomatic Situation As Rather Acute (Special from United Press.) Washington, July 11 Persistent dip lomatic opposition on the part of Ger many against the policies of the Unit ed States today brought about a sit uation which Is rapidly approaching the acute stage. . The. latest of the series of incidents to be disclosed: is the recognition of the Madriz faction in Nicaragua by the Kaiser In terms amounting to an encouragement of the Zelayan regime. , In an alleged personal letter dated April 16, the German' Emperor address ed Madriz as "Great and Good Friend", and congratulates him on his elctien as President by the merited confidence of big fellow citizens. Following Is a copy of the communi cation which the State (Department Is Informed was received by Mad-rlz: "Wilhelm, by the Grace of God, Em peror of Germany and King of Prussia, to the President of Nicaragua: ' "Great and Good Friend I am In formed by your letter of the 27th of December of the year past that Your Excellency was elected President of the ' Republic by your fellow citizens and that Your Excellenoy entered upon your most honorable duties on the 21st of said month. "I beg you to accept, Mr. President, my congratulations on this event, and be assured that also my government will endeavor to maintain and culti vate the best relations, which happily already exist, between the German Empire and the Republic of ,Nicara gua. . '' s "Extending to you thanks for . your benevolent desires, 1 assure you of my best wishes for your personal welfare and for that of the Republic of Nic aragua and for both my greatest re- (Signed) "WILHELM I." Although , it is within the preroga tives of the Kaiser to recognize v-hat-ever government he , chooses. his jumping -T into the Central American arena in this fashion at the present time is looked upon by some a.u J--ties as throwing ra the gauntc", 3 the United States which has been rec ognised as the guardian of Central American affairs. ' 1 (UNCLASSIFIED.) Tj. E. SMITH, Underwood typewriter like new, cheap. No dealers. ox 968. P 11 dpo TO RENT. Five ,room fiat. as and tubs, $12 a month, inquire 295 Madison Ave. P 11 bp DR. MANSFIELD, 201 Meigs Bldg. can cure your corns ana Dunions without "pain. See him. a FOR SAIiE. $300 new upright piano for $125. vioun ?s. xnodio Ave. P 8 do IiOST. iA brown and -white setter dog,' (female), name, uaisy. xso collar on. Reward.- Dr. J. Murray Johnson, 385 State St. - P 11 bp YOTJXG WOMAN" would like a posi tion as houseKeeper ior wiaower. Address, May Peterson, " 212 God dard Ave, City. P 11 sp FOR SALE. Ton.ight after 8 o'clock, oaK siaeDoara, was, cbuvju, Lot dishes, lace curtains, &c. 1287 Stratford Ave. ap LOST. A lady's silver bag, contain ing valuable articles, oetween Westport and Fairfield. Return to Davidson, 237 State street Reward offered. ap FOR SALE Restaurant in South Norwalk, doing Dig Dusmess. uooa location. Will stand investigation. Address Restaurant, care of .Far mer. Plls WANTED. Reliable, capable man as erences required. Inquire 641 Water street, White House Clothing store. P 11 bo WHEN YOTJ WANT a good Derby or soft hat, see Y4 luast uam street. You know who. Thomas Meath. D U tf o 1 3 5 GUINEA HE.NS, ducks, roasting chickens, broilers, rowi. liver pud ding, sausage meat, bologna. "Bom mos & Blitz. G1513 5o SAFES. New and second hand house safes zu. business saies or every description in stock for quick de livery. Combinations changed and adjusted. Walter E. Marsh, 192 Fairfield Ave. S 16 1 3 5 o PRATT'S CAFE, 137 Fairfield Ave., is sure to have wnat you want in ales, wines and liquors.. Do not forget the fine free lunch served daily. G 28 1 3 5 o LOST. Sunday morning large leath er folding pocketbook, name Henry A. Hellmann, Hotel Heinie, Water bury, Conn, .burnt on cover. Pa pers of no use to any one only owner. Finder will please leave same at Tremo'nt Hotel, Middle St., this city and receive reward. ap WANTED. Experienced girls on the following . branches of paper box making; machine operators, silk lining makers, and silk case mak ers. Also small girls on turning in. No experience needed. Highest wages. Apply to Paper Box Dept., The Warner Brothers Company, Warren St. P 9 do ATTENTION. Members of I. M. U., No. 10. You are requested to be present at the meeting Monday evening:, July 11th, 1910, as business of great importance will be transacted; also a national officer to address you. The drawing for the benefit of the widow and of orphans of the late Bro. Thos. Shee han will take place after the regular meeting. Social session to begin at 9 o'clock sharp. Per order of I. M. U. No. 110. JOSEPH Im KLEIN, P 9 bpo Fin. Secyl N NICARAfiUAN FIGHT Em-neror AAArezseA Him As President In the present Instance there 1 & ' wide divergence between the opfnieas, of Germany and the United States, i Secretary Knox holds that Madr-ls has! not been elected by his teSSonr cMwtm . according to the Ncaraue ooaCr- tion despite the "merited cotrSdeaAe"' referred to by the Kaiser. This action by the Kaiser mfeBt to overlooked were it not for the uam?-' takable signs of German hostfUtr ward America, mantfested in oXJUKy tion with other Incidents. The Lii culty began with the fogialaSaa af--fecting Araeriean contracts wtQ Gw-f man producers. The rloht ptoo tioallv invalidated the contract ed into by te individual mis owner ( with American manufaotarem uW? eeuently an adjustment warn tad'. modifying the effect ef ttm strSBMnt' law. The secontf inoffant wa ffc mXm-' donment of the German American ex position In Berlin because, mt tSm fec tility direoted against t&e protfsot hj ' German, manufacturers who feared aa ' American invasion. The Un2td tZa.U entered into this scheme with the best intention to strengthen the friendly relations between the two eoootrlee I and a commission representing this J government was appointed.' Shortly; afterwards it was announced that the exposition had been postponed and re cently it was abandoned altogether. Direct hostility toward the American corporation which was negotiating with the Turkish government for a railroad concession involving the ex penditure of $100,000,000 was manifested ? by Germany. The plan was - approv ed by Turkish officials and the Turkish parliament, but on the eve of the suc cess of the project the German ambas sador at the Porte interposed the ob jection that the proposed road would interfere with the German line to Bag dad and that it was In violation of Turkish mining laws. The State Department has maintain ed ar attitude, of reserve regarding tiler j incidents as there is an earnTt desire to prevent any clouding of the friendly relations existing between tfte two governments. The grave qrass todar, however, iti whetfisr ir many pro poses' to carry !t anti-Am'r- loan diplomacy into the Western Hern- isphere and extend it to Central Amer ican interference. DON'T FORGET the annual outing of Seventh District Democratic Club. Sunday, 'August 7, at Langen - vberger's Grove. P 11 1 d FOR SALE. Eight room cottage. Central Ave. Lot 50x125, $3,500. i D. R. Whitney, 1025 Main St. 1 P 11 s o . WANTED, Lathe hands. Steady work. Qoed pay. - Apply at fipfcer Mfg. Co., Madison Ave., PTainfleld, ' N. J. Pllfo FOR SALE. Six room cottage. Lot ? 100x100, situated near St. Vincent's . Hospital, '$2,600. D. R. Whitney, i 1025 Main-St. p n WANTED. Middle ftyed men would ' like room and , meals, preferably 1 with private family. Desknuun ef t comfortable home, can furnish ref- erences if required. Address "Pri- J . vate Home," care Fanner. j THE . TJNTVEBSITX S&XOCXi, Fairfield avenue. Summer given wholly to individual work la preparation for the September examinations of ooMwres, technical and professional school a. A limited number of students .may register for the year. HOT ROAST BEEF and potato servide at 4:30 o'clock ever; lit free at street. Hartmann's, ISt Wall! RH'ti. A GIRL of experience te de genera housework. Apply 100 Uceowa Hill. R tf. o CALL ON DIAL & LEE MUSIC CO., ' 84 Cannon St., when you are think- ing of purchasing a piano. Terms! very reasonable and no Interest charged. P2 tL ej WILLIAM J .MEAD, Rents. Real Es- i tale and Insurance. Room Jle New-' field Building. S 1 tf o TYPEWRITING Mimeograph Mar. Notary Public Sears. 108 Meigs Bids. P 17 tto TO RENT. Desk room with roll top desk, 416 Warner Building. 1 I tf e GOOD SECOND HAND National Cash Register for sale cheap. Aderess' P. O. Box 16. City. S2tf.o I LIKE Casoa Laxine Tablets best for constipation, don't youT B 3 o AROUND the corner of Fairfield ave. and Water St. McPadden's Cafe. F. & M. Schaefer N. Y. Old German Brew, Weiner Beer, M. McPaddeiT, agent. Fine lunch all day, Prime Roast of Beef Saturday, 4:30. U23 tf o DO YOU KNOW, we absolutely guar antee, honest material and work manship. No tricks or schemes, but honest dealings. The largest stock of wall paper in the city to select from. Pardee & Co., 1230 Pem broke St. Phone 3569. R 28 a 31 J o WANTED. The people to know that the Woodlawn has been opened un der new management this season, so those anticipating going to tha shore will find everything at thrs Woodlawn to their satisfaction. Rates reasonable. Address Wood lawn, Walnut Beach, Milford.Conn. P 8 s o NOTICE." The firms known as Rock & Moel ler of 1127 Stratford avenue, havg dissolved partnership. Bills contracted- on and after July 9 under th above firm name will be void. Th? business will be continued by the un dersigned at the same place. , MAX MOELLER, PllhV 1127 Stratford Ave. . 7 A