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32 THE FAR3EER : JUNE 2, 1911 Berlin As a ' - Gay Capital Cultivating', ifce Reputation of a Pleasure City, longing to J)raw American Millionaire Away from 1 Paris Striving for' Big ness and Beauty in All Features Desires to Dine in Crowds Amuse ments and Night Jife. (Special Correspondence of 2. T. Post.) Berlin. June 1. There has VeeiL a three-cornered controversy in t.e Eu ropean press lately between Pari., Ber- 'lin and London as to whether Paris still retains the palm for gayelV or whether it has gone to the new capi tal by the Spree, with its . spac.Vus ; distances, its fountains and statuaVy, ir.ipressive architecture, its eye-taki tig shop-windows, its nocturnal pleasure quarter, gav with light and music, un til Ion? after the first freshness of a- mnvninir liaa f nflfd and the cleanliness pervading all things. Her- ; now stop a nignt or two in serun on through a court lit with many colored fountains to the adjoining Pavilion Mascotte for supper, and more cham pagne, till half-past two. The place then closes and the company moves off in a body to the Bar Rlche on Under-den-Llnden, where there is more freedom of choloe in the mat ter of drink and the fun begins to wax loud. At three, the crowd begins to thin. Some adjourn to supper rooms in the neighborhood, others to var ious minor drinking places. About four the company reassembles at Toni Gruenfeld's, a suite of long, narrow rooms, where champagne is again the staple fare and the guests, now warm ed to the work, are uproariously cheerful and the musicians are hard put to it to make themselves heard. This Is about the end of the round. Afterward the habitues disperse to cafes to mitigate the effects of the champagne with strong coffee before going home. It is a beaten track that the night livers tread. Every night and at every place at the same time you see the same faces and the same dresses. It is an expensive amuse ment. To do the thing properly costs from twenty-five to fifty dollars, ac cording to one's capacity for cham pagne, and the waiters will rob one un blushlngly. A SOCIO LOGICAL PROBLEM. The thing is chiefly interesting as a sociological problem. One is disposed at first to wonder why it is tolerated, but one soon learns that Berlin is proud of it. Those In the know boast that Berlin has already captured the rich Russian traffic. The Muscovites Evers' Downfall Caused by Fudge Cubs' Second Baseman Also Smoked Seven Cigars a Day li-i oertainlv cultivates the reputation of what H. G. Wells calls a "pleasure citv." It is avid of foreign custom. It longs to see American millionaires set tling here as they do in Paris, spend ing th season here as they do in London. ."u "I'nper schoenes Berlin." says the 7rliner, ''no one else has anything Ilk? it." No where is there such a. profusion of bronze and brass and ' rrrrb!cv nowhere such endless vistas of handsome streets. In the parts of thf town a foreigner is likely to " F' e thVre is hardly a shabby building trreiv imp that has not soma claim- to a -rhfMtiral distinction. The neV-' lUTiters.have Keen laid out as if frtr ttnn rf rints. There are their way to Paris, and the proprie- ots of the various dives described jtbove skim the cream of their pock ets. The seduction of the American, it Ms claimed, is practically complete. Mfst .American tourists now include iBe'tlin in their . traveling . plans a,nd thofee who know:the town-come back -agrtin and again. The ladies In the floppy hals. the champagne, and the furniture ;which screams are regarded by Berlin as an achievement. They .'attract money. HThey make Berlin a r'VV'eltstadt" and a centre of "Kul tur." They are the things that dis tinguish civilized man from the sav age. Naturally all the well dressed rascality of the ' capital rallies round the "Nachtieben,'' but what of that? r-iPrvfirr's hi Charlottenburg with vit is handier for the police to have it. : r"om for half-a-dozen streams or trai ' f.e. with sidewalks on which regi ments could march without cramp ing and tree-shaded avenues in the n-iddle. The Doeberitzer Heerstrasse. the new military road out of Berlin, is a sight which ro visitor should miss. ; For what Titanic musters It has been : ,Ucw,ifri heaven and perhaps the War Office know. It seems impossible that mere men should fill it. The new I cafes and ice-rinks there are three of ' tb latter are planned to .sat thous ands of guests. At the ice-rinks the pVating is merely there to amuse the ' i:ners. AH these places call them ! prlves rlaces and are quite as costly an3 well .furnished as most buildings having an" historic right to that appel ! latin. A stroll through the endless . saloons of the Cafe Kerkau. which was opened last summer, will teach a visitor more of the new Germany than " the Germanic Museum at Nuremberg. BIGNESS AND BEAUTY. Bigness and handsomeness are per- haps the qualities which emerge most ! clearly from one's impressions of Ber lin. The restaurants which nave Deen built to gratify the Berliners desire to dine together in armies are amaz ingly costly. One dines in these pla ces for well under a dollar, in huge halls, paneled with marble and pre vious woods, roofed with carved oak and cedar, lighted and furnished with reckless disregard of expense. An. auctioneer, primed by reading a pre liminary description of Solomon's Temple, could hardly overstate the splendors of the Rheingold. ' It cost millions to build and dally feeds thou- ! sands in surroundings which would 1 have startled Semiramis. ' There is. of course, another side to al this huge ' expensiveness. Many men do not share the German preel ection for eating in herds Uke Words worth's cattle "forty heads are feed ing like one," which, substituting 4. tWH) for the poet's numeral, is exactly the impression one gets from a glance along the terraces at Halensee. For such th.e question of food and drink is most important In a restaurant. The food at these places Is good, and is I supplied at about cost price. Yet all J this magnificence has to be paid for, i and handsome dividends are earned. It Is on the wine that the proprietors recoup their outlay. The wine pays for evervth!n2. and. as few of the j guests go beyond three marks ("5 cts.) i n bottle for it. one cannot help wonder- ing what it costs one's host. The Berliner does not ask such questions. , ln as there is a crowd and plenty j o brass and marble, he is happy. In ; most of these restaurants wine must ' re ordered, on penalty of a fine. The ' result is that a huge amount of "dop ed ' and doctored wine Is sold, as any Fouth German will tell you. AMUSEMENTS. Mi:sic one gets in Berlin better and rhrsper apart from opera than any where else. The Royal Opera is good, perhaps all the better because it does ivt specialize in stars of the first magnitude. The two other opera louses are unimportant. In the way ft theatres one has the Court Thea tre which gives German classical dra ma. Shakespeare, and such moderns ps tan stand a rigorous test in pru dery and patriotism, classically done. At th? Deutsches.' the Kammerspiele. and a good many other places there is Feinhardt. the magician, who runs So phocles as a popular novelty, and. in srite 'f the purists is the best stage manager-- in the world, and there is the Lessinz. where one gets the ser ious rnrwierns. Ibsen being the staple fare. There are. besides, about a doz en houses which live on trivialities frm Paris and Vienna, cheaply staged, in which the young girls' parts are rlayed fry impossibly fat women, and the men appear as fashionable loung , rrs. clubmen, sportsmen, and so on. in Ftransrely - assortei garments suggest ing nothing so much as a recent es cape from a burning hotel. But It is on her famous night life that Berlin founds her claim to b the capital of gayety. the revelry which ', goes on from midnight to morning in ? the gorgeous. H!-ventilated haujjts of the Frledrichstadt. The essence of the fun in these places Is champagne. ' Give a German 5ekt' and you can , do anything with him. It is his n plus ultra of pleasure, the embodi . ment of aristocratic wickedness. The ' very ordering of It marks the mood which no longer counts the cost. "Who says "Sekt" has done with hesitations, for that night at least. And the best of It Is that it has the same name, ; whether it is some dubious German brew or the real thing from Epernay. ; In fact. In the former case, it has a finer name. The night life now begins ! In the splendid new Palais de Danse, ; w hich is an annex of the Metropol va riety theatre. One is tired of em phasizing newness on all occasions. . but it Is impossible to avoid it in Berlin. The Palais de Danse was opened on New Year's night, and ev erything in it is blatantly new. The dancing hall iB a circular apartment crowned-with a glass cupola. It is a blaze of raw color; against the oppres sively gorgeous hangings are copies of well-known rocco paintings in the same flaring tone as the rest of the room. There are also arrangements for shedding vari-colored lights. In ' the centre is a railed-off arena, where women in floppy hats and brilliant cos tumes dance, mostly with each oth er. The surrounding space is thick ly beset with small tables where men tit drinking the inevitable champagne trlth more women In floppy hats. There Js. however.- nothing at which to take offence. . At one o'clock, the company adjourns as it were. aJl under one roof. Before leaving the gayety of Ber lin, one may glance at another Insti nct'011 which one - finds here, and in mivst of the Prussian towns, the An im;erkneipen. These places strike about the , lowest-note In the scale of sordid infatmy. and that they continue to ex ist its a never ending source of won der. Tbey are drinking dens, always discreetly hidden away behind cur tained windows, where the guests are attended by waitresses, with whom it is understood that the drink is to be. shared and who must on no account 'let the vfictim go until his pockets are empty?. There is a righteous move ment on foot to close the Animierknei pen forever. and the infamous wretch es who faitten on the profits of these i places recently held a public meeting fo-protest against the malevolence with rhich a section of the press and pub 1? regara mem ana to organize a counter-propaganda! : Fudge! That is the jinx which has put Johnny Evers out of commission and broken up the famous defensive machine feared by every team in the National league. But not all the blame can be put on the boarding school girl's delight. Fudge, plus five or six black cigars taken before retiring every night," has put the Trojan on his back. The re port that business cares, pastiming worries and daily clashes with the umpire are the cause of Evers" break down have received the unanimous "pooh-pooh" of Mrs. Evers and Charles Williams, secretary of the Cubs and former business partner of the invalid second baseman. As a result, a war on the sweet meat has been declared. Mrs. Evers, who has been voted by Johnny the campion fudhge mixer of forty-eight states, made a vow that never again would she take two cups of sugar, one cup of milk, a tablespoonful of butter and two squares of chocolate, put them in a pan to boil and serve the concoction to the wizard . of in side baseball. According to Williams, Johnny has a batting average in the candy league of one pound per day and has been hitting tne cigars daily in the nico tine circuit for the past five years. Which is going some. But the Tro jan has promised to reform and cease the nightly fudge and nicotine orgies. NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lost. P.C. xsew york 25 Philadelphia, 26 Chicago, 24 Pittsburg, ............ 23 St. Louis, 20 Cincinnati, 18 Brooklyn, 14 Boston 10 14 15 15 19 22 26 31 .641 .634 .615 .561 .513 .450 .350 .244 foV .sss? y?s- y A 4 v Our Great " Semi-Annual Offer" Begins ! YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. ' Chicago 8, Pittsburg 6. St. Louis 6, Cincinnati 5, (first game ) Cincinnati 6, St. Louis 4, (second game.) TODAY'S GA3fES. New York at Chicago. Brooklyn at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Pittsburg. Boston at Cincinnati. AMERICAN JcStson. Miss. A negro mob lynch ed Alfred Johnsom, who killed an aged woman, while a white mob stood by and applauded. THE LA-VITA DOCTOR ,Gets a Great Rush From Hun- dreds Who Have , Been Unable to See Him Before. La -Vita Man's Talk Brings Cheers From the Spectators. Yesterday was certainly one of labor for the La-Vita Medical Expert. Many out-of-town people took advan tage and visited the wonderful doctor to let him examine their various ail ments. In the hallway at the office, 1412 State street at 10 o'clock, when the Doctor began his morning session, there was a crowd of fully 100 people. Many were on crutches and carried canes,, The work began in lively style, and by the time the doctor got through at noon there were but a few left to be treated. Out of the whole bunch there was not a single one who was not benefited by the call on the great doctor. Dozens of peo ple who entered the office despondent and with sour, sickly looking coun tenances came out with smiles on their faces, The work of the day was wonderful. The afternoon and the evening sessions were also heavy for the doctor. Hundreds of patients were received and treated and a great number of new names were added to the "cured" list. Five Thousand at Show Grounds. At the show grounds on the cor ner of State street and Bostwick ave nue last night there was a crowd of fully 5,000 persons. They were crowded not only In the spacious field in front of the stage, but also in the streets about the place. The Ala bama Minstrels were there to per form their stunts, and they put up . a very creditable show. They will be seen there all the week and will add new stunts to their performances daily. Crowd a Representative One. The crowd in front of the stage last night Was a representative one. There were the millionaires in their carriages and automobiles; there were the doctors, the scientific men and the laboring clesses. All were high ly enthused over the proceedings. The way the people turned out to see the La Vita man shows just what confid ence the public has gained in this great man and and his doctor. There are no more skeptics, they having been convinced of the capabilities of the great doctor by the proofs which he has put before them. The rush of patients to the La Vita medical Expert's office is expected tobe great during the whole of the week. To Throw Money Away. The La Vita man announced that he would make his famous silver shower drive on Saturday evening starting from Colorado avenue, down State street to Bostwick avenue, show ering the street with money. A splendid program has been arranged for tonight- Won. Lost. P. C. Detroit, 33 11 .756 Philadelphia, 24 16 .600 Boston, 22 18 .550 Chicago, 20 17 .541 New York, 19 21 .475 Cleveland, 18 25 .419 Washington, '14 27 .341 St. Louis, '14 29 .329 Yesterday's Results. At Boston Chicago 10, Boston 3. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 14, Cleveland 8. At Washington Dcrtoit 8, Wash ington 7 (10 Innings). At New York New York 11, St. Louis 8. which means an extra pair line pure worsted $4 to $6 Trousers tailored to measure FREK which means our entire stock of Suitings is open to your selection price tickets remain unchanged our service and workmanship Just, as dependable and painstaking. - , ; - Yout unrestricted choice and no matter wa price the Suit the extra Trousers are absolutely free! 0r JVes Tremor efftr dot not ppf to orders booAodprior iiyj'tma laL We will tailor to yonr measure, a Suit of Blue Serge from the genu ine aU wool, fast color, "Gold Seal" Serges for $15. These are the same fine quality serges that have sold all season at this price. Now $ with extra Trousers free. . . 15 If ytrim looking for sosnefMng righ new, exclusive, and a bargain, see the rich, deep shade Brown, and the Blue and Gray Suitings just in from the mills. These are extra Specials, Top Notch, $30 values at other tail- ors. Uur price tailored to measure. with extra $5 Trousers . $4 '22 If yon pay $28, yon get oar-ftaest and highest priced tailoring that's where most other good tailors begin. At this price, we show yon the finest products of the looms equalled only by other good tailors at $40. Extra $6 Trousers how free with $OQ each suit ordered at,. .dJ m TAILORS AND WOOL-EN A HERO HANTS - ' Sfore Open Monday, Tuesday and Sat urday Evenings 1134 MAIN STREET, Half block north of Fairfield Avenue Games Today. Cleveland at Philadelphia. St. JLoul9 at Xew'York.-. Detroit at Washhingion. Chicago at Boston. . Nugget best 10c cigar made : CONNECTICUT. f Team Standing. Won Lost 19 18 18 18 18 16 15 12 12 15 16 16 17 18 19 31 P. C. .613 .545 .529 .529 .514 .471 .441 .279 Hartford, New Haven, BRIDGEPORT, New Britain, Springfield, Northampton, Waterbury, Holyoke, k Yesterday's Results. At ' Northampton Springfield Northampton 3. At. Holyoke Holyoke 6, Bridgeport 4. At New Britain New Haven 7, New Britain 4. At Waterbury Hartford 4, AYater- oury 3. 5, , Games Today. Northhampton at Bridgeport. Hartford at New Haven. Holyoke at Waterbury. New Britain at Springfield. EASTERN LEAGUE. Team Standing. , Won. Lost. P. C. Rochester, 28 10 .737 Toronto, 25 12 .676 Baltimore, 21 17 .553 Buffalo, 17 ,18 .486 Montreal. 16 19 .457 Jersey City, 14 20 .412 Providence, 14 23 .378 Newark, 11 22 .333 Yesterday's Results. At Buffalo Montreal 5, Buffalo 1. At Toronto Toronto 10, Rochester 2. At Jersey Oity Baltimore 9, Jer sey City 4. At Newark Providence 8, Newark 7. NEW ENGLAND Team Standing. Won. Lost. P. C. Worcester, 21 12 .6 36 Lowell, 20 13 .606 Lynn. 18 14 .563 Brockton, .18 16 .529 Lawrence, 18 16' .529 Fall River, 14 18 .438 Haverhill. 11 21 .344 New Bedford, . 11 21 .344 Yesterday's Results. At Fall River Fall River 8, Brock ton 7. At Lawrence Won ester 7, Law rence 3. At Lowell Lowell 18, Haverhill 5. At Lynn Lynn 6, New Bedford 3. POINTS OF INTEREST. is Radford B. Smith giving his customers something new and very interesting. Go to the sale tomorrow. Get goods cheaper than anywhere else and also find out about the new scheme for your bene fit. The Diamond. The diamond is the hardest sub stance known. It is number 10 in a scale of hardness extending from 1 to 10. Diamonds are found chiefly in India, Brazil and South Africa, the latter country supplying most of gems used at the present day. The mere mention of the word diamond brings to mind ideas of something that has ever been most valuable. It possess es, in an unusual degree, the power to reflect and disperse rays of light which is the cause of its beautiful brilliancy and alluring play of colors. The care which we use in selecting diamonds makes it impossible for you to purchase a stone which will not be financially advantageous to you as well as a thing of beauty. XI. J. Buechler, the reliable jeweler. 4 8 Fairfield avenue, near Middle street. Housekeepers ! AND ALL OTHERS $10UPLOANED on your promise to pay CREDIT TO. ALL We are organized for the pur pose of procuring small loans for the public at charges honest peo" pie can afford to pay. We are A DIFFERENT KIND OF LOAN COMPANY No Payment on Principal or In terest Until TWO MONTHS from the day you get the loan. We are the only company offer ing this proposition. Others re quire payment in one month. We make no charge for the ex tra time. OUR REGULAR RATES Borrow $15 you pay back $17.00 Borrow $20 you pay back $22 . 25 Borrow $25 you pay back $27.50 Borrow $50 you pay back $55 . 00 Weekly or Monthly Payments No Other Charge BRIDGEPORT FINANCE GO. 83 FAIRFIELD AVE. ROOM 105, WARNER BLDG. Office Hours 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. - Also Monday and Saturday Evenings. 'Phone 2333 ' HOTEL KAATERSKILL In the Catskill Mountains Elevation 3,000 Feet The Rejuvenation of This Famous Resort The first time this hotel has been leased. Mr. Louis Frenkel, for 14 years proprietor of the Hotel Albert, has leased this hotel, and has reno vated and put it in first class condi tion. Climate and location unequaled in either Europe or America. Up to date Garage, Boating, Fishing, Golf, Tennis. Excellent accommodations for Conventions. Assembly rooms seating 1,000 persons. Symphony Or chestra. Special Attractions and In ducements for the Younger Set. HARRISON S. DOWNS, 3fanager Booking Office, Berkeley Lyceum, 19 West 44th St. Free Coupon Cut this out and bring it to us it Is worth 10 S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Upon making a cash purchase ; of 50c or over ou will receive in exchange for this Coupon 10 Ex tra S. & H. Green Stamps, in ad dition to those you receive with your purchase. E. NADEL Dry Goods,Notlons, Boots Shoes 1247 PEMBROKE STREET PACKARD BLUE RIBBON GAUAGE 283 Fairfield Avenue NOTICE. Hearing De Construction of Sundry Sewers. At the meeting of the Common Council of the City of Bridgeport held May 22nd, 1911, the following resolu tion was adopted: Resolved: That the Clerk be and ia hereby directed to notify the persons in interest to appear before the Com mon Council, Council Chamber, City Hall, City of Bridgeport on the 5th day of June 1911, at 8 o'clock in the evening to be heard in relation to the proposed improvements: De construction of a sewer In Glen- wood avenue, commencing at a point opposite Hawthorne street and ex tending southerly in Glenwood ave nue a distance of about 800 feet. De construction of a sewer in North avenue, commencing at and connect ing with the present sewer In North avenue and extending "westerly in North avenue a distance of about -75 feet. Attest, STEPHEN BOUCHER. City Clerk. NOTICE. NOTICE Hearing De Relocation and Recon struction of Tracks in Park Avenue. At the meeting of the Common Council of the City of Bridgeport held May 22nd, 1911, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved: That the Clerk be and hereby is directed to notify the per sons in intesest to appear before the Common Council. Council Chamber, City Hall, City of Bridgeport on the fifth day of June 1911, at 8 o'clock in the evening and be heard in relation to the petition of the Connecticut Company for permission to re construct and re-locate their present railway tracks in Park avenue, from State treet to Fairfield avenue as per map and plan accompanying said pe tition, which plan is entitled "The Connecticut Company Bridgeport Lines, Park avenue, State street to Fairfield avenue. Proposed track Lo cation, Bridgeport, Conn., Scale 1" 40,' April 27th. 1911. Approved, C. C. Elwell, Engineer." Attest, STEPHEN F. BOUCHER, City Clerk. WANT ADS. CENT A .WORD Hearing De Construction of Sundry Sewers. At the meeting of the Common Council of - the City of Bridgeport held May 15th, 1911, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved that the Clerk be and is hereby directed to notify the persons in interest to appear before the Com mon Council, Council Chamber, City Hall, City of Bridgeport on the 5th. day of June 1911, at 8 o'clock in the evening to be heard in relation to the following proposed improvement: De . construction of a sewer in Beechmont avenue, commencing at, and connecting with the present sewer in Main street and extending norther ly in Beechmont avenue a distance of about 500 feet. De construction of a sewer in Cen ter Street Extension, commencing at, and connecting with the present sewer in North avenue and extending northerly and easterly in Center Street Extension to Madison avenue. De construction of a sewer in Charles street, commencing at and con necting with the present sewer In Gem avenue and extending westerly in Charles street a distance of about 375 feet. De construction of a sewer in Gold en Hill Street," commencing at and connecting with the present sewer in Harrison street and extending wester ly in Golden Hill street to Washington avenue. De construction of a sewer in At lantic street, commencing at and con necting with the present sewer in lranistan avenue and extending east erly in Atlantic street to Rennell street. De construction of a sewer in Han sen avenue, commencing at and con necting with the present sewer in Fairfield avenue and extending west erly in Hansen avenue to Ellsworth street. Attest, STEPHEN F. BOUCHER. City Clerk. IF IT'S Auto eJonlc &. Tires SELL 2T TO JACOB BROS., 35 KOSSUTH STREET ENGINE LUBRICANTS GREASES AND PACKINGS - The Best Gas Engino Cylinder Oil Made 250 Stratford Ave. WHEN YOU. INSURE. Yotuiir5 (Cam0 BE CAREFUL AND SEE THAT YOU GET A POLICY IN THE BOSTON IKSDRAfJCE GO. This is the company which, for the pa3t eight years, has made such satisfactory settlements and is the hest known in the hnsiness. Ask Yonr Agent for the tfroSTOM POLICY LOUIS H. LYON, Disct. Mgr. Room 14, Franklin Block 164 STATE ST. Tickets to Florida and the South, California and Mexico WISE) SA3I HARRIS VALUES ARE FAMOUS SAM HARRIS' SUITS - TOP COATS " "dM'srop $10 and $15