Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: SEPTEMBER 9, 1912 10 ETINA2ICIAL THE RELATION OF SPECIAL TH A nmn? OTTTTThTTftTT nmri HEALTH TO SINGING Sound Body is an Essential Interesting Pointers to Students Meat Specials LaWJLf--i -j" ,'" i ' iSf n y i iiirirTrrriii irt " i ffrifiiT i ifTiii 1 1. j i iBiii?" "lirMlti!lTL ''MBan;cT r""- TTS 9 U ft I J3. Mil kJtU. OflCC I"or forty-six rears we Iiavo lieen conducting business at the same old location, corne- of Main and John Streets, Bridgeport, Conn., and our Private Bank has been established there continuously. We have received and paid out on demand without no tice millions or dollars or money de posited with us an ! we continue to receive . money subject to depositors check at sight, on which we allow Uiree per cent, per annum, credited to each account monthly. We solicit the accounts of individuals, business . , i t hi mirl all M1I1. nt lUS WMU " --- who want a bank account where they can deposit money, checks or drafts, and leave It for one day, one week, one month or one year, and draw interest o nit for any time it is lert with us. He give to the business our careful personal attention as the oldest firm of private bankers in this state. T. L. WATSON & CO. James Staples & Co. Bankers and Brokers 182 Sstate Street Bridgeport, Conn. TRE TXSURAXCE SURETY BOXIJS REAI, ESTATE Bought and Sold on Commission . loans Made on Approved City Real Estate SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS We re ceive deposits subject to check and al low interest on balances of $500 and over. We will act as Trustees and Administrators of Estates. -V- Jj. HOIJ5ER , F. T. STAPLES PEOPLE'S "SAVINGS BANK Pays 4 Per Cent. Iolercst 3 COMOlilTPED : . " SEMI-ANNUALLY Interest begins'first of month following deposit V . . SAMTEL W. BAIJ) IX, President V ?! EJl vYAjpp jW. if ARSH, Treasurer MARBLE BUILDING 924 - 926 MAIN STREET Take Your Vacation in NOVA SCOTIA The Land of Summer Rest This country, on account healthfulness, is now a very popular place to spend vaca tions.'" -' . We will supply ypu a list of sailings and hotels, and ticket you to any given point S. Loewilh & Co. General Steamship Ticket Agents, s Cooks Tours. US BAn ST. OPP. CITY HALI. We offer, subject to sale, the follow ing or similar. B R I D (J E P O R T M O K T Ur A U JS E Amount soo 400 4SO SOO 1.200 J.400 1,80" 3.00O 2,500 . 2, TOO S,50S) -.500 s.soo . 4,200 . 4,S0O 4.500 ' B,00O ' . ' Appraisal . $ 800 - : 1,200 .' 1,300 1,800 2.50O S.OOO ' ' S.SOO S,800 4,500 4.500 5,500 6, 500 5,500 ' 7,000 7,000 " 8,000 ; ,500 - 40.000 Rate- Insurance . ; , 300 , 700 i 700 1,200 1,500 1.60O 2,500 2,500 3T,500 S.OOO 4,000 4,000 - . 4.000 4,500 4,500 4.800 C,000 20,000 BURR & KNAPP 923 MAIN ST., Bridgeport Conn. ' " M. J.-MALONEY FOIl HDJf E QUf(,SlJEJICiVAIj: TFSE Beer 1 '.I .. '. '". $1.00 a case W. .A. Miles' Ale $i.00 a ease Barsaparilla, tiemon SocTa, 'Seltzer; Vichy.Soda, all kinds of Bottled Lager, Bartholomay's Rochester linger. 86 JOJiES AreSCE Tel. 3159-3 THE. BEST. DESSERT IS "Frisbee's Pies" Delicious and Appetizing Kelley's Cigar Store 141 FAIRFIELD AVE. The bet dfrars made in imported and domestic brn nds. Complete lino of nnoUers' supplies. JAMES H KELLY SIDEWALKS Sand and fJravel THE BURNS CO. 8a FAIRHELD AVENUE BROKEN STONE, ail sizes ROOFING Ot all PETITION FOR v PARDON OF THE M'HAMARAS Los Angeles, Sept. 9r A bitter fight will be precipitated. as ' the result- of the circulation of, a. -petition signed by hundreds of union men asking Gover nor Johnson to pardon John J. Mc Namara, secretary-treasurer1 of the Ironworkers, and his brother, James B.- McNamara, who admitted the ex plosion that destroyed the JLos. .An geles Times. The union men claim that the McNamaras pleaded guilty and accepted a life sentence for Jim and 15 years for John on the posi tive promise that all other proceed ings growing out of the industrial 'war at Los Angeles and other places, should be dropped. HUMAN OSTRICH Chicago. Sept. 3 John Martimer is a human ostrich. Recently he became violently ill and the surgeon decided to operate for' appendicitis. Martimer was chloroformed, an in cision made into hia stomach, and the following articles recovered: One silver dollar, six screws, -" 19 jackknives. five knife blades. Martimer is 36 years of age: He began swallowing hardware 18 years ago to win bets. He will recover. ALLEN PAYS $100,000 . TO SETTLE CASE : Washington, Sept. 9 hTe " last chapter in the case of Nathan Allen, Wisconsin lumber king who, with Mrs. Helen Dwelle Jenkins, wis ar rested in New York, in 19 08 for attempting-to smuggle jewels- and fine gowns from Europe, was written last week. - The. treasury - department ac cepted $ 100, 000 as a compromise of his civil liability. . - . Allen, accompanied by - Mrs. Jen kins, attempted to bring in without payment of duty, finery worth about $100,000. The goods were seized and suit for forfeiture was brought. This suit is now closed. Criminal suit wis also -brought against Allen, who paid a fine of $12, 000. , ' . A really ' effective kidney and blad der medicine must first stop the pro gress of the' disease and then cure the conditions that cause it. Use Fo ley Kidney Pills, for all "kidney and bladder troubles and urinary, irregu larities. . 'They are safe and reliable. They help quickly and permanently. In the yellow package. " F. L. Cur tis. ' 1 3 5 DRUG STORE ' STOCK SOLD Telephone The 'drug store stock of William H. Gardner at State and- Broad streets has been! disposed of to- Nicholas -Ho-vath. Inc., which operates a drug store at the corner of Bostwick ave nue and Pine street. ' There have been rumors in business circles to the ef fect that the store which is being va cated has ; been rented or leased by the- Childs restaurant "people of New York.k The- fiamum office which has the rental of the propesty, said, how. ever, that no one had aproached them and that there are no negotiations pending There is a to let" sign in the window. ' ' ' - The store which" is toeing vacated by the Atlantic Pharmacy on Fairfield avenue - has also been spolien of as 'a place which is being considered by the Childs restaurant people. The Atlan tic Pharmacy will move to the store now occupied by the MeJJell oal of. flees in Main street, opposite the Ar cade. '. HUJiAWAY HCRDIiES MAIN ; STREET STORE WIXDOWS Two big how . windows, one in Manjoneyie Jtairy store, ; the other in the "adjoining store of A. M. Katz, iu Main street opposite the foot of Arch street, were demolished, .yesterday morning when a : milk wagon owned by John Kugsman of Pond View Dairy and driven by T. Randel, ran down the hill from ' 44 Area street, and unable to turn the corner, dashed upon the curb and into' the store' The horse was-flung partly through Katz' window, but escaped with little injury in the shower of . glass. The milk waon was badly wrecked and the cargo went streaming down the gutters. Randel had left the hors standing while he was delivering milk and the horse, starting ' off gently, broke'into a run .when the restraining hand of the-driver-was not felt. FRATERNAL NEWS ' Members and friends of" Court Marina, F. of A., to ths number of 125, enjoyed the annual clambake and outing of the court, held at Columbus park, yesterday - POINTS OF INTEREST. Thirteen thousand or more pupils start for school Tuesday and will need more or less in the nay of books, book covers, straps, pencil;, pads, erasers, pens,, rulers and articles of this char acter which can be jund In large as sortment at popular prices at Jack son's Book Shop. 9S6-9SS Main St. Books not in stock will be secured promptly. ai"i:ktise in the farmer BEST PRIME Soft Shell Crabs 40c doz; M A YES HISH GO. 629 WATER STREET Tela 412. 413. 2697 Store Open Thursday Evenings for Early Friday Delivery Note The data for this article was kindly furnished by Slgnor (Umberto Sorrentino, the famous operatic tenor and concert singer of Florence, Italy, known as the "Mordkin of Opera." THE JOSEPH P. C0UGHLIN CO. Painters and Decorators. Dealers In Paints, Oils, Brashes. Wall Papers, Mouldings. Glass, Etc. Picture Framing TELErnONE 125C-3 - , ' ' 777-783 EAST MAPf STREET DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD CARPETS We weave them into foeaiitlfu! Reversible Rugs.. Prices 75c up . . : Carpets taken up, cleaned and relaid - Bridgeport Steam Carpet Gleaning Co., 236 Stratford Ave. jCall up 954 REMOVED TO 610 FAIRFIELD. CORNER WEST 'Phone 71 Automobile Row to Be Paved Soon GENTLEMEN : Don yon know the feeling nt having gnests drop In on yon and not having anything In the house suitable to offer them? Better get wise now and order from us the Wines, Ijiquors. Beers, etc., that you ought to keep on hand. . We also sell Mineral Waters, Bass Ale and gtout ' Phone -847-349 FAIRFTETjD AVE. Sparkling Burgundy - . . Pantet , Canet Cln Solano & ' Duit Gordon Sherries ut bnv lricet GUSTAY BROCH & SOI -r- 'V - SEW CAFE AND fjCNCH- J : 347-349 FAIRFIELD AVENUE on small Ijench power presses and tapping machines. $1,25 paid , to beginners on presses, with rapid ad-. I vancement according to skill of operator. , EJryant Qciric Go, L31 a Geo, B. Clark & Co, OVER SEVENTY STYLES TO SELECT FROM WIDE RANGE OF PRICES 1057-1073 Broad Street : OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Smokers Attention r f 00000 - - ' - - - - We carrya very np-to-date line of CIGARS. TOBACCO, PIPES . and other goods In the smokers' line. We also carry a stock of GTJNS. AMMUNITION and FISHING TACKLE. " Oar motto Is. "Good Goods for -Little Money D. D. SMITH. 44 Fairfield Ave TRAVELING DRESS SUIT CASES STEAMER RUGS AT LOW PRICES THE PECK & UNES COMPANY Phone 470 185-07 MIDDLE ST. Bridgeport, Conn. YOU ESCAPE PART OF YOUR IRONING. when your family washing Is sent to us- for we iron and fold, ready for use, your bed and table linen, towels, etc - Try our work-j-You'll like it. CRAWFORD LAUNDRY CO. y 435 FAlRtTEIiD ;AVE. '. - : i PHONE ; 4330. ADVERTISE I THE FARMER Tbe great Rossini contended that to be a good singer demanded three things: 'Voce, voce. and voce. "Voice, voice, and voice." This axiom has never been disproven, yet to sing with power and precision something of still greater importance is neces sary perfect physical health. Lacking a robust physique, with diaphram ana trans-abdominal mus cles tinder- virile control, no singer though1 sne had a voice to charm the insensate stones and trees can ever hone to achieve success. Therefore, eat wholesome food, get an adequate amount of .sleep, and adopt a routine method of " living. Agreeable, diverting exercise is also neiprui. ine use of tooacco in any form is extremely harmful, because of the irritating action of the smoke and nicotine upon the vocal cords. THROAT SPECIALISTS IN THEIR RELATION' TO VOCALISTS Of late years the necessity of . ex pert medical advice for conditions pe culiarly affecting singers has been rec ognized, and many well equipped phy- sieians have adopted this work as a specialty. Dr. Acerbi, of Milan, Italy, was the first of these specialists to make a diagnosis of throat trouble in singers by using the musical scale. His method is to have the patient sing the various notes of the scale, study ing each individual . note with refer ence to its proper degree of resonance. Through slight deviation in resonance of certain tones he is able to locate physical difficulties and mak. a. diag nosis as to their origin in the chest, lungs, vocal cords, larynx or the nasal passages, and direct his treatmdbt to the particular organs affected, there by facilitating recovery. :- This procedure is followed to a very limited extent, in this country; one well known New York throat special ist having taken it up lately with ex traordinary success. A SUGGESTION FOR . f OVERCOMING NERVOUSNESS Those who are inclined to be extremely-nervous when singing would do well to adopt a little suggestion from Signor Ciapini, formerly one f the greatest oantones or ttaiy, ana the first to interpret the role of Ben ate, in Verdi's '.'Masqued Ball." He advocated that immediately before singing the vocalist , should inhale deeply several times, and then relax preferablv bv sitting down and hang-1 ing the arms limply at the side. Thi practice makes for smoothness and a more accurate focus. TThe voice will be freer, better, poised, more power ful, and devoid of . distressing trem ulo. ' - Of course, a slight amount of. ner vous tension -is desirable, but it -must be under absolute control. Without it, naturally, the singer will be methr odical, phlegmatic, and passionless. Nervousness- inhibits the secreting power of the salivary glands, causing distressing dryness of the mouth. To overcome this, Signor Sorrentino rec ommends that a small granule of salt be dissolved under the tongue before singing. Caruso finds it of advant age to chew a piece of apple, reject ing the pulp. This facilitates1 the flow of saliva and affords, almost in stant -relief. -- . (The singer should -, avoid ; speaking much On the day he sings. Rest and serenity give - him stamina and endur ance; and the courage 'to face -the Spirit -in Front his imaginary enemy, the Public. This is the ghost whicn even the most stout hearted occasion ally conjure up, whose fearful line aments affright him, and- whose myriad eyes burn themselves into nis auakine- soul. - - - However, familiarity usually breeds --self-possession. WHAT IS SUCCESS? The singer is often "asked, " "What is your criterion of success?" ' !t is con ceded tnat wnen an anist can com mand the applause or tne galleries, hia success is assured. one great- or clever enough to capture and hold the interested attention of those crit ics in the cheaper seats, is practically certain of securing the approbation or 1 hp riArouet and boxes. Many different opinions- exist , as to the methods of attaining this "con summation devoutlv to be wished. but Horace has given as the clue by indirection. . He tells us that, "Mens Sana in corpore sano," "a sound mind in a sound body". r arapnrase uhb, ''rrrr sana in corpore sano," "a sound vniw in a sound body." If a singer hasn't a sound body he had better make It souna oerore ne can hope to attain any degree of suc-r css- If he or sne nas a perieci pny ci.vo 1b nossessed of intelligence, per severance and temperament, and is willing to work like a. gallery slave lor weary jdio, .u.u r ' , , These' are the real and substantial "secrets." the secrets whereby the world famous virtuosi are- enabled to inspire millions. - DR. EDWIN F. BOWERS. . - r-3J T V. kidney trouble for years, and was so crippieu wit (wciuii.Li.iu " -" - not aress wn.iv"i. 1 ; 1 1 ol.h.t using Foley Kidney Pills and says: "I began to get better at once, and now all my trouble has left me and I do not feel that I ever had rheumatism. I rest well all night and tho' 59 years old can now do ' the work of a man --e - r . . T 1 rt lfli-j. rt I ) L t i,u i . J- . . ..... i. - - - - - - - - - - v2 . . . .i a .f nthf r- &ctm bpnftfit from Foley Kidney Pills." Refuse substi tutes. IT. Ij. uurtis. 1 3 & IRONING HELPS The following is a valuable hint for ironing sheets. Instead -of spreading out the iron, toia it m half, then quarter and lay it on the ironing board as though - to iron. Now iron the rest of the clothes on top of the sheet, turn it occasionally before taking a new email article to iron so as to reach every part, then fold it and begin on another sheet. In this wav the sheets are ironed with very little trouble. An Investment Ijet us sell you a Diamond It is a good Investment. It can be turned into cash as readily as gilt edge se curities. Our Diamond prices are always on bottom and our stock gives ample range for intelligent selection. . J. BUECHLER The Reliable Jeweler N . 4 FAIR FIELD AVE- Near Middle St. RIB AND LOIN CHOPS 15c per II Wash Day Specials At Reduced Prices for Tuesday Only Export Borax Soap .7 cakes 2.3c Pearl White Floating- Soap, large cakes 7 for 25 1 ' V. S. M. Laundry Soap. . . .' .9 cakes 25c ' Rickett's Blue, regular 10c size, this sale. . .3 for 25c . ' Small... 6 for 25c, H Powdered Borax 1 16 pkg 10c, y2 Yh pkg 5c Liquid Blue, large bottle 7c, 4 for 25c C Grandma's Washing Powder, regular 5c size, fl nlrrre fry t Cf ( .................. ..w xui IVl Snow Boy Washing Powder. f ...... .2 pkgs 9c P. & G. Star Washing Powder '.. 2 pkgs 9c Jumbo Washing Powder, 4 lb pkg., contains naphtha 17c per pk". Bell Brand Ammonia, full qts, this sale 10c, 3 for 25 c 25 lb T- Granulated Suaar S1.37 BRIDGEPORT PUBLIC MARKET ' AND BRANCH Public Market Building " East Main St. '. State and Bank Streets Tel. Nos. 4404, 4405, 4406, 4407, 4408 and Branch 7CG G JOIN THE d Club lenwbo BIG HOUSEFURNISHING ST0EE Is forming another Glenwood Club. 100 of ".;tUB4 E . HlllMianWHIl - ,Ji, .IT J i ii !ll!gl iTi - '"lii- i if ii in i ..fc; FiFy . . mk- JfiH the celebrated GLENWOOD RANGES ON EASY PAYMENTS Itljl members of the Club. COME AND JOIN PRICES $22.75, $25, $29, $33, $35, $39, $42, $10, $49, $52, $55, $62, etc. Every improvement worth having is in the modern GLENWOOD Saves - Coal, does the work, and never fails to give satisfaction. ENTER 1069 MAIN ST., or 135 FAIRFIELD AVE. MILLINERY W. E. HALLIGAN 989 Broad Street THE PEOPLE'S i DAIRY 130 State Street 30c E UTTER 5Pel. GE3Ct ROBERTSON S" ', TsTot Many Store-Sales Are Uninfluenced by Store-Advertising I The atore-sales to-day that are uninfluenced, directly or tndlrecc ly, by store-advertising will not faave amounted to ten per cent, of the total business of the day. By the direct influence of advertising is meant the sales of articles specifically advertised. By the Jndirt- Influence of advertising is meant the articles sold that are not speci fically advertised, hut are displayed to the customers wlio are drawn to the store BY THE ADVERTISED ARTICLES. In the latter cj, as surely as In the flint, tne advertising must be credited ultb Ua ale. Observant merchants know that this Is true. They should eaia courage from the knowledge to strengthen their advertising cant palgns to the point of matching their store-hopes and plana. 0 W