Newspaper Page Text
THE PARMER: SEPTEMBER 9, 1912 FARMER BUSINESS DIREGTORV Save Time Telephone Your Ord er Your Orders will receive the same careful attention from the merchant whose cards appear herewith, as,-though you called at their several places of business in person. Use this Directory FREELY you will find it a great convenience. .' . : : i : " : : : : 'l i- 1 m' "M"Mri r r i-ri-"'-r Art Glass BRIDGEPORT ART GLASS CO.,' 158 John 61. Phon 1017-8 v Automobile Dealers H. M. FORD Distributor MAXWELL Cars Liberty and Standard Brush Cars 1817 Main St. Phone 127 ITARBrCK & MATTICE, FORD CARS, SS9 Fairfield Are. Phone 4075-2 Automobile Supplies K. E. AUTO SUPPLY CO. Let us prove how we can save you 25 to 49 per cent, on your supplies. 61 Main EC Phone 4260 FUNERAL OF JAPAIIESE EMPEROR WILL LAST THREE DAYS AND COST $1,000,000 Tokyo, Sept. 6. The funeral ser vices over the late Emperior Mutsu hlto will begin Sept. 13 and end Sept. 25 and will cost about $1,000,490. The body has -been lying in state in the imperial palace, and It ia from there that the funeral procession will start at 8 o'clock Friday evening. The funeral car. the total weight of which will be 10.000 pounds, will be drawn Joy a specially selected team of seven oxen, called mandara ushi. The oxen nave already been chosen and are now in Tokyo awaiting the funeral day. Following an ancient Japanese custom inaugurated at the time of 'it.Tr-s--S,: MJAmMESE. E.H?E.EOi?S Mlfi&S.Ui " TBUISM3 FROM "CHECKERS.' The trouble with most women is that a man treats 'em so well when he's acourtin' of 'em that arter they're married. plain ordinary every day treatment seems like cruelty to 'em. They can't keep a squirrel on the rround. i 'Never try to beat any game where they cut, shuffle and deal and then telegraph you what your hand is. Figures don't lie, but liars do fig ure. The Lord shows what He thinks of Jnoney by the people he gives it to, Geet Ain't it Hell to be poor. If you win in gambling you're a entleman. If you lose you're a pum. A sucker's born every minute. Some times twins. Good clothes never made a real lady fcf anybody. Money can't buy happiness. Desperate cases require desperate femedies. PALVESTON' WINS WAR WITH WIND AND SEA Galveston's long warfare against iwind and sea. marked twelve years mgo by a terrible defeat," has at last feen crowned with victory. Since the pTexas eeaport city on Galveston isl and was first settled in 1837. the tropi- (ral storms that rage over the Gulf tef Mexico have claimed a tremendous loll in property and human lives. The plimax came a dozen years ago today, fcn Sept. 8. 1900. when a violent tornado and flood swept over the city and left it in ruine. The lose of 7,000 lives fcnd property to the value of $30,000,000 aroused the survivors to the need of Immediate action. Either the city, nrith the largest and deepest harbor ton the Gulf coast, would have to be abandoned, or steps taken to protect It from tne luture onsiaugnts oi wind kad wave. While many left the city. the great majority decided to "flght it feut" "with the warring elements of na-S-ure. and this year has witnessed their triumph in the completion of three treat engineering '-orks at a cost of ken millions of dollars. As last Cal VMton is declared to be eafe, let the ea rage and the wind howl as they The twelfth anniversary of the great ITtood finds Galveston protected by a gyOTet sea wall five milee long and Auto Tires and Repairing THE A. Ei. SCHAVOIR CO., 357 Fair field Ave. Phone 166 CONN. AUTO TIRE CO. Recovering and Repairing a Specialty New and Second Hand Tires in stock 241 Connecticut. Ave. Phone 863 Bakers i MRS. HILL'S BAKKBT.. .Bread that makes a feast of every meal. Once tasted, never wasted. 166 -Wood Av. , . . ! Phone 2308 CROCCH & PLASSMAN. Try "Never Enough Bread." 601 Howard Ave. Phone 1657-6 Emperor Kwammu, more than a thousand years ago, the imperial cof fin will be placed on the car by 100 men of Hue village, Kioto. Extreme difficulty was experienced. in . selecting these hundred men because) ofthe many qualifications required. They must be from twenty to forty-five years of age and must never utter- a word while marching in the procession, no matter what may happen. These men will attend , the funeral car on its way to the parade ground, v All who follow, the funeral car must walk, even the present emperor, not having a vehicle. , :; ws:x.f: :: : av. vs.?-:..?-??;-:. seventeen feet high in the air. Six teen million cubic yards of eand were pumped from the bed of- the ocean to raise the grade to this new level. Gal veston Island is now . transformed in to a peninsula by the building of a two-mile concrete : causeway to the mainland. The city has also been raised even with the " top of the sea wall. Air of this hae been accomplish ed by a municipality tha-t twelve years ago was destroyed" and bankrust. The adoption of - a commission form of government was Galveston's first step. Then came th sea wall, financ ed largely at ' home, and whiet. stretches along -the entire- side of- the citv facing the south on the Mexican Gulf, a solid and staunch rampart of eteel finforced concrete, bidding de fiance to the sea. The entire ma of the wall rests on piling driven' for ty feet in clay and faced with huge blocks of Texas granite. Their- sea wall completed, the people of Galves ton were not satisfied. They . decided that the entire city must be ra'sea. A canal was cut through the city, all houses were raised on pilings. freest car3 were run on trestles and eleveated plank walks were built along the streets while the work of bringing sand from the ocean to build up the Inland was in progress. A wiae oricK Txai-ftt. automobile speedway was built bordered by promenades that overlook the gulf. Next the causeway connect ing island and mainland was complet er! at a r-nut of 32.500,000. Private en- also been busy and has made Galveston a Summer- resort city for the people' of the entire ssoumwesi. Tho wr.mon with an-eve to beauty. were" instrumental" in having planted thmmnnrix of troDical palms along, the streets, while boulevards-: and parks are resplendent with the. flowering hriiris which eave Galveston the name of Oleander City. The history of Chicaao and San Francisco and of other citie3 laid low by fire or storm has been repeated in the Texas coast city. Twenty-nine years ago a new, trans continental railway was placed at- the disposal of the American people by the opening to traffic of the Northern Pacific line. The original road was 1.674 miles long, extending from Super ior City, Wis., to Walhalla- Junction, on the Columbia river. . -Since then it hae been greatly extended. T. L. Parks,' Murrayvllle, Ga., Route 1, is in his 7 3rd year, and was recent ly cured of a bad kidney and bladder trouble. He says himself: "I have suffered with my kidneys. My bacK ached and I was annoyed with blad der irregularities. I can truthfully say, one 50c bottle of Foley Kidney Pills cured me entirely." , They con tain no habit forming drugs. F. L,. i Curtis. - 1 1 3 5 Beaver Board THE A. XV. BURRITT CO., Kn owl ton st- " ' Phone 50? Bottlers JACOB RUPERT'S BREWERY, 21 S Housatonlc Ave. Phone 677 WALTER STAPLETON. Budweiser. Beadleston & Womi t .n m TtT st and Housatonlc Ave. Phone 1048 Clothing THE SURPRISE STORE, Security , Bldg; - .; Phone 1603 Coal THE WHEELER HOWES CO, Inc. 122) Main St. Phone 344-2 PEOPLE'S COAL AND WOOD YARD, Admiral and Carbon Sts. Phone 63-4 ; ' Confectionery C. D LANE, 1040. Main St. Phone 243 Druggists JENTWTE HAUIITON PHARMACT, Cor Mais and State Eta. Phone 833 FARMER ONE 15 ASK SPECIAL RATES for " Furnished . Kooroinjt Houses fcy month o -year Fire Department Inadequate You. probably noticed this statement. . . , . . . IhmruHK. IwyWElT vuui " j n t i . - - hadn't you? We would rather insure you hero man dctmiot. - - R ARTRAM & G-REEJX -fci Frank Block.: AH kinds of Insurance, uonas ana tww - THE LEADING SCHOOL UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, MAIN and Congress streets, gives the best instruction in shorthand, typewrit ing, bookkeeping and English studies. Established 21 years. Six instructors. Advanced methods in teaching. Fall terms opens Sept; 3. L 23 a 5 8,500 STUDENTS UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, MAIN and Congress streets, has educated 8,509 students in-shorthand, bookr keeping and English. If you want a position, and want to be kept in a position, attend Union Business College. It is the leading school. . L 23 a f NIGHT SCHOOL UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, MAIN and Congress streets, has the best night school ever conducted in this city. It is a , great opportunity f y those who -cannot attend the da. ' school. Write or call for cata - logue. Enroll now. Office open evenings. Telephone to 146. - -L 23 a 3 We Must Turn Horses Into Money at Once 24-Twenty Four-24 FT) jJJbMtfi $60 to$250 Apply 3907 Main Street Also Business Wagons, Trucks and Carts L 13 tf WHITE'S EXPERT AN AUTHOR "Railroad Finance" is the title of a book which has -just come from, the press of F. Appleton & Co., of which Fred Wilbur Powell, one of Peter White's experts, is part-author. Pow ell'' colaborated ' with Frederick : A. Cleveland, Ph. D., L. L. D., of Wash ington, chairman of President Taft's commission on economy and efficiency. The book is sort of a hand book or text book on railroad finance and treats its subject in a. very thorough manner. It .was completed by Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Powell last Decem ber. Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Powell were authors of a. previous book . on "Railroad Promotion," which was sort of an academic, study. Girl Wanted? Bead the Farmer Want Ads. Garages BLUE RH1EOV GARAGE. 2 9- BVir field Ave. Phone 8126 BOULEVARD GARAGE, Agents "Win ton Cars;" second band cars also. '45 Conn. Ave. Phone 1054-2 ELM AUTO CO, 184 Elm St. Pione 1801 MILLER MOTOR CAR CO., E54 Pair field Ave. Phone 18 WOOD AVENUE GARAGE, 103 Wood Ave. Phone 248 Gas and Electric Fixtures H. O. NORRISH, 309 Stratford Ave. " Phone 2336 Gas and Gasoline Engines WALDORF MOTOR & MACHINE CO. buys and sells engines and ma chinery. First class repairing:. 133 Cannon St.! 'Phone 3807-3 Gowns THE WOMEN'S SMART SHOP. A little Paris all . our own For those who select gowns at home 167 Golden Hill. Phone 503-5 . Hotels . ADAMS HOUSE, 40-42 Fairfield Ave Phone 1483 CLASS8FIED A5. CENI pER WORD Wordi 3 Days 35c FOR YEARLY y CONTRACT RATES MERCHANTS EXCHANGE -; ''Edwin Smith & Co.. dealers In guns, fishing tackle ana sporting goods. Ton can , also get your keys fitted, locks repaired, saws filed, lawn' ntowers sharpened, and all kinds of light repairing done at Smith's Gun Store, 95 Wall Street. Telephone 3382-3. : SEALS Notary Public, . Lodge, and Corporation, and wax seals, rubber stamps. Ink pads; - daters made to order at short notice, and prices are right. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co., 41 Cannon St. . I 5 d INGRAIN CARPETS.- Special bar gains. Fine new patterns, all first quality goods. You can do best at The Wentworth Furniture Co., 115 ' John street, 1013 Broad street. A . ; L 5 tf. I BUY OLD HORSES to kill. Re move dead ones free of charge any where within 25 miles -of Bridge port. ' F. H. Daniels, 2367 Madison Road. Tel. 4337- Lll 5 I PAPER your rooms' from $2.50 up, including material. Painting done reasonable. Fred Beck, 3 2 Third Street. A19 tf SHOE REPAIRING, at moderate prices. The only up-to-date shop in town. -We call and deliver. Tele phone 1391.. Good year Shoe Re pairing Co., 76 John St. R 2 tf DOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS made to order Odd screens repair ed iUv all kinds of wood and finish. Estimates furnished. Henry C Hoff man & Co., 255 Water St. R16 tf SHOW CASES Cigar combination and silent salesman, store and of fice fittings. Cabinet work of all binds designed and made. Hoffman Show Case Co., 25b Water "St. R14 tf STORAGE OF FURNITURE Sepa- 1 rate rooms, securely locKea, furni ture and china packiag. Furniture and pianos removed, large vans, careful handling. Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co., 1287 Main St., Cor. Congress St. Tel. 1034-2. TO RENT FOR RENT. 6 rooms, all improve ments, steam heat. Inquire on premises, cor. Gregory St. and Iran istan Ave. I I s'p TO RENT. 5 rooms, all Improve ments at 37 Winter St. . Llls'p FOR RENT Rooms for manufactur ing or storage. Gldhlll & Co., 421 Water St. R8 tf FOR RENT One stor- and rent.1786 Main St. H3 tf We Can Furnish You With All Kinds of INSURANCE WE BUY AND SELL PROPERTY WE GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO COLLECTION OF RENTS Anderson &Co. 53 JOHN STREET Wants, To Rent, For Sale, &c, 1 cent a word in Farmer fljit Column. Ice Dealers DENNIS & SQUIRES, 914 Housatonlc Ave. - Phone 2888 Laundries WOOD AVENUE LAUNDRY. We treat your clothes as pur own. If you like the idea telephone. Wood and Bonham Aves. ' Phone 1329-4 Lumber FR ANK MILLER 'LUMBER OO r156 E. Wash Ave. - Phone 103 Motor Cycles. EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES, S. T. Kellogg, 616 State St. : Phone 1868 Nurses'. Registry NURSES ' CENTRAL - REGISTRY AND HOME. Our telephone is for your accommodation, . plus expedi j ency arid. Judicious V, selection. 10S8 Fairfield Ave., . ". ""i'-'l , Phone 834 Piano Tuning ; WISSNER PIANOS, Cor. Broad "and State Sts. - - Phone 2526 TELEPHONE Advertising c Department MOTOR TRUCKS FRANK PAINE, , Packard trucks, general motor trucing, . long dis tance moving, etc Phone Blue Ribbon Garage. B27"tf TO RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Running water. Bath. Address Reasonable, care of Farmer.'' R17 tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTS BEEN, WOMEN I have a wonderful money maker. If you can . give all or part time to a clean, good-paying, permanent ' business, write Byrne, West Philada, Pa. . " ' D26 8 8 MALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED. New York CorT poration has opportunity for busi . ness man, -over 30 years of age, to take Bridgeport territory for- their .; production and manage local plant. Permanent position -and - exception " ally large profits irr the-automobile line, experience Vin- which is not necessary. Investment of $1,000 and highest references required. ' This is an exceptional opportunity for the man who has the qualifica tions. A, R. Co.. -Suite 1403, 1133 Broadway, New York. - : 16 d Hawley, Wilmot & Reynolds Undertakers and Embahnen No. 168 State St., Bridgeport, Ct. All calls, day or night, answer ed from office. George R. Haw ley, 61 Vine St., near Park At.; Edward II. Wilmot, SflS Clinton Av.; John B. Reynolds, 299 West AV. -- Wm. Lieberum & Son ; Embaimers and Undertakers Office and Residence 51 MAIN STREET Telephone Connection John F. Gallasrher Undertakers and Embaimers Margaret L. Gallagher The Only Graduate and Licensed Woman li the City 871 FAIRFIELD AV. Tel. 1S0 ROURKE & ROURKE .Undertakers " a n d Embaimers 1295 MAIN STREET. Tel. 1661 Calls Answered Day or Night AUGUST G. BAKER Funeral Director and Embtlmer Mortuary Chapel in Connection Free of Charge 1297 STRATFORD AVE. Telephone Connections Calls Answered, Night or Day, from Office : M. J. GANNON iFUNERATj DIRECTOR AND E M TJ A L M E R 1051 Broad St., near John 'Phone 3493 Residence, 1650 Park -Ava. Phone 1259 - 1 N 1 II Pianos WM. A. TOMLINSON, 16 Faiifleld Ave. r hono 2057-4 Real Estate Agents BAR TRAM & GREENE, 164 State S.. Phone 4591 Second Hand Furniture H. A. JASMIN CO., 256 State St,. Call V.p- -105S and get 10 per cent more for your goods. Why? Low rent. . . Larger Business. Quick Sales. Shoe Stores 8. B. THING CO., 1158 Main St. THE CARTWRIGHT SHOE CO., 982 Main St. .-.- Phone 1365 Spring Water HIGHLAND BflNERAL SPRING WATER CO. A pure water bill i3 better than a doctor's bill and less expensive. ' 645 Warren St. ' -Phone 987 POWHATAN SPRINGS. Nature's crystal beverage . la man's drink. 1794 North Ave. Phone 1043-3 EDUCATIONAL The Courtiand School, (Inc.) 431 Washington Ave. Twenty-second year begins Thurs day, Sept. 26. Thoroughly modern In equipment - and methods. BEST TEACHING CORPS OBTAINABLE. Certificate admits to College. New Kindergarten Primary Class for four-year-old boys and girls. Circulars at the book stores. Correspondence in vited. Personal consultation after Sept. 16. , L21 aj d THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL For Young Men and Boys Individual instruction in the ele mentary and advanced subjects es sential, to a good academic education. Experienced preparation for college, technical, professional and' large pre paratory schools, the civil service, and", business. Morning, afternoon and evening sessions. Office hours daily, 836 Fairfield Avenue.. 18 t DRAETSMEN; ''niechanlcal. archjtect ual: or '' 'strufctur'ftl,':h are ?1 ways in -' demand at good salaries; ten young - men wanted to' join club to learn drawing, at home evenings; Instru ments' furnished., -Address C.-S.. K-. Box 22fr;dty. ... - . - ; U26 tf STEAMBOATS 1 BRIDGEPORT LINE TO NEW YORK FARE 60 CENTS STEAMER BRIDGEPORT leave Bridgeport, , Fairfield Avenue -Wharf, week days, at 8 A. M. . Returning, leave New YorMweck - days. Pier 37, E. R., 8 P. M.. foot of East 33d Street. 3:30 P. M." - 1 STEAMER NAUGATUOK- leave Bridgeport Pequonnock. Wharf, foot of Union Street, dally, except Satur day, at 12 night Returntng, leave New York, Pier J7,: B. R., daily, except Sundaye, 11 AJ M. Due Bridgeport. 3:20 P. M. ' . ' .... 1 IV. B. NICKERSON. Agt. The New England Steamship Company 1912 : . FALL TIME-TABLE -' 1912 BRIDGEPORT & PORT JEFFER SON STEAMBOAT CO, Commencing SEPTEMBER 3 STEAMER PARK CITY CAPT. Q. E. TOOKER . WILL RUN DAILY (Except Sunday) Leave Port Jefferson .9:00 a. in. Returning Leave Bridgeport 3:00 p. m. Single Fare 75c Round Trip Ticket $1.00 Good Any Time During the Season. Children between 5 and 12 years, Half Fare. SPECIAL EXCURSION TICKETS Good to return same day only, from Port Jefferson every . Friday. FARE, FIFTY CENTS. Automobile transportation given careful attention. For further information address -CEO.'M. TOOKER. Agent. Bridgeport or Port Jefferson. Time-table subject to change with out notice. Wednesday, Sept. 4. leave Port Jef ferson 7 a. m., ; Bridgeport j--tO p. m. MERCHANTS LINE ; Daily Except Sunday - Leaves New York, Pier 19, TCaif. River, 3 p. m. Due at Brtagrport, 7:20 p. m. Leave Brldgeoor. Jov Line Dock, 2 a. in. Arrive Nf.v Yoik 7 a. m. For further Information and rates apply to J. B Shepn?d. Agent. NOTICE There will be a ducua 01, the Dem ocratic electors of the Town of Trum bull on Thursday, Sept. 12, t.t 7:S0 p. m. at Town Hall for purpose of nosri natir.g Town officers. W, I. DAVli?. a Town Chairm&ji AS WELL AND AS MUCH. Ko merchant ever failed if he advertised as WELL and as MUCH as ne could. i rliiirTi Tailors L. E. SUNNOLD, 1I Fairfield Ave. Theatres LYRIC THEATRE, 1424 Mala t Phone 1681 POM S THEATRE, Falrfi.ld Av. Phone 37 Typewriting-Multigraphing GEO. N. SEARS, Notary Public. 10 3 Meigs' Building. Phone 922-4 Typewriters MVLLIXS' TYPEWRITER Eschanjrev 15 7 State St. . , Phone ' 4t PLUMBER TYPEWRITER -CHANGE, 156 Fairfield Ave. Phone 2331 PERSONAL CARD READER) Advice on all af fairs, 25c. Mrs. Levy, 74 Madison Ave., fourth house above North Av." ' : - L- U - riNANCIAIi THE CITY NATIONAL BANK, Un!te4 States Depository Capital, $2 50. 000; surplus and profits, 3450,60. Frank Miller, President; David F. Read, Vice President; Charles E. Hough, Cashier? Henry JB. Terrill, Asst. Cashier; . Robert . A. Beers,!. Asst. Cashier. - - ' - "-'"rv'- ' ' THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK, of Bridgeport, corner Main and Wall Streets. . 8. W. BaMwtn. President; H. S. Shelton, Vice Pres ident; L. B. Powe, .Cashier; T. C. Cumming. Assistant "Cashier. Cap ital. 3332,100; Surplus and Profits, Lump 3380,000. FOR SALE Large ' building to be taken dow. and removed. T. B. WARREN. 29 Senford Building Die tf RAILROADS fKAILtlOAB JUNE 18, 1912 Trains Leave Bridgeport As Follows ( v- lrOR NEW YORK 12:25Q, 4-4. -5:16. 6:3. t6:28. t7:17, f7:44. t:2. 8:50, S;06, 10:00. tll:07 A. M 12:28, 13:45. -1:16Q, 1:2; 'J:!. 2:30. ;:55. 8:54 6:07. 6:t0. 6:12. 6:80, 6:46, 7:32, -S:!, 9:86. 1:1 P.M. SUNDAYS 12:2KQ.4:48, 'S:!, 8:27, 10:00 A. M. 2:28. 2;lt, 2:J7. 4:18. 5:07. 5:21, S:6. t6:46. 7:83, 7:68. '8:18, 9:23. 9:86. 10:01. FOR WASHINGTON. Vis Harlem River 12:26 daily A. af .; "lil s. M. FOR NEW HAVEN 12:48. 1:41. 6:48. 7:56. 9:36. 10:43. 11:33 A. M. 12:27, 12:80,. 1:41. 2:28 3:34. 3:41. 4:23. 4:67. "SO, 6:34, 4:I4, 7:16. 7:32, -9:49' A1Q.28. 11:59 P. M. SUNDAYS 12:41 1:41, 8:13. 10:13, 10:26, 11:16. 11:88 A. M. 112:472:28, 4:23, :30. "6:64. 7:16. 17:82. t9:02. 10:29. 11:27 P. M. FOR BOSTON, via New loadon nnd Providence 1:41. :8. 10:43. 11:33 A.M. S12:27 to teybrook Jet. 3:41, 4:23. 6:30 to Eaybrook Jet, 6:54 P. M. SUNDAYS 1:41, :H, to New London, 11:33. A. M. H2:47 0 w London, S:tl, . 4:33, 8:6 P. M. - - FOR BOSTON, Via Hertford muil WiUUnonUc -9:21. A. 34. 3:21. P. FOR WINSTED and Intermediate Stations 6:00, 31:00, 9:40. Til 10 A. M. 2:35. t5.l. 7:45 P. M. SUN DAYS 8:30 A M. :00 P. U. FOR WA17ERBURY, ANSONIA, DER.BY and Intemettate stations 5:00, 7:0b. 8:00, :?t (expr). :40. 11:10 iL. M. :33," :2J '.'xr). 5:51, 7:4. 9:4? P. Si. mNTl.YS ; 8:30, 11:20 A. Jrf. 7:00. ;07 P M. ; : FOR GT. BARRINGTON, LENOX PITTELD, ETC. 60 9:46 A- ZL. 1 28 y. MSUYDAIP 8:80 A, M FOR D ANBURY, VKAV MILFOBO, E'C v Bookfiejd Junction 1 :0, 9.4 A M 4:lt. 6:44 P. M. 8PV. DAYsWCS i A M. l'OR LITCHFIELD, RTC 9 . A JH 4:2S P. i'. 8! DA"S-8 fc A M Kpre tralss. t t-&ol rrs.. O to Harlem Ri Btatioo. C via HawleyvlU: ' ' 31 iJv and so eti July 6 Tml 3p (. S Sa'-vr4aya ool Juee IJ to 4ui EACITMAN'S E3rVTTN'AGOSUE A rpar.d'C Female TA efmlatot m wM o vuppresed muarue.t(ea. 'ielvs 'le to co-ds. I'll health, nr oUmt us-n-tura', san; $i.7"4 er h "h'le outfit tted- eat," &! the K OyAW'S DKUO rfPTORw 81 Main Strvtf-s. Bii-Oir1. fVran. Lady Aitendrta AV Mr re j Full - m m. y