Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER i OCTOBER 29, 1912 11 FARMER BUSINESS DIRECTORY ave Time Telephone Your Order Your Orders will receive the same careful, attention from the merchant, . whose cards appear herewith, as though you called at their several platfefe of business in person. Use this Directory FREE will find it ahvj- great convenience. : : : : : . : : :v : : nt Art Glass BHIDGEPOKT ART GLASS CO., 153 John St. Phone 1017-6 Automobile Dealers i . l' ' ' H. M. FORD - Distributor MAXWELL Cars Libert and Standard Brush Cars 1837 Main St. . Phone 1273 BT ARB TICK A MATTICE, FORD OARS, 859 Fairaeld 'Ave. " " Phone 4075-2 Automobile Supplies? N. E.' AtTTO : STTPPTf CO.; Let us prove how we can save you 25 to 40 " per cent, en your supplies. 810 Main 8C Phone 4260 EDUCATION AND MOTHERHOOD. " " - - i ' . ': Explanation , of t Effects - Upon .the J Blrt&.Rate.;: 2 ; " ' The publication during the past week of the etrucing ana aitogetner re-g-rei-tate fWnreft showtnc the low birth . ' rate among- graduates of Bryn Mawr , collegia naj ted to some discussion of the causes. ' (Dr. Jamest J. Waleihj dean and professor" of tbe nurtory ox medlcln and nervous diseases at the Fordham university college of medicine and professor at physiological psy chology at Cathedral .college ia em fjh&tlc in Uw statement that the hlerb - er education of women gives them a tendency toward race suicide. To substantiate his views' Dr. . Walsh quotes from the chapter on ."Femin ine education and influence in "Ed ucation,' How Aid the New," which he frafellshed in" 1911 ' ; "Occupation . with .. other . trapse, thoogrh necessary, detracts jfrern ' the caxe of children, eaid DtT Walsh, Tand if eatasrgwratied. leads to the celi bate condition or that approaching- it the limitation of families within nar row bounds. At certain period in the world's history a certain . number of . these women accumulate and the ten dency to celibacy or to . very limited maternity makes itself felt, and then this dan of people ; usually fails to propagate enough of ' the species like . themselves to take their . placet In the world. ' -- "It is a. matter of common comment at the present moment that if the wo - men's colleges were to depend en tbe . progeny of their, graduates to fill the classes in succeeding years the nunt ber of students would not only not in crease, but would constantly tend to -decrease. Of .course, the same thing thing is true of the descendants of the male graduates of many of . our eastern universities. . "What has apparently happened then ha - the history of feminine education and influence M tnat whenever worn sne .became occupied with such modes oc education or of the cultivation of feminine influence that took: them- out of their homoe, away from family, life and far from the hearthstone, the particular classes of women who thus became interested did not propagate themselves or propagated themselves. to such a limited degree. that after a time theh- kind disappeared to a great extent. . SATISFACTION COAL .VINCENT BROS. , l - Telephone 3701 NO SUFFRAGAN NOW TILL NEXT YEAR In the last issue of the "Connecti cut Churchman" Bishop Chauncey. B. Brewster announces that no attempt will be made to elect a bishop suflEra gan for the Connecticut diocese until the annual convention next June.' It will be- remembered that Rev. J. Chauncey Linsley of Torrinton was elected at the convention held last June and that he later declined to ao cept Bishop Brewster writes . as fol lows: " It does not seem to me wise at this time to call e. special convention of the diocese. Until the annual con vention we must do the best, we can without the suffragan bishop who has seemed to be needed for the proper doing of the work of the diocese. Meanwhila. in regard to the matter of visitations and other Episcopal du ty. I confidently trust I may, with out asking, count upon the kind con- Mae ration of the clergy andi people." PIECE OF OWN KfJIIi MEMENTO OF ESCAPE. - . AIRMAN'S WATCH FOB. New Britain, Conn., Oct. 29. Chtaa. TC. Hamilton, the aviator, to-day is wearing a bone watch charm taken from hie own head as he lay uncon scious on an operating table while two surreons trepanned his skull. t 1he operation, which was a critical . one, followed Hlamllton-s flight and fall in Texas several weeks ago from a height of 8,000 feet in his biplane when the engine suddenly failed to work Hamilton was picked) up unconscious. Doctors advised the removal of a piece of hie skull that was pressing upon the brain, and Hamilton, upon his convalescence, was shown the piece of bone and had it mounted in gold and adjusted as a watch charm. A silver splint was adjusted in his skull in its place and Hamilton said to-day that its presence had not em barrassed him. mentally or physically. Piles t Piles. Piles! Williams' Indian 11 le Ointment will cure Blind. Bleeding aod Itching Piles. It ab sorbs the tumors, allays itching at once acta as a poultice, gives Instant relief wilHams Indian Pile Ointment is pre pared for Piles and itching of the I rivatr ra. Drupgists. mail 50c and JL00. flHIlin MtR. cn. ...... (IU ' For sale by Jennie Hamilton Phar. Auto Tires and Repairing THE A. L. SCHAVOIR CO., 357 Fair field Ave. ! . Phone 1662 CONN. AUTO TIRE CO.. . . . Recovering' and Repairing a Specialty New and Second: Hand Tires in stock 241 Connecticut Ave " -Phone 963 Bakers MRS. HILL'S BASERT, Bread that makffi a feast of every meal. . Once tasted, never wasted, 155 Wood Av. ' , Phone 2308 CROUCH & PLASSMAN. Try "Never Enough Bread." 601 Howard Ave. - . , ... .. Phone 1657-5 Beaver Board THE A. W. BURR1TT CO., Knowlton St v' v ' Phone 605 BLAMES THE COMMON SCHOOL President Eliott Attributes Labor Troubles, to Imperfect Assim- . ', nation of Eorefgroers. ? . Presndent Eliot, in a recent Inter view,' declared : that many industbial troubles were due to the failure of the common schools- to assimilate properly the foreigners pouring into the coun try. ' "The ; industrial wars' which so seriously diminish the productivemess and prosperity of the country," he said, ..'are evidences that the com mon schools have not' grappled euc cessfully with the tremendous problem put before them. Education has a large hearing on 'labor disturbances. The whole eastern part of the. country has keen forcibly reminded of the stupidity, wastefulness and ineffect iveness of strikes, considered as rem edies for social and industrial wrongs. It should be observed, however, con cerning this disappointment, -that it results in a large measure from a dif ficulty which accounts for a' good manv troubles in the United States. namely, the difficulty of assimilating year after year large numbers of for eigners. - "The managers leaders and promo ters' of strikes are frepuently foreign- ens or persons whose parents came to this country from Europe, and a large proportion of "the men who engage In them are.ef foreign birth. To oe sure. it is only a small fraction of the United States that - Is - organized in laDor un ions, but this small fraction is active and possesses in combat the usual aa vantages which result from -compact organisation. This condition or arcairs I ascribe to the fact that - the schools have not in times past effectively han dled this proposition, for we permit a group of people who do not speak our tongue and who do not know our cus toms to make themselves an indispen sible part -of - our productive machin ery.- I.-,"---. -....., .... .. STIFF POLICE COURT FINE FOR. ASSAULT , AND ROBBERY Meriden,' Oct. 29 In the police court yesterday jyejnc tjataJona, of New Ha ven, was . fined $300. :. and . Salvatore Popalk, of . this ctly a like stun for assaulting and robbing Anutone Cala bra, last Wednesday night, Calabra claims four men held him up in an alley and. after beating him. took il-4. The other two have made their es cape. , SUME WORKING GIRLS LOSE TOO MUCH TIME Two Girl Tell How To Avoid It. There is nothinj? that teaches more than experience. We therefore eraote from the letters of two girls who suf fered and were restored to health. The same remedy is within reach of all. Brooklyn, N. Y. " Prior to takine the first bottle of Lydia E. Puikham's Vegetable Compound I suffered agony every month, but after your wonderful medicine had been taken a while I felt a little better, and after taking seven bot tles of it I feel that I can truly say I nave no more pain or inconvenience. "As I am out in the business world as a stenographer, I come in contact with many girls, and when the opportune mo ment arrives I tell them about the Veg etable Compound and I know that quite a zew are taKinar it ilELJSN UANET. 566 Dean St. . . Another Girl's Experience. Tishomingo, Okla. "I am. a stenog rapher and book-keeper, and Lydia B. Finkham's Vegeta ble Compound has saved my life. I am en joying the best of lifhealth now, but I was suffering from fe male troubles and painful periods, and would have backache, headache and fainting spells. If any woman would like to write to me wMss SA i will gladly answer her letter and tell ler what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable 'ompound has done for me." Mrs. ; VwriryHAVER, Tipfaomingo, Okla, Farmer Want Ada, t Cent Word. Bottlers jj' " ' '' '' AOOB RUPERT'S BREWERY, 215 Housatonlc Ave. Phone '577 WALTER STAPLETON. Budwelser, Beadlestbn & Waerz. Lumber St. And Housatonlc Ave. Phone 1048 Clothing THE SURPRISE STORE, : Security Bids. ' Phone 1603 r Coal THE WHEELER, & JiqWES CO., Inc. - 1221 Main St.! - Phone 344-2 PEOPLE'S COAL AND.WPQD ,YARl). Adipiral and Carbon Sts. Phone 63-4 " : Confectionery - ; C. T. LANE, 1040" Main St. Phone 242 Doctor DR. ALICE L. FITCH, 978 State St. Office hours: 9 a- m. to 6 P- m. . Phone 3323 Druggists JENNIE " HAMILTON PHARMACY. Cor. Main and State Sts. phone 832 FARMER SPECIAL RATES Tor Furnished : Rooming Houses ASK by month or TO RENT FOR RENT. One six room cottage- Adults only., 168 Benham Ave. One four room -flat, adults only, S and 6 7 Worth st- UZBi'p TO RENT. In private f anally, "nicely . furnished .rooms to gentlemen. Jl.SS ' a week. Use of telephone. 12 IS "Park Ave.- 0 22tp FOR RENT Rooms for manufactur- ing or storage. Oledhill A Co 411 . Water fit t B , - . For Sale or Ren! My residence, 405 Seaview Avenue. All improvements T. B. WABREN 29 SANFORD BUILDING- . Fire Department Inadequate Ton probably noticed this statement. Better think about some insurance. hadn't yon? We woo d rather Insure yon here than hereafter. B Alt TRAM & GREENE Frank Block. All binds of Insurance, Bonds and Real Estate , NOTICE TO LANDLORDS .We can f urnisli you with 50 NEW TENANTS Ranging in 'Price from $15 to $23 ' Full Particulars Anderson c& Co. 53 JOHN STREET ARTISTIC EVEN I N a SLIPPERS AND P U JMP S ' OF BEST HAKES WOMEN'S HIGHEST GRADE LACE AND , - BUTTON BOOTS Women's Dressy Shoes in a variety ef leathers and in many styles $2.00 and $2.50 Fasbionahlo Footwear for Young People W. IL MOHAN 1026 MAIN ST. Employment Bureau BRIDGEPORT EMPLOYMENT BIT : REAU, supplies companions, moth ers helpers, nurse maids and com ' petent domestic help, 670 St!ate St. 'Phone 4111-2 Garages BLUET; RIBBON GARAGE, 295 Fair field Aye. , ' - . ' Phone 3126 BOULEVARD GARAGE,agents 'Win ton Cars;", second band cars also. 245 Conn. Ave. Phone 1054-2 ELM AUTO CO., 184 Elm St.' "''.-;...' ' '-' -'.- ..-.-:' '!':- Phone 1901 MILLER MOTOR CAR CO., 554 Fair . field Ave. , ' ; Phone 18 WOOD AVENUE GARAGE.103 Wood Ave. - ' : Phone 248 Gas and - Electric Fixtures H. O. NORRISH, 809 Stratford Ave., ' Phone 2336 Gas and Gasoline Engines WALDORF MOTOR & MACHINE CO. buys and sells engines and ma chinery. First class repairing. 188 Cannon St. . i Phone 3807-3 CLASSY ONE CENT 15 Words PER W01D 3 Days 35c FOR YEARLY CONTRACT ; SUCRCRANTS EXCHANGE Edwin Smith & Co- dealers m tuiu. tiahlna tacaie ana sporting goods. Ton can also Set your keys fitted, locks repaired, saws filed, lawn mowers sharpened, and all kinds of light repairing dons at Smith's Oun Store. SS Wall Street. Telephone 8S82-S. ' . " NOTICE We make - a specialty of small enamel plates, such as fur nished rooms, boarding and dress making and notary public. Call -and have a look at them. ' Prices - are -10a up. The Schwerdtle Stamp : Co., 41 Cannon St O 24 d NEW FURNITURE FOR OLD An tiques of all kinds bought and sold. Personal attention given. W. K. Mix, The Wentworth Furniture Co., 116 John street. 1012 Broad street. - ' - - - , . I 11 - tf. I BUT OLD RORSES to kill. Re move dead ones free of charge any where within 25 miles of Bridge port. F. H. Daniels, 2367 Madison Road. Tel. 4337 Lll 8 I PAPER your rooms from S2.50 up, including material. Painting done reasonable.-- Fred Beck, 82 Third Street. AlS tf SHOE REPAIRING, at moderate prices. The only up-to-date shop in town. We call and deliver. Tele phone 1391. - Good year Shoe Re pairing Co.. 76 John St. - R 2 tf DOOR AND - WINDOW SCREENS made to order Odd screens reDair- ed in all kinds of wood and finish. J Estimates xurnlsned. Henry C. Hoff man & Co., 265 Water St. R16 tf SHOW CASES Cigar combination and silent salesman, store and of fice fittings. Cabinet work of all kinds designed and made. Hoffman Show Case Co., 256 Water St. R14 tf STORAGE OF FURNITURE Sepa rate rooms, securely locnea, rurni ture and china packing. Furniture and pianos removed, large vans, careful handling. Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co., 1287 Main SU Cor. Congress St. Tel. 1034-2. MuIIlns' Typewriter Excbsnge Cor. Main and State Sts. Tel. 843 All makes for sale, rent, or exchanga Supplies and Repairing' Kcllcy's Cigar Store , 141 FAIRFIELD AVE. The best cigars made in Imported nd domestic brands. Complete lino of smokers' supplies. JAMES H KELLY No matter what you want try the Farmer Want Column. Gowns THE WOMEN'S SMART SHOP A little Paris all our own - For those who select gowns at home 157 Golden Hill. Phone 563-5 Hotels ADAMS HOUSE, 40-42 Fairfield Ave. - Phone 1483 Ice Dealers DENNIS & SQUIRES, 914 Housatonlc Ave. ', Phone 2888 Laundries WOOD AVENUE-LAUNDRY We treat your clothes as our own. If you like the Idea telephone. Wood and Benham'Aves. ... . '' i - Phone 1339-4 Lumber FRANK MILLER LUMBER Co., 156 E. Wash. Ave. Phone 108 Motor Cycles ECXELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES, S. T. Kellogg. 15 State St. Phone 1868 TELEPHONE 1208 '. Advertising Department RATES AUSCELIiANEOUS WANTS WANTED. Piano pupils. Young lady teacher. Terms reasonable, 1118 Park Ave., near Fairfield -Ave. , .- O 1 a t WANTED. Furniture, "stoves, -.carpets, store - fixtures, &c. Tel. 1084. City Auction Co., 89 C State St. WANTED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Oeo. F. Totams, ? Redfleld's old stand, J 8 Fairfield Ave. Telephone 1016-2. ! O 10 ajp YOU DONT WANT any old Junk or old things around yc-.r - premises, but we want them as we heed them for our business. Sell them ' to Jacob Bros. We will, pay you the highest price and get them out of your way. Prompt attention and satisfaction is our record. 65 Kos suth St. Tel. S3. B tt. Hawley, Wilmot & Reynolds unoertaicers ana Kmlmlaaers ' No. 188 State St., Bridgeport, CU AH calls, day or night, answer, ed from office. George B. Haw ley, 61 Vine St, near Park Av.; Edward H. Wilmot. 86f Clinton Av.; John B. Reynolds, 99 West Av. - . Win, Lieberum & Son Embalmers and Undertakers Office and .Residence 1 MAIK ST R E B T Telephone Connection CI John F. Gallagher Undertakers and Embalmers Margaret L. Gallagher The Only Graduate and Licensed Woman in the City ST1 PATRFTELD AV. Tel. IS SO ROURKE & ROLTRKE Undertakers and Embalmers 1205 MAIN STREET. Tel. 1661 Calls Answered Day or Night AUGUST G. BAKER Funeral Director and Kmhalmer Mortuary Chapel In Connection Free of Charge J2S7 STEATPORD AVE. Telephone Connections Calls Answered. Night or ' Day, from Office M. J. GANNON FUNERAIi -DIRECTOR AND EMBALMS R 1051 Broad St., near John Phone 3493 ' Residence, 1650 Park Ave. Phone 1250 BOAT LOAD HARBOR BIiUEFISH Sold Lower Than Any Other Fish Dealer In the City OYSTERS AND ESCALLOPS NOW IN SEASON W. D. COOK & SON-, 523 Water Street PHONE 380O .Nurses' Registry NURSES, ' CENTRAL REGISTRY AND HOME. Our telephone Is for your' accommodation, plus expedl ' ency and judicious selection. 1088 Fairfield ' Ave. Phone 834 NURSES " WEST END REGISTRY AND HOME, 978 State St. Phone 3323 Piano Tuning WISSNER PIANOS, Cor. Broad and State Sts. Phone 2526 Pianos TO A, TOMLINSON, 15 Fairfield Ave. Phone 2057-4 Real Estate Agents - BARTRAH A GREENE, 164 State St. Phone 4591 Second Hand Furniture H. A. JASMIN, 356 State St. Call up 1058 and set 10 per cent, raofa for your foods. Why? Low rent, larger business, quick Bales. Shoe Stores , S. B. THING A CO., 115S Main St. THE OARTWRIGHT SHOE CO, 982 Main St --. Phone 1865 FOR SALE FOR SALE. Second-hand Crawford range. Large double oven French range, two roll-top desks. Geo., F. Totams, 286 Fairfield Ave. O 10 a ,P LUMBER TARD FOR SALE. To close estate "of Charles J. Sey mour, deceased, the Executrix .offers for sale property formerly occupied by "Seymour Lumber Co.", 1310 -Barnum Avenue, Bridgeport, Connecticut. jLot about 120 by 150 feet with con nected Railroad Siding. GOULD & GOULD, Attorneys, '8 Franklin Block, City. OiS . MOTOR TRUCKS FRANK ; PAINE, Packard trucks, general motor trucing. Ions; dis tance moving, etc -. Phone Blue Pfbbon Garage. B27 tf TO RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LXGRT houMkeeplng. Running water. Bath. Adarees Reasonable, care ef Farmer. R1T tr EDUCATION AL Newell 's Dancing Academy - Masonic Temple. 1005 Broad St. Beginners' Class tor Ladles and Gen tlemen. Thursday E veil ing.Octo ber 10, at. So'cloek - Misses' and Masters' Class, Saturday, October ia. at X t. m. W. GILBERT NEWELL Circulars 25 Liberty Street, City lio a DRAFTSMEN, mechanical arehlteet nal or structural, are always ia I demand at good salaries: ten young men - wanted to loin club to learn drawing, at home evenings; Instru ments furnished. Address C. S. K-, Box 223. City. " ' UJ5 tt 6TEAMBOATS BRIDGEPORT LIE TO HEW YORK FARE 6 CENTS ' STEAMER W AUG ATUCSt Bridgeport if Union Street, day. at 12 New York, Pier Sundays. 11 A. U. Due Brldgvport. 3:20 P. 2C L. B. NICKERSON, Agt. The Nets England Steamship Company 113 FALL TIME-TABLE 113 BRIDGEPORT & PORT JEFFER SON STEAMBOAT CO. Commencing SEPTEMBER S STEAMER PARK CITY CA B. TOOKEH WILL RUN DAILY (Except Sundavl leave run neaeram ...... v :ww a. m Returning Kieave Bridgnport , . . S:00 p. m. 7Rf I KineM are ....... Round Trip Ticket $1.00 Good Any Time During the Season. Children between S and 12 years. Half SPECIAL EXCURSION TICKETS nnnd to return same dav onlv. rwm Port Jefferson every Friday. FARE. .... . w.imr . "T.-. VT-O f ir i x . . m.9 Antomoblle transportation rlmn careiui smvnuon. For further information address UHaj. At. luojuat, Agent, Bridgeport or Port Jeirwun Time-table subject to change with out nonce. Wednesday, &epc , leave Port Jef. ferson 7 a. m.. : Bridgeport 4:30 p. m, MERCHANT'S LINE Dally Except Sunday weaves Hen Xorlt. pier -is. rrt I River, 3 p. m. Due at Brtdgeport, 7:30 n. m. Leave Bridgeport. Jov Una I iiock, a a. m, Arrive iew York 7 a. m. For further information and rates apply to J. B. Shennrd. Agent. AS WELL AND AS MUCH No merchant ever failed i jae auveniiea as wuiai Pequonnock Wharf, feet .8:JS: S:0io':4i' "i dally, exespt Satur- 12:28. 1:48. 1;1Q. it-tj ,,.,7 night . Returning. leave I 2:6o. 4:i(,i. 5:07, :lo. 6:12 -'s 27, X. R-dally, except "o: "7:2. -8:l, 9;g9, 1:16 p, m f tfT,Z2!r' " 'J PT. C. Spring Water HIGHLAND MINERAL BFTltX'i WATER CO. , , A pure water bill la better than a doctor's bill nd 1 expensive. , 64 5 Warren St . : Pbom 917 POWHATAN SPRINGS. Natures crystal beverage is man's drink. 1794 North Ave. Phone 1042- Tailors I. Ei NUNNOLD, 198 Fairfield Av. , Theatres LYRIO THEATRE, 1424 ICata S. Phone 4'..i POLTS THEATRE, 39 Fairfield A'O, Phone 17 Typewriting-MultigrapMii z GEO. N. SEARS, Notary Public. 168 Meigs Building-. Phone 922-4 Typewriters MULLINS' TYPEWRITER Eu4ant, 167 State St. Phone til PLUMBER TYPEWRITER ITX CHANGE, 166 Fairfield Ave. Mmm tat PERSONAL CARD READER Advice on mil af fairs, 2 So. Mrs. Levy, 7 Mi41n Ave., fourth house above Nortit A. LSf FINANCIAL ihk crrr national hantc. ttb States DepOKory Capltal.2(,w 4 surplus and profit, 4,00. War Miller, Prasfdent: David jr. turn a,. . Vice-President; Charles K. Hoof-i, Cashier; Henry ' B. Terrtlt. A. Cashier; Robert A. Beers, A. Cashier. IHK CONNECTICUT WATTa J t. BANK, of Bridgeport, enrixr i and Wall Streets. S. W. , f President; H. S. She! ton. V:f ldent; L. B. Powe, -M-ri t.. Cummlng, Assiatint Mtr. Ital. S8St.lf: Eijrp.-d nj X Lump $380,00. BACRMAN'S EMMIES' AGOGCS A splendid Female Regulator In of suppressed menstruation, 6lmn due to colds. III health, or othwr -natural causes: $1.71 for the wbj outfit. Made only at 'the - - WOMAN'S BRtQ STOTt.l -jsr SsM-irititvrat'rv' gtwi " 'RAILROADS .... -ZfJUU?I2A- SEPTEMBER 20, 1912 Trains Leave Bridgeport As Follows: SUNDAVS lt:tQ, 4:48. s:zv, 1Q:00 A. M. tl2:27. as-t .. 4:18, 5:07, S.-aO. t6:45, 7:32. J:6t' 8:18, 9:S, 10:02. ' ' b ' FOR WASHINGTON. TI River 12:25 dailv J- tJI ai.ta FOR NEW HAVEN 1 2 ; 4 K .'1.11 ' 6:48, 7:66. 9:S6, 10:t, 11-ii " M. 12:27. 12:80, 1:51, 2:28. -7 3:41, 4:23, 4:67. t5:8. S:41 mt ' ..' 7:16. 7::2. 8:49, 11:63 P. M. f(Tri DATS 12:43. 1:41, 8:18, l(l:it 10:26, 11:16. 11:83 A. M. ';, '4:23. 'eO, 6:54. 7:15. t7:82. i-0i 10:29 P. M. , FOR BOSTON, via New TmtJt and Providence "1:41, 6:48, 1:4I. 11:33 A. M. 2:28, 3:41, 4-It, 6:89 to Saybrook Junction. 6:S4 r M. SUNDAYS 1:41. 8. IS. to Nw Ten don, 11::3 A. M. 2:28, 4:28, i.54 P. M. FOR BOSTON, via Hartford a. Wlllimantlc 9:21 A- M. i:21 P.M. FOR WINSTED and TntnprmWTla. Station 6:00. 7:00, :40. 11M A. M- Z:35 to:51, 7:48 P. jf.; SUN DAYS 8:30 A. M. 7:00 P. M. FOR WATERBURV. AVBOVf. DERBY and Intermediate Station 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:21, 9:40. tll:4 A. M 2:8R. "Sl. tB:61, 7:45, 9:49 P.M. SUNDAYS 8:30, 11:40 A. M. 7:00. 9:07 P. M. FOR GT. HARRINGTON. LENOX. PITTS FIELD. FTC. 7:00. 9:4$ A. Jf. 4:30 P. M. SUNDAYS 8:80 A. M. FOR D ANBURY. NEW MTLPORh. ETC., via Brookfield Junction Troo, 9:45 A. &i. :bo. t:44 f. i. Bt.t DAYS 8:30 A. M. FOR LITCHFIETjD, ETC 9:4 5 A. M. 4:30 P. M. SUNDAYS 8:39 A, M. Express trains. fLoeal Express Q to Harlem River Station. TS y& WiUTXl3L Girl wantea? ueaa ti n leave . r,9R TF.T?1 " :2(Q, 4.-4 ? Cm. iaX' Sflfca. J,tfeia5TT,.i I J w wmmm and as MUCH as fte could. "Farmer Want Ads.