Newspaper Page Text
I I 6 THE PARMER: OCTOBER 29, 1912 JSm T J8 Hi-.'j-..:- CONTINUES - S' " People have appreciated the money saving advantages of. this.SAIJE- " " the REAL sale features" the legitimacy of the, thing. Prices have been ; " aeduced-rmany have taken advantage of this "FACT. Others will take advantage of it this week. Count yourself among , the lucky number don't postpone it a moment longer. Select your, PIANO NOW, we will reserve it for future delivery if you wish, but be sure to "get in" on these.. . reduced priees, for like aU sales, this -must draw to a close in the near future. Don rt Wait! Buy today! Vk'y-'-1?-' ' Bt Piano Made.for the Money ' ; 'v-V;', These mstruments- are absolutely trustworthy, good, sweet singing ;- ..quality of 4t-elegantly.fitedjaiid are" - exceptional values at their regu-- "-lar prices i .--- - - - - : " ; . . . ; - ' ' . 'R.. Price 'sale yrlce' j Rog. Price Sate Price iK.&rA $275 $230 iw' jHuniiredr inITsejin )Th..City.. I' r -X Reinhard ',PianQS;ned no rate- -." : duiioV to' this Gommunity. JYou.-:; : 1 f-';Ti:jfinjl:'Mein--in' man-,of thek fewest i hbes", wheie have "given the- rv'. ',j ? Keg. Price . : Sale Price:- SyieE; 'hogany; $275 $235 f Style" FR 'Mahogany S&275 $245 Style "B," Mahogany $300 $265 Style 4 C, r Mahogany $325 $285 ctyW'CClrMahogany $350 $305 Style Art Finisli,Mah. $350 $310 EASY PAYMENTS Popular, for Their Superior Tone- - V Quality Stand at the head of the class of medium priced mstruments are . , the favorites with the music teach-1 er. and are generally admired for their; artistic case designs and : praised for their durability. ".' ' i Reg. Price Sale Price : Style "46," Mahogany $350 $305 "Ste ''' Walnut $350 $305 Styles "46, "Walnut $350 $315 Style "Colpnial," . 375 $320 Style' 58, "Mahogany $400 $335 Style "59," Mahogany $425 $345 EASY PAYMENTS ; "THE PIANO WITHOUT A PEER" So generally have .Wissner Pianos been praised by the leading imisi fMans of two continents that little space is required to call attention to their merits. They are known for their wonderful volume of pure,sweet, liquid tone luSlthe reasonableness of price, EVERYWHERE. , ' Reg. mice Sale Price Style 4 K, "Mahogany $450 $395 m n mm Style l'KK," Man.'. . .$475 fU Style "imperial,: 'iVlan.$bUU 93 ' . Keg. Price Sale Price Style "N," Mahogany $550 $480 Style "S," Mahogany $500 $430 , PLAYERPIANOS The Vissner Factories Make the Best , Whatever price you, pay, your can count on reliability at the Wissner store, for they are all made of the sa the dependable materials, the player-" actions are the best in the -world, and the power to produce the. "human touch"' effect, as well'as'the'absolUte controi thieoperator has ' over .the piece he is playing, makes them the most desirable player pianos t) have in the home or studio. - .- . . ' .' .. ; r ' ; ; Reg. Price - Sale Price Reg. Price Sale Price 1 Player Piano, .Mah.5 $575 $450 -I Player Piano,' Mah"' $675 $550 1 Player Piano,: Mah $650 $525 ; V1 Player Piano, Mah$950 $845 EASYPA YMENTS - V COME INvTODAY : ! - ' : i - ' SHE EXPLAINS RUPTURE !N THE C. OF F. ORDER TOO MUCH POLITICS CAUSE OF TROUBIiE, SAYS SUPREME COMPANION COKCORAN. Claims .Mrs. Potlt Fearefl She Was Trying to Get Her Paying Office of Financial - Secretary. Xew Haven, Oct. 29-rMiss Annie M. Corcoran, of J;Kis " city 'sjipreme chief compajiion of . the Companions of the Forest, said today --that - too, much pol itics had crept .into the order, that was was t one great reason- for : the present trouble. V-- i - " : ' "There is a woman - in . the, order -who-belivee I am a-candidate for her i portion of supreme financiStl secre tary, the only paying office in rthe or der, and this is- the real cause of all the trouDle," remarked Miss Corcoran. "But I am not a candidate for the office," she continued.. "This same woman was the cause of a defection of 15,000 from the; or der some time ago and the forma tion of the Lady (Foresters. The state board is to meet here on Sunday, and possibly something: may be done at that time. . Meanwhile a majority of the order recognize- me aa supreme chief companion. If a majority of the circles decide a special meeting' of the fsupreme body may be called within a month to settle the trouble; ana it not, it will be delayed to the annual meeting in September next." The woman referred to. by Miss Cor coran is Mrs. Poth, supreme financial secretary, of New York City. The special meeting of the stacs board will be held at Q. A. R. , hall Sunday at 2 p. m. Miss Corcoran said the at tempt at removing her had' no legal standing and a great injustice had been done her. She further stated; that a great majority of the order was standing by her. She could' not say whether the CoxmpanioivB of the Brest would be split in twain or not. Miss Corcoran, who hast - been . away looking after the interests of the order in New York city, returned ' to her home in this city last night. . It is expected that Miss Corcoran will be present at the meeting on Sun day to explain the present defection in a portion of the order in New York. SARGEHTS LEASE PENOBSCOT MILLS Head of Local Concern Becomes -Associated With Patton & Co. of Albany Don Sargent Who Will Manage the Main Business Will Main tain Headquarters in This City ' . ' ..-' ' . The Bangor- (Maiiw) -Daily News of Oct. 24, sprinted the -following': - . Don Sargent and, associates, Fat- ton & Co., of Albany, - N. Y., are Lo engage in the lumber business on the Penobscot river, having leased the Sargent mills at South Brewer where a most extensive manufactuiring busi ness will be carried on. 'Large contracts have lately been placed for this timber supply for next season, from 12,000,000. to 15,000,000 feet. several large operators have already started cutting logs for them and others are getting xinf' way to cut. I'atton & Co. is a .ell known Al bany concern ' of long standing. For the past lew . years they - have been operating in New Foundland, cutting annually from " their timber holdings 20 million to 30 million feet, shipping most of this product to South Amer ica. A few months ago they sold their holdings in New Foundland to English pulp interests, who have con structed large pulp mills. Patton & Co. are not strangers to some of Ban gor's lumbermen. They at one time took the entire cut for several years of the Teacadie mills located at New Dninswk. which was one rated bv Bangor lumbermen. Don Sargent was connected' with the Patton Co. for sev eral years in the 'New Foundland Ium- beriiur operations, and 'for the past six years has-been connected with the Sterns Lumber Co., handling their lumber in New York and Boston mar kets. Mr. Sargent is a native of Brewer and' has been all of his life in the lumber business."' IKn Sargent is also the general manager of the Sargent Cigar & Plan tation Co. of this ctiy, which conducts a manufacturing plant at 62S Water street, and has extensive tobacco plan tations in Cuba, This morning he was asked if his recent acquisition of the Penobscot river properties womld mean that he would locate In Maine. He stated that he intended to make Bridgeport his headquarters as he has handled' the output of a number of spruce mills m New York and Con necticut for a number of years. Hte added that the Sargent interests which had been in business for over a cen tury in Maine already had' a sufficient organization there to look after the details of the newly acquired business, and even though the season is young has 250 men In the woods at : this' time. In this eity the Sargent Cigar & Plantation Co. has developed, in con nection with their cigar manufactur ing busineas'va large business in the manufacture of humidors and cabinets for preserving cigars. dhr tnin Dr. aOOv JI. , " Reilly of Naugatuck and ' Miss Mary Linehan of New York, were among the out-of-town guests. iiraaKiaai wa served by a caterer and Mr. and Mrs. Garrity received, assisted by the bride's mother. Te. home was beautifully decorated with potted plants and flowers, pink and white being " the color scheme. TjtrvK clusters of chrysanthemums were placed about th rooms-mi oth er plants and flowers were iised with pretty effect. ' ""' " ' In the study , were ajepiayea . tub m&nv srifte that were received" by the vounsr neoDle. There were articles, of J cut glaes; silver. and expeneive china- ware, pictures ana Dric-a-nrac. large handsome chest vof ilverware containing -a' complete ,iaoie-i een m forks, knives and spoons. . was . a gift irom me jeiter , uarnns aaowiauoui of which the groom ie a prominent member. A large cut glass vase of very pretty design was a. gift f rom- associates of the OTlde at me now- land Co., where the bride was for-; merly employed In the cloak room. Mr. and Mrs. Garrity lelt on- the o'clock train for 'Washington. . They will reside at- 229 Vine street, where a pretty home has been furnished. Mr. Oarrlty aside from being an active. member of the Letter Camera associa tion Is a member of the K. of C, and also the Foresters of America. Be has a wide acquaintance among the busi ness men of the city, aa hte route takes in the center or tne city ana many or tbe Tunlio binldinsrs GARRITY-REILLY Popular Young Couple Wed Today at St. Augustine's Church. Fine Job Printing at This Office OUR GUARANTEE covers quality, value, fit and service. If any Suit or Coat should happen to disappoint yon bring it back and get a new one for It or your mon ey back. MINTZ'S 1186 Main Street ; SUITS AND COATS $10 AND $15 NOTHING HIGHER, ' "MONEY CHEERFTJLX REFVNDED" JUST RECEIVED FOR TOMORROWS SELLING a fine lot of Chinchilla Coats to sell at Why shouldn't we talk of the great values in Coats and Suits that we are offering at $10 and $15, not only are we talking of them hut every woman that has either bought or has looked through our large assortment of Suits and Coats claim, as we do, that they are without a doubt the v greatest value ever offered in Bridge-' port. We claim, and back up our claim, to give you positive $22.50 and $25.00 values in Suits and Coats at $1 AH wo ask is to have you look at our merchandise and compare with those shown to other shops at greater prices. -Fabrics are In the quiet grayn, thei rich blues, the warm brown and the handsome mixture and plain blue serge, that lift Mintz's Suits and Coats above the common ran of ready-to-wear. The tailoring of these garments invites your critical examination. If is the kind that will make them stand up to their guns under the attack of hard service. We have just received for tomorrow's selling a fine new lot of Suits and Coats worth $22.50 and $25.00 to sell at $15.00. ' . ; HAVE -YOTJ TAKEN A PEEP AT OUR MSPIiAY. OF EVENING GOWNS? THEY ARE WORTH YOUR WHIM OUR HATS AT Can't be beat; -that's the reason ' we are selling so many positive $8 and $10 values at ' $3 and $5 , Nothing Higher AD FORD COME AND LOOK THROUGH OTJR. STOCK, -WHETHER YOTT CARE TO BUY OR NOT Our salesladies will gladly show ' yon any garment mistook VIITtil 1072 Main St. DEPARTMENT STORE, 89 Fairfield At. "THE STORE TO FIKD SCARC7K AriTTrT,Trji AND THE 8 T"b RE THAT PAYS OAR VAItH COUPON GOOD "Wednesday, ' October 30 Black Cats and Red and Black Cat Heads for Hallowe'en " , 4c Great Variety ?f Masks for '; . HaUorw'een (; Plenty of Horns and Other Noise Makers Lanterns, Pumpkins, Cats, T T Witches; Skulls', etc. Hallowe'en Crepe Paper and Napkins Cheaper Than Anywhere Else ADVERTISE IN THE FAfflBR TURKISH TROOPS ARE BEING HURRIED TO THE FRONT IN THE BALKAN WAR William John Garrity, the well known letter carrier, and Miss Agnes Catherine Reilly one of the popular young: ladles of this city, were mar ried. a"t 9 o'clock this forenoon at St: Augustine's church by Rev. Fr. Charles J. McElroy, pastor of that church. There was a large attendance at the wedding aa the young people have a host of -friends in all sections of the city. The bride te an active member of St. Augustine's parish - and the groom is one of the well known young men of the Sacred Heart parish After the ceremony there was a wedding breakfast and a reception at the home of the bride s mother, Mrs. Mary A.' Reilly, 1530 Park avenue. Only immediate relatives and friende attended the reception. Miss Gertrude MieGrath, who ie clerk in the office of the Building commission in the City Hall, was bridesmaid. The groom's brother. Alderman James P. Garrity was best man. Miss Reilly was dress ed in a very pretty gown of white crepe meteor, with pearl trimming. She wore a picture hat to match, with large white plumes and carried bridal roses and lilies -of the valley In r shower bouquet. Misis.. MoGrath was ireseed in wfiite satin, wore a picture hat and carried pink rosea. A delightful time was spent prior tf the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Gar rity for Washington, T. C, on a wed 1 ss3"& Conetantinop-le, Oct 28 Shefket Pasha, who haa been placed In charge of the troops already at the front, haj, called for all available men to' be hurried forward. All branches of Turkey's fighting forces are being- s-t orward as speedily aa they can be got in readins.' The cavalry in particular will be kept to. lta higaeet f ftclenoj . .'.., . R