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10 to the Board -of County Cominieston- era of Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a sell rtrituous and Intoxicating: Liquors, Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine Wine ' and "ider. at 511' Lafayette , Street, Town of Bridgeport. My. place of business is not located within 200 feet In a direct line of a Church Edi- Rc, Parochial Rrhfinl rrr PnhKn Rchnnl Mouse, or the premises pertaining.. thereto, or any Poet Office, PuMicI Ubrary or: Cemetery.'- if Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of S'v. A. r.. 112 ANTHONY FENNELL. Applicant. - We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Anthony Fennell for such license n.nd -we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real -state situated in said Town of Bridgeport. Daed at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D-. 1912. Owen Callahan,' Bridgeport: Louis Ionian, Bridgeport; Geo. W. Dayton, -iridgeport; Thomas O'Brien, Bridge-a-t; John T. Healy, Bridgeport. I hereby . certify that tho above I jrefd ordorsers are electors and tax. rar-ers,- as defined by law, ot the Tp"ti of Bridgeport.'- Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Kr. A. D.. 1913. - WILLIAM THOMAS, Town Clerk. 16 to 1'a the Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: -I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors. -Ale, Lager Beer, - Rhine Wine and tider. at 24 River Street, Town of Bridgeport- My place of r-uslness is not - located within 200 Teet in a direct line of a Church Edi fice. Parochial School; or Public School House, or tho premises pertaining 1 Beret, or any Post Office, f uduc J.ibt-arr or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of rvov. A. D- 1912. ROBERT PETERS. Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of tho Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of tho above named Robert - Peters for sucb.v Jicen8e fad we ao severally cerury.,eacja tor fimMtlf tim t wa urn owners '-of real ata situated In said. .owrtjV of tBridgeoort .V- ,';v vf - Dated t Bridgeport, bi lffi , aay of OV. A- IX, 1912. r - C Calahan, Bridgeport; Chr'. "Haug, Bridgeport: Christ Schick.Brldgeport; John Watcke, Bridgeport; John Boem- inela, Bridgeport. ; I hereby certify that tho- above is anted -endorsers are electors and tax- r-aysrsr - -a-. defined by ,. law, of the loira ot Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport,.-this 15h day'of Xov. A. IX. 191S. - - WILLIAM THOMAS. Town Olerk.- h i t I - To the Board of County Ctoramisslon- ers of Fairfield County:- I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors, -Ale, Lager Beer; Rhine Wine and Cider, at 115 -Rain-oatd r.AVenue, Town of JBridirepor. -My- place- of V tsslness Jg--not-- caoaV-'Wlthln-20ft feet in a direct line of Church Edl f eg, Parochial School or Public School Mouse. or tho premises' pertaining thereto, or any Post Off ic, .Public litnrv or Cemetery. ' :' v . Dated at Bridgeport- this lot' day of ANTHONY, . nSNNELL, - : -Applicant: We, the undersigmed. electors; and taxpayers, as defined by law, of. the Town of Bridgeport, - hereyvendorse the application of tha above named Anthony Fennell " for ' such license and we do severally certify each, for himself that we are owners of real p state situated . in said Town ot Bridgeport, ', Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of rov. A. D- 1912. Owen Callahan, Bridgeport: John T. Heary, Bridgeport; - Thomas O'Brien, Bridgeport; Geo. W. Dayton, Bridgeport; Louis Bonjan, Bridge port. - ' I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax--payers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. i "'- Dated at Bridgeport, this 15 th. day or Nov. A. D-. 1912. , , WILLIAM THOMAS, , Town -Clerk.) . II IS b 6 8 To the Board of County Commission -- era of Fairfield County: ' I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating1 Liquors. Aie. Lager 'Beer, Rhine Wine and "Cider.' at 2S-8S--27 Union Souaret Town of Bridgeport. " My place of business is not - located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edi fice. Parochial School or Public School House, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dialed at Bridgeport, thie 15th day of Nov. A. 13.. 1912. . WILLIAM HART, Applicant. We. the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, nereoy endorse the application of the above named William Hart, for such license and we do severally certify each for himself . that we -are owners -of real e-Ktate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. ' Dated st Bridgeport, thki 15th day of Nov. A. D.. 191Z- - H. L. Blackman, Bridgeport; John Meaptoey, Bridgeport; J. Ian Bridjge fort: Lewis C. Hitt, Bridgeport; Wm. Johnson. Jr.. Bridgeport. :! : I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax xay era, as defined by law, of tho Town of Bridgeport. Dated -at Bridgeport, this 16th day of Norr A. D- 1912. - , WILLIAM THOMAS, tx:-. - ' - Town Clerk. H 16 rb To the Board of County Commission- org of Fairfield County: - I -hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors. Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Oider. at" 290 - George Street. Town of Bridgeport. My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edi fice, Parochial School or Public School House, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. ..c Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of rJov. a. u.. van. g: PATETtNO, - Applicant. - We, the nndersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse tho application of the above named G. Paterno. for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners oft real estate, situated in said" Town of Dated st Bridgeport, th 16th oay of ISOV. A. D., 191Z. John Boemmeis, Bridgeport; C. Cal lahan, Bridgeport; Chr, Hausr, - Bridge port; John Watcke, Bridgeport; Christ Schick. Bridgeport. - I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. listed at Bridgeport, this lath day of Not. A. D. 1913. . i WJd. THOMAS, - Town Cleric. 31 l b To the Board of County Commiasion : ?rs of Fairfield County: ... I hereby apply for a license to sell Ff.trituous ajad Intoxicating Liq'jora. Alo, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine - and Cidier, at 69'7 Water Street, Town of Bridgeport. My place ot business la' not located within ' 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edi fice, Parochial School or Public-School House, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post . Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. r., 1912. christian Niels on, Applicant. We, the under si ened electors -and taxpayers, as defined, by law, of the ; Town of Bridgeport, hererjy enaorse the application of the above named Christian Nielson, for such ; license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are. owners of real estate situated, .in said.. Town '...of Bridgeport. ' Dated at Bridseport. thte 15th day of Nov. A. Ty., 1912. - ' Christ Schick, Bridgeport; " John Boemmelsr- Bridgeport; - - C. . Callahan, Bridgeport; John Watcke, .Bridgeport; Chr. Hansr, Bridsreport. I hereby ' certify - that the above named endorsers are electors and tax oayera, as defined t)y law, -of the Town of Bridgeport. Dated - at Bridgeport, this lth day Nov. A. . r. 1913. '- - WM. THOMAS, - Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 6 . . ' To the Board of County "Commission ers of Fairfield County: - I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors. Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 669 East Washington Ave., Town of Bridgeport. My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edi fice, Parochial School or Public School House, or the premises pertaining thereto.' or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A, D-, 1912. CLARA J. NETJBATJR, : Applicant. ' We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, ' as defined by .law, of th.e Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Clara J. Neubaur, for" such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. - Dated at Bridgeport, this ..15th. day of Nov. A. T 1912. ' John Boemmels, Bridgeport; OCal lahan, Bridgeport; Chr. Haug, Bridge oprt; John Watcke.Bridgeport; Christ Schick, Bridgeport. -- I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined toy law, of the Town of Bridgeport. : Dated at Bridgeport, thte 15th day of Nov. A. D.. 1912. . -".' ---' ; .'-. -.. - Town- Clerk, H 18 b 6 6 - r. -J -- r To the Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: v : I hereby apply for a licence to sell Soirituous and. Intoxicating Liquors. Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider,, at S22 Pequonnock Street, Town of Bridgeport. My place of business - is not located - within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church -Edifice, Parochial School or Public School House, - or . the premises' pertaining thereto. or;ny Post Office; Public TJhnnr or Cemetery; " 1 - :':.' , Dated at Bridgeport, thj loth day of Nov. A. ., 1912. JOHN MORAX, V : Applicant. ; We, the undersigned.' electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named John Moran for" such license and we do severally certify-, each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated - in said : Town of Bridgeport. 'i'-wna -iSif , e-.-.o:? ' Dated at Bridgeport, thto 15th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. f , - John Heaphy, Bridgeport Albert Falk, -Brifgeport. John Cody. Bridget port; William-etapleton, Bridgeport; Thomas O'Leary, Bridgeport. I hereby certify that, the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by Jaw, of the Town of Bridgeport. 4 - Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D.. 1912. WILLIAM THOMAS. , - Town Clerk. -9 9 q 91- H To tho Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: - -I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous - and Intoxicating Liquors. Ale. Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and Cider, at 611 Park Avenue, Town of Bridgeport. My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edi fice, Parochial School or Public School House, or , the premises 'pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public T.ibrarv or Cemetery. . t Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. PATRICK KELLY, Applicant. - We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as ; defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Patrick Kelly, for such. license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated . in said Town of Bridgeport. . - ' . Dsited ft Bridgeport, this IStii day of Nov. A. T.. 1912. John Heaphy, Bridgeport; Albert Falk. Bridgeport: William. Stapleton, Bridgeport; Thomas O'Leary, Bridge port; John. eoay. Kriasreport. I hereby certify thst . the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, .as defined . by law, of the Town of Bridgeport.' , ' Town of Bridfireoort- Dated at Brieport, this ISfch day of Nov. A. 1912. WILLIAM THOMAS, Town Olerk. IT 16 b 6 6 - To the Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: . I hereby apnly for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors. Ale, Lager Beer, RMne Wine and Cider, at 96 Cannon Street, Town o5 Bridgeport. My place of husiness is located within six feet in a direct line of a Church Edi fice, Parochial School or Public School House, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D-, 1912. i T. J. CARTS. ' ' - - i i Applicant. We, - the ' undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law,' of th.e Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named T. . J. Carr for such license and we do -severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated in said Town .of Bridgeport. Doted ft Bridgeport, this IStlh day of Nov. A. D-, 1912. A. Commette, Bridgeport; Frank Ferterlce, Bridgeport;' E. L. Wakelee, Bridgeport; F. W. Parrott, Bridge port; Henry .F. Veit, Bridgeport. I hereby certify that the -above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. rittited pt. BrMo-eport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WILLIAM THOMAS, 1 ' , Town Clerk. H 1 b 6 To the Board -of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: "I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors. Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 1S30 .Main Street, .Town of Bridgeport. My place of business is not located within 200 feet In direct U of a Church TCdi- THE fice. Parochial School or Public School House, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Futrtie Library or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th jjay of Nov. A. D 1912. ' JAMES STAPLETON, -Applicant. We, the . undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse me application or tne apove named James Stapleton, for such1 license and we do severally certify each for himself that we 1 are owners of real esta te situated " in said Town of Bridgeport. . . ' E'3;ted Pt Bridgeport, thia 15th day of JNOV. A. JU., 1S12. - C. Callahan, Bridgeport:. Christ Schick, Bridgeport; John Boemmels, Bridgeport; Chr. Haug, Bridgeport; John Watcke, Bridgeport. I - hereby certify that 'the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers,' as - defined by law,-- of the Town of BridereDort. Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day Of Nov. - A. D., 1912. -. - : WILLIAM THOMAS, - f. :- - , ' - . - Town- Olerk. To the Board of County Commis&ion ' era of Fairfield County: - - ' I hereby apply for a license to -sell Spirituous -and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and Cider, at 101 S Maplewood Avenue, Town of Bridgeport. My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edifice, Parochial School or Public School house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public library or Cemetery. ' - Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. MAURICE O'DONNELL, i Applicant. We, the- undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the 'application of the- above named Maurice O' Donnell. for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated in said Town .of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. Louis Levy, Bridgeport; Peter Hummel, Bridgeport; H. W. Hitch cock.Bridgeport; Owen Light, Bridge port; Marshall E. Gray, Bridgeport. I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of. tho Town of Bridgeport. . Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WM. THOMAS, - Town Clerk.. H 16 b 6 6 To the Board of County Commission . ers of Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors. Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and Cider,- ' at 843 -Stratford Avenue, Town of Bridgeport. ,My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edifice, ' Parochial School or- Public School- house, or .. the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. . - Dated at Bridgeport, this ISth day of Nov. A. D., 1912. . JOSEPH CIGLAR, " Applicant. We, the undersigned, -electors and taxpayers, as defined by law. of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Joseph Ciglar . for -, such ' license and we do severally certify1 each, tor himself that we are . owners of real estate situated in said .Town ; of Bridgeport. ' ' , Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D 1912. i - James Tlmoney; 100 Evergreen St; J. Etmfc, 557 Llndtey St.; Henry Emt, 100 Evergreen St; John G. Murbach, 494 Lindley St.; Charles Rhorback, 432 Brook St. I hereby certify that the above name, endorsers are electors and tax payers,, as defined by ' law, of the Town of Bridgeport.' 1 Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. ', WM. T. MTJLLINS. :;' " ' Asst. Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 ' To the Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: -1 hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and Cider, at 4485 Main' Street, Town of Bridgeport. My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a. direct line of a Church Edifice, Parochial School or Public School Jvouae, or the , premises pertaining thereto, or any- Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. - Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th, day of Nov. A. D.. 1918. FRITZ HENNINOER, .- - Applicant. We, the undersigaed, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of- Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Frit Henninger. for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. " Maurice Kelly, 51 Worth St.; John Coyne, 993 Grand St.; James Clancy? 98 Gem Ave.'; John A. Leonard. 121 Fremont St.; Charles M. Biltz, 390 Warren St. I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by law, " f the Town of Bridgeport. - - - Date at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D 1912. . . -WM. THOMAS, Town Clerk. ' - H 1 b -'. - To the Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: , ' - I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine " and Cider, at 18S7 ' Fairfield Avenue, Town of Bridgeport. My place - of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edifice, Parochial School or Public School house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. - -i .-- Dated .at Bridgeport, this 13-th day of Nov. A. IX, 1912. r . NICHOLAS JX WHITE, v - - Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors , and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Nicholas D. Whyte, for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that -we are owners of real estate situated in said .Town, of Bridgeport. . - Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th iay of Nov. A. D., 1912. Patrick J. Dowling. 1871 Fairfield Ave.; Albino GtrigoJa, 53 Ash St.; Geo. Hall, 982 Seaview Ave.; Julius Paul, 64 Maiden Lane; - Henry .Meyer, 28 Courtis .A.v I hereby certify that the. above named! endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by , law, of the Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport.-this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WM.' THOMAS, ; , Town Clerk. . K H b To the Board of County -Commissioners of Fairfield County: - -I hereby apply for a license to. sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer Rhine - Wine - and Cider, at 1331 State Street, Town of Bridgeport. .My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edifice, Parochial School Or Publie School house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery.. Dated at Bridgeport this 13th day FARMER: NOVEMBER 16, of Nov. A. D., 1912. DANIEL E. WALKER, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Daniel E. Walker, for such license and we. do severally certify each for himself ' that we are owners of real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D 1912. Owen Light, 257 Black Rock Ave.. Marshall E. Gray, 269 Black Rock Ave.; William H. Johnson, Jr., 1216 Capitol Ave;' Wm. Lieberum, 531 Main St.; Charles Hanson, 129 Main St. . I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined - by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. . Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. . .WM.. THOMAS, .. . Town Clerk. II 16 b 6 6 - To the-Board of County Commission : sioners for Fairfield County: ' -I hereby apply for a Druggist's li cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat ing. Liquors, Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 141 Hallett Street, Town of. Bridgeport. ; Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of JSov. A. D., 1 91 2. . . - : V ' A. BERNSTEIN, ' '' Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the .application of tho above named A. Bernstein, . for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. , Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day Of Nov. A. D 1912. M. Stein, 318 Hamilton St.; M. L'au tenschlager, 291 Eagle St.; John Ku ba. 191 Adams St-; S. Loewith, 835 Clinton Ave.; Robert FitzRoy, 255 Brooks St. .- I hereby certify that the above named endorsers aie electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. - - Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WM. T. MTJLLINS, ; Asst. Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 6 To the Board of -County Commission- sioners for Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a Druggist's li cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat ing. Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine : and Cider, . at 1349 State Street, . Town of Bridgeport. ' - Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. - '-,.". . E. W. ENSIGN, : Applicant. We, the undersigned, ' electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, - hereby endorse the application of the - above' named E. W. Ensign. for such . license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated, in said Town of Bridgeport- - 1 Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov.- A. D., 1912. l Harry D. Fitzgerald, 76 Bassick, Av enue; Peter Hummel, 734 Howard Av enue; Hubert Hutton, 782 Howard Avenue; Christian Holdt, 493 How ard Avenue; Peter Pearson. 529 How ard Ave. I hereby certify, that the above named endorsers are - electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town pf Bridgeport. - ' ,. Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov, A. D., 1912. WM. THOMAS, ' - " " Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 6 Te the Board of County Commission- sioners for Fairfield Countyr I hereby apply for a Druggist's H-i cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat ing Liquors. Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 1190 Pembroke Street, Town of Bridgeport.' Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. FRANK T. SCHERCIK. Applicant. . We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Frank T. Schevelk, for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. William Keating. Bridgeport; Leo pold Herdlna, Bridgeport; Michael J. Neil, Bridgeport; Lafayette Peer, Jr., Bridgeport; Leonard S. Alexowitz, Bridgeport I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WM. T. MTJLLINS. K Asst. Town Clerk. HlBb'66 , To-, the Board of County Commission- sioners for Fairfield County: I hereby apply for. a Druggist's li cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 1244 Stratford Avenue, Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this ISfh day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WILL I. NICHOLS,, ' ' Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the- application of the above named Will I. Nichols, for ? such , license and we do" severally certify each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. ' Allen J. Kennedy, 412 Central Ave.; Chester Blackman, 11 1 9 Stratror d Avenue; ' Albert J. Sohn, 256 Bunnell St.; J. Borstelman, 669 Central Ave nue; James Bounds, 1190 Stratford Ave." ' '" ' I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WM. THOMAS, Town Clerk. It 16 b 6 6 To the Board of County Commission , sioners for Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a Druggist's li cense to. sell Spirituous and Intoxicat ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at . 870 ' Main Street, Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, , this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WILMA M. ROBERTSON, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, - of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Wilma M. Robertson, for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of No. A. D., 1912. Geot A; Robertson, Bridgeport; Chas. M. Biltz, Bridgeport; F. C. Mul lins, Bridgeport. G. Bachman, Bridge port; B. D. Pierce, Bridgeport. I hereby -certify, that the above named endorsers are electors - and taxpayers, as defined by . law, of the Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D 1912. WM. ' THOMAS, Town Clerk. IT 16 b 6 C To the Board of County Cbmmission sioners for Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a Druggist's li- 1912 cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 229 Fairfield Avenue, Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. GEO. A. JAMIESON, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application -of the above named George A. Jamieson, for such licence and we do severally certify each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. H. H. Jacksonn, Bridgeport; Wm. Nothnagle, Bridgeport; John A. Rus ling, Bridgeport; William K. Mix, Bridgeport; George E. Southworth, Bridgeport. . I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. j WM. THOMAS, : Town Clerk. : H 16 b 6 6 ' To the Board of County Commission . ers of Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors. Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 92 State Street, Town of Bridgeport, My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line -of a Chufrch Edi fice, Parochial School or Publie School House, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any" Post Office,' Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgeport, this 14 th day Of Nov. A. D., 11?. THOMAS ROCK, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Thomas Rock for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 14 th day of Nov. A. D-. 1912. ' Abraham Frank, Bridgeport; .Wil liam HL Stapleton, Bri?geport; Chas. M. Biltx, Bridgeport; Charles Bler-baum.- Bridgeport; Henry ; Harris, Bridgeport.. I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as - defined by law, of . the Town of Bridgeport. - Dated at Bridgeport, this 14th day of Nov. A. D-. 1912. WM. T. MTJLLINS, ' Asst. Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 To the Board of County Commission , ers of Fairfield County: -. . ' I hereby apply, for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors. Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at -1037 North Avenue. Tnwn of Bridgeport. My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edi fice, Parochial School or Public School House. . or the premises pertaining thereto, or' any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. ; - Dated at' Bridsrenort, this 14th day of Nov. A. D 1' 1.2. MART E. KELLY, . . . r Applicant. We. the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bride-eport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Vary. E. Kelly, for such license and we do severally certify ach for himself that- we are owners of real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport: Dated at Bridgeport, this 14th day of Nov. A; T.. 1912- O. Callahan, Bridgeport; John Watchke, Bridgeport; Chr. Haug, Bridgeport; Christ Schick. Bridge port; John Boemmels. Bridgeport. I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are' electors and tax rxsyers, as defined by law, of' the Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 14th day of Nov. A. T.. 1912. WILLIAM THOMAS, x ' Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 6 To the Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a wholesale li cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat ing Liquors. Ale, Legr Beer, RMne Wine and Cider, at. 961 Main Street, Town of Bridgeport. My place of bus iness is, located within . feet in a -direct line of a Church Edifice. Pa rochial School' or Public School-house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post-Office, Public Library or . Dated at Bridgeport, this 11th day of Nov. A. D. 1912. . RUSSELL T. WHITING, Applicant. We, the .undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Rurael! T. Whdting. for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated in said Town of BItedat-Bri-ort. this 11th day of Nov. A. D.i 112. j ' John Brown. Jr., Bridgeport; Alfred B Beers. Bridgeport; C. Arthur, Bridgeport; W. E. Burnham, Bridge port; J. B. Klein. Bridgeport. I hereby certify, that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport Dated wt Bridgeport, this 11th day of NOV. A. D. 1912. WJff THOMAg ''.''.. Town Clerk. IT 16 b 6 - - - To the Board ; of County Comratesion ere of Fairfield County: m I hereby apply for a Wholesale Brewery License to sell Spirituous ana Intoxicating Liquors, Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 616 Howard Avenue, Town of Bridgeport, My place of business is located within ' feet in a direct line of a Churroh Edifice, Parochial School or Public School-house, or the premises pertain ing thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery Dated at Bridgeport, this 16th day Of Ntov. A. I , 1912. V. FEIGECWSPAN BEER CO., Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors 'and taxpayers,' as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport hereby- endorse the application of the above nam-.d Feigenspan Beer Co., for such license and we do severally ' certify each for himsel that -are are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. ' , . Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D.., 1912. L-uls Levy," Bridgeport: Peter Ham mond, Bridgeport; H. W. Hitchcock, Bridgeport; Owen Lisht Bridgeport; Marshall E. Gray, Bridgeport. I hereby "certify that the aoovo named endorsers areelectcrs and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WM. T. MTJLLINS. Asst. Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 6 " ' 1 To the Board of County Commission s ers of Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 1179 North Avenue, Town of Bridgeport. My place of business is not located within . 800 feet in a direct line of a Church Edi fice, Parochial School or Public School House, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office. Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgeport, this 14th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. DELBBRT WILSON. Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Delbert Wilson for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real himself that we are owners of real estate situated, in said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 14th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. Christ Schick, Bridgeport; C. Calla han.Bridgeport; John Watcke.Bridge port; Chr. Haug, Bridgeport, John Boemmels, Bridgeport. ' I herebv certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 14th day of Nov. A. D., 191Z. WILLIAM THOMAS, Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 6 To the Board of County Commission sioners for Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a Druggist's li cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 28 S Harral Avenue, Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. , GEORGE MALONE, Applicant. We, the undesigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Tg-jwx of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application ofifther above named George Malone, for such license and we do severally certify ea h for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. -Dated at Bridgeport this 13th day of Nov. A. D.. 1912. , Robert J. Lynch, Bridgeport R. B Hurley, Bridgeport; Kdwara i;asey, Bridgeport; F. C. Stanley, Bridgeport; Egbert Marsh, Bridgeport. . I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WM. THOMAS, ' '' 1 Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 6 To the Board of County Commission , sioners for Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a Druggist's li cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider. at 264 Madison Avenue, Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridgeport, this lth day of Nov. A. D., 1912. JOHN M. ROURKE, , Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse the application of the above named John M. Rourke, for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day Of Nov. A. D., 1912. . Patrick J. Cooney, Bridgeport; John W. Eckel, Bridgeport; Chas. E. Wilson, Bridgeport; John Walters. Bridgeport; Thos. F. Burns,' Bridge port. - I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are elector .and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport . Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day of Nov. A. IX, 1912. WM. THOMAS; Town Clerk. : I H .16 b 6 6 , To the Board of County Commission - ers for Fairfield County! I hereby apply for a Druggist's li cense to sell Spirituous and! Intoxicat ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine ana Cider, at 420 Fairfield Avenue, Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. , KAEL CTRU8, - . ' Applicant We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse the application of the above named Karl Cyrus. for such license and . we do severally certify each for himself that wa are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport this 15th day Of Nov,' A. D., 1912, ' D. C. DeWolf, Bridgeport; Frank I Hitchcock, Bridgeport; Thomas E. Bishop, Bridgeport; Geo. B.- Craw ford, Bridgeport; I. T. Banks, Bridge port i I hereby "certify 'that the' above named ' endorsers are electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridgeport this 15th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WM. THOMAS. Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 To the Board of County Commiaslon , ers for Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a Druggist's li cense to sell Spirituous and; Intoxicat ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider. at 1112 Main Street Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D., 1812. - ANDREW W. McCONNEXi, Mgr. Riker's Druug Store, : Applicant. 7 We,, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named A. W. MeConnell, for such license and we do severally certifj each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridgeport thia 15th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. C. V. Lindqulst Bridgeport; Joseph H. Stagg, Bridgeport H. S. Shelton, Bridgeport; L. B.yPowe. Bridgeport; Frederick B. Fallon. Bridgeport I hereby certify that the above named , endorsers are electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day Of Nov. A. D., 1912. . WM. T. MTJLLINS, Asst Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 To the Board of County Commission ers for Fairfield County: . I hereby apply for a Druggists li cense to sell Spirituous and! Intoxicat ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 1890 .Main Street, Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 15 th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. HARRY C. BRINKERHOFF, Applicant We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named Harry C. Brinkerhoff, for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town of BrDatedat Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D.. 1912. John F. Brady. Bridgeport; John H Partridge, Bridgeport; David Ah -bott Bridgeport; Dennis E. McNama ra, Bridgeport; James T. Brady, Bridgeport. I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and taxpayers, as defined by law. of the Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. OI WM. T. MTJLLINS, Asst. Town Clerk H 16 b 6 6 - Farmer Want Ads lc a wor To the Board of County Commissioa- , ers for Fairfield Counts: I hereby apply for a Druggist's V. "ense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer. Rhino Wine and Cider, at 4 63 East Main Street, Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 16th day of .Nov. A. D., 181 2. HENRY A. HITCH. Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport hereby endortwr the application of the above named . Henry A. Hitch, for such license and we do' severally certify each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated In said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport this 16th day Of Nov. A. D., 1912. S. R. Adams, Bridgeport; George Kingston, Bridgeport; Geo. H. Zink, Jr., Bridgeport; W. J. Southey, Bridgeport; Wm. ' R. Brown, Bridge port. I hereby certify that the above named endorsers lire electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. : Dared at Bridgeport, this Jth day of Nov. A. D., 1912. ' WM.. THOMAS, Town cioru. H 1 H To the Board Of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: 1 I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquor, Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and Cider, at 690 Pembroke Street.' Town of Bridgeport. My place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edifice. Parochial School or Public School house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgeport this 12th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. VERESE & RAMBOTTINE Applicant; . We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of tho Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse the application of the above named Verese & Rambottine, for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated, in said Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov. A. !., 1912. , : ' John Boemmels, Bridgeport, C. Cal lahan, Bridgeport Chr. Haug. Bridge port, John Watcke, Bridgeport, Christ Schick. Bridgeport I hereby certify that the above named: endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov. A. D.. 1912. . WM. THOMAS. Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 6 To the Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: . 1 hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and Cider, at- 246 Crescent Aevnue. Town of Bridgeport. My place of business Is not located within 200 feet In a direct line of a Church Edifice. Parochial School or Public School house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. JOHN J. HOPE, - Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers,- as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport hereby endtrse the application of the above named John J. Hope, for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov. A. D., J912. James J. Shanley, .Bridgeport, Christopher McNamay, Bridgeport, Richard J. Kiely, Bridgeport John Coyne, , Bridgeport, John Klynn, Bridgeport I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day Of Nov. A. D., 1912. WM. THOMAS, ' ' ' . Town Clerk. H 1 b 6 6 To the Board of County Commission- . ers of Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and 'intoxicating Liquors. Ale. 'Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and Cider, at 283 E. Washington Avenue, Town of Bridgeport. My place of business is not located within 200 feet In a direct line of a Church Edifice, Parochial' School or Public School house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. JOHN KAILIN, Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above named John Kailin, " for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport . Dated at Bridgeport, this 12 th day Of Nov. A. D...H12.- Chas. Mere, Bridgeport; Benedict ehnider. Bridgeport: Frank Pintey. Bridgeport; Aug. Kaempber. Bridge port; John Schneider. Bridgeport I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. - Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WM. THOMAS, Town Clerk. . H 16 b 6 C To the Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: - I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors. Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 137 Stratford Avenue. Town of Bridgeport. My place of business Is not located within 20ft feet In a direct line of a Church Edifice. Parochial School or Public School -house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th dar of Nov. A. D., 1912. JOHN 3. BERGEN, Applicant. We. the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse the application of the above named John J. Bergen, for such licena and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of reai estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov. A. D.. 1912. John Heaphey, Bridgeport; Albert Falk, Bridgeport; John Cody. Bridge port. William Stapleton. Bridgeport: Thomas O'Leary, Bridgeport I hereby certify that the .bove named! endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport. . . . Dated at Bridgeport, this 12h day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WM. THOMAS, Town Clerk. H 16 b 6 6 -ro the Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a license to sll Spirituous and Intoxicating Llquom. Me, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and ider, at 295 East Wa-hlngton Ave., "own of Bridgeport. My place of usiness Is not located within 200 feet - a direct line of a Church Edifice, rochial School or Public fichool, or the premises . ortaininar