Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: NOVEMBER 16, 1912 11 0" ere to, or any Post Office. , Public brary or Cemetery. . Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day f Nov. A. 1912. - GEO. KOLBTZAR. . ... . i Applicant. ;tTe, the- undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as. denned by law, of the town of - Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of , the above named Mre Koleysar, for such license lail we do severally certify each for tmself that we are owners of real tetate situated In said Town of Bridgeport. . Dated at Bridgeport, this ISth day f Nov. A. D.. 1912. James Ttmoney, Bridgeport; J. Emt Bridgeport: Henry Emt, Bridge fort; John 8. Meerback. Bridgeport; Charles Rohrback, Bridgeport. 1 hereby certify, that- the above oamed endorsers are electors and tax payers, ,a defined by law,, of the town of Bridgeport. . ., Dated at Bridgeport, this 18tn day f Nov. A.' IX, 112. WM. T. ' MTJLLINS, Asst. Town Clerk. "'If IS b a - jfo the Board of County Commlssion I ers of Fairfield County: . . - I hereby apply for a license to sell poJrituous and Intoxicating Liquors, A!-, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and tnir. at 40 Water Street, t'owa- of Bridgeport. - My pt&ee of business Is not located within 200 'feet in a direct line of a Church E VsrochJal School or Public School house, . or the premises pertaining thereto., or sny Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. ' ' - . Iated at Bridgeport. thW ltth day of Nov. A. D.. 1912. , ' , NICHOLAS I. WHTTB, , Applicant. We, the undersigned, electors fend taxpayers, as denned by law, of the of Bridgeport, hereby endorser the application of the above ntmea Nicholas D- Whyte, fo,Ch., .- nd we do severally certify each fo himself that we are owners of real tirtate situated la said Town ..of rtedat Brtdgeport." this Hth day Ave.; Albino Grigolt 6 Ash St. Geo. 982 Seavlew Ave.J Jul t o Paul, 4 Maiden. Lane; Henry Meyer 38 CTlfeb certify that . the ahoVe baraed endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by law, , of . the frown of Bridgeport i Dated at Bridgeport. thlaHth day Of Nov. A. D.. lll VA ' Town Clerk. - H 1 b '.: .... To the Board of County Comi mission era of Fairfield County: - -- t hereby apply for a license to u Spirituous . and Intoxicating Liquo rs. Ale. Lager Beer Rhine "Wine and Oder, - at 1629 Main i Street. So of Bridgeport My placjr ot tmsine Is. -t located within 200 feet Parochial School or Tibl ic Scii ool uee. . or the promi Ptftlnins thereto, or any Post pfflce, Public library or Cemetery. . ' - Ited at Bridgeport, this 18th day 's Applicant W, R Mdersigned, e!eEors and . - , law. of the Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse the application of the above named George H. Stafford, for eucn license nd we do severally . certify each for Ibfmself that we are owners of real w-tute situated In , said , Town of rTdat Bridgeport this 18th day i Nov.- A.' TX. .1918. " - ; ' ' 'jli' Owen Light 257 Black Rock Ave.; Marshall E. Gray. 269 Blank Rock Ave.; Wm. TT. Johnson, Jr.. 1 318 Cap ffcl Ave.; Wm. Lieberum. i 81, Main St.: Charles Hanson, 12 Main St.- f hereby certify that tho above named, endorsers are electors and tax pavers, as defined by law, , of the tea?rSort this W day j-Nov. - "1. THOMAS. Z7' x " 'ToimOerfc- n it-i ' :- To the Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: . - . -: ' . I hereby, apply .for a licence to sell Spirituous -and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale.' Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and ClderTT at 782 Maple - Street Town of Bridgeport My Place of business Is not located within iO'f.feet in a direct line of a Church Ed. .ce, Parochial School or PubUc - School house, or the premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery. ; i. '' ated, at Bridgeport this ISth day of-Nov. A. D.,'1912. - ' ' ' - STEPHEN DtTHON, . . ' v . -Applicant " v,'e.: the ttndersigned, electors and taxpayers, ' as denned by law; of the Tmra of Bridgeport hereby endorse -l nf tha ntiflvi named Stephen Duhon, for such license and we ao severalty cermy wu himself that we are owners f real wtate situated - In said Town " of Bll55ed0at Bridgeport, this ltth day of Nov. A. r., 1912. ' ' Owen Light 2S7 Black Rock Ave.; Marshall Gray. 259 Black Rock Ave.: Wm. H. Johnson, Jr., 1216 Capitol Ave.; Wm. Lieberuum, 631 Main St; Cbrle Hanson, 129 Main St ? I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by , law, .of' the Town of Bridgeport I s Iated at Bridgeport, this 12th day at Nov. A. D.,- 1912. ' ... , , WM. THOMAS, ' Town 'Clerk. . H If b 't m To the Board of County Commission- vra of Fairfield County; - 1 I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Ci der, at 218 and 329 State (Sea Side Hotel) Street Town of Bridgeport My place of business is not located with in 209 feet in a direct - Uae of a rhnnli TCdtrlco or Public School. house, or the premises . pertaining thereto, -or any Post Office, Publio Library or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov. A. D.. 1912. C. H.McLT5AN, Applicant We, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse the application of the above namai C. H. McLean. . for . such license and we do severally certify each for hfmMlf that we are taxDavain vamlm real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport " ... Dated at Bridgeport this 12th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. Geo. O. Bortoir, 1342 Park v Ave. : I. V. Davia, K State St; Frederick Standish. 254 Hanover St; Ernest W. Hanke. 804 Colorado Ave.; John Kev ins, 780 Iranistan Ave. I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as - defined by law, of tne ;,in of Brideeuort Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day of Nov. A. Z., 1912. ; WM, THOMAS, i . Town Clerk. - H 16 b M To the Board of County Commission ' sloners for Fairfield County: ' I hereby apply for a Drusrgist'S li cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 350 Stratford Ave.. Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridepr-ort, this 11th day of Nov. A. D.. 1912. JOHN J. KAESMAN. Applicant We, the "onderlened, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of -the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorm the application of - the above named John J. Kaesman, - for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated In said Town of Bridgeport. Dated at Bridgeport this 11th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. i James H. O'Rourke, 274 Pembroke S.;.Chas. J. Hmgrhes. 690 Beeohwood Ave.. William Hickey, 434 Stratford Ave Phnrlen H. Morris. 68 East Main St.: George H. Lee, 820 Lafayette St., I hereby certify tnat uib kuuvc named endorsers are electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport ' ' Dated at Bridgeport, this 11th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. WM. T. MTJLLINS. Asst Town Clerk. H 16 b I To the Board of County Commission ers for Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a Druggists li cense to sell Spirituous ana Intoxicating- Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 2867 Main Street Town of Bridgeport , Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day Of Nov, A. D 1912. HOWARD D. SMITH, Applicant WeV the -undersigned,- electors and taxpayers, as denned by law, of the Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse the application of the above .named Howard- D. Smith, for,- such, license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport - . Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D.. 1912. Henry Carstesen, Bridgeport; Ed ward LL Wakelee,. Bridgeport; Geo. E. Crawford, ' Bridgeport; : Ernest T, Cruber, Bridgeport; I., T. Banks, Bridgeport . , ' ' ' I hereby certifjr .' that'" the - above named , endorsers are electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport i - j - Dated at -Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. v ': WM. THOMAS, 1 '?V '-r Town Clerk. To the. Board of County Commission-" ' ers for Fairfield -County: ; I hereby apply for ' a Druggist's li eense to sell Spirituous audi Intoxicat ing. Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and , Cider, at 1133 Stratford Avenue, Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridgeport this 15th. day Of Nov. A. D., 1912. , J- ;, FREDERIC B. BRILL, ' ' -. : '. Applicant ; We, the 1 undersigned. ' electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of tho Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse the application of the above named Frederic B. Brill, for such license and we do severally eertify each for himself that we are taxpayers owning real estate situated in said Town- of Bridgeport. - ' ' . Dated at Bridgeport this 16th day f Nov. A. D., 1912. , , John Brown,- Jr.. Bridgeport; Oeo. O. Borton, Bridgeport; L. F. Nealon, Bridgeport; John O'Connell,- Bridge port;. Adolph Sherman, Bridgeport . I hereby certify '. that - the - above named' endorsers are electors and taxpayers, as defined . by law,- of the Town of Bridgeport --. ' Dated 'at Bridgeport, this 15th day bf Nov. A. D., 1912. f - -v WM. T. MTTLLTN8, s , Asst Town Clerk. HllbMI - , s .,v. To the Board of County Commlsslon- ers for Fairfield County: .:, I hereby apply for a Drdggisfs li cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat ing Liquors,' Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at . ..81; Fairfield Avenue, Town of Bridgeport r- i Dated at Bridgeport this 15th day of Nov. A,' D 1912. , - H. A. DtTPEE, ;. : - ' . : - Applicant Wi, the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of f Bridgeport, hereby endorse the .application , of the above named H. - A.t Dupee, . for such license and "we do 'severally certify each for himself that we are-taxpayers owning real estate- situated in said Town of Bridgeport i Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. . . : - E. E. Greenman,: Bridgeport; L. R. Blackman, Bridgeport; H. ' L.4 Black man, Bridgeport E.: 8. Warnes, Bridgeport; E. Li Graves, Bridgeport. . I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town - of -Bridgeport ! Dated" at Bridgeport, this ,16th day Of Nov. A. D., 1912. -- WM. T. MTJLLINS. HI ' .A"" Town Clerk." To the Board of County Commission lers of Fairfield Countv . . ,. - I hereby. apoly for a license to sell Spirituous and labitimtlni, T le. Lager- Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at , 504 North v Avenue; Town of Bridgeport . Mjri place of uusmess. is not located within. 200 feet in a direct line of n rrhrp -du nce. Parochial School or PnHt Sohnnt House, ; or the premises pertaining luerero, or, any i'ost, Office, Public Library or Cemetery.' ': Dated at Bridgeport this 15th day of . ; : ;. . , EDWARXI PEICHERT, Z - . . . . AllTIiM.- - we, the undersia-ned. aleiorn taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of the above-named Edward .Peichert for such license and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate s situated : in c said i Town of Bridgeport- - .? Ttec' t R""ereport, this leth day of nov. a. 1., 112. James Tlmoney, Bridgeport: J. Emt; Bridgeport: Henry Emt Bridgeport: John G.Meerbaeh, Bridgeport; Charles Rohrbach. Bridgeport -I hereby certify that" the, above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport - Doited at B-'-'seport this 15h day of JNOV. A. XJ-. 1912. ' . ,i ; WM. T. MTTLLTNa ! ' .' :i ' : . . ; Aast Town .Clerk. H 1 b S v4 v To the -Brd of County Commission- , , ers of Fairfield Countyj - I hereby apply for a license to sell spirituous ana Intoxicating Liquors. !,. Lager Beer-. Rhine Wine and raaer, at 881 Mam street- Town ; of Bridgeport My place of business is not located -within 200 feet in a direct lme of a Church Edi flee. Parochial School or Public School Houses or the ; premises ' pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, Public Library or Cemetery.. - - Da.ted at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D.. 1912. T. J. MTJRPHT 4 CO., . . ' ; . - Applicant We, . the undersiened. electors and taxpayers, as defined by law. ; of tne Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the aoTHIicatiOn of the above namea T. J. Murphy & Co. for such Mcenss and we do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. t i-ieport. this 15th day. of NOT.A. D.. 191S. P. C. Mullins, Bridgeport; CHns. M. Piitw. Bridgeport: Tunas o'Trrien, Brtdgeport; William Clifford. Bridge port; John CulHnan, Sr., Bridgeport I ! herpby certify thav - the above namld endorsers are electors and ta-r-ryers, as defined by law, .of the Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. r, - WM. T. MTTLLTNS. Asst Town Clerk. " R IS b 6 ADVERTISE IN THE FARMER .To the Board of County Commission ers of Falrdeld County: ; - fe ' I hereby apply for a license to-sell Spirituous and Intoxicating, r Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 220 Brooks- Street Town of Bridgeport My place of business Is not . located within 200 feet In a direct line of a Church Edi fice, Parochial School or Public School House, or the premises pertaining thereto, or : any Post Office, Publio Library or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgeport thto ISth day of Nov. A D. 1912. .. WILLIAM; MAT. Applicant We. the undersigned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse the application of . the above named William May for such- " license and we do severally certify- each for himself that we are owners - of real estate situated in said Town of Bridgeport. '.- Ti ited st Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. . Ctuas. Hl .Qtenridh, , BridaFeporty John F. Dixon, Bridgeport ; . Joee-pb. V. Gaines, Bridgeport ; Angus B. Salxhsi Bridgeport; - Andrew Sonatas, Bridge port. I hereby certify that , the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, .as defined by law, of tho Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of .NOV,, a. p jot. . ; y WM. T. MTJLLINS, . - ' , Asst, Town Clerk. Bf IS b 6 . . . . . ' To the Board of County Commission-j- en of Fairfield County:" I hereby apply for" a license to sell Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors. Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine' Wine and Cider, at 181 Lexington Avenue, ' Town of Bridgeport i My place of ' business is not located within 200 feet In a direct' line of a Church Edi fice, Parochial School or Public School House, : or the v premises pertaining thereto, or any Post - Office, Public Library or Cemetery. XteiXed at Bridgeport, thto .15th dav of - Nov. A. D., 1912. , i ... .THOMAS W. REDDY, I ' ' Applicant. taxpayers, as defined) by law, of the Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse the application of the above named Thomas W. Reddy for such , license and i we, do severally certify each for himself that we are owners of real estate situated In said .Town of Bridgeport 1 - VV' . s . : Iaited at Bridgeport" this l5th day of Nov. A. D.. 1912. v i Philip Lacher, Bridgeport: Ellas r. Rowe, Bridgeport ; Theodore , A: Cro fut Bridgeport: Thomas F. O'RIrey. Bridgeport; Thomas L. Xiovely.Bridge- port. - .t - . - I hereby oertify' that the? above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as d eflned by law, of " the Town of Bridgeport t v". , V Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. A. D-, 1912.- .:-. WM. T. MTJLLINS - ( Asst. Town iClerfc. H 16 b . To the Board of County ' Commission . ers of Fairfield . County: . ' I hereby apply for a license to sell Spirituous and 1 Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Laer- Beer. . Rhtne Wine and Cider, at - 99 .State Street Town of Bridgeport ) My place of business is not located within - zoo feet in a direct line of a Church Edi fice, Parochial School or Public Sch6ol House, " or . the premises pertaining thereto,,, or any Post Office,; Publio Library : or Cemetery.' - . . ' '-, Dated at Bridgeport this 15tB far of NOV.-A. D-. 1912. , -;- - ' ' JAMES DONAHUE & CO., . ,-- - -. Applicant We. the nnderslgned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by l9.wxf the Town of Bridgeport, : hereby endorse the application or the above, named James Donahue & Co. for such license and we do severally certify . each for himself that -we are owners of. real estate situated - in said Town of Bridgeport V"? 'v, - :i ''' - Dratted at Bridgeport, this 15th. day of Nov. A. D., 1912. i ' Chas. M. Bllts, Bridgeport; John Cul- linan, " Brldgepot-t; Arthur,' Stray, Bridgeport; Leopold ' Andims. Bridge port- F. C-M-ulUns, ; Bridgeport A nereDy - cenuyi inai xne aDOve named endorsersare electors and tax payers, as denned by law, of : the Bridgeport . ' ' Dated at -Bridgeport, this 15th day of Nov. Jki D, 1912. . ., v WM. ' T. MTTLLINS, ' ' : - Aast Town , Clerk. H 16 b . - ; ' To the Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: I hereby-apply for a license to sell Spirituous and ' Intoxicating Liquors, Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine - Wine - and Cider, at 4 North Washington Avenue, Town of Bridgeport... My place of business Is not located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edi fice, Parochial School or Public School House, or the ' premises pertaining thereto, or any Post Office, -Publio Library or Cemetery. - ' - Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of NOV. A. D . "12. - ''- ' j ,.;v : EDWARD PERCHERT, 'I Applicant . We, the tinderslgned, electors and taxpayers, as defined by law- of the Town of Bridgeport t hereby endorse ' Edward Perchert ' for 5 such license and we do severally certify each for himself that : we ' are owners of real estate situated . in- j said . Town ; of Bridgeport. , Dated at Bridgeport this 15th day of Nov. A. T., 1912. -'-:,:' :-. . Lous Levy, Bridgeport: Peter Hum mel, Bridgeport; TT. W. Hitchcock, Bridgepora; Owen' Light Bridgeport; Marshall E. . Gray. Bridgeport - I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tax payers, as defined by - law, . of the Town of Bridgeport- Dated at Bridgeport,' this 15th day of Nov. A. D IP'?. - ,t. , i . WM. T. MTTLLINS. V ' Asst. Town Clerk.; -H II b 6 6 " To the Board of County Commission ers of Fairfield County: I hereby apply for a license to sell Snirituous and Intoxicating Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider, at 426 .Main Street Town of Bridgeport My place of business is not - located within 200 feet in a direct line of a Church Edi fice, Parochial School or Public School House, or . the premises pertaining thereto, or any . Post Office, Public Library-or Cemetery. Dated at Bridgenort, this 14th day of Nov. A. D., 1912. Kubruchas & Balinar, by JOE BALtTNAR. - " - 1 - i Applicant ' We, the underslemed, electors and taxpayers, as 'defined by law, of the Town of Bridsreport, hereby" endorse the application of the above named Joe Balunar 'or such' license and we do severally certify each for estate situated - in said Town ' of Bridgeport. - . ,, . Dated at Bridgeport, this ,14th day of Nov. A. T., 1912. ' - John Knba. 191 Adams St: H.GertI, 644 -Brooks St.; S. Loewlth, 885 Clin ton Ave.; M. - Lautenrehlazer. 291 Eagle St.; M. Stein. :18 Hamilton St I hereby certify that the above named endorsers are electors and tux. nayers, as defined by law, of the Town of Bridgeport Dated at Bridsrenort, this 14th day of Nov. A. D . 1912. - WM. T. wnLTNS. Asst Town Clerk. - H 18 h 6 6 Farmer Want Ads lc a word ypY k: ...A I . fx ) Wf: W - - " SCENE FROM TTRACT10NS THE THEATRES POU'S THEATRE -: Without douibt the biggest attjiction ever announced for a stock company is the world renowned dyasnia, M"Madam X," In,i which Ma-nager-- Pol will pre sent his iWaehmerton-Brid-geport Play ers next week.- Thi is the first a-tocl production of this play in New -England and - the fact that .although there are a number of road companies tour ing the country with the play, at ad vanced prices, . Mr. Poll yril .produce it at the usual popular prices. should be sufficient proof of his desire and aibllity to obtain only -the beet to - be had for his Bridgeport patrons.' "Mad ame X" was first ' produced in this country, by Henry .. W. Savage ' witb Dorothy Donnelly in the stellar role and caused a veritable senaa-tion. . The story of "Madame X" concerns a woman who leaves her husband and flees with a lover, and when later she returns home, begging to be allowed to see her young- son who Is seriously ill, the outraged toustoand casts her out She becomes a drug fiend and an hab itue of then "dives." In the first act She is seen at, the "Inn of the Three Crowns" - with . her companion, for whom , efae has sacrificed . everything, even her' soul. ' ". Learning that h is out to betray ..her by making known the' secret of her past and fearful lest her son, who has since grown to be a man, learn of her Infamy, she-shoots and - kills her unfaithful lover. She ts arrested and brought to a French court of justice to be tried. - The po lice, are unable -to get a word from her concerning hr life or to the cause Of the murder and they call her' "Mad ame : X". Then . come the : fampus court rooni scene in which ; Raymonde Florlpt young lawyer Who has been assigned to defend the woman,' discov ers that she. - whose. - life he has been fighting for; Is his own. mother. -, s Miss Frances Nordstrom ; Willi have the best "Chance of her career as an actress in the role of Madiame X. Mr. Van Beuren will .appear' as Laroque, her lover, and Mr. Harrington as the deserted husband.- Mr. -Fox will .be seen as the young- lawyer- and. will have an excellent opportunity " for clever acting.,; Mr. Kent, Mr. Williams, Miss Prirrgle, Mitts Starr,. Mr. Velsey, Mr. Blu-nkaJl, . Miss Bernard, - and , others will have important roles. The. scenic -and- electrical - environ ment is being given unusual attention and will be the .most - pretentious ever seen at - Poll's, , especially.-: the court room - scene which has caused . such widespread - comment . wherever the play, has been produced. . v" i ' The closing performance of Eugene Walter's gripping play of American life wHl toe given this evening-. :- 1 : IiYBIC THEATRE ' The performance of ,tMme. Sans Gene," at the Lyric Theatre this ev ening will conclude a. week which has been "one of the most successful of the season, and which has been filled with delisrht for all the. patrons of the play house." -..'; - . ; ', ,-.'' " ' Denman . Thompson, author of ' "The Old Homestead," . and George Ryer wrote "Our New Minister," which is to be the bill for next week. They had to guide them the prestige acquir lilted " t ' VI,J lllpllpl dililliliil 4r wa." ' . 3 it 1 ( i mmm -: if Ac- . I s V hi Mabel Wilder and Charles Meakins; "The Merry Widow,' ' i Park Theatre, Tuesday, November 2R "MADAME X," AT POM'S, ed by The -01d Homestead," and Mr. Thompson's innate knowledge of . life in a rural, community. He was him--self a country bred New Erngtander, "Our New Minister" tells a story of life in a New Enigland village; of in nocence and guile,- of lovs. and' its trials.; Its very naturalness gives it a charm which is possessed by . tout few plays of the sort and makes it intensely interesting - from the first rise of the) curtain until the final de nounement. : , - ' -yAs to the- cast it will be. all that the Cleveland Company can possibly supply,'- and that means' the best that has ever r been ' seen in, the play : In Bridgeport Miss Cleveland will have an ideal role, and she will give to its interpretation an artistry 'that has always been Instrumen tail in making her the most popular stock artiste ever appearing in this city. Harry Ingram, In the title role,-will be seen -tot com plete satisfaction, and Mr. Carroll will give every assistance in his power to make the presentation of this delight ful play a. complete success. ' All the Other roles, will bet. well filled by the pick of the 'Eleanor -Cleveland t Com pany, and the, production as a whole will toe superior to any former produc tion of the play. - ; ( "Our New Minister will be an of fering which , will -surely draw the amusement seekers to the Lyric Thea tre in very large numbers all the week. The sale of -seats, which has been prt gressing 'all this week, shows evi dences of testing the-' capacityy of the house at ' every performance - and the demand still continues ;very heavy. Get your seats early for next week's offering, for it will certainly add great ly to tho prestige already enjoyed by the Eleavor Cleveland Company. ; ' 'MBRS,T VriDOy fXSXSi. ; .-. Arfred Monl'ton- is the . conductor of the- special .VMerry Widow" orchestra which . accompanies Henry W,' Savage's hew and lavish 'production of the fa mous Lehar operetta. It will be the attraction a; the Park, Tuesday,, Nov. 28.: ;..;, - - B, H. S. ACADEMIC - U 1 ; ; , -';-'" "r. ALUMNI ;T0. DINE Alumni of the academic depart ment of the Bridgeport High school are already looking forward to their second - Christmas; -reunion , dinner. At a recent meeting of class repre sentatives, a constitution was formu lated and a call Issued for a general meeting of the Academic Alumni As sociation to be held Monday evening, Nov. 25, at 7:80, at the High school. The constitution Is to be voted " upon at this time and plans for the re union dinner definitely made. All Academic Alumni are requested to be present at this; important meeting. - IJUMPffl TO DEATH New York, Nov. 15 Startled by a crash over head, a hundred men In the reception room of Mills Hotel,. 7th, avenue and West 36th street fled from the place believing the roof bad caved investigation showed that John To barski, a lodger, had Jumped from the window of his room, on the 11th floor. When his body struck the skylight K smashed into a section of the large glass panel and lodged against a steel girder. The. man broke every bone in his body and fractured his stoulL He died at New York Hospital. j Scranton, Pa. The Scranton Truth has made arrangements whereby cop ies of the newspaper , will be delivered to subscribers by - aeroplane 30 min utes after- it leaves the preas. Si:S:' : s Ft H i ' ' If - - 1' - NEXT WEEK i i ,L:' ..J!. i-S: M ,- .- i '. ; i:'',--i . , a DRAPED BROCADE Beautiful gold ' and black brocade forms this , draped evening; wrap, the design of which is well suited to the material. ' ' A yoke, and sleeve "In 'one form the upper part; the yoke extending to the waist line in front 'and the lower part is- slightly gathered to the yoke and draped up In front' to give the much. oesirea capering outline to tne skirt A lining of black satin is unusual but effective and the neck frill of black panne velvet is wired to make it stand erect. '.' - . - ; MARRIED. '-.-' HTMPHRET. JOHNSON". In New xorK. jnov. 12, Edith Johnson, of New York, and Percipal Humphrey. of Ridgefleld. TATOK-ilOYT. Tn Ridgefleld, Nov. , 9, William A. Tator and Miss Mabel Hoyt . ' : - - - nOGG-BEKft In Stamford, Nov. 12, Thomas : J. Hogg of Toronto and . Miss Augusta W. Berg. ; ,:X'' rrP. ATE'N T.S ,v 'r A. M.- WOOSTER, Attorney-at-Law. Late Examiner U. S. Patent Office 1115 MAIN ST.. SECURITY BLDG. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Bend Postal 'for Booklet on Patents. "WELL-DONE" MILLINERY ,a FALL STYLES 177 F AIRFIELD AVE. STATE OP ' CONNECTICUT, ' ' " DISTRICT OP BRIDGEPORT, 89., PROBATE COURT. -1 November 14th, 1912. Estate of Charles J. Seymour, late of Bridgeport in said District de ceased. The executrix having made applica tion ,for an order authorizing her to sell certain real estate belonging - to said estate, as per said application on file duly appears. ORDERED, That the said applica tion be heard and determined at the Probate Office in Bridgeport, on the 21st day of November,, 1912, at ten o'clock In .the. forenoon, and ...this Court directs - said - Executrix to give notice to all persons interested in said estate to appear, if they see cause, and be heard thereon, by publishing this order once in a newspaper hav ing a circulation In said district, on or before the 19th day of November, A. D.. 1912. and return make to the Court of notice given. Attest, 1 , : EDWARD P. HALLEN. a - - Judge. STATE OP CONNECTICUT. DISTRICT OP BRIDGEPORT, sa, PROBATE COURT. . November 8th, 1912." Estate of John Goetz, late of the town of Bridgeport in said District deceased. The Court of Probate for the Dis trict of Bridgeport, hath limited and allowed six months from date hereof for Credit rs of said Estate to exhibit their clidms for settlement Those wno neg ect to present their accounts, properly attested, within said time, will be debarred a recov ery. All persons Indebted to said K tate sre requested to make Immediate payment to" - ; AGNES GOETZ, H 16 s Executrix. 1 AMUSEMENTS- Isiiam St Ileaphy. Ijwm and Mcrs. - THIS EVENING Mats Tiies., Thuei.. EL 14 fl DO LEVELMl STOCK CO. Mnnaeement Ksrknnoff Rchrorlr Presenting Sardou's Great Comedy Drama 66 Mme. Sans Gene 9 PRICES 20Cj 20c and 50c NEXT WEEK. The Besntlfnl Rnrnl Conw-dy Ttmma "OUR NEW MINISTER" by Denman Thompson and George Rr A Story of New England Life and Love hpatra , THIS EVENING, 8:15 Gordon-North Amusement Compan.y I-resent Will Fox and Harry Marks Stewart In The World ol Pleasure Watson & Dwyer and Fbyrnette Oden ANOTHER OP THEIR SUCCESS I IS PRICES 15c, 20c, 30c, 50c, a fevr a i ii i hp i wnf nil i Mi let, oua-BoysT.u;: INSTANT DELIVEUT To any Part of Bridgeport, Strat ford or Fairfield. Intelligent Eoys PURNISHED BY THE HOLT. POR 20C. ANY KIND OF, . WORK. DAY OR NIGHT. 1380 PHONE 132 LET US ALL LAUGH A meal would be pretty sober wiKtwr t AFRISBIE'S PIE '.)- - . They tickle yonr palnte" ORDER FROM YOUR GROCKTt Try a Lemon or a Chocolate Merinstie THE FRISBIE PIE CO. i'iiia la He 4, ftn4 frbit n - -v, boxes, sefticd trltift Hie Ic .a. Tm ' $M 0 fii DROGCISIS LiLaI' . ..... . If yon do not wish to send monr j throngh the mails for your 31AGA ZINE Sl'BSCRIPTIONS yon can ly do' so ': by"-, placins your order through the --Post OSce News Ctcrs 11 ARCADE SIDEWALEB Sand and Gravel THE BURNS CO. B30EEN STONE, all eizzs UEOOFHTQ 014 all- -- - TeetoM STYLISH TAN AND BLACH Shoes in varied styles and all sizes for "Women . Growing Girls Boys and Small Children .';e . Anatomik Shoer , for men, women and chil dren snffering with broken arch or flat foot and weak ankle W. K. MOLLAL' 102S 1IAIII ST. Up 1?