OCR Interpretation

The Bridgeport evening farmer. [volume] (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1866-1917, November 23, 1912, Image 10

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To the Board of County Commission
er of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a license to sell
frirttuous -and Intoxicating Liquors.
Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and
Cider, -at -fill Lafayette Street,
Town of Bridgeport. My place of
business is not located within 20C
feet in a direct line of a Church Edi
fice, Parochial School or Public School
House, or the premises pertaining
thereto, or ny Post Office, Public
Library or Cemetery.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of
vov..: a. r., 101 2
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, - as denned by law, of the
fown-pf- Bridgeport, hereby .ndorse
the application of- the above named
An tlionjr Fwn-nefll i -for . ;J5UCtt license
and we db severally certify each for
himself that we are owners-' of real
estate situated In said. Town of
l-.ed nt BH areport, this IBth day of
Nov. A. D.. 1912.
Owen Callahan, Bridgeport; Loul9
Bonjan, Bridgeport ;'Ge W. Davton,
Bridgeport: Thomas O'Brien, Bridge
port; John T. Healy. Bridgeport.
I hereby certify that the above
named endorser are electors and tax
Jayers;v' as defined by law, of the
- Town of Bridgeport.
y DMd at Bridgeport, thto 16th day of
K). A. P.. 1918.
1 Town Clerk.
H It I I
To the Board of County Commission
er f Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a license to sell j
spiniusu ana unmouns uquum.
'Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and
-ieir. at 94 River Street.
Town of Bridgeport. My place of
business- la not located within zoo
feet in a direct line of a Church' Edi
ce. Parochial School or Public School
House, or the premises pertaining
. thereto, etr any Post Office, Public
Utararv or Cemetery.
DsM at Bridgeport, this 15th day of
Nov. A. D 191S. i
We, the tindersignod, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Robert Peters for such license
and we do severalty certify - each for
himself that we- are owners of real
estate - situated. In said Town of
Dated wt Bridgeport, thisv UISi day of
NOV. A. r- 1 91 1.
C Calahan, Bridgeport; Chn Hur.
Bridgeport; Christ Schick, Bridgeport;
John Watcke. Bridgeport; John Boem
meuc Bridgeport. -
I , hereby certify that the above
named endorsers ar electors and tax
payers, as deflnd by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport.
Darted at BHlreport," thla XStSl day of
Nov. A. IX, 1911.
- - . Town Cterk.
H II b I
To the Board of1 County Commisjdon-
ers of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a license to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating' Liquors,
Ale, Lager Beer,- Rhine, Wine and
Cider, at 1166 Railroad Avenue.
Town of Bridgeport. My place of
-uslnesa is not located within 200
feet in a direct line of a Church Edi
fice, Parochial School or Public School
House, or the premises pertaining
thereto, , or any Post Office, Public
Library Cemetery. v
Dated at Bridgeport, hia IBth day of
Nov. A." D.. 1912. . r
w,.''""f.t -' - ' Applicant.
We.- the undersigned,, .electors and
taxpayers, as Mefine :.y -saWj'ef . the
the application of . the above named
Anthony Fennell 'tor 'Such license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of i real
estate situated , is said ; Town ol
Bridgeport .....
Ted at Bridgeportthki 15th day. of
NOV. A. !., 112. " ' - - -- -
Owen Callahan.- Bridgeport: John
T. Healy. Bridgeport; .Thomas
O'Brien. Bridgeport; Geo,-W .Tayton,
Bridgeport; Louis Bonjan, Brtdge
- port. ' ' - -. - '
I . hereby certify that tneJ above
named endorsers are electors and tax.
payers, as defined by law, "of the
Town of Bridgeport.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day
of -Nov., A. D., 1912..
' Town CSerk.
H 11 b I I '
To the Board of County Commission
ers of Pairfleld County:
I hereby apply for a license to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors.
Ale, " Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and
tDider. at 23-25-27 .Union , Square.
Town of Bridgeport. yMy place of
business - is not located within 200
feet' in a direct line of a Church Edi
' fica. Parochial School or- Public School
House, -or the premises pertaining
thereto or any Post Offlce Public
Library or Cemetery.
Daaed' at Bridgeport, this- iStii day of
iNcy- A. P- 1913.
' . .,; WTLLIAM HARfP,
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application , of the above named
(William Hart, for such Hcense
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
stats situated: in said Town of
EMateo" at BrfdsjeportV this 15h day of
Nov. A. !.. 1911.
H." I Blackman, Brldgtfportr Jdhn
tTeapher. Bridgeport; J. Lane, Bridge
port; Lewis C. Hitt, Bridgeport; Wm.
H. Jotimton, Jr., Bridgeport.
I hereby' certify that the above
Darned endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as defined by law, of the
Town of - Bridgeport.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day
kf Nov. A. I. 1912.
Town Cleric.
H l b '
Te the Board of County Commission
ers of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply tor a license to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors.
Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and
CM err at 290 Geore Street.
Town of Bridgeport. My place of
business is not located within 200
feet in a direct line of a Church Edi
fice, Parochial School or Public School
House, or the premises pertaining
thereto, or any Post . Office, Public
Library or Cemetery.
Daed at Bridgeport, thia 15th day of
NOV. A. D-. 1912. , '
- Applicant.
W. the' undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Tdwn of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
n v PaKmA for - such Hcen-e
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners oi real
.iat at mi uteri In said Town of
Dnited t BHfltreport, thia loth day of
Nov. A. D.. 1912.
John Boerrvme-le, Bridgeport: C. Cal
Jahan, Bridgeport; Chr. Haug. Bridge
port; John Watcke, Bridgeport; Christ
Echk.:iBrtdgeport.--- - -t
Jicreby, certify that the above
nand- endorsers are electors and taxpayers,-as
- defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of
Nov. A. D. 1912.
v - - - Town Clerk.
H 16 b '
To the Board of County Commission
ers of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a license. to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating-' Liquors,
Rhine Wine and
Water Street,
Town of Bridgeport. My place of
business is not located within 200
feet In a direct line of a Church Edi
fice, Parochial School or Public School
House, or the premises pertaining
thereto, or any Post Office, Public
Library or Cemetery.
Dated at Bridgeport, this .15th day of
Nov. A. D., 1912.
ffe, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of F8r-i3irTjort- hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Christian Nielson, for such license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate situated in eaia uown or,
Diited t Bridgeport, "this 15tto day of
Nov. A. D., 1912.
Christ chick. Bridgeport; John
Boemmels, Bridgeport; C. Callahan,
Bridgeport; John Watcke, Bridgeport;
Chr. Hiausr. Bridsfeport.
I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and tax-
eayers. as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, tills 15th day
1ST0V. A. D. 1942. - -.
Town Clerk.
H 11 o I t
To the Board of County Commisslon
, ers of Fairfield County:. -.
I ' hereby apply for a license to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors.
Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and
Cider, at 669 East Washington Ave.,
Town of. Bridgeport. ' My place of
business is not located within 200
feet in a direct line of a Church Edi
fice, Parochial School or Public School
House, or the premises pertaining
thereto, or any Post Office, Public
Library or Cemetery.
.Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day of
Nov. A. D., 1913.
We, the undersigned,-: electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport-hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Clara J. Neubaur, for. sucjj license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate situated in said Town of
Bridgeport. , " ""
Dated at Bridgeport, thto 15th day of
Nov. A. TV, 1912. J
John Boemmels, Bridgeport; C. Cal
lahan. Bridgeport; Chr. Haug, Brldge
oprt; John Watcke,Brldgeport; Christ
Schick, Bridgeport. . .
I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as , defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport.
- Dated at Bridgeport,- this IBth day of
Nov. A. D 1912. ----- ii
.- Town Clerk.
Hll b
To the Board of County- Commission
I hereby apply for a license to sell
RnirllllOUS and IntOXtcatine LilOUOrS.
ii. t o Poor -Rhlr Wlr, and
cider, at S22 Peauonnock' Street,
Town of - Bridgeport. . My place of
business is not located within 200
feet in a direct line of a Church Edi
fice. Parochial School or Public School
House, . or the premises pertaining
thereto, - or any, Post Office, Public
Library or Cemetery. - .
Dated at Bridgeport this 15th day of
Nov. A. D, 1912. J "' "
... Applicant.
:We,. the undersigned," electors and
taxpayers. ' as defined by law, ef the
Town of BHdereport. hereby endorse
the application of the above -named
John Moran for Such Mcense
and we do severally certify each for
himself that ,W9 are owners of real
estate situated'" in said -' TewtS 'of.
Dated at Bridgeport, thia 15th day of
Nov. A. D-. 1913.
John Heaphy, Bridgeport Albert
Falk, Bridgeport; John Codv. Bridge
Trrt: WlUfam' Stafleton. - Bridgeport;
Thomas- O'Leary, .Bridgeport.
I hereby- certify, that the above,
named endorsers:-are electors and tax
payers, as defined ' by law, of the
Town Of Bridgeport-
Dated at Bridgeport, thto 15th day of
Nov. A. D., ioi?.
V - Town Clerk.
'- 9 9 4 91 H ,
To the Board o County Commission-
' ers of Fairfield County:
" I hereby apnly for a license to sell
Soirituous and Intoxicating Liqdors.
Ale. Laeer Beer. Rhine Wine and
Cider. at - 611- - Park Avenue, i
Town of Bridgeport. My place of
business is not located within ?00
feet in a direct line of a Church Edi
fice, Parochial School or Public School
House, or the premises pertaining
thereto, or' any post Office, Public
Daied at Bridgeport, this IStK diV t
Nov. A. D-, 1912.
i - Applicant.
! We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined, by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Patrick Kelly, - for - such - Hcense
and we . do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate situated in said , Town of
' D"ed t Br-tfleeport," thto 15th day of
Nov. A. D., 1912.
John Heaphy, Bridgeport; Albert
Falk, Bridgeport; William Stapleton.
Bridgeport- Thomas O'Leary, Brldge
port;, -TohT Cody. Bridgeport.
I hereby certify that the above
"named endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport.
Town of Bridgeport. -
Da.ted at BrM eport, thto 18th day of
Nov.-A. D.. 1912. -.
Town Clerk.
H 16 b 6 6
To the Board of County Commission
! ers of Fairfield County: . . ..
I hereby apnly for a license to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating- Liquors.
Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and
Cider, at 96 Cannon Street,
-Town of. Bridgeport. My ' place of
lousiness is located , within six
feet in a direct line of a Church Edi-
'flce. Parochial School or Public School
House, or the premises pertaining
thereto, or any Post Office,,. Public
Library r Cemetery.
-Daied at Bridgeport, thto 19th day of
Nov. A. D.. 1912. -
T. .J. CARR.
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as define by law, of the
Town of - Br-ldareport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
T. - J. Carr for such Hcense
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate situated in said Town of
!ted -t Ff-ia-eport, this 15th day of
-NOV. A. 191Z. , '
A. Commette. Bridgeport: Frank
"Federlce, Brldger-ort; E.-L. Wakelee,
Bridgeport; F. W. Prrott, Bridge
port; Henry F. Veit, Bridgeport.
I hereby certify thst the above
named endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport,
T-jted ft B---eport, this 16th day of
Nov. A. D., 1912. i
Town Clerk.
H 16 b 6 6
To the Board of County Commission
ers of Fairfield County: v
T hereby aprily for a license to sell
Soirituous and Intoxicating Liquors
Ate, Lager Beer. Rhine Win and
Cider, at 1330 ..Main Street.
Town of Bridgeport. My nHca o
business is not located within 200
feet in a direct line of a Church Edi-
Ale, Lager Beer,
Cider, at 697
lice. Parochial School or Public School
Mouse, or me premises pertaining
tnereto, or any Post Office, Public
Library or Cemetery.
Dated at Bridgeport, thia 15th day of
Nov. A. D- 1912.
, " ' Applicant.
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
James Stapleton. for such license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate situated in said Town of
Bridgeport. -
t D-.ted s-t R'-irtsreport, thia loth day of
Nov. A. D., 1812.
i c. Callahan, Bridgeport; Christ
Schick, Bridgeport; John Boemmels,
Bridgeport; Chr. Haug; Bridgeport
John watcke. Bridgeport.
I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and tax.
payers, as defined by law. of the
Town of Bridgeport.
Da.ted at Bridereport, this 15th day of
JNOV. A. IX, 1912.
Town Clerk.
To -the Board of County Commission'
ers of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a license to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors,
Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and
Cider, at 101S Maolewood Avenue,
Town of Bridgeport. My place of
business is not located within 200 feet
in a direct line of a Church" Edifice,
Parochial School or Public School
house, or the premises pertaining
thereto,1 or any Jfost ornce,'- fUDUC
Library or Cemetery.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 18th day
of Nov. A. D.. 1912.
. - Applicant.
We. the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by " law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Maurice O' Donnell, for such license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate situated - in said - Town of
Bridgeport. .
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
or jnov. a. i.,
Louis Levy, Bridgeport; Peter
Hummel, Bridgeport; H, W. Hitch
cock,Bridgeport; Owen Light, Bridge
port; Marshall E. Gray, Bridgeport.
I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as defined by . law, of tho
Town of Bridgeport.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th. day
of Nov. a ix, 19 1Z.
H 16 b 6 6 ..
To the Board of County Commission
ers of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for .a license to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors,
Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and
Cider, at 843 Stratford Avenue,
Town ' of Bridgeport. My place of
I business is not located within 200 feet
, m a HUB Ul . vnu. iaun.ee,
1 Parochial School or Public School
house, or the premises pertaining
thereto, or any Post Office, Public
Library or Cemetery.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
of Nov. A. 13., 1912.
' , Applicant.
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by . law, of the
Town - of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Joseph Ciglar for such - license
and we do severally certify each ; for
himself that . We are5 owners of ' real
estate situated, in said Town of
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
ef Nov. A. D., 1912. i
James Timoney, 10ft Evergreen St.;
J, Eimt, 557 Llndley St.; 'Henry Emt,
100 Evergreen -St.; John Q. Murbaeh,
49 Lmdley St.;. Charles Rhorback,
432 Brook St,
I hereby certify that;- the above
named endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as-defined by law, of th
Town of Brideeoort. ' " '
Dated at Bridgeport,, thia 13th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
. Asst. Town Clerk.
H 16 b
To the . Board of County Commigsion
rs of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a license ito sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors.
Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and
Cider. at 4485 .Main Street,
Town of Bridgeport. My place of
business is not located within 200 feet
in a direct line of a Church Edifice,
Parochial School or Public School-
house,- or the premises pertaining
thereto, or any Post Of rice,. Public
Library or Cemetery. -tDated
at Bridgeport, this 13th day
of Nov. A. -U.. 191Z. - - - - i
' ' ' - Applicant.
We. 'the 'undersigned. ' electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, nereDy endorse
the application of they above named
Frit Henninger, ' for. such . license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate - situated . in - said Town of
Bridgeport- '
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th. day
of Nov. A. D.. 1912.
Maurice Kelly. 51 Worth St.; John
Coyne. 993 Grand St: James Clancy,
98 Gem Ave.; John A. Leonard, -121
Fremont St; Charles M. Biltz, '390
Warren St
1 hereby certify that the v above
named endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport
: Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
of Nov. A. D-. 1912.
1 Town Clerk.
H 16 b 6
To the Board of County Commission
ers of Fairfield County: -
I hereby apply for a license to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors.
Ale. Lager Beer. . Rhine Wine and
Cider. - at 1881..' Fairfield Avenue,
Town of Bridgeport. My place of
business is not located within 200 feet
in a direct line of a Church Edifice,
Parochial School or Public School
house, - or the premises pertaining
thereto, or any Post orrice, f uoiic
Library- or Cemetery.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 18th day
Of NOV. A. D.. 1912. -
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law. of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Nicholas D. Whyte, for such license
and we do Severally Certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate situated in said Town of
Dated at Bridgeport, this 18th day
of Nov.-A IX, 1912. . ' .-
Patrick J. Dowling, 1871 Fairfield
Ave.; Albino Grigola, 53 Ash St.; Geo.
Hall, 982 Seaview Ave. I Julius Paul,
54 Maiden Lane; Henry Meyer, 23
Curtis Ave. - .
I hereby "certify that 'the -above
named' endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as defined by law,- of the
Town of Bridgeport.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
of Nov. .A. IX. 1912.
- Town Clerk. '
H 16 b 6 6
To the Board of County Commission
ers of Fairfield County: .
I hereby apply for a license to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors,
Ale. Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and
Cider, at 1331 State Street.
Town of Bridgeport. My place of
business is not located within 200 feet
ii a direct line of a Church Edifice,
Parochial School or-- Public--School -house,
or the premises pertaininc
thereto, or any Post Office, Public
Library or Cemetery.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 18th" day
of Nov. A, D., 1912.
v- Applicant.
. We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the .application of the above named
Daniel E. Walker, for such license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that w are owners of real
estate ' situated in said Town of
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
Owen Light, 257 Black Rock Ave..
Marshall E. Gray, 25 9 Black Rock
Ave.; William H. Johnson, Jr., 121ft
Capitol Ave; Wm. Lieberum, 681 Main
St; Charles Hanson, 129 Main St
I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as defined by . law, of the
Town of Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
of Nov. A, D. 1912.
". Town Clerk.
H 16 b 6 6 ,
To the Board of County Commission-
srioners for Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a Druggist's li
cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat
ing Liquors, Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine
Wine and Cider, at 141 Hallett
Street, Town of Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day
of Nov. A. IX, 1912.
We,, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse
the application of the above named
A. Bernstein, . ' for such license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are -taxpayers owning
real estate situated in said Town of
Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day
of Nov. A, D., 1912.
M. Stein, 818 Hamilton St; M. Lau
tensctalager, 291 Eagle St;, John Ku
ba, 191 Adams St; S. . Loewith, 835
Clinton Ave.; Robert PitaRoy, 5t
Brooks St -
I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers ae electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport . t
Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day
of Nov. A. IX, 1912.
Asst Town Clerk.
H 16. b - .
To the Board of County Commission
sioners for -Fairfield County;
I hereby apply for a Druggist's li
cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat
ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine
wine, ana tjiaer, at 1349 mate
Street Town of Bridgeport i
Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day
OI OV. A. U.
v , E. W. ENSIGN,
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Br:fJprt, tvereby endorse
the application of the above named
E. W. ' Ensign, for each license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are .taxpayers owning
real estate situated In said. Town of
Bridgeport s
Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
Harry D. Fitzgerald, 76 Bassick. Av
enue; Peter Hummel, 734 Howard Av
enue: Hubert Hulton. 732 - Howard
Avenue; Christian Holdt 493 How
ard Avenue; Peter Pearson, 529 How-
ara Ave.
I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of. Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, tnis lath day
of Nov. A. IX, 1912.
Town Clerk.
H IS b t I ." ,
To the' Board of County Commission
sioners ior fairneta tjounxy:
cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat
ing Liquors, Ale, . Lager Beer. Rhine
Wine and Cider, at 1190 Pembroke
Street Town of Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
of Nov. A, D., 1912.
We. the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the. application of tne, above nameu
Frank T. Schevelk, for such: license
and we do severally certify eacn tor
himself that we are taxpayers owning
real estate situated in said Town of
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13Ch day
of Nov. A, D.,. 1912.
William Keating, Bridgeport; Leo
pold Herdina. Bridgeport; Michael J,
Neil, Bridgeport; Lafayette Peer,. Jr.,
Bridgeport; Leonard SS- Aiexowitz,
Bridsre-nort - . .
I hereby certiry inai me aoove
named endorsers &re electors' and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport -
Dated at Bridgeport, tnis istn a ay
of Nov. A. D., 1912. i
WM. T. UUIii8,
- - -Asst Town Clerk.
H 16 b
To the Board of County Commission?
sioners for Fatrsel -county: .. . ,
I hereby apply for a -Druggist's li
cense to sell Spirituous and-Intoxicate
ins- Liouora. Ale. Laeer Beer. . Rhine
Wine and Cider, at 1Z44 traworg
Avenne. Town of Brideenort.
Dated at Bridgeport, tnis istn day
of Nov. A. D.. 1913.
.--'"-' .- Applicant
We. the undersigned, electors and
taTnann. n k daflned bv law. of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Wilt I. Nichols, for : such , license
and, we do severally Certify each fo
himself that we are taxpayers owning
real estate situated in said Town or
Dated at Bridgeport, una asm aay
or JNOV. a. u., inn.
Allen J. Kennedy. 41 z central Ave. f
Chester B. Blackman, 1119 Stratford
Avenue; Albert J. Sohn, 255 Bunnell
St.; J. Borstelman, 669 Central Ave
nue; James Bounds, 1190 Stratford
Ave. ' - 1
I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and
taxpayers, as defined ; by law. of the
Town of Bridgeport -
Dated at Bridgeport, thto. intn day
of Nov. A. IX, 1912. - -
: . - WM, TWUMAJj,
. -Towa Clerk. ?
H 16 b 6 6
To the Board of Ceunty CommlMfas-
sionersfor Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a Druggist's li
cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat
ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine
Wine and Cider, at 870 Main
Street, Town of Bridgeport.
Dated at Bridgeport tnis istn day
of Nor. A. D., 1912.
We. the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application or tne aoove named
Wilma M. Robertson, for such license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are taxpayers owning
real estate situated in said Town of
Bridgeport '
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
Geo. A. Robertson, Bridgeport:
Chas. M. BHta. Bridgeport; F. C. Mul-
lins, Brlegeport. q.. Bachman, Bridge
port; B. D. Pierce, Bridgeport.
I hereby cerury tnat tn above
named endorsers are electors "and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport. .
Dated at Bridgeport, this istn day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
Town Clerk.
11 16 b 6 G
To the Bonrd of County Commissioii-
sioners for Fairfield County:
7 hereby apply for a Druggist's 11-
I cense to sell Soirituous and Intoxicat-
i ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine
J Win. - OOO T7al.A..l
. . ... uu iuoj , a. v uj. i.tiu
Avenue, Town of Bridgeport.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law. of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Gtfft A. Jamieaon, for such license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are taxpayers owning
real ostate situated in said Town of
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
II. H. Jacksonn, Bridgeport; Wm.
Nothnagle, Bridgeport; John A. Rus
ling. Bridgeport; William K. Mix,
Bridgeport; George E. Southworth,
- I , hereby certify that the' above
named endorsers are electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
town Clerk.
H 16 b 6 6
.... J ,
To the Board of County Commission
: ers of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a license) to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors.
Ale. Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and
Cider, at 92 State Street,
Town ' of Bridgeport My place of
business, is not located within 200
feet in a direct line of a Church Edi
fice, Parochial School or Public School
House, or the ; premises pertaining
thereto, or any Post Office, Public
Library or Cc-metery.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 14th day
of Nov. A. D., 112. ,
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application - Of the above named
Thomas Rook for such license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate srraated In said Town of
Dated at , Bridgeport, this 14th day
of NOV. A. D.. 191Z.
Abraham Frank, Bridgeport; Wil
liam H. stapleton,- Bsn-c'igeport; -ciw.
M., Bilta. Bridgeport: Charles Bier
feaum, - Bridgeport; . Henry . Harris,
Bridgeport. .
. I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers sre electors and tax
payers, -as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport :
Dated at Bridgeport, this 14th day
Of NOV. A. D-. 197 2.
- - Asst. Town Clerk.
H 16 b 6 6
To the Board of County 'Commission'
ers of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a license to sell
Spirituous and intoxicating Liquors.
Ale. Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and
Cider, at 163T, North Avenue,
Town , of Bridgeport. My place of
business is not located within 200
feet In a direct line of a Church Edi
fice, Parochial School .or Public School
House, or the premises pertaining
thereto, or any . Post Office, Public
Library or Cemetery. '
Dated at Bridgeport, this 14th -day
of Nov. A. D.. 1912.
'.(' Applicant.
We. the ' undersigfied, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of B-ld-eoort. hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Mary . E. Kelly, for such license
and we do. severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate - situated in said Town , of
Brrteeport - - . ;"'-"..- '
Dated at Bridgeport, this 14th day
of Nov. A. D 1912.
C- Callahan. Bridgeport; John
Watchke,: Bridgeport: Chr. Haug.
Bridgeport; Christ Schick. Bridge
port: John Boemmels. Bridgeport
I - hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as defined .fey law, of the
Town of Bridgeport
Dated, at Bridgenort, this 14th day
of Nov. A. D.. 1912.
Town Clerk. .
H 16 t 6 6
To the Board of County Commission
ers of Fairfield County:
T hereby arsplv for a wholesale li
cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat
ing Liquors. Ale, Larer Beer, Rhine
Wine and Cider, at 961 jaain wcreer.
Town of Bridgeport. My -place of bus
iness is located witain teet in
a direct line of a Church Edifice. Pa
rochial School or Public School-house,
or the premises pertaining- thereto, or
any Post-Office Public Library or
Cemetery. '
Dated at Brioareport, tms ,uxa uia.y
of Nov. A. D. 1912.
- V .-1 f Applicant.
We, the undersigned, electors and
tfunavprs. as defined by law, of th
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of tne above nameu
RjUBSeii T. Whiting, for suoh license
and we do severally certiry each ior
himself that we are owners of real
att4 Bitnated in said Town oi
""svi' " . . JI
Dated at .. wi".jri, uu "u vm.
of Nov. A. D. 19ia. -
John. Brown. Jr., unogepon; auto
t Rwra Bridreport: J. Annux,
Bridgeport; W. E. Burntaoi, Bridge-
r T Tt Kfteln. BrlOort -
j I hereby certiry inai i no
named endorsers are electors and tax
defined by law. -, of the
m r XI-FiAtrtTttrt-
Dated at Bridgeport, jnis mo
Of Nov. A. D. 1912.
'"'-'.'.''"'"." ''''; ."!'. ' v .Town Clerk.
H is to 6 6 . .
To the Board of County CoaunteBloii-
ara - of -Mbiraew- voiukj;, - . ,
i -koMKv flrv-Hv for - a. Wholesale
Brewery lLflcnse to sell Spirituous and
Intoxicating Liquors. Ale, Lager Beer,
Rhine Wine and Cider, at 616 Howard
Avenue, Town ' r Jsnaporx. my
place of ousineoe is -T
feet in a direct line of a Church
Bdlfioe, Parochial School or PuWic
Bchool-house. or the prmAteea pertain
ing there), or any Post Office, Publio
Library or Cemetery. -
Da ted at ' Brideeport, this 15th day
of Ntov A D..' llft.
" '' ' Applicant
taxpayers, s defined by law, of the
Town or onogepon nereoj enaorr
the nnntication of the above namr.it
Feigenspan Beer . Co., for such license
- Jt' ,.. llxr ,mH- AMM-t- L,
fiimsel that we are taxpayers owntnar
real estate situated in said Town of
Bridgeport. -Dated
at Bridgeport, this IStti day
of Nov. A. D.. 1912.
Louis Levy. Bridgeport; Peter Ham
mond, Bridgeport; H. W. Hitchcock,
Bridgeport; Owen Light, Bridgeport;
Marshall E. Gray. Bridgeport
I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and tan-
payers, as aennea by law, of the Town
or tsriageport.
Dated at Bridgeport thto lfitti' dav
at Nov. A. D.. 1912.
ASSt Town Clftrte
H 16 b 6 6
To the Board of County Commission
ers at u'airneia uounty:
I hereby apply for a license to aell
Sriirituous and Intoxicating Lianar.
Ale, Lager -Beer, Rhine Wine and
Older, at 1179 North Avenue.
Town of Bridgeport. My place of
business is- not located within 00
feet ih a direct line of a Church Edi
fice, Parochial School or Public School
oue. .or the premises pertaining
thereto, or any Post Office, Public
Library or Cemetery.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 14 th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Delbert Wilson for such license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
himself that we are owners of real
estate situated in said Town of
Dated at Bridgeport, thto 14th day
Of Nov. A. D., '1912.
Christ Schick, Bridgeport; C. Calla
han.Brldgeport; John Watcke,BrIdg
port; Chr. Haug. Bridgeport, John
Boemmels, Bridgeport.
I hereby certify that the above
named .endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as defined by taw, or tne
Town RridffKnnrt
Dated at Bridgeport, this 14th day
of Nov. A. D., 19IZ.
Town Cleric
H 16 b 6 6
To the Board of -County Commission'
sioners for Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a Druggist's II'
canto tn aell fioiritnnil and Intoxicat
ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine
Wine and Cider, at 283 Harral
Avenue. Town of Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport this 13th day
of Nov. A. IX, 1912.
We. the undersigned." electors snd
taxpayers, as defined by law, or tne
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
George M alone, for such license
and we do severally certify ea h for
himself that we are taxpayers owning
real estate situated in said Torwn of
Dated at Bridgeport, this 18th aay
Of NOV. A. D.. 1912.
Robert J. Lynch. Bridgeport: R. E
Hurley, Bridgeport; Edward Casey,
Bridgeport; F. C. Stanley, Bridgeport;
egbert Marsh, Bridgeport "
I .hereby certiry that the above
named endorsers are - electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, this 18th day
Of Nov. A. D., 1912.
Town Clerk.'
: II 18 b ' t e.
To the Board of County Commission'
' sioners for Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a Druggist's " II
cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxlcat
ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine
Wine and Cider, at 264 Madison
Avenue. Town of Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th. day
or NOV. A.. D., 191J. -
- - . Applicant
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as ueflned by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application 'Of the above named
John M. Rourke, for such license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are taxpayers owning
real estate situated in said Town of
Dated at Bridgeport, thia 13th day
or INOV. A. IX,
Patrick J. .Cooney. Bridgeport;
John W, Eckel, Bridgeport; Chas. E.
Wilson, Bridgeport; John Walters,
Bridgeport; Thos. F. Burns, Bridge
port, I-hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and
taxpayers, - as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport .
" Dated at Bridgeport, thia 13th day
of Nov. A. IX, 1912,
Town Clerk.
H li b ' I (
To the Board of County Commission'
i era for Fairfield County: i
I hereby apply for a Druggist's li
cense to sell Spirituous andi Intoxicat
ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine
Wine and Cider, at 420 Fairfield
Avenue, Town of Bridgeport.
Dated at Bridgeport this 15th day
Of Nov. A. D., 1912.
' We. the- undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Karl Cyrus, for such license
and wa do severally certify each for
himself that we are taxpayers owning
real estate situated in said Town of
Bridgeport .
Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day
of Nov. A. D , 1912.
D. C. DeWolf, Bridgeport; Frank t
Hitchcock, Bridgeport; Thomas E.
Bishop, Bridgeport; Geo. E. Craw
ford, Bridgeport; L T. Banks, Bridge
port -. ,
I hereby certify" that the above
named endorsers are . electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day
ot Nov. A. D 1912.
- Town Clerk.
H 16 b 6
To the Board of County Commission
ers for Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a Druggist's li
cense to Bell Spirituous and! Intoxicat
ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine
Wine and Cider. at 1112 Main
Street; Town of Bridgeport v
Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day
of Nov. A. D 1912.
Mgr. Biker's Druusr Store,
. Applicant
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application Of the above named
A. W. McConnell, ' for such license
and we do severally certlfj each for
himself that we are taxpayers owning
real estate situated in said Town of
Bridgeport -
Dated at Bridgeport, thia 15th day
of Nov. A. T., 1912.
C. V. Lindqutst, Bridgeport; Joseph
H. Stagg, Bridgeport tt S. Shelton,
Bridgeport; L. B. Powe, Bridgeport;
Frederick B. Fallon". Bridgeport
I hereby certify that the above
narriAd ndin are electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport ' ' Jml
Dated at Bridgeport, this 18th day
of Nov. A. D 1912.
Asst Town Clerk.
ir le b '
To the Board of County Commission
ers for Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a Druggist's li
cense to sell Spirituous and Intoxicat
ing Liquors, Ale. Laser Beer. Rblne
Wine and Cider. at 1890 Main
Street, Town of Bridgeport. .
Dated at Bridgeport, this IBth day
We. the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
ttta atiniication of the abovft named
Harry C. -Brlnkerhoff. for such license
and We do severally wruij wo ior
himself that we are taxpayers owning
real estate situated In said Town of
BrDatedat" Briflrepo, this 16th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
.Tnhn F. -Brady, Bridgeport; John
H. Partridge, Bridgeport; David Ab'
bott. Bridgeport; Lrannia sx. ic;v am
ra, Bridgeport; James T. Brady.
Bridgeport. -
I hereby certify that the ' above
nnmed endorsers are electors anf
taxpayers, as defined by law, of thr
Town of Bridgeport '
Dated at BridKeoort, this 15th dav
of Nov. A. 191 2.
Asst. Town ClerV
II 16 b 6 6
Farmer Want Ads lc a wot
To the Board of County Commission
ers for Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a Druggist's li
lense to sell Spirituous an Intoxicat
ing Liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine
Wine and Cider, at 4 63 East Main
Street Town of Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, tnis 15th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
HENRY A. HITCH, -Applicant
We, the undersigned, elecix kai
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport horeuy endorse
the application of the above nand
Henry A. Hitch. for , siush Uctrnm
and we do severally certiry eacn for
himself that we are taxpayers owning
real estate situated in said Town of
Dated at Bridgeport, this 15th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
S. R. Adams, Bridgeport; George
Kingston, Bridgeport: Geo. H. Zink.
Jr., Bridgeport; W. J. Souther,
Bridgeport; Wm. R. Brown, Bridge
port. I hereby "certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport.
Dated at Bridgeport, thia 15th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
H 16 b 6 " Town Clerk.
To the Board of County Commission-"
ers of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a license to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors,
Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine W4ne and
Cider, at 690 Pembroke Street.
Town of Bridgeport My place of
business is not located within 209 feet
in a direct line of a Church Edifice,
Parochial School or Public School
house, or the premises pertaining
thereto, or any Pest Offieo, PaiMe
Library or Cemetery.
Dated at Bridgeport, this lttb day
Of Nov. A. D., 1912.
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse
the application of the above named
Verese A Rambottlne, for such license
and we do severally certiry each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate situated in said Town of
Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
. John Boemmels, Bridgeport, C Cal
lahan, Bridgeport Chr. Haug. B-idge-port,
John Watcke. Bridcancrrt
Christ Schick, Bridgeport
a nereDy certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as defined by law, ef the
Town of Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, this 13th day
of Nov. A. D.j 1912.
Town Clerk.
H 16 b '
To the Board of County Commission
ers or Fairfield County:
T hereby aoolv for a lieaimia tn wt!
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors.
Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine aad
Cider. at 246 Crmumt Amn.
Town of Bridgeport Mr place of
business is not located within 200 feet
toi a direct line of a Church Edifice,
Parochial School or Public School
house, or the premises, pertaining
thereto, or any Post Office. Public
Library or Cemetery.
xateu at Bridgeport, this 12th day
of . Nov. A. D 1912.
We, the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers, as defined by law. of tn
Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse
the application of the abor named
John J. Hwpe, for such Jicen
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate situated in said Town of
Bridgeport- ... , -
Dated at Bridgeport this 12 th day
of Nov. A. D.t 1812.
, James J. Shan lev. Brldareoort
Christopher ' McNamay, Bridgeport
Richard J. K-iely, Bridgeport John
Coyne, Bridgeport, John Flynn,
I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as defined by law. of the
Town ot Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day
of Nov, A. D.. 1912. .
Town Clerk.
H 16 b 6 6
To the Board of County Commission
ers of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a license to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors.
Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and
Cider, at 288 E.- Washington Avenue.
Town of Bridgeport My -place of
business la not located within 200 feet
in a direct line" of a Church Edifice.
Parochial School or Public School
house, or the. premises pertaining
thereto, or any Post Office, Public
Library or Cemetery.
Dated at Bridgeport this lztn day
of Nov. A. D.i 1912.
We, the undersigned, - electors and
taxDavers. as defined by law. of the
Town of Bridgeport, hereby endorse
the application of the above named
John Kailln,. for such license
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate situated in said 1 own or
Bridgeport . " -
Dated at Bridgeport, tnis utn aay
of Nov. A. D., '1912.
Chas. Merz, Bridgeport; Beneaict
ehnider, Bridgeport;. Frank Platey,
Bridgeport; Aug. Kaempher, Bridge
port; John Schneider, Bridgeport
I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and tax-
nuwn as defined by jaw, or tne
Town of Bridgeport
Dated at Bridgeport, tnis iztn any
Of Nov. A. D., 1912.
Town Clerk.
H 1 b
To the Board- of Coanty Commission
ers of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a license to sell
Spirituous and Intoxicating Liquors,
Ale, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and
Cider, at 187 Stratford Avenue.
Town of Bridgeport . My place of
business is not located within 296 feet
in a direct line of a Church Edifice,
Parochial School or Public School
house, or the premises pertalntn
thereto, or any Post Office, Public
Library or Cemetery.
Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day
Of Nov. A. D.. 191 3.
We. the undersigned, electors and
taxpayers;- as defined by law, of the
Town of Bridgeport hereby endorse
the application of the above named
John J. Bergen, for such Hcense
and we do severally certify each for
himself that we are owners of real
estate situated in said Town of
Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
John Heaphey, Bridgeport; Albert
Falk, Bridgeport; John Cody, Bridr
port. William Stapleton. Bridgeport;
Thomas O'Leary, Bridgeport
. I hereby certify that the above
named endorsers are electors and tax
payers, as defined by law. of
Town or Br- tl ...
Dated at Bridgeport, this 12th day
of Nov. A. D., 1912.
Town Clerk.
H 16 b 6 6
-f0 the Board of County Commisslon
6rs of Fairfield County:
I hereby apply for a license to sell
Soirituous and Intoxicating Liquors.
Me, Lager Beer. Rhine Wine and
"ider, at 295 East Washington Ave..
own of Bridgeport. My place of
usiness Is not located within 200 fet
a direct 1'ne of a Chnreh Edifice,
rochial School or Public f ch-nr.i-
.ouse. or
the premises pertaining

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