Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: NOVEMBER 23, 1912 3 ER BUSINESS DIRECTORY :- : .. I elepnone Your Order ave.- Your Orders will receive the same careful attention from the merchant whose cards appear herewith, as though you called at their several places of business in person. Use this Directory FREELY you will find it a great convenience. FARM r n " Til ,.' - "a ' fi'ff.lT- I r' ,,r.'JIjL.uJ -, , - rj ' ; . . 7 Art" Glass ' BRIDGEPORT' ART1 GLASS CO., 153 John St. f . Phone 1017- Automobile Dealers XI. M. FORP Distributor MAXWELL Cars . Libert and Standard Brush Cars 1887 Main St. Phono 1272 STARBPCK " MATTTCE, FORD CARS, 359 Fairfield Ave. Phone 4075-2 Automobile Supplies N. - AUTO 8UPPY CO. ' Let proye how we can Save you 25 to 40 per ; cent, on .your supplies..,., -610 Main St.. . . .' i " Phone 4260 On Secorild Though! "r By Jay E." House The rabbit has this . distinction. Wheii yoa .order rabbit :at-, a reatau raint you get rabbit, there 'being- no cheaper substitute.', ; 1 , , Vjf to: Uie": time ''" man .1b forty he ' doesn't ' mind .' being referred.' !to ,, as "The .Old-Mast": ; . '.f- - - ' ' i - ' . - :: - ; . .- ' : ' 5 T. f." ' "Rair .time has .had its - funeral," sayj. Mr J - John Philip Sousa. ,, Mr. Souea ought - to know. . Jie .was Ane of the pallbearers. - . . i A good many shoestrings have $100 watches at the end of them. - What has " become of "the old fashioned mai who cut his own hair? , A man. considers it something of a distinction' if his beard is hard to cut. If men-rere compelled to comply with the requirements demanded , of dogs,'- there wonld be very few men on exhibition. ' HATS OP . THE MOMENT Shimmering satin of the black and rold changeable kind was used for the 3rst hat. The lining is of gold cloth and the single loop -was placed at the latest approved angle. ' 1 The feather-trimn.ed hat Is more elaborate. A white plush bonnet is' faced with certoe velvet and has a life. . The Jua-y disagreed, and a. year band of Brightly figured velvet bro--' later Croker was released and lmme rade ribbon, edged with white ostrich : diately returned to the political arena- trimming. The feathers at the sides are white, with a dash of pale cerise at ine tips. DINNER TOMORROW. ' Don't forget the eight course din ner served tomorrow from S to 8 p. m. at the Venetian Gardens, 40 Elm street. Order cooking all day and a fine special dinner later in the day. Good music and excellent service. If you have not seen this new eating place, tomorrow is the day to get ac quainted. Foley Ksdoey Pill: TONIC IH ACTION - QUIOK IN RESUL.V Oive prompt relief from BACKACHI KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of th KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of th BLADDER and all annoying URINARY IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon U MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY PEOPLE and for WOMEN. NAVE HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION 8. A. Davis. 637 Washington St., lnd., is in his &U year. ii writna us: "I ha a&ehr puttered much from my kidns- a mud bla der I bad saver baohanhsr-aud my kidney act m loo frer-ent, raninir mn to loae mnrh slef aft aisht, and i otjr bisd.iar there was oonsta pain. I took Foley Kidr-ey Pilis for some tin, nnd am bow freo of ell trtreblo and fcraia able be "p and around Fo'py Kidney Puis iLave a. '.a-jat roctAJim'1'" - ' i P. B. BRILL, "nrd Ar-i. SOMl St, Auto Tires and Repairing THE A . Ll SCHAVOIR CO., 357 Fair field 'Ave. '" Phone 1662 COXN. AUTO TIRE CO. " '-,-Recovering and Repairing- a Specialty New and Second Hand Tires In stock 241 Connecticut Aye. . Phone 963 '..r'o;v;'"-'vBakers'";:: .: MRS. HILL'S BAKERY. Bread that makers a feast ot every meal. Once tasted, never wasted. 155 Wood At. Phone 2308 CROUCH & PLASSM AN. Try "Never : Enough Bread." 601 Howard Ave. ' - i Phone 1657-5 v Beaver Board , ; THE A. W. BURRITT CO., Knowlton St. ? , Phone 505 FIRST THINGS ' ' . - ., ': -' '. ' ;' . The . first reference to "Old King Cole." the "merry old soul" of the famous nursery rhyme, was made n a book written by Dr. William King, who was born on thiB. date in .1633. The -version given by! Dr. King is somewhat different from that now in vogue. It is probable that the song was contposed in the seventeenth cen tury, although - some. Investigators think ' it is much older. Halliwell Identities the merry monarch with Cole or Coel, a semi,-mythicaL King oi Britain who is :f supposed to have reigned In. the third century. The Scotch also have an "Old King Colli" said to have lived In the fifth century. Freeman and other historians say a Kins Rene of Anjou. who flourished in the fifteenth century, iia a. consid erable following who believe he was the original of the ruler who "caJled for' his pipe, and 'called1-fos- his bowl, and caJled for his fiddlers three.' Still others say that the reference to the pipe indicates that Old King Ctole ljved at a period- after, Raleigh had introduced- tobacco Into Europe-but thirt does not necessarily follow, as a. pipe' might mean a musical instrument.. - . - SQUIRE CROKER OF GLENCATRNE, EX-TAMMANY .'',;." BOSS, 69 TOMORROW " Squire Croker of Glencaume, Ireland, retired leader of iltmmany iiaii a no once the most powerful political boss in America, will to-morrow receive the congratulations of ', hia numerous ad mirers on both -sides of ' the Atlantwj- the occasion ' being - Ms sixty-mrath birthday. Richard Welstead Croker was born at Black Rock, County Cork Nov. 24. 183. ' His father. Eyre Coote Croker. was a. farmer, and emigrated to America when the future boss of New York was two years old. The formal education of the schoolsi played a small part in the rearing of the lad who was destined for the czar- dom of Tammany. In 4iis youth he was a .gangster, affiliating with the old. "tunnel gang," and! scon fought ni3 way to leadership. A fighter born, he depended on his fists, and never ' tot ed a cannon." H3s early ambition was to shine as a pugilist, and he engag ed in man-y . thrilling bouts, but he soon turned , to politics as offering greater profits. Sentiment was an un known quality' to , Croker. His eye was always for. the main chance. Yet he was honest, as. bosses go, and as loyal to his friends as any man. that ever breathed). , ! . Croker was twemty-thmee when Boss Tweed gave him a Job as court at tendant, and' at twenty-four he -became an alderman. In the latter; ca pacity he did -nothing wonderful,- but under the tuition of Tweed and his. as sistant, Dick Connolly, . Croker gained a. wide knowledge of the game of prac tical politics as it 'was played in New York. In 1874 . occurred an incident that for a time threatened to perma nently eclipse the career of the younre politician. In an election brawl man named John McKenna .was shot and killed. One witness of -the crimo alleged he heard' ,the dying man say- Dick Croker croaKed me." Croker was arrested1 and put on trial for hi That tragedy has been made much of by Croker enemies. Who have ac cused him of being a. - murderer and assassin, and: only recently has that stigma been removed. The real slay er of McKenna made a deathbed con fession, but, according -to his story, he shot the man to save Croker's life. McKenna, he declared, was aiming at Croker, who was unarmed, when tho real slayer drew a revolver and flared. It is alleged that Croker knew all th time -who had" killed McKenna, but in a spirit of loyalty prevented him from revealingr the name of the friend who had saved his life. Rather than be false to his standard of gang ethics Croker spent weary ' months in th tombs and faced the possibility of ex ecution or a. life in prison. When John Kelly died in 18e5, Cro ker succeeded him as leader of Tam many Hall, and for fifteen years th squat, stolid, silent man was the real sovereign, the power behind th throne, in the rulership. of New York When he retired 'he neturned to hi native Emerald Isle, ' althoug-h for time he had a country estate at Wan tage, England, which he later dispos ed of. He usually spends the Winter months in Florida. His Irish estate Is a magnificent establishment not far from Dublin and is called Glencairne. Croker had millions at his disposal, and, besides building a villa that is a Lveritable palace, he went in for racing and has competed loir and on occasions won the Derby and' other English turf classics.' Sairire Croker. as his neigh bors caB him, is a great favorite ir Ireland, and if Erin should become republic. Souire Dick could undoubt edly be elected president.' Wants, To Rent, For Sale, &c, 1 cent a word in Farmer Want QqIvwjl. Bottlers JACOB RUPERT'S BREWERY, 21 S Housatonic Ave. ; Phone, 577 WALTER -STAPLETON.- Budweiser, .. Eeadloston Woerz. ' Lumber St. and Housatonic Ave. . Phone 1048 Clothing THE SURPRISE STORE. Security Bids-: ' ! ! -'. , Phone 1603 Coal THE WHEELER & HOWES CO.. Inc. 1221 Main St , - Phone 344-2 PEOPLE'S COAL AND WOOD YARD. Admiral and Carbon Sta. Phone 63-4 Confectionery ' X7. D. LANE, 1040 Main, St. Phone 242 "Doctor . -.. '-", DR. ALICE L. ITTCII, 978 State St. " Office "hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone 3323 Druggists JENNIE HAMILTON -PHARMACY, Cort Main and State St. phone 832 FARMER SPECIAL RATES for Foralsbed Roomtarc Houses 1y moatii or year POSITIONS WANTED. ' WANTED. Position in Men's de partment of credit clothing house. Has had experience at selling, also collecting. Best of references. At present employed. Address L.L.B., care of Farmer. H.19 , tf WANTED. Position in store or with firm with possibilities of advance ment. . Would like position as out side salesman. ' Salary reasonable to start. Address S. J. J., care of Farmer. H 19 tf PIANOS & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE. Used piano of reputable make in fine condition. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Piano, . care of Farmer. H 23 tf.' PIANOS TUNED and repaired by an .experienced factory man terms reasonable. Send - postal. Tune, care of Farmer., H 23 tf FOR SALE. - FINE TWO FAMILY HOUSE ' in . splendid neighborhood, Washington Terrace. Paying1 good' Interest on investment. Will make a good home. Always rented.-; Address G. W. H-, care of Farmer. H 23 tf FOR SALE. Fine two family house, good central location. Five min utes walk from Post Office. WSl sell cheap. . Pays 10 on 87,000 For full particulars address Post ' .Office Box 450, City. H 23 tf $3.50 Recipe Free, For Weak Men. Send Name and Address To dayYou Can Have It Free and Be Strong and "Vigorous I have in my possesion a Drescr I ra tion for nervous debility, lack of vig or, weakened manhood, failing mem ory and lame back, brought on by ex cesses, unnatural drains, or the follies 't youm. in a. i aas curea so many worn and nervous men right in their own homes without any additional help or medicine that I think every man who wishes to regain bis manly power and virility, quickly and quiet, y, should have a copy. So i nave determined to send a copy of the era. ecription free of charge, in a plain, ordinary sealed envelope to any man wn win write me xor u This prescription comes from a. nh. eician who has made a special study of men and I am convinced, it Is the surest-acting combination for- the curs OX aenciem. mannooa ana vigor fail ure ever put together. I think I owe it to my fellow man to send them a copy in confidence n that any man anywhere who is weak and discouraged with repeated failure. may stop drugging himself with harm ful patent medicines, secure what I believe is the quickest-acting restora tive, upbuilding, SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever devised, and so cure him self at home quietly and quickly. Just drop me a line like this: Dr. A. E. Robinson.4125 Luck Building, Detroit. Mich., and I will send you a copy of this splendid recipe in a plain ordin ary envelope tree of charge. A great many doctors would charge $3.00 to $5.00 for merely writing out a pre scription like this but I send it en tirely free. . No matter what you want try the Farmer Want Column- . '.:''- a-v . Employment Bureau BRIDGEPORT ' EMPLOYMENT BU REAU, supplies companions, moth ers helpers, nurse maids and com petent domestic help, 670 State St. Phone 4111-2 Furniture Mover BL G. DEMME CO. If you want your piano or furni , ture moved safely,- give the Job to Detnme. s . 1E3 Union Ave. i "Phone 2399 Garages BLUE RIBBON GARAGE, 295 Fair field Ave. Phone 3126 BOULEVARD GAHAGE.agents "Wln ton Cars:" second hand cars also. 245 Conn. Ave. Phone1054-2 ELM AUTO CO., -184 Elm St. ' "" . Phone, 1901 MILLER MOTOR CAR CO.. 554 Fair field Ave. Phone 1 WOOD AVENUE GARAGE, 103 Wood Ave. Phone 248 Gas and Gasoline Engines WALDORF MOTOR & MACHINE , CO. buys ajid sells engines and mi- chtnery. First class repairing. 1S3 Cannon St. - Phone 3807-3 LA88If ONE CENT PER WORD 15 Words 3 Days 35c ASK FOB YEARLY CONTRACT RATES EXCHANGE Edwin-'Bmith & Co. dealers n ffiin, f i h n r taekl and anortinar Sarooda. - ran also get your keys fitted, locks . repaired, saws' filed, lawn mowers sharpened, and all kinds of light repairing done at Smith's Gun Store.' 6 Wall Street. Telephone 3382-3. MILKMEN We - make , a specialty of aluminum milk checks, the clean est and most durable checks' to use. Call and see our samples and get- our prices. The Schwerdtie atamp Co., 41 Cannon St. . H 21 d NEW AND COMPLETE' assortment . of rugs just received. It will pay yoii to look over the stock of The Wentworth Furniture - Co., .1013 Broad St., 115 John St. . H BUY OLD HORSES 'to. kill. Re move dead ones free of charge any where within 25 miles of Bridge port. F. H. Daniel. 2337 Madison Road. Tel. 4337 Lll I PAPER -your rooms from S2.50 up, including material. Painting done reasonable. Fred Beck, 82 Third Street. Al tf SHOE REPAIRING. t moderate prices. The only up-to-date shop in town. We call and deliver. Tele phone 1391. Good year Shoe Re pairing Co., 76 John St.'- Ritl DOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS " made to order Odd screens repair- ed in all kinds of wood and finish Estimates furnished. Henry C. Holt man & Co.. 26S Water St. Rl tf SHOW CASE'S Cigar combination . and silent salesman, store and of fice fittings. Cabinet work' of all kinds designed and made. Hoffman Show Case Co.. 256 Water St. R14 tf STORAGE OF . FURNITURE Sepa . rate rooms, securely locked, furni ture and china packing. Furniture and pianos removed, - large vans, careful handling. Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co., 1287 Main St.. ' Cor. .Congress St. Tel. 1034-2. TO KENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Running . water. Bath. Address Reasonable, ear. of Farmer. R17 tf Afulllns Typewriter Exchange Cor. Main and Stale tats. Tel. 013 An makes for sale.-rent, or exchange Supplies anil Repairing Keltey's Cigar Store 141 FAIRFIELD AVE. The best cigars made In imported snd domestic brands. Complete line of -smokers' supplies. - ' JAMES H KELLY I ,. MERCHANTS' Gowns THE WOMEN'S SMART SHOP A little Paris all our own . For those who select gowns at home 157 Golden Hill. Phone 563-5 Hotels ADAMS HOUSE. 40-42 Fairfield Ave. Phone 1483 Ice Dealers DENNIS & SQUIRES, 914 Housatonic Ave. Phone 2888 1 Laundries WOOD AVENUE LAUNDRY We treat your clothes as our own. If you like the idea telephone. Wood and Benham Aves. Phone 18S9-4 ; Lumber , FRANK MILLER LUMBER Co- 156 ES. Wash. Ave. ' ' Phone 10 J Motor Cycles ECXEIAIOR MOTOR CYCLES, S. T. Kellogg, 615 State St. , Phone 1366 IE TELEPHONE 1208 Advertising Department UX&CK.I J.A WEOUa WANTS , UPHOLSTERING, Furniture Repair ed and refinished. : Prices always reasonable at Strain's Furniture Store, State, near Clinton. H 6 tf FAMILY SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. Best leather used. Prices reason able.' 229 Stratford Ave., near Kos . suth street. ' O30 ajp WANTED. Pla-no pupils. Young lady teacher. Terms reasonable. IXlt - Park Ave., . near Fairfield Ave. G IS a f . WANTED. Furniture, stoves, car pets, store fixtures, &c. Tel. 1084. City Auction Co., 29 State St. - - - O 21 WANTED To buy all - kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams. - Redfield's old -stand, 288 Fairfield Ave. Telephone 1015-2. H 12 ap lOU DOST WANT any old JunJe o . . old things around y .r premiseav but we want them as we need them for our business. Sell them to Jacob Bros. We wilt pay yoa the bis'hest price and get ihem out of your way. Prompt attention and satisfaction .is our record. 55 Kos suth St TeU 3. BtC Hawley, Wilmot & Reynolds '' Undertakers and Embalmers No. 168 State St., Bridgeport. C. All calls, day or night, answer ed from office. George B. Haw ley, 61 Vine St near Park At.; Edward II. Wilmot, 865 Clinton At.; John B. Reynolds, S99 West Av. - 'John F. G-allaerher I Undertakers wnd Embalmerax I Margaret - L. Gallaeherl The Only Graduate and Licensed vomnn in tne sjicv 871 FATfRFIELT AV.- Tel. 1X0 ROTJRKE & ROLTRKE Undertakers and Emfcalmers IMS MAIN STREET. Tel. 1661 Calls Answered Day or Night AUGUST G. BAKER Funeral Director and Embalmer atortuary tJiiapel in Connection Free or Charge ,1907 STRATFORir AVE. Telephone Connection. Call. Answered. Night or Day, rrom otrioe M. J. GANNON FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER 1051 Broad St., near John Phono S493 Residence. 1650 Park Ave. Phone 1259 'No matte wtiac von want try the Farmer Want Column. ftLieben5oa j ! r Bnrtwbners and Undertakers 1 I Office and Residence I 1 S S 1 MAIN STREET: j Telephone Connection . J j ft Nurses' Registry ,, NURSES. CENTRAL' REGISTRY AND HOME. Our telephone is for your accommodation, plus expedi ency end Judicious selection. 10S8 Fairfield Ave.- Phone 834 NURSES' WEST END REGISTRY AND HOME, 978 State St. Phone 3323 Papers, Magazines, Bags DISBROW. & LAW 205 Jonn St. Phone 1613-2. Piano Tuning WISSXER PIANOS, Cor. Broad and State Sts. Phone 2526 Pianos WM. , A. ; TOMLEVSON; 15 Fairfield Ave. - ! Phone 2057-4 Real Estate Agents BAHTRAM A GREENE, 164 State St. - . - Phone 4591 Second Hand Furniture H. A. JASMIN, 356 State St. Call up 1058 and get- 10 per cent, more . i'or your roods. Why? Low rent, larger business, quick sales. FOR SAME HAVING SECURED a clear title to the Edwin Banks , estate on Fair field Ave... I am now ready to sell the same and cut It up to suit tHeJ purchaser. x. - -xl. Netueton, Z47 Colorado Ave. Tel. 3020. H 19 dp FOR SALE. 1 150 buys furnished - room bouse,' low rent, all lmprova . merits. Must be sold this week, -account ill health. 169 Golden Hill St. ' H 18 d . FOR SALE. Second-hand . Crawford range.. Large double Oven French range, two roll-top desks. Geo. F. i Totams, 28C Fairfield Ave. - G 10 s I - p TO RENT TO RENT. 5 room flat, second floor, improvements. 664 Atlantic St- , - . . , . .. H .18 d FOR RENT Rooms for manufactur ing or storage. GledhUt & Co.. 421 Water St. ...,.- ,, ..- ,; . : R8tf For Sale or Rent My residence,1 405 -,Seaview Avenue. All improvements T. B. WAR 't 29 SANFOHD BUILDING V Fire Department Inadequate Yon probably noticed ' this ; statement. Better think about some insurance, hadn't yon? We won'd rather Insure you here than hereafter. . BARTBAM & GREENE Frank Block. All kinds of Insurance, ' Bonds and Real Estate NOTICE TO LANDLORDS We can furaiish you with 50 NEWr TENANTS Ranging in Price from $15 to $23 : Foil Particulars " , Anderson &Co. 53 JOHN STREET MOVOR TRUCKS FRANK PAINE, Packard tracks. . general motor tracing, - long dis tance moving, etc Phone Blu. Ribbon Oarage. B2T tf EDUCATION All DRAFTSMEN, mechanical architect ual or structural, are always in demand at good salaries; ten young men wanted to Join , club to learn drawing, at home evenings; instru ments furnished. Address C. S. K-, Box 818. City. P tf STEAMBOATS Bridgeport Line lo New York FARE 6o CENTS STEAMER HACGAICCK leavs Bridgeport Pequonnock Wharf, foot of Union Street, daily, except Satur day, at 13 night Returning, leavs New Tork. Pier 27. E. R.,daily, except Sundays, 11 A. M. Due Bridgeport. S:20 P. M. " - . L. D. NICKERSON. Act. The New England Steamshf p Company MERCHANT'S LINE j , Daily Except Snnday : i Leaves -New fork. Pier la. East River, 3 p. m. , Due at Bridgeport, 7:SO B m. Leavo Bridgeport, Joy Lino Dock, 2 a. m. Arrive New York 7 a. m. For further information and rates apply to J. B. Shepnrd. Agent. SIDEWALKS - Sand and Gravel . THE BURNS CO. 8 FAIRFIELD AVENUE BROKEN STONE, all sizes ROOFING , G14 alt Telephone ' ADVERTISE IN. THE FARMER - Shoe Stores 8. JR. THING .cb. 1153 Main St. THE CARTWRIGIIT ftSOE C Main St. , pAone li Spring Water HIGHLAND MINERAL' " SPRTITO WATER CO. A pure water bill is better than a doctor's bill and less expensive. 645 Warren St. - , Phone 937 POWHATAN SPRINGS. Nature's crystal beverage la man's -drink. 1794 North Ave. Phone-l42-t Tailors L. E. NUNNOLD. 13 Fairfleld Ave. Theatres LYRIC THEATRE, 1434 Main m. - ,Pbon 4K3 POLI'S THEATRE, St Falrfteld Av. Phone 37 4 Typewriting-llultigraplils2 GEO. N. SEARS, Notary public 16 Meigs Building. Phone 92 2-4 Type-writers MTJTJLINS' TYPEWRITER Kxetrntt, 157 State St. Phon. 4 PLUMMER TYPEWRITER V.X- t.t-ir net VmirttlA Aa phone tt" 9 PERSONAL CARD READER Advice era atf ar ' fairs. 25. , Mrs. Levy. 674 MiuHmm Avav. toarOk house above Mortis A v. Lit ti - . ,,, rwANciAii z-, ; THE CITY NATIONAL BANK. TTtaf-1 States Depository -Capital. 2 1 .) ; ' surplus and profits. C450.00. flr , Miller, Presidsnt; David F. Ht Vic. Presidents Chajrlea E. Botiri, Csshler; Henry Bv TerrllL Amn, casitier; itoiwrt a.- Cashier. .5-' THE CONNECTICUT KATIOTUT, BANK, of Bridgeport, corner -; i 'and Wall Streets. S. W. nalivin, ' ' President; H. S. Shelton. Vice lr ident; L. B. Powe, Cashier; ' T. " .Cmmmg.Asslstaat Cashlr- - - ' ital. . 2832.100: . Surplus and jp.-v -Lump 3380,006. BACHMAN'S EMMEJTAflOGfB A splendid Female Regulator In of suppressed menstruation, d ? due to colds; III health, or other natural causes: 21.76 for ths - whois outfit.' .Made only at the - ; WOMAN'S DRUG STORE , soon A'sMrv mtsmpanV-'W1 RAILROADS M refr.lrarfC nM liar t far a . SEPTEMBER 23, 1012 Trains Leave Bridgeporf Jj Follows: FOR N few vnBir a.arw ...... 8:50; :0. 10:60, tll;09 a! M I 11:28. 12:48. l-.ltQ, -lrSl. aj. j , I! T. o:"' :l, : , 6:48. 7:1, 8:18. :. 1;1 p. j SUNDAYS 12:26Q. 4:45. 8:27, 10:00 A. M. tl2:27, :! ".-.' 4:18. 5:07. 5:0. t.-45. 7:31. 8:18. :S, 10:02. FOR WASHINGTON, Via Hsi-I4 River 12:25 (daily) A. M; e1:li j7 M. j I FOR NEW HAVEN tt'tt t-ii 6:48,. 7:5, 9-:8, 10:43, ' VTitt M. 12:27, 12:80, 1:51, 2:28. -9-s 8:41, 4:28, 4:67. t5:39, ' :AtL" V-tV 7:16, 7::2, "9:49. 11:58 P. M. KKPfl DATS 12:48. M:41. 8:18. 1 -1' 10:26, 11:16, 11:38 A. M. 2:?i' 4:23. 6:30. -6:54. 7;16, f7:32. t:ai. 10;29 P. M. . FOR BOSTON, via New Ixm, and Provldenee 1 : 4 L 6:48, i-; 11:33 A. M. 2:28. 1:41. 4 jj 5:39 to Sybrook Junction. rS4 T if SUNDAYS 1:41. New Tni don, ll::S A. M. 2:28, 4:23. S P. M. ' - ',. -"-' - FOR BOSTON. ria TTSrtforrl Winimantle :2i A. M. 3:21 P.M. FOR WINSTED and Intermedia; Station's 5:00, 7:fl0, 9:40. tl-T A M. 2:85, t5:81. 7:46 P. If. SUN DAYS 8:30 A. M. 7:00 P. M. 'FOR WATER TBURY ANSONTV. DERBY and Intermerllate Station 5:00, 7:00, :00, "9:21, 9:40, rll:4! A. M. 2:8B. 3:21, f5:51. 7:45, 6:49 P !W. SUND4.YS 8:80, 11:40 A. M. 7:0!). 9:07 P. M- . FOR OT. BARRTNGTON. tETfOT PITTS FTET D, FTC, 7 : 0, 9 : 4 3 A. 4:30 F. M.-SCJTDATS 8:80 A. -M. FOR DANRTRY, NEAV rtLFOKn. ETC- vi Jt nroofcficld Junction 7:0, 9:4K A. M. 4-;30,-,44 P. II. SUN DAYS 8:30 A. M. FOR LITC1 1 ITfTT , T . ETC. :4S A. M. 4:30 P. M. SUNDAYS S:Sf A. M. Express trains. tLocal Express. Q to Harlem River Station. U 4t. aHi M4, pmi s- a twu Am raaidals Arm. Girl nWapted? Read da aLrmerWant Adi. Tr . lna tia-l