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Image provided by: Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT
Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: DECEMBER 13, 1912 Beginning Wednesday, Dec. 18, Store Will Be Open Evenings We Arc Strong on Chinchilla Over coats. The demand for Chinchilla has rt : caught us napping. Here are piles of beauti . f ul chinchilla coats, made up to our special or der in exactly the styles men are asking for. Single-breasted button-through coats with split sleeves, cut 46 inches long; the style young men favor. Big full-cut double-breasted cpats with convertible collars,long and warm and worthy the name of Greatcoats. $20, $25 and $30. - ' :r H-and-Co. "Wonder Clothes", at $15.00 are certainly worthy of the name. Boose Coats and Bathrobes Are the Finest Gitts for Men That You Can Buy and Meigs & Co. Are Showing the Best Styles, and Variety. Madam, give your husband a new house coat or an in viting lounging robe and he'll quit the Club to stay at home more than he does. Try it any way. We have just the kind of a house coat, or lounging robe you want to give him in our big showing of beautiful garments. ' For instance, house coats of fine soft worsted, plain and betted back, silk cord bound, 5.00 to $12.00. Japanese bouse coats, light as a feather, made of quilted ilk, $7.50. Ixmg "Comfy lounging robes of fine soft blanketing materials silk cord girdle, S5.00 to $10.00. Pretty bathrobes of Terry cloth, from $3.00 to $6-00, and a pair of bath slippers at 7 Sc. ' INCORPORATED OUTFITTERS TO MEN WOMEN Sc CHILDREN BRIDGEPORT, CONN. , STATE BOARD WILL STRIVE TO STAMP OUT DRUG ABUSES Victims of the "Bing" Habit Here May be Counted by the Hundreds' Pharmacy Commissioners Will Revoke on Specific Complaint Claiming Discretionary Power i PtesMent John A. Leverty of the estate Board of Pharmaoy OommiMlon ra stated to a. Fumar reporter today that th board stands ready to aot agalxust th sal of opium, heroin and other narvating drags In cases where specific ahargu are brought. The board takes Jurisdiction upon th ground that it has discretionary pow- -violated. There is no law In this State against the sale of morphine or its derivatives iu.t the board is of the opinion that th pharmacy laws are not intended to provide a meani for victims of drag habits to purchase drugs with .Immunity. Concerning the recent case in this -c3tjF -where the board took aotlon Pres ident leverty stated: "We would not have been able to take action If spe cific charges had not been made. There ie no doubt there are a large number of heroin users in Connec ticut, but the sellers of the stuff (If 4T-tifrfiital cannot be Dunished bevond the revocation of their pharmacy li censes ; until the legislature enacts a itatute similar to the oocaina law. The crusade being conducted in JJfew York against heroin has made this state a haven for the users of the drug. New Haven has passed an or dmanoe against the sale of the stuff nd the result is that the users - are coming to Bridgeport to purchase. "Already there is a substitute for heroin on the market. It is called dlonln' ethyl morphine hydrochlorate) ana the law that does not cover all ?i-u mm of a morphine derivative will Have little effeot in stamping out the ""n" understand that the Bridgeport aldermen are to pass an ordinance at Its next meeting. If they specify heroin alone and do not specify all drugs of a morphine derivative they will leave loopholes for the users to crawl through." "Bing" Is the slang name of the drug used bv the drug slaves here. It Is estimated that there are between pno and 400 users of the drug in this oity Its line is said to have been first introduced here by habitueB of mo nnderworid. -who taught the possi bilities of producing soothing sensa tions to young men and boys they mt in lunch rooms and pool and bil liard halls. The drug users are now -i n h found among factory work ers and clerks who carry the stuff in the sawea on iuu aa. luuuiam Heroin is said to produce a, feeling that makes the user feel as though he owned the world and its users loose their aopetlte for food while their craving for tobacco in cigarette form increases. Increased doses are needed from time to time to satisfy the de sires. The stuff is expensive and one young man who is employed In a n'rf End factory recently went to ;Nw Tork and bought $18 worth of the stuff, spending nis enure pay mr a. week in order to have a supply on hand. Rarelv a month passes without at least one death in this city directly traceable to the ravages of the drug habit. TO HOLD BENEFIT DANCE ' FOR WM. LAURENCE, FRIDAY Bis; Entertainment Program to Help Athlete Who is Very Til. A bwnefi dance will be held EViday evening at St- Joseph's hall, Barnum avenue, for the benefit of William Laurence. Mr. Ijaurence until his re cent illness1 was employed at the Blrd-goJ- jfe Somers factory and it is his X el Kt w-workmen who are to charge of the benefit. Mr Laurence fe perhaps1 remember ed better to the sporting' public through Ms connection with the Bird . earners 'baseball team of which organ4sation he was a member during the season In which they captured the yacrory League championship, and t.ltro their first reason in the Indus trial League. The members of botih jaws Would turn ourt in large num bers to show their appreciation for he -nast work of Mr. Laurence. Spiedel's orchestra will furnish the music and this should assure aill who attend a good) time. The St. JoeeptfJ'e T. B. &-L. Aewocia. ytp fca,re donated ttie use of tti&ir hall free of charge In recognition of the good cause. The following entertain ers have offered their services ito make the -muoloal entertainment a success: Misses IC. ?evln, I. HaviriMa, and che Messrs. C. Cunning J. JMilles; J. Hughes ejud William Toomey. Chris McMahon. who will conduct the mu sical end, would like to hear from oth ers) who wout-aY care offer their help lax this line. - ' ' This isa worthy cause and as Mr. Laurence did his share to help along sports In the city, the sporting ele ment should turn oat in Aanare num bers and assist tn making the evening a success. line entire- proceeds will be turned over to Mr. Laurence and will greatly assist - in defraying the heavy expense incurred by tola illness. Tickets can be purchased -from, the em ployes of the Birdeey &. Somers fac tory or at the dolor of the hai. ' OF MUSTARD YELLOW SATIN! This gorgeous color Is at Its best in a rich satin, like that of which this walstis made. The design is plain and the color Is accentuated by embroider ies, which are done-ln-a darker shade and used on the front and on the satin-covered buttons. .- i A lace net is used for the collar and front frill, the collar 'being bpund with the satin, ' and finished with a - velvet bow, matching the embroidery:.: - i .t I Make Your Xmas Gift PRACTICAL and USEFUL Overcoats Coats FOR MEN and YOUNG MEN FOR WOMEN, MISSES and JUNIORS $10 to $30 .98 to $30 ; Jf .. NO M . This store has its usual large stock of gift things that are sensible, practical and useful. ; The Men's Furnishing Department is particularly brilliant with ties, bath robes, pajamas, hats, caps, gloves, handkerchiefs, and jewelry, while the Ladies' Department is fairly aglow with dainty lingerie, petticoats, waists, and if yon are in doubt' as to a gift which will be apnreciated. and you want a suggestion, Give Her ONEY DOWN FURS Our Fur Department is a maze of bargain and beauty. Fine ( skins of all kinds splendidly hand tailored In to beautiful Muff s, Xeck Pieces, Coats, etc., by furriers who have, a reputa tion of producing the best in the land, all wonderfully under priced. Umbrellas For Gifts " We also have a large stock of Umbrellas for Men, Women and Children, specially selected for the' holiday i trade. - . ' i This Store in Gala Attire for the Holidays - . '";.: Throughout this store of plenty, will he found" the reigning spirit ot the Yuletide. ' Decorations, r clerks, stocks, everything Indicate the approach of the year's great gift time. Ton can't help catching, . the' spirit yourself, appreciate the great values given. ( ' OPEN Alf ACCOUNT AT THIS TIME, HAVE THE MERCHANDISE CHARGED, make the most of the M. & K. credit plan. Pay as yon enjoy use. ' : - MAIN ST ISAAC MOS! V GOLD & Proprietor Opportunity is Knocking We're not going to do anything rash, hut we do want to say a thing or twot . Thing one Is, tliat weTe showing the best spread of good things to wear for Men and Boys that the toown affords. Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Head wear and Toggery , that will win you admiration at a glance. Styles that will strike you as being .entirely differ ent. '' , : . ... ,- ' " Thing two Is, that every price we name will please you and we want you to come here and learn how well it will pay you to make this your store for things to wear. HUB CLOTHING HOUSE 9.29 MAIN STREET CORNER BANK Finest line of Musical Instruments and Supplies in the city. Vio lins, Mandolins, Banjo Mandolins, Cases, Stands. Music Roils, etc. Jj instruments receive my personal attention in selecting, and I guar antee each and every instrument I sell. Old instruments taken In exchange. Easy payments. Play while you pay. Gilman Music Studio 1116 MAiN STREET KETLIiER BTJXLiDING, NEXT TO BIKER'S. Women Dragged From Building In $200,000 Fire Today Pittsburgh, Dec. 13 Probably a doz en people were severely, injured today when a costly and spectacular; fire de stroyed the., building on the North 'Side known as Library Place, occu pied 'by more than 200 persons Twelve .storerooms on the first floor were de stroyed. Many of the occupants of .the toarild ing threw tihemselves from windows or crept to safety on srwaying ladders. The intense cold added to the, suffer ing . . Fourteen women -were rescued from the fourth floor. The fire depart ment was kept on the jump by a se ries of alarms from smaller' fiires throughout the city. The fire started in a prirafcsbtop in the basement and soon shot up the elevator shaft of the four story build ins:. - - . . - Mine persons, . including four firemen and a policeman, 'hurt when the cor nice of the structure fell, were hur ried to the Allegheny Hospital. Sev eral!' personsr were reported missing butt all are hought to have escaped. The building was erected forty years ago. Women and children in -the three upper floors became hysterical and had' to be dragged to safety. One woman- was dragged out of her room but she insisted on returning for her hat, Mrs.- E. W. Miller, 46, was uncon scious and her clothing and hair were in flames when .dragged from her room by Policeman Kerr. The loss may reach $200,000. Firemen were fighting hard 'to pre vent the flames from spreading to other buildings. . Parmer Want Ads lea word First Degree Murder Is Verdict Against Slayer Of His fiancee IDfoensVwg, Pa., Dee. . 13 George Henderson, youthful slayer, of Miss Kern Davis, the Johnstown choir sin ger, hds fiancee, almost ' fainted when he finally heard the verdict of "first degree" murder from the Jury, early tttoday. - . - . . Although It was after midnight when the 12 men. arrived at a verdict, the courtroom was crowded. The young man, who last May 8th beat the girl over the head, was very much unnerved. . Judge Stevens) ' gave the attorneys for the ' defense , four days in . which to file an appeal.' Henderson's defense was inisariifcy. " The Federal Bakeries Co. , OTTER YOU THE MOST DEMCIOTJS LIE OF Bread, Rolls, Pics, Cake & Pasfry TO BE HAD IX THE CITY OR STATE Try any of our lines to be convinced. , 'Just like Motlier Used to Make JACOB HOCKHEISER, Prop. .255 State Street 792 Pembroke Street IF IT'S Auto Junk &l Tti3s SEULi IT TO JACOB BROS., 35 KOSSUTH STREET AUTOMOBIUtS PI I ENGINE LUBRICANTS GREASES AND PACKINGS The Best Gas Engine" C L Cylinder Oil Made 250 Stratford Ave. TJeJOHN IF. FAY 610 FAIRFIELD AVENUE . FCRNITURE DKAIiER, TjniOIjST KKER AND OABUfET MAKER. SUPER IOR FABRICS FOR FXTRNrrTJRE AKD DRAPERIES. Tel. 74 .Cn&!;V."1 R 1 5" Al IIt 1 coal v-JC:l is r i I tx cL TVlxi Lk rL 1 wood i The Furniture Dealer Something Good for the Man Who Smokes A box of good cigars is an ever-welcome gift to the man -who worships at the shrine of the little Goddess Nicotine. ' Every cigar gift. Every. -smoke' a pleasure. ' We carry a complete assortment of Meerschaum. Briar and Calabash Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes and everything to glad den the smoker's heart. E. D. SMITH 44 FA1BF1EU AVE. OPPOSITE POM'S THEATRE. TRY SPRAGUE'S Extra High Grade Sprague Ice & Goal Co. East End East Washington Avenue Bridge. Tel. 71a IRA GREGORY & CO. Branch Office goooooo Main Office ,97e?. ICOAL? 262 Main Street &xyx&xmo- Stratford Avs. Store Open For Business SATURDAY, DEC. 14, 1912 Enter stock must be sold within ten days, on account of al terations to be made, and to make room for new furniture com- " ,. ; -. ; : , ; . ' ..... .. This Is a chance for the newly married, as well as others, to furnish the home . at. less than one-anartn- rro-nlnr nrices. REMEMBER, -wo carry tbe finest line of Stoves in the city, including many of the most popular makes. r Street 1214 JVHalrft ABSOLUTELY CLEAN GOAL GUARANTEED Screened by Special Machine QUALITY UNSURPASSED WHEELER & HOWES 944 Main Street East End Congress Street Bridge