THE FARMER: JANUARY 17, 1913 0 SENIOR CLASS IN "THE CRISIS" DRAWS LARGEAUDIEHCE Amateurs of B. H. S. Are Given Cordial Reception In Capital Performance Last night's production of r "The Crisis-' ae dramatized from Winston Churchill's pleasing- novel of that -name and presented in Warner Hall by an able cast, selected from the senior class of the B. H. S. showed Not only may the Crisis be con considered a difficult undertaking for amateurs, but with their handicap from lack of stage facilities, genuine ability waa required to score the suc cess which, last night's offering: is conceded. James D. Lucey as Stephen Brice played the part commendably while Miss Louise F. Beara maae a.aisuni;i. hit by characterizing ner part to per fection. In fact an may be said to have fully realized the expectations of their many friends and admirers who filled the hall to witness this piece. Mfes Grace Clark is to be compli mented upon the coaching which con tributed so largely to "the success of the evening and under the direction of Harry- Denny the High School orchestra rendered fitting music' tsat added materially to : the event. The following hih, school students participated : - Carl Richter, Max Amsel; Josephus, Rrtlrur E. Keeting; Eliphalet, Hopper, Abraham Sshwartz; Stephen Brice, James D. Lucey; , Virginia. Carvel, Louise F. Beard; Clarence Maxwell Colfax, William J. Andrea; Auctioneer, Harold S. White; Mr. Canter, Charles McElroy; Nancy, Louise B. Cowles; Judge Whipple, John M. Comley; Colonel Carvel Bruce T. Simonds; George Catherwood, Thomas- B. . Lashar; Eugene Renault, Lucy Dis brow; Maurice Renault, Maurice Morgan; Maud Catherwood, Anna A. McN'amara; Tom Catherwood, Frank R Smith: "Puss Russel, Marjorie B. Judy; Jack Brinsmade,, Harry Silver-ttone- Anne Brinsmade, Lois M. Bangs Ephum. Hugh S. Taylor; Mammy Raster. EH-elyn A. Shey; Mrs. Brice, Marjory Allen; Mrs. Colfax, Barbara, Dubois; Soldiers. Howard Phillips, Donald Root, James Walsh, Robert W. - Bishop. In the mob scene: - Raphael JCorr, Harry Silverstone, Arthur Keating, ax HOseniDdi, nenry jjurauroy. PARK STREET CHURCH HOLDS f ANNIVERSARY v (Communlcated.f - There were gathered together at the annual parish ' supper " at the ' Park Street Church. Tuesday evening, the total membership of the parish to par take of a repast prepared by the la--cMes of the church under the super vision of a very capable committee in change of Mrs. Gerald H. Beard, as " sisted by Mrs. Hi A. Hitoh, Mrs. Go. B. Clark, (Mrs. Henry Richard, Mrs. F. E. Brown, 'Mrs.' Dwtght Hall and a t corps-: at , eboixt twenty young- ladies of the church. ' " 1 Reports were read toy the heads of the -various departments. Dr. Gerald K. Beard acted as toastmaater and Introduced each speaker. . Retiring Senior Deacon E. LeRoy Tolles reported for the board of dea cons, paying special tribute to the work of the church treasurer, Samuel A. Dickhaut, who had completed five years of active service, and Deacon Frank: M. Wootton, who had com pleted twenty-four years service in the capacity of collector of pew rents. Mrs. Geo. H. Wetherell made report of the work of the deaconesses. Mr. . Arthur M. Marsh, clerk of the church reported a total membership of 646, consisting of 218 men and 427 women The following members died' during the year: Mrs. Mary B. Merwin, Mrs. Amarintha Payne, Mrs. Amelia Swit zer, Mrs. Sarah E. Hubbard, Mrs. Em ily A. Bodlne. The following have kmn -married during the year: Miss J5L3a R. Botsford to Mr. Samuel E Henshaw, Miss Ruth A. Botsford to Harold C. Tomlinson, Miss Marguerite L.. Schwertle to Milton E. Bassett. Miss Ruth M. Brown to Elliott P. Ourtiss. -Mr. Samuel A. Diekhart, treasurer, reported finances in better condition than for several previous years. Society's Committee Report was read by Mr. Tfros. J. Pardy in the sjhsence of Mr. Geo. H. Zink, Jr., the Chairman which indicated the business affairs of the church to be in excellent eondttion. Deacon Wm. EL Phillips, Sapty of Sunday School reported total membership of 264. Albert E. Lavery president of Men's League reported the various committees of the league as active in all branches of the church work, and in a very gratifying posi tion financially, with a .membership in The neighborhood of one hundred. Mrs. Chas. W. Deane, president of 'the La drtv? Union, reported a year of inter. esting and helpful aotivity on the part of the ladies of the Union, with total receipts of $612.00 for the yeor raided by various methods. Mrs. Geo. B. Clark, leader of the Girls' Endeavor read an interesting paper as to their work. Mr. Claude Black, president of the Park St. Boys' Club gave in detail the account of meetings during the year and spoke of the helpful assistance rendered by Mr. Lewis Hall, Roy E. Clark and Mr. Dwight Hall at the meetings. Mrs. EJ. S. Pierce, church visitor reported having made 600 calls during the year past. Mrs. Wm. B. Boordman reported for the Fuller-ton Memorial Circle and the Fortnightly Club. Miss Luce gave in detail the working of the Camp Fire Girls. Mr. Harvey Went, Scout mas ter of Wolf Patrol of the Boy Scouts, spoke interestingly of their work. Mr. Herbert Pardy, president of the Young People's Alliance read their report. . , The reading of these reports was followed bv an able address by Rev. Henry C. Woodruff of Black Rock. The choir rendered several selections dur ing th evening. Every one voted the gathering another success in the work of the church. "RED LETTER NIGHT" i"inHiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiinni45MiMiw5i Ycm Are SAFE When You B127 at XtXEJZB'Smmm'snnimmim FOR LOCAL PYTWANS I HEADS OF Till; FRATERNITY TO BE GUESTS OF DOWDALL LODGE TONIGHT. This evening" will he a "Red Letter Night" for the Knights of Pythias of Bridgeport and vicinity. Joseph Dowdall lodge, No. 40, will receive an official visit from ' the Supreme Chan cellor -of the order, Hon. Thomas J. Carling, of Macon, Georgia, who will be accompanied by Supreme Represen tative George W. Penniman of Mass achusetts, the chairman of the au preme lodge committee on Pythian Ediucation. t They will arrive about 5:30 P. m., 'the Supreme Chancellor coming from New York, and Mr. Pen niman from Boston. Preparations are being made to give them a cordial reception. They will be taken, to the Stratfield Hotel for dinner and will meet a number of the prominent Pythians of the State, after -which they will go to the hall, 1025 Main street, for the con vention of the lodge. The program here will include the regular work o the evening. Addresses are expected from the dis tinguished .-visitors, . and it ' is 'antici pated that several hundred . members of the order -will hear them. " Mr. Carling is one of the most prom inent 'business men of the South, and for a number of years before he re tired from active participation in bus iness affairs was the owner of street railways, and interested in the devel oument of a. number of great proper ties. Since his election at the head of . the third largest fraternal society in . the world, whose membership is nearly three-quarters of a million men he is giving his entire time and hi3 splendid energies to the order. He plans to visit each of 'the fffty-five grand domains in the United States and Canada, and his visits are always the source of great enthusiasm for the order. Mr. Penniman is well known as one of. the prominent members of the or der in New England, and is widely known 'in many fraternal organiza tions. ' He enjoys the prouf distinc tion of being one of the few members of the- Pythian order who has visited Syracuse, Sicily, the scene of the im mortal friendship of Damon and Pyth ias, upon which the fraternity is based. His illustrated lecture, "The Story of Pythian Knighthood," with more than one hundred and; fifty pic tures, is in great .demand in every part of the country. INSURANCE AGENTS ANNUAL GATKERUIG J. , H. Crossley Deplores Lack of Building Code Mayor Says His Code Is O. K. - Enlivened by orchestral' entertain ment, monologues and song, the an nual meeting and banquet v of the Bridgeport Fire Underwriters' Associa- ; lion was neta last night at the Algon quin Club, resulting, in the election of the following officers: President, Tracy B. . Warren; . vice . president, Alfred Grieslngen; secretary, "William H. Red-field;- treasurer, George T. Hatheway. The executive committee, in addition to trie ifour 'officers,' is. William J. Nichols. Philip L. Holzer and C. D. Anderson. ...... i . Mayor Wilson commended - the new building code prepared by tne special commission which he said met every requirement for a greater and better Bridgeport. He advocated better Are protection particularly ae it applied to proper building'. , Responding to a request from Toast master D. Fairchild Wheeler, John J. Fisher in a - few words resigned his task to J. H. Crossley who read a let ter from Dale D.. Butler, of Middle town, president of the Connecticut As sociation of Fire Insurance agents re gretting his inability to attend the meeting. , Mr. Crossley -while complimenting the Bridgeport fire department as one of the beet in the state laid particular stress upon the fact that better pre vention is yet needed.- He estimated the daily loss by fire in the United States at $450,000 and said that the only remedy was more complete means or prevention. Even in this city, said Mr. Crossley there are conditions which make it possible for a great con- riagratlon, ana insurance rates here are now based upon that very fact. In conclusion he recommended the adoption of a building code which would better the situation. President Tracy .B. Warren, with personal reminiscences as a fire in surance agent, completed the list of speakers. About forty members were present.. Bentley's orchestra rendered selections during the evening with added monologues by Edward C. Mal lory and songs by Joseph F. Wieler, deputy sheriff. CONCERT AT LYRIC DIED. DOtAXD. In -Winsted, Jan. 9, Mary, - wife of Clarence Durand, aged 33 . years. BA RRETT. In Huntington, Jan. 10, Miss Ellen' Barrett of Winsted, aged 2 7 vears. WH1TI.OCK. In Norwalk, Jan. 10, Mrs. Kate H. Whitlock. WHITE. In Wilton, Jan. 10, Mar garet Turner, widow of Joseph : White, aged 5 3 years. DAVIS. In Danbury, Jan. 13, Robert J. Davis, of Newtown, aged 6 2 years. GALPIX. In Torrington, Jan. 12, Mrs. George Galpin, aged 8 7 years. I.OCKWOOD. In Norwalk, Jan. 14, Jane Capstiek,' wife of Charles W. ' Lockwood, aged 78 years. Ql'IXLAX. In Winsted, Jan. 11, James Quinlan, aged 50 years. SWEITZKR. In Torrington, Jan. 12, ' Mrs. Mary Sweitzer, aged 76 years. BCRXS. In Stanwich Jan. 12, Lucy M., widow of Erastiis Burns, aged 14 aaan. The Sunday Concert which is to be given at the Lyric Sunday nisrht will offer for its programme the beet there is in musical talent in this city. The full Wheeler & Wilson Band will play the several numbers offered with the members acting as soloists in their re spective capacity. The Miserere from Trovatore will be played, and J. Wil son Clif fe will be trombone soloist, the ! sextette from Lucia will aso be used a new arrangement comprising three cornets, two trombones and one barir- j tone having, been received and will bo : used for the first time Sunday. j Mies Gertrude Ross, who possesses ' a contralto voice of great quantity and quality will render two of her favorite selections. That there is a future for Miss Ross is very apparent by the way she li in constant demand for concert! work. Bridgeport's most popular quartette. The Bijou Four will entertain the pa trons with their musical numbers which are always sure to please. Mile. Marie Marafn the youthful - piano" prodigy will strive to please with her ronception of torse musical numbers. Miss MarafTl is surely a credit to Bridgeport she having the honor of be ing the youngest person who has ever pased the examinations for Yale Musical course, and will be obliged to wait over a year on account of her youth. She possesses a touch that is marvelous and a style of ' heir own which is magnetizing in itself to her hearers. Popular prices will prevail at these concerts and seats are now on sale. LOCAL THEATRICAL CORPORATION. John R. Vaughan, president, with 24 shares; Max Goodman, secretary, two shares, and Albert S. Simpson, two shares, are incorporators of the Statt- Theatre Amusement Co. of this city, starting business with $5,000. We take great pleasure in calling attention to the ex cellency , of our Store Service Our various branches are in charge of the most experi enced employes. Every cour tesy and attention possible Is always shown to customers. Every article purchased from us is always guaranteed by us to the fullest extent. We know many people look forward to this sale, and this year we have made such marked reductions, we are confident it will surpass any previous year's business. At prices which, when quality is taken into consideration, cannot fail to forcibly dem onstrate to every observing reader of tf-jis advertisement the desirability of making- Jheir pur chases in these lines at one of our stores. I There is scarcely any line of Drug Store goods that you have to take more on faith than Rubber goods. That is where we come in We want to impress on you the fact that any article made of Rubber sold at a Riker Store is absolutely dependable. Everything in this line is fully warranted in every respect. The items we call attention to below represent but a small proportion of our regular stock Druggists' Rubber Goods We have a complete assortment of every requisite in this line. All first-class standard gooda from reliable manufacturers and all at bottom prices. Hot Water Bottles Indispensable in every .household, a good one is invaluable a poor one worse than nothing. We have a ; large assortment and quote below "a few of the special prices we offer at this sale. Riker's Moulded Water Priscilla Hot Water Bottles We : believe this bottle to be the best low priced one being offered anywhere. Regu lar 7 5c value, during this sale. 46c Featherweight Bottles A very fine quality extra light weight bottle, made from red rubber, with an insertion of light cloth, thus making it a very soft and serviceable bot tle. 2 sizes. 2 i49 I 3 x-59 Bottles This is an unus ually fine article made without any seam from one piece of best . . quality rubber, we g u a r a ntee ' every one of these for 2 years each. 1.89 Heavyweight Bottles Riker's Cloth Lined. A very fine quality heavy white rubber bottle with an insertion of cloth, thus making it a bot tle that will stand very hard and rough usage. No. 2 1.59 1 No. 3 1.75 , Folding Bath Tubs for . Baby Length 2 ft., width 15 in., depth 11 in., very, nicely made of best qual ity material; when folded it makes a small roll; opened up It is as firm as can be desired. $7.50 , s KSfh value for ' TrOU In connection with this sale, in mentioning desire to call attention to two kinds, while rubber goods sale, are included in our line ties. . Stone Foot Warmers 1 Metal These may toe filled with boiling water and will keep hot 6 to 10 hours, used by sanitariums where patients are compelled to stay . out of, d.;ors and a very practical warmer ' for au tomo bills ts. 50c value o O for . ... oJC Hot Water Bottles we not really included in a of Hot Water Bot- Hot Water Bottles These are rapid ly . coming into popular favor. They keep hot longer than rubber bottles and are practi cally indestruc tible. Gillette a n d C e 1 1 o makes. Heav ily nickel plated; each. 1.35 to 3.00 8 Special Prices in Rubber Gloves For houBekeep , ers and others whodesire them to pro tect their ..hands while doing heavy ' work. at Jaynes Han-Kiry Gloves Of a " quality usually retailed f r o,m 50c . to 75c . a . pair Jaynes' Household Glove Nothing better for the purpose made; at this sale we offer them for J 2 Pure Rubber Finger Cots r mest tissue rubber, pec dozen Reinforced cots, per dozen ................ Fountain Syringes A very choice assortment of thoroughly reliable ones to choom from. Our No. 98 Fountain Syringe A small syringe for ordinary household use, made Qf best quality materia,! with long rub ber tube and 3 hard rubber pipes, each out fit complete in a n e at box. Special price for this The. larger or No. 3 size of this same syringe can be CJ2- had at this sale for Edgewood Fountain Sprayers Complete in every respect and in three sizes, each one con sisting of rubber bag, long rubber tubes, metal shut-oB and three hard rubber pip. Size .No. 1, 60c vaL For this sale 4&r. No. 2. 7 5c val. For this saJe 3Utc No. 3. $1.00 val. For this sale 7c Reputation Fountain Syringe '' Made for hard ?uae and long service, of extra heavy stock, special large rapid flow tub ing and 3 hard rubber pipes with extra large outlets, every one guaranteed for one year. Two sizes to select from. Size Value '. No. 2 12.15. For -this aal 1.H9 No. 3 2.E0.. For this sale l.7 Reputation Combination Fountain Syringe and Hot Water . . Bottle , Made of same stock and in same manner as the regular Repu tation Fountain Syringe, but fitted with a special connection, which allows its being converted into a Ho Water Botfl? r a Fountain Syringe as desired. No. 2 size. Reg. $2.50 value 1.97. No. 3 size. Reg $2.7S value S.23 No. 4 size. Reg. $3.00 value .. ..2.4S Family Syringes 19c 29c Reductions ELASTIC HOSIERY This Sale Only Frivate fitting room in every store. Experienced male and fe-'. male attendants. Satisfactory fit guaranteed. , . - , Regular sizes of Anklets, Leggins, Garter Hose and Knee. Caps' carried in stock, both" in Silk and Linen Webbings, or we will gladly -make any piece to order at a slight advance in cost. Thigh Pice Knee Cap Thigh and Leeein and Anklet Hose Garter Hose Give measurements, A to E, and length. Linen, during this week only, . 1.56 Silk, during this week only. 2.28 B, C, Anklets Give measurements. A, and length. Linen, during this week only, . 1.11 Silk, during this week onfy, 1.56 Special pieces for any part of the respondingly low prices. Knee Garter Hose Hose Leggins Give measurements, C. D. E. and- length. 'Linen, during this week only 1.33 Silk, during this week only, 1.55 Knee Caps Give measurements, E. F. G, and length. Linen, during this week only, 1.11 .. Silk, during this week only, 1.56 body made at short notice at cor-. Rubber Ice Bags The finest quality imported black and white check cloth, rubber lined . bags. 6, 9 and 12-in. sizes. Value 50c 75c $1.00 39c 59c 83c Face and Throat Bags Of different sizes and shapes to fit the part desired, - 25c up to 98c . Rubber Sheeting Very fine quality, soft and pliable, guaranteed not to crack or peel and proof against the action of uric acid. White Rubber Coated on One Side 1 yd. wide, value 7 5c, yd 4Sc 14 yds. wide, value $1.00 yd 57c 1 yds. wide, value $1.25, yd 67c Tan Rubber Coated on Both Sides 1 yd. wide, value $1.2 5. yd 89c 1 yds. wide, value $1.50, yd. ...1.27. Consisting of bulb, tubing and hard rubber or metal pipes. We have a good assortment to se lect from, the products of such manufacturers as - Davidson, Alpha- and others of equally high standing.-We particularly call attention to those we men tion below as being specially good values at -. the prices quoted". Davidson, from .... 1.39 to 1.93 Alpha, from... 1.25 to 1.97 As a special at this " sale we offer, the Jaynes' No. 47 Syr- -insre. a perfect . household syringe in every ro- s spect for only Reg. $1.CK) value for No. 97 Family Syringe, jj J. Ear and Ulcer Syringes Made very pliable from the finest quality red rubber. Small J.7C size. , Large size. 33c The Riker Rapid Flow Syringe An exceptionally well-mad syringe of heavy itibber stork and with extra large-sized tub ing. Complete in " a- hinged wooden box with 4 hard rubber pipes ' ' ' 2-qt. 2.50 I 3-qt. 2.7S 4-qU - 3.00 Ladies' Syringes A n a 9 o r t- ment of aU the popular and well-known makes as well as a few very desirable kinds that we import ourselves. Riker-Jaynes Red Rubber Im ported Syringe. Reg. nn ular $3. 60. value v-. .-a S 5J . Marvel WMrfing t?frray ' T Regular $3.50 value. , ; Imported Gloria Syringes, , 1.49 and 1.93 Wilholft Female Sy- -m f ringe X. And a number of other kind. Infants' Syringes Very good q u a 1 1 1 y bulb, hard rub- ber tip XitC Imported Infants' Syringes la " two sizes. Special Prices in Bath Sprays Spray and Shampoo Brush Handsomely nickel plated rub ber faced spray brush, with wooden handle, ' long rubber tube and -with chain safety fastener. , Single , Double Connection Connection 1.67 1.87 Our Special Bath Spray Consisting - of 4 feet of -rubber tubing with a nickel, plated shower spray 29c R. J. No. 97 Bath Spray a leet, extra heavy cloth inserted red tuDing witn metal taucet . c o n n e c-1 t i o n a n d larger size rubber guarded a 1 u m i num sprinkler. Regular 1.25 Cfcyr value Reputation Shampoo Rath & Outfit. Three - in - one combination. Large shower spray for bath. Rubber massage brush, small sprinkler for rinsing hair and scalp. Single Connection 2.49 Double Connection 2.91 Commode Cushions Child and adult sizes. 1.83 and 2.72 Rubber Invalid Rings From 7 in. to 18 in d.i a m e t e r. Prices from 1.27 to 2.73 each. No 540 Rubber Nipples Made of the very purest and best quality rubber., the kind usually sold for 5c each, or '50c per "TC doz. 4 for 10c, per doz. el53 ' Atomizers T h r o at. nasal. and oil per fume,'- in an almost end less assort ment of sizes and kinds. As a leader we offer our No. 67 atomizer, a good popular, all round, serviceable atomizer. Reg ular 76 value for 63c The others range in price from each ..... ... ... ..... 29o to 1.73 Kleinert's Baby Pants Pure gum, covered with very light weight cambric, absolutely waterproof and easily laundered. 23c and 48c Stork Sheeting 1 yard wide 7c 1 yards wide- 1.47 Rubber Hospital Blankets Double coated,- size45x72. Reg- - 4 , ular $2.50 value -aa.i Rubber Crib Sheets Size 3 4x46. very fine quality acid and germ proof, reversible rubber with eye lets for attaching to crib, -4 1 $1.25 value for StiO Rubber Sponges Made to resemble the natural sponge and rapidly growing into more pop ular favor. They hold water and give friction.. Sizes vary from 25c to 89c each Pure Gum Bandages 2, 2 and 3 in. wide; 6 to 18 ft. long. We Are the Local Agents for J. B. L. Cascades An appliance recommended by. a large number of physicians who have investigated the make for the cure of chronic constipation. Complete outfit together with book relating to same and giving many illlustrations of the proper exer cises to be taken in order to keep in perfect condition. Free Book let may be obtained on applica tion. Pure Rubber Face Masks R e c o m mended by .all p r o m i nent skin ' and com p 1 e x 1 o n s p e ciasts for bea'ati fylng the complexion and eradi eating wrink lea. and also to use after the applica tion of toilet creams. -m -a n Regular 1.50 value for A.. ' Overhead Showers A most substan tial and com plete outfit con sisting of 5 -inch nickeled rain head, white duck curtain, 24-inch nickel curtain ring, rubber connecting-tube with connection, cur hook, waterproof 9.89 Low Prices in Pure Gum Urinals CHILD'S SIZE NO. 11 Day use. Value $1.76 1.25 Day or night. No. 15 Value $4.00 ...2.95 MALE Day use. No. 1. Val ue $1.75 1.28 Day or night. No. 6. Value $5.00 ...3.47. FEMALE Day use. No. 6. Val ue $2.25 1.51 Day or night. No. 6A. Value $5.00 .. 3.52 Abdominal Reducing Belts holdfast faucet tain chain and bath cap and screws. $12.50 value. This Sale 23 STORES In Now England Shop at the Nearest 1112 Main St., Bridgeport. Jm , are SAi'K when you buy at RIKER'S Telephone 33O0. Pure Gum Rubber Belts, for re ducing the hips, improving the waist line, thus making perfect figures. In ordering by mall please quote measurements at largest point. Price according to size. 2.50 to 4.00 Pure Rubber Chin Bands These are In great demand by ladies who desire . to re duce an un sightly double chin. They are very light and not Uncomfort able to wear. retailed at from 5 0c to Sp ec 1.1 30c ITsually 75c e a price . . c h. Imported Rubber 23c to $1.83. Imported Floating 5c to 35c. Toys I Toys 1 Hartford Navigation on the Con necticut river is still open and al. records for lateness of closing have been broken. imiiimiimmmiMiimimiiiiiitniiinniiiiiiimiii! London Hector Morrison, Liberal M. P. for the south hackney division, has undertaken to present a silver cup to every baby born January 15, the day on which the maternity benefit law went into effect. .Read. he Farmer VVaiit Aclvs. 3 tv t 1 72 4