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ity uditor's initial. etjor To the Honorable Board of Apportibn- ment and Taxation of the City of Bridgeport. -Gentlemen: , in presenting to you my annual re port of the requisitions of the various departments and city officers, for 'lto next fiscal year, I am more than ever impressed by tire "fact that the offlciaia generally ask for more triatfthey ex pect to get and, needless to state, for much more than the city can afford to give them. This is unfortunate in several respects, because it places the responsibility of elimination on you and me. But it must be met and we cannot shirk it, for we have duti?s ('wards the taxpayers as well as to the public officers making: the requi sitions. It is our duty to provide adequately for the wants of the city and to do it i i such a manner as not to burden too, much those who pay . the taxes and foot the bills. I regret to state that I cannot see my way clear to provide adequately for the pressing needs of the city, without increasing: the tax rate over that of last year, but however desir able a low tax rate may be, it is not n unmixed blessing if made low at tile expense ' of dispensing with or postponing needed things. It is not a political problem but a purely- business one that confronts us, and it would have to be fairly met, no matter on whose shoulders the re- might rest. Bonding. I have always advocated paying as we go for all: current ..expenses and ha.vegsyite the phrase "current expen ses pretty brja-owfciKiie4iSie new school -houses and other similar im provements, usually classed elsewhere a,s permanent improvements, as I con sider them yearly necessities. I there lore, in the rfrst place, eliminate ."rem the list of requisitions, all ru "quests for lands or buildings, excpt school buildings end for an additional payment for lan-J purchased for park purposes - at the West JCnd, as an r.greemenl for such purchase" has been entered ' Into between the property 'wners in interest and the city, and has also teen approved by the Com mon Council. I consider the following matter3 of such a permanent charac ter as. to justify me in recommending that bond issues be resorted to in order to meet them, provided of course, that the people on a referen dum vote so decide. Jt" -FIRST DISTRICT. Jew Almshouse and. land for same. New Isolation Hospital. New Bridge at TCorth and Glenwood avenues.- jiew isnage at iorm avenue ana Rooster River, . In SECOND DISTRICT. ' Prrbiie- Comfort Stations. ' . tn fcMiew Pai at North End. Construction of Boulevard and Ex tension of Seawill at Seaside Park. I recommend that bond issues be asked for such purposes, by first' pre senting the matters to the common eouncil for approval, and, if so ap proved, that a bill be prepared for presentation to the General Assembly, and authority secured for such issuer, faHect of course, -,tO" the referendum of vote-? tft&' rvgu4arf lection in November nxtf T hav no "doubt that :t such a course is pursued and the matter fairly and fully presented to, the voters, they will see the reason-' ableness of at-least some of the pro positions thus submitted and exercise a wise and salutary discretion. I am convinced that it would be ex ceedingly unfair to' expect' jour, taxpay ers t5 'pt dTl&h.Tr&yt ttheixrSaeds of taxati'ortT ins one" of twoyears,"f or such permanent improvements. . All bonds issued by the city for many years past. have been serial bonds, payable .in reasonable annual Installments, sufficient in amount to pay the bonds within a reasonable time, and well within the life of ths improvements bonded for. . I know that there Is considerable opposition to bonding but there are many., things that we should either bond, for or go without. - It. is. Just as necessary in our mod-enu-tipaes for'.' a city to go - in -deW for permanent improvements,, as it is for an individual to do so, and 'it is -sntirely fair as I. view it so to do. I trust that fufter expression of opinion on such important matters as bond issues, can be procured on such referendum vote. . befere the matters can be considered fairly and, finally- settled. - . At the annual city meeting on the 7 ih-November, 1911, at which was submitted, for instance, the question of determining the issue of bonds for a new almshouse, the total vote cast, b6th for and against the proposition, was 2985; whereas, at the same city .neetingy the total vote cast for mayor, was 14,874, or five times as great. Only one voter of five voting at such election,, evidently, deemed the. matter of iesujfsfufxjat -is30iraenKiii-i bonds f or nfli i ii ma u 1 1 .fagfersnfflclent im portance to cast his vote either for or against the proposition. I think that if such matters are deemed worthy to be submitted to a .referen dum vote, the voters ought to be alive to the Importance of the Issues in volved and vote either yes or no there on.' By such a full vote only can we get an expression of opinion of any great value, and such as will guide us in shaping our future course in matters-Of bond issues. ' The GRAND LIST. There is a very gratifying increase to be sure in the city's grand list, showing that property in the buslnets section is rapidly appreciating in value. The Assessors' Abstract shows an Increase of about $8,500,000. The particular properties, the valuation- of which has been increased i-y the assessors, have not enhanced in value that entire amount, during the past year, but have been, in the opin ion of the assessors, undervalued for several years past. The foregoing Increase in the grand list,' figured on the basis of the tax rate recommended by me, will realize about $$140,000.00; a very handsome sum, but it appears to be wholly in adequate to meet but a fraction of the Increased demands for funds made in the requisitions of the various boards and officers, If the same were fully eranted. I have deemed it necessary, and consider my action justifiable, to cut off from such requisitions about $1, 00,000.00. Our Estimated Revenues. r It was my candid belief, one year ago, that our revenues for the current year "were" overestimated in at least one particular, that of. adding $50,000 to the tajc Collections, in excess of the f-ntire amount of the current year's tax. The experience of many years has taught me that Is. not safe to esti mate from the collection of arrears, of taxes, an amount greater than the sum that will remain uncollected at years' tax and I think that the re sult this year will prove no ex ception to that general rule, unlsss unusual and strenuous means ol col lection are resorted to. We are also hampered by ' the fact that the collection of the personal tax is not up to our expectations. Where as we estimated that seventy per cent, of such taxes would be collected within this year, the fact is that only one- half of that sum will be collect.! the estimate of one year ago was based on collections of personal taxes for the year previous, which at that ime was our only guide. This 1 licit .in the . collection of tax arrears and personal taxes- will .aggregate a Bout $7U,uoo and would ordmari y mean that bills to that amount would have to go unpaid until you had pro vided a deficiency appropriation suf ficient to meet them, but I confidently expect that this course need not be resorted to at this time, owing to the fact that some special appropriations will remain unexpended, in whole or in part, at the end o . the current year ana fieave cash enough from the' year ly revenues to meet all requirements. Of course this will lessen our revenues for the next year, Decauae we will be obliged t- "IAinate all such unex pended moneys from the estimated revenue? of the next year. sponsibilities . of city government L,,. ,n TOin,i nit t r1. opropriations but also to keep our expenditures within the revenues of the city each year. It is necessary of course to esti mate our revenues accurately, so that we are certain to have money to-mtet all our obligations each' year, from the revenues of the year. With our experience of the past year before us, it -is difficult to esti mate,, for Instance, what our receipts from personal taxes will be next year. My estimate, in this report, of fifty per cent, of the whole amount assess ed, is but a guess which may- or may not be ..verified. It is much better to Jnder-estimate a little rather than o over-estimate in such, matters, b3-c.-iuse in. the former case we will have some revenue which can be applied towards reducing the expenses of the next year, while in the latter case bills would have to remain unpaid until a defflciency appropriation was provid ed. Accounting System. The System of . Accounting estab lished by the Audit Experts, in sixteen of the city departments, is in full working order la them. It would be well to extend it, If possible, so aa to cover all departments of the eity. Ac counts are kept in my office, not only with each department, but with each item of each and every appropriation. The classification made for the pres ent year is, to a certain extent, an ar bitrary one, as the various officers 'n making their requisitions last year, were not fully . ipf ormed as to what was required of them and,., -consequently, did not particularize as fully as desirable. It is therefore necessary, this year, Jo make transfers from items of appropriations to other items of the same appropriations. Of course I make no transfers from one appro priation to another appropriation as that is contrary to the charter. It appears to me very desirable that the necessity for such transfers of items should be done away with. This can be effected by requiring kit officials making requisitions, to speci fy, with accuracy, the amounts re quired lor each item of the classifi cation. I have requested them to do this and trust that it has been at least substantially complied with. I see no necessity during the next fiscal year io make any such transfers, if' your board will make itemized appropri ations, as well as gross ones, and file with me a full and correct statement of all such, so that I can open ac counts with each and all of them. - If any item is more than the sum required the overplus will remain un expended at the end of year and will be classed as revenue for the next year, while if it is found that any ap propriation is going to prove inade quate, it will be necessary for the de partment to curtail expenditures so as to live within it. In this Way only can it. be brought home to the various officers and de partments that there is need of strict accuracy in formulating their requisi tions. Any other course will lead to carelessness and indifference on their part. This is also Absolutely . essential if the new system of accounting is to be -n force and effectual. The real rea son why such itemized accounts eoulo be kept heretofore was, that the full items were not available for the pur pose. I prepare ior and submit to the mayor, as soon cs possible after the first day of each month, a consolida ted report of city expenditures up to. such date, showing not only the amounts actually expended in each department, but also the sums con tracted to be expended and showing the balance remaining of each appro priation, -after such actual expendi tures and enoumbrances. 'Schools. Perhaps we did an injustice to the schools last year in providing that a portion of the proceeds of the one-mill tax, previously used for new schools exclusively, should also be used for sohool building repairs. I believe that this year, at least, the entire proceeds of a one-mill-tax on our grand list can be advantageously used for new schools alone and I so recommend. This will give the board of educa tion about- $10T6, 300. 00 for this pur pose, an amount sufficient I think to provide fairly well for their new sohool requirements. I provide a separate sum for re pairs. I do not recommend the sum ot $61,000.00 additional asked for, as an alleged deficit, on account of new buildings, as in my judgment there is adequate provision made for new buildings- as heretofore stated. The total amounts provided in my recommendations for school pur poses, are as follows: For New Schools, $106,300.00 For care and support of schools, au thorized, 421,269.08 There is also a bond issue for a new High School, amounting to 400,000.00 Total $927,569.00 The above sum for school purposes is equivalent to a tax of about 8 7-10 mills on each dollar of the increased grand list. New Macadam. I recommend no appropriation for new macadam. ' I am of the opinion that it is proven to the satisfaction of experts, on road making that water bound macadam does not meet the wants of modern traffic and that raon- We had better divert the amount. usually appropriated for new ma cadam to some kind of more durable pavement that will withstand the de mands of every .day travel. It will be much cheaper in the end, far more satisfactory, and will place our city in line, in this respect, with the most progressive cities of the country, What we do in the way of road mak ing ought to be done in the best known manner, so as to secure the best results. If we do this our tax payers will soon percieve that they are getting value tor money expended in road building and will be more recon ciled to pay higher taxes, feeling that they are getting full value for the same. It will also be cheaper in the end because the yearly renewals of macadam streets will not be necessary, and the expense of same can be dis pensed with, owing to the more our; ble pavement, New Pavements. There will be in the city treasury to the credit of paving aooount, on the first day of April next, about $50, 000,00. I recommend an. additional appropriation for paving, of $26,000. 00. This will make available for new imvementi durinar the next fiscal year, figuring in the amounts to be collected from assessments, the sum of about $100,000.00. No portion ot this raou ev. in my Judgment, ought to be ex pendecU in the construction of any kind of pavement on wnion a uve vear sruarantee could not be obtained. I understand that such guarantees can be obtained on many of the cheaner pavements, costing from $1.25 to $1.50 per square yard, and such pavements can be substituted for new macadam streets with benefit to the city and to the property owners in front of whose property they are placed. My eaudid opinion is that one-half the cost of any pavement on which such a euarantee can be ob tained, should be assessed on abutting property as authorized by our char ter. There can oe no sense oi juauue in assessing on abutting property, one half the cost of stone block, wood, or brick navement. costing aDOUt . per yard, on which only a five-year guarantee is obtained, and exempting from assessments pavements on which similar cruarantees can be oataraea, simply because the expense is less than one half that of the more ex pensive pavements. In either case the a'butting property owners ought to pay their proportionate share of the cost of pavement constructed in trom of their property. Besides it would be entirely unfair, a T viw it. to compel property own ers who have already paid jane half the coat of payments on their own streets, to also, share in paying tor pavements equally durable, in front Pannle will then understand and it will be a uniform rule that one half the cost of all pavements hereafter r-nnntructed on any street or "our eny. will- be assessed on abutting property as the charter authorizes, arid that those who are willing to pay snouia receive the benefits of good streets built, in a durable manner, and that those who do not desire such, improve ments at the price to be paid should neither ask for. nor have them forced upon them, except in cases where publie convenience ana necessity re quire the same. , Fire Department. T have eliminated, from my recom mendations some of .the items asked for by the Bire Commissioners. I do so for the reason that, for many years Tvast. this department has peon so fully and adequately provided for that it can afford to watt until more pressing demands of other city departments are reasonably met. By this I do not mean that I would allow the depart ment to become inefficient in any way. The items eliminated by me are for extensions and improvements mat no ilonbt are desirable, but. in my judg ment, are not absolutely necessary at this time. Jt does not appear to me that, we are fretting the full benefit of the lower insurance rates to whiph we am entitled as the result of eur moa m and efficient fire department and the service of its aoe ana capawe -htf. - Permit ran to add that X believe me consensus of opinion among loose nxat ca.nable of iudKiag la, that the latter merits inereased eompenston for Bar-vices wbien wouia -oe siaaiy paio to me rendering equally eaoapie r vices, by a private corporation. To quote the forcible words of one of our daily newspapers, in an eaiwiai: "If gratitude for duty well done ta for anvthine-. the chief will have the backing of the citizens of Bridgeport " in his request lor an in--crease of salary," Police Department. X have, as in duty bound, figured the mlariaa and the numerical strength of this department, on the basis of the provisions of the new ordinance Just adopted by the common couneil. The latter body, 'has, by charter, the right and power to regulate the numbers and prescribe the salaries of the officers and members of the police department, and no matter what my private opinion may toe as to the entire wisdom of the action taken,. I have no right to ignore the council action, or fail to provide fully for all ordi nance requirements. Some of the requests-- of the Commissioners, such as that for -new patrol wagon, can be, without detri ment to the efficiency of the foree, either wholy eliminated or reduced in Rate. I find it necessary to recommend the following tax rates: In the First District, six and seven tenths (6 7-10) mills on each dollar of the grand list. In the Second District, ten and three tenths 10 S-10) mills on each dollar of the grand list. Respectfully submitted this 22nd day of January, 191$, BERNARD KEATING, City Auditor. Following are the appropriations recommended by me in the First District: Advertising, printing and stationery (2,690.00 Ambulance and Emergen cy - 8,915.00 Apportionment, Board of 200.00 Assessqrs, salaries, ete 12,727. 00 Board of Contract and Supply 8,425.00 Bonds, Betterment 2,090-00 Bonds, Improvement, No. 1. 10,000.00 Bonds, Municipal S.00S.00 Bonds, Re-Issue 3,000.00 Bonds, "Voting Ma chine 1,900.00' Bonds, new High School 8,000.00 Bridges, Superintendent of 300.00 Building Commissioners 5,750.00 City Attorney 1,500.00 City Hall, salaries, fuel, light etc., 6,100.00 Collector's office 0,350.00 County Tax 10,630.00 Culverts, Repairing 500.00 Dog tax to State 500.00 Dog Warden 2,000.00 Engineering block map 7,500.00 Election expenses, enroll ment for primaries 745.00 Election expenses, deficiency 491.00 Election expenses, mis cellaneous 3,000.00 Election expenses, mis cellaneous, deficiency 550.00 Election expenses. Registrars of Voters 6,303.00 Election expenses, selectmen . 145.00 Election expenses, voting machines 1,500.00 Garbage disposal 44,000.00 Health, Special, Milk Sta tions and nurse 2,780.00 Health, Slaughter bouse 1,340.00 Health 12,486.00 Hunter's licenses 000.00 Interest on Funded Debt 36,711.00 Index Council Proceedings 1,000.00 Tand Damages 500.00 Ldbrary Fund Lights, 2 5 arc Lights, 108 gas or gasoline Liquor and Dog Agent and Truant officers Macadam Repairs, roads and bridges Memorial Day Miscellaneous National Guard tax Personal Damages Personal Tax Compiling Personal Tax Collectors Persona Tax Collectors, deficiency Police and Charities Build ing - Poor, Care of. Special Poor, Care of, Lakeview Home Poor, Care of, outside Poor, Care of, State Tuber culosis Hospital and as ylums Poor. Care of. General ofHee account Printing Charter and Or dinances Probate Court Probate Court, deficiency Relief, Board of Salaries Schools Schools, new buildings Sealer of Weights and Meas ures , Services and fees Sinking Fund State Highway Construc tion Street Grading, General Street Grading, Special Trees, Removal of Town Clerk's office v Sewers Sidewalks, Grading Streets, Renuntberins 26,575.00 1,778.26 2,700.00 3,558.75 10,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 17,000.00 500.00 1,750.00 5,584.00 2,017.29 3,000.00 2,685.00 32,(45.00 16,05.00 45,360.00 5,895.00 1,000.00 850.00 300.00 1,040.00 5,750.00 421.369.00 106,300.00 3,100.00 1,400.00 5,500.00 10,000.00 2.500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 10.437.25 T.,240.00 1,000.00 l.ooq.oo Total Following ceipts: are the $4, 7804 Estimated Re- FIRST DISTRICT Dog Licenses Care of Poor Schools Interest on 'Deposits Personal Taxes Building Permits Hunters' Licenses Liquor Licenses Town Clerk's Offtca Slaughter House Total Total appropriation.' a per schedule Amount to be raised by taxation Estimated Grand List, A tax of 7-10 mills will realise. 9 5 500 00 6 000 40 54 0Q0 CO . 5 000 00 90 000 00 $ 000 00 1 000 00 140 000 00 000 lift i oo co $251 000 00 964 oaa 04 $713 889 04 $106 800 00 $712 210 00 10 t i 18 1 14 1 . S 4 -8 17 222 10 I I , t 9 1 - a aa t , 5 as i 500 800 50 60 000 000 000 000 000 000 908 7S0 S00 980 00 000 S00 500 000 000 OSS 000 ooo 800 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 96 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000 00 250 00 000 00 48 la BOO St 000 43 8J7 Oft BOO 600 BOO TBI 47S 195 979 00 The following are the approprla tione recommended by me (a the See ond 'District: Advertising, printing and Stationery- 9 Appraisers' services Barnum School Fund Board of Contract and Supply Bonds,. Redemption Bonds, Construction Bonds, Fire Department Bonds, Improvement No, 2 Bonds. Yellow MiH "BrIdg Bonds, Fire House Bridge, Care of. and re- -pairs Bridges, Superintendent of City Clerk, Stenographer City Court Claims' Committee Common Road Repairs Crosswalks Crosswalk Repair Culvert, Third street Engineering Fire Department Fire Department, Builds log repairs Fire Department, cable Fire Pension Fund , Fire Department, Equip ment, inew Fire Department. Firo Alarm Boxes Fire Department, Hy drants and setting Housatonic Avenue widening Harbor Master Harbor Improvements Interest on Fvded Debt Interest en Temporary Debt l Land Damages, general Land Damages, Special, Main street Legal Expenses Legal Expenses, defi ciency Lights, 685 are Lights, 497 gas and gas oline Lights, S tungstens Lights, jrairneia avenue Viaduct Lights, Congress St. Bridge lights, Incidentals . tights, new, electric Laghts, new gas and gasoline , Miscellaneous Macadam repairs Park Department Park, Department, Play ground, West End Park Department, new sidewalks Park Department, West sad Land Park Department, Land damages Pavement, new .' -Paving Note No. 1 Pavement repairs Pensions Personal damages Police and Charities Building Police Department Police Department, new lot Police Department, Spe cial conduits Salaries Sewer Cleaning Sewer Repairs Sewers, new Construc tion Sewer well cleaning Sidewalk, Grading bidewalks, new Sidewalks Repair Sinking Fund Street cleaning btreet Dept. removing snow from walks 600 00 Street Department, salaries S TOO 00 Street Department, sprinkling e ooq uo Street Department. sprinkling deftfienev Street Grading, Street Grading, Dewey street Street Gvadinsr. Sneeial treet Grading, Boston jiv. isriago Street Dept., new automobile Street Dept., new road roller Trees, removal of Trees, removal of and setting back curbs Watering Troughs, re paired Watering Trougha, new Total . Following are the ceipts: 9 61 44 00 150 779 .750 000 000 425 9 600 60 1 990 00 T BOO 00 902 800 000 000 000 720 000 000 537 8 BOO 00 5 14 2 4 30 7 6 4 3 14 60 000 900 000 5Q0 000 711 000 000 600 000 000 10 8 1 10 000 000 600 ooo 752 B00 500 500 S 000 00 500 200 91 123 004 41 Estimated Re- SEJCOND DISTRICT City "Court 9 12 000 00 Licenses 4 000 03 Sidewalk; assessments 5 000 00 Interest on Deposits 5 000 00 Sower and Water per mits 1 000 00 Tax from State ' 16 500 00 Street Sprinkling 35 000 CO State of Connecticut for drawbridges 3 0000 00 Total 8 81 000 Total appropriations, as per seneouio 91 123 004 Amount te be raised by taxation, Estimated Grand List., A tax of 10 3-10 mills will realize. 91,042.004.41 $101,200.00 Following are the requisitions of the various boards, committees and officers, for the fiscal year 1913-1914.' FIRST DISTRICT, Sinking Fund. 9280,000.00 4 per cent, bonds, due 1924, 5,500.00 Expenses, Deficit, Expenses servance City Attorney. -$1,000.00 500.00 Memorial Day, incident to ob- Probatc Court. For all requirements. For deficit. Street Committee, (For Street Grading:) Fairview ave., Main street, to Wayne street 900.00 King street, Fairfield ave to Ash Creek 900.00 Morehouse street. Fair-, field avenue to Aah Creek 1,3 BO. 00 Westfleid ave nue. Main street to Wayne street, 450.00 1.500.00 1.000.00 1,000.00 300.00 Sidewalk Grading, grading, general. 8,9511.00 1,000.00 2,600.00 Miscellaneous Matters, Bridge' at North and Glen wood avenue, 8,700.00 riage at rortn avenue e and Rooster River, 8,100.00 Btreet renumbering ana placing signs 1,000.00 sidewalks, curb, gutter and walks, new, 8,500.00 Street Lighting. 25 electric are lights at 71.1T. 1,779.36 s 108 gas or gas- . , oline lights at ": 925.00, 9.750.00 4.479,25 Clerk Advertising, Stationery, Board of hire, Selectmen. 105-00 30.00 10.00 146.00 Committee on Sewers. street, King t Fairfield ave nue - west iu feet, Livingston ' Place, present terminus eaet 75 feet. 1,100.09 140.00 1,240.00 Director of Publie Works. Bridge SuDt, sa.j.ry, Culvert repairs. Macadam repairs, roads and bridges, salaries, wages, materials, and supplies, Trees, removal, State Highway eonstrue , tion, Engineer. 300.00 QQV.OO 10,000-00 1,000,00 14,000-00 City Ivor block maps, - Committee on Claims. Personal damages, BOARD 7,600.00 500.00 OF CHARITJJSS. Office Account. General Salaries: Superintendent, 8,000.00 Clerk (half time), 000.00 Investigator,' 1,200.00 Stenographer, 920.00 Stationery, forme, and stamps Telephones. Care and insurance ef auto mobiles, m Registration bureau (new) ' Printing annual report (new) Miscellaneous, Outside Poor. Salaries: Three O. P. phy sicians, 1.030.00 Family visiter (new) 900.00 4,690.00 200.00 175.00 675.00 100.00 75.00 150.09 Rents, cash to outside poor. Groceries and provisions Meats and fish. Bread, Coal. ' Shoes, Transportation, Care of poor in ether towns Burials. 1,980.00 7,500.00 3,200.00 600.00 475.00 950-00 950.00 250.00 500.00 300.00 Hospital and Asylum Account. St. Vincent's hospital, 7,20-0.00 Bridgeport hospital, 7,200.00 Tuberculosis Sanitarium, 8,000.04 Oare of insane, 20,000.00 School for imbeciles, 1,500.00 Care of incurables, -260,00 Removal and transporta tion of Insane, 200.00 Examination of insane, 200.00 Care of children (new) 800.00 Ambulance and Emergency. Salaries: Two day sur geons. One night sur geon. Driver of horse ambulance, Driver of auto ambulance. Matron, Pharmacist (half time) Eye and Ear doctor. Vacation help. 1,400.00 900.00 780.00 1.000.00 : J.20.00 9Q0.00 150.00 150.00 Miscellaneous, Salaries: Superintendent, 1,200.00 Matron, 420.00 Steward, . 900.00 Mechanic, 45P.00 Nurse, 420,00 Orderly (new) 340.00 Farm hand 420.00 Employees' cook, 340.00 Inmates' cook, 180-00 Physician, 360,00 Extra services, " 110.00 904.00 Drugs and liquors Surgical dressings. Instruments and repairs Towels, uniforms and laun dry. Miscellaneous, Care of horse, Horse furnishings and wagon repairs. Care of auto ambulance, Ineuranoe on auto am" bulanoe, Lakeview Home. Groceries, Provisions, Meats, Fish, Bread and crackers. House furnishings and croekery. Dry goods. Clothing, hats and caps, Boots and shoes, Leather and findings, Disinfectant, deodoriser and insecticide, Drugs and hospital sup plies. Whiskey. . Coal. Power, heating and light ing. Paints, oils and glass, Plumbing and piping. Lumber. Lime, cement, bricks and crushed stone. Harness and horse furnish-. ings. Hay, oats and feed. Farm tools and hardware Fertiliser, seed and seed potatoes. Water and ice. and stationery. oo 41 -T fPrinting 8,100,00 1,250.00 250.00 75.00 115-00 125.00 350.00 75.00 1,500.00 75.00 2,400 00 2,700.00 5,000.00 450.00 2,400.00 000.00 800.00 1,600.00 500.00 125.00 600.00 375.00 86.00 1,300.00 1.850.00 250.00 500.00 600.00 200.00 400.00 3,200.00 800.00 800.00 550.00 100.00 f 6,060,00 Special Appropriations, General Office; Typewriter and. desk, 105,08 New system of records and filing cabinet, 60.00 New automobile, 700.00 Ambulance and Emergeocy, Changing tension on auto ambulance. - 200.00 Overhauling horse ambu- lance, -r 100-00 Ta'ble and cot for emor- gency, 30.00 Lakeview Home. For farm machinery, teams -and fencing, 1,500.00 Land purchase, 7,500.00 New Almshouse, 176.000.00 Recapitulation. General aeceunt Outside Poor Hospital and Asylum ac count, . Ambulance and Emer- . geney, Lakeview Home, 8,899.00 16,605.00 45,290.00 8,916.00 83,643.00 3109,420.00 Special Accounts. General Office, 956.00 Ambulance and Emer gency, 380.00 liakeview Homo, l.BOO.OO Land Purchase and Buildings, 8 2,685-00 Board Salaries of -Assessors (4) Salary pf clerfc, Salary for cleric for service on transfers and maps. Temporary ser vices, clerk hire on Ah- stract, - Temporary ser vices cleric hire com piling. Temporary ser vices, can vassing per sonal property, Advertising in newspapers, Printing. sta tionery and ' office sup- ?lies, and elephone service, Printing tag lists, Binding tax lists, Printing Grantee book, Printing Grantor 'book, Printing -. Building per mit book, i Printing and binding Ab stract book, General re pairs, etc.. Printing mis : cellaneous ; blanks, no ; tices, cards, envelopes an ' pest age, Office sup plies and in cidental ex. penses, Stable and gar age expense, 9192,600.00 ef Assessors. " 97,200.00 1,600.00 1,300,00 125.00 136.00 1,108.00 326.00 41-00 150.00 378-00 25.0.0 80.00 15.00 100.00 25,09 100.09 ioo.oo 800.00 813.737.00 Registrars ef Voters. Salaries and wages, of: Registrars, Deputy and - Assistant Registrars, 94,450.09 Special services, (moderators and workers . at polls) 844.90 Books and Statinery 189-00 Printing voting lists 700.99 Printing voting lists (defici ency) Printing and advertising Miscellaneous Telephone 491.90 "66-00 68,00 60.00 38,794.00 Enrollment for Primaries. Printing and advertising 35.00 Books and ' stationery 10.00 Printing lists 360.00 Primary list compiling 340.00 Personal Tax: For making canvass and compiling list of per sons liable for personal tax according to agree ment with Mayor Wilson 3T49-B0 1,750.00 $9,999.00 Board of Educatii hi. Teachers and superin-. tendent, 8324,736.00 Evening schools 2,500-00 Janitors, Agent and - clerks. Rents, Repairs and improve ments, Furniture and f um ' ishings. Water, Oil, gas and electricity, Printing. Repairs to furniture, Repairs to heating ap paratus, Fuel, Texl books. Enumeration. Insurance, Llanual Train ing, Domestic Sci ence, Kindergartens, Sewing, . Dental clinic. 39,456.69 4,350.09 90.00 16,090.00 4,000,00 1.600.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 8,500.00 21,400.09 15.887.50 1,050.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 1,100.00 8,086.00 1.000.00 12,000.00 94B3.t89.09 For New Schools. Proceeds of one-mill tax, estimated, $106,300 00 Alleged deficit tor year 1912-1913, 61,000,00 Board of Building Commissioners. Salaries, wages and other compensation for ser vices. Regular: Inspector's salary. Assistant in spector's salary. Commission ers' -' salaries (3), Stenographer's salarv. $1,600.00 1,000.00 1,200.00 700.00 Printing, Stationery anf Office Expenses; Stationery and incidentals, 3300.00 Telephone ser vice, 80.99 Transportation for assistant inspector, 240.09 Stable and penses: Stoiage, Oil and gaso- - line, t Tires and tubes. Repairing and overfraullnff, 150.09 Fainting, 60.00 Jusuranoe, 80.00 Garage Ei- 3120.00 150.00 120.00 96,76.9 Repairs building. Towel supply. Water supply, Fuel, Power and light, elec tric and gas. New furniture. Salaries of jan itor, watch man and elevator op erator. Miscellaneous, sundries and supplies. City Hall Committee. to 3 336.00 304.00 40.00 760.00 1,100.00 91.00 2,790.09 900.00 9,100.0 Collector Tax bills, lists Ot 1912. 3 Tax lien forms and dis charge forms. Postage and envelopes. Telephone ser vice. Stationery, Premiums on bonds. Advertising, Printing, Miscellaneous. Salaries and clerk hire, of Taxes. 116.09 75.09 300.09 50.09 160.00 210.00 275.0 75.00 100.00 6.500.00 Salaries members 14) Advertising, Automobile, Clerk, Printing and stationery, Incidentals, Board of Relief. of 6800.00 76.00 75.00 60.00 30.00 10.S0 Health Department. Salaries and wages, reg ular: Health officer, 92,090.00 Clerk, 890.09 Milk and meat inspector. 1,000.09 1,509.09 1,600.00 -760.09 1.038.09 780.09 Medical in spector, Two nurses. Stenographer and milk analyst, Sanitary in spector. Assistant inspector, Telephones, Car . fare. Incidentals, Office supplies. Printing aad stationery, Insurance, Abatement of nuisances. Care of patients during quarantine. Clinic, Disinfectants, , Drugs. laboratory supplies and bacteriologist, lvepairs and maintenance of autp. Two milk stations, 83, 316.490.') Isolation Hospital. Balarleg and wage, regular: Caretaker and nurse, Supplies and repairs, Fuel, Car of pa tients. insurance. Isolation hospital. 1.099.09 800.09 t 200,00 1,000.00 90.09 31,009.09 837,739.09 Slangbter Vteaee. Salaries and wages, regular: 3upertnteBd- ant, ii.uau.pv, Slaughter house, soo.oo Garbage Disposal; Estimated garbage collec tion, 1113-14, 12.S71 tons, 200 lbs., at 92-22 a ton. Estimated garbage reduc tion, 1913-14 13.971 tons, 200 lbs, at 91.09 ton, Salary of weigher. 939,093.95 12,971.10 9I.0 344,000.01 Police anal Charities Building. Salaries. 8 1.600. 00 Water, 150.00 Cartage, $0.00 Sundries, 160-00 Repairs, 980.00 Awnings. . Al tt Lights, 8,000.00 Kindling wood, is. oo Coal, T 1,900.99 96,090.09 PuMie Books, Binding, Periodicals and newspapers, Fuel. Light and power. Salariss, Library sup plies. Printing and stationery. Insurance on books. Furniture, re pairs ana geasral expenses. X4srary. 6,090.00 2,099.09 1,300.00 300.00 1.900.09 9,959.99 990.09 909.08 430,09 8.099.09 926.800.90 Tewm Clerk's Office, Salary of Town cierk. j.ivo." Salary of Asst. Town clerk, !, Salaries of copyists (7) at 9700. 4,900.00 Salary of one oopylst for General Index, 700.00 Record books, 409.00 Stationery and office supplies, 4545 Dog tags. 227.25 Telephone serviee, 40,00 Printing Fro- Sresslve and ociallst Pri mary lists. 150.00 911,137.21 Personal Tax Collectors. 27,000 outlook envelopes printed and stamped. 153.00 27.000 '2c. stamps 649.00 3,900 No. 13 envelopes with tc itanea. 76.99 27,000 tax bills 699.01 9B0.9 36,860.19 81,040.09 9 09 111.""- 30.' 99.t 100. fO 4.. 2S.O 380.0 2O,0 64.0 49. 01 500.0 630.0 0 6O0.' 91,349.89 0X telovftoas - 14.900,99 (Continued oa Pag 1?