Newspaper Page Text
0 CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS 15 WORDS 15c, 3 TIMES 35c Real Estate to Buy and Sell Furnished Rooms to Rent Business Men's Exchange FOR SALE TO LETT HELP WANTED SITUATIONS - Tor Sale" Advcrttei-menis in The Farmer bring; ready purchasers. Try one, yoa "will be surprised at the Im Tab's dewu that spotted placard and secure a tenant or roomer In-the modern way througli a Farmer classl-' fled advertisement. .. . Many men and women call at The Farmer and loots over the Help Wanted Ads. If you need help Ad re out of work, The Farmer AVnnts Ads onghi material assistance to yon. Read them over mediate results. vertise. . THE FARMER: JANUARY 25, 1913 EMENTS C If you ) to be of I TS al l Help Wanted For Sale ! Today's Wants Wants Ads -will be received for this page up to 12 o'clock noon. Those sent in at a later hour up to 2:30 will appear on the second er third page of this paper under the heading, "Latest Wants." MAX TO TRAVEL in Connecticut for 1913. Groceries, candies, jewelry. Good pay and tailored suit or 20 year watch free in 90 days. Ex perience unnecessary. J. E. Mo Brady. Chicago. ap WANT EI). High class man to sell trees, shrubs roses vines, berry bushes, bulbs, etc. Good wages. Permanent. Exclusive territory. Brown Brothers Nurseries, Roches ter. New York. ap AGENTS WANTED. Every town. Best selling household article. 'Large . demand for goods. Success assured. Investigate today. New England Specialty Co., Box 757 Hartford, Conn. ap THE 3IEMBERS of Angeline H. Bart lett Tent, Daughters of Veterans, '-' will meet at corner Fairfield avenue " and Broad street, Sunday, Jan. 26, . at 7:16 p. m. to attend . McKinley service at First M. E. Church. Lillie M. Brown. Patriots Instructor. . a COAL $7.25 PER TON". Cash' on! de livery, full. weight guaranteed. W. F. Stanton. Room 100 Warner Build ing. Phone 2280. A 24 dpo PATTERST MAKERS strike on at the - Locomobiles You know the rest. - . A, 24 d po FOR RENT. Very desirable apart- ment, electric light, first or second floor at 63 Washington Terrace. Call at 67 or phone 2087. A 24 bpo AT BOMMOS A BuTTZ MARKET In State St- Will . have SaUsaga Meat every day. , I 18 tf.o YOU CANT BEAT Casca-Laxine tab lets for constipation. Try them. G 1 o rPHO USTERIXR, Furniture Repair ed and reSniabed. Prices always . reasonable at S train's Furniture Store. State, near Clinton. H5 tf o WANTED TO BUS" second hand fur niture, stoves, carpets, etc. 290 State St. Phone 910-13. . Ql'tto WANTED. Furniture. stoves, oar pets, store fixtures. &c. Tel. 1084. City Auction Co, 296 State St. G 21 o ADAMS HOUSE, imported aluencher Pscharr Brau, St. Louis Budweiser, Conn. Brewing Co. Bavarian, im ported Bass and Stout on draught. German Kraohes and meals always ready. T 20 ao FOR SALE. IB fine large building lots, 6x100. north St. Vincent's . hospital about two minutes', walk from trolley, fine view of Long Is-. ' land Sound. Will be sold very rea sonable to quick buyer. Address Richard Shultz, Exeter St. H 29 a t po GOVERNMENT " EXAMINATIONS. Most thorough preparation 6 5. Re turned if not appointed. 'Particu lars free. American Civil Service School, Washington, D. C. -j A 4 u p 6 6 6 6 Motor Trucks FBAHK PAINE, Packard tracks, reaerml motor tractate. Ions dls tance moving. etc Phone Blue , Rlbton oaraga BS7 t Art Glass BRIDGEPORT ART GLASS CO.. 153 lobn St. Phone 1017-6 Automobile Dealers II. M. FORD Distributor Maxwell Cars and tne ft. C. II- 3900. 18S7 Main St, ' Phone 1272 STARBUCK MATOTCE. FORD CARS. 35S Fairfield Ave. Phone 4075-2 Automobile Supplies - - - ' tT. E. AUTO SUPPT CO. Let us prove how we can save you 26 to 40 per cent, on your supplies. 610 . Phone 4260 AGENTS If you are earning less than , $36 weekly, send for our latest pro position. Particulars free. Special ty Supply Co., Box 904, Mlacnetown Conn. ap WOULD 50 a week interest you 7 We want real agents to handle the fast est selling household specialty yet. Trusdell, 1573 Vyse Ave., New York City. A 11 b 6 6 Th COURTLAND SCHOOL Pupils entered now for second half year. No better equipped day school for giris in Western Connecticut. Cir culars at the book stores. A2 5 d Barrels" I)CY AND SELL all kinds of empty barrels. Saw dust for sale. Bridge port Barrel Co., 68 Beardsley St. Phone 1371. A26tf Personal MADAM CARLTS English clalrvay ant and palmist tells all you wish to know. 204 Prospect street, oft Warren. A 23 p CARD READER Advice on all af fairs. 26a. Mrs. Levy, 874 Madisoa At, fowrtk bouse above North Av. LS tf SANTA BT WAT OF RADIATOR. Will Irwin; the humorist, said at a dinner in Ntew- York: "Children no longer associate Santa. Clans with chimneys. Iru these days of steam heat, you see, there are no chimneys. i "I was taking tea the other after noon at a house in Washington square. The little daughter of the house burst into tears over something or other, and her mother said to her in a warn ing voice: " "Now, Minnie, don't be 'haughty, or perhaps Santa won't bring you any thing.' "Well, whispered ' Minnie re proachfully, you needn't say it so near the radiator.' " CIPHER SOON ARRANGED. William Loeto was discussing . the wondrous speed and simplicity used in American business. "In a banker's office," ,he said, "I sow a door open, a head stuck itself into the opening, and a voice demand ed: . "Quarter?" ' Tep,' ' the bank president replied. " 'Month'?' : ...... . " 'Tep.' " 'Four half r " 'No, five.' . ' " 'Right.' . . . "The head withdrew. I exclaimed: " Wh:at kind of cipher is that?' " 'No cipher at all,' the president re plied. 'That was one of Chicago's leading financiers, and I have just ar ranged to lend him $25,000 for a month at 5 per cent.' " Juetwedd (to father-in-law) Ahem ! You remember, sir. you said that af ter we were married you'd assist me in furnishing a house. Father-in-law And so,. I will, my hoy. Come down to " the corner and I'll Introduce you to a friend of mine who is in the Instalment business. Auto Tires and Repairing THE A. L. SCHAVOTR CO., 357 Fair field Ave. Phone 1662 CONN. AUTO TIRE CO. Recovering and Repairing a Specialty New and Second Hand Tires In stock : 241 Connecticut Ave. Phone 963 . Bakers MRS. HILL'S BAKERY. Bread that makes a feast of every meal. Once tasted, never wasted. 155 Wood Av. Phone 2308 CROUCH & PLASSMAN. Try "Never Enough Bread." 601 Howard Ave. Phone 1657-6 Beaver Board THE A. St. W. BURRITT CO., Knowlton WANTED. Pattern makers for De troit. First class automobile work. - 60 cents, 9 hours. No trouble. Ad dress Detroit, Farmer. A 24 dp WANTED Experienced 1 building con struction ' draftsman. College man preferred. Enquire office U. M. C. Cdt ' - A 24 b YOUNG MAN WANTED With knowledge of typewriting and steno graphy, splendid opportunity in newspaper office for one who will make himself generally useful, and wants to' learn the business. Per manent position. Address H. W. G., care of Farmer. - A 21 d WANTED. Man in. every factory. . spare time, 1 hour day, add from S8 . to, $14 to weekly Income. Knowl edge; of Slavish or Italian, an advan tage. Opportunity, care of Farmer. ' A 9 a J p W ANTE D. Position, by a reliable young man, 2 years old, as a col lector, salesman, or any outside posiT tion. References. . Address R. M. 'C.,' care - of Evening Farmer - or Phone 358-2. ' A 20 tf Situations Wanted POSITION WANTED. By man' cap able of taking, charge of . office and making himself useful at anything. Good at figures and writing. Ad dress C. ;L., care of Farmer Pub. - Co. T 17 tf WANTED. Office position by young lady experienced in . bookkeeping and typewriting. Address M. S care Farmer. H 23 tf WANTED. Position ,, in Men's de- partment of credit clothing house. Has had experience at selling, also collecting.- Best of references. At present employed. Address L.L.B.. rare of Farmer. . H 19 tf WANTED. Position In store or with Jinn with possibilities of aavance. - ment. Woild like position as out side salesman. Salary reasonable to start. ,- Address S. J. J., care of Farmer. H 19 tf Furnished Rooms to Rent WANTED. By man and wife 2 or 3 furnished rooms for light house keeping, in Stratford. . Address H. E: H.,- care of Farmer. . A 22 sp FOR LIGHT, housekeeping.' Running water. Bath. Address . Reasonable, care of Farmer. R 17 tf lyEImployment Agency SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, all - kinds of help supplied. Mrs. Eklund, 339 Lenox avenue. Telephone-1231-3. A 11 tf Try a : Farmer . Want Adv. . ... . . Results will be immed iate, because Farmer readers READ the clas sified page. v FARMER Save Time Your Orders will receive the same careful attention f rom, the. merchants '.;.-;v whose cards appear herewith, as though you called at their several places of business in person. Use this Directory FREELY you will find it a great convenience. : Bottlers JACOB RUPERT'S BREWERY, 215 Housatonlc Ave. Phone 577 WALTER STAPLETON, Lumber - St. Phone 1048 Clothing THE- SURPRISE STORE. Security Bldg. Phone 1603 Coal THE WHEELER & HOWES CX., Inc. 1221 Main St. Phone 34 4-2 PEOPLE'S COAL AND WOOD YARD. Admiral and Carbon Sts. Phone 63-4 Confectionery C. D. LANE, 1040 Main St. Phone 242 Doctor DR. ALICE L. FITCH, 978 State St. Office hours: a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone 2323 Druggists JENNIE HAMILTON PHARMACY, C"- Main, n-nd State Sts. Phono 83; FOR SALE. Pedigreed English bull dog, handsomely marked register ed A. K. C. and of championship stock. A pet Will be sold very cheap. Inquire W. W. R., -Farmer Office. ' A 24 s AUTOMOBILE SALE. Will refuse no reasonable offer. for the following , cars: - 1911" Overland, Reo, Inter state, " Maxwell. Every car .reliable. Kregling, 627 Carroll Ave. . A 23 s P FOR SALE. New two family house, modern Improvements, first &lass locality. Bargain. Address W. P. L., care Farmer. - - - A 20 d FINE TWO . FAMILY HOUSE In -splendid neighborhood, Washington Terrace. Paying; good Interest on investment. Will . make a good home. Always rented. Address G. W. H.. care of Farmer. II 23 tf FOR SALEi Fine two family house, good central location. Five min utes walk from Post- Office. Will sell cheap. Pays 10 on - $7,000. For full particulars.' address Post Office Box 450, City. H 23 tf FOR SALE Two "family house with ' outbuildings and 'an -acre- of land. - .The place is within 20 minutes' -' walk from the centre of the city and suitable1 for manufacturing pur ' poses, for livery and - trucking , or can be divided Into building, lots; ran be boughteat a bargain.; . -. Ad dress G. - W. H., care' Farmer. T2 BARGAIN Shore i front cottage, Wal- nut Beach, nearly nefw . slxr-roona cottage, gas, water, fire place,-large .' veranda and- balcony. - Come - and make your , oiler. George E. Has kins, Milford, Conn. . Telephone 150 or 134-3.- T2 a J TWO FAMILY ROUSE, good central neighborhood,! modernly equipped. $7,000. Mortgage, can remain. Ad . dress II. W. P., care of Farmer: II 30 tf. To Rent TO RENT. 6 rooms,. 2nd floor, -all improvements, steam rfeat, at 3l Pearl : street, between E.- Main and Brooks street7. Keys "on premises. A 21 tf. TO RENT. -A handsome 8 room house, iall improvements, hot water heat, garage, hard wood floors, 415 ' Clinton avenue, corner of Fairfield avenue. Inquire of R. F. Reddy, Security Building. Phone 1600 or 1808-3.- .; A 16 tf. TO RENT. Half house,, 8 roomst 357 . Norman, . near . - Fairfield Ave- i Ex cellent condition. Inquire. 35 : Nor-' ' man. , A 4 tp TO RENT. -Furnished modern flat, steam heated,' fine bathroom, coal -'.'end gas ranges, piano, central" loca tion. -Wm. Griesinger ,& Son, 43 ' "John St. , . T 20 tf FOR RENT Rooms for manufacture ing. or storage. Gledhlll & Co., 421 Water St. . . R8 tf TO RENT Nice light furnished J rooms -to man and wife for light housekeeping.- References . ex changed; rent $6.50 per week. " Ad- - dress E. A. W.. care Farmer. ' ; " . . , - 'T2 tf ' ; 1 ' Financial ' THE CITY NATIONAL BANK. United States Depository Capital, J250.000; - surplus and profits, $450,000. Frank Miller. President: David Fi Read, Vice President; Charles E. Hough, Cashier; Henry B. . Terrlll. Asst. Cashier; Robert A. Beers. Asat Cashier. - THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK, of Bridgeport, corner Main and Wall Streets. S. W. Baldwin. President; H. S. Sheltoj-. Vice Pre. ' Ident; L. B. Powe. . Cashier; T. C Camming, Assistant' Cashier. Cap- - Ital. ss 8 2.100: Surplus and Profits. Lump $380.000. Employment Bureau BRIDGEPORT EMPLOYMENT BU REAU, supplies companions, moth ers' helpers, nurse maids and com petent domestic help, 670 State St. Phone 4111-2 Furniture Mover IL G. DEMME CO. If, yo.u want your piano or furni ture moved safely, give the job to Demme. 153 Union Ave. Phone" 2330 Garages BLUE RIBBON GARAGE, 29S Fair field Ave. Phone 3126 BOULEVARD GARAGE.agents "Win ton Cars;" second hand cars also. 245 Conn. Ave. Phone 1054-2 ELM AUTO CO., 184 Elm St. Phone 1901 WOOD AVENUE GARAGE, 1 0 3 Wood Ave. Phone 248 Gas and Gasoline Engines WALDORF MOTOR & MACHINE CO. buys and sells engines and ma chinery. First class repairing. 183 Cannon St. Phonn 3S07- B Printers and Stationers STAR PRESS prints business cards, envelopes, bill beads, statements, tickets, programs, show cards, cir culars. Low prices, first class work. Jacob Schneider, Prop., 16-18 Kos suth St, corner Stratford Ave. Phono 2503-12.' Union office. T 3 tf BALL TICKETS, programs. snow cards, drawing tickets, circulars. Best work. Lowest prices. Siksay," 83 Reilly St. T 2 tf. WEDDING INVITATIONS, announce ments, at home and visiting cards. Correct society printing. Lowest prices. Siksay, 83 Reilly St. . T 2 tf. I.OOO CARDS, envelopes, bill heads, statements or note heads printed for only .$2.00. Siksay 83 Reilly St. T2 tf. lOO FINE CALLING CARDS printed with your name and - address for only 60c. Siksay, 83 Reilly St. T 2 tf. Storage Warehouses STORAGE OF FURNITURE Sepa rate rooms, securely locked, furni ture and china packing. . Furniture and p-e.nos lemoved, large vans, careful handling. Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co, . 1285 Main' St, Cor. Congress St. Tel.. 1034-2. n Pianos , and 'Musical Instruments FOR SALE. Used piano of reputable make in fine condition. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Piano, care of Farmer. H 23 tf. PLANOS TUNED and repaired by an experienced factory man term) reasonable. Send postal. Tuner, rare of Farmer. H 23 tf FOR SALE House organ, $20;piano, $145. Zither, patented design. Will accept weekly payments. ' Ad dress I. A. M., care Farmer. T2 aj PIANOS TUNED by our own factory man, thorough experience and ab solute . satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 2626, Wissner Warerooms, Broad and State Sts. T2 aj' , USED KNABE PIANO, taken in ex , change for player, beautiful tone, perfect condition, will sell cheap for cash or easy payments. William A, Tomlinson, 15 Fairfield avenue, up stairs, Sagal Building, Rpom 100 103. T 3 tf. Educational. J. EDWARD FEFEL will give free in struction to a lew taientea piano students. For particularn, etc., ad dress Studio, 815 Broad St- A 22 d p WANTED. Piano pupils. Young lady i teacher. Terms reasonable. 149 Golden Hill St. 'H20ap DRAFTSMEN, mechanical archltect ual or structural, are always la demand at good salaries; ten young men wanted to join club to learn drawing, at home evenings; Instru ments furnished. - Address C. S. K.. Box 223, dty U26 tf STUDENTS wanted In practical ad . vertising class. Terms reasonable. Theoretical, practical, scientific and psychological advertising in all its ' branches taught. For full informa tion address Box 450, City. T2 tf . TTPEWKXTE2t3. . I O. nm, Oassxs MamAMom, Ikranni, Own fawn. TjTwmltm BWetonl Mlt,- Sold. Butad. a paired. per roontfa raaali h TiaiMft tf ugirglteg. yiBminer Typewriter Baa, 1M FairOeU Ave. WANT ADS. CENT A WORD. USIMESS DIRECTORY : : Teleplione -Your Order : : : Gowns THE WOMEN'S SMART SHOP A little- Paris all our , own - -. ' For those who select gowns at, home 157 Golden Hill. Phone 663-5 Hotels ADAMS HOUSE, 40-42 Fairfield Ave. Phone 1483 Ice Dealers DENNIS & SQUIRES. 914 Housatonlc Ave. Phone 2888 Laundries WOOD AVENUE LAUNDRY We treat your clothes is our own. If you like the idea telephone. , Wood and Benham Aves. Phone 1339-4 Lumber FRANK MILLER LUMBER Co., 156 E. Wash. Ave. Phone 103 Motor Cycles ECXELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES, S. T. "'Uogg, 615 State St. Phone 136S Merchants' Exchange Edwin Smith & 'i guns, fishing tackle ana sporting roods. Vma n n also get your keys fitted' locks repaired, saws filed, lawn mi wers sharpened, and all kinds of light repairing done at Smith's Gun Store, 86 Wall Street Telephone 8382-3. RUBBER STAMPS made by us are reliable, we carry a complete line of stampn. supplies, Ink pads, daters, rubber stamps, etc. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co.. .41 Cannon St. A 23 d STERLING ALE Equal to Bass ale. 75 cents per dozen. Bottled by Carr, 96 Cannon street. Phono 19-3. G17tf. o I PAPER your rooms from $2.60 up, . Including material. Painting done . reasonable. Fred Beck, $2 Third Street. Al tf SHOE REPAIRING, at moderate prices. The only up-to-date shop In town. We call and deliver. Tele phone 1891. Good year Shoe. Re palring Co.. 7$ John St. R 2 tf DOOR AND. WINDOW SCREENS made to order Odd screens repair ed in all kinds of wood and finish. Estimates furnished. Henry C Hoff man & Co., 255 Water St. R16 tf SHOW CASES Cigar combination and silent salesman, store and of fice fittings. Cabinet work of all kinds designed and made. Hoffman Chow Case Co, 266 Water St. 1 R14 Wanted To Buy WANTED. To bly all kinds of second i hand furniture. Geo. F. . Totems, Redfield's old stand, 43 Harrison St. Telephone 1016-2. A 13 a5 I laUY OLD HORSES to kill. Re move dead ones free of charge any i where within 25 miles of Bridge port. F. H. Daniels. 2367 Madisoa Road. Tel. 4337 . Lll S WANTED To buy all kinds of sec - ond band furniture. Geo. F. Totama, ,, lied ' eld's old stand, 43 Harrison St. Telephone S015-2. T 12 ap SOU DON'T WANT any old junk or old things around yc-:r premises, but we want them as we need then for our business. Sell them to Jacob Bros. We will pay you the highest price and get them out of your way. Prompt attention and satisfaction is our record. 6 5 Kos suth 8t. Tel. 2I(. B t. i Upholstering UPHOLSTERING, Furniture Repair ed and refinished. Prices always reasonable at Strain's Furniture Htore. State, near Clinton. H 5 tf OLD FURNITURE RENEWED, chairs lins, 325 East Main street. Phone 1046-3. T 7 aJ MnlMns Tjrpewrltw, Exchange Cor. Main and State but, ; . Tel. C4s All makes for vile, rent, or exctiauz Supplies and Repair inc . " Nurses' Registry NURSES, CENTRAL' REGISTRY AND HOME. Our telephone is for your accommodation; plus expedi ency and Judicious selection. 1038 Fairfield Ave. phone 834 NURSES' WEST END REGISTRY AND HOME, 978 State St. Phone 3323 Papers, Magazines, Rags DISBROW & LAW 205 John St. Phone 1613-2. Piano Tuning WISSNER PIANOS, por. Broad and State Sts. Phone 2 52 6 Pianos WM. A. T6MLINSON, 15 Fairfield Ave. Phone 2057-4 Real Estate Agents BARTRAM & GREENE. 16 4 State St. ...-. . Phone 4591 Second Hand Furniture H. A. JASMIN, 356 State St. Call up 105 8 and get 10 per cent, more for your goods. Why? Low rent, larger business, quick sales. Photography DEVELOPING of films and plates tor amateurs, flmrt cla.s work guaran teed. Armstrong-Whitman Hturflo. Park-sand- Fairfield .Ave. - T2 a For Sale or Herd My residence, 405 SeavieT?; Avenue. All improvements T. B. WARREN 29 SANFORD BUILDING Fire Department Inadequate Yon probably noticed this statement, Better think about momo tonramm, hadn't yon? We would ,-r.tfier lnnr yon here than hereafter. BAR TRAM & GREEirC Frank Block. All binds of Insurance. Bonds and Real Fittace NOTICE TO LANDLORD We can furnish you with 50 NEW TENANTS Ranging in Price from $15 to $23 -' frWfrrMJaH01' Anderson &Co. 53 JOHN &TREET STEAMBOATS Bridgeporl line to New YofIl FARE 60 CENTS STEAMER RAUOATCtX Bridgeport Pequonnock , Wharf, .foot of Union Street, dally, except Sator day, at IS night Returning, liar Mew Tork, Pier X7.K. ft-.da.iiy, nemv Sundays, II A M. Due flrtdgeport. 8:20 P. M. L. B. NICKERSON. Att. The New England Stemahlp Companr MERCDAPJT'S LITIS i Dally Except Srmdfly Leaves New York. Pier l. r.-i. River, S p. m. Dae at BrIrlreror. 1 :S) p. m. Leave Bridgeport, Jot Mm Dock, 2 a. m. Arrle New Tork 7 s, m. For further Information ant -rates apply to . 11- Sbepard. A Shoe Stores S. k THING CO., 115 3 Main fit. THE 1 III WRIGHT SHOE CO, 9ft Main Sfe Phone 13 i Sprii :ng Water HIGHLAND MINERAL RPRfVO WATER CO. A pure water bill la better than a doctor's bill and lew expensive. 645 Warren St. Phone ST POWHATAN SPRINGS. '-iturs crystal beverage is man's drink 1794 Uorth Ave. Phone lt42- Tailors L. E. NUNNOLD. 193 Fairfield An. Theatres LYRIO THEATRE, . 14 24 Main t I'hone 40:3 POLI'S THEATRE, 39 FalrfleM Ave. Phone 3 74 Typewriting-Multigraphin GEO. N. SEARS, Notary Puoric. lai Meigs' Building. Phone U-4 Typewriters MULLINS' TYPEWRITER Exohancw. 157 State St. Phone 1 PLUMMER " TYPEWRITER EX. CHANGE. 156 Fairfield Ave. Phone 233f FOR LATE 'liii--''' ADS -SEE PAGE , 2 or 3