Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: JANUARY 31, 1913 i CLEANSE YOUR LIVER AND BOWELS WITH DELICIOUS "SYRUP OF FIGS" Bernoves the Sour Bile, Gases and. Clogged-TJp Waste Without Gripe or Nausea No ?jHeadache, indiges .tion, Constipation, Biliousness or Coated Tongue Foul ' breath, coatear tongue, dull throbbing- headache, , 9tomach sour ETidf ull - of g-aeses. Indigestion, Dilious-"ir-ss and a ' sallow' ' complexion.mean hat your thirty Teet of bowels are -kg-ge(4 with -waste matter ; that these ' irainape organs of the body are ob structed ;-. liver stagnant and. stomach lull of poisonous groees, sour bile and undigested, fermenting- food not prop erly carried off.. " v ' -it Most of our His are 'caused by oon ftipa ted bowels. We all need a lax utive . eometimee; ' xioliody can doubt -that. " SThe only qne!io& ts, Which one is the best,? and-that ien'.t, a ques tion any more'. ; Syrupi of Fiars, belnsr rompoeed . entirely , of luscious figs, nnna 'acd aroma-tics, njut act in a harmless. gentle and natural way. Syrup of Figs can be constantly used "without, injury. Its action is the -ac tion "of fruJtof eating coarse foodof takiiig. exercise. . It is . a . true and ef fective liver -and. bowel cleanser and regulator. : " - - Most . folks ' dread physicthey ahrink from the -taste and -after -effects." Syr up of Figs is delicious, ' and, besides. you idon't nealixe .you- have taken any thing until morning-,; when an the clogged up waste ; of : the system la gently " but thorougbiy moved' on and out of' 'the Bowels' without griping or weakness. - .;. . Ask" your tdruggiet for. the,-full name " Syrup ., of -ngs and jousar -ot senna. This Is-the -old Teliabler and only gen uine.,, Kef use, . with- -contempt, any other Fig. Syrap : recommended as goodi Theyi-are' 'imifta-tlorte Meant to aecelve you. Read the label careful ly and " look for the name California Flga Syrup Oomptiny. Av. YOU CAN'T ABOLISH SALOONS STATES EPISCOPAL DEAII HE WOTTID -CONFINE RtJM SHOPS AND REP ilGHTS TO RE STRICTED: DISTRICTS. . S nriHiiE (( iliiiL vaVLViVLii 11 liOiiiiUViy ( HAS STOOX THE TEST FOB SIXTY YEARS Eliminate all risks in buying your piano of get ting a cheap "made to sell" affair. Don't disregard the voice within, that pleads for .the best regardless Of COSt. ' ' -. : V -.'. ' V;;-" Tv '. 7 ' . ' v .. . ; -, - : , Their superiority, at Kroeger prices, Justifies the claim, tiiat our piano -values are not surpassed anywhere else, in the -world. We in vito you to call and inspect our stock of KFtOIXxRIt Players, "Grands and Uprights.' We shall appreciate an opportunity to explain some- 1 thing of piano construction and our waythe easy wy of selling. KJROEGER. Pianos are guaranteed. Come In. ft.CO .993 BROAD STBEET 1 WEXT TO MASONIC TBMPIJE W, S. BANTA, Mgr. VCoioiiieiidnfl Monday, January V 13a-csr lG2d of Brass Beds, J 'fiamagM firtfrnsfc will lie placed;;-on stito 3eo.":'-;'B;v:- 1 1057-1073 Broad Street . v. " ; x 'Opposite Post Office, . , ""' &IRLS WANTED ; on small bench power presses and tapping machines Out bench presses are equipped with the latest type of safety devices. We can also use a number of girls on light assembling and lacquering. - V The BRYANT ELECTRIC CO. j ' - ' " - - " ' - ' ;.' ... ; . - - " A7 tf ' 0nfx" rK Hosiery -'?J.-., ' " Tina XV' Mibkv pltU'Best Hose for the entire famfly, Men, , Women and Children, can always be found in thcy'Onyx" Brand, ' QnaHty Style and Wear, get a pair of "Onyx" Hose in Cotton, Iisle, Silklisle pr Pore 8ilk; from 25c. to 5.00 per pair none genuine without trade-mark stamped on every pair. Sold'by all dealers Lord GTaytor- New York Wholesale Distributors IT COSTS YOU MORE lo do your washing at home than it does io send it to the laundry. If yon doubt this statement send for our wagon to call for -a trial order.-. A trial convinces - THE CRAWFORD LAUNDRY CO, ' tSS FAIR3F7CTD AVEKTTE TETjKPIIOTSTE 4320 Denver, Jan. 31 "Don't try to abol ish saloons and the red ligiit district. They , always have existed and always will exist. , Handle them in a prac tical - fashion. ,; Run them right and confine them to restricted districts. This . is the opinion of the Rev. H. Martin Hart, dean of St. John's Epis copal Cathedral, expressed after a study of social evils that has cover ed a; number of years. ; " "M'en insist upon drinking, and go ing to the tenderloin," he saidi "You can't cure them of -the desire for those things until you breed a. new race of , men. Tli-at would, talie' cen turies., And- "the thing: we have got to deal -with is things as they are now. ;' . "If ;i' were chief of police I wquld adopt one : rigid policy and then stick tO It. . .- -r - ;: "I would have ealoons so that ? the man who wants a drink could get it. But- I would simply regulate , the li- : ouor traffic. No community m xne worldfs history ever completely abol ished ' saloons. V v . : BETTING ON PRAYER " CAUSES EXPULSION " OF WESLEYAN STUDENT Middletown. Jan. 31 Sportively in clined students at Wesleyah Univer sity hereafter "will be compelled to find some other diversion during the chap el -period than betting on the . length of the leader's prayer as the result of the expulsion ' of one of the most prominent members of (the senior class yesterday,, on the charge of ir- reverenoe in chapel. A favorite diversion among the up per class men recently has been to lay small ..wagers on the length of time that would be spent in the pray er during the service. The custom was called to the attention of the un- verwity authorities, a few days ago. when the expelled student audibly commented during-the service on the extreme length of the prayer then be ing made by one of the most vener able members of the faculty. , Following so closely the summary dismissal .: of "Wailard. Clark Fisher, professor of economics, as a result I ill. EHE UNITED JILUMIMATITsTG GO. Use MAZDA Lamps More LightLess Cost With the introduction of Mazda Lamps, which consume only one-third the amount of current of former types of lamp, the cost of electricity has been reduced as low as kerosene oil. y :-,-..;';'.. This Means That You Can Use A 20 Candle Power Lamp for less than 1-4 cent per hour. A 32 Candle,Power Lamp for less than 1-3 cent per hour. A 48 Candle Power Lamp for less than 1-2 cent per hour An 80 Candle Power Lamp for less than 9-10 cents per hour -;i .-' ' FOR SALE AT ' ,;' i. i you have not changed his nature. The south is Democratic not from princi ple -but from hate of the Republican party. Let principles be the. keynote of American politics, justice to an, malice towards "none, and you will end sectional strife in this republic.'.' "STENOG" GETS BIG JOB Xjanders, Frary . & darK Elect Ex Typist Secretary., ' ' .... -: ; . : . - . ..' New Britain, Jan 31 Prom the bumble position - i of stenographer; ; to secretary of a $2,000,000 corporation is the Jum-p that Miaa "Martha JL. Par sons of this city, has taken in a quar ter of a- century. The woman has been : elected secretary of Landers, Frary & Clark and succeeds George M. Landers, president pro tern- of the Connecticut Senate.' ' When Miss Parsons went to work in the factory,- twenty-five years ago, it was not long before she was appoint- ofhis pronounced views on Sunday La, ers, son of the late Congressman eorge M. Lanaera, sr., wno was xne oDservance,' conditions -now are in turmoil at the university. Rumor had it that some of the students - are contemplating- going- on a strike in order 'to- induce the trustees- to re consider the - -resignation of Mr. Fieh er. . "j - v . :'.- AUDUBON SOCIETY MEMBERS SEEK TARRIFF REVISION : TO SAYE PLUMAGE BIRDS Washington, Jan.; 31 Woman's van ity and. the cry : for adornment is ra pidly . , exterminating " the : beautiful plumage birds of the world.' represen tatives of the Audubon and New York Zoological societies told the House ways and means committee, yester day, in advocating revision of tariff on imported , plumage to prevent im portation into America. - "Unless the barbarous slaughter of game and plumage birds is stopped, practically every groton, . silver- phea sant, beron; bird of paradise - and adgret in the world will be annihll- a'el " said T. Gilbert Pearson, of the Aud-ubon Society. Dr. . W. T. Hornaday, of the -New York Zoological . society, pointed out the world is losing not only the most magnificent specimens of bird life in the extermination, of plumage birds but also . the greatest foes to - Insect pests. ' Hornaday al3o ; advised -placing five cents a pound duty on food game Dirae. At present, he said, game Diros lor the wealthy come free while, the poultry birds pay a duty. ESCAPED AFTER FTTTKEV YEARS W. P. Broyles made' a successful escape -'after fifteen years of suffering from kidney and . bladder troubles. Foley Kidney Pills released him and will do Just the same for others. He says: "They cured a most . severe backache with painful bladder, irreg ularities, and they do all you claim for them." Refuse substitutes. F. B. Brill, Stratford avenue and Sixth street. Adv. . ; 1S5 PROGRESSIVES NAME TICKET IN DANBURY FOR THE CITY ELECTION Danbury, Jan. 31 (At a meeting of the progressive party of. this city held last nig-ht to nominate for city offic ers, candidates for five of the 11 of fices -to be filled, were named. Wilbur F. Tomlinson,' formerly a Republican, was named for mayor and John P. Daley for city sheriff. At the ad journed meeting to be held late nom inations will pe made for council men and aldermen of each of the city wards. TMs will leave six city of fices open to the citizens' ticket, nnt out by the . Republicans. Teceeding the meeting Dr. Delmar B. Croft of New Haven and George A. Roman, state central! committeeman, spoke. Dr. Croft in part aook on the amalgamation proposal and said: or the progressives to allv them selves with any party would alienate me thousands of Republicans Dem ocrats, Prohibitionists. Socialists and other thousands who have not been affiliated with any party for years, from this - nation-wide movement for popular and . Just government Tbfi foundation of all government . is hu man conscience and our progressive movement is the" incarnate spirit of civic conscience aroused by intolerable conditions of misrule," injustice ; and the greed of special, privilege. "Mr. Munsey's plan off era - no V ray of hope for the a solid south, for to change the name of a . party, still in vested with the-same purpose And di-; rected by the same force-, .will be" no gain. You can change the . name of BlUebeard, dress , him in ermine, but moving spirit In ttie- promotion of tiie concern. Since then she baa climbed the ladder steadily.1 It is believed that s4ie. holds a more responsible place than any other woman in Con necticut.' manufacturing industries.' FISHER TO TAKE A REST Former Wesleyan Profess Does Slot . . - Care To Leave State. Middletown, Jan. 31 Prof. Wlllard C. Fisher, whose resignation from the Wesleyan university faculty,- of which he had been a member more , than twenty "rear, - -wa v announced last Monday; intends to-enJo his "sa,bba-f tical year" and take . a "real rest." In an interview as to his .future work he says; . "For a while I shall make no plans for the future. Only one thing is set tled; I shall have a real rest.. For more than twenty years I have car ried a very heavy load- of large class es in subjects which can be kept abreast of -the world only by much labor. The .'sabbatical year so com monly enjoyed by men in my" line at Wesleyan and . elsewhere has not come to me. Now X want it. I am already committed to some work, in writing and In connection with pending leg islation, but in addition to that? I shall take on nothing- important for a. time. Only under the most extraordinary in ducements wouldi I load up before the close of the trourting season; and I much prefer to be free for a full year, or at least until after the big igame season of the north woods. JAIL SENTENCES FOR TWO TIYSTIC MEN CHARGED v WITH INDECENT ASSAULT CANNONS Mrs. Imogens Coley and Miss -Xteta Adams of Detroit, were guests', ' on Monday of their cousins,, the Misses Osborne. ' ' , Mrs. Eliza. Wood is '.'critically: ill with pneumonia ' at the home of , Mr. and Mrs. Joel Godfrey. The latter is slowly recovering' . from a severe attack of grip. ' i Charles Abbott has entered the Nor walk hospital for treatment and it is feared , an operation will be necessary for relief.' . - - Mrs. M. B. Hin, O. CDonnell iand other patrons attended the special meeting of the Fairfield County Pom ona Grange held in Pythian ' hall un der the auspices of the 'Danbury grange on Wednesday Jan. 29th. The fifth degree was conferred at ;the morning session,, and installation . of officers and a ' short -lecturer's pro gram were given in the afternoon:, - Miss Hattle HUing, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elling of Hurlbutt, crt- is very critically ill with heart trouble - and not expected to live. She has not been told of . the tragic death of her brother, Krnest El ling, funeral services being held away from the home on her account William : S. Coley baa returned : to Amherst to resume his studies after having spent a, week at his homfc in town. . Mrs. Mary V. Patrick of New Mil- ford la spending some time with' Mrs. Chas. Abbott. v ' Mlse- Mary Allie bos been a recent guest of Mrs. Kenneth W.' Nichols' in Brooklyn. - Owing - to several cases of , scarlet fever, the 3eorgetown school was closed on Tuesday. - -The 'committee of the whist club in charge are planning to . nave e. -Very eiaoorate --arratr jon rMonoay evening, Feb. 3rd. Whist Will begini at 8 o'clock and continue for 2 hours, when dancing will follow. Kochier's orches tra will fuimisb music and an out-of- town caterer will .serve refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Corsa returned FINANCIAL THE. :;c:i:v:J.v;: :Firsf-Bridgeport Wattonal C : ' ' Corner Main, and Bank Streets capital:; . SURPLUS AliD PBOFITS.:. .w. 7SO,0O0 DEPOSITS C G. Sanfprd, President F. N. Ben ham, Iftcv Frenidens O. II. BrothwelL Cashier II. C. Wood worth. Asst. Carter I'. H. Benbam, Jr, Aseiat. Casbier Norwich, Jan. 81 Richard B. Chute, found guilty Wednesday . afternoon by a Jury In the superior court of in decent conduct with young girls, has been sentenced to ten months in Jail. Nathan Newbury, who pleaded guil ty to similar charges was given, six montbs m, jail. .' AN OLD FLOOD STORY. Jack London was- once introduced to a party wearing' ekmgsuted balr. and a violin expression when the latter ask ed 'him if he were interested in music. Jack replied that he was, and declared that he bad been quite a musician, in his youth. - "Indeed!" resuonded -' the musioal one, looking a.t Jack from his artistic heights. . 0 "Yes," explained the author, "when I was a kid a life-size flood hit the town that collected our taxes, and as soon as the water reached the parlor window my father got a wooden bed and floated along with the current until he was rescued." . "But what has that got to-do with your being1 a musicajan? " asked the other with a wondering look. "Every thing," was the prompt re sponse of Jack. "I accompanied the old man on the piano." . Take the "direct road" to health and strength by using Foley Kidney Pills for backacbe, rheumatism, weak, sore kidneys aid .bladder irregularities. Bach ingredient is chosen. for its posi tive healing and curative qualities. Foley. Kidney Pills' are the. best medi cine you can buy for .kidney arid blad-r der troubles. " ' Mrs. ' J.. M. Findley, Lyons- Ga.,.says: "I . took, Foley Kid ney pills and they entirely cured me."! F. B. Brill, Stratford avenue and, Sixth street. Adv. , . - '.-185 Parcels 'Post "t Plunkville. "Any mail for me?" .. . "Nope." - - "Look 'attain. Hirann. - My .wife ex pects a wash boiler in this mail." . Fairfield County News - . Destroyed , by 'Backfirn." 'A ear toelornging to diaries Brown, of Stamford, causfot firt a New Oa.- raaji, Monday, and was- destroyed, t ; It was a touring oar. The engine backr urea. .':.- - . ' Burglars Active. ', Burglars, are .active and very bold in Ridgefield, lately. The- home of William Ryan, in Titlcus, was entered recently and the bureau drawers ran sacked. The thief or thieves were evidently aDber money only as ltoth ing- else was taken. Mr. Ryan heard noises during the night and got up to investigate, but i returned , to bis bed thinking it was one of the -boarders of the house, but on further investiga tion in the morning- found a window had been forced. LIVE STOCK MARKET. . New York, Jan. 30 Common to prime steers sold at $5.50 S S8.30 per 100 lbs: oxen at M.&0 $7.25: bulls at. J6 ' & J6.2; one extra fat bull at $6.60; cows. at S3.25 J6; one extra, cow ait 15.35. Dressed beef 9 l-2c 13c for native sides, and 8 I-2c g 0.0c for Texas beef. Common to choice veals sold ' at $8.50 $12.50 per 100 lbs; culls at 96 g $8; bamiyctrd calves, at, $4.50 ?5; culls at $4. ' City dressed veals 14c lc; country, dressed calves 9 l-2c lOc . . - Common to fairly good sheep sold at $4 $4.75 per 100 Iblbs; culls ar $2.50 $2.75; common to good lambs ,at $7.50 $9; culls at $7 $7.26; prime yearlings ait $8. Dressed mutton at 8c 91-2c, with best wethers selling at 10c; dressed lambs 12c 15c; coun try dressed hothouse lambs' $5 $8 per oarcassL Hogs $8 $8.30 per1 100 lbs;, pigs sold at $8.25. Country dressed hogs 8 l-2c 11c. ' POINTS OF INTEREST. Paintinig and Decorating. This Is the time of . the year torihink about painting and decorating your house. We do all kinds of painting. papering, Uniting, glazing and grain ing of every description by practical worKmen. xne Joe. sr. oougthjin Co., 83 East Main street. Phone 4861. , An Excellen t Tonic ' . is Miles' ale, whiah is bottled by M. J. Moloney, 86 -Jones avenue. This ale -has set the standard for quality for year.. ..It will throw, off the effects of a cold or grip and , tone -up the sys tem. . You will- find it an excellent ap petizer. . Also tois" laser, which is ; rec ommended by the medical profession, is-the best and piirest that the. market affords.-. If you -use. a beverasre. use only the best. -His -mineral waters and liquors are of tihej-beat quaJtiy, - ... All Right for Him. "How's the . next town?" asked the dnummer. . .. "Dead.. Better skip it.v It's dead;" . "That sut me. I'm selling 'under taker's supplies." James Staples & o 1 Banker's arid Broker 182 State Street ' BMdceport. Conn. FTRI5 Df STJRAWCK , SURETY BONDS REAL ESTATE . Bought and Sold on Commtosioat - Loans Made on Approved - City Real Estate SATTTPT DEPOSIT VAULTS We re ceive deposits subject to check and aU low Interest on balances of $500 and over, we will act as Trustees and Administrators of Estates. P. Li. 1IOLZKK F. T. STAPLES We offer, subject to sale. fe follow , lng or similar ' B R ip G E P O E T M O B.T GAGE S AmoiSjiC 5 S0O . oo ' BOO . iA0 1,800 s,oo( 2,500 X.700 . SOO t,SOO S.600 ,20 ' ,o ' ,50 B,04M J6.O0O Appraisal $ 800 t ', too 1,300 100 ,BOO S.OOO VBOO -80O a,SOO 4MM10 ftSOO e0 S.50O 7,000 ,oo 8,000 0.600 40,000 Rate Insurance : ,300 T0 . TOO 1.200 J.50O ' JJOO 9.500 8,500 8.000 4000 4,000 4.000 . 4JROO , 4,500 4.800 8.000 80.000 BURR & KNAPP 2S S1AIX ST, Bridgeport Conn. HIS PRAYECE On returning from church on a re-' cent Sabbath, ..according- to an inci dent related by Hilly Biumday, the evangelist, little Jimmy was greeted by his favorite uncle, who had called durimg his aibsence. Much conversa tion followed, and on telling bis uncle that he had' been 4 church, Jimmy was asked if 'he had been a good boy and said a prayer. 'Oh, yes, indeed," quackly answered Jimmy "I said a prayer like all the rest did. Just before the sermon be gan. 'What did you say?" encouragingly asked the uncle. 'Now I lay me down to sleep." re plied Jimmy. A -Notice For forty-seven years we have bo- conducting; business at .the hum oil location, corner of Main and John Streets, ridVrport-, Conn, and rwr Private BanJc fhas been eatanllnhx-J there continuously. We have receipt a and paid out on demand without no tice millions of dollars of money de posited witta ns and we continue t receive money subject to deposit "t check at slight, on which we ikw three per cent.per annum, crw.-i'i-'l to eacb account monthly. We wif is the accounts of IncUvldaals, hnlf men, lrms and corporations, anrl all who want a bank account wlwr" tlfr can deposit money, checks or flraft. and leave it for one dy,one "k. rnei month or one year, and draw )nf-r-r--1 on it for any time it Is left wlOi no. We give to the . bosinem ourr careful personal attention an the oldpt ti mi of private bankers in tlrlt ptate. T.-I. WATSON &r CO PEOPLES SAYINGS 924-926 MAIN STB Marble Buildhi Deposits ..... .$6,4C5,C2D.C Surplus and TJn-, divided Profits 219,183.43 SASfTTEIj W. BALDWIX, Preside HENRY ATWATER, int TTioe-Prw. ENOCH P. IIIxVCKSy 2nd Vice-Pre, Deposits made on or Vc-f.' ; February 3rd, will draw l':x terest from February 1st. 7 Kl'-.- O R U.I S E S -r "to.1 the WEST INDIES SP AN I S H M A I 17 P AN A M A OA N A I Send for particulars i.iuj ol-Smtmii S. Loewifli '& AGENTS. Telephone 00. US Bank St. POAT LOAD HARBOR BLl'KHSU Bold Lower Than Any Other Fish Dealer in the City OYSTERS AND ESCAI-LOPS , NOW IN SEASON W. D. COOK & SON 523 Water Streak phone ssao Farmer Want Ads lc a word BUYING in Quantity Means LOWER PRICE. That's Undeniable. Our Bins, and We Have 28 of Them, Hold 60,000 Pounds Each. They're Just as Deep as the Meigs Building is High. To Keep Them Filled We Are Obliged to Buy in Huge Quantities and We Buy RIGHT and Sell to You the Same Way, To. VINCENT BROTHERS ELEVATOR r ! Water Street IN"