THE FARMER : FEBRUARY"!, 1913 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 15 WORDS 15c, 3 TIMES 35c Real Estate to Buy and Sell --- Furnished Rooms to Rent Business Men's Exchange SITUATIONS TO LET If yon are out of work, The Parmer Wants Ada ought to be - of material assistance to you. Read them over Tak" dewn that spotted placard and or roomer In the modem way through fled advertisement. carefully each day. ;v ::; help wanted ! . FOR SALE i or Sale" Advertisements in The runner 'irin rondy ( ' pnrcbaaers. Try one, yoa will be surprised at the 1m-. S 1 1 mediate"rexi2ts. ;r ..11.. . .. , , . ( secure aHenant' Many men and women call at The Farmer and took a Farmer class!-' I C 'over- the- Help ea aus. . xi "f ..' " 1 ' :t - " ' ' '" K ' -vertlse. "' ) l " ' ' : i r Today's Wants Ada -will be received for this pago up to 42 o'clock noon. . Those sent in at a later hourup fto 2:30wi appear, on thi second of third page' of this paper under the heading, ''Latest "Wants." WANTED. Collector. Experienced preferred. Apply Caesar Misch Inc. a LOST. T5ank Book No. S9884 on Me- -banlca & Farmers Savings Bank. Finder please return to Bank. Blsp666 WE PAT 938 A WEEK and expenses tcmen with-; rigs -to Introduce poul try compound. Year's contract. Im perial Mfg. Co., Dept. 4, Parsons, Kan. - ap SALESMEN"- $100 to $600 per month willing our oils, greases and paints. I ..-ot be satisfied, get our proposi tion. Salary or commission. In land Oil Works Company, Cleveland, Ohio. ap FOR SALE One hundred shares of the Park City Silverware Mfg. Co., 7- OoMB HU1 St. Bld'p WATED. 3 first class millwrights and carpenters, 1 first class engineer and repair man. .' Work out o town. Apply Saturday evening 7:30, 122 Bank St. A 31 bo WAHTEfr An all around trimmer and-binder on gentlemen's sua . and oft'hata. Steady work on felt and Panama hats. Address Hardy Hat Co, 186 Meadow St., New Haven, , Conn. ' A 81 do AT BOHMOS BHrZ MARKET In State Bt- Will have Sausage Meat very day. . . I 18 tf.o TOt7 CAXT BEAT Casca-Laxine tab-' Lata for constipation. Try them. - a 7 o UPHOLSTERING, Furniture Repair ed and refinished. Prices always reasonable at Strain's Furniture Store. State, near Clinton. H5 tfo WANTED TO BUY second hand fur nit u re. stoves, carpets, etc 290 Btate Sf Phone 910-18. ,G tf o WASTED Furniture, stoves, car pets store fixtures, Ac. Tel. 1084. City Auction Co, 2 M . State St. O 21 O AD4M3 HOUSE,' Imported aiuericher Pecnarr Bran, St. Louis Budweiser. Conn. Brewing Co. Bavarian, im ported Bass and Stout on draught. German lunches and meals always ready. T 20 ao FOR 16 fine large building lots. 60x100. north St. "Vincent's hospital about two minutes' walk from trolley, fine view of Long Is land Sound. Will be sold very rea sonable to quick buyer. Address Richard Shulta, Exeter St. H 29 s i po 41TOMOBIIES ' FOR HIRE. Aston Garage. Phone 8293. Day or night : " , ' K tf o 1 8 8 ' STOVES BSPAIEED, ad kind sup plies, all makes, pipe, grates, bricks, etc Charge reasonable. 1715 Mala St. - - 1 13 ao 1 3 S tf . t : : : Amusements WASTED- All the members and their friends to attend the 2nd an nual dance of the Shepherds of Bethlehem - at the Colonial Ball Room, Monday .evening, February " 3rd. Musc by Maloney's orchestra. Admission ,35- cents. A 31 sp Art Glass BRIDGEPORT ART GLASS CO, 158 John Et Phone 1017-$ Automobile Dealers . TL M. FORD Distributor- Maxwell Cars and tne R C. II., $900. 1837 Main St Phone 1272 STARBUCK MATTTCE, FORD CARS. IBS Pairfield Ave. Phone 4075-2 Automobile Supplies N. E. AUTO StPPT CO. Let us prove how we can save you 25 to 40 per cent on . your supplies. 610 . hone 426f IS Wants ROSES AND CRYSTALS There is a prophecy of summer in this mid-winter evening "gown. The accord ian-pleated skirt of changeable light green and white silk is veiled by -fe. . draped tunic of : cream white chiffon, caught up -m the side with a rose and spangled .with crystal beads, which are massed toward the lower The irirdle of green mirror Velvet closes at the side under a pink rose. and smaller roses . trail down the skirt. Around - the neck and sleeves are rhinestones eset singly, ' . and a pleated band of pale blue mahne out' lines . the decolletage. " New London Because Pine Grove nas Decome a summer resort, ine Con necticut Spiritualist Camp Meeting As sociation has voted to change its name to the Pine Grove Association. New Haven After Sergt W.H. Tlghe, of the local police department, took the examination for captainty, he col lapsed and Is suffering from a nervous breakdown. Auto Tires and Repairing THE A. L. SCHAVOIR CO., 3 S 7 Fair field Ave. ' ' - m . Phone 1662 CONN. AUTO TIRE CO. Recovering and Repawns" a Specialty New and Second Hand- Tires in stock 241 Connecticut Ave. Phone 963 Bakers MRS. HILL'S BAKERY. Bread that mak a feast of every meal. Once tasted, never wasted, 155 Wood Av. Phone 2308 CROUCH & PLASSMAN. Try "Never Enough Bread." 601 Howard Ave. Phone 1657-5 Beaver-Board THE A. W. BURRXTT CO., Knowlton gt. ohon 60S I Lost and Pound LOST. Bank Book No. 45354. Finder please" return to Farmers & Me chanies Bank. A 27 s 1 1 1 p LOST Diamond Dinner ring. Reward- offered. Return F. Romm, 728 Beechwood Ave. A 30s , ' Help Wanted WANTED. Salesman on established tea and coffe 'route, in Bridgeport. Must furnish small bond, also horse and harness. Call after 7 p. m. N430 Central Ave. P. T. Garland. ": ' A 30 s p ' WANTED. Man in every factory, spare time, 1 hour day, add from $8' to $14 to weekly Income. Knowl edge of Slavish or Italian an advan tage. . Opportunity, care of Farmer. A 9 a p W ANTE D. Position, by : a reliable young man, 24 years old, as a col lector, salesman, or any outside posi-' tionj Referenbes. Address R. H. G, care of Evening Farmer or Phone 358-2. . A 20 tf , Situations Wanted POSITION WANTED. By man cap able of taking charge of office and making himself useful at anything. Good at figures and writing. Ad dress C. L., care of Farmer Pub. Co. - . T17 tf WANTED. Office position by young lady experienced in bookkeeping and typewriting. Address - M. S., care Farmer. H 23 tf WANTED. Position In Men's de partment of credit clothing house. Has had experience at selling, also collecting. Best of references: At , present employed. - Address L.L.B., earn- of Farmer. - -H 19 - tf WANTED. Position in store or with lirm with possibilities of advance ment. Would like position as out side salesman. Salary reasonable to start. Address S. J. J., care of Farmer. - II 19 tf Personal MADAM CAHLTN English, olalrvay ant and palmist tells all you wish - to know. : 204 Prospect street, off Warren. A 31 ap . CARD READER Advice on all af fairs, 25c. Mrs. Levy, 874 Madison . AT, fourth bouse bove North At. LIS tf Motor Trucks FRAJTK PAINE, Packard trweke venerml motor trnclng, long die" tance movlnf. etc .Phone Blue Ribbon Garage. BS7 tf Try a : Farmer ' Want Adv. Results will be immed iate, because Parmer readers READ the clas sified page. FARMER r Save Time Your Orders will receive the same careful attention from the merchant whose i cards appear-herewith, as thougrh you caEed at their several places of business in person. Use this Directory FRlELY you will find it a gpreat convenience. : : Bottlers JACOB RUPERT'S BREWER'S", 215 Housatonic Ave.' ; Phone 577 WALTER STAPLETON, Lumber St - Phone 1048 Clothing THE SURPRISE STORE. Security BIdg. Phone 1603 Coal THE WHEELER & HOWES CO.. Inc. 121 Main St Phone 344-2 PEOPLE'S COAL AND WOOD YARD. Admiral and Carbon Sts. Phone 63-4 Confectionery C. D. LANE, 1040 Main St Phone 242 Doctor DR. ALICE L. FITCH, 978 State St Office hours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone 3323 Druggists JENNIE HAMILTON PHARMACY, Cor. Main and State Sts. Phone For Sale FOR. SALE. Small black and tan, S months old, weight 1 lb. Imported Stock. Pedigreed. 643 Fairfield Ave. A 29 dp BARGAIN. For sale, 2 family house (new), all improvements, good lo- ., cality; also 6 room cottage, 7 min utes from Post Office. No agents. Address L. W-, care of Farmer. r A 27 d p FINE TWO FAMIIiY. HOUSE in 1 splendid mghhorhood, Washington - Terrace. Paying good interest on . investment. Will make a good home. Alwavs rented. Address G. W. H.. care of Farmer. - H 23 tf FOR SALE. -Fine two family house, ; good central , location. Five min utes walk from Post Office. Will sell cheap. Pays 10' on $7,000. For full particulars address Post Office Box 450. City. H 23 tf FOR SALE Two family house with outbuildings and an acre of land. The place is within 20 minutes' walk from the centre of the city , and suitable for manufacturing pur poses, for livery and trucking or can be divided into building lots; can be boughts at a bargain. Ad- ;, dress G. W. H., -care Farmer. I T2 tf BARGAIN Shore ' front ' cottage, Wal , nut Beach, nearly hew six-room cottage, gas, water, fire place, large veranda and balcony. Come and ' make your offer. George E. Has kins, Milford, Conn, Telephone 150 or 134-3. T2 a TWO FAMILY HOUSE, good central neighborhood, "modernly equipped. $7,000. Mortgage can remain. Ad dress li. W. P.. care of Farmer. . - , - II 30 tf- - Furnished Rooms to Rent FOR LIGHT housekeeping., xtunning water. Bath. Address Reasonable, care of Farmer. R 17 tf. To Rent ' TO RENTj 6 rooms, 2nd floor, ' all improvements, steam heat,, at . 210 Peari - street, between E. Main and - Brooks street. Keys on premises. v A- 31 POR BENT Rooms for tTanufactur ing or storage, GledhUl & Co.. 421 Water St. : R8 tf TO .'RENT Nice light furnished rooms to man and wife "for light housekeeping. References " ex :. changed; rent $6.50 per week. " Ad . dress E. A. W., care Farmer. T2 tt Employment Agency SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, all kinds of help supplied. Mrs. Eklund, 339 Lenox avenue. Tele- phone 1231-3. All tf Educational 3. EDWARD FEFEL will give free In struction to a few talented piano students. For particalarn, etc., ad- dress Studio, 815 Broad St. '- A 22 d p WANTED Piano .pupils. Young lady teacher. Terms reasonable. 149 Golden Hill .St. - H 20 ajp DRAFTSMEN, mechanical architect ual or structural, are alwavs in demand at good salaries; ten young - men waniea u join . ciud to learn drawing, at home evenings: instru ments furnished. Address C. S. K Box 228. plty- U25 tf STUDENTS wanted In practical ad vertising class. Terms reasonable. Theoretical, practical, scientific and psychological aavertising in all its branches taugnt. For run informs. tlon -address Box 450, City. T2 tf - Employment Bureau BRIDGEPORT EMPLOYMENT BU REAU, supplies companions, moth . ers' heipers, nurse maids and com petent domestic help, 670 S.tate St. . ; Phone 4111-2 Furniture Mover EC G. DEMME CO. If you want your piano or furni ture moved safely, give the lob to Demtne. 1B3 Union Ave. . Phone 239D Garages BLUB RIBBON GARAGE. 295 Fair : field Ave. Phone 3126 BOULEVARD GARAGE,agents "Wln ' ' ton Cars; second hand cars also. 245 Conn. 'Ave. Phone 1054-2 ELM 'AUTO CO., 184 Elm St Phone 1901 WOOD AVENUE GARAGE.l 03 Wood Ave. Phone 24 S Gas and Gasoline Engines WALDORF MOTOR & MACHINE CO. buys and sells engines and ma chinery. First class repairing. 133 Cannon St. Phono 3S07-3 Printers and Stationers STAR PRESS prints business cards, envelopes, . bill - heads, statements, tickets, programs, show cards, cir culars. Low prices, first class work. Jacob Schneider, Prop., 16-18 Kos suth St., corner Stratford Ave. Phone 2503-12. Union office. T 3 tf BALL TICKETS, programs, show cards, drawing tickets, circulars. Best work. Lowest prices. Siksay, 83 Reilly St. T 2 tf . WEDDING INVITATIONS, announce ments, at home and visiting cards. Correct society printing. Lowest prices. Siksay, 83 ReUiy St. T 2 tf. 1,000 CARDS, envelopes, bill heads, statements or note heads printed for only $2.00. Siksay. 83 Reilly st- " T2 tf. 100 FINE CALLING CARDS printed with your name and address for only 60c. Siksay, 83 Reilly St. T 2 tf. Barrels BUY AND JSBLL all kinds of empty "arras. . oaw aust tor sale. Bridge port Barrel Co., 58 Beardsley St Phone 1371. A 25 tf Storage Warehouses STORAGE OF KURNITCRE Sepa rate rooms, securely locked, furni ture and china packing. ' Furniture - and pianos removed, large vans, caxeful handling. - Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co., 1285 Main St, Cor. Congress St Tel. 1034-2. Pianos and Musical . Instruments FOR SALE. Used piano of reputable make- in fine- condition. Will sell cheap " for cash. Address Piano, . care of Farmer. H 23 tf. PIANOS 'TUNED and repaired by an i experienced factory man terms reasonable. Send postal. Tuner, care of Farmer. H 23 tf FOR SALE House organ,. $20:p)ano. ,3145. Zither,, patented design. Will accept weekly payments. Ad dress L A. M.. care Farmer. T2 aj.' PIANOS TUNED by .our own factory man, thorough experience and ab ; solute satisfaction : guaranteed. Phone 2526, Wissner Warerooms, Broad and State Sts. . T2 aj USED ENABE- PIANO taken In ex change for player? beautiful tone, ' perfect condition, will sell cheap for cash or easy payments. ; Witlfam A. Tomlinson, 15 Fairfield avenue, up stairs, Sagal Building, Room 100 103. T 3 tf. Financial THE CITY NATIONAL BANK. United States Depository Capital,? 250,000; surplus and profits, $450,000. Frank Miller, President; David F. Read. Vice President: Charles E. Hough. Cashier; Henry B. Terrlll. Asst Cashier; Robert A. Beers. Asst Cashier. TOR CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK, of Bridgeport corner Mains ana wan streets. s- w- Baiawin, " President; H. S. Sheltofc. Vice Pres ident; L. B. Powe, Cashier; T. C Camming, Assistant Cashier. Cap. ltal. $332,100; Surplus and Profits, Lump $380,000. WANT ADS. CENT A WORD. BUSINESS 'DIIEGTORY Teleplioii : e e Gowns THE WOMEN'S SMART SHOP A little Paris all our own For those who select gowns at home 157 Golden Hill. Phone 563-5S Hotels ADAMS HOUSE, 40-42 Fairfield Ave. Phone 1483 Ice Dealers ' DENNIS & SQUIRES, 914 Housatonto Ave. Phone 28S Laundries WOOD AVENUE LAUNDRY 5 We treat your clothes as our own. If you like the idea telephone. Wood and Benham Aves. ' l Phone 1339-4. Lumber FRANK MILLER LUMBER Co., 1B E. Wash. Ave. Phone 103 ' , Motor Cycles ECXELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES, S. T. Kelloere. 615 State St Phone 13 6 Merchants' Exchange EdWin Smith & Co, dealers id (unaL' fishing n -.-! a 1 W poirtlng goods. xa can also your Keys fitted looks repaired, saws filed, lawn me weirs sharpened, and all kinds of light repairing done -- uuu owr wait BUto Telephone 3382-3. , - NOTARY PUBLIC, Corporation and . Mcxi , maue xo oraer. csteei and Rubber Stamps. Ribbon Badges, all made ini our own fac tory. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co., 41 Cannon St. - A 30 d STERLING ALE Ecf txal to Bass ale. " i uuma. jeomea Dy Carr, 96 Cannon street Phono 19-3. a 17 tf. o I PAPER your roomfte from Z.E0 up, including materJiai. PainUng done reasonable.' Fred BSok. 32 Third Street A19 tf SHOE REPAIBJMH'G. at moderate prices. The cdly up-to-date ehop In town. We cAEi and deliver. Tele, phone 1391. 'stood year Shoe Re pairing Co.. 7 ichn St R 2 tf ' BOOR AND (TNDOW SCREENS made to order - Odd screens repair ed in all kinds of wood and finish. . XSatlmates furnished. Henry C. Hoff man & Co, 26 ' Water St . Rig tf SHOW CASES Cigar combination and silent nalenman. store and of fice fittings. Cabinet work of all . kinds designedf and made. Hoffman Show Case Co. 25 Water st ' R14 t , Wantett To Buy WANTED. To-1bly all kinds of second nana furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Bedfield's old. stand. 43 Harrison St. -l-eiepnone iuia-2. A 13 ag X BUY OLD B OR8E8 to kilt Re move dead ones free of charge anywhere- witHSm 25 miles of. Biidge , port F. 12- .Daniels. 2367 Madison Road. Tet 4837 i Lll I WANTED To buy all kinds of sec end hand Xsrnituxe. Geo. F. Totams. Redfleld's cU stand, 43 Harrison St Telephone lr15-2. T 12 ajp IOB DOS' WANT any old yank or , old thinfdi around yc :r premises, but we wtnt them as we need tneut lor ' our business. Sell them to Jacob Bros, We will pay you the highest iM-lCe and get them out of your way.. Prompt attention and . satisfaction Is our record. 65 Kos suth 8t . Tel. 2S. B tt Upholstering UPHOLSTERING, Furniture Repalp- ed and refinished. Prices always reasonable at Strain's Furniture Store. Sitate, near Clinton. H 5 tf OLD FrrRNTTURE RENEWED, chair Tecaned, upholstering. Gus C. Mar lins, 32a East Main street Phone 1045-3. ' m . TJa? MnlTlns Typewriter Exchange Cor. Main and Stats Sts. . Tel. 043 An "mafees for sale, rent, of stxehanga Enpplies and Repairing - Nurses' Registry NURSES, CENTRAJi' REGISTRY AND HOME. Our telephone Is for your accommodation, plus expedi ency and Judicious selection. 1088 Fairfield Ave. , Phone 834 NURSES' WEST IEND REGISTRY AND HOME. 978 State St Phone 3323 Papers, Magazines, Rags DISBROW & LAW . 205 John St ' ' Phone 1613-2. : Piano Tuning WISSNER PIA1SPOS, Cor. Broad and . State Sts. . Phone 2526 Pianos WM. A. TOMUNSON, 15 Fairfield Ave. 9 Phone 2057-4 Real Estate Agents BARTRAM & GREENE, 164 State Bt Phone 4591 Second Hand Furniture II. A. JASMIN, 356 State St Call up 1058 and get 10 per cent, more for your goods. Why? LoW ront larger business, Quick sales. Photography DEVELOPING of films and plates for amateurs, first class work guaran teed. Armstrong-Whitman Studio, ' Park and Fairfield Aves. Tt l For Sale or Ren! My residence, 405 Seavicw, Avenue. All improvements T. B. WAREE1? 29 SAVFORD BUILDING Fire Department Inadequate i pronamj noticed this statement i Better tlrfnlc about some Insurance,, hadn't yon? We won id rather Insurw yon here than hereafter. BARTRAM Ss GREENE Pranlc Block. All kinds of Insursnoe. Bonds 'and Real Estate NOTICE TO LANDLORDS We can furnish you with 50 NEW TENANTS T i t : $15to$23 , Full Particulars Anderson & Col 53 JOHN STREET ' ' STEAMBOATS Bridgeport Line ; . to ..New Ycm v - PAKE 80 CENTS' ' STEAMER MACOA11CK leav Bridgeport Pequonnock Wb art, foot of Union Street dally, except Satur day, at IS Bight Returning, leaw New York, Pier 27.' IE. R.,daily, ezcepa Sundays. 11 A. M. .Due Bridgeport S:S P. M. L, B. NICKERSOW. Art The New England Steamship Computf MERCHANT'S LEJE .- yiaOy Except Sunday . Leaves New York, Pier 1. Vjtmt River, 3 p. m. Dae at Bridgeport, 7: SO p. m. Leave Bridgeport, Joy lAmm Dock, 2 a. m. Arrive-New York V a. m. For further information and rates apply to J. B. Shepard. AmemM. Shoe Stores ' TBIN.9 CO., 1153 Main St THE CARTWRIGHT SHOECO,, Jaam bt Phftne ItiS Spring Water , - SSo MLVER4, - - SPRING . . A Pure water bill u better than a doctor s bill and less expensive. 645 Warren St POWHATAN SPRINGS. Nature" crystal beverage is man's drink 1794 North Avg. Phone 1042-8 Tailors L. E. NUNNOLD. 193 Fairfield Ave. Theatres LYRIO THEATRE. 1424 Main St t Phone 48la POLI'S THEATRE, 39 Fairfield Ave. Phone 374 Typewriting-Multigraphing GEO. N. S1SARS, Notary Public, i.-- Meigs' Building. Phone 922-4. Typewriters MTJLIJNS' TYPEWRITER Exchanra, 157 State St . Phone 941 PLUMMER ' TYPEWRITER ' ESl CHANGE. 156 Fairfield Ave. Phone 2139 FOR : WANT ADS ';' SEE - 2 or 3