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THE FARMER: FEBRUARY 3, 1913 FINANCIAL First-Bridgeport Corner Main and CAPITAL . .. SURFLU&"AND PROFITS . DEPOSITS -r- C d. Sanfprd, President 1 O. H. Broth-well, Cashier F. N. Ucnhom. Jr. Notice For forty-seven years we have been roadaatlDS business at tho same old location, corner of Main and John Streets, ridgeport. Conn, and our Private Bank baa been established ther contlnnously. We nave received ad naid 'V on demand without no tiov miiuons of dollars of money de posited with ns and we continue to receive money subject to depositors check at sight, on which we allow three per cent, per annum. credited to each account monthly. We solicit tbe-accooats of individuals, business men, irmr and corporations, and au who wari a bank: aeconnt where they can deposit money, checks or drafts, aad leave it for one day)" week, one month or one year, and draw Interest em It for any time it is left with ns. VF fri-rm to tho. bnsiness our r refill personal attention as Uvs oldest firm f private bankers in this state. T. L. WATSON fe CO. FEDFLFS SAYIKQS BANK. 21 - 92S MAIN STREET Marble Building Deposits ... . 1 .$6,465,629.36 Surplus and Un divided Profits 219,136.43 CAMTTEL W. BALDWIN, Fveeident HESKT ATWAIEB, 1st Vioe-Pres. BfOCH I. HDrCKS, 2nd Vloe-Pres. Deposits made on or before February 3rd, will draw in terest from February 1st. James Staples & Co Bankers and Brokers State Street Bridgeport, Conn FIRE INSURANCE HRKTT BOKDS REAL ESTATE Babt an (t Bold on Coromlnslon . "toaaa UidB on Apptwed City Real Batata SAFE DEPOSIT VACLTS We re. amine depoatta anbjeet to oSaeck and al. tow taaeeec on najancea 01 suu ana war. We will act aa Traueea and Aatninlatxaacra of Estates. P. Ifc B.nT "T a T. CTAPLK OBU I. 8 33 S " to the WEST INDIES SPANISH MAIN ' 7 'I V ' " and . PANAMA CANAL Send for particulars S. loewilii & Co. AGEHTH. Telephone- . 11 Bank St. DONT PAY RENT EE irOTJKT OWN r LANDLORD We have Cottages and Two Family Houses located in the best sections of the East Side' North ;End and West End of Bridgeport. Part Cash, Balance on Mortgage Lists furnished and full par ticulars on application to Burr & Knapp 923 MAIN STREET BRIDGEPORT, CONN. BOAT LOAD HARBOR BLT3FISf Masai Lower Than Any Other ITnti :SeJer tn the City tfStiTZRS AND ESCALLOPS SOW IN SEASON ,-W. D. COOK & SON 523 Water Street PHONE S890 1,1. J. LXALONEY rOR HOME OR MEDICINAL TJSB Beer $1.00 a case W .A. Miles' Ale $1.00 a case farsanarUla, Lemon Soda. Seltzer. VKrhy.Soda, all kinds of Bottled Later. Eanbalai&aT'i Rochester Lner. CS jOKES AVEMB Tel. 3-4 09- WANT ADS. CENT A WORD. . National Bank Bank Streets 500,000 i rrrin nnn 3,500,000 F. N- Benh, ficB President H. C. Woodwoi th, Asst, Cashier Assist, t.asnier A Story of La Fontaine. . La Fontaine used to denounce tSie stage "asldaf as utterly Inartistic and Inadmissible. In "Jean de la Fon taine" Frank Hamel tells of an out burst before ' Moliere, ' Racine and Bolleaa. "Nothing," said La Fontaine, "is more contrary to good sense. What! The pit is supposed to understand that which an actor is not expected to hear, although he is close behind the one who is speaking? Absurd!" v As be grew very warm, while thus xpressing his feelings, and as It was Impossible to make him hear a word Boileau tried to arrest his attention by repeating trver and oyer again In loud tones. "La Fontaine mast be a pretty rascal, a great rogue." But La Fon taine took no notice of all tbla abuse. At last they all burst out laughing, and this Interrupted, his train of thought . "What are you langhlng at?" he said. Boileau replied gravely: "Fancy! I was abusing yeaj. at the top of my voice and you never heard me, although I sen near enough to touch you, and you are astonished that an actor does not hear an aside that another actor utters- on the boards." ' - - - r Tha Two Coats Were Thar. Sometimes the more you get a negro cornered the less cornered you have him. This fact, -long known" to many, was discovered. -the other day by a leather man In the "swamp." This man suddenly awoke to the fact that certain back walls were dingy with dirt and decided they'd look much better If whitewashed. So be summoned his old negro facto tum and told him to get busy with bis whitewash brush, .giving special direc tions to put two coats on. When the job apparently had been finished the leather merchant inspect ed It and found the whitewash suspi ciously thin looking. Summoiilng Sambo, he said as stern ly as he could, "You didn't go oyer those walls twice as I told you to." "No, sir," was the quick reply. "I ain't gone ove twice,, but I done put two coats In de pail, sir tiro coats In de pall." New York Mail. . Insomnia and Tobaeoo. The -dominant characteristic of to bacco is the fact that it heightens blood pressure. The irritant action by which It does this sometimes leads to still more harmful results. Its second ac tion is narcotic. It lessens the connec tion between nerve centers and the out side world. These two action account for all the good and all the bad effects of tobaccd. As a narcotic It tempora rily' abolishes anxiety and discomfort by making the smoker care less about what is happening to him.; But it is a well known law of medicine that all the drugs which in the beginning less en nerve action Increase It in the end. Thus smoking finally causes apprehen sion, hyperexcitabiiity and muscular unrest. Here this inevitable law seems to give contradictory results. Every physician knows that an enormous amount of insomnia is relieved by smoking, even If It is at the expense of laelness the next day., At the same time every physician knows that most excessive smokers are troubled .with insomnia. Century. Meanness of Mas. A typical southern "mammy" entered the office of a well - known attorney and, after mopping her shining brow with a bandanna handkerchief, said to the man at the' desk. "Ah wants t' git a divo'ce fom mah hseban', Mose Ligbtfoot." "On what grounds?" asked the attor ney. "He's jes natoheUy wufless," was the reply. ' "Wbat Is your husband's occupa tion?" "He jes sets roun' de house all day and p'tenfis to mind de baby." "Does he take good care of the child?" " 'Deed he do not! He's too lazy. Die mawnin' he tried to make de dawg rock de cradle by tyln' its tail to one ob de rockers." "Did the scheme work?' "Land sakes, no! Mose am so evah lastin' grouchy dat( he couldn't speak enough kind words to make de dawg wag its tail!" Judge. Yellow Writing Paper Easy an Eyes. Oculists have often called attention to the fact that the eyes are easily fa tigued by the reflection from white pa per, especially when the surface is un der a strong light. Since green is known to be the color most restful to the eyes, it Is a common practice to use -wall papers, and draperies of that color in libraries and private studies. For writing paper, however, green Is an unsatisfactory color. It imparts a reddish appearance to the writing and makes it hard to read. Yellow writing paper is not open to the same objec tion. In strong daylight It is softer than pure white paper, and in artificial light is not too"fiark. Black letters on a yellowish background show clear and distinct Many mathematicians use yellow paper in figuring long and difficult calculations, and many writers have adopted it for manuscripts.- Youth's Companion. Girl Wanted? Read the Farmer Want Ads. LENTEN LIVING N It 's a fine thing to live right. It's an easy thing, too, specially prepared for your demands. i HAYES' MARKET offers, a great assortment and extra fine quality. Escallops Oysters, Clams, Lobsters, Crab Meat, Bluefish, Spanish Mackerel, Harbor Blues, Salmon, Cod. . , ,. . HAYES FISH CO. G29 WATER STREET THE PEOPLE'S i m .DAIRY .lm 130 State Street ) WINTER MILLINERY We are Introducing many new and approved styles for Winter wear. Nor elty Man's and Collars made to order frana yohr furs. Special designs W. E. HALXIGAN 989 BROAD STREET' j"oiHir ip. fay 610 FAIRFIELD? AVENUE prmwrrcRB dealer; ttptcolstkher and cabinet maker, super ior FABRICS' FOR FURNITURE ARD DRAPERIES. Tel T4 , WALL PAPERS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTERS AND DECORATORS x ;'" - ' . THE JOSEPH P. COUGHLIN CO. PHONE 4861 - 78 EAST MAIN STREET GIRLS WANTED on small bench power. presses and tapping machines ' Our bench presses are equipped with the latest type of safety devices. We can also use 'a number of girls on light assembling and lacquering. The BRYANT ELECTRIC GO. GUSTAV BROGH & SON 347-349 FAIRFIELD AVENUE SPECIALS IN BOTTLED WINES AND LIQUORS , CALIFORNIA PORT, SHERRY, TOKAY WINES, large bottle. 85o BONNIE SPECIAL, full quarts, PURE WHISKEY..' l..$i.OO JOCKEY CLUB, full quarts, TPKItE RYE WHISKEY. . 75o MILSHIRE DRY GIN, per bottle. 80c HOUSE OF LORDS SCOTCH WHISKEY, per bottle.. $1.00 7 : - I. A'GENTS FOR MOERLETN'S CINCINNATI BEER, SMITH'S PHILADELPHIA ALES BROCH ' S nIsWCAF "E ! AN D L U N C H ON A U T Q M O B I L E R O W Telephone .3H9 Pigs' Hocks and Saner Kraut and German LuncheTs Our Specialty Commencing Monday, January 13, a car load of Brass Beds, damaged in transit, will be placed on Sale. Watch this space for prices. 1057-1073 Opposite i-in-One is a litrht. pure oil com- nound that never Brums. i perfect! r sewinsr machines, tvoewriters. bicycles, locks, clocks. . lawnmowers evemthine that otnee. ' no erease. No acid. A i and nolishes nerfectlv ail veneered Sprinkled on a vard of black cheesecloth' .-gun. fir f 3-in-One absolutely prevents rust on gun barrels, auto fixtures, bath loom fixtures, gas ranges, everything metal, indoors or out, in any climate. It sinks into the unseen metal pores ana forms a protecting "overcoat" which stays on. Fe 3-ln-One FrttG. Write today for generous free bottle and the 3-in-One Dictionary of hundreds of uses. h. s-in-une is sold in all good stores in SUc (8 oz., ?i pint) . Also u new 3-ITV-ONE OIL 42 D A Broadway IT COSTS YOU MORE to do your washing at home than it does to send it to the laundry. If yon doubt this statement send for onr wagon to call for a trial order. A trial convinces THE CRAWFORD LAUNDRY CO. 433 FAIRFIELD AVENUE 1 Tela 412, 413, 2697 TRESH FROM THE CMTJRN -s- GEO. A. ROBERTSON 5si , Estimates Cheerfully Given A7 tf B, Clark & Go- Broad Street Post Office 3-nvOna lubricates ever needs oilinff in vour home otr" little 3-m-One on a sort Iotn cleans or varnished furniture and woodwork. it makes an ideal Dustless Dusting Cloth. 3-size bottles: luc (I ox.), zac tJ ocj. patented Handy Oil Can, Xoc X oz.). COMPANY -T Naw York CUr TFTiTmPHOJfia zaa s ; t 'j 1 BARS PUBLIC ON TAP DAY DEAN JONES ISSUES ORDER MAK ING YALE'S BIG SOCIETY EVENT PURELY COL LEGE AFFAIR. New Haven. ' Feb. 3 Official an nouncement Is made toy Dean Jones of the Academic department at Yale, that in future no one but undergrad uates ' will be altoTveii upon ' the cam pus during Tap Day exercises. This means that women, who have hereto fore formed a large and .gay portion of the spectators, will not be allowed in the dormitories, nor in plates of vantage in the dormitory windows, from which they can gaze down into the arena where no many juniors are made or marred socially, according to the weight they have placed upon elec tion to Skull and. Bones, Scroll and Key or Wolf's Head. There i9 probability that following: this order, all graduates, too, may have a difficult time in getting in to see the most famous events of under graduate activity. - The decision to bar the public was arrived at, it is understood, .after con ference with officials of the University and representatives of the societies concerned in Tap Day exercises. The reason given for the action was a dis position to remove from, the occasion many of the spectacular features at tendant npon the exercises. "When Burton Holmes recently gave his cele-bratel travelogue On "Pan ama" at Orchestra. Hall, Chicago, he was seriously interrupted by continual toughing of the audience. No one annoys willingly and if people with coughs, colds, hoarseness and tickling in throat would use Foley's Honey & Tar Compound, they could quickly cure' their couighs and colds and avoid this annoyance. F. B. Brill, Stratford avenue and Sixth street. Adv. 1 3 5- MAXIM WORKING ON - GENERAL SILENCER Predicts Its Invention ' Within Five 5 Years. t "The one great silencer I hope for, and one that the world" will see in vented and established within five years,: is- the. general silencer for gen eral noises, a device for sick rooms, hospitals, hotels, offices, factories, flnH n T-mnnrftri other rlaces. which will shed silence in the same way that a lamp eheds light. Horace Wells, with his anaesthetic, first pro duced painlessness in Hartford. Let us hope that Hartfora -within a rew years will also' produce noisfrlessnees." Hiram Percy Maxim, the inventor of the silencer for firearms, concluded an address -on "The Silencing of Noise" In Hartford, Friday night at the University Club with these state ments and predictions. He told a re porter that the ,. prophecy was not an idle one, but. that he was actually at work on the problem and hoped to find a solution shortly. The device will probably be -based on the princi ple of the reflection of sound by par abolic mirrors and will consist of an instrument which can be - placed- be tween the source of the noise and the person affected by it. With such a device as this it will be possible for an invalid to sleep next door to a roiler factory or "for a, business man to -work in silence, although he is sur rounded by an army .of noisy type writers. Among the other inventions that Mr. Maxim said he expected to perfect in the near future are silencers for locomotive exhausts, stationary en gines and air hoists. The public ser vice commission of one of the largest cities in the country told the inven tor recentlyN.that, if he could perfect a practical device for the silencing of locomotive exhausts and do away with the "chugging"' and puffing of trains- within city limits, the commis sion would see to-it that an ordinance i was passed requiring all locomotives running within the city limits to be equipped with the device. HIS OWN ILLINESS MADE M'CANN FOOD SPECIALIST A severe illness which resisted ail treatment for 18 months during his 17th and 18th years, resulted in Alfred W. McCaiui taking a keen- Interest in the subject of food, and was the be ginning of his investigations which have resulted in his aggressive cam paign for drastic pure food regulations. His recovery was 'brought about toy dietetile treatment and, following re covery, he was dally associated for about two year with Prof. James R. Campbell, instructor in chemistry at Pittsburgh college. It was in this as sociation and study of chemistry that he learned what elements and combi nations are helpful to health and which ones are injurious. A. profound veneration resulted for the mysteries of organic life and he came to view food as the embodiment - of all the forces, which, when properly -corelat-ed.and released, are responsible for the continuance at life. - A study was made of the various phases of chemistry and he learned of the forces which bring ill results. Later' on, in life this information be came valuable in looking' up the com position of numerous mercantile food combinations. t He has been associated with Dr. H. W. Wiley. But he believes that the real food reform should toe started in the schools through a campaign of education showing the children how foods are handled, the various pro cesses and other means used to oolor. bleach and prevent decomposition. He is positive that advertising will not brine about the required results and that it will take too long to educate legislators to pass the proper regula tions. Mr. McCann is going to tell about his findings and about other as inter esting details concerning food at the fourth annual Chautauqua Assembly to e given by Bridgeport Pastors' As sociation February. 17-21. He will ap pear in lectures Jn the South Congre- gational and J?'iret jnetnoaisx cnurches. This will be only one of the nationally prominent lecturers secured for the oc casion. - ; BRACELETS! Come in and see our bracelets; We are proud of them! We wish every one in the city might see them. There are bracelets and bracelets and. brace lets! Bracelets that would have delight ed the head of an Egyption princess! Bracelets tliat the Grecian Venus would have loved! Braoelets that the Roman conquer or might have bonght his wife and daughters! They are made of gold and silver. Some are set with gems, others are beautifully engraved while still others are quite plain. . J. BUECHLER The Reliable Jeweler AS FAIRFIELD AYE. near Miidle $t Our Lenten Specials 1 IN FRESH, SALT.SMOKED AND CANNED FISH FOR TUESDAY fresh 1 Fresh Steak Cod - ! Fresh Shore Haddock I White Steak Halibut 18c lb Salmon, Whole Fish 10c lb Boiling Pieces 12c lb Steak .15c lb Harbor Blues . 10c lb Smoked and Salt Fish Norway Salt Mackerel : No. 1, . . . , 20c each No. 2. 13c, 2 for. 25c Small . . 7 for 25c Anchovies 15o lb Salt Cod, center cut. ..... 15c lb Salt Cod, medium. ....... 12c R Canned Fish, Imported and Domestic , Ttni Alaska. Snlmnn . i IT tall 18c can I Pinlc Salmon,! lb can 10,3 for 25c Clover Leaf Salmon 1T flat 13c 1 lb flat 24c I American Sardines 8 cans. . . .10c Mustard Sardines 8 cans 20c (Dry Shrimp small can 15c, large . . , .... .'.25c I Wet Shrimp 1 lb. can 10c, 3 for . ... . ... ..... 25c Norwegian Smoked Sradlnes 10c can, S for -25o BRIDGEPORT PUBLIC MARKET - AND BRANCH - , . Public Market Bulging East XIaIn St State and Bank Streets Tell Nos. 4404, 4405, 4406, 4407, 4408 and Branch 73r The Bridgeport Distributing Company .r OT ktw.'KT DOOR TO 1U2 oiixu -- Odd Lots and Drop Patterns of Furniture Car pets, Matting, Portieres, Lace Curtains, Go Carts, Baby Carriages, Pictures,Ingrain Art Squares, a few Pro Brussell Rugs, Linoleum, and , Oil Cloth Rem nants. TELL US YOUR WANTS We may be able to supply you at Half Price Advertising space costs too much to give details on goods sold way below cost ETNTER 1069 MAIN ST., Tell the public in a little advertisement in the Evening Farmer what you have for sale or what you desire to purchase. The results are instantaneous. mm I AND WEDNESDAY Fish 10c per lb i 5c per lb Fresh Herring .......... 6o lb ! Fresh Flatfish . . 10c lb. Small Smells 15c Tb I Extra Large Smelts.' 25c lb Weakfish 10c lb' Whole Salt Cod , 9c Tb Holland Herring, new pack, finest milchener 85c keg Medium Salt Herring.. 2 5c dozen! Split Salt Herring 40c dozen Codfish Bits IOC lb Shredded Cod. . . .5c and lgc pkg - 1 1 Kinnered Herrine. Plain 1-2 lb. f r. Can 10c. 3 for 25c i . Kippered Herring -Plain 1 lb. can f f ,.. 15c J j Kippered Herring Tomato Sauce f 1-2 lb. can's .. 10c j Kippered Herring Tamato Sauce I i. 1 Ih. can 15c J i Soused Mackerel 1 lb. can. . . . 13c ( ( ' Boneless Sardines, - French 15o can 2 for. 25c t When in Daub where to order your fine pack age - wines and liquors, call on ns. . Wo do a large retail liquor business over our counters, also make deliveries to families of wines in any quantity. We wish to call attention to onr whole sale liquor department. Let us give you; prices on package and . bulk liquors in quantity. Specials every day In the week. PUBLIC MARKET. Phone 281-S hi or 135 FAIRFIELD AVE. THE FARMER. 4