Newspaper Page Text
11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS iswordssc Real Estate, to Buy and Sell Furnished Rooms to Rent - Business Men's Exchange FOR SALE SITUATIONS "For 61 Advertisements in The Former rln; ready otmTimwk Tvw nne. km wOI ha snrDflsed as me im mediate resales. THE FARMER: FEBRUARY 27, 1913 TO LET f HELP WANTED I J Tales dctro that spotted placard and secure a tenant I I Many men and women call at The Farmer ana look 7 ix yon are out of work, The Farmer Wants Ads ought I I j Vg" ngmer 111 uio mouem waj wwjusu jcwmerciasa- I over iue jcjejp . ..,v . - L .. uvv w .e.cwu uicjh utct i j fied advertisement. 11 vertlae. '' r -"-J-u-? t carefully each day. 1 1 i - I Help Wanted I For Sale I . Printers and Stationers I Merchants Exchange i Photography Today's Wants Ads will be received for this page up to 12 o'clock noon. Those sent in at a later hour up to 2:30 will appear on the second or third page of this paper under the heading, "Latest Wants." . BTAXTED. Experienced machine operator ana hand sewer to help at dressmaking. Good pay. Call 433 French St. ap BOOKKEEPERS Insist on having our rubber stamps, daters, ink pads, and stamp supplies. Our catalogue for the asking. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co.. 41 Cannon St. B 27 d WHIST Thursday evening, St. An thony's Hall, Colorado Ave. Tickets -25 cents. Play at 8:30 .sharp. B 26 b p o WAXTED. At once, experienced Mil-lint-; y Makers. Long" engagement. Apply at Frankel's, 1185 Main. , - B 26 b o ro RENT. 6 rooms, all improve ments, first floor, $17.00, 321 Con necticut Ave. Inquire 907 Seavlew Ave. v B 18 tf. o WANTED. Furniture, stoves, car nets, store fixtures, Ac. Tel. 1084. City Auction Co, 29 State St. '- O 21 O : XOTJ CAWT BEAT, Caaca-iAxlne tab lets.' t or constipation. Try them.1 Q 1 o tPHOUTERIKO, Furniture Repair- ed and reflnished. Prices always reasonable at Strain's Furniture "' Store, State, near -Clinton. H5 tfo WAHTED TO BUY second hand fur niture, stoves, carpets, ,etc. 290 Btate St- Phone 910-18. G tf o AT BOMMOS BH7T5B MARKET in , Btate St. Will have Sausage Meat every day. 1 18 tf.o ADAMS HOUSE, Imported Muencher Pscharr Brau, St. Louis Budweiser. Conn. Brewing Co. Bavarian, im ported Bass and Stout on draught. " German lunches and meale always " ready. T 20 ao FOR SALE. 18 fine large building lots, 60x100. ' north St. Vincent's bospital about two minutes' walk . from trolley,-fine view o iong:J - land Sound. Will be Bold very rea Vsonable to quick buyer. Address Richard Shultz, Exeter St -- Hitil'po GIRLS WANTED 'V.liie Warner Brothers' Co. End fasteners, stitchers, inspectors, boxers, sin gle and two needle operators, machine shapers and hoe supporter stitchers. Also on all kinds of paper boxes and foot press work. ' Apply EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT , b2t Cor. Lafayette and Gregory Sts. ssssss"sar Art Glass . BRIDGEPORT ART GXASS CO., 153 jshn St. Phone 1017-8 Automobile Dealers H. M. FORD Distributor Maxwell Cars and tne R. C. II- $900. 1887 Main St. Phone 1272 fTARBCCK A MATTTCE, FORD CARS. 359 Fairfield Ave. Phone 4075-3 Automobile Supplies N. E. ATJTO StTPPX CO. Let us prove how we can save you 85 to 40 per cent, on your supplies. 810 Wants WANTED. Toolmakers, machinists, men for assembling. Automatic Machine Co.' B27 s WANTED. Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Apply 447 Nor man St. B 27 b LOST. Lady's gold watch and fob, locket attached. Liberal reward if returned to 3 "William Court. ' B 27 d p FOR SALE. At big bargain. Ten room . house, all improvements, 4n residential section, within five min utes of center. Will sell at sacri fice to quick buyer. Address W. W. S care of Farmer. B 27 dp GUINEA . HENS, decks, roasting chickens, broiler a. fowl, liver Pud dins;, sausage meat, bologna. Bom-. mos A- Bllts. .QH1 AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE. Aston Oarage. Phone 829 3. Day or night. R6tfol3S STOVES REPAIRED, all Kind sup plies, all makes, pipe, grates, bricks, etc Charges reasonable. 1715 Main St .118 a'o 1 5 tf. HEW YORK BOLOGNA ' and frank furters, .home made meat loaf, fresh daily. - Peter Hron. 1218 Stratford Ave. P 28 tf 3 o Lost and Found LOST. Gentleman's open faced gold watch. Reward' given If returned to 52 Bassick Ave. B 28 bp Personal MADAM CARLYN English clalrvay ant and ' palmist tells all you wish to know. 2 04. Prospect street, oil ' Warren. . A81ap CARD READER Advice on all af fairs, ita. Mrs. Levy. 674 Madisoa 4lV fourth bouse above North Av. - Farmer- Want- Ads. bring results, lo -word, 15c minimum, 3 days S5c, 6 days 65c. 1 month $1.75, 75c each succeeding month. Try one! 5N Auto Tires and Repairing THE A. L. SCHAVOm CO., 857 Fair field Ave. Phone 1668 CONN. ATJTO TIRE CO. Recovering and Repairing a Specialty New and Second Hand Tires In stock 241 Connecticut Ave. Phone 963 Bakers MRS. HILL'S BAKERY. Bread that TTiakcu a feast of every meal. Once tasted, never wasted, 156 Wood Av. Phone 230S CROUCH & PLASSMAN. Try "Never Enough Bread." 601 Howard Ave. Phone 1657-5 Beaver Board THE A. W. BTJRRITT CO.. Knowlton St. Phone SOS WANTED. Reliable ambitious man, who can fill position of responsi bility. Experience as saelsman, or in real estate desirable, but not necessary. Must have A-No. 1 ref erences. The Home Construction Co. (Incorporated), Security Build ing, Bridgeport, Conn.- B 25 sp Situations Wanted WANTED Position as private secre- t tary by a refined and educated young lady. Competent and will ing to pay the strictest attention to business details. Address R. A. W-, care Farmer. B26 sp W ANTE D, Position, by a reliable young man, 24 years old, as a col lector, salesman, or any outside posi tion. References. Address R. H. , C., care of Evening .Farmer or Phone 368-2. A 20 tf POSITION WANTED. By man cap able of taking charge of office and making himself useful at anything. Good at figures and writing. Ad dress C. L.. care of Farmer Pub. Co. T 17 tf WANTED. Office position by young lady experienced in bookkeeping and typewriting. Address M. S.. care Farmer. H 23 tf WANTED. Position In Men's de partment of credit clothing house. Has had experience at selling, also collecting. Best of references. At present employed. Address L.L.B., caro of Farmer. H 19 tf WANTED. Position in store or with firm with possibilities of advance ment. Would like position . as out side salesman. Salary reasonable to start. Address S. J. J., care of Farmer. H 19 tf Educational PIANO INSTRUCTION Given ; by a young lady, terms reasonable. Call or address, 149 Golden Hill. B 20 a p DRAFTSMEN', mechanical architect- ual or structural, are always la demand at good salaries; ten young men wanted to loin club to learn drawing, at home evenings; instru ments furnished. Address C. S. K Box 228. City. U2S tr STUDENTS wanted In practical ad vertising class. Terms reasonable. Theoretical, practical, scientific and psychological -advertising In- all its branches taught For full Informa tion address Box 450. Qity. T2 Motor Trucks FRAVr FA1N8&. Packard general motor trmclng, leas; dSs ' tance moving, eta, Phone Blue Ribbon Garage. BIT tf Try a Farmer Want Adv. Results will be immed iate, because Farmer readers READ the clas-' sified page. FARMER BUSINESS DiREGTORY ave Time :-: Telephone Your Order Your Orders will receive the same careful attention from the merchant whose cards appear herewith, as though you called at their several places of business in person. Usje this Directory FREELY you will find it a great convenience. Bottlers JACOB RUPERTS BREWERT. 215 Housatoplc Ave. Phone 677 WALTER STAPLETON, Lumber St. Phone 1048 Clothing THE SURPRISE STORE. Security Bldg, Ffcone 1603 Coal THE WHEELER & HOWES CO., Inc. 1221 Main St. . Phone 344-3 PEOPLE'S COAL AND WOOD YARD. Admiral and Carbon Sta. Phone 63-4 Confectionery C. D. LANE, 1040 Main St. Phone 243 Doctor DR. ALICE L. FITCH, 978 State St Office hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. x Phone 8823' . . Druggists JENNIE HAMILTON PHARMACY. Cor. Main and State Sts. Phone 833 BARGAIN. For sale. 2 family house (new), all improvements, good lo calsity; also 6 room cotage, 7 min utes from Post Office. No agents. Address L. W. care of Farmer. B 10 tf. VIRGINIA RIVER FARM 175 acres, 100 rich bottom, 6 room house, good barn, 1 mile of electric line, 6 miles . of Richmond. Only $7,500; terms. Send for free list-700 Farm Bar gains. Casselm'an & Company. Rich rnond, Virginia. , B 8 agp FINE 'TWO FAMILY HOUSE in splendid neighborhood, Washington - Terrace.' Paying good Interest on Investment Will make a good home. Always rented. - Address G. W. If., care of Farmer. H 28 tf FOR SALE. Fine two family bouse, good central , location. Five min utes walk from Post Office. Will sell cheap. Pays 10 on 87,000. For full particulars address Post Office Box 450. City. H 23 tf FOR SALE Two family house with outbuildings and an acre of land. The place Is within 20 minutes walk from the centre of the city and suitable for manufacturing pur poses, for livery and trucking or can be divided into building lots: can be bought at a bargain. ' Ad dress O. W. EL. care Farmer. T8 tf TWO FAMILY HOUSE good central neighborhood, modernly equipped, 87,000. Mortgage can remain. Ad dress H. W. P., care of Farmer. . H 30 tf. Farmer Want Ads. bring results, lc word, - 15c minimum, S days 35c, 6 days 65c, , 1 month $1.75, 75o each succeeding; month. Try one! . FOB SALE My Residence, 405 Seaview Avenue T.B. WARREN 29 Sanford Building To Rent TO RENT. 6 large rooms, attic, sec ond floor, .improvements, $16.00, 307 Madison avenue. ,. TelepHone '1957-12. B 25 sp TO RENT. By April 1st, farm. In Stratford, 20 acres or more, within 3 minutes walk new school. For particulars inquire 1390 Main St., Bridgeport. . B 24 d STORE TO RENT. One half or less . of centrally located store is offered for rent at an attractive figure. Splendid opportunity. Address J. E., P. O. Box 1053. B 1 sbp TO RENT. 6 rooms, 2nd floor, all improvements, steam heat, at 210 Pearl street, between E. Main and Brooks street. Keys on premises. A 21 tf. FOR RENT Rooms for manufactur ing or storage. Gledhill & Co.. 421 -Water St. rs rf TO RENT Nice light furnished rooms to man and wife for light housekeeping. References ex changed; rent $6.50 per week. Ad- dress E. A. W. care Farmer. TS tf Furnished Rooms to Rent FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Running water. Bath. Address Reasonable, care of Farmer. R 17 tf Employment Agency SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, ait Kinas or neip supplied. Mrs. Eklund, 339 Lenox avenue. Tele phone 1231-3. A 11 tf WANT ADS. CENT A WORD. Employment Bureau BRIDGEPORT EMPLOYMENT BU REAU, supplies companions, moth- ers helpers, nurse maids and com petent domestic help, 670 State St. bone 4111-8 Furniture Mover H. O. .DEMME CO. If you want your piano or furni ture moved' safely, give the Job to Demme. 153 Union Ave. ' Phone 2399 Garages BLUE RIBBON GARAGE 395 Fair field Aye. Phone 3128 BOULEVARD GARAGE,agents "Wln ' ton Cars;" second hand cars also. 245 Conn. Ave. Phone 1054-3 ELM AUTO CO., 184 Elm St. Phone 1901 WOOD AVENUE GARAGE.103 Wood Ave. Phone 248 Gas and Gasoline Engines WALDORF MOTOR & MACHINE CO buys and sells engines and ma chinery. First class repairing. 133 Cannon St. Phone 3807-3 LKAKX PRINTING AND BOOK BINDING. A splendid opportunity for young men and young women to raise their standard of efficiency. The State Trade School is offering an exceptional privilege, why not start today? Call at the office 222 John street and make application. Shop fee $3.00 per year for night students. Day school free to all over 14 years of age. ' B JOaJ STAR PRESS prints business cards. uvcut$B, urn neaos, jduLiriucu i. tickets, programs, show cards, cir culars. Low prices, first class work. Jacob Schneider, Prop., 18-18 Kos futh fit. corner Stratford Ave. Phone 2508-12. Union office. T 3 tt BALL TICKETS, programs, show -. arawmg tickets, circulars. ?.?". wrk. Lowest prices. Siksay, 83 Reilly St T 2 tf . WEDDKVG INVITATIONS, announce ments, at home and visiting cards. Correct- i t prices. Siksay, 88 Reilly St T J tf. 1,000 CARDS, envelopes, bill heads, statements or note heads printed for only $2.0. Siksay. 83 ReUly - st- T 2 tf. 100.T3 CALLING CARDS printed "J our name and address for only 60c. Siksay. 83 Reilly St T 3 tf. Barrels BUY AND SELL all kinds of empty - i tio. ouw a List i or saie. Bridge port Barrel Co., 68 Berdsley St Phone 1371. , A 25 tf Storage W&rehouses STORAGE OF FURNITURE Sena rate rooms, securely locked, furnl- ' lure and china packing;' Furniture and pianos removed, large vans, . careful handling. Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co., 1285 Main St. Cor. Congress t Tel, 1084-8. Pianos and Musical Instruments FOR SALE. Used piano of reputable make in fine condition. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Piano, care of Farmer. H 23 tf. PIANOS TUNED and repaired by an experienced factory man terms reasonable. Send postal. -Tuner, care of Farmer. H 23 tf FOR SALE House organ, $20;piano. $145. Zither. patented design. Will accept weekly payments. Ad . dress I. A. care Farmer. T2 al ;: PIANOS TUNED by our own factory , man, thorough experience and ab solute satisfaction 'guaranteed. Phone 2526, Wissner Warerooms. Broad and State Sts. T2 a5 USED KNABE PIANO, taken In ex change for -player, beautiful tone, perfect condition, will sell cheap for cash or easy payments. William A. Tomlinson, 15 Fairfield avenue, up stairs. Sagal Building, Room 100 103. T 8 " tf. . Financial THE CITY NATIONAL BANK. United States Depository Capital,$260, 000; surplus and profits, $460,000. Frank Miller, president; David F. Read, Vice President: Charles El. Hough, Cashier; Henry B. , Terrill. Asst Cashiers Robert A. Beers, Asst Cashier. ,- : - THE CONNECTICUT IVATIONAti HANK, of Bridgeport corner Main and Wall Streets. B. W. Baldwin, President: H. S. Sheltofe.. Vice Pres ident; L. B. Powe. Cashier; T. C Camming, Assistant Cashier. Cap ital, $832,100; Surplus and Profits. Lump $880,008. WANT ADS. CENT A WORD. : : e e Gowns THE WOMEN'S SMART SHOP A little Paris all our own For those who select gowns at home 157 Golden H1U. Phone 563-5 Hotels ADAMS HOUSE, 40:42 Fairfield Ave. Phone 1483 Ice Dealers DENNIS 8s SQUIRES, 914 Housatonlc Ave. Phone 2888 Laundries WOOD AVENUE LAUNDRY We treat your clothes as our own. If you like the idea telephone. Wood and'Benham Area, Phone 1889-4 Lumber FRANK MILLER LUMBER Co'lES E. Wash. Ave. Phone 103 Motor Cycles ECXELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES. S. T. Kellogg, 615 State St. Phone 136 8 Edwin Smith A fb. .jlara in guns, fishing tackle and sportlnfT goods. "T Ion can also Lw, ntt8a- locks repaired, saws filed, lawn mcwers sharpened, ??daHJUnd" repairing done at Smith's Gun Store. 85 Wali Btrest. Telephone 8382-8. j RIBBON BADGES, souvenir badges, buttons, and novelties, -stamp sup plies, door plates, enamel signs, window letters and general en gravers. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co., 41 Cannon St. B 20 d WE PAPER your room $2.50 up, also worKmansnip guaranteed. c?e5k & Co., 503 Logan St. Phone 2551-12. B 10 tf STERLING ALE Equal to Bass ale. 75 cents per dozen. Bottled by Carr, 96 Cannon street. Phone J-3. a 17 tf. o SHOE REPAIRING, at moderate prices. - The only up-to-date shop in town. We call and deliver. Tele phone 1891. Good year Shoe Re pairing Co.. 78 John St R 2 tf DOOR AND WINDOW ' SCREENS made to order Odd screens repair ed in all kinds of wood and finish. Estimates furnished. Henry C. Hoff man St Co.. 855 Water St R1S tt SHOW CASES Cigar combination and silent salesman, store and of fice fittings. Cabinet work of all kinds designed and made. Hoffman Show Case Co. 866 Water St 5R14 - Wanted To Buy WANTED. To bly all H-ads cf second hand f uraJture. Geo. F. Totams, KiKl field's nld stand,' 43 Harrison Pt Telephone 1015-2. . A 18 ag I BUY OLD HORSES to MIL Re move dead ones free of charge any where within 25 miles of Bildge- - port F. H. Daniels. 8367 Madlsoo Road. Tel. 4337 Lll " WANTED To buy all kinds of sec ona band fHrnituna, Geo. f. Totama Redfield's old stand, 43 .Harrison St Telephone 1015-2. - B 12 as XOU DON'T WANT any old Junk or old things around i r premises, hut we want them as ire need thn for our business. Sell them te Jacob Bros. We will fay you the highest price and get them out of your way. Prompt attention - and . -satisfaction is our record. 66 Kos suth St Tel. 886. B tf. Upholstering UPHOLSTERING, Furniture Repair ed and refinished. Prices always reasonable at Stram's Furniture Store. State, near Clinton, H 6 tf rLD FURNITURE RENEWED, chairs recanea, upnomiwrns. uus j. jviui Jins, 326 East Main street. Phone 1046-3. T7a 5fntTfna Typewriter Excfisntr ror. Main and sitato ttta. Set c i" All makes for sale. rent, or exchang " m- SappUea and Repairing - - Nurses' Registry NURSES, CENTRAL REGISTRY AND HOME. Our telephone is for your accommodation, plus expedi ency and Judicious selection. 1088 Fairfield Ave. Phone 884 NURSES' ' WEST END REGISTRY AND HOME. 978 State St. - - Phone 8323 Papers, Magazines, Rag3 DISBROW & LAW 205 John St. Phone 1613-3. Piano Tuning WISSNER PIANOS. Cor. Broad and State Sts. Phone 2528 Pianos WM. A. TOMLINSON, 15 Fairfield Ave. Phone 2057-4 Real Estate Agents RARTRAM & GREENE 164 State 8t Phone 4591 Second Hand Furniture H. A. JASMIN, 856 State St, Can up 1058 and get 10 per cent, more for your goods. Why? Low rent, larger business. Quick sales, DEVELOPING of films and plates fo amateurs, first rlanm work guaran teed. Armstrong-Whitman Studio, Park and Fairfield Ayes. a Fire Department Inadequate Yon probably noticed this statement Better think about some lammiea. Hadn't yon? We would rattier Invars you here than hereafter. BARTRAM & GREENE Prank Block. All kinds of Insnrsaos. ' Bonds and Real Estate FIRE LOSSES IN MONTH OF JANUARY, 1913 , $1887,060 ARE YOU INSURED? IF NOT, AP PLY AT ONCE TO Anderson tSCo. 53 JOHN STREET STEAMBOATS Bridgeport Line to New York FARE to CENTS TBAMER HAUOATUCK 1mv Bridgeport Pequonnoelc Wharf. t" f Union Stret dally, except eatnr- day, at It night Returning; leeve Mew Tork, Pier 87. B. R,dallr. eseeos Sundays, 11 A. M. Due iiridgssor 8:80 P. M. ' I. B. N1CITERSOW, Aft The New England Steajnatifr CotMroew MERCHANT'S LINE Daily Ercept Sonday Leaves New York. Pier 1 m. F. River, S p. m. Dm a Bridgeport. 1 :SO p, m. Leave Brldgeport Jot lAm Dock, 2 a. SB. Arrive New York 7 a. nu For farther Information r-J rates apply to 3. B. Kbepard. A, Y ill 1LL hwt. mutn. . per FOR LATE WANT ADS SEE PAGE 2 or 3 Shoe Stores 8, A. THING A CO., 1151 St. THE CARTWiytGHT SHOE CO, M Main St. Phone ltti Spring Water HIGHLAND MINERAL 8PRTXO WATER CO. A pure water bill ! better than a doctor's bit! and J9 expensive. 645 Warren St. Phone 1T POWHATAN SPRINGS. Katnre crystal beverage U man's drink. 1794 1-Torth Ave. Phone 14J- Tailors L. E. NUNNOLD. 193 Fafrflell Av Theatres LYRIC THEATRE. 1424 Mala m. Phone POLI'S THEATRE, 29 Fairfield An. Phone 374 Typewriting-Multigrapliixi GEO. N. Meigs' SEARS, Notary Public, 1 Building. Fheae tit -4 Typewriters MULLINS' TYPEWRITER Tcrianrv 157 State Rt. Phone 41 FLUMMER " TYPEWRITER EI CHANGE. 166 Falraeld Ave. Phone 2134 l litfCnTTT' ii tL bam, tfHmg.i m. JimmwmZ 1 eS"", 1'IIMilWM t ' 1 mutn. . Mr inno - m,r im ee