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16 THE FARMER: MARCH 20, 1913 FINANCIAL TOE First-Bridgeport National Bank Corner Main and Bank Streets fiAPITAL ...rz-r r. (surplus and profits. DEPOSITS ...... or.- 500,000 ....... 750,000 3,500,000 ( C. G. Sanford, President N. Ben'hm. Vice President O. 11. Brottawell, Cashier " O. Woodworth, Asst. Cashier F. N. Benhom, Jr, Assise Caebler rfjfTnE BANK Of THE PEOPLE fflk J Notice For forty-seTcn years wo Iwve been conducting business at Uio same oia location, corner ol Main and John Streets. ridgeport, Conn, ana,. our I'rlvut Bank lias been established there continuously. We haTe received nd paid out on demand without no tice millions of dollars of money de posited with us and we continue to receive money subject to depositors check at sight, on which we llow three per cent, per annum, credited to each account monthly. We solicit the accounts of Individuals, business men. Inns and corporations, and an who want a bank account where they can deposit money, checks or aratis, and leave It for one week, one month or one year, and draw interest on it for any time it is left with us. We give to the business out careful personal attention as the oldest ilrm of private bankers In this state.- T. L. WATSON & CO. We invite the accounts of individuals,corporations,and civic, social and religious organizations. Our officers will be glad at any time to talk with "you In regard to opening an account and to extend to you any courtesies in their power. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $750,000 While this company, with its Capital and Sur plus of $750,000, handles with accuracy and dis patch the business of large firms and corporations,yet it is equally desirous of obtaining the acounts of individuals of moderate means, to whom our offi cers extend every courtesy and attention. Two ' per cent, interest paid on daily balances of $500 arid over in , Check ing Department. FEOPLFS SAVINGS BANK,. 924-926 MAIN STREET S. W. BALDWIN, President. WILMS II. LYON, Treasurer. James Staples '& Co 13 ankers and Brokers 9441 ii- Street Bridgeport. : . . FITift INSURANCE t-Rr.T5: BONDS REAL EST A 1 " Bought and Sold on Commission Loans Made on Approved City Real Estate SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Wo re reive deposits subject to check and al. low interest on balances of $SOO and rar. We will . act as Trustees and Administrators of Estates. P. L. HOLZER V. T. STAPLES C R U I S E S . to the WEST INDIES SPANISH MAIN and PANAMA CANAL Send for particulars S. Loevvith & Co. AGENTS. -.lephone 99. 116 Bank St. DON'T PAY RENT BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD We have Cottages and Two Family Houses located in the best sections of the East Side, North End and West ""Snd of Bridgeport. : Part Cash, Balance on Mortgage Lists furnished and full par ticulars on application to Burr A Knapp 923 MAIN STREET BRIDGEPORT, CONN. BOAT LOAD HARBOR BLDKi'lSH Sold Lower Than Any Other Fisb Dealer In the City OYSTERS AND ESCALLOPS NOW IN Y7. D. COOK & S0N--523 Water Street PHONE as BE. J. 1IALONEY FOR HOME OK MEDICINAL USE Beer .-. $1.00 a case W .A. Miles Ale $1.00 a case Karsaparllia. Lemon Soda, Seltzer, Virliy.Sods. all kinds of Bottled Luger. liartliolomay's Rochester Lager. JONES AVENUE - Tel. a 15 9-J "AMT ADS. CSE3TX. A WORD, How Japan Greets the New Year. In Japan the new year is welcomed with far -more energy tban In this country. Let a man's energy be ever so . defective, he Is expected to rise at 4 a. m. and don new clothes to meet the auspicious morning. Then, with Ms gala garments In due order, he wor ships the gods, performs obeisance to the spirits of his ancestors and pays homage to all relations older than him self. No ordinary viands are con,8Tnn ed at breakfast. The tea must be made from water drawn from the well as the first ray of the new year's sun strikes it. On every table figures a red lacquer tray covered with ever green leaves and. supporting a rice dumpling, a lobster, oranges, persim mons, chestnuts, dried sardines and herring root, all these dishes possess ing an allegorical signification. This meal is the start , of the festivities, which are continued for sixteen days, business being almost entirely suspend ed for the first week of the year. Chi cago News. Six Hits With No Runs. Baseball has some funny freaks, but none ever beat one which a writer re calls happened in a game in Indiana on .May 30, 1890, when the Anderson eKib got three triplets, a double and two singles in one inning, and yet they didn't score. Ireland, the first batter, hit for a triple and tried to score on a short passed ball, but was tagged out. Wiswell, the next batter, hit for what looked like a home run, but -was caught at the plate by a good, return. Sham way, the next batter, tripled. The next batter, Derby, bunted, and while the third baseman was waiting for the ball to go foul the batter made second, thus giving him two bases. Faatz also bunt ed and was safe, as Shumway on third was held from scoring. Thia made five bits, and the sixth came when Fear hit a liner to right, the ball hitting Faatz on the way to second, thus retiring the side. The Friends We Might Have Made. The most pathetic phase of life Is a realization of the friends that we never make, the friends that might have been made by just exerting ourselves a little more. Who ever contemplated the loss of friends that he might have made by just releasing a little of his self cen tered reserve? We appreciate the per son who always greets us at meeting day after day. It is so easy, so simple, to spread the halo of happiness about ns that we often overlook it and go through the. world thinking that every smile and every good Impulse we have is not worth while unless " bartered away for something in exchange. There life loses its whole value. It is when it comes from within with a wor thy motive that happiness is truly ours. National Magazine. , r Everybody On Good Friday we all order our Fish Dinner. A" wise and great provider thought of our varied tastes. He who likes salt cod, as well as he who favors shad, smelt or salmon, are all happy. Most people like clams or oysters EVERY KIND FOR EVERYBODY CALL US UP Store Closes at 12 o'clock noon, Good Friday HAYES FISH CO. 629 WATER STREET Tela 412, 413, 2697 THE i PEOPLE'S ! DAIRY ISO State Street 30c B 30c 1 i URN ( N 5SS J rUKSH FROM THE CHURN . GEO. A. ROBERTSON GIRLS WANTED ON SMALL BENCH POWER PRESSES Our bench presses are equipped with the latest type of safety devices. We can also use a number of girls on light assembling and lacquering. The BRYANT ELECTRIC CO. E S19 tf Climbing to Church. The only way of reaching the old parish church at Whitby, in Yorkshire, from tbe town is by means of 199 stone steps, probably as carious an approach to a place of worship as any in the kingdom. The church stands on the eaet cliff some 20O feet above sea level, and to watch the crowd of worshipers before and after service threading its way up and down the winding stair way is a sight to be remembered. London Strand Magazine. To those who want a gift for wed ding presentation we suggest a view of our Wedding Silver or Cat Glass. It is exquisitely beauti ful in' design and workmanship and whether you send one piece or more you bave tbe satisfaction of knowing that your gift is most appropriate fitting. GUSTAV BROCH & SON 347-349 FAIRFIELD AVENUE SPECIALS IN BOTTLED WINES AND LIQUORS CALIFORNIA PORT, SHERRT, TOKAT WINES, large bottle. . 8So BONNIE SPECIAL, full quarts, 4 LIKE WHISKEY. .......... .91.00 JOCKEY CLUB, full quarts, PUKE RYE WHISKEY. ......... 7So MILSUIRE SRX GIN, per bottle. ....... a ... QOa HOUSES OF LORDS SCOTCH WHISKEY, per bottle . ...$J.OO AGENTS FOR MOERLKIN'S CINCINNATI BEER, SMITH'S PHILADELPHIA ALES BROCH'S NEW CAFE AND LUNCH, ON AUTO M O BILE ROW Telephone 138 Pigs' Hocks and Saner Kraut and German Lunches Our Specialty ' The Bed You Want For Less The satisfaction you take in furnishing, your bed chamber springs from tbe bed itself. Xf size, shape or de sign fails to harmonize with the chairs, dressing table or chiffonier then the decorative ettct is but halt complete the key-note of charm is lost. Our new stock offers a chance to gratify demands of this nature. It is a remarkably fine collection of brass beds iron beds and beds in appropriate "chamber woods" artistically planned and designed. Many specials now priced close to market cost. Geo, B. Clark & Co. 1057-1073 BROAD STREET OPPOSITE POST OFFICE WILSON TO RETAIN MISS LATHROP AS CHILD BUREAU HEAD Washington, March 20 Friends of the children's bureau were glad to receive reasonably authoritative as surances that Miss Julia C. Lathrop of Hull House, Chicago, will be con tinued as chief of the bureau. She was appointed last year upon the creation of the bureau, and she has accomplished much good in the feder al investigation of -child , labor. FIND DEAD CALF IN SUGAR BARREL Found in a barrel in the rear of police headquarters, a,' .dead calf which all but .became meat for the inmates of the ; Lakeview Home has caused much speculation as to its ori gin. . y; Vt - ' " It has been jabecustom for many years for emploes. of Lakeview to take away "the Jpmpty sugar-barrels from the Charpf department. At the same tim Uiave carted away refuse sweep yn the building. This is oftterf into boxes and yesterday wnlfiian called on his regular rouiidno thing was thought of the extra eightn" one of the re ceptacles. ' The driver j upon arriving at the Home supposed that the carcas was intended for consumption at the in stitution as it had been placed in a separate barrel. Suspicion being aroused by the odor he later called Supt. Merle Cowles to the .hook upon which it hung, i Inquiry by telephone failg to re veal the origin of the carcass, and it was even feared to feed it to the chickens. Later it was taken to the reduction plant. ' GOOD LIVE FISH SPECIAL; For Friday i FANCY CAROLINA ROE SHAD, large, $1.50 each FANCY CAROLINA BUCK SHAD, large, 60c each , FANCY CAROLINA CUT SHAD 75c each FRESH STEAK COD 12c per lb FRESH HARBOR BLUES 10c lb, 3 lbs for 25c FRESH ALEWIVES 8c per lb l FRESH FLATFISH 7c per lb i FRESH SHORE HADDOCK.. 5c per lb FRESH HERRING- 5c per Lb FRESH BUTTERFISH .12c per lb FRESH WEAKFISH 10c per lb LARGE GREEN BLUEFISH . ..15c per lb I FRESH LONG ISLAND STEAMERS. . 8c per qt I FRESH OPENED LONG CLAMS 25c per qt FRESH BAKING CLAMS 10c per qt FRESH ROUND CLAMS . . . . . .10c per qt Fancy Green Halibut, Spanish Mackerel, Sea Trout, Striped Bass, Maine and Westport Smelts. I Market Cod, Perch; Salt Mackerel, Herring, Cod and Smoked Fish of all kinds. BRIDGEPORT PUBLIC MARKET AND BRANCH n (J ! ) ( ( Si i ( : ) ! i ! (I N Cast Uain St. 4 STATE OF CONNECTICUT, DISTRICT OF BRIDGEPORT, as., PROBATE COURT. March 19th, 1913. Estate of Mary Umstatter et als, of Bridgeport in said District, minors. . The guardian of estate having made application for an order authorizing her to mortgage certain real estate belonging to said estate, as per said application on file duly, appears. . ORDERED, That the said applica tion be heard and determined at the Probate Office in Bridgeport, on the 26th day of March, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon, and this Court directs said Guardian to give notice to all persons interested in said estate to appear, if they see cause, and be heard thereon, by publishing this order once in a newspaper having a circulation in said district, on or before the 22nd day of March, A. D., 1913, and return make to the Court of notice given. Attest z ' , EDWARD F. H ALLEN, a Judge. Advertise in the Farmer Public Market Building State and Bank Streets Tel. Nos. 4404, 4405, 4408, 4407, 4408 and Branch 736 ) u When in Doubt ) ) rbere to order your fine pack age wines and liquors, call cut im. Wo do targe retail business over our counters, also make deliveries to families of wines In any quantltj. "We vritOt to call attention to oar whole sale liquor department. Let mm (rive you prices on package and "bulb liquors In quantity. Specials every day In tbe week. x The Bridgeport Distributing Compnny ( (102 STATE ST., NEXT DOOB TO PUBLIC MARKET. Phone 24- 610 FAIRFIELD AVENUE FURNITURE DEALER, UPHOLSTERER AND CABINET MAKER.' SUPER IOR FABRICS FOR FURNITURE AND DRAPERIES. Tel. 7 . . IT COSTS YOU MORE to do your washing at borne tbant It does to send It to tbe larmdry. If yem dovbt Oils statement send lor our wagon to call for a trial order. A trial convinces THE CRAWFORD LAUNDRY CO. 4S5 FAIRFIELD AVENUES TELEPHONE 4359 EASTER ffAI-IIOrJlS WERE NEVER SO PLENTIFUL, NEVER SO DELIGHT FUL, NEVER SO BEAUTIFUL, AS RIGHT NOW . mm s JTW. 'iit ----- ,y.' .: At the "CHEERFUL CREDIT" STORE I f 1 M. J. BUECHLER The Reliable Jeweler 48 FAIRFIELD AVE, near Middle St. A TIMELY EASTER OFFERING We have just' purchased the entire sample line of one of the well known Metropolitan man ufacturers, comprising ' 75 LADIES' AND MISSES' NEW SPRING SUITS In this lot are included: One, two and three button cutaways, Empire effects, Balkan blouse suits, straight front and novelty styles. Colors include black, tan, blue, brown, Copenhagen and all the wanted new Spring shades. Materials include two tone weaves, poplins, plain serges,33edford cordjmen's "Miear serges and novelty weaves. Values from $20 to $25. Our Special Easter Price. ..$13.95 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Every new style and fabric included. Blues, grays, browns ; also plain blue serge that is abso lutely all wool and "sunproof." Values $16 to $18.75. Easter Special 12.50 BOYS' EASTER SUITS All wool serge, either Norfolk or double breasted models. Excellently tailored, all seams taped, trousers lined, guaranteed fast color. In navy and black: Value $6.50. Easter Special $4.93 GIRLS' NEW EASTER COATS Made of all wool mannish serge, trimmed in various ways, all colors, tan, navy, brown and Copenhagen $5.00 value. Easter Special $3.93 r i f 1 NO MONEY DOWN iHil i.ii.. TOD use MAIN, GOLDEN HILL AND MIDDLE STREETS si.oo A. week: 3 i.-