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12 THE FARMER: MARCH 22, 1913 NOONE CHOSEN FINANCIAL Everybody TONIGHT FOR JUDGESHIP ( 'A, First-Bridgeport National Bank Corner Main and Bank Streets CAPITAL . r. SURPLUS AND PROFITS. DEPOSITS .. ..$ 500,000 . . 750,000 .. 3,500,000 OFYTCf?tS C. G. Sanford, President F. N. Benham. Vlcti Preslflent O. H- Brothwell, Cashier O. Wood worth. Ass. Cashier F. x. Benham, Jr. Assist. Cashier Notice For forty-seven years we have been conducting business at tho same old location, corner of Main and John Streets. ridgeport. Conn, .oni private Bank has been established there continuously. We have received and paid out on demand without no tice millions of dollars of money de posited with ns and we continue to receive money subject to depositors check at sight, on which we aUow three per cent, per aniium, credited to each account monthly. We solicit the accounts of individuals, business men, Irms and corporations, and ail who want a bank account where they can deposit money, checks or drafts, and leave it for one week, one month or one year, and draw Interest on It for any time It Is left with ns. We give to the business our careful personal attention as the oldest firm of private bankers In this state. T. L. WATSON & CO. We Invite the accounts of individuals,corporations,and civic, social and religious or ganizations. Our officers will be glad at any time to talk with you In regard to opening en account and to extend to you any courtesies In their power. rS THF RAH If fW THF PFAM F lift t 1 a MV-MVa, llai UVI 3 JJ..,f I FEOPLPS SAYINGS BANK. 924-926 MAIN STREET S. W. BALDWIN, President. WILLIS II. LYON, Treasurer. James Staples & Co Bankers and Brokers - sate ireet Bridgeport, Conn. rynv. rxsTJRANCK ' i:i:ty koxd's real estate Bought and Sold on Commission Loans Made on Approved City Real Estate urE DKPOSIT VATJIjTS We re- relve deposits subject to check and al low' Interest on balances of S50O and ever. We will act as Trustee and Administrators of Estates. P. I IIOLZEJt F. X. STAPLES CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $750,000 The desirability of this company as a banking home for all classes of people consists not only in the complete facilities it affords and its convenient location, bnt also in the fact that its Capital and Surplus " have recently been increased and now amounts to $750,000. Two per cent, interest paid on daily balances of $500 and over In Cheek ing Department. SHI On Good Friday we all order our Fish Dinner. A wise and great provider thought of our varied tastes. He who likes salt cod, as well as he who favors shad, smelt or salmon, are all happy. Most people like clams or oysters EVERY KIND FOB EVERYBODY CALL US UP Store Closes at 12 o'clock noon, Good Friday HAYES FISH CO. 629 WATER STREET Tels 412, 413, 2697 THE $ PEOPLE'S DAIRY 230 State Street 30e RP 30c FRESH FROM THE t'HUK!l f GEO-A. ROBERTSON ss3 WHAT TO DO AND HOW Americans Have Wonderful Hair Fail to Care For It Don't Despise the Wig. WAITED An able bodied man with .some knowledge of scrap metals to handle scrap metal job in large manufacturing concern. Address SCRAP, Care Farmer, stating age and experience. . S19 s EASTER MILLINERY All the Latest Approved Styles W. E. HALLIGAN 98 9 BROAD STREET CRUISES . to the - WEST INDIES SPANISH MAIN and PANAMA CANAL Send for particulars S. Loewith & Co. AGENTS. leIenfeBBCu.9. r, Bnk s- DON'T PAY RENT BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD We have Cottages arid Two Family Houses located in the best sections of the East Side, North End and West End of Bridgeport. Part Cash, Balance on Mortgage Lists furnished and full par ticulars on application to Burr & Knapp 923 MAIN STREET BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Unquestionably one of the vital points about being attractive will re volve about the care of the hair. The average American woman has wonderful hair. It has been properly cultivated and cared for since the pig tail period, and if with it she has good white, even teeth, she is bound to be considered attractive. There are women, however, whose thin treeses are a source of -worri- ment, for even with a switch, a clus ter of puffs or a Psyche knot the ef fect is not attractively natural. When this spareity of hirsute adorn ment makes it imperative to give spe cial attention to my lady's locks, we want to know Just how to treat the falling tresses to add new vigor to their growth. There is one fact always to be re membered about the hair. If there is any special condition you, wish to improve, if there is a lack of life and gloss, if there is dandruff or too much oil, .do not forget that these, various conditions of the hair depend on the condition of the scalp. In order to keep the scalp healthy and active, shampoo your head regu larly. Rub your scalp fully five min utes with the tips of your fingers to loosen the dandruff and dead skin. Following this apply a hot lather of a good soap and rub it in. Rinse thor oughly in gradually cooler water hav ing the final water really cold. Dry perfectly and then brush gently for some time. The care of 'the hair is really an important item in health culture. A scalp that is unwholesome in appear ance shows through the strands of thin and sickly hair and nothing can reproduce the attractive quality of nature. It seems almost vandalism to stand for a wig, but I say as a woman who appreciates good looks a clean whole some wig . is better than a dirty scalp 'with thin strands that fail : to cover rats and buns. - But don't . go in for -wigs until you find that cleanli ness and care fall in making your hair what nature originally intended it to be. THE HOSTESS BOAT LOAD HARBOR BLUEi'lSH 6oId Lower Than Any Other Fish Dealer in the City eiOTferui AND ESCALLOPS Vtyq? IN SEASON -W. D. COOK & SON 523 Water Street FDONE S890 M. J. MAL0NEY ron HOME OK MEDICINAL TTSR Beer - $1.00 a case W .A. Miles Ale $1.00 a case Farsapnrllla. Lemon Soda. Seltzer. Vtchy.Soda, all kind of Bottled Laser. Bartholomay's Rochester Lager. M JONES AVEN 17 2 Tel. 345(1- WiI ATS. CENT A WORD. FOR A LITTLE GIRL A seperate blouse, worn with a con traeting sfcirt, promises to be a fa vorite fashion for children this spring. One of these is shown here, con sisiting of a plain blue serge skirt with its lining waist, like those worn with sailor suits for a foundation. Over it is a blouse of red and white 6tripea linen, made -with crosswise stripes. The trimming band, cuffs and buttons are red. There is a straight band around the lower part of the blouse and over it is draped a black silk sash. Tour Easter Hat Is at E. H. Dillon & Co.'s store, 1105 Main St., at a saving of one-third to you. GIRLS WANTED ON SMALL BENCH POWER PRESSES Our bench, presses are equipped with the latest type of safety devices. ' We can also use a number of girls on light assembling and lacquering. The BRYANT ELECTRIC CO. S19 tf GETS ALL BtT OXE VOTE ON FIF TEENTH BALLOT AT CONFER ENCE OF STATE CONGRESSMEN. FIGHT TO GO FARTHER Kennedy Hold Out For Thorns Don ovan Given His Way on Bridge port CoUectorshlp. GUST A V BROCH & SON 347-349 FAIRFIELD AVENUE SPECIALS IN BOTTLED WINES AND LIQUORS CALIFORNIA PORT, SHERRY, TOKAY WINES, large bottle. . S5o BONNIE SPECIAL, full quarts, PURE WHISKEY ....... .$1.00 JOCKEY CLUB, full quarts, PURE RYE WHISKEY, ........ . 75o MILSIIIKE DRY GIN, per bottle fl0c HOUSE OF LORDS SCOTCH WHISKEY - per bottle ...$1.0O AGENTS FOR MOERLKDJ'S CINCINNATI BEER, SMITH'S PHILADELPHIA ALES BROCH 'S NEW CAFE AND LUNCH ON AUTOMOBILE ROW ', Telephone 1389 Pigs' Hocks and Saner Kraut and German Lunches Our Specialty The Bed You Want For Less The satisfaction you take in furnishing your bed chamber springs from the bed itself. If size, shape or de sign fails to harmonize with the chairs, .dressing table or chiffonier then the decorative efict is' but halt eomplete the key-note of charm is lost. Our new stock offers a chance to gratify demands of this nature. It is a remarkably 'fine collection of brass beds iron beds and beds in appropriate "chamber woods' artistically planned and designed. Many specials now priced close to market cost. Geo, B. Clark & Co. 1057-1073 BROAD STREET OPPOSITE POST OFFICE - Give Stout Figures Slender Lines Without Discomfort Guaranteed to reduce hips and abdomen one to ', five inches, firmly . . support the bust and abdomen, coax the flesh into long, siender lines, and hold the figure ! erect and graceful. $3.00 to $S.OO Invaluable to women afflicted with weak backs, as this corset replaces cumbersome abdominal appliances, with comforting support, and possesses all the virtues of an abdominal belt, with none of its inconveniences, 3j WEiNGARTEN BROS.. Maker; 34th St. and Braadmy, New York I". New Haven. March 32 Thomas F. Noon, of Rockville, has been chosen aa the candidate of the Democratic Congressional delegation , for United States judge to fill the vacancy caus ed by the death of Judge James P. Piatt. Fifteen ballots were taken and the last resulted in six votes for Noone and one for William E. Thorns, of Wa terbury. National Committeman Ho mer S. Cummings, of Stamford, and State Chairman Leroy Forster, of the Democratic committee, voted with the five Congressmen. While to all intents and purposes this vote yesterday at the Hotel Taft, where the conference was held, was final, another meeting will be held at The Taft next . Thursday afternoon in an effort to induce Congressman Ken nedy, who held out for Thorns, to come over into the fold and make the nom ination unanimous. The session was a warm one. " The five Congressman Lonergan, from the First; Marian, from the Second; Reil- ly, from the Third; Donovan, from the Fourth, and- Kennedy, from the Fifth with Cummings and Forster, went in to session at 3 oclock and it was nearly 7 last evening when they had finished their labors. Most of those who waited iri the. cor ridors and the foyer of the hotel were friends of other1 candidates than Noone, and the announcement that he had won was met with the . fighting declaration that the matter would be carried over the heads of the Congress men and to Attorney 'General McRey nolds, who, must recommend the man to be appointed. There are six candidates for the place from New Haven. They are Samuel H. Fisher, Edwin S. Thomas, Walter J. Walsh, Seymour C. Loom is James P. Pi grot t and Harrison Hewitt. Besides the New Haveners tliere were as candidates, Noone, of Rockville; Thorns, of Waterbury, and -ex -Senator Thomas J. Spellacy, of Hartford. When the balloting began there were three votes for Noone, given by For ster, 'Marian . and Donovan. Thoms had' one, Kennedy; Spellacy, one, Lon ergan; and Walsh, two, Reilly and Cummings. That was the result for two or three ballots when Cummings swung from Walsh to Noone, Reilly in the meantime voting for Thomas and other New Haveners, '; Then Lonergan swung1 from Spellacy to Noone, makinar it five for Noone, one for Thomas and one for Walsh, i For half a dozen ballots the count stood five, one and one, Reilly chang ing between Walsh and Thomas. On about the twelfth ballot Reilly voted for Noone and on the' iext swun back to Walsh, Kennedy all the tim otirtUino' to Thoms. After fif teen ballots' had been taken it was decided to call it off as there seemed no possible chance of swinging Ken nedy from Thoms to Noone. It was then agreed, that another meeting would be' held next Thursday at which the judgeship might . again be consid ered. In the- meantime effort will be made to induce Kennedy to drop Thoms. Donovan Gets His Way. After the judgeship matter had been disposed of the conference took up the matter of the collector of .customs for Bridgeport. This is a plum which Congressman Donovan claimed as his own. Some of the members of the delegation did not quite like the way in which Donovan had . announced that the place was his and for a long time there was quite a debate as to the advisability of having the whole delegation name the collector. It was finally decided, however, that Dono van should name the collector. The friends of Attorney . Walter J.' Walsh feel particularly aggrieved over the result, though the friends of Ex ecutive Secretary Thomas and other candidates joined in the protest. Walsh had one petition in favor of hie appointment, presented by Homer S. Cummings, 50 feet in length, and another signed by 400 residents of German descent. The big petition was signed by people all over the state and iri addition there were letters from superior court and supreme court judges. Noone also had some superior court backing. It is charged that Chairman Fors ter, who, it is claimed, nao no ngnt to vote in the conference, put the Noone thing over through a deal which involves the New London Jl, 000,000 gift, the Bridgeport collector- ship and the collectorship of internal revenue. They say that the deal thus made got Mahan's vote. Donovan s vote and finally Reilly's vote and Lonergan went naturally with the man having the most votes. Now the anti-Noone' men are going after Mahan's scalp in. the House next Wednesday when action on the repeal of theNew London $1,000,000 gift will be "taken up. It was reported last night that Con gressman Kennedy -would be among those who will fight the matter out m Washington and that he will not make the endorsement unanimous. IT COSTS YOU MORE to do your washing At home than It does to send it to the laundry, n yon doubt this statement send for our wagon to call for a trial order. A trial convinces THE CRAWFORD LAUNDRY CO. S5 FAIRFIELD AVENUE TELEPHONE 4320 Want Ads. Gent a Word. Experience is a Good Teacher The reputation of the Crawford Laundry Co. is based upon the exper ience of thousands of satisfied cus tomers and you will make no mistake in sending your laundry to them. If you . are not a patron, send jsl . trial order and you will become a satisfied customer. ARMOUR'S HAMS 18c per lb GOTHAM BRAND BACON 18c per lb ( SMOKED SHOULDERS 13c per lb t HOT CROSS BUNS. (Fresh from the Oven), ,10c per dozen EVAPORATED APPLES. . . . 10c lb, 3 for 25c EVAPORATED PEACHES 10c lb, 3 for 25c EVAPORATED APRICOTS. .. .13c lb, 2 lbs for 25c SANTA CLARA PRUNES, large and Meaty . ) - .-.10c lb, 3 for 25c j GOOD MIXED NUTS. 10c per lb ( ( ( i BRIDGEPORT PUBLIC MARKET AND BRANCH Public Market Building State and Bank Streets Tel. Nos. 4404, 4405, 4406. 4407, 4408 and Branch 73 East Main St. ( ( When in DohM ) where to rder jonr fine pack- j age wines an" liquor, call on , ns. Wo do a large retail Hqnor business over onr counters. aJo ! make deliveries to families of tvines In any quantity. We wigfi to can attention to onr whole- sale liquor department. Let na rive yon prices on package and i bulk liquors in quantity. Specials every day In the week. t ) The Bridgeport Distributing Company ( 102 STATE ST., NEXT DOOR TO PUBLIC MARKET. Phone JOMsJ IF. FAY 610 FAIRFIELD AVENUE FURNITCKE DEALER, UPHOLSTERER ATTD CABINET MAKER- BT7FKR. IOR FABRICS FOR FURNITURE AJTTJ DRAPERIES. Tel. 7 YOUR SPRING HOUSE CLEANING Let as STEAM CLEAN' yonr Carpets ONCE. Then yon win t'SDERaTA5D why PARTICULAR people ALWAYS employ THE BRIDGEPORT STEAM CARPET CLEANT2TQ CO. 2S STRATFORD AVENUE Phone 54 . Pleeee remember we also make beautiful FlniT Rags cmt of your old carpet 75 cents tip SPRINGHOUSE PAINTING Wall Papers', Paints and Oils. Estimates on Painting and Decorating of Every Description THE JOSEPH P. COUGHLIN CO. PRACTICAL PAINTERS AND DECORATORS ; 78S EAST MAIX STItETI " 'Phone 4861 To those who want a gift for wed dins presentation we suggest a .view of our. Wedding Silver or Cut Glass. It is exquisitely Deanti fill in design and workmanship and whether you send one piece or more you have the satisfaction of knowing; that your gift is most appropriate and fitting. - - M. J. BUECHLER The Reliable Jeweler FA TRET ELD AVE., near Middle St. Something Good for the Man Who Smokes A tiox of good cigars Is an ever-welcome gift to the man who worships at the shrino of the little Goddess Nicotine. Every cigar a gift. Every emoke a pleasure. We carry a complete assortment of Meerschaum. Briar ami Calabash Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes and every thing U glad den the smoker's heart. D. D. SMITH FAIRFIELD AVE. OPPOSITE POLI'S THEATRE. 44 Puritan Ghick Feed ' An ideal ration for little chicks. No other feed combination you can bny or mix at home meets all requirements so fully . as PURITAN. Contains nothing that will sour in a chick's crop. Composed of good wholesome grain, properly balanced and ground to the right degree of fineness. Try it and watch your chicks improve. . r THE WHEELER & HOWES CO. COAL MASONS' SUPPLIES GRAEi Congress Street Bridge and 1221 Main Street ICE COAL WOOD TRY SPRAGUE'S Extra High Grade LEHIGH COAL Sprague Ice & Coal- Co. East End East Washington Avenue Bridge. Tel. 71 EstabUfltMd iMI IRA GREGORY & CO. "Branch Office oo2 Main Office 972 ICOAL w Main Street 262 Stratford Ats. HAT-SHAPED PARASOLS. The latest model in paraeole looks exactly like a hat of exaggeratedly large dimensions. The spread frame work of fine steel represents a mod erately high, rounding crown which slopes into a but at the outer edge slightly rolled backward, making a distinctly curled finish. This spread as it needs must be, is umbrIi-sr'r-ed and of silk or satin, but abjt - 6ase of the simulated crown is cord braiding that at on: ri. it twisted into a swirling ornament- Sun rises tomorrow ......... & Sun sets today High water ! Low water 6 Moon rises -X a. r VT v- 24 p. r V