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THE FARMER: APRIL. 11, 1913 5 WOMEVS SECTION Saturday Special. Tub Dresses at $2.50 and $3.50. Here are two tempting offerings of well made tub dresses which de serve your attention, because the values are un-ordinary. At $2.50 dresses of good quality cham bray, made to button in front, collar and cuffs of white gingham with self stripe edged with lace, the skirt made with panel effect in back. Good practical house dresses. At $3.50 of fine chambray buttoning all the way down the front, in clusters of three large pearl buttons, piped at waist-line, fast ening and cuffs with white and self striped madras. A pretty collar of eyelet embroid ery tops off a very pretty and practical dress. 1 For women who cannot wear pomps we have had made m. 2 eyelet Oxford of dull matt bid which Is cat almost as low as a pump, fits snugly at top and heel, and has a rounding toe and close edge sole. One of the smartest Oxford styles of the season. $4.H. Mr INCORPORATED OUTFITTERS TO MEN WOMEN Sc. CHILDREN BRIDGEPORT. CONN. 1403 Fairfield Ave., 11 room half house, improvements $50 827 North avenue, 8 room flat, sec ond floor, improvements $30 126 Lenox avenue, 6 room flat, first floor, Improvements $25 52 Washington Terrace, 6 room flat, first floor, improvements $25 3621 Main St. cor. Fern, 7 room flat, second floor, improvements. .. .$22 774 William street, 6 room flat, sec ond floor, improvements $25 388 Boston Ave., 6 room flat, first floor, improvements $25 Apply, The Bridgeport Land & Title Co. 167-171 STATE STREET. U 11 b 1 IMS lillS IL L- INCORPORATED Nj) CRANE EMPLOYES HAVE FINE SMOKER The Crane Valve Co. grave its em ployes a smoker at Eagles' hail, last night, and a big crowd attended. A fine entertainment program was ar ranged which those present thorough ly enjoyed. There were refreshments In abundance and the spirit of good fellowship prevailed throughout the evening. miring the evening1 letters were read from officers of the Crane Co. in Chi cago In which the writers hoped the employes would enjoy themselves. A number of lively bouts were put on. Cal McCarthy and Henry Gaxrity gave a i clever exhibition. Young Curley knocked out Kid Nasty, Danny Lyons got an even break with Kid Andrews, and Young Mickey and an Unknown fought a draw. CN. G. OFFICERS WHO DESIRE PROMOTION. Announcement is made in a general order Issued from the office of the ajdjutant-giemeral tha.1t the following officers- of the Connecticut National Guard have passed satisfactory exami nations and are accordingly commis sioned and assigned: Captain Louts J. Brague, Fourteenth Company, Bridgeport. First Lieutenant Albert W. Barrows, Fourth Company, Bridgeport. First Lieutenant William M. Foord, Seventh Company, Stamford. First Lieutenant Philip E. Bronson, Fourteenth Company, Bridgeport. First Lieutenant Louis R. 0Nell, Bridgeport. ALAMA HERO DIES OF STAVATION. Lewis C. Shilling, eole survivor of the Alamo massacre, and adopted son of Kit Carson, died at Reno, Nevada, the other day, of starvation. Shilling pagsed away in an old shack, where be-had subsisted on crackers and wa ter .until he could sustain himself no longer. He was adjtftant to Gen. Phil Sberidan in the Civil War, and also had a notable career as a scout. And thus does a grateful country reward Its "heroes." Well, why not? How are we to support a horde of pampered politicians, and grafters de luxe, and at the same time take a pa ternal interest in these old boys who pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for us, and gave us the wastage of their poor mistaken lives? There will always be plenty to do the dirty work work that the. politi cians, judges, and "those in author ity" refuse to undertake because they have too much sense and shrewdness like a fox, or a weasel to expose their precious carcases to the hazard of the battlefield. They know better than to go out on the firing line, storm the Frenches, or crawl on their bodies through a reek ing swamp for the Durnose of miirrioT-- Ing someone who wears a uniform coiorea somewhat differently from theirs. Oh, it's a glorious thing this pa triotism! But mainly conspicuous " by its ab sence among those who have brains. This shot-and-be-shot kind! The ori tund, rhetorical variety is a cherish ed possession of every demagogue, ev ery political charlatan from ward heeler to President. Adepts at pulling the wool, and lib erating the superheated atmosphere they are. But they are cunning enough to stop at that. Well, poor old Lewis Shilling isn't the first who has starved as a reward for "saving his country" saving it for a lot of bandits and pilferers nor will he bo the last. It will take some time to educate the workers to hold their bodies at a little higher valuation than to offer them as food for cannon. But the time will come after evolution, edu cation, and Socialism have done their good work. , DR. EDWIN F. BOWERS. OYSTER GROWERS FOR SINGLE COMMISSIONER It is announced with authority that the oyster growers of the state are lined up in favor of a bill which con solidates the shellfish and the fish and game commissions and which places the duties of the two commissions in the hands of one commissioner. They would give this commissioner $1,500 a' year and provide for a' board nf relief of three members who would receive $5 a day when working and who would, In case' of appeals, pass upon the assessments of oyster prop erty made by the commissioner. They say that "the shellfish commission was created to sell the oyster ground in the possession of the state and that, Since this work has been completed there is little for the . shellfish com mission to do. BRIDGEPORT CLUB ENTERTAINS The Bridgeport club entertained a large gathering of the 'members and their friends last evening at a re ception and dance held In the club rooms in the Lincoln building, Spei del's orchestra furnishing excellent music. The affair was a pleasant one. , "Why did you break Into the house in the middle of the day?" asked the magistrate. "Well," said the accused, "I had several others trf cover that even ing." London Evening Standard. STRONG AND ACTIVE AT 73 " ' ' r MR. A. B. ACKE RM AN, 73 YRS. OLD T-fc . - - - jrrominent man 01 Jjaroer- ton, O., general manager of the local Humane Society, cannot praise Duffy's enough as a medicine to keep the old healthy, active and in good spirits. "I think and know that Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is the thing, es pecially for old people. I know its worth. I keep it in my house all the time and would not be without It, as I think it a God's blessing. I am 73 and healthy and hearty. You wouldn't think me over sixty, perhaps not that old. I am a veteran of the Civil War. I have been In the Humane Society for the past ten years and expect to remain ten years more if I live that long. By the help of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey this should be easy." A. B. Ackerman, Barberton, Ohio. Duffy's Pure falf I1hisky Mr. Ackerman's experience is similar to that of thousands of men and women who have been brought back to a state of health and vigor by using Duffy s rure .Malt Whiskey as directed. Many learn its great medicinal value first from their own family doctors. Others read the testimonials of those who are so grateful to Duffy's that they wish to aid fellow sufferers by writing of their good fortune in using this pure malt whiskey. "Be sure you get Duffy's It's reliable" Sold In SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by most druggists, grocers and dealers, at $1.00 a large bottle. Our doctors will send you advice free, together with a valuable illus trated medical booklet on request. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. Polish laborers Wanted At Once Call 202 John St. U 11 b anted 10 young men, 18 to 25 years of age tor light easy press -work. Night work. I Warner Bros. Company GINSBERG'S SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE Serges and Fancy Mixture Coata at S7.98 It Is hut seldom that coats so per fectly finished and beautifully styled as these are presented at such, low prices. SUITS at $8.98 Snch values as were never before sold for less than $12.98 and $15. ALTERATIONS FREE. OPEN EVENINGS. Other bargains in suits, coats, skirts dresses and waists. LADIES: We Expect the Biggest Crowd That Ever Thronged Our Wholesale Rooms at the Here Are 3 Stunners "BUNTS" SO" A novelty in all colors with , velvet edgings. Wholesale direct to you $1.98 Come and convince yourself that we offer real Bargains. M. Ginsberg & Co. Formerly UNITED CLOAK AND SUIT CO. 1258 MAIN ST. 2 Doors South Poll's Theatre. Opp. Stratfield Hotel. Bridgeport. Ct. Every Woman as interested ana inouia now- -about the wonderful l MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vaginal Syringe, . Best -most convenient, it I Instantly. - . j ...K!,. cleanse; a air vmir rlm7CTaf frt i If he cannot supply but send stamp for Illustrated oooic seaieo. ii givn iun pwocu u I j:m, lamliHihlatn r,Aim i MARVEL CO.. 44 East 234 Strut. Hew Twk Flood Relief Fund Reaches $12,774.62 The total of the fund raised in this city for the relief of the sufferers from the flood in the West now reaches the sum of $12,774.62, which, however, does not include same money sent by organizations through other channels. The fund will be closed Tuesday and the committee will meet Wednesday to wind up the affairs of the committee. Additional subscrip tions received are: Amount previously reported, $12,438 SI David S. Day Employes of ' The Whiting Mfg. Co. Cash Employes of The Bridgeport Brass Co. King's Highway Chapel Employes of The Locomobile Co. of America Employes of the 1ST. Y., M. K. & H. R. R freight house 5 00 89 00 3 00 19 9fi 4 00 200 35 15 00 $12,774 62 Weather Indications New Haven, April 11 Forecast: Rain tonight; Saturday, rain followed by clearing and cooler. For Connecticut: Rain tonight and probably Saturday; warmer in the in terior tonight; moderate to brisk south winds. The storm which was central over Iowa, yesterday morning has moved northeastward and is now central over Michigan. A secondary disturbance is central near Pensacola, Fla. Cloudy and rainy weather prevails generally east of the Mississippi river. The temperatures are rising elowly in the eastern districts, but continue low be tween the ftocky Mountains and the Mississippi river. Conditions favor for this vicinity cioudy and rainy weather with slight ly higher temperature, probably fol lowed by clearing and somewhat cold er Saturday night. THELMA" One of the little shapes that dts close on the head. In chip and hemp. Whole sale direct to you 98c up m Sale up omorrow OPEN TIIL 10 P. M. Judging from the succes our bargains have found since our Spring opening the above plain statement of what we look for is only fair. Our success has been even greater than we anticipated after the wonderful season last Fall. It is all due to the keeness of you liadies and we thank you accordingly. "" To prepare for the great crush of patrons tomorrow wo have re ceived from our New York and Boston supply rooms, fresh shipments of the latest millinery hundreds of shapes and thousands of fancies. The assortment in our sales rooms will startle even those who know at what bed-rock prices we sell millinery. And the best part of it Is -from the purchasers' viewpoint -we will sell all this great stock, as we do all our goods, at Straight Wholesale Prices ; Remember! The Broadway Wholesale Company's method of sell ing direct to the consumer cuts off the big retail profit. Come in and be convinced. Brand New Hat Pin Protecors Don't let the sharp points of your hat-pins stick out unpro ' tfceted. They cause annoyance to others and ahe liable to in flict severe injury. We have a stock of brand new hat-pin protectors, neat and serviceable not the kind that get loose anil fall off. GET THEM WHILIi; THKl DIKKCT TO YOU ,., lOc. each LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS Rice Net Frames lc Wire Frames 9c Bandeaus 10c 1013 Braid 24c AL LBEST QUALITY. ' "MOTJSETTE" The unique crown on "this shape Is the very latest style Get it early. Wholesale di rect to you. $2.48 High Grade Ostrich Plumes With fresh ship--ments of beautifully colored plumes and fancies received from our New York and Boston supply rooms we are able to offer an . assortment of , feathers and fancy creations that will startle even those who know what high quality we give for bed-rock prices. Bushy plumes with solid colored bodies ' and exquisitely tint ed tops and ends are Dame Fashion's lat est decreei We have them a myriad of colci -?fesVe get only the choice feathers - o male birds of America's best ostrich farms. This is your chance to get plumes and fancies AT WHOUSALB. , STOP IN AND SEE OUR GREAT VARIETY. ' Wholesale direct to you $1.88 to $8.98 itS7 - .... ! 5 - - - I tVs and Flowers Our Flowers are the talk of are beau tiful, true to life and are Just the proper trim ming to . turn any of our hundreds of shapes Into won derful millinery creations. . We strings, bunches and thick clus ters. . Our prlces.too, are Just as won derful as . the flowers. Wholesale direct to you 10 c up "CRESCENT" One of the popular wide t.rimmed-shapcs. Wholesale. Di- rcct to yon $1.28 UP "RITA" A classy tan crown. In chip and hemp of beet grades. Whole sale. Direct to you $1.48 UP "GRETEIvIEU" Thla model has been made a great favorite by the buyers. Wholesale. Direct to you 98c UP BE 0A1WM WHOLESALE MILLIMERY CO. Over KELLER'S, NexTto Biker's 1 116 MAIN STREET : Up One Short Flight OTHER BRANCHED NEW ORKi ROSTON--HVERIIIIjD W ATFBTJRY -IXWEIjI P0RTIjANI AND BfANCHESTER WE GIVE S. & IT. GREEN" TRADING STAMPS. ASK FOR THEM AGTUALiCQSX For Saturday Only CAREFUTiLY NOTE EVERY ARTICLE AJTD PRICE Cfl 'Pj'B sis PINK AliASKA SALMON . ' A Can . 8c Quaker's .Mother's or Grandmother's . OATS . A Package 7c VERY BEST JAPAN RICE 5c FANCY LARGE' BAKING BEANS ib . 5c a M 2 W P4 a EH O i i P3 b 0 O (S3 FANCY f EVAPORATED PEACHES A lb 8c DOUBLE TIPPED M A T-C H E S 7 Boxes for 25c A&P CONDENSED M IL K 3 Cans for 28C FANCY JERSEY ' PEARS Large Cans 12c 5 S. & H. Stamps Free with each Large Loaf WARD'S NEW YORK BREAD COUPON Cut out this Coupon, present it at our store, tills week, and by buying 50c worth or more of Teas and Coffees you will receive 20 S. & H. STAMPS FREE Besides Regular and Extra (Stamps Given on Sales FROM M02VDAY, APRIL 7, TO SATURDAY, APRIL This Coupon not good after Saturday, April 12th 10 S. & H. STAMPS FREE WITH. EACH OF THE FOLLOWING GROCERIES 13 1 pkg. Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes 10c; 1 pkg IXL Starch 9c for 2, ea. 5c 1 pkg Evaporated Cranberries 10c 1 pkg Macaroni or Spaghetti loo 2 IB s Barley . each 5o 1 pkg A&P Ice Cream or Jellv . Powder . . joc 1 can Dus'troy . . lOc 1 bottle Queen Olives'. 15e" 1 bottle A&P Ketchup 18c 1. can Sultana Spice lOc 1183 MAIN STREET 'Phone 4228 1630 MAIN STREET 'Phone 2589 707 E. MAIN .STREET 'Phone 2388-5 FREE " Delivery Horeebreeding pays 40 per cent, ac cording to government statistics. ' Dr. ; Ftaxkhurst; Interviewed by the Yale. News, says character building is the greatest need of the American f universtiy. t Pennsylvania's .bill providing for a minimum of two pay days per month awaits the signature of the Governor. . Ohio's bill to pension indigent moth ers awaits the signature of Gov. Cox. Mrs. Elizabeth Oasterton of Roches ter is the new president of the na tional organization of Music Supervis- STATE OF CONNECTICUT, . ' DISTRICT OF BRIDGEPORT, 68., PROBATE COURT. April 7, 1913. Estate of Mary Lyons, late of the town of Bridgeport in said Dis trict deceased. The Court of Probate for the Dis trict of Bridgeport, hath limited and Fallowed six months Jrora the date hereof for Creditors dr said Estate to exhibit : their claims for settlement. Those who neglect to present their ac counts, properly attested, within said time, will be debarred a recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to made immediate pay ment -to KATHERINE F. LYONS, Administratrix, c. t. a 1843 E. Main St., U9sp . ' Bridgeport, Conn. ' "WHY MARY" 3 you , done to. the IlntJo ? t Z Bought a bottle of Fox's Cream Polls? for - rrzq i msf -muni nan J L jii 1 iiiWinfc?ii''i'i' i iii f I ; 25 GENTS ' and made It look Iik -- New .PiajioJ For Sale by THE ALFRED FOX PLVNO CO. 172 Fairfield At. 265 East Main St. "FEDERAL" Doughnuts and Crullers LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE DELICIOUS AND PURE "The Federal Bakery" "THE HOME OF PURE FOOD' 255 STATE STREET PHONE 4104 THE WHEELER & HOWES CO. Absolutely Clean Coal STOVE AND EGG COAL. . . $6.00 NUT COAL .$6.25 25c LESS PER TON FOR CASH CONGRESS ST. BRIDGE AND 1221 MAIN ST. ICE COAL WOOD TRY SPRAGUE'S Extra High Grade LEHIGH COAL Sprague Ice & Coal Co. East End East Washington Avenue Bridge. Tel. 7tO IRA GREGORY & CO. ir Branch Office ooo Main Office 972 OAlvi v Main Street 262 Stratford Are.