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10 THE FARMER: APRIL. 21, 1913 FINANCIAL -THE-- First-Brldgeporl National Bank CORNER MAIN AND BANK STREETS For forty seven years we hate been ronductiuR business at the same old location, corner ot Main- and John Streets, "rldfreport,"" Conn., and our Private Bank has been established there continuously. We have received and paid out on demand without no tice millions of dollars of money de posited with us and we continue to receive money subject to depositor's check at slirht, on -which we allow three per cent, per annum, credited to each account monthly. We solicit -the accounts of Individuals, business men,. Irma and corporations and all w ho want a bank account where they can deposit money, checks or drafts, and Joave It for one week, one month or' one year, and draw Interest on It for any time It is left with. us. We to i the ..bnsinena otnv. carefnl personal attention as the oldest firm f private hankers In this state. T. Ii. WATSON & CO. We invite the accounts of individuals,corporations,and civic, social and religious or ganizations. ' Our officers will be glad at any time to talk with you In- regard to opening on account and to extend to yon any courtesies In flieir power. ; FEOPLFS SAVINGS BANK. 924-926 MAIN STREET S. XV. BALDWIN, President. WILLIS II. LYON", Treasurer. IT'S TIME NOW TO AR RANGE FOR THAT . TRIP TO EUROPE You would be surprised if you only ' knew the number of Bridgeport peo ple who have purchased their tickets to Europe through us for the coming season. They recognize the fact that they canont see, learn, or enjoy them selves as much for the same money expended and the time employed,- as In Europe. WE ARRANGE ALL DETAILS S. Loewith & Co. - " AGENTS ' ' ' Tel. 99 16 BANK ST. James Staples- & Co Bankers and Brokers 184 "state Street Bridgeport, Conn. TTRC INSURANCE FrTtETY BONDS REAL EST AT V Bosch t and Bold on Commission Loans Made on Approved City Real Estate SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS We re reive deposits subject to check and a, low interest on balances of 3500 and wer. We will act aa Trustees and Administrator of Estate. 1. L. UOLZER '.' ' ' K. 1. STAPLES DON'T PAY KENT BE YOUR OWN A LANDLORD We have Cottages and Two Family Houses located in the best sections of the East Side, North End and West End of Bridgeport. Part Cash, Balance on Mortgage Lists furnished and full par ticulars on application to Burr & Knapp 923 MAIN STREET . BRIDGEPORT. CONN. SIDEWALKS . Sand and Oravet ' THE BURNS CO. 82 FAIRFIELD AVENUE BROKEN STONE, all size. ROOFING Bit all" Telephone TAXES, 1912. Notice is hereby given to the tax payers of the. City of Bridgeport, that the taxes on the grand list of 1912, are now due and payable at the Tax Collector's Office, Room , City Hall. The undersigned will be at the Col lector's Office, as above, on May 1, 1913, and daily thereafter, Sunday ex cepted, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. and Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 m. for the purpose of collecting said taxes. AJFter June 1, as required by law, in terest at the rate of three-quarters of one per cent, will be added to all un paid taxes, and the same on the first of each succeeding month. - B. F. COONET, 17 15 tf. Collector. BLUE FISH .10c lb SHAD 25c each W. D. COOK & SON 623 Water Street Fl THE BANK OF THE PE0PLe m CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $750,000 Establish your banking connection with a strong institution during times of easy money. During: a time of mone tary stringency, there is not enough money to go' around. Rut the strong bank can and will take care of the legitimate re . auirements. .of its custom ers. .-, , -., ' 'Such an institution is The Bridgeport . Trust Company. ; Capital ' and Surplus $750,000. 31! m Ml Sr. .z.B GET THE; H A B I T -USE FRISBIE'S PIES SOLD AT ALL STORES POULTRY SUPPLIES AGENTS FOR International Hovers, trairle State In cubators and Brooders,- Cypher's Incu bators and Brooders, Buckeye Incuba tors and, Colony Houses, Otis & Moe Fountains, Norwich 'Feeders, Jersey Dry Mash Hoppers, French's Poultry Mustard. Send for Catalogue. Pequot Poultry Farm SOUTHPORT, CONN. ' Trolley Cars' Pass Our Door Open Every Day in the Year A Lucky Home Run. 1 "The funniest home run that ever my peepers were- laid on," said an old time player during a fanning bee, "happen ed In Chicago some years ago. . The Athletics were playing the Sox, and It was on the 'old grounds. One of our fellows, I can't just recall his name now, whaled one in the air out where Danny Green held forth. Now, the core board was there, with a platform In front of it The ball bit the plat form, and, by gosh, it stuck up there. Danny waited for the ball ia come down, while the hitter was sneaking around the bases. After he waited about a few seconds and the ball didn't come down to earth Danny sneaked up the ladder that ran tip the platform and started to get the ball. Darned If he didn't get to the top rang, of the lad der and was Just climbing: on the plat form when the ball up and rolled off the boards again' and fell down where he had been standing. , Of course the batter got all the way around, while everybody .gave Daniel the merry ha ha!" Immensity of the Swiss Glaciers. The glaciers united to form the great Gorner glacier above Zermat"have a width of ten miles. Soon after they have Joined the width is reduced to two miles and farther on to one mile. The depth of the glacier Is, of course. Increased when Its width Is dimin ished. Swiss glaciers have been bored to a" depth of 80O feet without reaching the bottom, and, small as they are com pared with the great glaciers of the glacial age, it is calculated mat they attain in places a depth of 2,000 feet There is enough solid ice in the great Gorner glacier to build three cities the size of London. There are about 1,500 glaciers in Switzerland, some of which unite with one another as they der scend. and the total area they cover is orer' 1,000 square miles, with an aver age thickness difficult to estimate, but probably not overestimated at 250 feet Discovered His Mistake. "Do you believe that all men are created equal?" ' I used to before I was married." . "And now?" "Now I find that I can't begin to compare with other women's bus bands." Detroit Free Press. Proof to the effltrary. "They say that Wombat isa genius.'' "Nothing to that story, "if s a. ca nard. I loaned him a dollar once, and he paid me back all right enough." Pittsburgh Post Sympathy. Proud Mother Such enormous sums as we've spent on Clara's voice! Sympathetic Visitor And you can really , do nothing for it? London By stander. A Discovery. "There is something uncanny about this baby, John." ', "Then, my dear, it must be his creepy ways." Baltimore American. The fate of all of ns, men and iromen alike, is to be forever wanting what we have not Jerome K. Jerome. HEED THE COUGH THAT HANGS ON The seeds of consumption may be the cause, and a cough that hangs on weakens the system. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound checks the cough, heals the inflamed membranes and strengthens the lungs. B. D. Roan tree, Stlllmore, Ga., says: "Lagrippe left me a deep seated, hacking, painful cough which Foley's Honey and Tar completely cured." F. B. Brill, Strat ford avenue and Sixth street. 1 3 5 Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word. ADVERTISEMENT .. (Wallace Irwin in Life) When Cleopatra, wise old girl, Got gay one night ana drank a pearl, All frugal folk cried out, 'Tor shame!" But marvelled at her Just the same. And she was right and ehe was wise To thus get. in and advertise. When Choeops made his subjects bid On contracts for a pyramid, He got a tomb well worth a ktes. : CL-Kough not a very useful thlrjs5, But he was right and he was wise To thus get in and advertise. When old Diogenes began Pot hunting for an honest man His chances for success were slim; But folks began discusing him And he was right and he was wise To thus begin to advertise. When Dr. Johnson made a spree Of JTorty-eeven cups of tea He Vurely showed his savoir faire .By having Mr. Boswell there And he was right and he was wise To thus get in and advertise. 'TIs said, but it is true, the same. That those wjho fill the Book of Fame Have left their records, more or less, Through some tremendous foolishness Yet they were right and they were wise y To thus get in and advertise. Blame not the actress out of funds Who plans to lose her. diamonds, Blame not the" millionaire who capers To, get his actions in the papers; They've little to immortalize, But they at least can advertise. A LINEN SUIT . , " ' Linen in two colons is employed in the making of thle suit, which was shown by one of the best of the smaller- shops. The tinted portions are of lavender, - partially covered by a braided design done in white. On the cuffs, collar and lapels is a different design embroidered in lav ender linen floss. TELL IT TO YOUR NEIGHBORS. If you are one of those fortunate women who have found relief through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound, from the dreadful suffering incident to some female de rangement, tell of it to your neigh bor whom -you . hear eomplain . of dreadful backache, bearing down pains, dizziness, headaches, irregular ities, nervousness and despondency., and when she finds relief in nature' remedy for woman's ills, as thousands of other women have, she ' will bless you for - telling her about "it. PLAN CLASS INITIATION An event of much importance in temperance circles will take place soon when the St. Patrick's T. A.- B. so ciety will hold its big "class initiation, ait which the County Director of the C. T. A. TJ.. as well as the State of ficers will be present. A. committee was appointed at the meeting of the society held yesterday, and the ar rangements will be on a large scale, as a large class of candidates is ex pected. This is the first b class initiation this society has held in some time, and a good entertainment for the members will be provided. The date has not yet been set, depending oh the convenience, of the State officers, but it will be within two or three weeks. The following officers were elected at the meeting yesterday, to serve for the. ensuing year: President, Vincent B. Haggerty; vice president, John J. O'Neill; financial secretary, John T. Kennelly; recording secretary, Edward Jones; corresponding secretary, Peter Glennon treasurer, Michael J. Keys; marshal, Patrick O'Brien ; board of di rectors for two years, William Murphy and Thomas Glennon ; board of direc tors for one year, John Glennon and Thomas Fitzgerald. These officers will be installed by the County Director at the next meet ing. RETAIL ADVERTISING The members of the Bridgeport Pub licity Club and their friends are prom ised a treat next week when Manley Gillam, formerly advertising manager of the John stores and a former managing editor of the Phila delphia Record, will deliver an address upon "Retail Advertising" Tuesday evening, April 29. He Is considered an authority upon this subject and will have many points iso interest the buyers and sellers of advertising space. The lecture will be practical in all of its bearing and the old and the new way of making "copy" will be illustrated. The public" is invited to attend. There will be no dinner with this meeting, although tt wilKbe held at the Stratfield. PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. C. Lincoln Banks is taking a special course at Harvard Medical University. Advertise in the Farmer because ecause . ;ecause because Fatal Acoident. Wind and a drenching rain were do ing their worst to make the lives of home going New 1 Yorkers miserable When the .conductor of an uptown car Joined forces , with nature and an nounced that everybody would hare to take the car ahead or the car behind because that car wasn't going any farther. Protests rather more numer ous and violent than common greeted that announcement. . "Can't be helped," said the conduc tor stolidly. "This car Is all out of fix. It ain't fit to travel." 80, according to their custom when ordered to do a thing, the New York crowd did it, but one of the number continued to ponder on the disability of the abandoned car. No fuse had blown out, and it had ran with only the ordinary noise and friction. Pres ently he said to the new conductor: "What was the matter with that car we were hustled out of back there? What was broken about It?" . "The cash, register," said the man. "They couldn't ring up any mote fares." New York Times. Woman's Love of Ugly Men. The .Illustrious men in history who were distinguished as much for the fascination which they exercised over the fair sex as for their talents and ability were, as a rule, plain and ln slnincant in appearance. . Julius Caesar was a very ill favored man, and yet when a mere stripling, before his fame in Rome, girls of his own age sighed for him and mature women longed for his love. Among the men of later times who were renowned In like manner were Sir Philip Sidney, plain almost to ugliness; Paul Searron, the comic poet, a cripple; Voltaire, unmistakably ugly, and Rousseau, whose, manners were awkward as his face was plain, while John Wilkes, who had the power to subjugate any woman who spoke to him for even five minutes, was admit ted by his own showing to be the ug liest man in England in his time. Rattled. Mammy Lou was visiting Lucindy. The latter lifted a boiling pot off the stove, set it in the tireless cooker, cov ered It closely and pushed It under the table. "What's yuh a-goin f do wid dat pot?" "I's a-goin' to cook dem beans in de tireless cooker." Mammy rose, a scared, bunted look on her wrinkled face. "Does yuh mean t' tell me yuli a-goin' f bile dem beans widout flahr' Lucindy nodded. Mammy backed to the door and looked at the girl aa at an apparition, then, with defiance mingled with fear, commanded: ,4Put on yonr bonnet! .Ton sure Is JSoodooejJI Tou Of Course, Your Wife and Family Will Like The WISSNER Best But There Are Other GOOD Reasons, Too, Why You Should Buy A you are buying the Highest Grade Piano or Player Piano at a lower price than a dealer can sell you a medium grade for You" are assured from the very beginning that you have the very best wearing as well as the most artisic instrument which it is possible to possess. you are dealing direct with the factory, thereby eliminating all dealers' and agents' profits or commissions. An actual saving of from $50 to $100. Is it not worth' a few moments' serious consideration? - under the WISSNER system of selling you are positive of continual good treat ment, of a never failing guarantee which means everything to you as you pay. for a piano to last a life time. CONVENIENT PAYMENTS MAY BE ARRANGED WISSNER WAREROOMS BROAD AND ain't goin' t' uve in no house where the devil does de cookln." Judge, r The Overruling of a Judge. A Judge once awoke In the night to find his room fh the possession of two armed burglars. Covered by the pistol of one of the marauders, the Judge watched the proceedings with his usual Judicial calm. One of the depredators found a watch. "Don't take that," the Judge said. "It has little value and is a keepsake." "The motion is over ruled," replied the burglar. "I appeal," rejoined the Judge. The two burglar consulted, and the spokesman then re plied: "The appeal Is allowed. The case coming on before a full tribunal of the supreme court, that body Is of L the unanimous opinion that the decree of the lower court should be sustained, and it Is accordingly so ordered." Pock eting the watch, court adjourned. A Tearful Monkey. There is a species of very small mon key found in the Brazilian , forests Which is remarkable for Its gentleness, the delicate elegance of its appearance and Its almost human conduct. Bound ing from branch to branch or from tree to tree, it bas every appearance of a bird." When hanging from a tree asleep It looks like a black doll. Its dark, soft eyes are very large, its coat Is like black velvet, trimmed with satin and dotted with gray beads. "I have seen him weep," said Hum boldt, "and I avow that the samalrl is like a child in every feature. He has the same Innocent expression, the same bright. Intelligent smile, the same child like way of passing swiftly from Joy to sorrow." Harper's. The Higher Equity. Bismarck used to delight In telling the story of how, when foraging for food with two companions in an almost deserted village he came upon a man from whom he procured five eggs. Un able to divide five among three, he began by swallowing two; then, call ing his companions, shared the three remaining eggs with them a truly B la marc kian idea of an equable division. Pall Mall Gazette. A Great Scheme. Young Husband When my wife first began to do her own cooking we were having company every day tiresome relatives, colleagues, so called friends. Gradually they all dropped off, and then we engaged a good cook. Flle gende Blatter. Helping the Causa. She I am almost baked. I have been shut up In a close, stuffy room for two hours. He What was the occasion of that? She A meeting of our Fresh Air society. Lippincott's Magazine. - .... - ' ' ' IAN STATE STREET. IT COSTS YOU MORE to do your washing At home than ft does to send It to the laundry. It yon doubt this statement send for our wagon to call for at trial order. A trial, convinces THE CRAWFORD LAUNDRY COr FAIRFIELD AVENUE! TELEPHONE 4S20 JOHN F. FAY 610 FAIRFIELD AVENUE ' ' Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker, Super ior Fabrics for Furniture and Draperies. Tel. 74 THE PEOPLE'S DAIRY 130 State Street ICE COAL WOOD IRA GREGORY & CO. EbIulf "Branch Office 972 fCOAL Main Street rMrfsrtW fuwinir aunfiUo K7rt m.... TMn nz-id. A i TOTf.t1v oil veneered 'cnrintM m votA of black cheesecloth 3-hvOne absolutely prevents rutt on flrfiirM. pas ranees, evervthinflr metal, into the unseen metal pores and forms a protecting "overooaf which mtwmn. Froo 3-ln-One Free. Write today for generous r botua ana i-ss 3-in-One Dictionary of hundreds of uses. , 3-in-Ont U told in mil good ttorn 50c (8 oz pint). Also In new 3-IW-ONE OIL 42 D A Broadwar O BUTTER FRESH FROM THE CHURX Tel. GEO. A. ROBERTSON - SM TRY SPRAGrUE'S Extra High Grade LEHIGH GOAJ, Sprague Ice & Coal Co. East End East Washington Avenue Bridge. TeL Tie Main Offlce 262 Stratford At. that ever need oilinK in your aoma 01 little 3-in-Une on a oit ciotQ oieana at varnished furniture and woodworV. it makes an ideal DuttfiM Dmtrtng Catk. gun barrels, auto fixture, bath rS indoors or out, in any climate. It aisles In 3-lze bottles: luc ix oa.. If o-J patented ilanay uu uan, oo vv COMPANY Mow Trk Cltr