Newspaper Page Text
II CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS is words isc, 3 times 35c Real Estate to Buy and Sell Furnished Rooms to Rent Business Men's Exchange FOR SALE. TO LET HELP WANTED SITUATIONS It you are out of work, The Fanner Wants Ads onght to be of material assistance) to you. Head than over carefully each day. , For Sale" Advertisements in The) brink ready mt the tin- Vskri (Sewn that spotted placard and secure a tenant JT WSaaar in the modern way C trough a Scanner c!i- Mlany men and women all at The Farmer and look Try one, yoa will bm the Help wanted Ada, If you , need , nw-o- mwliiiu result. vertlec t f tm JJSMKR: AFBUi 21, 1913 Today's Wants Wants Ads -will t received for this page up to 12 o'clock noon. Those sent in at a later hour up to 2:30 wili appear on the second or third page of this paper under the heading, "Latest Wants." GriN'EA HffiTS. ducks, roting ehtckena. broilers, fowl, liver pud ding, uuues meat, bologna. Bom am A BHta. O 16 1 3 6 o FTOVES REPAIRED, all Kind sup plies, all makea. pipe, grates, bricks, etc Charges reasonable. 1715 Main St. IIS ao 1 6 tf. A Few Young Men for Light Assembling Work BRYARTT ElECTKIC CO - - ...... ..... , , wgBtMltrT1riiiniroroMiii i - GIRLS WANTED . EZPUEHNGED PRESS WAGES WILL BE CLASS OPERATORS The BRYANT ELECTRIC GO. mmmgmssmwmi v. ii-.ii' ms n 1 1 1 m. Gr 1 K. l-i & "? J'N T E 3D The' Wprner BrotliersCo.,-.;; CORSET DEPT.Hose Supporter Stitchers, Eloss ers, Floss Clippers, Boxers, Makers, Tackers and Single Needle Operators. . ' . v ; v i ACCESSORY DEPT nJoiners, Strippers, Inspect ors Single and Two Needle Operators. ' BOX DEPT. On alljkinds of Paper Boxes. ; METAL DEPT.r For light Foot Press Work AFPLI -: ' V .'. - ESffXOTMENT DEPARTMENT, Comer Ijafayette and Gregory sts. Art Glas3 BRIDGEPORT ART GLASS CO, 153 John St. Phone 1017-6 Antomobile Dealers H. st FORD DJatributor Maxwell Cars and the R. C. H. $900. 1837 Main St. Phone 1272 BTARBCCK MATTTCE, FORD CAItS, 859 Fairfield Ave. Phone 4075-2 Automobile Supplies N. E. AUTO SUPPLY CO. Let us prove how we can save you 25 to 40 per cent, on your supplies. 610 Main St. Phone 4260 il DRAFTSMAN WANTED. First class man experienced on tool ana nxture work. Apply Locomobile Co. of America. J 18 so EXPERIENCED TAILOR, cutter and fitter wishes to secure a steady posi tion. Address B. J-, care of Farmer. ' U 19 D p AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE. Astoa Oarage. Phons 8298. - Day - or night? Rf tto 1 3 ' NOTICE.' y . " . , 1 I hereby forbid any one trusting" my wife, Carrie A. Sherwood from this date, April 19, 1918. TT19sp A.. E. SHERWOOD. Girls Wanted Experienced operators and lap earner's, strippers and , single needle machines. Steady work and good "pay; also learners. Apply ;: :.:". FACTORTAMES AND LINEN STREETS. BRIDGEPORT . OPERATORS. GOOD PAH) TO FIRST mm tusyf-tsw wuwa, i aaaw. Auto Tires and Repairing THE A. L. SCHAYOIR CO. 857 Fair field Ave. ' Phone 16 3 CONN. AUTO TIRE CO. Recovering and Repairing a Specialty New and Second Hand Tires in stock 241 Connecticut Ave. Phone 968 Bakers MRS. HILL'S BAKERY. Bread that makes a feast of every meal. Once tasted, never wasted, 155 Wood Av. Phone 2308 CROUCH & PLASSMAN. Try "Never Enough Bread." 601 Howard Ave. Phone 1657-5 Beaver Board THE A. W. BURRITT CO., Knowlton 8C ' Tuone 505 I Y w 1 .11 III B MM MBBlimi JWB ! Female Help Wanted WANTED.- Cook and maid. Apply to Miss Warren, 405 Seavlew ave nue. U 17 Help Wanted LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN, BRAKE MEN, wages about 8100; experience unnecessary. Send age, stamp. Rail way, care Farmer. TJ B t 1 WANTED. Men for assembling de partment, scrapers and fitters. First class men only. Ask Mr. Bitzar. Apply Automatic Machine Co. U 16 d WANTED. A No. 1 dye sinker and Jig dye makers, 9 hour shop, all class of work. No labor trouble and highest wages consistent with, first work. Apply American Qraphophone Co.. Cherry St. entrance. U 15 d UNCLASSIFIED WANTED. To buy all kinds of sec ... ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfield's old stand 43 Harrison St. Telephone 1015-2. U 14 ajp . AT BOMMOS A BILTZ MARKET II State St. Will have Sausage Meal every day. . 1 18 tf.o WANTED. Furniture, stoves. ' car pets, store fixtures, &c. Tel. 1084. City Auction Co,29 State St. ' O 81 o YOJJ CANT BEAT Caaca-Laxlne tab--. lts for constipation. , Try them. - O 7 Q. UPTTOLKTERTNC., Furniture Repair, ed and refinished. Prices always reasonable at S tram's Furniture Store, State, near Clinton. H5 tfo WANTED TO BUT second hand fur niture, .stoves, carpets, .to. at ' State BC Phone 910-18. Q a tf o FOR SALE. 1 fine large building lota, 60x100. north St. Vincents hospital about two minutes' walk from trolley fine- view of Long Is , land Sound. Will be sold very rea sonable to quick buyer. -Address -' Richard Shulta. Exeter St. ' i. H. .29 a po ORDER your screen nowi antique fur niture renovated, fine cabinet work. Carl A. Schmidt. 180 Cleveland I avenue. TJ 4 a p AMBULANCE PRIVATE- aoea any .distance. Telephone 1641. James T Bourke. 1295 Main St. 8 8 I WEDDING INVITATIONS, announce-: menta, at home cards, correct socie ty printing. Lowest prices.; Best ' work. I Sikaay, 8S Reilly street. ; tj a s tf. : Situations Wanted W ANTE D. Position, by a reliable young man, 24 years old, as a cot- ' lector, salesman, or any outside Poai tlon. References. Address R. H. C. care of Evening Farmer or Phone 868-3. A20tf POSITION WANTED By man cap. able of taking charge of office and making himself useful at anything. Good at figures and writing. Ad dress C I, care of Farmer Pub.' Co. - , T IT tf WANTED. Office position by young lady experienced in bookkeeping and ' typewriting. , Address M. s care Farmer. H 83 tf WANTED Position In Men'a de partment of credit clothing house. ' Has had experience at selling' also ' collecting. Best of references. At ! iJiesHnc emp.oyed. Address L.L.B.. WANTED. Position In store or with iirin with possibilities ol- aavauce mnt Would Ilka position as out side salesman. Salary reasonable to start. Address S. J. J., rqro nt Farmer. H 19 tf FARME Save Tim Your Orders will receive the same careful attention from the merchant whose cards appear herewith, as though you called at their several places of business in person. Use this Director FREELY you will f ind it a great convenience. : : : : : : : 1 : : : - Bottlers JACOB RUPPERTS BREWERY, 215 Housatonlc Ave. Phone 577 WALTER STAPLETON, Lumber St. Phone 1048 Clothing THE SURPRISE Bldg. STORE, Security Phone 1608 Coal THE WHEELER & HOWES CO. Inc. 1221 Main St. Phone 344-2 PEOPLE'S COAL AND WOOD YARD Admiral and Carbon Sts. Phone $3-4 Confectionery C D. LANE, 1040 Main St. Phone 242 Doctor DR. ALICE L. FITCH, 978 State St. Office hours: 9 a, m. to 8 p. m. ' Phone 3323 Druggists JENNIE HAMILTON PHARMACY. Cor. Main and State Sts. Phone 832 For SaJe for Sale, besid'ence', No. n lElmwood riace, west -location and convenient to Fairaeia Ave trolley. Inquire Edward S. Hotchklss, City. . Telephone. SHONINGER PIANO, Al condition, 9 0.00; Hasbrouch less than 1. year . old, 8140.00; Boyer.' mahogany, equal to new, 8125.00; Newton, full size, only slightly used $135.00. Cash or easy payments, Conw U dated liano Co.. opp. Post Office, Cannon St.', V1 .. . SEVERAL USED PIANOS at rare prices. Shoninger. ebony, 890.00, Hasbrouch.mahogany, $140.00; Bay er,, mahogany,- $125.00; Newton, - $135.00. These pianos have been "practically rebuilt and are in Al oondition. Cash or easy paymenta. Consolidated Piano Co.. opp. Po .Office, Cannon St. . u lz FOR SALE. Fine two family house. Pays 10 per cent, on $7,200. $6,600 will buy it. $2,600 cash, the bal ance can remain on mortgage. Mod ern throughout, fine residential neighborhood. Address. Lock Box 450, City. " U 8 tf. FOR SALE Building xots corner Con . necticut and Carroll Aves., Holland Ave..' and Hoiiister Heights. Wm. Broch, 847 Fairfield Ave. S 20 tf FOR SALE Bargain, 14 room house, ... near Washington Park and 14 - house and barn on Fairfield avenue. No agent,' Address W.-P.. Care of Farmer. ' a ; BARGAIN. For sale, 2 family house (new), all Improvements, good lo . calaity; also 8 toom cotage, 7 min utes from Post Office. No agenta AddrvM L. W.. care of Farmer. ' B 10 , tf. VIRGINIA RIVER FARM 175 acres, 100 rich bottom, 6 room h.6use,.good . barn, 1 mile of -electric line, miles of Richmond. Only 87,600; terms. Send for free list-700 Farm . Bar gains.. Casselman & Company, Rich mond. Virginia. . BUI'P FINE ; TWO FAMTLT HOUSE 1 in splendid neighborhood, Washington Terrace. Paying good interest on '. Investment Will make a good home. Always rented. Address O. ' W. H-. care of Farmer. " H t J M FOR SALE. Fine two family house. good central location. Five mln , utes walk from Post Office. WUl . sell cheap.- Pays 10 on i $7,000. i For f ulK particulars .-address Post Office Box 450. City. H It tl FOlt SALE Two family house wltn outbuildings and an acre of laad. The place Is within 20 mlnutee wJk from the -centre of ' the city and ami table for manufacturing pur poses, for livery and tracking- or ; can be divided into building lots: can be bonghts at a bargain ' Ad . dress O. W. U. care .Farmer. T8 tt TWO FAMILY ROUSE, good central , neighborhood, modernly equipped. $7,000. ' Mortgage can remain. Ad . dresa H. W. P care of Farmer. H 10 tf. FOR SALE My Residence, 405 Seaview -.1 Avenue T.B.WARREN 29 Sanf ord Building 0 Storage Warenousea STORAGE OF TXTRNITCRE Sepa rate rooms, securely locked, fnrnl , tare and china packing. Furniture . and pianos removed, large . vans, careful- handling. Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co., 1285 Main St Cor. Congress St- Tel. 1014-4. ; Employment Bureau BRIDGEPORT EMPLOYMENT BU REAU, supplies companions, moth ers helpers, nurse maids ana com petent domestic help. 670 State St. Phone 4111-2 T Furniture Mover H. G. DEMME CO. If you want your piano or furni ture moved safely give the job to ' Demme. 158 Union Ave. Phone 2399 Garages BLUE RIBBON GARAGE. 29, Fair ' field Ave. Phone 3126 BOULEVARD GARAGE,agnts "Win ton Cars;" second hand cars also. 245 Conn. Ave. - Phone 1054-2 ELM AUTO CO., 184 Elm St. Phone 1901 WOOD AVENUE GARAGE,! 03 Wood Ave. Phone 248 Gas and Gasoline Engines WALDORF MOTOR Sb MACHINE CO. buys and sells engines and ma chinery. First clas repairing. 133 Cannon St. Phone 3807-3 1 i Furnished Rooms to Rent FOlt LibHT housekeeping, .-tunning water. Bath. Address Reasonable, - care of Farmer. R 17 tf To Rent TO RENT. 8 room house, 94 Cottage St., all Improvements. Inquire 96 Cottage St. - U 19 b'p TO RENT. Flat of 6 rooms, all mod- era improvements. Apply 56 4 At lantic St. U 18 d. TO RENT Nicely furnished rooms, ih strictly respectable family. 527 Fairfield Ave. Phone 368-3. .' .' ' ! 4 ' . TJ 14 tf. TO RENT. Store, 300 Fairfield ave nue, opposite Blue Ribbon Oarage. ' - , S 4 tf. TO RENT Upstairs flat. 7 rooms, in two family house. Fine -neighbor- hood, all modern Improvements. Ap ply 71 Washington Terrace. U ?tf TO RENT. room flatv, first floor, a.11 . improvements, shades, screens. Apply 149 Whitney, avenue.. Phone , 365. ' v. TJ 1 a 5 FOR RENT Rooms for manufactur ing or Btorage. aiedhlll A Co. 491 Water St. t R8 'tf TO RENT Nice light furnished rooms to man and wife for light . housekeeping. References ex : changed; rent $8.50 per week. Ad . areas' IS. A- W-. care Farmer. T8 Educational PIANO- INSTRUCTION Given by jcung lady, terms reasonable. Call or address, 149 Qolden Hill. PIANO INSTRUCTION Given by a young lady, terms reasonable. Call cr address, 14 Golden HilL ' B 20 a p DRAFTSMEN, meehaalcat architect al or tractor al. are always la . demand at good alarlesi tea young sneo wanted to Join dab to learn - drawing, at home evenings; Inatrs ments furnished. Address C B. K Boa 888. Ctty. TJ9 'tt TCBENTB wanted In practical ad vertising class. Terms rcasonabla Theoretical. practical, sdentiflo and psychological advertising in all its branches taught. , For full informs. son address Box 4s. City. T 1-OILET g REPARATION , DR. OAMBOKFS Toilet PreparaUons are absolutely pure. Send for cata , logues and prices. Dr. Gambgee Co.. - Fairfield. Conm 84 ap Pianos and Musical Instruments FOR SALE. Used piano of epotabls make in fine condition. Will sell ' cheap for cash. Address Piano, care of Farmer. H 11 tf. PIANOS TUNED and repaired by an experienced factory ' man terms reasonable. Send postal. Tuner, care of Farmer. R 2$ tf FOR. SALE Rouse organ, $20, piano, $146. Zither. paf-ented design. ; Will accept weekly payments. Ad dress L A. M- cars Farmer. :- ... ' T n PIANOS TUNED by ear own factory man. -thorough experience and ab solute satisfaction guaranteed. phone 2528, Wissner Warerooma Broad and State Sts. Tl a USED KNABE PIANO, taken In ex change for player, beautiful tone, perfect condition, will sell cheap tot cash or easy payments. William A. Tomllnson. 15 Fairfield avenue, up. , stairs, Sagal Building, Room 100 108. ' T a tf. USINESS DIRECTOR Y Telephone Your Gowns THE WOMEN'S SMART SHOP A little Paris all our own , For those who select gowns at home 157 Golden Hill. Phone 563-5 f Hotels , ADAMS HOUSE, 40-42 Fairfield Ave. 1 Phone 1483 Ice Dealers DENIS & SQUIRES, 914 Housatonici Ave. 1 Phone 2888 Laundries WOOD AVENUE LAUNDRY We treat your clothes aa our own. If you like the idea telephone. Wood and Benham Aves. Phones 1889-4 Lumber FRANK MILLER LUMBER CO. 166 EU Wash. Ave. Phone 103 Motor Cycles EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES, S. T. K.ellogg, 615 State St. Phone 1368 Barrels BUY AND SELL all kinds of empty barrels. Saw dust for sale. Bridge port Barrel Co.. 68 Beardsley Su Phone 1371. A " W 4- Finanoial THK CI TV NATIONAL BANK. United States Depository Capital. 2i,0: surplus and profits. $450,000. Frank 84 filer. President: David F. Read, Vice President: Charles X. Rough, Csahter; Henry B. TerrUi. Cashier; Robert A. Beers, Cashier.- - . - thb oow Kf Krmcrmr jt attonai. KAVK. .of Bridgeport, corner Mala aad Wall streets. 8. W. Baldwin, Presls'tt; H, S. Sheltot. Vice Pres. 6m: U B. Powe. Cashier; T. C Cvmmittg Assistant Cashier. Cap. nal, $882,160; Surplus and Profits. Lump 988.o$s. ( Ilercxaiits Excnango .. i ,i 1 1 in i i i, r Edwin smith Csw dealers a gun a fishing ssekle and porting goods. Yam n mini g"t yoer keys fitted, locks repaired. w filed, iawn mewers sharpened, and all kinds of light repairing done st Smith's Gun Store. i Wail Streeb Telephone S8S2-8. SECRETARIES OF LODGES, save a Jot of work by using our rubber stamps.' daters and seals., Call and let us show you all the latest labor and time savers. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co.. 41 Cannon St.. U 17 d WE PAPER your room $2 50 up, also painting. Workmanship guaranteed. &Bec Co- 63 Logan St. Phone 2551-12. B 10 tf STERLING ALE Equal to Bass ale. 75 cents per dozen. Bottled by a,T' Cannon street. Phons 017tf. e HOE REPAIRINO. c scoderate pricea. The only up-to-date ehop in town. We tsall and deliver. Tele, phone 1891. Oood year Shoe Re pairing Co. It Jons 8fc Ft a tf iKJon n wHixm screen te order OdS screens repair ed In all kinds of wood and finish. Estimates furnished. Henry C. HoS- saan s Co. 988 Water gt. Mt tf SHOW CASIW Cigar comblnatlou and silent alesman. store and of. Oce attinga. Cabinet wr.rtt of all kinds designed and made. Hoffman how Cass Co. 28 Water St. - ' R14 tf Wanted To Buy WANTED. To bly all kinds of second band furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfleld's old stand, 43 Harrison St Telephone 1015-2. , S IS a I p I BUY OLD MORSES te kL Re move dead ones free of charge any. where within 25 miles of Bridge, sort. W. H. Daniels, 8887 Madlsoa Road. , Tel. 8337 , Lit WANTED i To bUV all kinds at . ond band furniture). Geo. F. Totama ' Red field's old stand, 44 Harrison sZ Telephone 1015-2. B12ap YOU DON'T WANT any old yank e . eld things around r" r premisea, but ws want them as v need them for our business. Sell them te Jacob Bros. We will pay.-you the highest price and get them cut ef . y-ur way. Prompt attention and satisfaction is our record. 5$ Kos suth St. Tel. 338. M U. ' Upholstering UPHOLSTERING, Furniture Repair, ed and refinished. Prices always reasonable at Strain's Furniture - Store. State, rear Clinton. H 6 tf 0LD FURNITURE RENEWED, chair recaned. upholstering. Gus C. Hal. lins. 826 East Main street. Phone 1045-8. T 7 a Nurses' Registry NURSES' CENTRAL REGISTRY AND HOME. Our telephone Is for ' your accommodation, plus expedi ency and judicious selection. 1088 Fairfield Ave. Phone 884 NURSES WEST END REGISTRY AND HOMcJ, 378 State St. i Phone S8S2 Papers, Magazines, Rags DISBROW A LAW 205 John St. Phone 1618-2 Piano Tuning WISSNER PIANOS, Cor. Broad and State Sts. Phone 2526 Pianos WM. A. TOMLINSON, 15 Fairfield Ave. Phone 2067-4 Real Estate Agents BARTRAM & GREENE, 164 State St. Phone 4591 Second Hand Furniture H. A. JASMIN, 856 State St. Call up 1058 and get 10 per cent, more for your goods. Why 7 Low rent, larger business, quick sales. Employment Agency " SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, all kinds of help supplied. Mrs. Kklund, 239 Lenox avenue. Tele phone 1231-3. A 11 tf 'Photography BEVELOPINO of films and plates for asnatears, first cIsks work iaarsa teed. Armstrong-Whitman Btndlo, Park nd Fah-fleld Aves. Tt Fire Department Inadeauatw Ton protwibly netteed this eotemest , Better think sboat eonse tnearsaoe. BMuln't ypay We would ther lasurs yoej here than hereafter. BARTRAM & GREENE Prank Block. All kinds of Insurance Bonds and Real Haines Personal MADAM CARLYN English clairvay aat. and palmist tells all you wish to know. 204 Prospect street, off warren. ; a-p CARD READER Advice on all a . fairs, Sts. Mrs. Levy. 874 Madlaosi Ave. fourth avouae above North Av, LIS tf Printers and Stationers STAR PRESS prints business cards, envelopes, bill heads, statements, tickets, programs, show cwrds, cir culars. Low prices, first class work. Jacob Schneider. Prop. 1-18 Kot oth fit., oorner Stratford Ave. Phone $508-12. Union office. T 8 tf A GOOD MOTTO , Do not be without a Fire In-, surance Policy. CaB or writ Anderson &Co, 53 JOHN STREET GENERAL INSURANCE STEAMBOATS BridacDort Line te New Ycrii FARE 60 STEAMER NAUGATUCK leave Bridgeport Pequonnock Wharf, foot of Union Street, daily, : except Satur day, at 12 night. Returning, leave New York, Pier 27, fc.R., dally, except Sundays, 11 A. M. Due Bridgeport 3:20 P. M. i Ii. H. NICKERSON, Art. The New England Steamship Company MERCHANT'S LINE pally Tixrrrt Snnrtsy Leaves New York. Pier is. Re River, S p. sa. Dae at Bridgeport 7:20 p. m, Iavs Bridgeport, Jot lAtm Dock, S a. aa. Arrive Hew York 7 a. am, Fes rsjrttes Information anti rates apply so 4. B. Sbeitard. Atnih Passnra, T 8utt)i, . stie, jiin. v.o mt tt w n r v, iAMk" Farmer : Want Ads. One Cent a Word, Or Shoe Stores S. B. THING A CO., 1158 Main St. THE CART WRIGHT SHOE CO, 981 Main St. Phone 13( Spring Water- HTGHLAND MINERAL SPRTN WATER CO. A pure water bill I better than a doctor's bill and les; expensive. i4t Warren St. Phone 981 POWHATTAN SPRINGS. Natural crystal beverage is man's drink 1794 North Ave. Phone 1042-1 Tailors L. E. NUNNOLD, 193 Fairfield An Theatres LYRIC THEATRE, 1423 ; Main SI Phone 461 POLI'S THEATRE, 39 Fairfield Av Phone 37 Typewriting-Multigraphini GEO. N. SEARS, Notary Public, 10) Meigs' Building. Phone 922-4 Typewriters MULLINS TYPEWRITER Exchan. 167 State St. Phone 9 4 PLUMMER TYPEWRITER v ES CHANGE, 156 Fairfield Ave. Phone 233 turnm, ts i SMrtwh h I aaU wmmmi