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THE FARMER: APRIL! 25, 1913 9 WOSCEX'S SECTION Separate Skirts at $3.95 Excellent Value. Not only are these new styles, but they are particularly good models, made es pecially for us by one of our best makers. , And while the price appears low for as really , good skirt, yet every garment is made of thor oughly shrunk fabric to insure its hanging evenly as long as you wear it. The finish is worthy of mention, all seams being carefully ' . taped, and ample hem permits of adjusting the1 length without facing. Stylish checks and stripes with plenty of staple navy and black serges are concerned in this special sale at $3.95. Come promptly. 138 of These $2 and $1,50 Lingerie Waists, Saturday Special at 89c. - We have culled a lot of mussed-up waists from our high-grade $2.00 and $1.50 lines, and will sell them Satui'day, just as they are at 89c. Enough for 138 women who are glad to get 61c or $1.11 for washing a pretty waist back into its pristine freshness. Come for yours in the morning, please. 50c Milanese Lisle Gloves, 39c To cultivate your acquaintance, our Glove Section will sell, for , Saturday only, regular 50c lisle . gloves, 2-clasp, in white, tan, gray and black, embroid- ered back one of the best makes in the mar v ket, f or 39c. You should take advantage of this offering. farm lose their luster unless they are kept In oold air storage such aa wo supply at moderate cost. ' man INCOnPORATEO - OUTFITTERS TO MEN WOMEN & CHILDREN BRIDGEPORT. CONN. GERMANY WARNS ARMY AVIATORS Berlin, April 25 Owing: to the 111 Reeling caused recently between this country and France by the landing; of dirigibles at Luneville and Arracour.t, officers of ' the German active army were notified,- today, by the war office that they are forbidden to participate In future In private flights or compe tition Involving? any possibility of crossing; a foreign frontier. Major Von Abercron and Lieut. Voigrht have teen " compelled, therefore, to with draw from the German elimination contest for the selection of represen tatives In , the race for the Gordon Bennet balloon trophy to be held in France in the fall. CATHOLIC CLERGYMEN MUST GIVE UP AUTOS i ' - - Berlin, ' April 25-f6ntan Catholic clergymen- are forbidden ,to either own or ride In automobiles according to an edict published, today. In the RhenUsp Prussian Bishopris of Treves. The head of the diocese declares that the use of automobiles ie Inconsistent with the humility which should adorn the clergy and furthermore automoblling has been the frequent cause of finan cial embarrassment; of priests. OOP SEIZES MILITANT BOMB Cardiff, Wales, April" 25 '"Votes for Women. R. I. P.," were the "words painted on a bomb found, this morn ing, by a patrolman on the steps of Llyods Bank, In this city. The fuse attached to the bomb ' was burning when It was discovered and was quick ly seized and extinguished by the policeman. DANIELS HAZING VIEWS MEET WITH APPROVAL Washington, April 25 Secretary Dan iels, "today, .expressed .his pleasure over many letters of "commendation he has received relative to his attitude in re gard to hazing at the naval academy. "It is encouraging," 4ie said, "'to find that, my views-as to the necessity of putting down hazing with ; a strong hand are shared by many people in all parts of the country." . , , . - This Week's Attractions At Local Play Houses POLI'S VAUDEVILLE (By the Poll Press Agent.) ; Mercedes, the musical enigma, who has all Bridgeport in a state of ecsta tic wonderment this week at Poli's theatre de luxe Is proving a big draw ing card and a real treat to the large audiences which greet his every ap pearance. He goes through the audi torium of the theatre and any person is at liberty and Invited to ask him for any song they choose. Tou whis per the name of the song you wish to hear to Mercedes, who stands beside you and no sooner has the . last word left your Hps than you hear the strains of your favored selection. Mercedes is assisted by 1 Mile. Stantone, who, through the medium of mental telepa thy, learns' from Mercedes the selec tion you wish played. Maud Lambert, musical comedy star and Ernest Lambert,, the noted song composer are winning laurels this week with one of Ae most delightful and entertaining acts ever seen in this city. Miss Lambert has a peculiarly sweet voice and Mr . Ball is a very clever pianist. Among the composi tions of Mr. Ball . are "Love Me and the World is Mine." "Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold" and "To Have, To Hold and To Love." Henry and Francis In their novel skit "Just Nonsense" are enough to convulse any audience. Mr. Henry is well known here and hie methods of "laugh-getting" are original and screamingly funny. y McMahon's Pullman " Porter Maids, ten pretty girls, with Ned (Cork) Nor ton are proving a big hit. The scene of the act is laid In the Grand Cen tral terminals, with trains pulling out every minute and is very' realistic. Lina Pantzer, thevqueen of the wire. Ward arid Weber, two . clever expon ents of the terpslchorean art. The Co lonial Septette, an acrobatic act of ex ceptional merit and the Edison Talking pictures comprise this exceptional pro gram, N THE PLAZA (By tbe Plaza Press Agent.). '. Another one of those bills where It is a difficult problem to pick the head liner prevails, at the Plaza theatre. It is difficult to ' pick . the 'headllner : for the reason that after carefully scan ning each individual act the only-conclusion to be reached Is that they are all equally good. -At the perform ance last night the applause was deaf ening at the conclusion of each" offer ing and clearly disclosed the fact that the audience was well pleased.. The dance craze was) beautifully and ar tistically presented by the original eight Texas Tommy Dancers from the coast of Barbary. This octette of dancers introduced steps of a very intricite nature with lightning like rapidity. - Nothing better in the danc ing line nasi ever been seen in Bridge port. Billie Seaton, the chic comedi enne who is a second edition of Eva Tanguay was given a rousing recep tion, she is a dainty and graceful girl and she puts . her songs across ithe foot-lights in ;.a 'most convincing man ner. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas in a com edy, sketch carried away the laughing honors. .- Si ' '. Jenks, a comical critter with rube, eccentricities, is a comedian who, handled , the dialect and carried his .points -to perfection. Ottiers on Save Family HHPS Sswes ICE9 Ms WE ARE SHOWING 75 STYLES OF ALL GRADES OF REFRIGERATORS " - " AND ' - " ICE CHESTS WE ARE THE REFRIGERATOR PEOPLE KEEP WHAT YOU EAT CLEAN AND SWEET , Prices $4,75 to $90.00 $ 4.75 buys a Refrigerator usually sold for. .... .$-6.00 $ 7.00 buys a Refrigerator usually sold for . - ....... J ...-.. . .$ 9.00 $ 9.00 buys a Refrigerator usually sold for $11.00 $12.00 buys a Refrigerator usually sold for. .$14.00 $14.00 buys a Refrigerator usually sold for i . .$17.00 Higher Grade Boxes at Our Usual Low Prices SPECIAL Special for Saturday A large PORCH ROCKER given away FREE with - every REFRIGERATOR (EE 3B OAffi & CO 1057 TO 1073 BROAD STREET OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Z'iSi CONNECTICUT'S LARGEST FURNITURE STORE this all start headline bill were the Arburg .Sisters in a dancing acrobatic specialty and Granville and Mack in an Italian street organ novelty. The photo-plays were , evidently selected with great care, comedy .predominates'- .' FOX'S LYRIC THEATRE (By the Fox Uyric Press Agent.) One of the biggest hits at the Fox Lyric this week is the slide announc ing the return of Miss Eleanor Cleve land and her players next Monday in a series of one act plays in conunction with the regular vaudeville and pic ture show. Mies Cleveland is now in New Tork rehearsing her 'company which is to include several Bridgeport favorite. The new show for the 'last three days is a fine one, and includes sev eral acts worthy of headline honors. Harry LeClaire with his female im personations is the hit of the show. Rogers and Spencer have a novelty also in a protean sketch called at the Office. Durkin's dogs and Monks made merry with a well executed number of tricks. This act wlil be a great card for the children Saturday. Knight and Benson sang themselves into favor with a neat specialty. "Wood and Wood do a lot of crazy stuff but do it well and won many a laugh. Helen Davis sang and danced herself into favor. The Klnemaoolor again proved its worth as a drawing "attrac tion. There were several good sub ects including "Fixing Father" and a trip along the Rhine. The pictures im prove each change and through the aid of a new color filtering device all flickering is eliminated. The black and white pictures were also of the best. : i '- PARK THEATRE (By tbe Park Press Agent.) "THE OLD HOMESTEAD" The attraction at the Park theatre April 28th and 29th, Denman Thomp son's "The Old Homestead" now in its twenty-seventh year is one of the rich treasures of the American, stage. The old play long familiar to all sorts and conditions of men, is the finest blend of "quaint humor - and u helpful precept current in the theatre. Its pervading spirit is that of the tender and sim ple love of an old man for all that is simple and lovely, of an old man who might sing with -Jean Ingelow: ""I opened the doors of my heart and behold, i ' There was music within and a song. And .echoes did feed on the sweetness1, repeating it long." To go and see "The Old Home stead'' is like going home for a visit Joshua Whitcomb Is one of the most beautiful characters on the stage. Dear to the hearts of millions, no play ever produced i with such success, en dorsed by the press, public and man agers for over a quarter century, the grand old play will be presented with the; original favorites under the per sonal direction of Mr. Frank Thomp son. ' ' ROBIN HOOD The presentation of "Robin Hood" which will be heard again at the Park theatre on "Wednesday matinee and night. April 30th, will surely take rank as the greatest of ail revivals of this light' opera classic. The De Koven Opera Company was organized for the specific purpose of encouraging a taste for the beet works in the light opera repertaory and the present production is its first offering. With this in view, the management has been lavish in the way of expenditure to secure the best singers and the most amusing comedians who could surpass all of their predecessors In former perform ances of "Robin Hood.". Scenically the production has been made not only on a large scale, but wltjv due regard for the artistic side as well. English 'artists designed both the scenery and costumes, and the ever-present idea in the mind of the producer, Daniel V. Arthur, was to visualize as much as possible, a true picture of old Notting ham and-T Sherwood Forest as they must have been when King Richard I. reigned in England. TAXI GIRLS ON JOY RIDE AT PARK A collection of r specialty artists is the Taxi-Girls heralded as "A Merry Party of Joy Riders Speeding Through the Lanes of Laugh land" showing at the Park theatre today and tomor row. This production produced' under the personal direction of Joe Hurtig should make a real showing, but its lack of logical plot is distinctly supplied by Individuals in the cast .which are themselves the show and, realize true musical comedy and vaudeville spirit. The scenes are laid in .Mexico and with a pretty and sprightly chorus in which mingle real dancers who have proven themselves both in circus and stage productions lead the less initiat ed form true background for the work of prima-donnas, soubrettes and come dians. Fun and floci is not lacking and the coloring of the costumes is all that the eye can desire. An olio following the first act in which the Morin sisters sing and dance to the edification of the audience is a mainstay of the pro duction. And furthermore there are some real singers who put over "Teas ing Moon," "Goblin Man", "Swanee Shore" and other song hits in style. Ward and Bohlman rendering hu mor and songs besides leading in the character parts were greatly enjoyed. The Farrell-Taylor Trio, in blackface, brass and minstrelsy are too well known to need comment other than to say they are improving rather than re maining dormant. And there is Tom Carter, Marty Semon. Blanche Daven port, Ida Bayton and last but far from least Primrose Semon, a sou brette of marked ability whose songs did much to enliven the occasion. Altogether while lacking in contin uity of plot the Taxi-Girls make a showing which cannot be ignored by the regular devotees of burlesque and should attract all lovers of comedy, song and dance. Special Information in reference to summer millinery and ready trimmed hats all suitable for summer wear. W. E. Halligan, 989 Broad street. Fumer Want Ads. One Cent a Word. 3E IXERCISE ECOWOMY IN YMG IT IS ALWAYS TRUE ECONOMY FOR YOU TO BUY FROM MERCHANTS WHO ADVERTISE THEIR VALUES THE MOHICAN COMPANY ARE LARGE PEALERS AND GIVE BIG VALUES :::::::: LET US SUPPLY YOUR WANTS FOR SATURDAY Lean Pork Roasts lb 15c Mohican Catsup. 3 bots 25c Whole Milk Cheese lb 19c Mealy Potatoes peck 23c Fresh Made Bread loai 3c Old Victory Whiskey bot 69c Milk Fed Veal Legs lb 16c lb tSBeH Mohican Soap 7 bars 25c Strictly Fresh Eggs doz 21c Fancy Pineapples 3 tor 25c Assorted Fruit Pies each 10c Old Monogram Whiskey qt 69c Mohican Flourjhe Best by Test, Try it XI bbls. 25 $1.35 y8s 69c l-16s 35c CHOICE MEATS Native Killed Fowl Stewing Chickens. , Lean Pot Roasts . . . Genuine Lamb Legs Fancy Lamb Loins Lamb For equarters Shoulders of Veal . . Veal Boiling Pieces JLean. Fresh Shoulders Bonanza Hams . . Ib 22c lb 17c lb 13c lb 18c lb 15c lb 12c lb 15c lb 14c lb 14c lb 17c FINE GROCERIES Granulated Sugar 5 " 23c Frcsl1 Ginger Snaps 2 11,8 llc Moh.Pancake Flour 9c Moh. Crushed Oats pkg 9c Quaker Oats pkg 9c Pettijohn's Food pkg 13c H. O. Oats pkg 14c Grandma's p Q Fl0Ur pg 9C Maple Flakes pkg 9c Puffed Wheat.'. . .pkg 9c FRESH FRUITS-& VEG. Roasted Peanuts quart 5c .Baldwin Apples . . quart 7c Pansies, large baskets 20c .Large Cocoanuts each 10c Smyrna Figs lb 16c Turkish Dates. . 3 lbs 25c Fancy Lemons, .dozen 25c. Calif. Grass -bunch 35c Green Peppers dozen 25c Champagne Mumm's Ex. Dry & White Seal qts $2.75; pts $1.50 Home Made Baked Goods I Butter, Cheese and Eggs I Family Wines & Liquors Assorted Cup Cakes dz 8c Jelly Rolls ....... each 8c Large Layer Cakes ea 15c Cream Puffs dozen 20c Chocolate- Eclairs doz 30c ianoy Table Butter lb 31c Skim Milk Cheese, .lb 13c Pure Lard. .lb 13c White Compound. . Ib 10c Premium Oleomargarine. . Jj 23C Geneva Gin. . . . .quart 75c Wild Cherry Bracer 004 75 Old Quaker BoUrbOU qt $1.10 Golden Wedding Rye . . qt 95 C lxRaux BYench Brandy bt Jt 1lohican Baking Powder The Equal of Any and All Brands 1 lb can 29c y2 lb can 15c 34 R can 10c ffg Watch Monday's Announcement of Next Week's COFFEE SALE "W-b czsjssup w.i'ir''"'"!::::;::;!:' 11 : 90-102 GOLDEN HILL STREET - -'. .'.I..!'..-,,..... Z 'r'Zl ' -1-r'irir Tliiiimi Gainesborough Picture Is Sold For $100,800 ; t ' New York, April 25. Thomas Gainesborougti's painting, "The Mark et. Cart;" out j?t Sir Lionel Phillips collection, -was sold by auction, today, for $100,800, a record price' for a Gainesborough picture. The previous best for one of his work was ?63,00. MISSING BORDEN GIRL MAY BE ON OCEAN New . York, April 2 6. The New York police department officially be gan, today, a systematic search for Romona Borden, the 17 year old daughter of Gail Borden, millionaire milk dealer. She was reported, yes terday, to have returne1 to the New Jersey sanitarium whence she disap peared Wednesday afternoon. It ap pears that the statement of her re turn was one of expediency on the part of the sanitarium authorities and it is understood that neither Borden, the family physician nor Mr. Borden's lawyers have the slightest idea where she Is. ' The girl answering Miss Borden's description in many ways sailed for Europe, yesterday, on the Cincinnati. After conferring with the police Mr. Borden went to his hotel to get a few hours' rest before continuing the search. Apparently his efforts here during the early morning were fruitless. -He said he believed his daughter was either in this city or nearby and declared that, if -necessary, he would hunt for her all t over the world. "Someone will pay dearly for this," said the. father. "I know that my daughter is not back at the sanitari um and I am pretty positive that she has not gone abroad." Mr. Borden added that the initials "M,' A. B." on a suit case in the auto mobile that took ; Romona from . the Hampden Sanitarium revealed the identity of one of the women who had aided his daughter's flight. Inquiry at this woman's home in Brooklyn, today, showed that she went to Atr lantic City on Wednesday. Word from Atlantic City said that a girl answering Miss Borden's de scription left a hotel there, yesterday afternoon, with-three women and took a train for New York. COMPANION OF PRINCESS DIES OF HIS INJURIES Berlin, April 25 The. accident in which the Princese Shakoffshoya and Vsevoled Abramovitch ' were injured while flying in a biplane at' Johannes thai, yesterday, resulted in the death of the latter, today, from concussion of the brain. It is learned that the m RS. SEIELY'S SECURITY I BUILDING I IV! ain St. WAIST SHOP UP STAIRS TAKE ELEVATOR JUSTRECEIVED 5,000 WAISTS READY FOR YOUR CHOOSING Sensational iargaMs FOR SATURDAY ONLY EACH " Offering White Silk Waists Figured Silk Waists. . ..... Striped Silk Waists. AT Imported Madras Waists , . . Voile Waists ... Lingerie Waists Fancy Lace Trimmed Waists, high and low necks, tailored Style Waists with low and flat collars SILK CHIFFON AND MESSALINE WAISTS 00 E ii Also Dainty French Voile and Lingerie Waists, New Summer Silk Waists, in Black, White and stripes. These extraordinary values all at $2,00 each MRS. SEELY'S WAIST SHOP 1115 JUIN STREET SECURITY BLDC. UP STAIRS TAKE EliEVATOR was steering the machine at the 'time it dashed to the ground. .She Is only slightly Injured. WOMAN'S ASHES SENT TO MILFORD BY PARCEL POST Milford, Maes., Aiiril 25 Parcel post brought here, today, the ashes of Mrs. Jane Stoddard a former resident of Princese, ..who la a certified air . pilot, Milford who died recently at Vacavllle, Cal. The ashes were in a sealed me tallic box which was placed in a lot in Vernon Grove cemetery. Mra. Stoddard was the widow of Warren Stoddard, who resided hers many years ago. DIED. LOUDEX,-At Silvermine, April 23. Johrt Louden. RICH. In Norwalk Hospital, April 22, John Rich of Rowayton, aged 7 years. I