Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: APRIL 29, 1913 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ...iswords isc, stimes 35c Real Estate to Buy and Sell Furnished Rooms to Rent Business Men's Exchange FOR SALE mgor Sale" Advertisements i TAe Farmer ttiau ready chMen. Try oae, yon will ke rprtsca at the Im TO LET HELP WANTED Many men and women call at The Farmer and look , .h Heln Wonted Ads. If too need help Ad SITUATIONS If yon are out of work. The Rumer Wants Ads ought to be of material assistance to yon. Read them over carefully each day. SBt) Ocwn that spotted placard and secure a tenant Wmmmr m the modem way -Cat-augh a Fumei class!- mediate results. CM MH li Usenrent. vertise. S3 J L Today's Wants v wants Ads -will 'be received for this page up to 12 o'clock noon. Those sent in at a later hour up to 230 -will appear on the second or third page of this paper under the heading, "Latest Wants." Unclassified WANTED. Toung lady for clerical position. Address Box 237, City, a IXST. Pocketbook. Ladies pocket book lost enroute from New York to New Haven on 12:03 train Satur day. April 26th. Contained a blue pasteboard box (Aurnhammer" printed on It) which contained solid gold man's watch, cuff links, sold ribbon fob, . 3 sold studs, diamond stickpin and stickpin containing 7 three pearls. Any information re garding same will be' gladly received as they are valued as keepsakes .from dead father. Finder will re ceive liberal reward- upon return. Address J. Q. Steinbach, 531 South ISth St,. Newark, N. J. U 38 bp VUTTED. Vnrnitura. stores. pets, store fixtures, &c Tel. 1084. City Aaction Cn, 3 State St. - Q 11 9 IOt CA.TT BEAT Casca-Laxlne tab la ts for constipation. Try them. , q T a VFHOUhtS!!H2H33t&, Furnitnr Repair ed and rennished. Prices always reasonable at Strata's Furniture Store. State, near Clinton. Hi tfo WAVTED TO BUT second hand fur . niture, stoves, carpets, etc 2f State St. . Phone i 19-13. O FOR SALE. IS fine, large building lots. 60x100. north St. Vincent's hospital about two minutes' walk from trolley, fine view of Long Is land Sound. Will be sold -very rea sonable to quick buyer. Address Richard Shults. Exeter St. H 28 s I po ORDER your screen now, antique fur niture renovated, fine cabinet work. ,". Carl A. Schmidt . J.20 . Cleveland f - a venae. TJ 4 a p Amusements MACHINISTS DANCE and May party, - Colonial Hall,- Wednesday evening, -April So. TJ28bo DO.VT FORGET the big grand open ing of the Brooklawn Dancing PaviL ion Tueeday night. Everybody wel come. Management of McCormack & Barry. U 26 a MACHDIISTS DANCE and May party, Colonial Hall, Wednesday evening, April 30. TJ 28 so THE BROOKIAW DANCING PAV ILION opens Tuesday night with one of their usual big Mardl Gras and v Confetti dances. ' Admission, gentlemen 35c, ladies 16c. U 26 s MACHINISTS DANCE and May party. , Colonial Hall, Wednesday evening, Z April 30. ' U 28 so- Employment Agency SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, all kinds of help supplied. Mrs, Eklund. 839 Lenox avenue. Tele phone 12S1-S. Alltf Art Glass BRIDGEPORT ART GLASS CO, 133 John St. Phone 1017-6 Automobile Dealers H. M. FORD Distributor Maxwell Cars and th R C. H. $900. 1817 Main St. Phone 1272 6TARBUCK A MATTICE, FORD CARS, S5 Fairfield Ave. Phone 4075-2 Automobile Supplies tf. E. AUTO SUPPLY CO. Lei us prove how we can save you 2 S to 40 per cent.-on your supplies. $10 idain St.. Phone -4260 To Rent TO RENT. Apply 71 ' Washington Terrace, 7 room flat, modern, rea sonable to right party; U 26 tf FOR . RENT. 5 room ments, steam heat. . Iranistan Ave. flat, all im Inquire 268 U 26-sp TO RENT. Flat first floor, 417 Greg , ory street, 6 rooms, all improve ments. Inquire on premises. U22dp TO RENT. 6 room flat, second floor, all improvements, steam heat. 210 Pearl street, between Brooks and East Main, residential neighbor hood. , U22tf TO REN T. Nicely furnished rooms, in strictly respectable family. 627 Fairfield Ave. Phone 358-3. U 14 tf. TO RENT. Store, 800 Fairfield ave nue, opposite Blue Ribbon . Qaraga. S 4 tf. TO RENT. Upstairs flat. 7 rooms. In two family house. Fine neighbor hood, all modern improvements. Ap ply Tl Washington Terrace. U 8 tf TO RENT. 6 room flat, first floor. all improvements, shades, screens. Apply 148- Whitney avenue. Phone 1455. f P1-B.8 FOR RENT Rooms for manufactur ing or storage.. Gledhill & Co., 4 21 Water St. R8 tf TO . RENT Nice . light .. furnished rooms to man and wife for light housekeeping. References ex changed; rent $6.50 per week. Ad dress E. A. W-, care Farmer. . T2 tf AUTOMOBILE Five passenger Bulck foredoor, fully equipped. Just like new, Prest-o-Lite tank 12, electric horn $3.76, worth1 $12. 844 Noble Ave. U 24 d ' Photography DEVELOPING of films and plates for amateurs, first class work guaran teed. Armstrong-Whitman Studio, - Park and Fairfleld Aves. T2 at Personal MADAM CARLYN English clairvoy ant and palmist teTls all you wish to know. , 204 Prospect street, off Warren. S5 atp CARD READER Advice on all af fairs, 25c. Mrs. Levy, 674 Madison Ave., fourth house above North Av, L25 tf TOILET PREPARATION DR. GAMBGEE'S Toilet Preparations are absolutely pure. For sale at all stores. Dr. Gambgee Co., Fairfleld Conn. U 23 a5P AT BOMMOS A BILT23 MARKET la State - St. Will have Sausage Meat very day. 118 tf.o Auto Tires and Repairing THE A. L. SCHAVOIR CO.. 857 Fair fleld Ave. Phone 162 CONN. AUTO TTRE CO. Recovering and Repairing a Specialty New and Second Hand Tires In stock 241 Connecticut Ave. Phone 968 Bakers MRS. nXLL'S BAKERY. Bread that makes a feast of every meal. Once tasted, never wasted, 166 Wood Av. Phone 2808 CROUCH & PLASSMAN. Try "Never Enough Bread." 601 Howard Ave. Phone 1657-5 Beaver Board THE A.-W. BURRITT CO., Knowlton St. Phone 605 For Sale FOR SALE. Following 2 family house East Side; 6 room cottage, & family house, large back yard, room for barn or garage. Address Bar gain, care of Farmer. U 28 tf FOR SALE. 1 fresh cow, 1 yearling bull, 3 general purpose horses. L B. Hubbell, Ferry Road, corner Orchard, Stratford. U 26 3p FINE HOME FOR SALE. Two fami lies, 10 minutes walk from post " office, fine neighborhood, modern building, will sell reasonable, part cash, balance on mortgage. Address P. O. Box 450, City. U 26 tf FOR SALE, RESIDENCE, No. 126 Elmwood Place, West End. Fine location and convenient to Fairfleld 'Ave. trolley. Inquire Edward S. Hotchkiss, City. Telephone. , U 26 d SHONINGER PIANO, Al condition, 590.00; Hasbrouch less than 1 year old, $140.00; Boyer, mahogany, equal to. new, $125.00; Newton, full size, only slightly used $135.00. Cash or easy payments. 1 Consoli dated Piano Co.. opp. 'Post Office, Cannon St. i U 12 " tf. SEVERAL USED PIANOS at rare prices. Shoninger, ebony. $90.00; Hasbrouch.mahogany, $140.00; Bay er, - mahogany, $125.00; Newton, $135.00. - These pianos have been practically rebuilt and ' are " in Al condition. Cash or easy payments. Consolidated Piano Co., opp. Post Office, Cannon St.- . U 12 tf. FOR SALE. Fine two family house. Pays 10 per cent, on $7,200. 6,tu will buy It. $2,500 cash, the bal ance "can remain on mortgage. Mod ern throughout, fine residential neighborhood. Address Lock Box 450, City. ' u 8 tf. FOR SALE. $90 buys an uprigm piano, weekly payments $1.00. vio lin $10, fifty "cents a week. New $825 piano for $160. The first caller gets this fine piano. 844 Noble Ave. U 24 d FOR SALE Building tots corner Con necticut and Carroll Aves.. Holland Ave., and Hoiiister Heights. Win. Broch. 347 Fairfleld Ave. S 20 tf VIRGINIA RIVER FARM 175 acres, 100 rich bottom, 6 room house, good barn, 1 mile of electric line, 5 miles of Richmond. Only 87,500; terms. Send for free list-700 Farm Bar gains. Casselman & Company. Rich mond, Virginia. B 8 aip FINE TWO FAMILY HOUSE In splendid neighborhood. Washington Terrace. Paying good interest on ' Investment. Will make a good home. Always rented. Address G. W. H.. care of Farmer. H 23 tf FOR SALE. Fine two family house, good central location. Five min utes walk from Post Office. Will ell cheap. Pays 10 on $7,000. For full particulars address Post Office Box 450, City. H 83 tf FOR SALE Two family house with outbuildings and' an acre of land. The place Is within 20 minutes' Walk .from the centre of the city and suitable for manufacturing pur ' poses, for livery and trucking or can be divided Into building lots: can, be noughts at a bargain. Ad dress G. W, H care Farmer. T2 t TWO FAMILY HOUSE, good central neighborhood, modernly equipped. $7,000. Mortgage can remain. Ad dress H. W. P.. car of Farmer. . H SO " tf. AMBULANCE PRIVATE Soes any distance. Telephone 1661. James T. Rourke. 1285 Main St, S FARMER BUSINESS I3IRECTO Save Time :-: Your Orders will receive the same careful attention from the merchant whose cards appear herewith, as though you called at their several places of business in person. Use this Directory FREELY you will find it a geat convenience. : : ; ... . : . I ' I Bottlers JACOB RUPPERTS BREWERY, 21b Housatonio Ave. Phone 577 WALTER STAPLETON, Lumber St. Phone 1048 Clothing THE SURPRISE Bldg. STORE, Security rnona 1608 Coal THE WHEELER & HOWES CO, Inc. 1221 Main St. Phone 844-2 PEOPLE'S COAL AND WOOD YARD Admiral and Carbon Sta. Phone 63-4 Confectionery O. D. LANE, 1040 Main St. Phone 242 Doctor DR. ALICE L. FITCH, 978 State St Office hours: S a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone 8323 Druggists JENNIE HAMILTON PHARMACY. Cor. Main and State Sta. Pijone 832 Merchants' Exchange Edwin Smith & Co., dealers, in guns, fishing cackle and sporting goods. X OU CZLIX aw" get your keys fitted, locks repaired, saws filed, lawn mowers sharpened, and all kinds of light repairing done at Smith's Gun Store, 95 Wall Street. Telephone 3382-3. POOL CHECKS, Milk Checks, and all kinds of metal checks made at low est prices. We also make Steneils, Burning Brands, Badges, Seals, etc. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co., 41 Can non St. U 24 d WE PAPER your room $2.60 up. also painting. Workmanship guaranteed. F. Beck & Co., 503 Logan St. Phone 2551-12. B 10 tf STERLING ALE Equal to Bass ale. 75 cents per' dozen. Bottled by Carr, 96 Cannon street. Phone 19-3 G17 tf SHOE REPAIRING, at moderate prices. The only up-to-date shop in town. We call and deliver. Tele phone 1391. 'Goodyear Shoe Re pairing Co., 76 John St.- R2 tf DOOR; AND ' WINDOW SCREENS made to order. Odd screens repair : ed in all kinds of wood and (finish. Estimates furnished. Henry C. Hoff man & Co., 255 Water St. R16 tf SHOW CASES Cigar combination . and silent i salesman, store and of fice fittings. Cabinet work of all . kinds designed and made. Hoffman Show Case Co., 255 Water St. ' R14 tf Wanted To Buy WANTED To buy all kinds of second hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfield's old stand, 43 Harrison St. Telephone 1015-2. - SIS at p I BUY OLD HORSES to kill. Re move dead ones fre of charge any where within 25 miles of Bridge port. F. H. Daniels, 2367 Madison Road. Tel. 433 7. Lll t. WANTED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfield's old" stand, 43 Harrison St. Telephone 1015-2, B12 at p YOU DONT WANT any old Junk Or old things around your premises, ' but we want them as we need them for our business. Sell them to Jacob Bros. We will pay you the highest price and get them out of , your way. Prompt attention and satisfaction is our record. 55 Kos suth St., Tel. 236. R6 tf Educational PIANO INSTRUCTION Given by a young lady, terms reasonable. Call or address. 149 Golden HilL S20ap PIANO INSTRUCTION Given by a young, lady, terms reasonable Call or address, 149 Golden HilL B 20 a p DRAFTSMEN, mechanical architect ual or structural, . are always in ' demand at good salaries; ten young men wanted to Join club to learn drawing, at home evenings; Instru . ments furnished. Address C. S K Box 223, City. U25 tf STUDENTS wanted in practical ad vertising class. Terms reasonable. Theoretical, practical, scientific and psychological advertising in all its branches taught. For full Informa tion address Box 450, City. T2 tf Barrels BUY AND SELL all kinds of empty barrels. Sawdust for sale. Bridge port Barrel Co., 58 Beardsley St. Phone 1371. - A25 tf Employment Bureau Gowns BRIDGEPORT EMPLOYMENT BU- THE WOMEN'S SMART SHOP REAU, supplies companions, moth- utt2e Paris all our own era' helpers, nurse maids and com- f J tnos,e who select gowns at home petent domestic help, 670 State St. "7 Golden Hill. Phone 563-5 Phone 4111-2 " ; - " Hotels Furniture Mover ADAMS HOUSE, 40-42 Fairfleld Ave. " Phone 1488 H. G. DEMME CO. If you want your piano or furnl- . ture moved safely give the job to Tnion Ave. Phone 2399 C6 Dealers . DENIS & SQUIRES, 914 Housatonlcl ; Ave. Phone 2888 Garages BLUE RIBBON GARAGE, 295 Fair- LaUndrieS field Ave. Phone 3126 woo AVENUE LAUNDRY BOULEVARD GARAGE,agents "Win- We treat your clothes as our own, ton Cars;" second hand cars also. If you like the idea telephone. 245 Conn. Ave. Phone 1054-2 Wood and Benham Aves. ELM AUTO CO., 184 Elm St. - Phones 1339-4 f Phone 1901 " WOOD AVENUE GARAGE.1 0 3 Wood - Ave. Hione 248 JjUmDer . '. FRANK MILLER LUMBER CO., 156 E. Wash. Ave. Phone 103 Gas and Gasoline Engines WALDORF MOTOR & MACHINE Motor CvCleS CO. buys and sells caglnes and ma- " chinery. First laa repairing. EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES, S. T. 133 Cannon S- Phone 3807-3 Kellogg, 615 State St. Phone 1368 Female Help Wanted WANT makers,. , stitchers, shape, binders, strippers, single needle operators, hose supporter stitchers, fiossers and floss clippers, steady work, go'od pay. The Warner Bros. Co. Apply Employment Office. TJ 28 d WANTED. Cook and maid. Apply to Miss Warren, 406 Seaview ave nue. U 17 WANTED. To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfield's old stand, 43 Harrison St. Telephone 1016-2. Ullai'p Furnished Rooms to Bent FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Running water. Bath. Address Reasonable, care of Farmer. R17 tf FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, well appointed, k electric lights, steam heat, hot water, private bath, pri vate phone if desired. In select neighborhood, Clinton Ave., near Maplewood Ave., with private fam ily. Can be seen by appointment only. References exchanged. Ad dress P. O. Box 450. U 26 tf Situations. Wanted W ANTE D. Position, by a reliable young man, 24 years old. as a col lector, salesman, or any outside posi tion. References. Address R. H. C, care of Evening Farmer or Phone 858-2. A 20 tf POSITION WANTED. By man cap able of taking charge of office and making himself useful at anything. Good at figures and writing. Ad. dress C. U, care of Farmer Pub. Co. T IT tf WANTED. Office position by young lady, experienced in bookkeeping and typewriting. Address M 8., care Farmer. H 23 tf WANTED. Position In Men's de partment of credit clothing house. Has had experience at selling, also collecting. Best of references. At present employed. Address L.L.B., ijtr,1 of T."s i in ,. n i i i WANTED. Position in store or with Jtrm ,witn possibilities oi auvaiK, ment. Would like position as out side salesman. Salary reasonable To start. A a areas S. J. J . Farmer. - . H 18 tf T. B. WARREN Real Estate and Insurance 29 Sanf ord Building Tel. 925 Fire Department Inadequate Yon probably noticed this statement Better think about some Insurance hadn't yon? " We would rather Insure yon here than hereafter. BARTRAM & GREENE Franklin Block. All kinds of Insur ance, Bonds and Real Estate A GOOD MOTTO Do not be without a Fire In surance Policy. Call or write Anderson &Co, . 53 JOHN STREET GENERAL INSURANCE , Telephone Your Help Wanted WANTED. First class repair men at once. Fairfleld Auto Co., No. 126 John St. U 28 sp W A N T E D. Screw machine hands capable of operating Pratt & Whit ney machines, also Gridley and Jones & Lamson Turret for night work. Good wages-and steady work for the right parties. Helm Ma chine Co., Danbury, Conn. XJ 26 u Printers and Stationers GOOD PRINTING AT LOW PRICES, 100 Cards, Statements, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Note Heads, or Clrcu' lars, printed for only $2.00. Slksay, 8 3 Rellly street. U22tf STAR PRESS prints "business cards, envelopes, bill heads, statements, tickets, programs, show cards, cir culars. Low prices, first class work, Jacob Schneider, Prop., 16.-18 Kos suth St., corner Stratford Ave. Phone 2603-12. Union office. T3 tf Financial THE CITY NATIONAL BANK, United States Depository Capital,$250,000; surplus and profits, $450,000. Frank Miller, President; David F. Read, Vice President; Charles E. Hough, Cashier; Henry B. Terrill, Asst. Cashier; Robert . A, Beers, Asst. Cashier. THE CONNECnCUT . NATIONAL BANK, of Bridgeport, corner Main and Wall Streets. S. W. Baldwin, President; H. S. Shelton, Vice Pres ident; ' L. H. Powe, Cashier; T. C. Cummlng, Assistant Cashier. Cap ital, $332,100;' Surplus and. Profits, Lump, $380,000. Farmer Want Ads lc a word ' Girls Wanted ; Experienced Press Operators Highest wages paid to first class operators. We have the finest, best equipped press room In the city. ' The conditions under which the girls work such mm Li gluing and Sanitation are perfect. Any amlntioua girl to whom steady work and good wages are an object con obtain profitable employment at The Bryant Electric Co. G IK.I.JS WANTEP The Warner Brothers Co, CORJSET DEPARTMENT Makers, binders, shapers, tactcers, faose supporter stitchers, fiossers, floes clippers and single needle op- J erators. , ......... . BOX DEPARTMENT Girls on METAL DEPARTMENT Girls for light foot press work. Also hoys. APPLY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, Corner Lafayette and Gregory sta. Nurses' Registry NURSES' CENTRAL REGISTRY AND HOME. Our telephone Is for your accommodation, plus expedi ency and Judicious selection. 1088 Fairfield Ave. Phone 834 NURSES WEST END REGISTRY AND HOME, 378 State St. Phone 8823 Papers, Magazines, Rags DISBROW & LAW 205 John St. Phone .1617-2 Piano Tuning WISSNER PIANOS, Cor. Broad and State Sta, Phone 2526 Pianos WM. A. TOMLTNSON, 15 Fairfield Ave. Phone 2057-4 Real Estate Agents BARTRAM & GREENE, 164 State St. Phone 4591 Second Hand Furniture H. A. JASMIN, 856 State St. Call up 1068 and get lo per cent, more fur your goods. Why? Low rent, larger business, quick sales. Upholstering UPHOLSTERING, Furniture Repair ed and reflnlsbed. ' Prices always reasonable at Strain's Furniture Store. State, near Clinton. H 6 tf (OLD FURNITURE RENEWED, chairs recaned, upholstering. Gus C. Mai. 11ns. 326 East Main street. Phone 1046-S. T7al Storage Warehouses STORAGE OF FURNITURE Sepa rate rooms, securely locked, furni ture and ohina packing. . Furniture and pianos removed, large vans, careful handling. Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co.. 1285 Main St, Cor. Congress St. Tel. 1084-2. Pianos and Musical . Instruments FOR 8 ALE. Used piano of reputable make In fine condition. WU1 sell cheap for cash. Address Piano. care of Farmer. H IS tf. PIANOS TUNED and repaired by an experienced factory mas terms reasonable. Send postal. Tuner, care of Farmer. B $ tf FOR SALE House organ. $20:p)ano. $145. Zither, patented djrn. Will accept weekly payments. Afl, dress L A. XL. car Farmer. T a PIANOS TUNED by our own factory) man, thorough experience and ab- solute satisfaction ' euarantaed Phone 2626, W issuer War rooms. . Broad and State eta. Tl a USED KNABB PIANO, taken la mXM change for player, beautiful tone, perfect condition, will sell cheap foe cash or easy payments.- William A. Tomlinson, 16 Fairfield .avenue, us. stairs, Sagal Building. "Room 100 !. T S tL Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word. all kinds of paper hoxea. Ord Shoe Stores S. B. THING & CO., 1158 Main St THE CARTWRIGHT SHOE CO, 98S Main St. Phone 1365 Spring Water HIGHLAND MINERAL SPRING WATER CO. A pure water bill is better than a doctor's bill and less expensive. 645 Warren St. Phone 987 POWHATTAN SPRINGS. Nature's crystal beverage is man's drink. 1794 North Ave. Phone 1042-S Tailors L. E. NUNNOLD, 193 Fairfield Ave. Theatres LYRIO THEATRE, 1423 Main St. Phone 4616 POLTS THEATRE, 29 Fairfield Ave. Phone 874 Typewriting-Multagraphing GEO. N. SEARS, Notary Public, 108 Meigs' Building. Phone 922-4 Typewriters MULLINS TYPEWRITER Exchange, 167 State St. Phone 941 PLUMMER TYPEWRITER EX. CHANGE, 156 Fairfield Ave, i, i Phone 2339 RY