Newspaper Page Text
11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 1 5. words 1 5c 3 times 35c Real Estate to Buy and Sell - Furnished Rooms to Rent Business Men's Exchange THE FAEMER: MAY 31, 1913 : FOR SALE I f TO LET .1 HELP WANTED I P SITUATIONS j Kor Sale" Advertisements In The Farmer bring ready ( 1 , Take down that 'spotted placard and secure a tenant , 1 ( 1 Many men and women call at The Farmer and look ' ' If you are out of work. The Farmer Wants Ads ought purchasers. Try one, you will be surprised at the lm- i S or roomer in the modern way through a Farmer class!- i ' ' i over' the Help Wanted Ads. If you need helpAd- J, ( to be of material assistance to you. ' Read them over f j mediate results. 1 1 , 1 fled advertisement. . . ' . . 1 , . vcrtise. '- , 1 1 1 carefully each day. I Today's Wliite : Wants Ads will be received for this page up to 12 o'clock noon. Those sent in at a later hour up to 2:30 will appear on the second or third page of thls'pateT under the tieadingV Lifst Wants." EASTON The regular meeting of Easton rnnte, Ki. 149. was held in the grange ball on Tuesday evening'. As it was "Neighbors Night," the Trumbull and Monroe granges were Invited to the meeting and quite a delegation from each grange turned out for euch a very unpleasant evening. Bach grange furnished something on the program. The Monthly Lecturer Mrs. John H. C&ndee, presented the following pro gram reading by Mrs. Berger of Trum. .bull grange, vocal solo by Sister Our tie of Harmony grange; paper by Mrs. Charles lacy of Harmony grange; reading by Arthur Staples; recitation by Miss EJcflUh Logan; a vocal solo by William Leper. At the close of the program the committee. Misses Mary 6. Ferris, Martha. I Andrews and Edith Logan, served Ice oream and cake. The next meeting' will be "Children's Night" and the children win nave charge of the program. Mts. Clareoc B. Andrews and Kv. "Qd Clark: started on Thursday morn ing foT Manchester. Tt,' where they expect to spend a few days. Miss OUT Hull and Mr. George ShuRe were recent guests of Miss Hull's- aunt, Mrs.' Frank Edwards, in FlattsvUle. Miss Mabel Edwards spent "Wednes day night with -her sister, Mrs. Harry Edwards In StratfleM. Mrs. JBmest Ferry is entertaining a, friend at her- home 'from out of town. . - Mr. Harry Edwards is spending a few- days in New- Yo-ac state as guest of friends. The many friends Of Mrs. Mallette Sanford will be pleased to hear the "good news" that she Is now gaining nicely and it is nopedshe will soon be able to return to her home here. ACCEPTS BOSTON GALL yew Haven, May 31 Rev. Howard S. Wilkinson, assistant rector at St. Paul's church and for nearly a year during the absence of the rector, act ing rector of the church, announces that toe has accepted the call recently offered to him to become rector of Emmanuel - church; - West Boxbury, (Boston. BIRTHDAY PARTY. A very pretty little stag affair held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, 460 Brooks street, Wednesday, May 28, In honor of the ninth birthday of Master Thomas Murray, Beoond oldest son. The home was prettily j2.ecora.ted for the auspicious occasion tn- red, white and blue bunting and the little guests made their way to the little host and his mother under an arch of palms and lilacs. Master Thomas was the recipient of many very useful as well " as ornamental presents in honor of the occasion. A very pretty -table - was set by -Mrs. Murray "and after all had done Justice to the oeJces, candleev nuts end fruits and other dainties they departed for their homes, all wishing Master Thomas many returns of the day. Those present were Baby Hod rick of Brooklyn, guest of honor, Thomas Del say, John- Nolan, Bay Fettlte, Walter Barrett, Charles Kelley, Thomas Kear. ney. Earnest Kelley, Raymond Kelley, John Burnea, Clarence Oaffeney, John, Thomas. Edmund and Robert Murray. As. the guests were leaving. Master Thomas gave out little favors of lit tle silk- Hags. , There is as much personality in the way a woman wears - her flowers as In the way she dresses her hair. The plainer the cut the smarter the costume. This is the dictum for coun try daytime dresa. Unclassified AGENTS . WANTED for article which nn hntinlf r-an realBt Sella at al most very house. A. Will HalloCk, Dept. C-85, Box 408, Bristol, Conn. a. p WRKKLES VANISH like mists before the sun; don't look old. Superior Wrinkle Treatment does the work. Particulars free. . Lund & Lund, Box 625, Pomona, Calif. '.- ' ap WANTED TO BITS' second hand fnr nlture. stoves, carpets, etc. 290 Btate St. Phone S10-1S. OS tf o CPHOLSTERIN&, Furniture Repair ed and reflnished. Prices always reasonable at S tram's Furniture ; Store. State, near Clinton. H5 tfo WAKTED. Furniture, stoves, ear- pets, store xixtures, arc. uei. ivs. City Auction Co 886 State St. XOU CANT BEAT Casca-Laxlne tab- lets for constipation. Try them. ' G 7 AT BOMMOS A BILTZ MARKKT IB State St. Will ' have Sausage Meat every day. 1 i 1 18 tf.o FOR SALE. 16 fine large building lots, 60x100. north St. Vincent's hospital about two minutes' walk from trolley, line view of Long Is land Sound. Will be sold very rea sonable to quick buyer. Address Richard Shultz. Exeter Gt. ' H 29 s J po Lost and Found LOST. Wednesday afternoon, a. hunt . ing case gold watch with Inscrip tion inside back of case, Frank L. , , Packard, from Mother, June 23, 1894; also monogram F. L. P. on outside front case. Reward if re turned to above, in any snane at 881 ' Maple street, --or Bridgeport . " Braes; i" -" , i - R 29 s SALESMAN WANTED. THE KALAMAZOO ADVERTISING CO.," Kalamazoo, . Mich., wishes a j reliable man In this section at once to sell Its excellent line of calendars. Exclusive territory. - , , ap EXPERIENCED TRAVELING sales man by manufacturer to solicit mills - and factories ' with modern belt lacing device, on salary or com mission. References required. Ad dress required. ,. . Address, Box 71, Westfleld, Mass. R 31 b f A T,TH HELP. MAN TO TRAVEL In Connecticut. Groceries, candies, jewelry. Good pay and tailored suit or 20 year . watch free In 90 days. Experience unnecessary. J.' E. McBrady, Chi--cago. ' ' a BUSINESS CHANCES. DEVELOP YOUR, BUST LaFrance Bust Developer works wonders. . Nothing like it, no failures, perfect ly harmless. Mrs. H. J. Taylor, 6889 Towns avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. a Storage Warehouses STORAGE OF FURNITURE Sepa rate rooms, securely locked, furni ture and china packing. Furniture and pianos removed, large vans, . careful handling. Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co.. 1285 Main St Cor. Congress St. TeL 1084-2. No matter what you want try the Farmer 'Want Col umn. . 8) To Bent TO RENT Small tenement, 61 Henry St. Inquire 232 Main St. R 29 bp TO RENT. 3 furnished rooms, light housekeeping. Call from 9 to 1. Tel. 49S-2. N ' K. 28 dp TO RENT. 471 Seaview Ave- apart ment of eight rooms, view of Sound and harbor, fine for boating, wide veranda, twenty minutes' walk, to center or eight by trolley, all Im provements. R 28 dp TO RENT. 7 room flat, modern im provements, 1126-28 Fairfield Ave. Inquire Zlmnfer Bros.. 179 Golden Hill St. Tel. 2417-2. R 27 dp TO RENTj 8 rooms, gas, electric lights, bath and stationary tubs, corner Spring St. and Sanford Ave., Fairfield, Conn. Inquire H. F. Red dy. Security Building. Phone 1800 or 1808-3, Bridgeport, Conn. U SO tf. TO RENT. Apply 71 Washington Terrace, .7 room flat, modern, rea sonable to right party. U 26 tf TO RENT. Nicely furnished rooms, in strictly respectable family. 627 Fairfield Ave. Phone 368-3. . U 14 tf. TO RENT. Store, 800 Fairfield ave nue, opposite Blue Ribbon Oarage. S 4 tf. TO RENT. TJpstalrs flat. 7 rooms. In . two family . house. Fine nelghbor ' hood, all modern Improvements. Ap ply 71 Washington Terrace. TJ 9 tt FOR RENT Rooms for manufactur ing or storage. - Oledhill & Co., 421 Water St. R8 tf TO RENT Nice light furnished rooms to man and wife for light housekeeping. References ex changed; rent $8.60 per week. Ad dress B. A. W.. care Farmer. T2 tr ' Furnished Booms to Bent TWO WELL FURNISHED ROOMS on bath room floor with private family. Inquire 168 Parallel street. R 24 d P FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Running , water. Bath. Address Reasonable, care of Farmer. R17 tf "URNTSHED ROOM TO RENT, well appointed, electric lights, steam heat, hot water, orlvate bath, prl- 'ate phone if . desired. In select neighborhood, Clinton . Ave., . near Maplewood Ave., with private fam ily. Can be seen by appointment only. References exchanged. Ad dress P. O. Box 460. U 26 tf Situations Wanted W ANTE D -Position, by a reliable lector, salesman, or any outside Posi tion. References. Address R. H. C, care of Evening Farmer or Phone S3 8-2. A20tf POSITION WANTED. By man cap able of taking charge of office and . making himself, useful at anything. Good at figures and writing. Ad dress C. L.. care of Farmer Pah. Co. T 17 tf WANTED. Position In Men's de . partment of credit clothing house. Has had experience at selling, also Collecting. Best of references. At presmit employed. Address L.L.B., care of Fnrmer.- H 19 tf WANTED Position In store or with iirin with possibilities ol aovance ment. Would like position as out side salesman. Salary reasonable to start. Aaarcsa S. J. J., oarp of Farmer. HH'U Pianos and Musical Instruments MUSIC LOVERS ATTENTION. Here is your chance to save money n your sheet music. A sensational of fer. For particulars of this proposi tion write The Select Sheet Music Club, Albert Lea, Minnesota, i ap FOR SALE. Used piano of reputable make In fine condition. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Piano, - care or D armar. ttii'n. PIANOS TUNED and repaired by an experienced factory man terms reasonable. Send Dostai. .Tuner. care of Farmer. H 28 tf WVR SAIjIUtonia nrnn. 8 20: Diana. $145. Zither, patented desijm. Will accept weekly payments. Ad- TI a BOMVw A VJUiy mrj va vrwmm vb man, tborous arpertonoe and abj- Phone 2526, WiBsne Wareroom . . f.. frit, uroaa ana ewivow i USED KNABE PIANO, - taken In ex change for player, beautiful tone, perfect condition, will sell cheap for cash or easy payments. William A. Tomlinson, 16 Fairfield avenue, up stairs, ttagal iSUUQllK. noam xvv 18. Ttt WANTED. To buy all kinds of seo ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfield's old stand, 43 Harrison St. Telephone 1016-2, R 14 ajp Employment Agency SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Ml V . Eklnnd. 889 Lenox avenue. Tele phone 1231-8. A 11 tf GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS. AT rxrt- 1 Vi T-nii -nreoaration $5. Re tiimoil if -not aooointed. Particu lars free. American Civil Service . Rohonl- Washington. D. C. R24rp66666 P.HICHESTER S PILU . THE DIAMOND BRAND. J LUHatl AH JO" "r"fll. "f A t hlibM-tei- UlumniBnidAN Hill in Re4 &ct bold inctaUicVr boxes, sealed wlta Blue Ribbon. S Take no other. Eur of y ti nnr axKiut. Ask for C S.XER 8 Al NO 1 1-l.M. for S3 known as Bast, b&fast, Alwsys Reliabls B IS SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE For Sale FOR SALE. 2 family house. Connoc- LlCUt AVC, fO.OUU. a iw large yard. Hicks St.. $3,700. room cottage, 7 minutes from P. O., $2,950. Address L. W., care of Farmer. r 6 MUST BE SOLD Private residence in best part of Prospect St. ija5SB rooms, fine condition. Address Pri vate, care of Farmer. K 6 tf. FINE HOME FOR SALE. Two fami lies, 10 minutes walk irom pom office, fine neighborhood, modern building, will sell reasonable, part cash, balance on mortgage. Address P. O. Box 460. City. TJ 26 tf 6HONINGEB PIANO, Al condition. $90.00; Hasbrouch less tnan i year old, $140.00; Boyer, mahogany, equal to new. $126. 00-; Newton, full size, only . slightly used $186.00. Cash or easy payments. Consoli dated Piano Co., opp. Post Offiee, Cannon St. U 12 tf. SEVERAL USED PIANOS at rare prices. Sboninger, ebony, Hasbrouch,mahogany, $140.00; Bay er, mahogany, $125.00; Newton, $185.00. These pianos have been practically rebuilt and are In Al condition. Cash or easy payments. Consolidated Piano Co., opp. Post Office, Cannon St. U 12 tf. FOR SALE. Fine two family house. Pays 10 per cent, on 87,200. ,ouw win buy it. $2,600 cash, the bal ance can remain on mortgage. Mod ern throughout, fine ' residential neighborhood. Address Lock Box 460, City. ' . U 8 tf. FOR SALE Building tots corner Con necticut and Carroll Aves., iioJiana Ave., and Hoiiister Heights. Wm. Brocfi, 247 Fairfield Ave. S 20 tf VIRGINIA RIVER FARM 178 acres. i on rich bottom- s room nouse, goon barn, 1 mile of electric line, 6 miles of Richmond. Only S7.B0O; terms. Send for free llst-700 Farm Bar gains. Casselman & Company. Rich mond. Virginia, B 8 a$p FOR SALE. Fine two family house. good central location. riva min utes walk from Post Office. Will ell cheap. Pays 10 on $7,000. For full particulars address Post Offiee Box 460, City. H 23 tf TWO FAMILY HOUSE, good central neignoornooa. moaerniy equippea. $7,000. Mortgage can remain. Ad dress H. W. P. care of Farmer. H 80 tt AMBULANCE PRIVATE does any distance. Telephone 1661. James T. Kourke. 1295 Main St. S I FOR S A L E My Residence, 405 Seaview Avenue T.B. WARREN ; 29 Sanford Building Photography DEVELOPING of films and plates for amateurs, first class work guaran teed. Armstrong-Whitman Studio, Park and Fairfield Aves. T2 al Upholstering UPHOLSTERING. Furniture Repair, ed and reflnished. Prices always reasonable at - Stram's Furniture Store. State, near Clinton, H 6 " tf OLD FURNITURE RENEWED, chairs recaned, upnolstering. Ous C. Mul 11ns. 32S East. Main street. Phone 1046-S. . . T 7 a Out-of-Town Ads ADVERTISING SERVICE Place your advertisements in the out-of-town newspapers, at the regular rates through Read's Advertising Agency, 210 Connecticut Bank Bldg. , ' ' R10 Jp Printers and Stationers FAC-SnniJ" TYPEWRITTEN LET- . TERS $1.00 per 1.000 in quantities; 1,000 Cards, Statements, Envelopes, Billheads, Noteheads, or Circulars $2.00. Siksay, 83 Rellley street. TJ 26 tf 6 GOOD PRINTING AT LOW PRICES, 100 Cards, Statements, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Note Heads, or Circu lars, printed for only $2.00. Siksay. 83 Eeilly street. U22tf STAR PRESS prints business cards, envelopes, bill heads, statements, tickets, programs, show cards, cir culars. 'Low prices, fdrst olass work, ' : Jacob Schneider, Prop., 16-18 Kos- ! suth St., corner Stratford Ave. ' Phone 2503-12. Union office. TS tf Financial THE CITY NATIONAL BANK, United States Depository Capital, $250, 000; surplus and profits, $450,000. Frank Miller, President; David F. Read, Vice President; Charles E. Hough, Cashier; Henry B- Terrlll, Asst. Cashier; Robert A. Beers, Asst. Cashier. THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL . . BASE, of Bridgeport, . corner Main .-and Wall Streets. S. W. Baldwin, President; H. S. Shelton, Vice Pres ident;,. H. Powe, Cashier; T. C. Cummlng, Assistant Cashier. Cap ital, $332,100; surplus ana rront Lump, $380,000. Barrels BUY AND SELL all kinds of empty barrels. Sawdust for sale. Bridge port Barrel Co.. 58 Beardsley St. Phone 1871. A25 tr LADIES' HAIR DRESSING Shampoo, Facial Massage, Scalp Treatment, Marcel Wave, Super, fluous Hair removed wltli Electlo Needle, Manicuring. Harriet E. Sherwood US Keen city Building ItIK MATS ST. .' Phone 1978 Help "Wanted LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN, BRAKE- MEN, wages about $100; experience unnecessary. Send age, stamp. Rail way, care Farmer. U 6 1 1 3 6 WANTED. One hundred laborers to work on the construction of Morris Dam. $2.00 per day. Good board ing accommodation. No labor trou ble. The Ryan-Unmack Co., Thom aston. Conn. - R 21 al MEN; WOMEN make excellent pay. For proof send 15 cents for sample household article housewives can't resist. JCamek Sales Company. 259 Cook St., Waterbury, Conn. R 10 s p 6 6 AGENTS WANTED everywhere to handle our goods. Every family wants two to three. Write today for particulars. Psmkon Mfg. Co., Box 84, Waterbury, Conn. R 10 s fp 6 6 WANTED IDEAS -Write for List In ventions Wanted by manufacturers and prizes offered for inventions. Our four books sent free. ' Patent secured or Fee Returned. Victor J. Evans & Co., Washington, D. C. U 19 d 6 Merchants' Exchange Edwin Smith & Co.. dealers - In guns, fishing tackle and sporting goods. -r - . arou can a fl your keys fitted, locks repaired. w . ed' lawn mowers sharpened, f a" kinds of light repairing done at Smith's Gun Store, 95 Wall Street. .Telephone S3S2-8. i WE MAKE RUBBER STAMPS, Steel j Stamps, Stencils, Notary and Lodge Seals, Badges, Brass and Enamel . Signs, and carry a most complete line of Stamp Supplies". Call and . see us. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co.. 41 Cannon St. . R 29 d REAL ESTATE, Country Resorts and all kinds of classified advertise ments taken for newspapers every where at the regular rates. Read's Advertising Agency. 210 Conn. Bank Building. - ' . R 1 tf WE PAPER your room $2.60 up. also painting. Workmanship guaranteed. Beck & Co.. 503 Logan St. Phone 2661-12. B 10 tf STERLING ALE Eoual to Rae ale. 75 cents per dozen. Bottled by ' Carr. 96 Cannon street- Phone ' , G17 tf bjjs KlCPAIRING, at moderate prices. Tne only up-to-date shop in town. We call and deliver. Tele phone 1391. Goodyear Shoe Re pairing Co., 76 John St. R2 tf DOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS maue 10 oracr. odd screens repair ed in all kinds of wood and Iflnish. r.Humntefl mmisnea Henry fj. Horf man a Co.. 266 Water St. Rl tf SHOW CASES Cigar combination ana silent salesman, store and of flee fittings. Cabinet work of all Kinds designed and made. Hoffman - enow jase Co.. 255 Water St. R14 tf Wanted To Buy WANTED To buy an kinds of second hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, teaneia's oia stana. 48 Harrison St Telephone 1015-2. SIS at p I BUY OLD HORSES to kin. Re move dead ones fre of charge any where within 25 miles of Bridge port. F. H. Daniels, 2367 Madison Road. Tel. 433 7. - Lll $ WANTED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams, Redfield's old stand, 43 Harrison St. Telephone 1015-2, BU a$ p YOU DONT WANT any old Junk or ' old things around your premises, hut we want them as we need them for our business. - Sell them to Jacob Bros. We will pay you the r highest price and get them out of . your way. prompt arcention ana satisfaction is our record, '56 Kos sutn St. Tel. 236. R6 tf Personal CARD READING, 64 Railroad Ave. Ladles 26c. Gents 50c. Up one flight. Call evenings, Saturday p.m. and Sunday. R 24dp CARD READER Advice on all af fairs, 25c Mrs. Levy, 674 Madison Ave., fourth house above North At. L26 tf ORDER your screen now, antique fur niture renovated, line cabinet work. Carl A. Schmidt, 120 Cleveland 'avenue. R13agp Educational PIANO INSTRUCTION Given by a young lady, terms reasonable. Call or address, 149 Golden Hill. B 20 a I p STUDENTS wanted In practical ad vertising class. Terms reasonable. Theoretical, practical, scientific and psychological advertising in all its Drancnes taugnt. For full informa tion address Box 450, City. T2 tf Fire Department Inadequate Yon probably noticed this statement Better think about some insurance hadn't you? We would rather Insure you here than hereafter. BARTRAM & GREENE Franklin Block. All kinds of Insur ance, Bonds and Real Estate A GOOD MOTTO Do not be without a Fire In surance Policy. Call or writei Anderson &Co. 53 JOHN STREET Business Directory Save Time. Phone Your Orders Save Time, Telephone Your Orders, They will receive the same careful attention from the merchant whose cards appear herewith, as though you called at their several places of business in person. Use this Directory FREEI.Y you will find it great convenience. Art Glass BRIDGEPORT ART GLASS CO., 183 John St. Phone 1017-6 AUtomobQe Dealers H. M. FORD Distributor Maxwell Cars and the R. C H. $t0. 1887 Main St. Phone 1273 6TARBUCK A MATTTCE. FORD CARS. 869 Fairfield Ave. f Phone 4075-3 Automobile Supplies ST. E. AUTO SUPPLY CO. Let us prove how we can save yon 26 to 40 per cent, on your supplies. 616 Main St. Phone 4260 Auto Tires and Repairing THE A. L. SCHAVOm CO.. 857 Fair field Ave. Phone 161 CONN. AUTO TIRE CO. Recovering and Repairing a Specialty New and Second Hand Tires In stock - 241 Connecticut Ave. Phone 963 Bakers MRS. HILL'S BAKERY. Bread that makes a feast of every meal. Once tasted, never wasted. 165 Wood At. .' Phone 2t8 CROUCH PLASSMAN. Try "Never Enough Bread." . 601 Howard Ave. Phone 1657-6 Beaver Board THE A. W. BURRITT CO., Knowlton St. Pbons BOB Bottlers JACOB RTTPPERT'S BREWERY, 216 - Housatonio Ave. Phone 571 WALTER 6TAPLETON, Lumber St. Phone 1048 Clothing THE SURPRISE STORE. Security mag. , rnone leot Coal THE WHEELER St HOWES CO.. Inc. 1221 Main St. Phone 844-8 PEOPLE'S COAL AND WOOD YARD Admiral and Carbon Bts. Fnone 63-4 Confectionery C D. LANE, 1040 Main St Phone 242 Doctor DR. ALICE Ti. FITCH, 953 Iranlstan Ave., near tare ec. umce nours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone 4821. Druggists JENNIE HAMILTON PHARMACY. Cor. Main and State Stu. Pbone 833 Employment Bureau BRIDGEPORT EMPLOYMENT BT JfctiuA U, supplies companions, moth' era helpers, nurse maids and com petent domestio help, 670 State St. raon llt-l Furniture Mover H. G. DEMMTC CO. If you want your piano or f urnl tore moved safely give the Job to Demme. 162 Union Ave. Phone 23 Garages BLUE RIBBON GARAGE, 296 Fair- xieia aw. uwuw (iii rrr.l7TVA'R1s n AT? AsTSTK a s-snt. Txrie ton Cars;" second hand cars also. 245 Conn. Ave. Phone 1054-2 T7TT ,f AUTO CO.. 184 Elm Rt Phone 1901 WOOD AVENUE GARAGEL108 Wood Ave. f uuuv B if GIRLS WANTED INTHE CORSET DEPARTMENT TO WORK ON MACHINES Hose supporter stitching, flossing, steel etitcluns, steel wvering. end fastening, making, joining, shaping, tacking, stringing inspecting and on various kinds of hand work such as flofia clipping, sewing.. measuring, marking and clasping. PAY MADE UP TO LEARNERS BOX DEPARTMENT On all kinds of paper boxes. METAL DEPARTMENT For light foot press work. .Boys for racking up work. i The Warner Brothers Go. APPLY - EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, Corner Lafyette and Gregory Bts. Gas and Gasoline Engines WALDORF MOTOR A MACHTNTl CO. buys and sells ' Agines and ma- chinery. First claj repairing. 133 Cannon St. Phone 8 807-8 Gowns THE WOMEN'S SMART SHOP A little Paris all our own For those who select gowns at heme 157 Golden Hill. Phone 668-6 Hotels ADAMS HOUSE, 40-42 Fairfield Ave. Phone 14S3 Ice Dealers DENIS SQUIRES, 81 Heesatanlfl! Ave. Pbons Z83t Laundries WOOD AVENUE! LAUNDRY We treat your clothes as our own. If you like the idea telephone. Wood and Benham Aves. Phones 7.119-4 Lutr.ber E. Wash. Ave. Phone 10 3 Motor Cycles EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES. S. T. Kellogg. 15 Stat St Phone lls Nurses' Registry NURSES' CENTRAL RKOTSTRT AND HOME. Our telephone Is fo your accommodation, plus wtpwlU ency and' Judicious selection, lost Fairfield Ave. Phone $14 NURSES WEST END HEGISTRT AND HOME, 378 State St. Phone 33:2 Papers, Magazines, Rags DISBROW LAW 205 John St. Phone 161T-3 ' Piano Tuning WTSSNER PIANOS, Cor. Broad arsi State Sta. Phone 1 6 Pianos WM. A. TOMLINSON, 15 Fal '.! Ave, Phone 2067-4 Real Estate Agents BARTRAM & GREENE, 14 State St. Phone 4S1 Second Hand Furniture H. A. JASMIN, 866 State St. Call . up 1068 and get 10 per cant, more for your goods. Why? Low rent, larger business, quick ealea. Shoe Stores S. B. THING CO., 11R8 Main f-f-THE CARIWKIGUX SHOE CO, Main St. Phone ltif Spring "Water HIGHLAND MINERAL SPRXSro WATER CO. A pure water bill lm better than a doctor's bill and leas expensive. 445 Warren St. Phone ST POWHATTAN SPRINGS. Nature' crystal beverage is man's drtak. 1784 North Ave. Phone 1S41-X Tailors ! E. NUNNOLD, 198 Fairfield Ave. Theatres LYRIO THEATRE, 1428 Mala IHS, Phone 4l POLPS THEATRE, 39 Fairfield Am. Phone 874 Typewriting-Multigrapliin,-; GEO. N. SEARS. Notary Public. 19 8 Mslgs' Building. Phone 833-4 Typewriters MULLINS TYPEWRITKR BSsctianr 167 State St Lon 941 PLUMMER TYPEWRITER EX CUANtiK, 166 Fairfield Ave. Phone 2331 lb Farmer Want .Ada.. )no Cent a Word. GENERAL,. XNSURANj