Newspaper Page Text
31 l THE FARMER: JUNE 6, 1913 HUME'S I 955-957 MAIN STREET WE GIVE S- A II- STAMPS OUR CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT on second floor never was so crowded full of good bargains in summer clothes for Misses, "Wom en and Children. Com parison should be your guide. Do "you compare values f linen Suits . .. $4.98 and $5.98 TWash Skirts 49c to $1.98 Tin An Dusters v .7. . $1.98 to $4.98 Pongee and Repp Coats ... $2.98, $3.98 Children's Coats . . . $1.19 to $2.98 Girls' Coats $2.93 to $4.98 Corsets that will wear you good and at prices you want to CI QQ pay 49c to . . . . QMO Long Black and White Silk Gloves, double tip ped fingers, $1.00 g(Jg Men's $1 Bathing Suits, navy blue with red and white CQa bands ..... 25c Silk Knitted Ties; a big variety to pick f from. Your choice Washable Short Cliam oisette White Gloves, stitcMng . 25C 50c Neckwear for Ladies. This is a very OCg special lot. "V Men's Athletic Under wear of good grade checked nainsook A fig 23c and.. U $1 value Sewing Silk,. Black Silk Ladies' Stock ings, regular made, dou ble soles, high 7Rf spliced heels TOITTiIj PAT I7ESS FOR, IT AT KLDIE'9 S3. 000 DAMAGES TO WORKMAN FOR LOSS OF HIS EYE Hartford. June In a seated ver JEiot pi wen to Judge Jsmss T. Wartln in the United! States district court, this morning. Tony Maris!, of iAJisonla, "st as awarded damages of $3-jr-00 In his suit against the American JBrass Co, of Water-bury. The jury -etired at 3:30, Thursday afternoon, nd was deliberating -until 1:30, this nornLng. when the verdict was reach ed. Judge Martin remained at the federal building until late Into the toight and -when lie retired, left orders jor a sealed verdict. Maris! sued for $25,000. alleging the Joes of an eye on November 28, 911, Senile at work in the plant of the 'Ansonla Brass Cooper- Co., a subsi Biary of the American Brass -Co. PEARY FOB LEGION OF HONOR Paris, June ft Prince Roland Bona parte, president of the French Geo graphical society, has made a request iy President Raymond Polncare to confer the degree of the Iegion or lonor on Rear Admiral Robert E. eary and It Is understood that It will presented to - the - Arctic explorer lifter his lecture to the geographical ciety, this evening. MISS DUNCAN' TO SPEAK. Mrs. Gertrude Murdock Duncan of Mew Haven, one of the foremost wom 4n suffrage speakers In the state will vpeak at the Park theatre this even ing In the ' interests of the suffrage cause. It Is expected that this even Ins -will be one of the banner nights tf the -week's run of "Man's Inhuman ity" for there are many people who (will attend the performance simply jlo hear Mrs. Duncan speak. K Remove the Cause of HIDIGESTIOff Horsford's Acid Phosphate relieves impaired digestion ac companied by nausea, insom nia, sick headache or acid etomaeh. Half a teaspoonful in half a pi ass of water brings quick relief. Horsford's Acid Phosphate (Na-Alcoholic) ' 955-957 MAIN ST. YE GIVE S. Sc It. STAMPS Boys Cardigan Jackets in oxford and maroon, just arrived. Same price as before, $1.49 tf-l A and ; V--vtF Ladies' Mannish Weave Sweaters, big roll collars, white, oxford, QQ maroon Ladies 'and Misses' Bath ing Suits,well made, good full size, fast colors. $1.69 $1.98 $2.19 Bathing Caps , 9c, 25c and 42c Very handsome Batten berg Table Cov- &9 AD ers, $2.98 and vOVO Colored Madras Curtains cool and clean looking, just .what you ought to have for your cottage 65c to $1.98 Scalloped Pillow Cases on good quality muslin 16c and 17c Yard wide Bug Filler, pretty oak patterns, spe cial price, 29C $1.25 Swiss Net Curtains, ruffled, 2Y2 yards QQn long. Special pair OtH, LADIES' arid MISSES' SUITS Alterations free of charge.- Positive $15 and $20 lvalues. ' YOU'LL PAY LESS FOB IX AT KLINE'S MISS DAVISON'S CONDITION GRAVE Epsom, Eng., June fl Miss Emily Wilding Davison, the militant suffra gette, was operate on, this afternoon. The surgeons declare her condition to be extremely critical. KAISER WILL GREET LAIRD OF SKIBO WITH - APPROPRIATE CEREMONY London, June 6 Andrew Carnegie will start for Berlin, tonight. 'Emperor William has fixed the morning' of June 16 to receive him and his associates, Robert S. Brookings, of St. Louis, and Jacob G. Schmidlapp, of Cincinnati, who are to present a congratulatory address signed . by many prominent Americans. ' '. In communicating to' Mr. Carnegie the date of , the audience, Emperor William remarked that it would be the anniversary of the first morning he rose as German Emperor, 25 years ago. Mr. Carnegie considers the 'selection of the date as a. great honor to the United States and tothe German ele ment there. LONERGAN TO NAME WEST POINT CADET Hartford, June 6 The (secretary of war has informed Congressman Au gustine Lonergan- thit there is an ap pointment to West Point at his com mand and the congressman will prob ably make the selection of principal and alternate shortly as candidates must present themselves , at West Point for examination within a few weeks. MAYORS TO MEET The Mayors" Association of Connec ticut will hold its annual meeting for election of officers and the transac tion of other business at' Norwich, June 19. Mayor C. B. Wilson of fthls city will attend the meeting. WEATHER INDICATIONS, New Haven, June 6. Forecast: Fair and slightly warmer, tonight; Saturday probably local showers. For Connecticut: Local showers to night or Saturday, warmer tonight; moderate to brisk south and south west winds. OBITUARY Cabtain Charles M. Hughes, a res ident of this city for some time past died yesterday at the age of 58 years. Captain Hughes was a native of New Haven and' was a sea. captain having followed the seasince he was a young boy. His son-in-law, Julius A. Ford lives a 117 Aran street tois city. DILLON & CO. 0S MA IK ST.. H utfortf. ftn. ' RVTS ST. CKCttM. rJ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LEADING MILLINERS. Great June Sale ol - immer To-morrow, Saturday, Will Be Bargain Day. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IV SUMMER HEADWEAB, TJNTRIM MEIJ HATS, TRIMMED. DRESS HATS, OSTRICH AND FANCY FEATHER FXOWERS, RIBBONS, VEILIXGS, SHIRT WAISTS, SILK AND SATIN PETTICOATS, MARABOUT BOAS, MAIiINE NECK RUFFS, RAIN COATS, LONG LINEN AUTO AND STREET COATS. WE EXPECT TOMORROW'S SALES TO BE RECOBD BREAKER, THE GREAT VALUES WE ARE OFFERING ARE BOUND TO INTEREST THE MOST ECONOMICAL BUY ERS. ; 75c White and Burnt Straw Banded ! Sailors 19c 75c Colored Straw TJntrimmed Hats . .'. 250- $1.25 and $1.5 Colored and Black Chip Straw Hats , 48c $2.00 Colored and Black Chip and Hemp Straw Hats 75c $1.50 Children's Trimmed School Hats . . 75c 75c Boys' Straw Hats 44c 75c White Ratine Hats 89c $1.00 White Ratine Hats ...48c $l.SOi White Corduroy Hats : . .75c $1.75 Black Ready-to-Wear Turbans . . . . ..... 98o $2.00 Black Ready-to-Wear Hair Braid Turbans '..$1.25 $1.00 White Peanut Braid Hats. . .69c $1.50 White Peanut Braid Hats. . .98c $1.75 White Peanut Braid Hats. .$1.25 $2.00 White Peanut Braid Hats. .$1.48 S-.50 White Cnracoa Panama Hats $1.75 $3.00 White Cnracoa Panama Hats . ... $2.25 $4.00 Fine Panama Hats. $2.98 So.OO Fine Panama Hats . $3;75 $7.00 Fine Panama Hats. ...... .$4.98 $8.00 Fine Panama Hats . ....... $5.98 $1.00 Black , Rough Straw Banded Sailors 48c $1.25 Black Rough Straw Banded Sailors ... .1 .... .... .65c $2.00 Black Rough Straw Banded Sailors 98c All our Colored and Black Chip and Hemp Straw Hats at greatly reduc ed prices. , . $2.00 Trimmed Ready-to-Wear Hats t. . . . . . . : .98c $3.00 Trimmed Dress Hats $1.48 $4.00 Trimmed Dress Hats. . . . .$1.98 $5.00 Trimmed Dress. Hats . ., . . . . $2.48 $7.00 Trimmed Dress Hats. .... .$3.48 All our Trimmed Dress Hats Former . ly Priced from $10 to $50 Now Marked at About Half These Prices, 85c Wide All Silk Ribbons. .19c a yd. 117 DIED HERE DURING MAY There were 117 deaths in Bridge port during the month "'of May. The diseases were as folio ws : Scarlet fever, 2; cerebro-splnal meningitis, 2; diph theria, 1; diarrhoeal diseases, 3; con sumption, 7; pneumonia, 18; bron chitis, 1; heart disease, 3; accidents, 9; other causes, 71. There were 14 deaths of children under one year of age and 9 of children from 1 to 5 years of age. EX-PRESIDENT TAFT , BACK IN WASHINGTON Washngton,. June Prof. - William Taf t, v private citizen, arrived, today, for a visit in the capital in which he once ruled as the first citizen of the land. He will spend several days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Boardman and Miss Mabel Boardman, and a number of entertainments al ready are planned In - his honor, al though it Is understood Mr. Taft has expressed the wish that no formalities should mark his visit. .. j 1 f AH 7 1 if ifrJIi'li ' TWO STORES: '- jf ''ill',Jfji 1083 BROAD STREET, OPPOSITE P. O. . fi.j'll'f ' BRIDGEPORT ; ydtJt 153 WASHINGTON STREET 1 JS? " ' SOUTH XORWALK 1165 Main St. Mllliitery 50c Wide All Silk Ribbons. .25c a yd. Black Velvet Ribbons, Satin Back . . 19c, 25c, 35c and 50c a yd. Maline Neck Ruffs . : 98c to $3.00 $3.00 White and Colored Cogue Boas . .48c $1.00 Embroidered Iiawn Waists 75c $1.35 Embroidered Lawn Waists 98c S2.00 Embroidered Ian Waists $1.48 $2.50 Embroidered JLiawn Waists $1.98 $4.00 Fancy Chiffon. Waists $1.98 $1.50 Genuine Heathertoloom Petti' coats ... 98c $1.75 Messaline Silk Petticoats. .$1.35 $2. SO Messaline Silk Petticoats. .$1.98 $3.50 Taffeta Silk Petticoats $2.75 Marabout Boas and Capes $2.48, $3.98, $5.98. were $4.00 to $9.00. 25c Silk Rose Sprays ....... . . . . . lOo sue Flower ssprays ............. .asc $1.75 Ostrich Feather Bands 98c $2.50 Ostrich Feather Bands $1.48 $4.00 Ostrich Feather Bands. . . .$1.98 $1.25 Black or White Ostrich Plumes . 75c $1.50 Black or White Ostrich Plumes V 98c $3.00 Black or White Ostrich Plumes $1.98 $4.00 Black or Whit Ostrich Plumes . . . $2.98 $5.00 Black o White Ostrich Plumes i . .$3.48 $7.00 BlacK or White Ostrich Plumes . . : $4.98 $10.00 Black or White Ostrich Plumes . . . ... $7.48 73c Silk Shetland Veils...... 48c 69c Chiffon Veils 1 ydst long : . . 39o $1.12 Chiffon Veils. . ... 75c $1.50 Chiffon Veils 98c $2.00 Chiffon Veils $1.48 $2.50 Idnenette Auto Coats. ..... 98o $3.00 Ldnenette Auto Coats $148 $5.00 and $6.00 rdnenette Auto Coats v. $2.48 $7.00 Red Cloth Short Coat 'Jackets .- $4.98 Exceptional Values in Reliable Rain Coats from. $2.98 to $10.00 The Boardman home, just" off Du- pont Circle, the center of the fashion able section, is certain to re-awaken many memories for. the former Preui dent. With Mrs. Taft he occupied the residence during the few days pre ceding his Inauguration and during his occupancy of the White House he and Mrs. Taft were frequent guests tnere. GYPSIES ARE ABOUT Many bands of gypsies are in the. vi clnlty of Bridgeport having tnigrated from their southern homes af the be ginning of the summer season- . Simul taneously with their advent many re ports of horse, chicken and In one In stance the disappearance of a child has been attributed to their presence. The police this morning were asked by South Norwalk authorities to search for a dark bay horse belonging to L. Naray, of that city which was stolen from his barn during the night. , "I'm tired of life." "That being the case, go out to Cali fornia and shout 'Banzai! " Birming ham' Age-Herald. . SCALP SPECIALIST Special Treatment for . Oily Hair Manicuring -HARRIET E. SHERWOOD, 412 Security Building. 1115 Main St., Phone 1373. S 27 MEN'S SUITS In all the snappy, mixtures and plain fab rics, latest styles ' $9.50 to $25.00 LADIES' SUITS In all the latest styles, plain and Bulgarian trimmed, exceptional values at $7.98 to $27.50 The 51111111110.3 Co. . ' : ; . i Special Bargains ! for Saturday CLOAK DEPT. Junior Suits, former price $12. SO. Sale price $7.50 each. Misses- Suits, former price $16.00. Sale price $9.50 each. Women s Suits, former price $13.50. Sale price $8.95 each. Women s Suits, former price $18.00. Sale price $12.50 ach. Women's , Suits, former prices $20 and $25. Sale price $15.00 each. COATS Women's Long Coats, former price $8.50. Sale price $5.95 each. Navy Blue Serge Coats, former prices $12.50 and $15. ' - Sale price $10.00 each. . Junior Coats, blue serge and mix tures. Sale price $5.95 each. Children's Coats.former prices $3.95 and $5. Sale price $2.93 each. Children's Coats, former "rieee $6 and' $7.50 . Sale price $5.00 each. WAISTS Colored Waists, silk, former prices $2.50 and $3.50. , Sale price $1.95 each. . White-, Lawn Waists, ' former price $1.25. Sale price 89c each. 50 dozen Colored Waists. Sale price 39c each. Middy Blouse. .Sale price 29o each. Middy Blouse, "Galatea," Sale price 89c each. WASH DRESSES Dresses in new fashionable styles and fabrics. Plain and Coat effects embroidererf-or .embroidery trimmed with and without girdles. Sale Price $2.95, $3.95 , $4.95 each. tsecona 7oor.j MEN'S FURNISHINGS Negligee Shirts- good line of pat terns, value 89c. Sale price 69c each. Special line .Negligee Shirts, value 59c Sale price 45o each. One lot, large sizes, worth 39c and 50c Sale price 19o each. Men's Silk Lisle Hose, 17o pair, 3 for SOo. Black,' Tan and Mixed Hose. Sale price lie pair. . V Silk Lisle Hose. Sale price 25c pair Men's Balbriggan Underwear. Sale price 21c each. Men's Balbriggan1' Underwear, value 50c. Sale price 37 fjjc each. Men's Balbriggan Underwear, value 59c " Sale price 45c each. Men's Leather Belts, worth 25c and 39o. Sale price lOc each. Men's Bow Ties, worth 19c and 25c. Sale price 5o each. N Men's Four-In-Hand Ties, worth 25c. Sale price loo each. Men's Four-in-HanJ Ties, worth 50c. Sale price 25c each. ' Umbrellas. 26 and 28 inch,' value $1.25. Sale pric"9 95c each. Umbrellas, 26 and 28 Inch, value $2. Sale price $1.48 each. The SmithMiirray Co PITCHED BATTLE BETWEEN POLICE AND STRIKERS Stettin, Ger., June 6 A battle be tween police and strikers, in which 70 are reported to have been severely wounded, was fought, last night, in the suburb of Frauenderf, as the se quel to the killing of a striker by a non-striker. The workers in a chicory factory struck some time ago, and, last evening, one of them attacked a man who had continued at work. In the fight that ensued the striker was killedi. Hie comrades later gathered in front of the factory and demanded that the non-striker be handed over to them. The demand being refused, the strikers threatened to set the fac tory on fire. The local police were unable to cope with the mob and reinforcements' were called for from Stettin. Shortly after ward a body of 300 armed policemen arrived in automobiles from headquar ters in Stettin and a pitched battle be tween them and the strikers occurred, during which the police used their sabres and revolvers. The strikers re plied with pistol hots "but they were soon overcome by the disciplined force' and were finally 'dispersed, leav ing many of their number wounded on the ground. Ten policemen and about 60 civilians were treated by the surgeons during the night. WILDING WOMAN WORSE Epsom, Elng., June 6 The condition of Miss Emily Wilding Davison, the militant suffragette who was injured while interfering with the King's horse in the Derby, Wednesday, became much worse, today, and the doctors consider the symptoms grave. . ' An operation, they .say, probably will be necessary. ,- He stopped before ai blind peddler and bought a pencil, putting five pen nies into the man's hand. "How do you know they "Sre cents I've given you?" asked the purchaser. "Well, sir, I can distinguish , the touch of cents by. my sense of touch," was the blind man's prompt reply. BED BUGS are coming to life again as soon as the warm weather Is here. This is the time to rid your house of the pest and have comfort the rest of the r season. Cyrus Presto Killer, 25c per can.will do it for you. CYRUS THE DRUGGIST Fairfield Av.and Courtland Sfc in the June Sale WOMEN'S HOSIERY "r AND UNDERWEAR Women's White Foot Hose. . Sale price 8c pair. ' Women's Black Hose, ribfced top. Sale jirice 12Vc pair. Women's Split Sole Hose. . Sale price12f6o pair.. Women's Silk Boot Hose, black and white, 38c pair, 3 for $1.00. Women's Black Silk Hose. Sale price 25c pair.- Women's Tan and White Silk Boot Hose. Sale price 50c pair. Combination Suits. Sale price .25c Combination Suits. Sale price. 50c. Odd pieces Women's Vests and Pants. Sale price 39c each. Infants' Vfests. value 29c Sale price 19c each. Boys' Gauze Shirts, value 35c. Sale price 19o,each. , Right Aisle) RIBBONS v ? Regular price 15c Sale price 124c yard. . . . , Regular price 13 c. Sale price 10c yard. Regular price 25c. - Sale price. 19c yard. WOMES'S NECKWEAR .Bulgarian Collars, regular 25c Sale price 19c each. , . i Bulgarian Collars, regular 39c. Sale prloe 25o each. Bulgarian Collars, regular 50c. Sale price 39c each. Dutch, Collars, regular 19c. Sale price 10c each.. ; Collars, always ". 50c. Your choice 39c each. Good line of Collars and Cuffs, 50c to $1.75 each. ( Good line of Colored Ruching, two yards for 5c. ,. ' QUILT BARGAINS y -' The active Interest of thrifty people will surely centre in a few cases of Quilts just received by us that bear the words of "manufacturers' slight imperfections." Extremely . small -defects almost unfllscoverable but the prices are a third less than they would be if the small, unimportant blemish en did not exists . Dimity Ripplette Quilts hemmed 85c each. - . Marseilles Quilts hemmed gtfbd assortment of handsome, patterns, $1.39, $1.50, $2.00, $2.05 and $3.50 each. i Fringed Marseilles Quiits, $2.00, $2.50, $2.75 each. ' ' " Scalloped Edge. Marseilles Quilts $2.75 each. - 1 -,'--. Fringed Crocheted Quilts $1.25, $1.50, Jt. 75; each. Hemmed - Crocheted" Quilts $1.00, $1.25, Sl-oO eachi . . , , COMMENCEMENT ' . We ' 'offer these suggestions, highest grade" FOR, A Watch i............. A Diamond Ring;. . - - - A Stone or Signet Ring. A Scarf Pin.. .-. -.'.... A Vest Chain. '. A Fob A Gold Knife "'. FOR HER A Watch' . . . . A Diamond Ring A Fancy Stone Ring A Brooch . . j. A Bar Pin LaValliere ...... Beans . fom tAT.THE SICN MannfactDrers. ImDorters. i 1 .1118 MAIN STRET. CASH SALES TICKETS FOR RESTAURANTS AND ' SUMMER RESORTS in duplicate with or without carbonand cash checks of celluloid for soda'fountains,found at Jackson's Book Shop, 986-988 Main Street. Plumes, lanterns and tissue decora tions. ! w ant Ads. Gent a ART DEPT. Pillow Tops and Backs, damped on heavy material, worth 25c. Sale price , 18c. Scarfs, 45 inches, stamped on heavy material, worth 50c. . Sale price 39o i each. j Stamped Shirt Waists, white lawn, j worth 25c Sale price 18c. One lot f Centre Pieces, Pillow Tops, Belts,' Bibs, Cushion Tops and Collars, all starruped on white material, worth 10c to 60c. , Your choice at Hall Price. LACES All Over Venise, Oriental, 18 inches j wide, value 59 c. Sale price 25c yard. ( Val. Laces, Insertions" and Edges, j Special 25c and 50c piece, 5c a yard. Torchon Edges, linen and cotton, 6c ' yard. t Torchon Edges. Sale price 4o yard. "Venise Insertions and Edges, 10c tc : 39c a. yn1 1 VialL.S ,- - ' Mesh Veiling, assorted colors. Sal prise .J0c yard. Shetland Veils', black and white. 50o each. Special line of Shadow Mesh Veils, black and white, 25c each. ; ' Chiffon Veils, 2 yards 16ng, 1 yard wide, 98o each. ' Square Veils. Sale price 59c each. ; LEATHER GOODS , - , . 1 One lot of Assorted Belts.worth 25c, for 5c each. Elastic Strips for Belts, 24 inches long, assorted widths and colors, worth i 25c to 50c. Choice 12 140 erch. One lot of Ladies' Hand Bags, worth I 60c, for 33c each. Oxford Bags, 14, 16 Inch, light tan color, $1.98; worth $3.50. Oxford Bags, 14, 15. 16, 17 inch, russet, $2.48; worth $4.50. .' ' (Right Aisle, Center) EMBROIDERIES x Embroidered Edges. Sale price Bo . yard. Embroidered Edges and Insertions, value 12V6c Sale price 8c yard. " Embroidered Edges, 10 inches wide, : value 15c. Sale price IOC yard: Embroidered Edges, 16 inches wide, , value 19c. Sale price 12c yard. '. 27 Inch Flouncings. Special 19o j yard; value 25c. ' ; 27 Inch Flouncings. Special 69c ; yard; value 89c. ' . . 44 Inch Flouncings.- Special $1.19 I and $1.39 yard; value $1.50. - ; All-Over Embroideries, worth 50c , , Sale price, .29c and 39c yard. ' Left Aisle, Center) GIFTS ' Everything . of HIM .$12.00 to $200.00 . 25.00 to 500.0fr . 5.00 to 30.0O l.OO to 100.00 5.0O to ' 40.00 2.50 to 35.00 5.00 to 15.00 .$10.50 to $250.00 . IO.OO to 500.00 to to to to 25.00 70O.00 200.00 5CO.OO 20.00 IO.OO to Milium ,t,lf- OF THE CHIMES' Retailers, Jewelers and 2.00 2.00 .75 2.0O 1 Opticians Established 1865 11 MANDOLIN PERFECTION At last X have a mandolin that has enough tone to over come the click of the plectrum. Can be heard above, piano accompaniment. Can produce olear har monies and quality of tone on the higft positions as voell as on the lower notes. These instruments are built on the violin model, "F" Sound holes, elevated linger boards, graduated tops and back, curly maple and sy camore wood, three piece mahogany necks, beautifully figured and golden ember shaded finish. Having played on every mandolin made. I. find the above qualities In the SHTJTT MAXDOLIX only, for orchestra, duo and full harmony solos there is no mandolin made to equal it. Just call and look them over and be your own Judge. Sold on easy payments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. Catalognes mailed for the asking. . . Gilman Music Studio NEXT TO HIKER'S word