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VP- rrrciTJ1 Tf A DTvnrno . ttttto c tm Jimie9s Greatest- IBarcnaSim! Are Mere In Ounr Imniinmeinise PBOM MAIN TO MIDDLE STREET. Ladles' Undermusiins Furnishings For Men 7 1" ZZ 1 H WiuKMaiu L FROM MAIN TO MIDDLE STREET. y : : m Dainty, soft and "beautifully, trim med undergarments for the lady who wishes to enjoy the comfort of a well fitting garment . 'Paid mail orders promptly - filled. Ladies Princess slips of fine nain sook skirts having solid val lace flounces and ribbon run . insertions, covers trimmed' with val lace to match skirt and ribbon run heading. ' Our regular price $2.25. , ; . WHITE SALE PRICE $1.98 Ladles' Princess SlSps made of good ' nainsook skirts and covers trimmed with' val lace and embroidery. Our regular price $1.50 ............... .. . WHITE SALE PRICE 87c Ladles Night Gowns made of fine muslin, nainsook and crepe with yokes of embroidery and lace. Some Em pire effect. Our regular price 82.00. WHITE SALE PRICE $1.79 Ladles nainsook and batiste and crepe night gowns with yokes of va rious patterns of embroideries nicely finished with val and linen laces and ribbon run headings. Also Empire effect. Our regular price $1.25. WHITE SALE PRICE 98e Ladies' night gowns made of good nainsook, neck and sleeves nicely trimmed with embroidery, linen and val laces. Our regular price 98c ........ WHITE SALE PRICE J9o Ladles" extra size night gowns made of good muslin and nainsook with high and low necks, sleeves and necks trimmed with embroidery. Our regular $1100. . , . ' .. ,.:.. WHITE SALE PRICE 87c Lot of night gffwiia slightly soiled, nicely, trimmed with lace aad embroi dery, varloHis styles. Our regular price S.0O sad $2.50. - " ; WHITE SALE PRICE $1.33 Ladles petticoats made of fine nainsook with deep flounces tof Swiss embroidered Insertions to. match. Our Tegular price 64.00. 7' .. WHITE SALE PRICE 83.79 'Ladles' nainsook petticoats with wise embroidery and? solid, val" lace , flouTices, ribbon run Insertions to " match, ' Our regular prloe $2.00 and 82.50. .. WHITE SALE PRICE 81.79 Ladles skeleton petticoat with V dainty embroidery flounces, ribbon (na Insertions. Oar regular price $2.00 m. .... . WHITE SALE PRICE 81.69 "Ladles petticoats made of nainsook ssndt frepe with, flounces of .various patterns of "dainty embroideries, also. Sofia val flounces, some with ribbon ton Insertions. Our-regular 81.25. 10... WHITE SALE PRXCE 98c Ladles' .petticoats anade-of good nainsook with embroidery flounces and Insertions. Our regular, price 98 Utd JSC. - w WHITE. SALE PRICE 69o Ladles drawers, made of fine nain sook: and batiste, circular effect .with ruffle of lace fish eye pattern) - rib Toon ran insertion. Our regular price 8L25, .,. WHTrEALE PRICE 9So Ladles' flrawem, nainsook 'and crepe, circular and Helena styles, hav ing embroidery val and linen lace ruf fles. Our regular price 50c ,, fll- - ,. ,( WHITE SALE PRICE 440 Ladles' drawers made of good mus lin with tucked and hemstitched ruf fles. Our regular price 25c WHITS SALE PRICE 19o Lot of corset covers, slightly soiled, prettily trimmed with Swiss embroid eries and good Quality of val laces. Our regular 81.00 and 81.50. - , WHITE SALE PRICE 69o Ladles corset covers, various styles .with yokes of embroidery, nicely fin ished with val and linen laces, bead-, lngs run with good washable ribbons. Our regular 60c ... - - WHITE SALE PRICE 44c Ladles' combinations made of fine nainsook and batiste" (Princess style) prettily trimmed with German val lace also some made of al lover Swiss embroideries. - Our regular 82.25. . WHITE SALE PRICE $1.98 A lot of combinations slightly soil ail itk drawers, circular effect, hav- inr .dtiai of embroidery and val edi wist headings run wim good washable ribbons. Our regular price t? IHI nml 2.25. WHITE SALE PRICE 81.33 Ladles combinations made of fine nainsook - batiste arid crepe drawers, circular with embroidery and lace ruffles, covers prettily trimmed wdth val and linen laces.. Some Princess style. Our regular "price 91.25. . . . . . WHITE SALE PRICE 98o Ladles' combinations made of good nainsook covers, facing yokes of em broidery and finished with val lace and ribbon run headings drawers cir cular with ruffles of (?ooa vat lace. Our regular price 98c . J . .,. -1 ... WHITE SALE PRICE 69c Infant's and Children's Wear Infants', long dresses, very prettny trimmed with lace medallions and val lace. Our regular price -83.98.: x WHITE SALE PRICE 83.79 Lon dresses with lace and embroi dery yokes and skirts trimmed with embroidery and lace insertion. Our regular price $2.98. WHITE SALE PRICE 82.79 Long dresses trimmed with very fine val lace insertion and edging. Our regular price 81-49. ........ WHITE SALE PRICE $1.33 Infants' slips, eome plain, " others trimmed with embroidered yokes. Our regular price 25e. . ,w.-ii WHITE SALE PRICE 19o Children's short dresses with yokes trimmed of lace and skirts trimmed with two rows' of fine Insertion and edging.; Regular price fl.19. ...i. WHITE SALE PRICE 81.33 Come tomorrow and enjoy your share of " - of the money-saving afforded. Make this store your week-end buying headquarters. Bring your list or come without it and let the hundreds of barerains sug gest to you your needs. You may be sure of two things here YOU'LL GET QUALITY AND ECONOMY! ADDED ATTRACTIONS IN THE GREAT JUNE WHITE EVENT Pretty Desses Chic 'models in dimities, linens and percales - that are ! slightly soiled. Linen Snits Closing out va quantity of $10.00 and $15.00 values at this price. mm Linen Snits Another lot of $5.00 and $6.00 values offered at this price for quick clearance. I' 98 Short dresses trimmed, with em broidered yokes and fine val lace. Our regular price $1.25. ... .... WHITE SALE PRICE 98c Short dresses, very prettily , trim med, with lace and embroidery. Our regular price 59c to.- WHITE SALE PRICE 49o Children's French petticoats, made of good muslin with . embroidery flounces. Sizes up to six years. Our regular price 49a. . M... WHITE SALE PRICE 44o Children's French petticoats made with fine embroidery edgings. Our regular price 23c. . WHITE SALE PRICE 19c ' Misses' and children's drawers,' made of fine muslin, trimmed with embroidery and lace ruffles. Our reg ular price SOc . . WHITE SALE PRICE 42o Children's drawers made of good muslin, sizes two ' to 12 years. Regu lar price 12 l-2c. .'. WHITE SALE PRICE 11c Children's Princess slips made of fine nainsook, trimmed with fine lace and embroidery headings, and others trimmed with . embroidery and lace ruffles. Our regular price 50c. .. , WHITE SALE PRICE 42c Children's Princess slips made of fine nainsook, trimmed with fine lace and embroidery 'headings, and others trimmed with embroidery rlounces. Our regular price 81.25. WHITE SALE PRICE 9 80 Children s rompers and - creepers made of checked gingham and cham bray, sizes two to six years. Our reg ular price 49c WHITE SALE PRICE 44c Children's dresses made of check ed gingham and trimmed with braid sizes up to six years. . Our regular price 59c : . ... WHITE SALE PRICE 49o White Silk and Crepe de Chine Waists. 86.OO regular price. High and low neck white silk and crepe de chine waists. . . WHITE SALE PRICE 84.99 85.00 regular price China silk, low neck and short sleeve waists. ...... WHITE SALE PRICE 84.29 83. 0O regular price China silk, low neck and short sleeve -waists. ... . WHITE SALE PRICE 82.69 82.00 regular price China silk, low neck and short sleeve waists. .... . WHITE SALE. PRICE 81-69 81.50 regular price China silk, Itjw neck and short sleeve waists. WHITE SALE PRICE $1.29 Soiled Lawn ana China silk, high neck : waists. Our regular price 81.50. .1 WHITE SALE PRICE 8 Do Our regular $1.00 Middy waists. ...... WHITE SALE PRICE 89c Our regular 81-00 white waist, slightly soiled. WHITE SALE, PRICE 49a The Latest in Very Dainty Prettily Trim med White Voile Dresses. r Our regular 820.00 dresses " ... WHITE SALE PRICE 816.50 - Our regular $18.00 dresses . WHITE SALE, PRICE 815.00 Our regular 815.00 dresses WHITE SALE PRICE $12.50 i Our regular $10.00 dresses ' 1 .. . ...... WHITE SALE PRICE $8.50 Our regular $6.00 dresses 1. . .WHITE SALE PRICE $5.00 Our regular $5.00 dresses , . . . . . WHITE SALE PRICE $4.29 ITFTY WOMEN'S WHITE DRESSES, SLIGHTLY SOILED $5.00 values . . . . WHITE SALE PRICE $1.98 Sixteen button long white silk gloves, actual value $1.00. , WHITE SALE PRICE 69o Lingerie Waists in Fine Lawn, Batiste and Cot ton Voile. High and low neck .waists, our regular 83.00 waist. '. ... WHITE SALE $2.69 High and low neck waists, our regular $2.50 waist . . . . WHITE SALE $2.19 High and low neck waists, our regular $2.0O waist . , WHITE SALE $1.89 High and low neck waists, . our regular $1.50 waist i ......... . WHITE SALE $1.29 High and low neeK waists, our regular $1.00 waist. ? ..- . . WHITE SALE .89 Children's White Dresses Our regular $5.00 dresses . . WHITE SALE PRICE $4.29 Our regular $4.00 dresses . . . WHITE SALE PRICE $3.3 Our regular $3.00 dresses ... WHITE SALE PRICE $2.69 Our regular $2.50 Dresses . WHITE SALE PRICE $2.19 Our regular $2.00 dresses ...... WHITE iSALB PRICE $1.69 Our regular $1.19 dresses WHITE SALE PRICE 98c PORTRAIT FREE! Convexed Enlarged MOW TO GET ONE . Secure a Coupon from any sales clerk when making a purchase. Take, it with your sales slips to the Portrait Demonstration and have it punched showing the amount of the sale. When your pur chases amount to $3.00 bring the coupon together with the photo you wish enlarged to our Portrait Department and we will make, WITHOUT COST TO 3TOU, a beautiful Oval Portrait. . This Portrait Is Given to You Free Special Notice SHJHT SALE Continues! Beautiful Suits thrown into two lots and amazingly re duced in price. Here's the first lot made up of our entire line of 815 to 820 suits in all the best styles and (materials ever of fered in this ' range of prices here- they are for Quick choosing. $15 to $20 SUITS 7 And now the second lot beautiful specimens of the high grade tailor's art -suits that will amaze you for their fine fashionable points and materials that will de light you for their richness. Buy them mow $25 to $45 SUITS SUVliViER FURNISHINGS AT CUT PRICES HARD WOOD FOLDING LAWN SET TEES. Full size. Strong and du rable. Reg. 81. Our Cut Price 69 c Hard Bent Wood revolving nose reels with Iron wheels. Reg. 98c Our Cu Price 69c Medium Size Russian Iron oil or gas stove ov ens with glass fronts. Reg. 81.50. Our Cut Price 99c SOLID COMFORT COUCH HAMMOCKS with iron frames, rope and chain supports, extra chain with each bammocb. 14. OO kind our cut price ' 12.00 Extra heavy gal vanized sprink ling pots. 6 qt. cut price 39c 8 qc cut price 45c 10 qt. (cut price 65c 2 burner nickel plated gas plate, burns A power ful Bine Fiame. Reg.- 1.25. Our cat price 98c White Moon tain Freezers. 2 qt. cut price 81.98 8 qt. cat price 2.48 4 qt. eat price 8.49 6 qt. cat price 5.49 B qt. cut price 5.98 9.00 JEWEL REFRIGERATORS AT 4.98 T 1 w Made of solid oak, all rounded corners, center circulation. 14ft top, gal vanized steel lined. jVo. 1 size holds 85 lbs. 84.98 So. 2 size holds 40 lbs. 6.49 No. a size holds 50 lbs. 8.98 No. 4 size holds 60 lbs. 10.9S No. 5 size holds 70 lbs. . . .r" 18.50 No. 6 size bolds 85 lbs. 14.98 For, Saturday only we give free with each : re frigerator a heavy galva nized pan and ice pick. WINDOW SCREENS, SCREEN DOORS & SCREEN WIRE WALNUT STAINED FRAMES I Doors complete ready to bang . with pair of the new steel detachable spring hinge, screws, handle, hook and eye and a Hepburn and Clark new automatic catch which prevents the door from sagging. Stained Wood Frames 2 ft 6 In x 6 ft 8 In comp. 1.14 2 ft 8 In x 6 ft 8 in comp. 1.23 2 ft 8 in x 7 ft comp. 1.40 2 ft lO tn x 6 ft 10 in comp. 1.23 8 ft .x 7 1 1 comp. . . 1.40 Fancy Fine Frames, nat ural finish, with two coats of durable varnish. 2 it 8 in x 8 ft 6 in comp. - 1.50 2 ft 8 in x 6 ft 8 in comp. - 1.50 2 ft 10 in x 6 ft 10 in comp . . 1.60 8 ft x 7 ft comp. . 1.75 WTien .ordering Doors Have Dimension. I -1 - ' i J 1 18 in., high open to S3 In. 19 24 In high opens to 38 In. 25 Natnral finish frames. is in hia-h nrniH to 33 in. 28 24 In. high opens to 33 in. 24 In. high opens to 8 7in. 28 In. high opens to S3 in. 28 In. high opens to 87 in. . 25 . . . 29 .. 35 .. 39 Steel Frame Screens In all Sizes. BEST GRADE BLACK SCREEN WIRE 24 in. wide 12o yd. 26 In. wide . ... ............... 13c yd. 28 in. wide .. . . . ... . . . - . . 14c yd. SO" in. wide . 15e yd. 32 In. wide lo yd 34 in. wid i.... 17c yd 86 in. wide ' . . - 18c yd. APPROPRIATE GIFTS FOR THE JUNE BRIDE This 7.50, chafing dish outfit complete with dish, tray, and spoon, Rochester make with regulating lamp. . OUR OUT PRICE $4.93 V) 87.50 ROCHESTER 6 COFFEE MACHINE CUP $4.98 comp. 3 pint size, made of copper heavily nickel plated, . spoon . is of silver nickel. Made of. all Copper - Nickel plated with, regulating lamp. - 1 f ot of tf ilgh grade genuine cut glass water glasses, sev eral patterns to se lect from. Reg. $6 to $8 doz. Special at 29c each INVERTED . GAS Mantles. Reg. 10c 5c Ijeather Upholster ed Chair Seats 12, 13, 14 in. 29 c Rope Door Mats. Size 14x23 In. 29c i p This Gas Cooker all complete at 87.98. SO 1-4 in. high 27x14 in. top with three solid lift out star drilled burners, oven Is 16x12x13 In. with one extra large lift out solid drilled broiling burner and a solid . star burner for roast ing or baking. All bur ners have adjustable air mixers, all complete with roast pan, meat rest, gal vanized tray and tubing at $7.98 Men's Slimmer Shirts in fine inwoven Madras W made with French cuffs, flap 0? pockets, coat style. ' These fj, shirts were originally niade J to sell for $1.00. Our price Ui 630 Men's wash ties' made of silk strip- Yi ed Boisette, others In the tubular wov- en that can be worn on either side in v stripes and plain colors, all guaran- & teed fast colors worth 25c apiece on jr sale Saturday at 9c apiece, three for Xj 2501 .' 5- Men's white . "Balfcriggan under Vj wear mercerized gaflie . in short sleeve shirts and long drawers, reg- 51 ular price SOc on sale Saturday at 44c 'J Ladies' Hosiery arid? Underwear Ladies' boot silk hose in grey, navy blue, black, tan, white and all other, shades, lisle top and high spliced heel SOc a pair. ' A brand new lot of socks Just ar rived in the newest- styles checked tops and embroidered tops, plain lisle and pure silk , just the tnlng for the warm days to sell for 25c. , . . . .... v " . Special value Iadlea' hand finished perfect fitting fine lisle Union suits. White sale price 98c Ladles' fine ribbed Union suits, lace knee. . regular 69o white sale price S9c Xtadies Jersey drawers, all sizes 25o Ladies Gloves Ladles' 2 clasp kid gloves in tan. white and "black self stitched. Value $1.00. ' ,. . WHITE 6 ALE PRICE Bio White Silk Gloves - Long white silk gloves, 16 button length, all sizes, our egular price 81 . . . WHITE SALE PRICE 6o Chemisettes Lace yokes with boned collar, lac front and trimmed with button high and low neck, white and cream. Reg ular price 49 and 59ck . . 44o Ladies' Neckwear ' Ladles' Swiss embroidered Dutch collars, new Ehapes. Reg. 25c Sale price . - .... . 19c Coat dress collars with pleated frills, white,, pink and sky. Reg. 25 Sale price .. ..... . ...... . 19c Jabots of fine lace and embroidered Swiss. Dainty patterns. Reg. 26. Sale price . 19c Double width chiffon veiling, as sorted colors. "Value up to 69c a yard. White Sale Price .- 25o a yard k Few Notion Items Hair brushes. Values up to 49c Sale Price 19c Ladles hose supporters, cushioned, in black, pink and blue. Value 25c Sale Price . . .u 17c De Long hooks and eyes. Regular 10c a card. 8o Sale Price. Donny Brook Black Thread. Regu lar 5o a spool, . . . , . So Hair nets ,5 In a pkg. .,. . . 8o Dexten knitting cotton. Regular 5c 4o a spool. Stewart's safety pins, 5, 6 and 7o cl paper 4c Superfine finished Vassar hair pins, 6 in a box. Regular price lOc 4o a box. Sllko Dress Shield. Value 25c White Sale Price ... - lOo FEDERAL PARK FROM CAPITOL TO BALTIMORE Washington. June 6 -The establish ment of a wide stretching park under federal control, extending from Wash, ing ton to Baltimore, is to be pressed by leading citizens o!f the capital, among them a present commissioner of the District of Columbia and his predecessor. The board of trade has appointed a committee , which, today, will begin an investigation of the question. A general survey of the territory between the two cities will be made, options will be obtained and a general idea arrived at as to the cost of property by condemnation. The project is not a new"bno but this is the first time chat organized effort has been maJe to outline a gen eral plan. The park' would be designat ed as a federal forest reserve, and be subject to federal regulations. ,The stretch between the two cities is a favorite route for automobiliats and President Wilson and his family fre quently motor over the roads In the White House machine. Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word. COLLEGE ATHLETES FRORL ALL PARTS OF COUNTRY IN MEET AT MADISON, WIS. Madison, Wis., June 6 College ath letes from Ohio to California assem bled here, today, for the 13th western intercollegiate conference track and field meet to be held at the University of Wisconsin, tomorrow. The official entries cover 15 of the largest universities and colleges in a territory embracing four-fifths of the United States. Customer "I must say, waiter, this Is the first time I've ever had a really tender steak here." Walter (aghast)- "Good gracious. I must have given you the proprietor's steak!" Tit-Bits- STRICKEN GLADDENED BY FLORAL GIFTS FROM THE FIRST LADY OF THE LAND Washington, June 6 Hundreds of sick rooms in the hospitals of the capital, today, are brightened with cut flowers and potted plants from the White House conservatories. Eao'a hears the personal card of Mrs. Woo-i row Wilson. ' LI SIB KTLX ON" STRIKE. Canaan, Conn., June 6 The lorsj plant of the New England Lime Com pany shut down, today, because of strike of the kiln tenders who ar demanding an Increase in wages. Firmer Want Ada. One Cent WorS,