Newspaper Page Text
HE FARMER: JTOE 20, 1913 We Give Trading Stamps t.I- of Yon want to be be a foosy Ihi COW 11D. U. (Ell TIE Xadies' and IJisses'Spring "Weight Suits . : J " ..Xotir choice' 'Jd 93c and $1.50 High -Neck lingerie Waists . Ladies Sample Princess Slips . ; values to S2ax Handsome -Wash "Dresses Sixes 14 to 46- linens, vxiles,4 madraa and'Chambraya ' Ladies' Shirts Beaarjrjtub silk,4$3.75graie striped L Art linen Squares and limitation cluny lace, special values C3 Short White and Black Silk uouDie .Tapped .Finger Silk Gloves Y9I Pay turn MARKSMEN HERE TO iCOMPETETOMOBROVY "The Fifteenth tournament of the KVtestern Connecticut Trap Shooters' fXeagtae is to be held on Saturday at ftha grounds of the Seaside Gun club. JLS planned for this season it is to Jytx9 one of the largest and most elabor tate that has yet been recorded here ,nd -las e-n trance lists are already P1 Tlx T TpfcvTTTTC 955-957 the Ninth Wholesale A.RANGE Eiere and share in tine bargains; its going to day if prices are a criterion to go by Misses-' lace and TUmbroild- ery. primmed Muslin Bants Ladies and MUsses Wash Skirts of IiaienercheclcjiLMiedf ord $10:00 Novelty linen Suits , andiPlain;Tail)red Linen v 'Suits i Mercerized Pongee tandPop- lkuLong Coats j $6:50 -values Men's $1.25 White Cambric Dress Shirts ittecne&CTiffs V Men's Mercerized Pongee Athletic Underwear 75e grade . 75c and $1.00 Corsets fThe-new -long models, lace and ribwntriiamed Uss IFer swelled. After the trials an old fash ioned sheep-roast will be served. Shooting will begin at 8 a- m., three sets of traps being used. The pro gram which offers many catalogued prizes includes single target shoot ing, team-shooting, long runs, high gun and others. Many special tro pheys will be shot for under the aus pices of the Seaside Gun Club which controls the meeting. The Western Connecticut , Trap Shooters League officials are: Presi dent. .T. M. Adams, Bridgeport; vice president, W. C. Day, Danbury; secre JPFfl M m St. CD CD FLacfies'lZsIe ISbbed "Vests Crocbetlace trimmed, all S1Z63 Girls' .White Dresses Ages 6 to 14, all - over em broidtery, -xibbon. sash 1.98 $10 SILK POULAED DXIESSE3 Scrim Curtains ' worth 75cand 85c a-pair,now 59c $1.00 Value Battenberg Scarfs and Squares Another Chance to get Large . Battenberg Centre Pieces A new lot of grape' .patterns just arrived . todayl Your -choice $2.98 Handsome New Neckwear and Net Low Neck Yokes MM IKnEimce9 tary-treasurer, Charles Sherwood, Wat ertown; directors, W." S Thompson, Pahquioque Rod and Gun Club, Dan bury; W. B. Judd. Bethel Gun Club, Bethel; F. W. Smith, New Haven Gun Club, New Haven; D. H. Hall, Sea Side Gun Club, Bridgeport ; H. Sher man, Hill Side Gun Club, Long' Hill; EX W. Mumford, Hartford Gun Club, Hartford. The Sea Side Gun Club officers are: President, R. E. Cate. 1785 North ave nue; vice-president,. EJ, G. Southey Broad street; secretary-treasurer, E. Wc Give Trading Stanps GIL! MCE Ladies and Lisle - Stockings Double sole, high spliced heels, whiter-tan andsblack $5.00 Ladies' Mannish M3' A A VTA CSffAflAWI Oxford, maroon, white, roll coiiar . $2.98 Let of Odd Sweaters Children's and Ladies " sizes', values to $2.00. Your pick Men's Work Shirts and'iNeg .ligee Shirts Big 50c values 39c Curtain Materials, 36 inches wide "White and flowered," natural colors. Your choice c yard $1.00 Ladies' Black Silk Thread Stockings Double sole, high spliced : - heels LADIES'RAIfTCOATS $1.98 $2.98 3.98 R. Lewis, P. O. Box 178; field captain, C. W. Vanstone, 65 Kossuth street. TBCMBCLL Rev. T. Yeoman Williams, pastor of the Congregational shurch, will leave Trumbull Sunday morning for Iowa where on Thursday he will be married to Miss Myrtle Pellymounte. After a two weeks' honeymoon. Rev. Mr. Wil liams will bring his bride to the home of Mrs. Nelson French, where they will remain utnil the . parsonage - is ready for occupancy. BUTCHERS ELECT OFFICERS AND THENBANQUET H. E. Mayer of Bridgeport Is New President, and J. E. Porter Trustee The delegates to the convention of the Master Butchers' Association of Connecticut, -were the guests of Bridgeport local last night and they were right royally entertained'. The afternoon session - was devoted to business and the election of offi cers. The presidency came to Bridge port again and H. E. Mayer -was chosen to that office. The remaining officers are Seymour Kashman of Hartford, first vice-president: W. R. Bailey of New Haven, second vice president; Arthur Tennant of New Haven,, secretary and Charles K. Wlss- ert of New Haven, treasurer. The new : trustees are W. R. Bailey of New Haven; T. H" Porter of Bridgeport; E. B. Phillips of Hartford and! J. Ansell of Merlden. . Some of the- delegates did not reach town until the business session was over but in time, however, for the banquet One car load went to Fair field, having been misdirected. , A part of" the handsome dining- -room of the Fairfield was screened off for the fifty butchers and their guests. President Mayer was the toastmaster and he made good. Mayor Clifford B. Wilson came In late and hungry but was allowed to take on a part of his supplies before he was called on to speak. The menu indicated that the butchers do not intend to encourage a sparelty on the table for ft contained about - everything obtainable in this section. - Each of the new officers ,-was called on for ""a speech. Charles CBlltz, one of the. oldest members, was. as humor ous aa ,ever. Loren Delbrldge, Ieputy Sheriff Joseph Wieier, and. tjf course, the inimitable Matt Wleier,- were heardJ In solos grave and gay. The committee In charge of the af fair was composed of Ft W. Behrens, chairman; Mark JTagle, John Porter, C. F. Bilta and Fred Helbig. They were each obliged to say something but the groaning tabled made any further remarks unnecessary. . The members of the entertaining committee received --much commendation ' for their good worte. . Two hours were required -to dispose of the eatables and drinkables after which the assemblage'was divided into small parties and entertained' by mem bers of: the Bridgeport local in differ ent parts , of the city. Some of the visitors are In town today. The Fairfield was demonstrated; to be the . (right place for such an affair. When the improvements and additions now. In progress are completed! it will offer many advantages not possessed by any other city In the state. The dining room was cool and attractive, the service excellent and the- food abundant and -well prepared. - . Noted Rabbi Is Guesi In This City V Dr. . Jaohman Heller, prominent in elemosynary and religious institutions .of New ITork, Phiiaaeipnia, , itams burg and - Charleston, ,W, V., la a visit or in the city, the guest of Babbi W. Wittensteln, Wt -Barnum avenue. He will give two" addresses at' the Adath Israel Synagogue, Kossuth street and East Washington avenue, taking his fmm th Pentateuchal assign men for the Sabbatic declamation, at Synagogues and Temples, during mimiinir snrvices. The nart chosen is the chapter of the Spies, and. the discourses will be delivered tomorrow at 4:30 p. m. and on sunaay, ai : p. m. 4 Tho wohw -known, likewise, as au thor -Journalist- and linguist. ' He i engaged In circuit preaching, touring the country and conveying messages of religion, harmony and fellowship fet.. -T-fiH srtnnietB. throughoTit nu merous cities and numberless states TTninn tTa visited- Bridge- ,port,.,some seven , years ago, having been entertained by tev. jvonai. CITY COURT CASES Just because a dog snapped at him Hueh. ' Smith, a resident . of Hollister avenue was arrested upon the com plaint of his neighbor, Mrs. Williams of the "Hollister" apartments after he had attempted to batter down the door and chastise her eon who was thought to be the innocent cause of setting the dog upon him. In the city court this morning Judge Thomas C. Coughlin imposed a fine of $5. and IjCOSts which He later suspenraa aiier M. reprimand. Richard Brown and Frank Taylor, newsboys, haled to court by Special Policeman John Keenan for having participated in a fight, were discharg ed after injunctions had been issued that no more such releases would be mad'e of newsboys caught in street- fights. i The theft of a horse from his em ployer, C. M. Calhoun, not only gave Henry Roberts, a 17-year old boy much excitement but deprived1 him of his liberty until of age as he has been returned to the Meriden School for Boys from which he had been released on parole. For cutting copper railroad bonds and affecting and operating of signals on the New Haven system near Black Rock yesterday Frank Risky, 1051 Hancock avenue was brought into Remove the Cause THATTIBED FEELliS Horsford's Acid Phosphate re stores strength and vitality and relieves mental and nerv ous exhaustion. It dispels that dragged out feeling during Spring and Summer, the brain . tag ofthe overworked teacher, office r business man. HORSFORD'S Acid Phosphate (Non-AIcoholie) SffllMtUffilM CO. Our Offerings for Exceptional Quality aonlliiary TlBFOll pioiit Cloak Department Balkan Blouses, made of high grade "Galatea." All sizes. Sale price. $1.00 each. Lawn Waists, long and short sleeves, large variety of styles to cnooss from. Sale price $1.00 each. Lingerie Waists. Sale price, $1.50 and 92.50 each. White Pique Skirts. Sale price $1.50 and $1.95 each. House- Dresses, Gingham and Percale. Sizes 24 to 46. Sale price $1.0O each. Women's and Misses' Dresses, Cham-bray and Gingham. Sale pries $1.95 to $7.50 each. FOR TOMORROW OTTjY, TOB CHOICE OF ANT WOOL SCTT FOR $10.00. VALUES FROM $15.00 TO $25.00. Women's & Misses' Bathing Suits Made of ; Beach Cloth, Mohair and Silk. Misses Bathing Suits. Sale price $1.50, $1.95, $2.95 each. Women's Bathing Suits. Sale price $1.50. $1.95, S3. 50, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 and $6.50. Silk Bathing Suits, $6.95 and $S.9S, Men's Furnishings Negligee Shirts, good line of pattternr, rvalue 89o. Sale price 69o eaclr Special line of Negligee Shirts, value 59c Sale price 45c each. ' Men's Silk Hose, 17o .pair, $ for 60c. Men's Black, Tan and Mixed Hose. Sale price- 11c pair. . Men's Silk Lisle Hose. Sale price 25c pair. Men's Balbrfggan Underwear. Sale price 23o each. ' ' Men's Balbrlggan Underwear, value-69c. Sale price 45c -each. Men's -Leather Belts, -worth, 25a and 39c. Sale price 10c each. (Right AislerFront-X Women's .Gloves - - 1-8 Button -SIllc?Gloves, Black, White, -Tan, Gray,- valoe $1.60 price 69c pair. "KAYSBK" Silk Gloves, 16Tutton length, Black, White,,, Tan. price $1.00 pair. 2 Clasp -Kid Gloves,, good line of pair. '- ! ' Ribbons New line of 5 Inch Satin Ribbons, all the -wanted -colors 6ai-prte?S5o yard. . 5 Inch Motre-Blbboo White, RlnkLIghfe BIi.aikCardinl;BJnd. Navy. Sale price -220 yard. 6-"tnch Hair Bow "Taffeta. RTbbons, wlde4rang9i of -colors. --SaIe-rprice25o yard. ' 6 Inch MoirerRIKbOTiS, White, Light- Blue, FinfcV'Black. Bale pi-Jc9 28o yard, , - ' --9CMnFJoorFmi. .' Women's Neckwear Collar and Cuff Sets, newest styles. Sale price 25c New line of LaceN Iutch Collars. Fancy Collars- in Silk or Lace. -. Laces and Veilings New assortment of-Plat. VaJ. and Shadow Insertiona;Creamndl"Whito, & to 6 inches wide. Special 12 Jc to 89c a yard. A special lot of Shadow edges, 10 to U inches wide, value 50c Eala price 25c and 39o yard. All Pure Linen Cluny Edges, 2' to 4 Inches wide,' 1254c, 19c 25c yard. Torchon- Edges and Insertions, 1 "to Inches 'wide. Special -4c and 5o a -yard. ;. ' Val. Edges and Insertions, 12 yard piece for- BOc One lot-quare-Chiffo-IVeils,,S yarda . iong(. value j41.50. Sale price $1:39' each. '' - ' (Left. Aisle fCenter HATS AND FLOWERS TV GREAT A SSORTMENT. VAL UE 50a TO $1.50. XOUR CHOIC E 25c EACH. , . ' i ; " ;CBsment.T THE SMlTHrMURRY'rGt. PH ARLS are so- linked together that a few or our one Pearl Crescent Brooches zo vxaMv Farl Harvest Moon Brooches 6.00 to 48.00, . Pearl Circle ilroCK-n ............... ro ; r. Pearl Bar Fin 1,.,-1 TtlniH Tearl IjaVaHIere All are whole pearls and mounted la heavy , 14k gold settings CXI THE SIGN ; ffr rev- court. But thirteen years of age, ho did not realize the danger. The boys had- wrenched the- bond loose with their hands and. intended to sell it but later- one of them threw it into the swimming pool. The RisB-y boy was sentenced to the Reform school but sentence was commuted to probation for one year and. all made to under stand the gravity of the aot. WILSON AND NEWSPAPER MEN. There -is a good story told of how President Wilson and" the newspaper correspondents at Washington "got to gether" co closely and cordially as they have. Twice a week the Presi dent holds a conference with the news paper men. Usually 60 of them stand about him and shoot questions at him. They keep him on the Jump, but there is cordiality ' everywhere. They un derstand him. They know he is sin cere. He tells them things in confi dence that of course never are seen In print until he gives the word. But when he first went to live at the White House the meetings with the newspaper men were formal, stiff affairs with figurative ice everywhere. Secretary .Tumulty thawed' the ice away. "Governor," he called out to the 'President, "these men are roast ing you." The "governor" was inter ested at once, and in the quick ex change of talk that followed got "next" to the newspaper men and they got "next" to him. Now they are close friends. He speaks frankly when he can, and when he can't he says so. Through the Washington correspondents the country gets its idea of Just what sorf of-a. -man the President- is. J. He-ncarlt u To-morrow in Point o and Price toe Sfors (Second FiooR Sale , . shades. Value $1.00. Sale- ptJco-S&o ;Xref t -Aisla-Fron ' Sale price 25c and 50c Sale - price 25c and 50c v,- iCLeft -Aisle-!Font3 AN Dv J U 21 E : -we feel we must, dosr-ribe. ' Jt-eari pieces 01 jewoiry 3.00 to 1S.O 4 ... S.OO to 16.5 2L50 to 25.00 i OF THE CHIMES BED BUGS are coming-- to life again aa poon as the warm weather tm here. This Is the time to rid' your house of the peat and have comfort the rest of the season. Cyrus Presto Killer, 25c per can, will do it for yom, -THE DRUGGIST Fairfield Av.and Courtland Si, ' ' i Wanted FIRST CLASS POLISHER9S Apply j . American GraphoplioHe Co. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, CHEERI STREET. " D20u isn't a slight thing for a President toi win the friendship and' confidence of those men. If he stooped to trickery he would have neither their confi dence nor their friendship. That hf has both is evidence of his sincerity aj well aa of -his - ability. Savannah ,-New- .r.i ,.y i-' -