Hertford, June 20 At a. meeting of
the state tuberculosis commission at
the capitol. today, David R. Lyman,
the appointee of Gov. Baldwin to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of
Dr. George Knight, was present. The
board organized by electing Dr. Ste
phen J. Maher. of Jlew Haven, the
holdover member of the board,
chairman. The" board has been with
out a. chairman since Dr. Knight's
death. Commissioner John F. Oun
shanan's term will expire July 1 and
he will be succeeded by Jonathan God
frey of Bridgeport, on that date.
London, June 20 Canada, today, de
feated South Africa In the doubles
match in the elimination, round for the
selection of a challenger, for the
Dwigbt F. Davis lawn tennis trophy
by three sets to one. The score was
7-5, 6-3, 3-6. 6-3.- i
Connecticut Commission
Will Have Wreck Finding
Inside of Three Weeks
Commissioner T. B. Ford, of ' the
Connecticut Public Utilities Ctanmis-
sion, asked today when he 1 expected
the commission's report would be filed
on the inquiry . into the Stamford
wreck said that It should be completed
within three weeks.
Under the law the commission Is
given thirty days after the occurrence
I and Chief Engineer EH we 11 is already
engaged with a stenographer arrang
ing the mass of detail. V
Pupils of Miss Mary- Louise Peck
will given a. piano recital this evening
In Odd Fellows' hall. Those who take
part In the program will be assisted
by Miss Gertrude Field, violinist, and
Mrs. Leonard Wall, violoncellist.
Democratic Caucus .
Gets Revised Tariff
, BUI From Committees
"Washington. June 30 The Senate fi
nance committee, today, presented to
the Democratic Senate caucus the re
vised tariff bill. There are many
additions to the free list..
Wheat, ten cents per bushel In the
Underwood bill, was added to the free
list but the Senate committee retain
ed a retaliatory provision for a duty
of ten cents a bushel on wheat, 45
cents a barrel on flour and 1 per cent,
ad valorem on other wheat .products
when Imported . from a country . that
Imposes duty on American wheat or
wheat product.
A retaliatory duty . of 10 per cent,
upon potatoes imported from countries
imposing duties against the United
States ' also was inserted. Potatoes
were unreservedly on the free list In
the Underwood bill.
Regatta Course, New London, June
20. All New London teemed with ex-
citement. this afternoon, and! long be
'fore the crews had put their shells
overboard, throngs left the town for
the river banks to secure positions of
vantage to view the struggle between
the big Tale and Harvard eights. -
The rain had ceased and an insist
ent sun occasionally broke, through the
leaden skies and tipped with brilliant
light the colors and pennants that
were flung from many yachts that lay
in seried lines along the . Thames
- course.
The crowd? did not fill the observa
tion train until just before the race
The crews remained at their quarters
at Gales Ferry and Red Top until the
last minute. "
Weather Indications
New Haven, June 20 Forecast: Un
settled weather with local showers,
tonight and Saturday. Slightly warm
er tonight.
For Connecticut; Unsettled weather
probably with showers tonight; light
to moderate south and southwest
An area of low pressure extending
from the lake region eastward to New
England is causing unsettled, showery
weather in the northern districts from
the Mississippi valley eastward to the
coast. The temperature continues high
in the central districts.
Bethel, Conn., June 20. William
McCauley, of Danbury, was fined $50
and coats by Justice II. A. Gilbert, of
this place, today, on the charge of
using dynamite for the purpose of
killing fish in a stream in the out
skirts of this place.
Danbury. June 20 Coroner Phelan,
of Bridgeport, will come to this city,
tomorrow to make an inquiry into
the death of the eleven year old son of
Sabbath A. Ollva, which occurred, this
morning. It Is alleged that the child
was given an overdose of paregoric
by a nurse.
Mrs. Anna Petit, 200 Orchard street.
died of concealed hemorrhage" this
morning at the Bridgeport hospital
Mrs. Petit, was taken ill at her home
this morning and though medical at
tention was summoned at once, her
condition grew steadily worse and it
was finally decided to transfer her to
the hospital. She died within hall
an hour after she had been removed
to the Institution. ' ' ' '
Mobile. Ala.. June 20 Before closing
its session here, last night, the Amer
ican Dairy. Food & Drug offilcals
chose Commissioner H. F. Potter, of
Connecticut, treasurer.
Savannah, June 20 Dr. Thomas M.
Norwood, United States Senator in
the 49th and 50th Congresses, died at
his home here, last night, aged 83
1138 TO 1144 MAIN STREET,
The Progresssive Store"
ILaiisfl " ED
M (GireM JJiiiiimcE WQnnfle
Your last chance to enjoy these rare White Sale values. All that we can say is DON'T MISS IT! Final reductions are deep for the
Final Day TOMORROW. This sale has been a tremendous success because of VALUES VALUES ALONE! The GREATER UN
DERPRICINGS for Saturday the last day should send sales scurrying- skyward and smash all sale records. Be here sure to enjoy
the remarkable closing: economies. , -
$15 White "Sport" Coats at
The season's sensation in jaunty outer-
apparel pure white Basket Weave Coats,
36 in. in length, with bigf white buttons,
that button hig-h to the neck a $15 .VAL
$15 and $18 White Serge Dresses
Also some Bedford Cords in lot -Beauti
ful specimenis of summery apparel and if they
were not a SAMPLE LOT we could not offer
them even among the JUNE WHITE SALE
values at such an amazing' underprice.
$25 Sample Silk Dresses at
35 or 40 Dresses in this lot of Samples -
prehensive assortment of afternoon styles jk
in Crepe Meteor and Charmeuse xf all v
new. shades at this remarkable price reduction.
200 Styles of Wash Dresses at $2.50 to $15
; , 200 styles of Wash Dresses in the prettiest colors and
color combinations of such popular materials as Cotton
Voile, Percale,' Tissue doth. Linen, Ratine, Etc. in June
White Sale marked at from $3.50 to $15.00.
Special White Crepe Voile Dress
Striped wriite Crepe Voile of very fashion
able styles and trimmed with rich, Quny Lace,
pepltim effect, silk reveres and belt Beautiful
summer dTess ami VERy SPECIAL AT
Pleasing r.Iodes in Wash Skirts at $1 to $5
The White Sale affords you an opportunity of --selecting
some very excellent values to Wash Skirts of pure linen
natural or oyster Bedford Cord, Crash, Eponge and Repp
at the distinctively low prices of SjvLOO to $5.00.
Muslin Underwear at
Ladies petticoats made of fine Nainsook
with shadow lace flounces and ribbon run
insertion to match. These skirts ' are with
and without dust ' ruffles, . just suitable for
narrow, dresses. Regular' price $2.50. Sale
Ladies' nainsook and fine muslin petti
coats with flounces of various patterns of
dainty e m t r o i d e ries and ,Val lace.
These f 1 6ti nces are nicely finished
with beading-S i and good washable ribbons.
Regular $1.50 'and $1.25. Sale price 98c
' Ladies nainsook petticoats with deep em
broidery flounces. Special for this sale .. 79c
.- Ladies night gowns made of fine nain
sook and. batiste empire effects, the necks and
sleeves are prettily trimmed with val and
linen, laces. Regular $2.50. Sale price . $1.98
Ladies' night gowns made of nainsook,
batiste and crepe, trimmed with dainty pat
terns of Val laces and Swiss embroideries.
These1 gowns are round, square, V and
high neck , Regular $1.50. Sale price 87c
Ladies' night gowns made of good nain
sook with yokes of embroidery nicely finish
ed with linen and val " laces. Regular 98c.
Sale price . .... .... : . 79c
v . Special- Ladies' combinations . made of
allover swiss embroideries,1 . drawers circular,
made with yokes. Regular $1.50. Special 88c
: - Ladies combinations made of good nain
sook, drawers circular .with ruffles of lace,
covers nicely trimmed with embroidery and
val lace ribbon run insertions. Regular 98c
ale price . . .:. . J -.:. i .J. ... . 1 69c
Absolutely Free To Ohf ; Customers !
Mew Ova! Coiwexeci Portraits
Worthy indeed is the desire
to preserve in some artistic
manner the features and form
of a friend or loved one. The
idea of producing a positively
permanent portrait one that
wiil diepict in life-like distinct
ness the- original has develop
ed into our' new art -in vention.
ow To Get One
Secure a coupon from the sales man or
woman from- whom you make a purchase.
Take your sales-slip ; and . ' coupons to the
Portrait Demstrator and have the coupon
punched showing: the amount of the sale.
When your purchase amount to $3.00 bring
the coupon together with the photo you.
wish enlarged to our Portrait Department
and we will make, without cost, to you a
beautiful Oval portrait. , ' ' x
It is made from the original
photo and is enlarged to 11 in-
. ches by 14 inches, finished by
the most skilled artists and is
far superior to anythinghere
tofore produced. These , por-
, traits are guaranteed never to
fade as the pigments used in
their making are of the very
best quality and . have been
selected with a view, to perma
nency. - ' r -.
TMs Portrait Is
Given Free of Charge
. Your photograph will be returned to
you in perfect ..condition. This offer is -no
money making scheme ' but is backed by
Laborde-Gelman Guarantee.'
, '.."F;R-E:E--; v-.; "v
Any customer who purchases in this
great White Sale will receive $1.00 purchase
on their , card FREE so that the customer
will only be required to buy $2.00 worth of
goods to have the card punched $3.0 worth.
Lsdies Kid Gloves
Ladies two clasp kid gloves in black.
tan and white, regular $1.00 value, '. 59c
Handkerchiefs In Jons White Sale
Ladies and Children's r sheer lawn
handkerchiefs with the Longfellow Initial
embroidered in j corners regular 5c Sale
price ...... ..... ............ . . -4c
Ladies' Necicwear
Lace, Dutch Collars of fine Venetian and
Princess laces round sailor and the new
shapes in white and ecru values up to $1.8.
Special price 43c
v Lace Dutch collars of fine Princess laces
dainty patterns new shapes in white and ecru
values up to $1.00. Special at .......... 29c
Lace Dutch collars, sailor and round ef
fects embroidered and laces values up to 75c.
Special ' at . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ... 25c
Dutch collars of voile and embroidered
lawn, jabots of embroidery ' and fluffy net
collars with frills white and pink all regular
25c Special at . . ... .,... . . . ... ... 19c
White Leather Goods
White kig bag3 moire lined, cord
Containing white kid purse prices 98c to $1.83
White moire bags fancy and plain frames
moire and silk iined new shapes containing
purse of white kid cord and leather handles
prices ...... . 98c to $1.83
White kid strap purses moire lined con
taining kid purses price . M i . . $1.S3
I-:: 'White' Belts
- '- w - .
White kid belts pearl and silver buckles
narrow and wide effects' all sizes for" coats
and dresses prices . ' 25c and 43c
1 Chiffon veils. two yards by .one -yard,
silk border in all ' shades ............ 88c
Silk motor veils two yards by one yard
all the new shades value $2.00, price . . $1.50
Ladies' Silk Gloves
Ladies' 16 button length,
slllc gloves in white,' black,
tan, gray and blue $1.00. .
Ladies' 12 button length
slllc gloves in white, black,
Pongee, tan and navy blue
.... 9 a. . -.'- . .-. - 75o
Ladies' short slllc gloves in
white, black, tan. Pongee,
navy blue, grey . . . ., . . BOc
Ladies' washable doeskin
gloves, IS button length 50c
Ladies', Hosiery
Ladies , pure Bilk boot
hose, high spliced heel, lisle
garter top, black, white or
tan .... ... 35c
Ladies' short sleeVe and
sleeveless fine ribbed under,
vests at lO, extra sizes . . .
12 l-2c
Ladies' fine ribbed Jersey
drawers, lace or tight knee
in all sizes 25c
Lien's FBrnisiii&gs
Men's shirts in pure silk
fiv (5) button coat style in
beautiful colorings and de
signs, regular $5.00 and $6.00
values . $3.98
Neckwear i n English
shape in the Regimental and
College stripes and assorted
colorings,' regular 50c values.
. . ". 29c
Wash ties in assorted col
orings 9c each, three for 25c,
actual value 15c
Soft collars 9o eachV tliree
for 25c, regular two for 25c
Solid oak case
with rounded
corners, center
circulations and
automatic traps.
85 lb. size. Reg.
SS.OO, now $4.9S
40 lb. size. Reg.
99.00, now $6.49
45 lb. , size. Reg.
$10.OO, now S8.98
60 lb. size. Reg'
912.00, now .98
60 lb. size. Reg
$15.00, now ...
. . $12.49
70 lb. size. Reg.
$17.00 Now .
i $14.49
Side leer style.
$18.00 size, now
$20.00 size, now
K 2a.OO size, now
t- $18.50
Regular $6.50 Couch Hammock
Iron frame
ess!, rnstle"8
UH emfne hea
vy itt at'
tress wind
shield, ex
tra chalTin
and hooks,
all " com
ojete at
1 only 16 tn. Ball Bearing $7.60
1 only 18 in. Ball Bearing " $9.50
1 only 16 in. T'lain Bearing $6.00
1 only 18 in. Plain Bearing $7.00
1 only 14 in. Plain Bearing' $S.50
1 only 12 in- Plain Bearing $3.00
2 qt. Metal Sanitary Ice' ZQ
Cream Freezers at. ..
4 qt. Size at .. QQq,
We carry a fun line of White Mountain Freez
ers at Out Prices. .
$8.00 four
swings, at . ... ...
Oil or Gas Stove Ovens 69c, 98c $1.69, $1.89,
$2.25, $2.69, $2.98.
Galvanized Iron Garbage
with Deep Tight Fit
ting Covers.
eOo size. Non
98c size TTow'..,.'
$1.10 size Now
$1J5 size. Nms .......
.. 97c
White Enamel Kitchen Sets Made
of Heavy Tin fricely Stencilled.
1 only 2 lb. tea can ! - All for '
1 only 3 1-2 H. coffee can f
1 only 7 lb. sugar can TlvW
1 only lO lb. flour can Reg. 75c set
1 lot of Hard Wood Folding
Settees. Reg. $1.00 grade at . .
Screen Doors, Window Screens,
Size 2 ft. 6 in. X 6 ft. 6 in. 89o
Size 2ft.8tin.x6ft.8in. 98o
Size 2 ft. lO in. x 6 ft. lO n
SizeSftl"x 7 ft. $1.15
Fancy pine .frames, -.natural
finish with two coats of dur
able varnish. .
Size 2 ft, 6 in. x 6ft 625
Size 2 ft, 8 in. x 6 tU, 8 in.
, 7. . $1.50
Size 2 ft, lO in. x 6 ft. lO in.
rlT rift, $1.50
Door Sets Complete with one Pair Steel Spring
Hinges, Handle, Screws, and Hook and Eye
... . ....... , l . . ....... . 15c Set
Hard wood frames, natnral
finish with best grade of Wa
wire. ' -
Size 18 In. high, opens to SS In.
Size 24 in. high, opens to 83 in. . . .
Size 24 in. high, opens to 37 in.
. 28c
Best Grade Black Screen Wire
24 In. wide ' 12o yd. I 80 in. wide 15o yd.
, , . f 82 in. wide 16o yd.
26 In. wide 13o yd. 84 in. wide 17o yd.
28 in. wide 14c yd. I 86 in. wide 18o yd.
i U -
. J
This three burner gas
cooker, all complete with
tubing, roast
an, meacy MM
rester . v -
Fall size oven with broil
ing and baking burners.
We guarantee every cook
er to be a perfect baker.
Gas Plates in 1, 2, S Burners, black or nickel
finish with loose-plate or arm Burners irom
loo to
mlaels -anil
: : Wear
Children's French dresses,
very prettily trimmed with
fine Val lace and embroid
ery. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Reg
ular price $2.50. . Sale price
i. . . .. ...... . $2.23
Children's French dresses,
trimmed with Cluny lace in
sertion and edging. Sizes 2 to
6 yrs. Regular price $2.25.
Bale price ... . . $1.98
Children's short dresses
with yokes of fine" lace, and
embroidery. Some made
with flounce of Swiss em
broidery. Value UP to $2.49.
Sale price 49c, 98c $1.33,
Children's Princess slips,
made of fine nainsook and
trimmed with lace and em
broidery. Glzes 4 to 12 yrs.
Regular price $1.25 .... 98c
Children's Drawers made
of good muslin with embroi
dery and lace .Insertion and
edging. Regular prices
12 l-2c, 25c, 49c. Sale price
. 11c, 19c 42e
I, J
-i T
" -
1 j
i ,
14 Z
H ;
Boston, June 20 Samuel A. Segee,
chairman of the board of assessors of
Revere, today, was found guilty of
making false entries in the tax valua
tion books.
The state charged the defendant em
ployed fictitious names to transfer
property in which he had an interest
so that the real estate tax was not
collectable. Tlve defense claimed that
Seegee was the victim of a conspir
acy to inj-ure htm before the public.
New London, June 20. David Mac
Kenzie, park commissioner, died' this
morning, after a brief illness. He was
connected with the Central Vermont
Railway about 45 years and his last
position was superintendent of divi
sion, with headquarters in tnis city.
Hartford, June 20. John Middle
ton, who represented the town of En
field in the general assembly in 1883,
1884 and 1905, died at his home in
the village of Melrose, today. He was
born in Ireland and was 73 years of
age. He was interested In the grocery
business in Broad Brook and owned a
farm of 200 acres, engaging largely in
the raising of tobacco.
Mr. Middleton Is survived by his
widow, a Bon and a daughter. The
son Is Former Senator Howard A.
Earl Christie. Harry . Reichenbach,
Harry M. Srd and H. M. Spangler,
leave tonight for Foughkeepsie, in a
Maxwell roadster. The four are all
of the Cornell Alumni and will remain
over for the varsity races tomorrow,
returning by way of White Plains and
New York.
Francis Emroy Warren of Wyoming,
one of the wealthiest members of the
United States Senate, was born at
Hinsdale, Masa.j sixty-nine years ago
today. " During the civil war he was
a private and later an officer in the
Forty-ninth Massachusetts Volunteers,
and received a Congressional medal of
honor for gallantry on battlefield at
the seige of Port Hudson. Although
the owner of millions. Senator War
ren recently applied -for a $16 a month
pension, explaining that he did so in
order to officially establish his army
record. He went to Wyoming in 1868,
and soon became prominent in Repub
lican politics as mayor of Cheyenne,
territorial governor of the State, and
United States Senator. Sheep were
the source of his fortune, and he be
came one of the largest wool produc
ers in the world. He has been sub
jected to many bitter attacks in the
press, but he has been Wyoming's
choice for senator since 1890. As a
young man in Wyoming he was prom
inent In the campaign that resulted
In the granting of suffrage to the la
dies. That ' was In 1869, when Wyo
ming was a territory. Throughout his
subsequent career "the shepherd king
of America" has been a champion of
the cuffrage cause.
William A. Brady, theatrical mag
nate and husband of Grace George,
rounds out a half-century of a- re
markable career to-day. Born In San
Francisco, he early removed to New
Tork, Where his father, Terrenes Bra
dy, was a member of the editorial
staff of the New York Herald. After
his father's death he worked his way
west to Omaha, where he worked for
a time as a train boy to get money to
continue his Journey to San Francisco.
Arriving in his native city, he went
to the California Theatre, where he
told the manager he was an actor, and
secured a minor role in "The White
Slave." He - was soon discharged as
an actor, but hired as a call-boy at
seven dollars a week. Brady became
a manager twenty-five years ago, when
he organized a road company. For a
time he was the manager of Jim Cor
bett, and later of Jim Jeffries, when
those gentlemen were heavyweight
champions. In 1896 he invaded New
Tork, and is, now one of the principal
producers of the American metrop
olis, with interests in many other cit
ies and connections In London.
WHITE. In Litchfield, June 16, Mary
Amelia White.
PRKNDERGAST. At Stamford, June
12, Thomas Prendergast.
JONES. In Stamford, June 12, Frank
A. Jones, aged 6 5 years.
city, June 16, Miss Helen G. Toblrn
to Edward I Gillespie, both 03
KI.IMv-IIIIjIv. In Dajibury, June 11,
Miss Altana F. Hill and Arthur V,
June 12, Ernest C. Wheeler ani
Miss Edna V. Austin.
TUTTTJE-RTTSSEIi. In Winsted, Join
16, Carlton A. Tuttle and Mlas Eara!l
June 17, Robert J. White and Mlw
Ellen M. Croxford.
SCHUIr25-TODD. In So. Nonra:k.
June 11, Miss Frances E. Todd an
Louis Schulta.
KOPP-M'NICOL. Tn Oreenw!ch.Jn-. J
11, William J. Kopp of Brooklyn,
and Miss Alma McNicoI.
SMITH-HIBLIXG. In Greenwich,
June 12. William Smith and Mial
E stelle Sibling.