Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMER: JUSTED, 1913 3rFTV'S SECTION We Arc Firm Believers in the Bet ter Kind o! Clothing for Men And So Sell Only That Kind. By that we mean the kind of clothes that better the aver age in every detail; better in style; in fitting qualities; in materials and workmanship. The one way in which we can make sure of getting such -clothes is to have the' goods, shrink them - thoroughly to insure against loss of shape, and then to have the most skilled tailor-men in the country make them for us. That is practically what we-do in produc ing every Meigs & Co. Suit. So e are very sure when we sell you one of our M-and-Oo. "Wonder" Suits at $15, or our "Efficiency" Suits at $20 and up, that you may wear out the cloth but you never will wear out the style. Suits with clever soft-front, low-roiling -lapels, close-setting collars and smooth shoul ders, slim-trim sleeves finished with French . cuffs. and without, many with patch pockets; ; cooL easy-fitting, individual enough to become a part, of you the moment you don one. Shown in blue serges and every fancy col- . or and weave that Fashion calls correct. fc?- : IMCORMBATEO 3 UTFrTTERS TO MEN WOMEN & CHILDREN BRIDGEPORT. CONN. SHE WILSON READY TO FACE SENATE President Won't Accept ''Hot Weather" as Plea for Delay in Tariff Legislation If Senators Won't Act on Tariff He'll Give Them Problems in Currency OARSMEN COMPLETE -WEEKS: OF TRAINING I Oil HUDSON RIVER aPongjikeepsiQw JHme 20 j Tha 141 of Cornell, Wisconsin, Co lumbia, Pennsylvania, Syracuse and Washington, la " the training camps along the pel e course have Tiractlcally finished their weeks of training and are ready for the con tests tomorrow afternoon. There is confidence in every camp and every coach is looking: for his crews to give all there la in them to make victory possible. The six coaches refrain from predictions but all look forward th closest' struggle in aquatics ever t&en on the Foughkeepsie course. "yesterday, the men were given only enough practice to keep thena In Con dition. Today, the men may he sent out for their last row hut they wilH not be called upon by the coaches to the stroke up above 30 unless it Is during the last practice of the starts. , All the cases of eor hands in the rsrlons camps show marked improve ment and today not a case of indis position was reported. , : p ' . FATHER LYDDY'S FIRST MASS AT ST. MARY'S SUHflAY Will Bestow Individual Blessing At Conclusion of Solemn 3 Ceremony v Johnson Off For Annuel Conference Honored by a high position, on the committee of Some Relief, and asked to lead In the national debate on that theme. Sop. Fred Johnson of tha lo cal Charities department leaves for rpringfleld, O, on Monday. He will at tend the annual conference of the American Association of Officials of Charity and Correction, beld in that .city June 2-4-26 Inclusive. On Th-urs f ay lie will deliver an address upon -the home conditions and its relief toy public officials. -JtODY OP SWBfMEB ' . FOUND AT SAVDT BOCK New Haven, June 20 The body of Robert M'Kee, of Hartford, who, it la thought, tried to swim across . New Haven harbor on Monday of this week, was found at Savin Rock on the shore near St. Lawrence's pavilion, early to- day, by Theodore Atwood. The body was In a bathing suit. It is said that McKee swam across, the harbor to the Lighthouse, last summer. BOY OF EIGHT YEARS COMPLETELY BALD Solid Crust Covered Head. Spread to Face. Face Mass of Sores - Cracked and Running. Used Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment Two Months. Well as Ever. 20O Columbus Ave4 Suite 2; Boston,' Mass. ''When my boy -was eight years old he started with an itch on his bead. I no ticed small patches resembling dandruff ap pearing in several places over his head, vbere the hair had also fallen out. It rap idly spread all over the head and in less than three weeks he was completely bald. A so0d crust covered the head resembling cap. This crust bad cracks that a watery .'aubstance oozed from all the time, and when fce scratched it would bleed. It , rapidly spread to his face and bis eyes became Inflamed and burned; be suffered severe pain. Then there were days that he lost lus sight completely. - His face by this time was a mass of sores, -cracked and running, and badly swollen. Ha would scratch it in his sleep until it was as raw as a piece of beef and be all covered with blood. Ee looked unnatural, and cried most aXt the time. One of his ears was split at the top and also at the bottom. It was waly a matter of a short time before it would have dropped off. I became so alarmed that X tied it up. A neighbor asked me to try Cutkrara Soap and Ointment. In two tnantha of faithful treatment with Cuticura oap and Ointment he was as well as ever." (Signed) Mrs. NeUie A. etlth. May O. 1912. C vticura Soap 35c and Cuticura Ointment COS. are sold everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 33-p. 8 kin Book. Ad dress post-card Cuticura. Dept. T. Boston." Sur-Men who shave and shampoo with Ca fe ill Cad It best f or aUn and seal p. Ordained to the priesthood) last Tues day -at St. Mary's Cathedral, : Balti more, by Cardinal Gibbons, Rev. "Wal ter J. Lyddy, eon of Alderman and Mrs. John- EJ. Lyday; of .90 Hough ave nue, will sing1 his first mass next Sun day morning- at St. Mary's church at 10:30 o'clock. At the end of the mass, .miner juyaay win bestow the, Individ. ual blessing. ' Father 1 Lyddy will be celebrant of fhe. solemn high mass assisted by 'Rev A nomas I . Mulcahy, assistant cele brant. Rev. J oeeph H. L . Seiferanan. deacon, Rev. James ' Barrett, sub-dea con; Rev. Stephen Grohan, master of ceremonies and Rev. Thomas Molloy ana Kev. Frank HInchey, acolytes. iav. R. J. Carroll of Souith Norwalk, a rormer curate at 6. Mary's, will preach the 'sermon.'. Rev. J. H. Self erman, at present curate at et. MaryVs, is & former class mate of Father Lyddy's studying with mm- in Europe. . Revs. . Barrett, Gro han, Mtalloy and . Hinchey - are all Bridgeport young men who are to re ceive their - holy orders wfthm the year, iteva. iiarreet and Molloy are natives of Sacred Heart parish, Rsv. uronan or sr. Charles' and Rev, Hinchey of St. Patrick's. Rev. Bar rett is now located ait St. Mary's, Bal timore, while the other three are at St. Bernard's, Rochester. Father Lyddy is a native of 6t Mary's parish and (enjoys he dietine tlon of being- the first native of that parish to receive-: holy orders in quarter cf a century. As a school toy he served as n altar boy In that par ish. After attending the parochial schools lie entered St. Thomas' semi nary in Hartford. He was later, un der the direction of the late Bishop Michael Tierney, sent to Lugano, Switzerland, -to pursue the studies of philosophy and theology. Two years later he returned to this country be ing assigned by Bishop John J. Ni- lan to St. Mary's, - Baltimore where he completed his studies. Father Lyddy will iaiter be assigned by itlshop Milan to a curacy in some parish In the Hartford diocese. (By Our Special Cbrres.) Washington, June 20 If the Sugar Trust lobby and the other lobbies toe lieve that they are. going to wear out the present ' administration by keep ing the tariff bill in the air for several months, until the Senate cries that its too hot to legislate, and adjourns, they are unaouotediy eraing to be mistaken. They say that no other president has been able to keep 'the great e'enate in session during1 the month of AUjrust. But they forget that the present ad ministration is one where precedent does not count. Just to show the ReptHbllcaa and Sugar Trust gang' that he is twice as game as they are the President will come tip to the Capitol next Monday and rad his message on Currency Re form, and that will mean another Job for the A-u&ast Senats- to tackle this summer, and if they do not burry up with the tariffs the President may iput them, to work on something' else so that they will earn their, money. All-i of the Senators know that what the country wants ts the tariff out of the way at once, and the Republican reactionaries, and the Sugar crowd under the control of Mormon Smoot, and others hope to cause a little un rest ' for the administration, and make as much political capital as possible by putting all of -the logs It possibly can in thte way of the tariff legisla tion. They even hope to use the hot weather as an' excuse to put off the finishing- of the tariff bill, but the trot ting- out of the Currency bill by the President has somewhat baffled the crowd who hoped to see the Senate adjourn and leave the tariff on the shelf until Fall. Although the Presi dent has not need the words of Gen. Grant his action In the Currency mat ters seems to carry with it the ulti matum on the tariff question, "We will fight, it out On these 31nes if it takes : eUramner.'V Another phase of the.ituatlon that the sugar trust, the Importers, and others who are shouting against the bill -find that they have to contend wrth is the fact- that the present-Sen ate is madje xrp o "the ' last batch of members who wilt be selected, by the old f uedal and doughbag systems. The next crowd wftl be elected by the peo ple, and for the first time in ths his tory of the country the Senate GIANT IMPERATOR AT HOBOKEN PIER New Xork, Juno 20 The steam ship Imperator, biggest vessel afloat, ploughed the HudBon for the first time, yesterday. With pennants flutter ing from bow to stern, bands playing lively airs, and river traffic bellowing a hoarse salute, the great bulk of the new giant of the seas was warped in to her pier at Hoboken by a fleet of tugs. So great is her height that it was found necessary to remove a portion of the roof of the pier before she could come alongside. GET OUT IN THE OPEN "WITH A BROWNIE CAMERA- NO. 1, PRICE. ....... ...$1.0G NO. 2, PRICE S2.00 NO. 2A, PRICE. $3.00 NO. 3, PRICE .... i.OO OSTROF"S!ETa NEW rrKUG BTOHB NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Lauralton Junior r Class Day Exercises (Special to The Farmer) MSiford, June 20 Junior class day exercises of the Academy of Our Lady of Mercy, Lauralton Hall, were held yesterday afternoon in the academy assembly hail, being well attended by the parents and friends of the young ladles, a carefully prepared musical program attested to the advancing Skin of trie young ladles. The program included "Xouth and Joy," (Schypte), eight . pianos, the Misses Helen Curtis. Ruth Dimond. Edna Powers, May CKeefe, Helen Slurphy, Helen Clark, Imelda Fay, Gladys Flynn and Theodosia Boehm: By-Lo JJolly," (Orth). piano solo by Miss Mil K3 red Gates; "Peaching Dolly to Walk," (Bartiett), piano solo by Miss Helen Curtis; "Eu Dateau," (De bussy), five pianos; ( ''Marcbettjev (Chaminade), piano' solo by R-utb Di mond; Pizzacati tdance by Edna Pow ers and Helen -Murphy; "ErotJk,1 (Grieg), piano solo by Helen Clark; Scottish tone picture solo by Miss Margaret Dumrase; "The Flight of the Dandelion," playlet; "Fairies, (Rogers), solo by Edna Powers; "Meditation," (Mentor Crosse), piano -solo by Dorothy free ton; "Canyonetta (Von Wilm), piano solo by Imelda Fay; "Wild Rose," (Marshall Loepke), piano BOlo by Gladys Flynn; 'Little Boy Blue," (DeKoven), chorus ; "Hieland Laddie," (PerryX eight pianos: "Fairy Doll." (Holliday), piano solo by Helen Mur phy; "Witches Ravel," (Schypte), piano solo by Theodosia Boehm; "Tar antella," (Dennie), piano solo by Miss May O'Keefe. The wel-dressed woman turns to the black-and-white hat as the season ad vances, because such hats can be worn with all costumes. Just now in the shops are some very smart black hats with Jaunty white wings, birds and in making a- tariff will be directly an swerable to the people of their 'States. It looks as though a great many of them would; be willing to stay all sum mer rather than facte the music at the ballot box if they do not stay. But what has a Senator to fear in staying in Washington all summer Each one has two large cool offices, leather couches, soft leather chairs. electric fans and there is an under ground railroad to run them to. the Capitol if thie sun is to hot for them to pass over the mall. They have fine restaurants, ' baths. and plenty of attendants on the Job, and many a man In a Hartford! fac tory would go to Washington this sum mer if he could have George P. Mc Lean's offices to use, and all the per quisites of the Senator, This Senate is going to find that M has got to work and that the adminis tration has a man at the White House who does - not mind the hot weather at alL and - who Is not In the least ruffled by the Sugar Tinrst gang. Chairman Adameon of the House Committee on Interstate , Commerce wants a Federal law which will make a license Issued in one State to oper ate an automobile good in all of the States. He is preparing- at bill that will make it possible for drivers of pleasure or business cars to go from one State to -another without extra reg istration. , - As the semi-centennial of the battle of Gettysburg- approaches the Geolog ical Survey of Department of the In terior announces that it has snaps of Gettysburg which can be secured by sending; 20 cents to the office of the survey. Thie Is . half price. But in addition to this each of the Senators and Representatives have a few of the maps to their credit, and any of the old soldiers or their friends who want them will probably be able to get them without cost as long as the supply lasts, by writing- to their Senator or member of Congress. . 1 - It Is expected that the next Demo cratic caucus to be held on June 25th will cneate a budget committee which will handle the appropriation bills for the next fiscal year. .Congressman Sherley has drafted the hill providing for the system. The -House committee on appropria tions 14 going to Introduce an emer gency bill to take care of deficiencies left by the last administration. The bill will carry over a million dollars to be disbursed by the Secretary of -Che Treasury, in completing; contracts on public buildings. A representative, of the Connecticut Textile industries last night denied that the placing" of the hair Of the Angora goat on the fries list was "in conformance with the contentions of the manufacturers in Connecticut, and elsewhere," as stated in a. Washing ton dispatch printed' m a- Connecticut morning paper. We have advocated a. duty on mo hair tooth before the Ways and Means committee of the House, and before -the sub-committee of . the' Senate Finance committee," Jhe said. This representative said he . Connecticut manufacturers were pleased that the method of collecting the duty on silks and plushes had been changed from ad valorem to specific and a separate classification hald been " granted Mo hair products in sch,edule K. After many months of hard work the flue new drug store of Frank J. Ostrofosky, at the corner of East Main and . Jane streets, 1 is now. completed and opened to . the public, although the formal opening day as announc ed in our advertising columns today will take place on Saturday, Juno 21 when the - public is invited to call and pass Judgment on the new venture. Mr. Ostrofsky has for many ' years oondnoted a largo and Increasing bus iness at the corner of Pembroke and Hamilton, streets right In the heart of the most thickly settled portion of lower East Bridgeport and realizing the rapid growth of the i 'Upper part of the East Side has taken this oppor tunity to afford the twenty thousand or more Pieoplem that section one of the finest drug- stores In the state. The buildinsr has been completely re modeled in the latest manner with- the tile floors, mahogany trimmings, the lattest in electric fixtures, rich marble and glass show cases and the finest soda fountain in the city. Those rep resent only a tow of the many im provements made to make East Main street merchants proud of their new neighbor. The prescription depart ment is an Innovation in that It is in full view of the main store and ev ery possible precaution 13 taken to in sure absolute accuracy In the handling of this important 'branch of the) bus iness. All poisons- are kept in the lat est up to date safety methods and remedies for internal use or of a dan gerous character are sold In "tell tale" bottles of such a make as to prevent any kind of an accidental use even In the dark. The cases, drawers and receptacles are all mice and vermin proof and all antiseptic -goods are j kept -under cover so' as to prevent; even the slightest contact with any thing wrong. The soda fountain is a marvel of neatness and all syr-ups us ually, kept In open dishes on the coun ters are In covered glass receptacles suspended in Ice water at r nearly freezing point and drawn- as needed. The wine room is a separate part of the business and , out of - sight from . the store where supplies are taken from only as needed for orders.' . For the eale and adjustment of trasses and work of this kind an absolutely pri vate room Is provided: where doctors and their patients will find every fa cility for the proper handling of their cases. . All ice cream tor the foun tain is made on -the premises toy one of the latest electric machines and -Wadhams celebrated brick cream kept for the store trade. The stock of cigars, -patetnfc medicines, stationery, rubber goods, and home supplies in- . eluding a most complete line of Home opathic remedies is all that could be desired.. Clark E. Bio as, the manager is Justly proud of the new store and , citizens of this section of the city will no doubt appreciate Mr. Ostrof-. sky's efforts In their behalf. Adv. KODAKS FOR THE GROWN TTPS As the vacation and week ends will be more enjoyable if you possess one. Lots of -fun, instructive and entertain ing. FOLDING- MODELS NO. 3, PRICE .... -5.0o NO. 2A, PRICE. . $7.00 NO. S, PRICE- ....... SO.Oo NO. 8A, Poet Card size, PRICE $10.00 STEP- IN Allow us to show yon the Iiargestr and Best Line of Kodaks In tho-OJty Cameras and Supplies, Developing and Printing of Quality F.LYMAN 920 MAIN STREET 126 STATE STREET Established 1886 RIOT CALLS FOR HELLO STRIKERS t. Louis, Mo., June 20 Three riot calls In connection with the local strike of the Bell Telephone Company's operators were stent . in last night. Destruction of telephone property con tinued and the company has . offered rewards of J250 for' the arrest of each of the vandals. Personal violence occurred in front of the Tyler Exchange about midnight. A crowd of 200 striking telephone girls and sympathizers attempted to pre vent strikebreakers from entering taxi cabs. Policemen and the company's guards "rushed" the crowd. One of the strikers was knocked down and trampled. Later riot calls came from other parts of the city. r , With its newly established bureau of mines, the University of Arizona hopes to aid materially in the devel opment of mining and other industries of the State. hnr7 pqn nnET7 i RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT The ORRINE treatment for the Drink Habit can be used with abso- , lute confidence. It destroys all de sire for whiskey, beer or other alco holic stimulants. Thousands have successfully used It and have been re stored to lives of sobriety and useful ness. Can be given secretly. Costs only $1.00 per box. If you fail to get results from ORRINE after a trial, your money will be refunded. As!t for free booklet telling all about OR RINE. Atlantic Pharmacy, 9 90 Main St.; Riker Drug Store, 1112 Main St. Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word. WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS. ASK FOR THE3I SATURDAY ONL 1 II Unusual Inducements in family sup plies at Bridgeport (Public Market and Branch. High quaMty and lowest prices.,' "' " " WAIST SHOP 11 15 Main St. SECURITY BTJUiBTNQ. Tip States Take Eelosstor. . j . Girls' Balkan Middy Blouses White and Lined Trimmed with red and blue, pleated skirt. Special value Sizes 6 to 14 years. $1, $.50, $2 Dresses at Cotton foulard, striped gingham-i, flowered dtedtlsv etc Sizes -6 -to- 14 years. WMlo tney last at CHINA STLK WAISTS Robespierre Collars. Special value at $1.00 and $2.00 VOILE AND IJTNGERXB WAISTS $1.00, 9t2& and up. Tailored Waists ... ...$1.00 Striped Madras Waists. ....... .$1.00 Striped SUk Waists. . . - -1.0 to 3.50 Bridgeport Girl Wins Distinction In Music Miss Mabel Merritt, who resides with her cousins, the Missies Mary, Margaret and Katherine Merritt of At lantic street, was awarded the highest prize in music at the commencement exercises of Mount St. Jbsech's semi (IrSaSeely 1115 Main St t"P STAIRS SECURITY BUILDING. SPECIAL MEETING. The members of the Holy Name Society of St. Charles' Church are hereby notified to attend special meet ing of Society this Friday evening, June 20,' 1913, 7:45 o'clock: at St. Charles Hall to take action on the death of our beloved Pastor, Rev. Wil liam H. Lynch. : ' ; ' ' JOSEPH C. IVE3RS, :,' , President. WILIX&JVf DAILY, jo Secretary. t ; . o A mapjolder that tells about the outing joys of the California coast deep sea fishing, surf 'bathing Hfhere the tent cities are, and yachting. Lovely Ybsemiie typifies , the High Sierras a land of snowy peaks, giant se quoias and waterfalls. Many consider the California . summer a more enjoyable sea-' son than winter. r Low Fare Excursions every day all summer will en able you to travel economically. ! On the way slop off and see the Colorado Rockies and the old city of Santa FS. Visit, too, that world-wonder, the Grand Canyon of Arizona. Booklets about them on request: also full information concerning round trip fares. Whether you take the Califor nia Limited, - the Colorado Flyer or go tourist,'" you have Fred Harvey meals. 'Santa Fe train- service' is in a class by itself .' Block signals and double track make for " safety and speed. S. W. Manning O. N. E. A. sae Washington 6t., Boston, Mass. Phone, Main 6S82 and 6503 ff n.oini'Si ; 0; (OciiPini Sweet and Tender PURE LARD Less than wholesale. Price today. 12 1-2C BESTCREAMERY BUTTER The Usual A&P Quality. The Best 32c.ib " NEW POTATOES , Finest of the Season A PECK :' ;'v.28c" FtUI 15 lbs. Weight. Fancy Oregon PRU1TES , The same Prunes are sold by 5 - other dealers for 15c. STJNNYBROOK. Absortrtjely Strictly Fresh For SATURDAY ONLY IO STAMPS FREE WITH EACH DOZEN i SATURDAY- ONLY -100 S. & H. STAMPS FR2E WITH 1 lb Best Tea, any kind. 50c 1 lb Best Coffee . . . . . , 35c 10 STAMPS FREE- -10 WITH EACH OF THE FOLLOWING GROCERIES 1 can Campbell's Soups. ..... lOo 1 Bottle Bull Head Catsup 10a 1 bottle A&P Vinegar. ...... . 10q ' l pkg. Fancy Head Rice. ..... 10c 1 pkg. Grandmother's Oats. . .10c 1 jar A&P Smoked Beef. . 15a 1 pkg. Fluffy Ruffles Starcf. .10o 1 box K hater Salt. ......... . lOo 1 can Vanoo ............ .-..1 Oc 1 bottle A&P Salad Dressing;, ,10c 20 Stamps with 7 Cakes A&P Lanndry Soap 25c 1163 M A IN STREET 'Phone 4228 1 1630 MAI N STREET 'Phone 2589 707 E. MAIN STREET 'Phone 2383-5 FREE Delivery . WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS. 'ASK FOR THEM ' The CENTRAL MARKET Direct Trading Means M O NEY in your PURSE Ptr oat the Van Dyfc store near est yon and start a bank account with your savings. - PECIALS-- FRXDAY and SATURDAY BEST Oolong Tea FORMOSA OO- 1L. value) 0C 111 (70c SPECIAL MIXED Tea 50c value) 23c m BTTCHESS The best you ever dranlc COFFEE QA II- fC ill A-0. THE combination ini America BEST ground coffee 11) 31c lb JUNE BUTTER Sweetest and Best Strictly VtlilQ 91 i Arw Fresh shmmj uju 1135 VAN DYK MAIN ST. Cor. Elm St. 1135 Full.euarantee with each purchase. Van Dyk goods can only be bought at a Van Dyic Store or Selling Agency. Looli for title name. Branches every where. . ; SPECIAL FOR. SATURDAY. . LEG OF MiaB.i........,...........-. 18c lb PORK ROAST . 15o lb FRESH SHOULDERS 124c lb SMOKED SHOULDERS . . . ... ........ lie TT SUGAR CURED HAMS. - 18c lb SPERRY & BARNES BACON . . 20c Ih FANCTT FOWL 22o IT, STEWED .FOWL .. 16c K Native Veal, Broilers, Asparagus, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Spinach, Peas, Green and" Wax Beans, Cucumbers, Melons, &c t 252 STATE STREET. 0s Summer Furniture That will; make your stay in the country or seashore a comf ort aha: delight. It is a stock that will ap peal to everybody, if you-are look- . ing for one piece or to furnish a. house or bungalow. Rockers, 75c, $1 $1.50, $2 up to $5 Chairs . . . .... - .$1.00 Arm Chairs $1.50 to $3 Lawn Settees . .$1.00 and $1.45 Hammocks, Swings, and a fine line -of Willow Furniture, wth or without cushions, in browns, green or natural finish. 1 Ft BUCKINGHAM & CO., Inc. ROCKER LIKE ABOVE CUT $1.75 Established 1842 177 STATE STREET ICE COAL WOOD TRY SPRACUE'S Extra High Grada LEHIGH COAL Sprague Ice & Coal Co. East End East Washington Avenue Bridge. Tel. 71 q 1 i 17S,"llnii VKare Aig- On rf... , m Wonl. 1 IRA GREGORY & CO. Branch Office ocrooo Hain Offlc 972 iCOALf W ' 9 Main Street 2C2 Ctrstfcrd An.