THE FARMER: JULY 5, 1913 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 15 words isc, 3 times 35c Real Estate to Buy and Sell Furnished Rooms to Rent Business Men's Exchange FOR SALE TO LET HELP WANTED SITUATIONS If you are out of work. The Farmer Wants Ads ought to he of material assistance to you. Bead them over carefully each day. For Sale" Advertisements la The Farmer luring ready purchasers. Try one, you will be surprised at the im mediate results. , TftfefEe dowvn . iinllfld nlacard and Miumt MBny men and women call at The Farmer and look over the Help Wanted- Ads. It you need help Ad vertise. .. . ' . ; ' roomer la the modern W through a Farmer clasa- advertlsenient J Today's Wants Wants Ads -will be received for this page up to 12 o'clock noon. Thee a seat in at a later hour up to 2:S0 will appear on the second or third .page of this paper under the heading, "Latest Wants." . u. cf p. mm. coiittee i liILL EflTERTJini VISITORS FR0F.1 EUROPEAN SCHOOLS A committee of prominent Philadel phia men. with Joseph R. 'Wilson as 'chairman, and a large university com mittee, of which Dr. Edgar F. Smith 'is honorary chairman, is making final arrangements Nfor entertaining more f than one hundred students from vari !oi European jiniversl ties who will at j tend the Sight Annual Congress of t the International Federation of Stu ! dents this summer. The delegates will spend September 8, 9 and 10 at the University of Pennsylvania and in the city of Philadelphia, and the oombin- ted committees will arrange for the en tertainment of the delegates touring their entire sojourn. The Itinerary includes a comprehensive visit through the university campus and buildings, FalrmooDt Park, the suburbs of Phll- taaZphla. and the various historical m. numents. The programme alio in cludes a cumber of dinners, luncheons and theatre parties, a reception by j Provost Bd?ar V. Smith at the unl Iverssty, and one by Mayor Fdanken Itarar at city haD. Combining the most advanced fea tures of the nation's model schools with a system of summer recreation nad outdoor study, the University of Pennsylvania will open July T, a "7a- -cation School and Recreation Centre lor Efies and Girls." The school, which will continue Its sessions until Au.gxmt 15. is not a vacation centre established for the benefit of the chil- fdren in an overcrowded district, but a school founded in the belief that children need different study com- j bincd with outdoor life instead of summer inactivity. The school Is to otUixe the resources of the University and will offer instruction by teache-s jjcktd fiom various well known model schools nad city systems. The vari ous forms of recreation will centre about the school play-ground, the Uni versity swimming pool, the Botanical Gardens and the University and Com mercial Museums. The work will be that of eight primary and grammar school grades. Including a kiadargar ten and will be limited to what Is most vital In the studies characteris tic of each and adapted to vacation time. The class-work will be given la the Kcvton Grammar school. Swim ming will form an Important feature in the recreation phase of the echooL The boys and girls will use the pool tat the JOniversity gymnasium for an hour on alternate days. Swimming ; instructors will be In charge to guard againsti accidents and to leacn tne children '.the approved strokes. Every morning there will be a. half-hour rcess .for organized play. In the school yard will be giant strides, horr Isostal ladders, swings, teeter ladders, bean bags,: climbing poles, and a basket-ball ooorC ' Together with .. the school yard play, the children will make excursions to points of histori cal and geographical Interest, such as the Commercial and University Mu seums and city parka. OBEY THAT IMPULSE! Instead of enduring the dally tor t raent of weak back, backache, sore kidneys, swollen joints and rheuma tism, obey the impulse to take Foley Kidney Pills. They oo-operate with nature, which accounts for their suc cess In all kidney and bladder disor ders. They are healing, strengthening and tonic Obey that impulse today and give them a chance to help you. F. B. Brill, Stratford Avenue and Sixth street- 1 3 6 FHXN IIS ( and Fac-Slmile Letters. 6,000 Bond Letter Heads $8.50, 1, 000 Fac-8imile Letters $3.00. Spe cial prices In quantities. Siksay, 83 ReUley street. TJ 25 tf 6 : , , km m I l lit. z. - x v US Unclassified MADAMS! AVEUNA," 29 Reservoir avenue. Renowned Palmist and Card Reader Astrology. a P TOTING MAN to distribute samples and collect. Send. 10c for sample 1 and particulars. Denny Supply Co., ' Box 268, Pittsburgh, fl.JBi., i-a. , . P 6 b P MATT TO TRAVEL in Connecticut. Groceries, candies, jewelry. Good - pay and tailored suit or 20 year . watch free in 90 days. Experience unnecessary. J. E. McBrady & Co- Chicago. , i- B r-p LOST. Fox terrier dog. Finder re turn to S17 George street Re ward. P 3 bp PILGBIMA6E $18.50. Bridgeport to St. Anne via New Tork. Aug. 8. . In quire St. Anthony's Rectory, 96 Col orado avenue. City. 1 PI dp " ITOIl SALE Fischer second hand up . right piano $75. Saturday only. . Steinert's. 91B Main St. PS bo WANTED. -By , respectable colored , woman position as cook In the coun : try. Call or write at 87 Falrview -', Ave., Stratford, Conn. " . PI sp CrHOIIffiING Furutrurwr Repair ed and refinished. Prices aJ wars reasonable at . S tram's Furniture Store, State, near Clinton. H5 tta WANTEB. Furniture. stoves. eta. store Fixtures. c . xej. - iu . ity Auction jow exate en. YOU CANT BRAT Casea-aeJdne tab lets fur eonsUpatiom. Trytheor. , FOR SALE. 1 fine large building lots, 60x100. north St. Vincent's hospital about two minutes' . walk from trolley, fine view of Long Is land Sound. Will be sold very rea sonable to quick buyer. vd dress Richard Bhulta. Exeter St. B I " p AT BOKMOS BILT2J MARKET fa State St. WU1 nave Sausage Meat every day. Ill tf.o WANTED TO BUZ second band fur nlture. stoves, carpets,, etc. 899 State St. Phone 10-1S. OI'Ul GEORGE P. BAND Formerly, the G. P. Rand A Co. -ENTEKIOR MARBLE3 AND TILE Estimates Cheerfully Given Slate, Marble, Bath Room Tiles, Cer amic Tile, Fire Pfaoe Tile, Fire Place Fixtures The Best of Workmanship ' 1569 XRASISTAK ATE, Plkme 3413 R 29 tf MAKT E. WILLIAMS HARISON vs. ' s. Order of Notice, : DAVID H. HARISON STATE OF CONNECTICUT, FAIRFIELD COUNTS', SS., ' SUPERIOR COURT. Bridgeport, June 13, A. I., 1913. Upon the complaint of the said Da, via H. Harison praying, for reasons therein set forth, for a. divorce now pending before this Court, having been found by this. Court that Mary E. Williams Harison, the said defend ant is absent from this State and gone to parts unknown, but formerly resid ed in the City of Bridgeport, and that notice of the pendency of the com plaint was given as required by order of notice heretofore . issued, and now the plaintiff asks for a further order of notice in the. premises. . Therefore Ordered, that notice of the pendency of said complaint be riven by publishing this order in the Bridgeport Evening Farmer, a news paper printed in said Bridgeport once each week for three weeks successive ly, commencing on or'before the 21st day of June. A. IX, 1913. By the. Court, WM. T. HAVTLAND, Clerk of the Superior Court for Fair . field County. D 21 s 6 6 8' To Bent TO ' RENT. Nicely furnished rooms, In strictly respectable family. 62 Fairfield Ave. Phone -. - TJ 14 tf. TO RENT. Store, 800 Fairfield ave nue, opposite Blue -KlDDon uaras s . XX. FOR RENT Rooms for manufacture ing or storage. Gleanu 1'i.J water Bt. " ami. . . - A. m. , .,t.T,. rooms to man and wife for light ' , I T af.TM.WfnB ex changed; rent f S.SO per week. Ad dress K. A. care Farmer. - Tl tx ' rurnlshed Ilooms to Sent tt Tl ttvt n K Warren' St.. 8 fur nished rooms, light housekeeping. - Call from toL xei. -. D 12 a S 1 Help Wanted AGENTS in every town: quick selling . . U-ir Car now. S25 "to $50 weekly- Success aoDut cu iv mzic'-w - low Specialty Co, Tyngsboro, Mass. ro-fli M1111.1U ' ' WiHta for list of Inventions wanted, by manuiacturers and prizes offered ,for inventions. Our four books sent free. Patent secured or fee returned, v lctor J Evans & Co., Washington, D- C. R SI dp 6 6 6 6 GOJSHN"BlE?fT ErSLAMICTATIOSrS.- ixtrst thorough preparation &. e , tit... r Tn unnointed. Particu lars free. American Civil Service School, Washington, D. C. ; ( R 84 r P- 6 8 6 6 6 WANTED. One hundred laborers to work oh the construction or Moms Ta .v, a on tiwr i)av. 8ood board ing accommodation. No labor trou- . ble. The Ryan-Unmaclc Cow Tnom aston. Conn. RSlaS WANTED For U. S. Army; Able bodied unmarried - men between acres of 18 and 35;. citizens of United States, of good character an4 tem perate habits, who can speak; read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 62 Cannon St., Bridgeport, Conn. r- . r , . & Situations Wanted SITUATION WANTED. Toung male ,tvrAa deairea tiosltlon. , wm travel. No contagious diseases. Best reference. Address Attendant, care Evening Farmer. ... D 80 d"p POSITION' WANTED by reliable man as fls.v or nierht watchman. Thor oughly understands boiler. Steady and reliable. Address ws-tenman. care of Farmer. ; D 80 d WANTS IX Poeitlon, try a reliable young mas. 3-4. years oio. as a cot lector, aaieemao, or any outside Posi tion. References. Address R. . Bw C-, care of Evening Farmer or Phone tS8-. A80tf POSITION WANTED. By man cap aoie ox xaKing cnarge or oxzice ana making himself useful at anything. Good at figures . and writing. Ad dress C. I, care of Farmer Pub. Co. TlTtf WANTED. Position In Men's - de partments of credit clothing bouse. Has had experience at selling, also collecting. Best ot references. At present employed. Address J. l w ; earn n( Farmer. ' H. 1 it . WANTED. Position In store or with nrm with possibilities ot iavancu ment Would like position as out side salesman. Salary reasonable to start. Address S. J. J.. car. of Farmer. Hltf FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, well ' appointed, electric lights, steam beat, hot water, private bath, pri vate phone if desired, in select neighborhood. Clinton Ave., near Maplewood Ave., with private fam ily. Can be seen -by appointment only. References exchanged. Ad dress P. O. Box 460 U 28 tf Financial THE CITY NATIONAL BANK. United States Depository Capital,$250,000; surplus ana pronts, tiBu,uu, Frank Miller, President; David F. Read, Vice President; Charles E. Hough, Cashier; Henry B. Terr ill. Asst. Cashier; Robert A. Beers,. Asst. - Cashier. . . THE CONNECTICUT F- NATHHTAIi BANK, of Bridgeport, corner Mala - and Wall Streets. S. W. Baldwin. ' President; H. 8. Shelton, Vice Pres ident; L. H. Powe, Cashier; T. C Cummin g, Assistant Cashier. . Cap ital, $882,100; Surplus and Profits, Lump, $380,000. . Printers and Stationers F AC-SIMILE TYPEWRITTEN LET TERS $1.00 per 1,000 In quantities; 1,000 Cards. Statements, Envelopes, Billheads, Noteheads. or Circulars $2.00. Siksay, 83 Reilley street. U 2S tf GOOD PRINTING AT LOW PRICES, 100 Cards. Statements, Bill Heads, , Envelopes, Note Heads, or Circu lars, printed for only $2.00. Siksay, 83 Reilly street. U82tf STAR PRESS prints business cards, envelopes, bill heads, statements, tickets, programs, show cards, cir culars. Low prices, first class work, Jacob Schneider, Prop.. 16-18 Kos suth St., corner Stratford Ave. Phone 2603-12. Union office. TS tf Personal CARD READER Advice on all af fairs, 2Bc. Mrs. Levy, 674 Madison Ave., fourth house above North At. L26 tf ORDER your screen now, antique fur niture renovated, fine cabinet work. For Sale FOR SALE. 34 foot motor boat, 12 h.p. engine, speed 9 miles guaran teed. Sell with or without engine. Address Motor, care Farmer. , D 23 tf FOR SALE. Piano used one year. Combination coal and gas range. 300 Fairfield Ave. D19 tf FOR SALEv Sickness compels me to sell my stock of folding chairs, whist and lunch tables, tools, etc. at a great sacrifice.. Address Qeo. , F. Stlllman, 126 Pembroke St. or ' 130 Kossuth St. D2tP FOR SALE Building tots corner Con neoticut and Carroll .Ave.. Holland Ave., and Hoiiister Heights. Wm. Broch, 847 Fairfield Ave. 6 SO tf VIRGINIA RIVER FARM ITS acres. 100 rich bottom. S room house, good ' barn, 1 mile of electric line. 6 miles or Richmond. Only $7,600; term Send for free llst-700 Farm Bar gains. Caseelman & Company. Rich mond. Virginia. B 8 ;p F OR S A LE My Residence, 405 Seaview . Avenue - T. B. WARREN . 29 Sanford Building Out-of-Town Ads ADVERTISING SERVICE Place your advertisement lrj- the out-of town newspapers, at 4ie regular i rates through ' Read's Advertising Agency. 210 Connecticut sank JBiag. Ambulances AMBULANCES Invalid cars . and Limousines. Charges reasonable. James T. Rourke, 1295 Main street. Phone 1681. 1 D 7 dS" Photography DEVELOPING of films and plates far amateurs, first class work guaran teed. Armstrong-Whitman (Studio, Park and Fairneia avwl 'r aj- Upholstering TPTrOLSTEKXNOL. Furniture Renalr- . ad and reflnisbed. Prices always . reasonable at strain's -jrnrniture Store. State, - near Clinton. Bt'tl PLD FURNITURE RENEWED, chairs Tecaneo, upnoistering. uu j. mbi 11ns. 826 East Main street. Phone 1A46-S. , T 7 al fnCAHBOATI BRIDGEPORT LINE TO NEW YORK : . ' FARE 60 CENTS ' STEAMER BRIDGEPORT leave Bridgeport, jrairneid Avenue Wharf, week days. at . 8. A. M. Returning. leave New Tork, week days. Pier 27. E. F- 8 P. M.. Saturdays 2 P. M foot 22nd Street, 330 P. M., Saturdays 2:30 P. M. - ', . ' ' STEAMER NAUGATUCK Bridgeport Pequonnock Wharf, foot of Union street, aaiiy, except Saturday, at 12 night' Returning, leave New Tork, Pier 87, E. R.,daily, except Sun- days,!! A-Ai. ijue isriugepoit 8.S0 PJi, Excursions to New York malLe eKCursiona to Wew Tork Sundara -m e a. . rl. -. . Whasrf ftt A. WC R.-itVmlngv leave New York,. Fter T. E. R,, 5 j Tu T t X7 TO Eon -a XT 1C1 Vk VW J. JO. j . Fare for Round Trip , . . 73c Chndren . . U . . ... v40c Tickets good only for date sold. Musio by Wheeler & Wilson Orchestra L. B. NICkEBSOff, Agt. ; The N&w England Steamship Co. MERCH ANTS LINE ' Dallv Excent Snnr1 ' S Leanrea New - Ynpk. View f a t . River, 8 p. m. Due at Brldgepoort. jo n. u. Arrive new XOTk 7 a. tn. For further Information and rates apply to J. B. 'ithepard. Ap-m. Summer Time Table Briilireport Port Jefferson Steamboat Co Steamer PARK CITY f!ftnt C TTi. Trtnlrfti rt.f) , - . ' aoi&v. (Single Fare, 75c; Round Trip Tickets. uu i. ti season. Matinee Excursions, from Bridgeport dairy 1:30 p.m; returning, leave Port Xff TflrkT1 1 " 5 il Tt lTl milTlrt t t-1 r-, .1.1 i good day of issue, only 50c. Special Excursions Tuesday, Friday and Sun day from Port Jefferson. Sunday, leave ruii gouwouu iu x. ill. txnvi p.m.; Iaata TIt1 r1xrnrrt i9ri anA AQA v. Automobile transportation. Geo. M. Tooker, Agent BRIDGEPORT HYDRAULIC COMPANY ' NO. 820 MAIN STREET Water- rates for the quarter ending July 1st, 1813, are NOW DUE and payable at the office of the Company, No. 820 Main Street. All billa must be paid on or - Derore JULY 15TH, 1913 Business hours, Saturdays, from 8 a. m. to 1 2 m. - - For the accommodation of the pub lic the office will be kept open from 8 A. M. TO 8 P. M. Mondays, July 7th and 14th, 1913 WALTER S. WILMOT, P1 t Secretary Girl Wanted? Read ths Merchants' Exchange Edwin Smith & fji rionlAM In guns, fishing tackle and sporting good a , . . You can also e?tDrJkeys fltteu. locks repaired. nj -iT ,, . - mowers sharpenea, af HItJflns ot "nt repairing done T)? s.9,un store- Wall Street. lelephone 4293-3. ; STENCTLS We carry a full line of stencil Jetters and figures, also make stencils to order. Burning brands, steel and rubber stamps. The ffhwerdtle Stamp C6.. 41 Cannon Bt- . P 3 d 5?mIT?1E RENEwED.chairs Iet? ?.Pholflterlng, hair mattress ' oviir- J?s C. MulUns. 825 East Main St. Phone 26a4-3. T7 a ' REAL ESTATE, Country Resorts and an kinds of classified advertise ments taken for newspapers every where at the regular rates. Read's Advertlaing Agency, 210 Conn. ,Bank Building. , ' . r i .tf ALEEqual to Bass ale. VAT doien- Bottled by Carr. Cannon street. Phone . 8 ' G17 tf SB.S9' " moderate T ii .i-r "P-xo-aate snop to town. We call and deliver. Tele N 5?J?e H91- Goodyear Shoe Re pairing Co., 78 John St, R8 tf DO5j AIn. WINDOW SCREENS XPTiV; Xii , I" creen" repair- Si HLnaa. ot wol and jfinlsh. Estimates furnished. Henry C- Hoff man & Co.. 266 Water St. Rl tf ,SOW-??ASES C1r combination 2nd f llent salesman, store and of- i 5fe.. nttlnfcs. Cabinet work of all Si." designed and made. Hoffman Show Case Co.. 266 Water St ' ' R14 tf ' Wanted To Buy WANTED To buy all kinds of second hand furniture. Geo. F. Totaroa. Redfleld's old stand. 4S Harrison St Telephone 1015-2. SIS a$ p I BUT OLD HORSES to kill. Re- move dead ones fro of charge any where -within 25 miles of Bridge , port F. H. Daniels, 2367 Madison Road. Tel. -4837. Hi $ - WANTED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. Totams. Redfleld's old stand. 43 Harrison St Telephone 1015-2. - B12 a$ p X'2Tr WANT,any " Jnnk of , old -things around your premises, but we want them as we need them for our business. Sell them to Jacob Bros. We will pay you the highest price and get them out of : 3ro?iL. '"'ay? Prompt attention and satisfaction Is our record. ' k Kn. uth St. Tel. 2S. ' Re tf Pianos and Musical Instruments FOR SALE. Used piano of reputable make In tine condition- Will sell cheap for cash. Address Piano, care of Farmer. . H IS tf. PIANOS TUNED and repaired by an experienced factory man terms reasonable. Send postal. Tuner, care of Farmer. H 28 tf FOR SALE House organ. $20;plano. 8145. Zither. natantiu AnT Will accept weekly payments. Ad dress L A. XL, care Farmer. I - " ' - T1 a ' PIANOS HJlfEB toy our ewn factor snan, thorough experience and ab- . iuiuw nuufwuflD guaranteeoj. Phone . 2526. Wissner . Warerooms, Broad and State Stsv- . ' ' Vt a USED KNABE PIANO, takn In ex change for player, beautiful tone, perfect condition, will sell cheap for cash or easy payments. William A. . Tomlinsoc. l'fi TTAii-flAld nvA mi. ,i tairs. Sagal Building, Room "lOO- M.wm. - 5X. WANTED. To buy all kinds of seo- ond hand furniture. Geo, F. Totams, Redfleld's old stand, 43 Harrison St Telephone 1015-2. . R 14 aSp Barrels BUY AND SELL aU kinds of empty port Barrel Co.. 58 Beardsley St x-uoo 10 l x. AZ6 tT Storage Warehouses STORAGE OF FURNITURE Sepa rate moras, securely locked, furni ture and china packing. ' Furniture ana pianos removed, large vans, careful handling. Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co., 1285 Main St, Cor. Congress St Tel. 1034-2. Educational PIANO INSTRUCTION Given by a wuus uuuiB reason a Die. uaii or address. 140 Golden Hill. , B 20 a p STUDENTS wanted In practical ad- rauBiug Jt errns reasonable. Theoretical, practical, scientific and psychological advertising la all Its branches taught For full informa tlon address Box 460,-City. T2 tf Fire Department Inadequate xou iKwuuuir noncea tms statement Better think about some Insurance hllHn't vnn? XXTa nrniM ,nanM. yon here than hereafter. Franklin Block. All kinds of Insur- anoe, uonua and Real Estate IF YOU HAVE $1,500 to invest, where you wish t6 double your income on a first class two .family house,come in and see us. " ! 6. . Business Directory Save Time. Phone Your Orders Save Time, Telephone Your Orders, They will receive the same careful attention from the merchant whose cards appear herewith, as though you called at their several places of business in person. Use this Directory" FREELY you will find it great con venience. , Art Glass Bridgeport art glass co.. 153 John St Phone 1017-6 Automobile Dealers ; ; H. M. FORD Distributor Maxwell Can. and tb R. C. H. $906. , .1837 Main St Phone 1271 6TARBUCK A MATTICE, , FORD CARS, S6B Fairfield Ave. Phone 4075-2 ' Automobile Supplies . E. AUTO SUPPLY CO. Let us prove how we can save you 25 to 4 per cent on your supplies. 610 Main St Phone 4260 Auto Tires and Repairing THE A. L. SCHAVOm CO.. 867 FMr- field Ave. Phone 1661 CONN. AUTO TIRE CO. Recovering and Repairing a Specialty New and Second Hand Tires in stock zi Connecticut Ave. Phone 06 Bakers MRS. HILL'S BAKERY. Bread that makes a feast ct every meal. Ones tasted, never wasted. 2.66 Wood Av. ' Phone 2308 CROUCH & FLASSMAW. ' Try "Never unougn sreaa." eui Howard Ave. , . ; i ; Phone 1657-5 Beaver Board THE A. W. BURRITT CO Knowlton St Phone 60S Bottlers JACOB RTJPTERTS BREWERY, tlh , Housatonio Ave.' Phone 677 WALTER 6TAPLETON, Lumber 8t - ... Phone 1048 Clothing THE SURPRISE; STORE, Security woe. Jr-noM 1603 THE' WHEELER & HOWES CO tne. 1221 Main St Phone 844-2 PEOPLE'S COAL AND WOOD YARD Aamirai ana carbon Sts. Phone 63-4 ' Confectionery X D. LANE, 1040 Main St Phone 34S Doctor DR. ALICE L. FITCH, 958 Iranlstan Ave., near State St Office hours: ' 9 a. m. to 6 p. m Phone 4821. . Druggists JENNIE HAMXLTON PHARMACY. Cor. Main and State Sts. Phone 832 Employment Bureau BRIDGEPORT EMPLOYMENT . BU REAU, supplies companions, moth ers' helpers, nurse maids and oom- . petent domestic help, 670 State St Phone 4111-3 Furniture Mover H. G. DEMME CO. If you want your piano or furni ture moved safely give the job to Demm. 168 Union Ave. Phone 2396 Garages BLUE RIBBON " GARAGE, 895 Fair field Ave. Phone 8126 BOULEVARD GARAGE,agenta "Win . ton Cars;" second hand cars also. 245 Conn. Ave. Phone 1054-3 ELM AUTO CO, 184 Elm St Phone 1901 WOOD AVENUE GARAGE, 1 0 S Wood - Ave. Phone 848 GIRLS WAN BOX DEPARTMENT On all "kinds of paper boxes. METAL DEPARTMENT For light foot press work. The Warner Brothers Co. APPLY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, Corner Lafayette and Gregory. Sts. nr it rtic . niiiir Gas and Gasoline Engin WALDORF MOTOR At MACIII1 CO. buys and sells f asrlnes and n chlnery. First claa -repairing. 188 Cannon St Phone 3801 Gowns THE WOMEN'S SMART SHOP , A little Paris all our own For those who select gowns at horn 167 Golden Hill. Fhcns 663- Hotela Adam's house, 4 0-4 a Fatmeid Avi Phone 1431 , Ice Dealers DENIS A SQUIRES, 614 Frousatrmtc . Ave. ,., . Phone 33; Laundries WOOD AVENUE LAUNDRY We treat your clothes as- our ewi It you like the Idea telephone. Wood and Benbam Ave. Phones 1829 ' Lumber FRANK MILLER LUMBER CO., Is.' IB. Wash. Ave. . Phono 10 Motar Cycles EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES, B. 1 Kellogg. 616 State St Phone 13 S Nurses' Registry NURSES J CENTRAL REGISTRY AND HOME Our. telephone is ti your accommodation, plus expndl ency and Judicious selection. 10 3 Fairfield Ave.. Phone 83 NORSES WEST END REGISTRY AND HOME, 978 State Ft. Phone 23t Papers, Magazines, Raa DISBROW A LAW 206 John St Phone 1S1 f-1 , Piano Tuning WISSNER PIANOS. Cor. Broad am State Sts. , Phone 2St' y : . Pianos WM. A. TOMLINSON, 16 Falrfl-l, Phone t067- Ave. Real Estate Agents BARTRAM GREENE. 164 State f Jfhone 4E0 Second Hand Furniture H. A. JASMIN, 856 State St Ci . Tip 1068 and get 10 pet cent mor ' for your goods. Why t Low rear larger business. Quick sales. .Shoe Stores S. B. THING A CO., 1168 Main Bt THE OARTWSUGiJCX SHOE CO, f Main 6t Phone 136 Spring Water . r HIGHLAND MINERAL SPMTjr . WATER CO. A pure water bill I better than a doctor's bill and lea expensive. 4S Warren fit Phone 9 POWHATTAN SPRINGS. Nature' crystal beverage -Is man's drln) 1794 North Ave. Phone 1043- Tailors L. E. NUNNOLD, 198 Fairfield Av Theatres LYRIC THEATRE, 1422 Mala m Tit.... Mm POXiFS THEATRB, S9 2airfleld Av ruwri i Typewriting-Multagraphin GEO. N. SEARS, Notary Public, 19 Meigs' Building. most 922- Typewriters MULLTNS TYPEWRITER Exchaasr 167 State St Phone 91 PLUMMER TYPEWRITER EX CliAAUU, 15 Fairfield Ave, Phone 933 r- a IT m ll rr r r rW TZLT TTTs (I Carl A. Scbmld. 120 Cleveland 3QIIITEE33,1 . KM I VgC . W..IHf .W: