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DO YOU rant a furnished room, or a Eat, read The Farmer Clas sified Ads. You 11 find what you -want. ' THE WEATHHIl Fair tonight; fair, warmer tomorrow .VOL. 43 NO. 160 BRIDGEPORT, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1913 PRICE TWO CENTO O'BRIEH TO WAGE DAIRYMEN'S BATTLE THROUGHOUT NATION Former Bridgeporter Retained to Lead Battle Against Alleged Scheme of Milk Syndicate Cigar Makers interested in Reii ys Visit to McAdoo Dono van and the Senators Newsy Notes of the Capital fBy Oar Special Corres.) Washington, July 8 Attorney M. E D"Brien. formerly of Bridgeport, Conn., Is laying- the foundation for a fight that the National Dairymen's Asso ciation will make In every part of the country to prove. If possible, that, the entire country 1s being victimized by m syndicate winich seeka through leg islation for 4ura milk and. legislation for pasteurised milk, to get control of the milk supply of the country, and fore , the people to use either pas teurized milk or condensed milk. The first fight of the dairymen will be made In the district of Columbia where It Is contended that the health authorities by construction of the law and enforcement or various rules will coon make It Impossible to sell raw 'sweet milk of any standard. 1 : Associated with Attorney O'Brien is .Attorney Henry E. Davis, a former classmate of President Wilson. The milk dealers hope to prove that there Is an Invisible lobby working against them, and that articles are feeing published In many of the health Journals against raw sweet milk, that 'come from the pen of physicians who are in the pay of the milk trust. On July 8. the "Washington Health authorities canned 109 milk dealers to ibe arraigned before Judge Pugh in the District court. They were charg ed with selling milk and cream which consisted partly of "filthy decompos ed and putrid animal or vegetable matter." .Attorney O'Brien filed a motion to require the prosecution to .furnish . bill of particulars, asking "the government to state In what par-iticulsc- the milk sold, was adulterated; iand what particular kind, of foreign Jsubstaaca Is alleged to have bean con tained in ttie conk. Judge Pugh grasnt ;ed the motion, sad as the prosecution : was usable to furnish the bill .of par I ticalars that time, the cases were 'adjourned to a cat. w agreed op. !cn later. ' ' - ! "Standard Oil Hasi a band ta hls . veomewtkeve, Attorney O'Bren told rthe court. "Standard Oil Interwrts con trol the only pastenrizing planus on the market, and I believe that the makers of the plants are workman 'up this agitation, here to force the pur chase of their machinery. I don't know as the authorities are conscious that they are being used;. Strut T am going to find out." Today "William A. Smipsoa, a. daSry Vnan filed a suit through Attorney fCTBrien for $2. BOO datmages against the pDtstrtct of Columbia for failure to (cward the contract to bim for supply ing milk, to municipal institutions. Be iclalms that he was the lowest bidder. .His bid was 1-t cent a. gallon less jthan the recipient of the Ml The au jthoritlea contend that a test showed Khe milk to be of a lower standard than that of the man who" received 5 the contract. Simpson challenges the Accuracy of the test, claiming that Ms 1 product was aa good as that of the I fortunate bidden Eipgi ts are to be called to and 'an effort will be made Ho inveteigate the methods employed y the health authorities in. determln 'In the qnairMes of milk. '. The dairymen contend that in every ity where the alleged pure milk crn- padea have been p-ut into effect that ktho price to the consumer has been increased, and the trust have gained a oothold. , Congressmen Thomas I. J3-e!lly of (Connecticut called upon Secretary Mo Adoo yesterday . in reference to the F'smokee" allowed dgarmalcers. Mr. ZBjeMy opposes -Bis ruling- of the rev enue bureau tn relation to the bill in troduced by himself, and passed by kne 62nd Congress, granting 21 Cigars .each week to workmen in- cigar fac korles with out the payment of revenue jtax thereon. It had been held by the revenue, bureau that- these "three cmokes a. day" must be smoked on rthe premises, on the day they are tmd, and not taken from the build Mng. Mr. Reilly claims that this is not the Intent of the bill. He pointed out Vrhe fact that many of the shops will mot .allow employes to smoke during twmklng hours, and others will not .allow smoking in the bunding. The .matter was not settled, but Mr. Reilly will visit the secretary again on Ttiursday when it is believed that the SJeeretary will reach a decision in the natter. Sheriff Charles Spreyer of New Ha ven, called upon the members of the Connecticut delegation yesterday. He been to Gettysburg where he was Adjutant of the Coimectteut division. He says that it was a great meeting. and ought to have been held 25 years ago. What made a great impression (upon the ' sheriff was the manner in pwbich the tendency of the old veter ans to forage returned to them like Mocd nature. He says that there were plenty of men there who were rhoneet at home, but who on going r-into camp started in at once to col lect an of the blankets, utensils, mat j tresses, and anything they could lay ; their hands on just to have a good supply. He says that one old veteran I from Connecticut who claimed that I he could not get a blanket was dls- ! covered to have eight of them stow led away ack of his tent, along with Several cots and ma. tresses. The sber- fiff said that the "foraging instinct" i was something the boys cultivated in 1961. and that he was surprised to see I how welt they retained it. ; Congressman .Jeremiah . Donovan is ; not worrying much because a part of (Continued on Page Two) ' SHEPHERD SUES PITZIPIO FOR $25,000 FOR INJURIES IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT New York Man In Custody of Sheriff In Default of $20,000 Bonds Pitzipi o Fined $100 for Reckless Driving Williams Brothersand McCormack to Sue Immediately . after his conviction in tbe Fairfield town court this forenoon of reckless driving, in connection with the automobile accident so nearly fa tal to John B. Shepherd of this city, George Pitzipio, driver of the Fierce Arrow car with which Shepherd's car collided, was. arrested on a body writ in a suit for $25,000 damages brought in Shepherd's behalf through, Judge Elmore S. Banks. Pitzipio was required to furnish bail pf $20,000, and this he had been unable to do 'for several hours. 'At a late hour Sheriff Hezeklah. . Elwdod was his constant companion. If he is unable to furnish bail by night fall, he may be . forced to spend the night at the county Jail. ' - 1 Fitzlpio's troubles came "''thick and fast this forenoon. His counsel. At torney George E. Hill filed a formal demurrer when his case came before the court, and .when this was over ruled. Attorney Hill asked for a small fine Justice Bacon Wakeman im posed the maximum fine provided in the automobile law, $100, with costs. There5 is a jail sentence provided In the law, but this was not Imposed. Attorney Hill at once took an ap peal, and bail was fixed at $500. Pend ing arrangements for the posting of a real estate bond for this amount. THOUSANDS WILL CORNERSTONE ST. JAMES' On next Sunday afternoon. July 13. ! at . o-ciock, ins cornerstone or the new St. James' R, c. church situated1 at the. corner of "Main and. Brosd ' streets, Stratford, will bo laid with aU the impressive pomp and .ceremony I of the Soman. Catholic church. Bishop John J. Nilan "Of the diocese of Hart ford will, conduct -the- ceremonies and he will be assisted by visiting clergy men from, this city, Derby, Ansonia, New Haven. " Fairfield, Westport ' and other surrounding towns -and cities. Prior , to the cornerstone laying prop er, there will be a street parade -which will start at . Hard's corner and . in which If is expected several ' thousand marchers will be seen. The- line-- of march will be from ' Hard's corner. north on Main street to Stratford cen ter; to East Broadway;' to EHm street; to ' (Broad street. - and ; along -Broad street back to (Main street, breaking up at the corner of Main and Broad where the new ehuroh is being built. There will be at least three bands In line, the Wheelen & Wilson band of Bridgeport being one of the three. The parade will be, beaded by all the men .and boys of St. James parish, several hundred strong, and they will be followed by . different church so cieties from. Bridgeport, Derby, Shel- tou- and other towns and cities in tma part of the state. It Is expected that there will be 1, 200 Bridgeport Knights of Columbus in line, including 150 members of the Fourth Degree dresBed In their regalia, frock coata,. Bilk . hats, canes, white ties and suede - gloves. The -Fourth Degree Knights met last night to com plete arrangements for their part of the parade. The committee in charge, composed of John J. Scanlon, George T. Kelly, Frank , Brennan, James J. Sexton, John Lynch, Lea Redgate and Frank Prendergast, announced after the meeting last night that they ex pected the full membership of the Bridgeport councils to turn out. Besides the members of the Knights of Columbus it is . expected that there will be between 800 and 900 members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians of Bridgeport who will take part in the parade and about 800 members of the Bridgeport Central Labor . Union in cluding the members of the carpen ters, joiners, bricklayers, masons, and other buildings trades', unions. The Holy Name societies of the dif ferent Bridgeport churches are also going to be invited to take part in the parade and at the masses .in the Catholic churches of Bridgeport next Sunday morning all the members of the various parishes will be invited SHELL PASSES OVER PRESIDENT'S YACHT MAYFLOWER L Washington, July 8 While both the oflicers of the Tacht Mayflower and officials of the Navy Department were reticent today concerning the . peril to the vessel last week, when a shell from the Proving Grounds at Indian Head, Md., was said to have narrowly missed the ship, which had , President Wilson aboard, it is believed ah in vestigation of the affair will be or dered. It was declared today that the shell itself passed over the Mayflower at a safe height but that the danger was caused by the dislodgement from the shell of the rotating band, a circlet of steel 12 inches . wide, which fell close to the vessel. So loud was ' the screech of the shot that - the Mayflow er's crew are said to have rushed on deck to ascertain the trouble. At the time President Wilson was said to be sitting on the after deck with Tr. Cary" Grayson, his physician. " So far as is known the President made no comment or complaint on his return to the Whit House. 1 Justice Wakeman accepted a. cash bond of $250 furnished by" Garrett B. Wlnant. The accident resulting In the fining cf Pitzipio and the suit- for damages occurred two weeks ago yesterday. Pitzipio .was driving a touring car owned, by Garrett E. Winant, and oc cupied, by Winant's daughter and chauffeur.' Pitzipio is a visitor at the Winant home. They are ' summering at the Sturges place in Fairfield. The car reached the main thoroughfare passing the Church corner, just as a Studebaker car driven by Daniel Wil liams, and occupied by Gurdon Wil liams, George McCormack and Shep herd came along the main road. The care came together, and the lighter one was overturned. Shepherd fell under the car and suffered head injuries that for a time imperilled hi life. He is recovering slowly at .the Galen hospital in this city. - Today Dan Williams was arrested in the court room on a chargje of reckless driving, and his mother,.., Nellis G. Wliliame, owner of the Howard ave nue hotel, furnished $500 bail for hie appearance next Tuesday. liot'i the Williams boys; and George McCor mack, their cousin, say they are go ing to sue PityJplo. -Attorney Hugh Lavery of this c'ty was in thecourt t com, today in j their interests. , ' MARCH AT LAYING OF CHURCH SUNDAY by their priests to -take part in the exercises in Stratford In the afternoon. It Is anticipated that there will be at least 20,000 visitors in Stratford at the cornerstone laying next Sunday if the day is a good one.;- , -."VV. ' i , The-; different marching bodies will form -on the tde stroata near "Hard's corner being in their- places at 2 o'clock. The Knights of, Columbus wm meet at their hall in Bridgeport at l o clock and march to the: Con gress street car ' barns where ..special oars' will "be ! -waiting to - convey them to Stratford, v They will form tnto line at .BeardsleyUt corner, one Mock west of Hard's corner, immediately ' on ar riving in Stratford. - ' ; - - The other societies will' form along Stratford avenue and South Main street taking the -places assigned them by the grand marshal of the parade, who is to be John . deary of Strat ford. ' . The new St. James" church - when COmnleted will ba xiriUinlit- nnlnn the prettiest - church in the town of Strafford. . . It-Is Gothic in style of architecture in dimensions, 108 feet by 59 feet Yellow, tapestry brick is being used, in its construction "and -all trimmings are of Indiana, limestone. Architect Jackaon of New Tor k de signed the building "and when com pleted it will be "a monument to his craftsmanship.. The cornerstone, donated; by James Beton sc Sons, . comes , from the Railway- Granite Co.'s quarry in Quincy, Mass., the same quarry out of which the stone used in the Bunker Hill monument was out. The altar, organ, windows, chancel lamp, - and in fact almost all of the fittings of the church have already '- been promised Rev. M. J. O'Connor by members of his church and former residents of the town. Father O'Connor has been doing splendid work in Stratford ever slnoe he was transferred 4o that town from Pomf ret. Conn. . He not only (bought the fine rectory and the land adjoin ing the church lot on the corner of Main and Broad streets, but by his hard work and business ability has paid all , the running expenses of the tarfeh ,and laid by a fund for build ing the new church. Considering the short time Father O'Connor has been in Stratford the work he has . done there seems phenomenal - s If the weather - is propritious next Sunday afternoon there is no ' doubt but . that the day will be the greatest one in (the history of St. . James' par ish and one which the people of Strat ford will remember for days to come. Numerous protests have been made In the past against .the lirlng of the big guns at Indian Head.- River cap tains declare the lives of their pas sengers and screws are endangered by the trials and, although no accidents yet . occurred, contend that there have been many narrow escapes from disaster. 11 -i PRESIDENT WILSQ?! ; GOLFS AT HANOVER " Hanover, N. H.,' July 8. President Wilson tried another golf links today, this time the nine hole course at Dart mouth College. He left Cornish early and motoring thirty miles over Green Hills and valleys, arrived here before noon. - . ' i - The college town is filled with sum mer school students and some of the co-eds" tripped enthusiastically across the links to greet the Presi dent. From the roadway groups of towns folks watched the play. - The President played a fair game but found the links much more dif ficult than the , Woodstock course, where he was yesterday. Dr. C. A irayson was again his opponent. There , were bo caddies about . when they arrived and a secret service man ana one of the chauffeurs volunteered 'or the sk MODEL MILITARY CAMP IN TEXAS FOR U. S. TROOPS Texas Citv. Tex.. Julv 8 -What army officers say is the best organized and healthiest military camp in the world today stretches for two miles along the shore of the Mexican Gulf here. Four months fl.ern the fittf nf this camn was virtually a swamp. The transfor mation is one of several big achieve ments of the American soldiers sent here last February for mobilization, of the Second Divisio nof the United States Army. Major General William H. Carter, commanding the Second Division, : U. S. A., said of the camp today: "The division here and at Galves toBj comprises one-third of the infan try strength of the United States fiVmv o-nri wifh fl.T-tiiifT-v cavalrv and signal corps makes nearlp 12,000 men. Bringing tne aivision togemer imo taught the omrers - ana men tne m timat niMl9 nf a bie- organization as to ' its equipment and has weeded out unnecessary paraphernalia and under- standard animals. When the com mands comprising the divisions go back to the various posts and are or dered . to reassemDie tor any service whatever, the commanding general can issue a single order which will cover the entire equipment. , "The second division is -now in ex cellent shape. , The soldiers are equal to any in the world. The whole divis ion with bag"gage could be ready to go aboard trains or transports oeiore tne cars could be sidetracked or the trans ports ready to cast off. TProbably . the one most Important accomplishment here for the Ameri can Ffcopte a3 een the demonstration of sanitary standards. It has verified methods tested at San Antonio in 1911, when 14,000 men assembled as a ma nuever division. v , . "We have now been , here four mnrrfhK sM not one case of typhoid has developed. When we came we were told this state was a swamp." Major General Carter said double , n.mV.o nf ooldiers could have been trained at Texas City without an increase of ' officers. JOHM F.; GLASiGY GETS v DAMAGES OF $222.75 North - End ' niesldent Wins . Aotton Against Afljntoistratoe of Iuke '-' ' , Clancy Estate. ; . well known North End resident, has won hia auit against . T.i,ira oincv estate. In a decision handed down' today by Acting Judge Wilder of the court or common picas, Clancy is awarded damages of $222.75. TT. 1. olon HvAn COStS- ' The plaintiff, who was a-nephew of LAike Clarifcy, claimed he worked in "1tit,' sglnnn on Hard avenue when the proprietor, was in the hospital. He alleged-tnat m-s uucw pruiuiwju w v- him but did not before he died in 1Q11 tta aM Yiin e.rvirps were rea sonably worth $2ff8.50 but this claim was disallowed by James Clancy, ad ministrator on the estate. Thereupon suit was brought against the admin- atui - POISON PLAGUE KLLLS 25,000 KANSAS ANIMALS Topeka, Kag.. July 8. That the plague which) killed more than 25,000 horses and mules In Kansas last year was not an infectious disease, but due to a poison, is the report of the special commission of the University of Kan sas appointed by the governor to in vestigate the subject. The report stated that there -was no known cure for the. ailment from which the anl mala suffered and that the climatic conditions which produced It probably will not prevail again in many years. Parasitic fungi growing on the grains and , other vegetation - caused the death of the animals, according to the report and the poisonous condi tions in the pastures was due to the excessive moisture and humidity ac companied by high temperatures. PROGRESSIVES TO CONSIDER PLATFORM THURSDAY NIGHT The Town committee, of the Pro gressive party held an enthusiastic meeting last night in their Plaza head quarters with the newly elected town chairman, George Zink, presiding. The town chairman will be aided in his duties by the appointment of several executive committees selected by him. The Progressive club will meet Thursday evening to discuss tentative platforms and as these discussions and debates are open to everyone, ' tho members want it understood the per sonal opinion of any speaker must be regarded as an official declaration of the club's views. INSANITT INCREASING - Insanity- is .upon -the increase in .this city. It was said at Charities head quarters today that many cases are being shipped from this city, more than heretofore. Investigator Morris sey during the past week has been busily engaged. Three patients -were conveyed to Norwich on Saturday and another triple shipment is today be ing made to Middletown. HEALTH BOARD TO MEET A meeting of . the local board of health is scheduled for tonight. It is believed that matters of considerable Importance to the sanitary conditions of this city will arise. From the num ber of garbage complaints .entered in the complaint book and the activities of the various inspectors who have re cently found that garbage collections have not been prompt or frequent those matters may be laid before the board. j SYLVIA STARTS THREE MONTHS' HUNGER STRIKE London, July 8 Miss Sylvia Pank hurst, daughter of Mrs. Ernmeline Pankhurst, the suffragette leader, was brought up at Bow street Police court today and found guilty of in citing - to disorders on June 29, when she led a mob to Downing street to raise the official residence of the Pre mier and the Chancellor of the Ex chequer. She was ordered by the mag istrate to find sureties in $12,000 to be of good behavlous for a year with the alternative of three months imprison ment. Miss Pankhurst elected to go to Halloway jail, declaring she would at once start a hunger strike and also go without water. Archibald Bodkin, prosecuting for the treasury, said the authorities did not desire to punish her, but merely to prevent her making Inflammatory speeches. . - Miss Selie Emerson of Jackson, Mich., Miss Mary (Richardson and Harry ' Golden, a male sympathizer with the . woman suffrage movement, who were arrested last evening while trying to liberate Miss Slvaia Pank huTst from the hands of the police at Bromley, were all sent to Jail by the police magistrate today. Miss Emer son, who the police testified, had in cited a mog of BOO obstructionists by shouting "what are going ito do," was given a month's hard labor and Golden a similar sentence but Mies Richard- eon, "who had assaulted the police and broken windows at the police station, was sentenced to three months Impri sonment. The prisoners" only com ment was, "we shall do just as much as we -choose." Probers Almost Through With ''--.'..."-.Waii . Street ; Washington,- July 8. -Ah end ,to the Wall street features of " the lobby in vestigation was ' in sight when the Senate committee resumed its hear ing today. David Lama had asked permission to make a final statement. explaining Edward ? Lauterbach'a charges-yesterday that Lamar had as sured Mm Senator , Stone and Speaker Clark were anxious for a "peaceful understanding" with Morgan and the Steel Corporation ; interests. " A half dozen men prominently Iden tified-with, wool manufacturing Indus. tries -in the United States and several connected with campaigns for a change in oral discussion of the sugt.r tariff, were on hand again today to be; examined as to their lobbying ac tivities. The wool tariff witnesses included William Whitman, Thomas O. Marvin, Wlnthrop L. Marvin,' all of Boston, and S. W. McClure of Salt Lake City. RECORD YEAR FOR FISH EGGS Washington; July 8 The year just closed established a record for the United States bureau of fisheries in the number of ' fish eggs taken and later planted; It ran to the enormous total of 3,640,000,000 which, broke the record made in the previous year by 173,000,000. The largest number of any one kind was in flat fish, of which 800,000,000 egg were planted. ' - Durhig the year there .was an in creased capture of black spotted trout, Chinook salmon, haddock, striped bass, and white fish eggs and" a decrease in those of the lake herring, pike, perch shad, yellow perch and lobster. To increase the supply of lobsters along the New England coast the bureau is considering the establishment in Rhode-Island of a plant for lob ster breeding. It is proposed to keep the young lobsters in captivity until -they can defend themselves against at tack or until they have passed what the experts call the fourth stage of their existence. '' The'' bureau 'now has two lobster hatchferies, one in Mfeine, the otter in Massachusetts, but at neither are there facilities for breeding- work. VOCATIONAL TRAINING : IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Washington, July 8 Commendation of the work of the vocational guidance survey of New York city is contained in a statement issued today by the United States Bureau of Education. The bureau Is In sympathy- with the broad question of vocation training for young America and has advocated the establishment of "Vocational Train ing In the public school system of tho couritry. The bureau quotes from a report just issued by the New Tork organlza tion and applauds its thoroughness and the methods employed. "On one point the New Tork report is unusually explicit". The bureau officials ' comment: "There are no Jobs for children under 16 which they ought to take," it de clares. "Furthermore it emphasizes the need for more information about industrial conditions before attempting to steer boys and girls into positions." Commieeioner of Education Claxton has preached the need of specialization in educating the youth and officials of his bureau believe the New York City organization is only the first of other civic and state educational orga nizations thatn will take up the ques tion and advocate it. ADMITTED TO PROBATE. Thei estate of the late Dennis Keliy was admitted to probate this morning with Ellen Kelly as administratrix. Wh njom . Will Prevent Any Attempt to Worh Under the Act Which He - Claims Is Not Measure Passed by the Legislature Investigation by Farmer Representative in Hartford Discloses Strange Mix-up Be tween Offices of Engrossing Gierk and Secretary of State If any attempt is made to borrow money ; or perform any other acts which are apparently authorized by the Paving bill sent to City Auditor Keating, Senator Joseph H. Whitcomb will ask an injunction, to prevent work being done under the provisions of the bill. As tbld In the Farmer last night, a grave error or "a scandal is immin ent over the Bridgeport paving bill leg islation. What purports to be an act duly authorized by the General As sembly authorizing, the city of Bridge port to borrow $200,000 for. pavements and ether sums for school houses and sewers, attested by the Secretary of State - and signed by Governor Bald win, -has been received by City Audi tor Keating. ' But " members of the Bridgeport delegation to the general assembly declare - It is not the bill which actually went-through the legis lature. , Senator" Whitcomb said today: "I watched , this paving bill very closely and I am certain the bill re turned to City Auditor Keating was not the bill for which we voted in the Legislature. -I 'and other mem bers , of .th delegation from Bridge port were unwilling that the Common Council through the . members - of the streets ; and sidewalks , committee should hive $100,000 to spend for pave ment in one year. J?We were also un willing that BOel- i large" sum should be spent fdr pavement not permanent. "We also insisted that the original bill' as presented to the Swna-te toe re ivised to prevent a. ' big deal being made in; non-permanent pavementrl through a bill which purported to oe drawn in the interest of permanent pavement. ' "T - watched this matter very closely. I would rather not express my opin ion as to how I think a change in the bills was mad at Hartford but I will say now that if any attempt is made to work under this bill sent to City Auditor Keating I -will get an injunc tion." ' (By Our Special Corres.) Hartford, July 8. A rigid investi gation today failed to disclose how state papers were juggled at Hartford so that an act authorizing Bridgeport to appropriate $200,000 tor pavements and other sums for schools and sew ers, should 'be substituted for the bill really passed by the General Assem bly. ... . '. The investigation by a special rep resentative of The Farmer today shows that Senate Bill 271 came up in trie House on May 20.. It appeared as File 470 of the House printed bills. TJhe bill as finally passed by the House contains on, Page 1 the following en dorsement: j . "Committee on Finance through Senator Weed of the 26th District, chairman of the committee on part of the Senate, think that the bill ought to pass." .' . ' This bill does not appear among any of the papers transmitted to the office of the Secretary of State, but there does appear there "Amendment, schedule A" which was offered by Representative Wilson of Bridgeport and which was drawn as amendment aDR." A. G. JONES TO BE ENJOINED FROM FURTHER PRACTICE most prominently located dentists in the City of Bridgeport, who maintains sumptuous offices in the Wheeler building, Fairfield avenue and Main street, will be ordered by the State Board of Dental Examiners at Hart ford to stop using the degree of Doc tor of Dental Surgery and to discon tinue practicing dentistry In this state. The news comes to this city as a complete surprise to both his friends, and the public, as he has for some months occupied one of the most con spicuous handsomely equipped and brilliantly lighted offices in this city and the public in general had suppos ed that he was fully qualified to op erate under the sanction of the state and society of fellow dentists. Charges were filed on Saturday last with the State Examiners which were considered by them Immediately with the result that his license was revok ed today. In the complaint which was entered by the Bridgeport Den-! tal - society, it was charged . that j he violated not only the ethics of his profession but the statutes as well by appending to his name the ' title "IX D. "'S." to which he had no right, nev er having held other than a, dental as sistant's certificate. It was further alleged that using the same title he had inserted fictitious advertising in mb Says Hell raving; -Bill to File 470, substitute for Senate Bill 271. The amendment provides -for chang ing the word "bond" to the . word "note" in lines, 6-14-16-20-22-28 of Section 6 of the substitute. Certain erasures, were made in the amend--ment at the time of its preparation. At some other time and -with a dif ferent pen, the words "to substitute f or' have been crossed out but the amendment would not apply to any section of any other bill relating to the matter.- The bill which is attested In the office of the Secretary of State as having been passed with the amend ment does not contain 24 lines in Sec tion 6 and the word "bond" does not occur In the lines mentioned In the amendment. Section 6 of the engross ed bill would only be in its present form by the addition thereto of Sec tion 6 of the substitute bill as amend ed. The original Senate bill on the mat ter was numbered 221 while Senate Bill 221 as passed by the -General As sembly Is an act relating to the State Board of Charities. The bill as amend ed was printed but cannot be found. The original bill has been stamped as passed. The committee's report which . apparently accompanied the bill, .ha the word "Passed" crossed out and the letters "R. S. accepted" writ ten in, -which Is -taken to mean that the report on. the , substitute bill had been accepted. '' " ( , . The ' bill which was signed by the governor and sent to City Auditor Keating is the 'original measure which the Bridgeport delegation In the Gen eral Assembly insisted should - be amended, with the amendment as at tested by Mr. Wlteon of Bridgeport attached. But Mr. Wilson's amend ment had no application on the ori ginal bill as the amendment was framed for the substitute bill. ' - Senator Archibald McNeil, Jr., said today: " " "Early in the session of the Legis lature the Bridgeport members got to gether and decided on what should be done regarding pavement. When the bill came in, it was not what we had agreed on at all and the bill was sent back for, . corrections and revisions. When the bill appeared a -second time there were many typographical errors in it ' and it was again reconsidered for corrections. "The bill as finally passed by the General Assembly had been amended to meet the views of the Bridgeport legislators. It .was not the bill which Governor Baldwin signed and which has been sent to .City Auditor Keat lngs. "I have no idea how this bill, which Is the original bill that the Bridge port legislators insisted should be amended, came to be signed by the governor. ' I do not think there has been any trickery. I am rather in clined to take the charitable view of the matter that with much backing and filling over the original bill the clerks were confused and they stamp ed the wrong bill as the one which the . legislature ' passed." OF DENT local papers tending to mislead thw public as to his true status. Other allegations of a minor character are said to be contained in the complaint, with the result that the board unani mously, decided to prevent Jones from further practicing in the state. When seen -by a reporter for The Farmer today an eminent member of tho dental profession consented to discuss the affair in "detail. He said in substance that the young dentist had come from another state about five years ago He had for a time imrStw. in the lbo4or- and aa an assistant to another dentist locally until he had been able to operate un der the personal supervision a a li censed graduate dentist. Thl how ever did not permit him t-ithrj- to work alone or to use thr. title h. had assumed.' Such permission toulo unly be obtained from the examining b.mrd and had not so been done in Janes' case. " Early In the spring Jones had de cided to equip an office for himself and while warned by the society that he should not advertise himself as a. dental surgeon until he had received his full degree from the board he per sisted. (Continued on Page Two