Newspaper Page Text
LtJCKHART Shoes in the Men's 3ow atwwiav to ttoi tad In oxford tyle, - every- .pair within the Soar walls of the store in Included . and almost Rny man may flgnre on ' finding liia size.' " - , , t CiliTSKI.V, patent leather and tan leather: 2. $S Rhoea $3.S5 $4 shoe - $ JS shoe - $. WHITE BUCK OilTORDS for men, latest style, line Quality, regular 14.50, , - S3.SO GOODYEAR WHT OXPORDa of tan and black Vid kid. a special let. worth. $3, 1. Girls' and children's sfwes In al (rammer styles r Jno the Mill End Sale at prices that will lively tiraew, r ' WHITE EEOia, and s.tent leather and Russia calf,, sizes 11 to 8, worth $I.B0. ' $1.85 worth $2, " $- ... dRIS' ' PATENT LEATHER and ran- mstal two-strap pumps, eiees U to t: worth $1.60, , t t . . S1.10 CHILDREN'S LOW SHCJES, patent learner ana wmw mu uui, pi" 7 to 11. worth $1.50 and $1.75, ti n i as. OXFORDS for children,-have special nrwea " " 1 usually ions, worm i.ju to a, ; $1.1 to $1.88 , JLJf" , dais, several qualities, according to Ftw, eo to a Eti-c iarTfT RrtTiTO Rhafl and moo- caslns. erei J pair in the store is Included, worm 2SO aTja nn ., . . ,.-.9 c nd 29v In the MinEnd Sale IXtrriARTS POPTitNS, poplins of plain hue, foulards in good pat--Aeriia.-n3ch. So. Bold srecial at EOc, " -7 ' S9o - . MESaaXISna In nice colon, pood quality. T Inch, worth ,To RATCTB OS" ITTKE BTTJIt, white 'and ootora. worth 7fro and tl. - ft3 said B9e ?Ttn kttstw to yi etU - stripes and . ponces m natnral hna and in eoi- i era. worth 7Bo ya, ova jFOms A25T MESSAIiCCB m street i -and erwnizis' shades,, nice finish. i -worth ri, Bo ; El Oil OTSAJPGEABXas STXiSC to effects ' . well adapted for street wear, worth 81 yd. - 69o I gBgWEKTOWP POTTTVMCDa in r handsome patterns, plate taffeitas, . and flgai ed or stripe 1 messallne, '. -worth T6o and $1, 5o and 9o I TTXE TUB STICKS tn jlaln colors and ! - in beaatiful striped patterns worth, 81, - 79c t EIC3I C3TAR31 K CFTE5 to street and - venins shades, g-lorious of effect. . worth 81.8 5 and 81.86 yd, $1 . CREPE TE CHINE, splendid fraality, white black and deMghtfnl colors, worth J1.R0, 1.19 fCtAXTOTT SEETE30R, plain and bro- caded .. charraeuse: two of richest silks of season? excellent variety ox street and evening- shades, worth $LB and $S. $1.35 BXeAOR gTJjgS -rjrcia messauni; wort tbo yd. ROo faSLKtiart'A, W fetches wJCe, worth TBo Til, ova I MESSAI43TEJ AST " TATPHTA, SB ! inches wide, worth 86o yd, 1 69o 1 RATTW rrtTOITESS and black taffeta I and veaxt de sole, worth U 'o t TEAT! PH BOTE and satin messallne. vni wlfle. worth Sl.ze. ova tTTNTB HES&UJXB and satin duchess I and peaQ ae sole, wortn KTT ! '; V7V T"OTTLtARTS,88 tncrxes wide. ery deep and lustrous black, worth TBo, uw ; Colored "Woolens In the'Mill End Sale i KOHUBS ANT PTiATOS, light and I du-k effects, wortn s so ya, awo laFF-riszv. ALBATROSS WIPOOED i and mohair, plain and fancy mixed ' woolens, worth BOc ya, o 1 AXJj-"W001j 6EKGES of good colors f and fancy suitings or excellent ei tect, worth 75 c, eomesold special raiOTIAlXt, fancy, suiting', -and all-wool s-rge, worm 75a and $1 ' yd, 59o WHTPCORD, plamT' or5" axriped eergn, bedf ord cord, panama, - and fancy suitings, good range of colors, worth 81, ' 69o STRIPED PRr.-V I ;I TtiA , plain and ' fancy- serge, fine broadcloth, worth 81 and 81-25 yd. J9o - PXiAIX . ANT Si'RlPJKTr- STJTnifGS, handaome whipcord and serge in good colors, worth $1.25, 85c i CREAM SERGE, fancy stripes and r mbrtures, attractive whipcord, worth i 81.25 and $1.60. 95o t IjTSTROITS sri7K-A3!?T-WOOTj pop- Uc of beautiful hue, shades for . evening as well as street wear, worth $1.25. -- 5o FIXE 1)1 ACiOVATj and bedf ord cord, i array tan and browhV worth $1.50, ' ' : SI. 15 tTSTOOT) RATTXE ?ASH.- SIPOXGE, i splendia la quality, good shades, 'worth $2.. ."' ! ' '. $1.50 1 r.VTTR-V MILL E1TD LOT BACK. JUST RETURN IT BUT PROMPTLY AND IN GOOD CONDITION Mill End Sale of thousands of pairs a collection, ex.- cemng-aay: u&i otct owe we twuo w the store for delignt or mu jma snap pens. Pomps, oxford ties, low Dut- ton shoes, colonial ties, strap tramps, c tery good "sort of low shoes, -COIAKNiIALS of patent leather, resru - lar $5 , sort. - . i8-85 PATENT LKATHER PUMPS, regu lar $3.50 sort, $2.45 OXPOED TT ILS of patent leather.regT ular $3 sort, $2.2 OALFSKTU PUMPS OXFORDS and 'low button shoes, welted soles and machine sewed t worth $4 ...' 5-5 - worth $3.60, ' worth $8, i V l2-22 c KA ' S1.85 TAN RUSSIA PUMPS and OXFORDS, - several styles, . not au sizes ax ea Prorth $.B. 2.a0 and ja.65 ,5 worth. 8, . . ffJ, . worth $8.60 ' jl-fS GREAT BIO 1XXT of patent calf and w Ium. to bnkn sizes. mostly narrow widths in the larger ' and-the smaller sizes, worm a.ou - i ' S1.S5 Trrr. nmurvst ' low iek1.' ribbon ' bow, really best fitted for house wear and comfort, worta PAWCrsr STilWBKS of leather and of satin, broken sizes, a dix soueo, or- lgrmally S3 and B.ou ana z-"j BOYS'' OXFORD TTKS, patent and tan leather ana cairsKin, sizes irom i to 6, regnlar prices 82 $8.60 and IS, , i v.. .-'i-.-.'. ' Linens and Crashes In the Mill End Sale (MERCERISED TABLE DAMASK, worth 40o and 66o yd, 88o and 45o AXi&XDrmf BTjEACHET table dam ask, worth 76o rd. WO TTKB PTTRE' XiLKEA bleached dam ask, worth 81 and 8186 yo, r j 85o and $1 i ir4T!T,T3rir)THa of fine bleached dam- ask, handsome patterns, iW yds long, worth 84, " .. KEp TA3XiB-CBXrr3E combined with eitKer white or green, worth -9o 'and Bile, Ko aod 69o MERCERISED KAPEXBTS, hemmed. . worth TBo and $1 dozen, s 65o and S5o AliTj-TinrEX TEA ITAPKINS, hem sUtched, worth $1.50 dosen. ' - . . . 8X,390 f..ncrwr VXPSllillS. bleached or sil ver bleached, all linen, worth $1.60 and $1.69, ' SPUENDTD HKATT AXaIiTNEN nankins, worth 8.6 and $3. B0 n - S1.7B and S3.7S COTTON GRASS, plain or dice pat- twn. worth 70 yd. B JtRAVT TTATjT" BliBACHED Cotton crash, worth o ydj . HOMESPUN AXStt-THTESX CRASH, nnHh 1ltn vd. . - ' SO AIiEj-IiTVEN' SOMD CBASH,bleached or half bleached, worth 12c yd, ' 10c TTTTAVy- Aliti-TinTEw CRASH, worth 16o yd, . laHo Cottons In the llill End Sale BROWN AND BUEAOHED cottons. yard wide, worth 7o So and sc ya. BliEACHEB A5D BROWN" cotton, - vnril wide, worth "lOo yd. So HEAVY BROWN 40 Inch cotton, worth 12Hc yd, I0o J'KL'IT OF THE IXJOM cotton, yard wide, worth 10c yd: not o-wsr iq - vds to a customer TWO BIjEACHED SHEETTNG, 9-4 wide. worth 25c and.30o yd, 21c and 2So HEAVT BliEACHED 9-4 sheeting, PITjIjOW TITT5IXG, 4 IT Inch, worth 20o and 25c yd, io, ana IjOVG CXiOTH, 86 tnch, worth 10c and JJ!o yd, 12 yd P , jjOWG CIXTTBC, worth 15c, yd. piece of 12 yds, jXNB YARD-WIDE long cloth, worth $2.50 piece, 1-7 ' COTTOTT DIAPER, 18 Inches wide, nnh 5 niece. 55C Handkerchiefs and Gloves in the Mill End Sale THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of handkerchiefs have been made up into Mill End bundles. Every one of hose bundles is of distinctive Mill End value: a value far greater than price. Bundles contain any where from 8 to 18 "handkerchiefs and variety runs from plain to fancy trimmed. Each a Mill End value and at prices from lOo to $1 GIjOVES OP SELK, white and black, excellent in every way: . short, -worth 50c, S9o 16 button, worth- 89a, 59o worth $1. 79o' worth $150, $1.15 CHAMOISETTE and lisle gloves, 16 button, white black gray and cha mois color, reerular 50c sort, S9o IiISLE AND CHAMOISETTE gloves In white and colors, short, worth 50c, 89c worth 25c", 19c WHITE LISLE GtoVES, 12 button length, worth 89c, liip IS GUARANTEED; ; IF A MIL Fancy Cottons, , t In the Mill End Sale ' ' SHXRTTNG PRINTS,' printed chaTHs, prints in Dine gray and fancy ae ' signs, especially suited for com fortables, worth 6 c and 7o yd. APRON GINGHAMS, blue checks of several Bizeay worh ,7c yd, " 5o DRESS GINGHAMS in seersucker stripes and plain colors, yard-wide percales, printed organdies of good pattern, worth lOo yd. - 7o BATES, RED SEAIi AND A P O gingnams in stripes checks plaids and -fancy colors, worth 12 c yd, -. lOn MANCHESTER" L YARD-WIDE per cales and handsome woven madras and woven black-and-white checks, worth 12 s o vd. ;: . lOo RTPPttETTE In good stripes;-, pllsse printed in small flgures,lawns print ed In good colors and patterns, voiles of nice weave to plain colors.- worth 12Uo and ISO Yd. lOo HEAVY GALtATEA. embroidered ba- - tiste. xdiEeaiinen, printed shirtings oi mce quality, snk-and-oottons ox - jaomiard weave, worth 18o to JL8o yd. lao DOLES' TABDBfT VOIXJS woven fan cy voiles, colored pique, handsome ' soisette, worthy 19o and 2 So yd, . 15c . 6TJT1TNGS that are partly linen, Dur- oar ciotn, striped . pique and crepe and ratine. ' striped voiles, hand some woven checks in combination of black and white, worth 25o to 29a yd, 19c POPLINS In plain colors and stripes, dotted and plain Seco silk, hand- 1 some foundation .silks, fine-weave crepe shirtings. Kindergarten cloth, fine Scotch ginghams, worth 2So to 35c yd. lc I't'B. SILKS and fine sflk-and-cotton i in Jacquard designs," worth ' 29o to 89c, ' . . ,35o - SILK-STRIPED PIQUE, poplins ot fine or of heavy texture,plaln ratine, attractive bordered voile, worth 89o and 4 Bo yd, . .29o SILK PIQUE AND ORISPINE and pretty tub silks a yard wide, worth 46o to 69o yd, 8c RAMIE LtNEN, a yard wide, worth 89o yd, - - . SSo STLK-AND COTTON CREPE, yard wide tub silk, heavy ratine of fme ness. worth 69o and 76c - SOo TTNE MATELASSB of sllk-and-oot-ton, worth 85c yd, ,69o ENGLISH VOILES, very fine, striped and embroidered, worth 81 75o BEATJTIFCIj EMBROIDERED crepe in floral pattern worth $1.25 y6 i,- EMBROIDERED DRESS patterns of fine quality and exclusive design, : with trimming to match, worth $7 .' each, $o White Goods ; J . -) In the Mill End Sale OPENWORK STRIPES , and dimity Checks for underwear or for chil dren's dresses, worth 8a, 5o CROSSBAR LAWNS in. several sizes of pattern, dots stripes and flgurest worth 12 c and 18c. o DOTTED SWISS in several sizes of : dot and special-weave heavy ulag onal for skirts, worth, 12 Ho and 15c, 10c 40 INCH LAWN of fine quallty,lengths of 2 to- 20 yards, worth 15c to 250 yd, " r 12Mo HEAVY TJNEW-PTNISH skirtings, verv firm, worth 15c 124c EMBROIDERED 'CROSSBAR . and etrfpe lawns, fine texture, worth 19c to 25c . lac SHEER EMBROIDERED STRIPES, mercerised Jflgures and stripes, fine Bhirtmgs and fine striped voiles, worth 25c to 60e. .lc ENGLISH MERCERISED suitings and fine pique in several, sizes of welt, worth-25o to 89c, lo MERCERISED - BATISTE and voile of very fine quality, worth 29c and SSc azo and zac NAINSOOKS of splendid soft finish. worth 15c to 20o yd, loo to l&o BRIDAL WREATH nainsook, 86 Inch, worth. 22c vd. ' 8o, SEA ISLAND 44-TNCH . nainsook, worth 29c yd, 22o Bibbons In the Mill End Sale LOOP EDGE TAFFETA ribbons In good shades, 6 Inch, worth 45c yd, 29o SATIN TAFFETA, B Jnch ribbons, worth 85c yd. 2o MOIRE AND PLAIN taffeta ribbons, 5 inch, worth 29o and 85c ytt, v 25o TAFFETA AND MOIRE S inch ribbons, nice colors, worth 15c yd, 4 12Uo RICH MOIRE and plain taffeta 5 Inch ribbons, worth 19c and 21c yd, 17o FANCY HATH RIBBON, 4 inches wide, worth 25c yd, - 31c - HANDSOME FANCY SASH ribbons, 1 inches wide, worth 39c yd, SSc. SHORT LENGTHS of fancy and nov elty ribbons, worth 39c to 75c yd, 29o Fl-N HtSV GROS GRAIN ribbon for un derwear, pink white and light blue. No. 1 and 1, worth 45c and 65o Sc. 25o and S5c o. 2 3 6 and 9, worth"19c to 25c yd. . 6c to 124o BLACK VELVET RIBBON of excel lent quality and finish: ZVt inch, worth 45c, 29o 84 inch, worth B6c; - S5o THING DOESN'T-SUIT, WE'LL BU.5" IT; END SALE BEGINS Hosiery and Underwear In the Mill End Sale ' WOMEN'S : PCKE STLK STOCKINGS, full fash cloned, hlfirh splloed, lisle heel and '- douale toe, white tan and black, : worth $1, 79o STLK STOCKINGS with Msle garter top, high spliced heel and double teev black white and tan, worth 60a, : , ,- 9o BLACK COTTON and gause lisle of silk finish, double heel and toe, white tan black and spilt sole, worth 25c, ... .- . aio - GAUZE COTTON, double toe, high spliced heel, white tan and black, , worth 12 c, llo CHTLDREiVS STLK LISLE, fine . rib, white tan and black, worth 25c,. - ' ISO' COTTON, fine or heaivy rib, flzte rib in white and tan as wen as black, worth UHc - -i llo BOYS' RIBBED STOCKTNGS,medlum or heavy, worth 26e, , 21o PANOY-TOP . SOCKS for little chll dren, worth 26c, 17o WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR , UNION SUITS of fine Hsle, hand-oro-chet yokes and cot in new shapes, right for wear with new tight-fitting gowns, summer styles, worth - $1 and in regular sizes only, v 79o UNION SUITS of lisle in new style of shaping, low neck and no sleeves, tight knee or umbrella pant, worth 50c and BSr, . 89o and 45c COTTON VESTS AND PANTS, nice weight, good and soft. " right styles for summer, - worth 26c, 19o VESTS of lisle and cotton, plain and fancy,low neck and sleeveless, some in Cumfyout style, regular and ex tra sizes, worth 25c 19c TANCY AND PLAIN VESTS In low , neck style, several patterns, regular , and extra sizes, worth 12 Mo, "llo CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR UNION SUITS, mesh or balbriggan, right style for boys, worth 60 c, t .: 39ov WHTTB GAUZE VESTS AND PANTS and balbriggan shirts and drawers for boys, worth Zbo, . lo UNION SUITS, for glrla nice and cool, worth BOo, . - : 89o LAOE-TRIMMED PANTS and , low- necked vests for girls, good quality at 12c llo THlas.M. SHIRTS AND DRAWERS for boys, white,- cool and comfortable, worth 26c, . , 19o -.. v Emhroiderles In the Mill End Sale DOUBLE-EDGE embroidered bands. worth 2 5c vd. 1244o BATISTE GALONS and 'Inserting, pretty patterns, worth 89o yd. 25(5 CORSET-COVER embroideries, worth 89c yd, 1 j 2SO INSERTING AND BANDING in double-edge patterns, worth 29o yd, : 250 ALLOVER EMBROXDERTES, 27 Inches wide, worth 6 9c yd, aoo HANDSOME 27 INCH ALLOVERS, worth' 79o yd, . 5a GALONS AND INSERTING S of nice batiste, worth 69o yd. BOo RICH 45-INCH ALLOVERS, worth $1.50 yd. - $1 FINE ALLOVERS to 27 inch width, worth $2.25 yd, $1 RATINE LACES, effective and good style, prices reduced l-a Parasols and Umbrellas " in the Mill End Sale PARASOIS of rich- pattern and fine quality, best styles of this season. worth $2 to $3.60, sold special at $1.95. 51.58 worth $4 to $6, .sold special at $2.96, UMBRELLAS for men and women, good covers, attractive handles: worth $1, 79o worth $1.50. ' $1.35 Sporting Goods In the MU1 End Sale LION BICYCLES, 20 or 22 inch frame, roller chain; the store's special $25 wheel, equipped with coaster brake and mud-guardSf' $21.50 HOWLAND guaranteed tires, regular $2, . $1.65 HOWLAND oQproof guaranteed tires, resrular $3. $2.65 BICYCLE SUNDRIES at a Mill Bnd discount of 15 per cent. BICYCLES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, , equipped with coaster brake, 24 lnchj worth $19,. $16.SO 26 Inch, worth $20, $17.50 CROQUET SETS, several sorts, worth 81 to $7. to TO SB.IO TENNIS RACKETS, reliable kinds. worth $1 to $7. Boo to $8.78 TENNIS BALLS, reirular 2 Bo, 21o BASEBALL GLOVES AND MITTS, worth $l .to $8. 800 to $5.75 FISHING TACKLE at special Mill Ema discount of 3-4 ATHLEnO JERSEYS with collar and sleeves, worth 75o to $2.60, SSc to $2.15 SLEEVELESS SHIRTS and white runnlna pants, worth 45c, - S5o BATHING SUITS,, men's and boys,' worth 81 to $4, 800 to $3.2S WATER WINGS, usually 25c, 15o SWEATERS, especially comfortable at .shore or on motor trip, worth $1.60 to $5. $1 to $3.75 RAZORS, good make, worth 60c to $3 25c to $1.50 POCKET KNIVES, excellent, worth 25c to f 1.50, lo to $1.20 DOG COLLARS and supplies and pho .. tographio albums, reduced 1-5 THBHOWDAND DRY GOODS CO., Bridgep or Hammocks Trunks and Draperies 1 in the Mill End Sale TRUNKS hi regulation shape, heavy canvas oovermg, caenuui Biaw,iwg straps, sizes from 28 to 8 6, .worth STEAMER TRUNKS, fiber bound and nnea witn imen, nzw j av , ,m- o, II. - A 0 . CLOTH LINED TRUNKS, two trays. as, bound with hard fiber, leatheifl straps, sizes 28 to B v worm s.oy W B.OV, ' LEATHER SUIT-CASES with straps around, ctoxn lining, bu.hi. il, MATTTNG SUTX-OASE, waterproof. ' have leather straps ana Draw doh and Jocks, leather: corners, worth COUCH HAMMOCKS, heavy khaki- color . dnoE, son mmirciH, uwiuu frame and good springs, compreiw ' with ftiTT and hooKs, worth 812, COUCH HAMMOCKS with National spring rrame, gooo. inn-tui cos wind-sWeld wtth ehalns and hooksr . k n - REGULATION HAMMOCKS of fancy weave with vaiance anu ucau-i, worth $1.25 to $3 and $3-50, . n $2.50 FEATHER BED-PTLLOWS.stout tick and sanitary reaxnersv worta ovc w son o 1.50 STLK-FLOSS CUSHIONS, square and oblong, worth 860) to -uo, i SCRIM CURTAINS with lace Insert ing and edge, white, wortn NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS m whit. and. Arabian, wortn x.2 w i.ov IMPORTED IRISH POINT and Brus- setls : curtains, plain ana - aai-uvo patterns, wortn. to i-ou -Vrui FINE MERCERISED scrim curtains with lace eage ana lrasrung, " and Arabian, wortn 82 to J- ft 1.50 ORIENTAL OOW3H "COVERS, good patterns and ooiors, wonn J 2, " . tru ... i .l .mm . . . rtinj Til lull b . m iftfiwL csujsiriwur . green red Drown ana piub, oiui e - ' SJC : HEAVY MERCERISED tapestry por tieres, greens ana rean,, wg . FINE MERCERISED BCRTM with drawn-work Doraer, wmie cream f and Arabian, wortn zso bjw aoo, 19c STLKOLTNE of best (quality plain colors ana iodoj ,ruu wlrif. worth 12 A C. ra Floor Coverings in the Mill End Sale VV'liriTAIJ8 ANGLO-INDIAN rugs. dropped patterns, 9 by 12 ft, worth ten . ' $3w ROYAL WORCESTER WHJTTALIi rugs, dropped patterns, s oy ia m vnrth 846. $35 - TOTTFTfpaT.T. fTTTT ,1 It K1f bodV brUS sells rugs, dropped patterns, 9 by 12 ft, worth $32.76, , SEA3ILESS WILTON RUGS, fine and hooxrv a hv 12 ft worth $39. $29 WORSTED WTLTON RUGS, small figured patterns, Dy is xt, . ?t Kft $2 AX MI-NT STER SEAMLESS RUGS, . small figures and self-color patterns, 9 bv 12 ft. worth $26. j $21 rw-ttTBiiffTAT, A -NT FLORAL design Axmlnster rugs, 9 by 12 fet, worth $19.50 to 425. $17.50 TAPESTRY BRUSSELS RUGS, good t .weight -. and v patterns.., i ; ... . M V. by 9 TV worth $10, $8.75 8 by 10 ft,worth $12, $10.75 . a-bir -m ft worth 814. $12.5 . CARPET RUGS of splendid pattern In 8 1-4 by 10 1-2 rt size: Wilton, worth $36, $27 Body Brussels, worth $28 $20 AminatM-. worth $17.50, ' $15 DREDNOT RUWS, border designs to two-toned effects: ; 9 by 9 ft, worth 7.B0, $6.60 9 by 10 ft, worth $9. $8 9 bv 12 ft worth $10. $8.50 WOOL INGRAIN RUGS, a trifle soU- ed: - - - - 9 by 9 ft, worth $7, $4 9 by 1 0 ft, worth $8, $5 9 bv 12 ft worth $9. $6 JAPANESE WOVEN RUGS, good patterns: 86 by 72 Inches, worth BOo, 3o 6 by 9 ft, worth $2.50. $2 KlWAIiTi rtjgs of splendid quality: . . Axmlnster, 27 by 64 inch, worth $1.75, $i.4& 4 by 8 ft, worth $7.50. : $5.75 7 tf by 48 Inches, worth $2.50, - " - $1.95 Wilton," 27 by B4, worth $8.50, $2.95 ' 86 bv 63. worth $6, $4.75 VELVET CARPETS for hall and stairs worth 76c. yd, 50 TAPESTRY HALL AND STAIR car nets, worth 60c yd. 42o WOOL-AND-FTBER CARPET, small. figured patterns in gooa colors, worth 4 Bo vd. 35c MATTING, China and Jap, plain or figured, worth $5 to o.ou per roil or ZO yards, $s.o INLAID LINOLEUM, floral or hard wood designs, wortJH 85c to $1.25 sausre yard, per sq yd. 69o PRINTED OILCLOTH, nice patterns. worth 29c square yard, per sq yd, . .220 9 Women's Wear Millinery , VS TRIMMED HATS In many shapes and colors: worth 60o and TBo, lo worth $1 to $2.50. 4 So HOWLAND HATS, right from the store s own stock and splendid ex amples of the correct styles of the season. Handsomely trimmed and all ready to put on, , worth $2, BOO ' worth $2. SO to $4, . l$1.75 .worth $6 to $8.60, $3.50 worth $10 to $15, $7.SO worth $17.60 to $22.50, $12.50 FANCY FEATHER ORNAMENTS, splendid lot. 25c to $1.7 FLOWERS of many sorts and colors, worth double. . 19c and 4oo x Tailored Suits serge whipcord and sponge, handsome , I . L , Kln r. els or richly trimmed: i. wortn . (o, , a worth $10 ,to $16, $ $.BO -.'-worth $18 -'to- $20, .. , $11JM ' worth $22-.60 to $80, $15" . . worth $82;50 to $40, $19.69 Coats ' " SUMMER COATS in 'silk and of serge, of eponge and of fancy mixtures. Pretty new styles and excellent ef fects; mostly In the' 45 and B4 Inch lengths: - - - - . Vworth $6.60 to $8.- - 5 .. worth $10 to $15,. - i, $ 8.BO' worth $18 to $20, - ,.$12.BO... Wash Waists ' LAWN VOILE and striped percale waists, low and high necK, long or short sleeves, good styles, wortn cue. WHITE LAWN AND VOILE, pretty 1 models trimmed with lace or em broidery, worth $1. 69o LINGERIE WAISTS with hand em- Droiaery aua iace-innnna w h.imi gi voile batiste, end lawn, worth $1.60, , v , . BOO FINE CREPE -and lawn, and voTlevlow and high neck, some with nchu and Medici collar, worth Jja to a.ou. - $1.50 FINEST LAWN GREPHJ and batiste waists, trimmed wlxhrVal and shad ow laoe, large variety, worth $ 8 to $8.76, Silk Waists SHIRTS of the effeittwa titoturh- man nish model, pretty stripes, high and low neck.made of guaranteed wash able silk, worth $8, $1.95 STRIPED TAFFETA WAISTS, chiffon waists made over net. nne waists in a very large variety of this sea ' son's prettiest models, worth 84 and 84.50. $2.5 CHXFON'AND CREPE DE CHINE and fine messallne waists, special lot that came to the Mill End Bale from a maker who is always to be count- ed on as making waists of best style and quality, worth $6 to $7, $3.78 Cotton Petticoats STRIPED GINGHAM with good flounce, worth 59c,,. 45o worth $8 to $4. $1.95 GINGHAM with tucked flounce- and finished with underlay, worth 76c, i f 6vo STRIPED GINGIIAM of rrioe quality, wide or narrow stripe, worth 86c, V- - ova . Skirts ' DRESS SKIRTS' of serge and bedford cord, navy and cream and black and gray, good models, worth $5 to V. $6.50. - $3.75 LINEN SKIRTS, and pretty pique and rep-skirts, white and m natural hue of linen, splendid models of late production, well made and, nice of at: worth $1.25, 85o . worth $2 to $2.60, ' .$1.50 Sacques and Kimonos LAWN AND DOTTED SWISS klm - onos, very pretty In both pattern and -color, wortn. ti.zo to z.ou. 89o DRESSING SACQUES of serpentine crepe and lawn and tseco cilk, good colors and patterns, nicely made, worth 76c to $1.28, . tuo Hair Goods SWITCHES for psyche or coronet braid or any of the stylish modes of hair dressing: 16 and 18 Inch, BOo 20 Inch, 75o 22 Inch, 5o 24 inch. . $1.50 TRANSFORMATIONS for pompadour effects, "5o HAIR ROLLS. 24 -Inch. 85o "Por Little Children BABIES' SHORT DRESSES.flne lawn trimmed Kltn lace ana emuroiaerj', 1 e 7fln CHILDREN'S KIMONO nightgowns of crepe with lace edge, sizes 4 to 14, worth 75c, 59o CT .ron l. ' l. NTflTTTfirtwifl .trimmAfl with edging of -embroidery, worth 6 9c, MUSLIN PETTICOATS trimmed with lace, worth bsc, zoo iiaiii"-" . med with embreidery or with lace, wortn b uc, , ooo MUSLIN DRAWERS, trimmed with embroidery, worth 29c, 22o GOOD PLAIN MUSLIN DRAWERS, wortn iou at 8 A.1 o Wash Dresses LAWN - PERCALE and ehambrar dresses,good styles and colors, worth $1.28. . 95c PRETTY DRESSES of tissue and voile and gingham and lawn, worth $2 to $2.25. $1.50 TASTEFUL DRESSES trimmed with lace and embroidery, plain colors , and pretty fancy stripes, lawn and percale of special fineness, worth. $2.60 and $3. $1.95 LINGERIE DRESSES and pretty styles of -lawn and tissue and fine gingham, plain colors, made up in attractive fashion and fancy pat terns trimmed In sueh way as to make them addedly pretty, worth 83.75 to $6. $2.90 LtNEN AND LAWN and tissue an ft lingerie dresses, collection markeor by much stylo and beauty, worth $5 to $5.75. ' $3.75 DOLLY VARDEN VOILE DHiSES, French linen dresses, pretty lingerie and tissue and crepe dreane, all In models that are marked y miari ' ness and grace, tastefully and ef fectively trimmed, worth $6.60 to $8.50, $4.75 RATINE AND CREPE and voile dresses of special excellence, model") out of the usual In both white an colors, worth $10 to $16. $8.50 FINE DRESSES of white lawn and French linen, ratine and crep dresses, pretty dresses of imported tissues- In this lot some of the moat attractive dresses of the entire sea- eon. worth $16 and $18, $10 EXCLUSIVE DRESSES of crepe and ratine and Imported tissue, dreswr3 In lingerie and In linen models ' marked by special beauty and fine ness, worth $20 to $27.50,- $12.50 and $15 Cloth Dresses ; . SERVICEABLE GOOD-STYLE dress es in rich colors and in handsome deep black. Made of serfr an rl cashmere arid eponge and of rutin, Made In wide range of models and made with much care and skill: worth $5.50 to $12.60, $3.75 to $7.50 Silk Dresses POPLIN AND MESSALINE end charmeuse dresses . hi the pret- models that have been, so hlh in favor this season, attractive nnd tasteful, worth $10 to 115. 37.r. FINE CREPE DE CHINE and mesca line, charmeuse and chiffon; dress es of the best styles of the seawn and made up with a 'skill and car that has added to beauty of both, , fa. brio and model, worth $18 to $4 0, , $12.60 to $18 Corsets BATISTE AND OOUTTL CORSETS, good models, worth $1, 4 "" NET AND COUTIL and batiste cor sets, worth $1 to $1.50. 69o EXCELLENT CORSETS to several styles, worth $1.60 to $2, ' 9 an FINE CORSETS from several makers, batiste and coutll. worth $1.75 to $2.60, $1.85 SPLENDID CORSETS picked from lines of several makers, latlete and coutll of special quality, rood els that are highly favored, worth $2.50 to $3. $1-63 Muslin Underwear SLIPOVER GOWNS of soft Cambria with edge of lace, or embroidery, worth 6 9c, 4ro CREPE AND MUSLIN GOWNS In slip-over style, worth 85o and $1. 69c NAINSOOK AND CREPE slipover gowns, prettily trimmed, worth $1 and $1.26, tc DRAWERS of good muslin, tucked ruffles, torchon- lace edging, wortii 29c, - 35 CIRCULAR AND STRAIGHT draw ers of soft muslin trimmed with em. broidery, worth 60c, SSc NAINSOOK AND CAMBRIC drawe-i In a number of styles, embroidery or lace trimmed, worth B9o. 45c CORSET COVERS of nice muslin ia several styles, worth 35c, 25a SPLENDID NAINSOOK and Cambria corset covers, lace or embroidery' trimmed, worth 50o, R;o r 59o AND 69o CORSET COVERS In several styles, lace or embroidery trimmed, 45o SKIRTS OF GOOD CAMBRIC, lor or short, embroidery trimmed.wortu 69c, '' 4,c - r CAMBRIC SKIRTS trimmed with laos or embroidery, worth 86c and $1, 60O NAINSOOK and fine cam brio skirt with trimming of excellent lace or embroidery, worth $1 to $1.2 '., . , Mo PRINCESS SLIPS of soft nice muslin or ot nainsook, trimmed attractive' , with lace or embroidery, worth Jl to $1.25, 8io FINE NAINSOOK princess slips pret tily trimmed with nice lace or with pretty embroidery, worth $1.50 to $2, $1.35(1 COMBINATIONS of skirt or drawer with corset cover .trimmed with lajr or embroidery and made of good muslin or of nainsook, worth 85s to $1.75, 9o to $L.S5 Eaincoats TAN RAINCOATS of good qnalitr, r1 on pattern that is trim and good-fitting, well finished, worth $3, , 1.S 5