Newspaper Page Text
II CLASSIFIK ADVERTISEMENTS is words i5c 3 times 35c Real Estate to Buy and Sell Furnished Rooms to .Rent Business Men's Exchange FOR S ALE Tot Bate" Aoer Uiementa lm The : BNliHcn. Try oaeu yen wlU mediate results. - - THE FARMER: JULY 16, 1913 I I TO LET ' f HELP WANTED j F SITUATIONS H lamer Miner ready f J vac a own that spotted placard ana secure a tenant Many men and women call at The Fanner and look t ) If you are out or work. The Farmer Wants Ads ought I If surprised at the tm- I 1 or fwwner in the modern way through a iwner claunl- I f -over the Help wanted Ads. u ; yon need help Ad- to be of material assistance to yen. Head them over I 11 I $ 39861 OMSvertisement I ) vortise. I care rally each day. ill i i r. " . 1 " . . ill -v i-To Benti K' 3 I Furnished -Booms' 'to'- -Bent f - Merchants Exchange . f . ' Today's Wants A&3"wiH be received -for this page up to 12 -o'clock noon. Tho&3 sent to at a later -hour up I'M a paper under the heading, "Latest "Wants. EulATIO "by young man on farm. Good milker and teamster. Address J. EL care Farmer. ' Pit ap ntSO FOR SALE Krell upright piano, ebonized case. In splendid condition. We have priced this un usually low. v Easy payments If de rieefd. . Steinerf sv 916 Mah St, near Stale St P 16 b fLATEB PIANO FOR. SALE. Excel lent Instrument In mahogany case. Can hardly be , told from new. Twelve rolls of musle Included. Price $S75. Steinerf a, S15 Main St, near State. P b' SQUARE PIANO FOR SALE. To make room, we wll sell a good i qnara piano for $16.00. Stelnert's. 915 Main St, near State. Pb FIANO FOR SALE. Slightly naed mahogany op right piano equal to new In all respects. A special price to cell It Quickly. Steinerf s, 915 Main St. near State, P 16 T WAjrTEI -Good practical , silver smiths en sterling silver hollow ware. Address Simpson, Hall. Mil - ler -A Co., International Silver Co., Snooeasor.'Waaingfopd. Coan. P 16 d O i POW SALR-W fine large , bnne lag ! lota. dxl. north BL Vine at a hospital about two minutes walk from tT-oUay. fine view of Long Is land Sound. Will be sold very 1-ea-onable to oalck buyer. 4s)dtrawi lil chard fehntts. fixate St. . H It m t pa To AH "Whom t May Oonoent I hereby give notice that on and Rafter this date I will not be responsi r ble for any bOle contracted in ' my Insane by any 'person whosoever other 'than myself. '. . " WILLIAM XX. RTJSSELTi 1; tSV Maple St, formerly of 684 Helen P14i Street KARBTED. ( KTRBT-CTOWKb In TJaxrtmry, July 10, William W. KArby, ef Baltimore, and Mrs. ABoe Rath Stowe, of 'Bethel. L "BEXKOSHETBTSBSXCKj Tn Dan bury. July 1, Fred P. Deardsley and j Mrs. Mary H. J. Burdick. f WALSH-O'tJON N OB-In Danbirry, July 1. Thomas J. Walsh and Miss j Anna. M., O'Connor, . ) on3H?TRTBROWM-n Wmstedjuly 12, Harold Leon Gilbert of West- . field. Mass, and Miss Abby Brown. pgllTERWOOTV-rrTCKSON-In Weston, July 9, Frank Sherwood and Miss 151 ale Hlckaon. t . " DUET. EWGTJSH-Tn Darsbury, July IS, John W. English, ) MOODY, In Danbrrry, July -IS, John - Moody.aged 78 years, .HA TJSCTHAKDt In Danbrtrjt, July 11, Elisabeth Jv wife of Christian A. I - Hauschild, aged SI years. EDWARDS-In Stamford, July 9, ' Elisabeth S., wife of the late Victor Armond Edwards. BmAMXSESin Stamford. . July 11, ' Joseph M. Searles, aged 80 years, j WOOILX-EY. At ' Noroton Heights, 1 Jnly 11, Dana S. Woolley. j HEAD In Norwalk, July 14, Charles ' "FL Read, ared TO veara. ) MFRRITT. In Stamford, July 10, Wlnfleld S. Merritt, aged 65 years. YTVUTY. In Winsted.July IS, George W. Flnley, aged 88 years. COOK. In -Winsted. July 18, Mrs. Mary Cook, aged 74 years. MA DDESj In Thomaston. - July 9, Michael Madden, aged 61 years. fSJOXn&E, In Norwalk, July 10. Min ' nie, widow of Antonio Louise, aged 68 years. SHATj In Winsted, July 11, Miss Alice Shay, aged 80 years. Wants Unclassified OFHOLSTERnrCr, Furniture Repair ed and rennishea. - Prices always reasonable at Stram's Furniture Store. State, near Clinton. Hi tfe WANTED. Furniture, stove, ear- pets, store iixtures. c. in. j- - - - City Auction Co. 896 State St. G SI XOU CANT BEAT Casoa-liaxlne tao- t tor consupauoa. xry mem. O 7 AT BOMMOS A BuVTZ MAKKltf 111 v state ot. nui un every day. I18tf.e WANTED TO BUY second hand fur niture, stoves, carpats, etc State Bt. Phone 910-18. OS tfe STOVES REPAIRED, all kind eup- pilea, ail maxea. pipe, graias, Dncng, etc Charges reasonable. 1718 Mala St. - I IS ao 1 8 B tf . ATJTOMOBUjKS FOR TTTTtre. Garage. Phone . 889 8. Day or night. - R tf o 18 8 NEW YORK BOLOGNA and frank furters, home made meat loaf, fresh " dally. . Peter Hron. 1216 Stratford Ave. n 88 'ttHo enm KESn. decks, roasting hiekens. broilers, fowl, liver pua ing. sausage meat, bologna. Bom mom at Bltta. , O 18 1 8 5 e Personal CARD READER Advice on all af fairs, 26c Mrs. Levy, 674 Madison Ave fourth house above North Av. .- r.25 tf ORDER your screen .now, antique fur niture renovated, fine cabinet work. Carl A. Schmidt. ISO Cleveland V avenue ! " i R 18 ap Upholstering tjPHOTjSTERTN'G, Furniture Repair, d and refiniahed. Prices always reasonable at Stram's Furniture Store. State, near Clinton. H 6 tt DID FURWITTJRE RENEWED, chairs recaned, upholstering. Gus C. Mui Uns, 888 Siast Mala street. Phons lolk-a. Itt'l STATE OF CONTTECTICTJT, . DISTRICT OF BRIDGEPORT, S3 PROBATE COURT. July 11, 1913. Estate of Bridget Cullen, late of the Towrf of Bridgeport, In said Dis trict, deceased. , The Court of Probate for the District of Bridgeport, hath limited and allow ed six months from the date hereof for Creditors of said) Estate to exhib it tbeir claims for settlement. : Those who neglect to present their accounts properly attested, within said time, will be debarred a recovery. All per sons Indebted to said Eetaute are re quested to make immediate payment to BERNARD J. MB, ' Administrator, P. O. Address, 286 Gregory St. P 16 s p . STATE OF CONNECTTCXTT, DISTRICT OF BRIDGEPORT, sow . PROBATE COURT. . -" June 10, 1918. Estate of Catherine Brooks, late of the town of Bridgeport In said Dis trict deoeased. The Court of Probate for the Dis trict 'of Bridgeport, hath limited and allowed six months from the date hereof for Creditors of said Estate to exhibit their claims for settlement. Those who neglect to" present their ac counts, properly attested, within said time, will be debarred a recovery. All persons indebted- to said Estate ar requested to make Immediate pay ment to - EDWARD T. BROOKS, Executor, 472 State Street, F14sp Bridgeport, Conn. I Farmer Want Ads. One Cent a Word. TO RENT. Nicely furnished rooms. . . . . . i . . . . - ii. si i in Btncuy respectaDie iiub' Fairfield Ave Phone 888-8. TJ 14 tf. TO RENT. Store. 800 Fairfield ave nue, opposite Blue Ribbon Garage. 8 4 tf. FOR REN11 Rooms for manufactur ing or storage Gledhill A Co., 481 Water St R8 tf TO RENT Nice light furnished rooms to man and wife for light housekeeping. References changed; rent 86.60 per week. Ad - dress B. A. W.. care Farmer. T2 tf Female Help Wanted naixjiif, a juuiis io-uj ; work. Knowledge of stenography essential. State experience and sal , ary expected. Address J. A. B., care - D15 ViT oi warmer. Help Wanted WANTED. 20 bar keepers and 80 ' waiters for Eagles field day. Apply Frits G. Haxtmann, 126 Wall street. P 15 b p HEIUP WANTED, MALE. Experi enced operators on stamping and drawing presses. Steady work year around. Good wages. Apply Lisk 'i Mfg. Co., Ltd.,, N. Y. P 15 d WANTED. One hundred laborers to work on the construction of Morris Dam.; 82.00 per day. ood board IqsT sccommodatlon. No labor trou ble. The Ryan-TJnm'ack Co.. Thom aston, Conn. R21a WAvntn vmr it. . a. Army; Able- bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 85; citizens of United rf tmrxl -Vmmrtfr and tem perate habits, who can speak, read. and write the EngilsQ t language. For information apply to.Recruitlng Officer, 62 Cannon St., Bridgeport, Conn. s . ' . - Situations Wanted W ANTE D. Position, by a reliable young man, 24 years old. as a eol ' lector, ealesman, or any outside posi tion. References. Address R. H. -.' C. care of Evening Farmer or Phone 858-8. A 80 tf POSITION WANTED By man eap ablo of taking charge of office and i making himself useful at anything, nnnd at figures and writing. Ad. dress C. 1. care of Farmer Puo, Co. x it - tt WASTED. Position In Men's) de partment ot credit ciotning nousc Has had experience at selling, also ; collecting Best of references. At present employed. Aaaieal ij.Li.ti., t ar nf Fnrr-r. H J ( tf WANTED Position in store or with , firm with possibilities o advance-I- ment. Would like position as out side salesman. Salary reasonable to start. Aoarcss S. J. J.. rare ol Farmer. H 19 tf FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, well appointed, electric lights, steam - beat, hot water, private bath, prl- ,: . -ate phone if desired, in select neighborhood, Clinton Ave.. ' near Maplewood Ave., with private fam ily. Can be seen by appointment only. References exchanged. Ad dreBS P. O. Box 450. V 26 t Printers and Stationers DANCE TICKETS, - Raff le .-Tickets, Programs, Show Cards. Printed -t lowest prices. Best work. Siksay, 88 Bellley street. ; U 28 tf S GOOD PRINTING AT LOW PRICES, 100 Cards. Statements, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Note Heads, or Circu lars, printed for only 88.00. Siksay. 88 ReiUy street. ; U22tf STAR PRESS prints business cards. envelopes, dui neaoa, statements, tickets, programs, show cards, cir culars. Low prices, first class work. Jacob Schneider, .Prop.-lS-lS oa rath St., corner Btratrbrd ' Ave. Phone 2508-18. union office T8 tf Out-of-Town Ada ADVERTISING SERVICE Place your advertisements In the out-of-town newspapers, at the regular rates through Read's Advertising Agency, 210 Connecticut jesana emg. AMBULANCES Invalid cars and -Limousines. Charges reasonable James T. Rourke, 1295 Main street. Phone 1661. D 7 di New Yorjk STR.-BRTDGEPORT Lv. Brtdgeport, FatrSeld Ave. Wharf, week dave at S A. ML Retaratng, Iv. New York- week days. Pier 37, E. It., 3 TP. i. Satuvdays P. M. Foot of East JTSnd Street, 8:30 P. M. Saturdays sStSO P. M. STR, NATJGATTJCK Lv. Bridgeport, Feqnonnock Wharf, foot of Umon St.. dany, exoeptl Batrurday, at M night. KewnlnLv. New York, Pier ST, E. R-, daily, except Sundays, 11:00 A, M. Doe Bri age port :20 P. M. Ercoursions to New Yorlc and Up the Hudson STR. BRIDGEPORT will make excursions to New York and up the Hudson Sundays until Sept. 8th inc.,' also Labor Day, Lv, Fairfield Ave Wharf at 9 A. M Returning, Lv. New York, foot of East 2 2d Street, at 50 P. ML ROUND TRIP FARES To New York,. 75c; Children, 40a To New York and up the Hudson, $1; Children, BOo t Tickets good only for date sold. . Musto by the Wheeler A Wilson Orchestra. THE NEW ENGLAND STEAMSHIP CO. L. B. NICKER SON, Agt. FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, all improvements, 72 James ax., near Washington Ave. P 16 dp TO RENT. 605 Warren St.. 8 fur nished rooms, light housekeeping. :i Call from 9 to 1. Tel. 493-2. D 12 a 5 P For Sale FOR SALE A good work horse. 1,200 pounds, corner wooa avenue Wade street.- P15spo FOR SALE. Up to date soda foun tain. See It at Eckler & uo.. so a Main St. - P 15 dp FOR SAIJC. Metz , runabout, 1913. Been used seven weeks, uaii any ' time Chas. O'Donnell, 472 Grand St. P 15 sp SHORE LOTS FOR , SALE. Large corner lot on Seaview Ave, laurel Beach. $1,500. lot on Third Ave., Laurel Beach, 8400. A shore front lot 40x100 at Myrtle Beach 81,000. D. R. Whitney, 1025 Main St. - , P 14 li . FOR SALE. Piano used one year. Combination coal and gas range ' 800 FalrOeld Ave D 19 tf FOR SALE Building lota corner Con necticut and Carroll Avee, Holland Ave. and Hoilister Heights, Wm. Broch. 847 Fairfield Ave f B SO tf VIRGINIA RIVER FARM 178 acres. 100 rich bottom. 6 room bouse Rood barn, 1 mile of electric line, 6 miles of Richmond. Only 87.500; terma Send for free list-700 Farm Bar gains. Casselman & Company. Rich - mond. Vlrglnie B 8 aSp FOB SALE Ily Besidence, 405 Seaview Avenue T.B.WABBEN ; 29 Sanford Building Photography . DEVELOPING of films and plates for amateurs, first class work guaran- i v teed. Armstrong-Whitman Studio Park and Fairfield Aves. T2 at" Financial THE CITY NATIONAL BANK, United States Depository CapitaI.S250.000r surplus and profits, $450,000. Frank Miller, President; David F. Read. Vice President; Charles E. Hough, Cashier; . Henry B. Terrill. Asst. - Cashier; Robert A. Beers. Asst. Cashier. THE CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK, of Bridgeport, corner Main and Wall Streets. S. W. Baldwin, President; H. S. Shelton. Vice Pres ident; L. H. Powe, Cashier; T. C. ' Cummin g. Assistant Cashier. Cap ital, $888,100: Surplus and Profits, Lump. 3880,000. Storage Warehouses'' STORAGE OF FURNITURE- Sepa rate rooms, securely locked, furni ture and china packing. Furniture , and pianos removed, large vans, careful handling. Bridgeport Stor age Warehouse Co., 1285 Main St, Cor. Congress St. Tel. 1084-8. sTTBAMBOATSI I MERCHANT'S LINE Dally Except Sunday Leaves New York. Pier 19, East River, 3 p. m. Due at Bridgeport 7:SO p. m. Leave Bridgeport, Joy Line Dock, a a. m. Arrive New York a. to. For further Information and rates apply to J. B- 'Shepard. Agent. Time Table Bridgeport A Fort Jefferson Steamboat Co, . Steamer PARK CTTY Capt. C. E. Tooker. Daily, leavr Port Jefferson 9 a. m. and 4:80 p. m. (Single Fare, 75o; Round Trip Tickets, kl. Good any time during the season. Matinee Excursions, from Bridgeport daily l:SO p.m; returning, leave Port Jefferson 4:30 p.m.; rouna trip tickets, good day . of issue, only 50c. Special Excursions Tuesday, Friday and Sun day from Port Jefferson. Sunday, leave Port Jefferson 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.; leave Bridyeport l:iO and 6:30 p. m. Automobile transportation. , . . Geo. M. Tooker, Agent 1UU vv in OUUUI w Co., -dealers In guns, fishing tackle and anorttnir roods. TT . I C O. . You can also ,y" fl"ed. locks repaired. TlZa ,VJe? lawn mowers sharpened. af c alA Jfmls o "eht repairing done i,Sn?itn a Gun Store 86 Wall Street. Telephone 4293-8. . - ENGRAVING, on watches, silverware and jewelry,; dog-collars, etcdone at reasonable- pricea) ' DoorT plates, metal checks, stencils, seals and stamps. The Schwerdtle' Stamp-Co., '41 Cannon St. , r P 10 d OLD FURNITURE RENEWED,chalrs recaned.upholsterlng, hair mattress es made over. Gus C. Mulllns, 825 East Main St. Phone 2614-3. ' T7 aS REAL ESTATE, Country Resorts and all kinds of classified advertise ments taken for newspapers every where at the regular rates. Read's Advertising Agency. 210 Conn. Bank Building. . R 1 tf STERLING ALE Equal to Bass ale Z cents per dozen. - Bottled by Carr. 96 Cannon street. Phone i G17 tf . S. BESAramo at moderate . -iub oniy UP-TO-Oate shop In town. We call and deliver. Tele phone IS 91. Goodyear Shoe Re. pairing Co., 78 i John St, Ra tf DOOR AND WINDOW . SCREENS made to order. ' Odd screens repair ?.!n B;n kinds of wood and iBnieh. Estimates furnished. Henry C Hoff man & Co.. 255 Water St. R16 tf SHOW CASES Cigar combination and silent salesman, store and of : flee fittings. Cabinet work of all kinds designed and made Hoffman Show Case Co., 255 Water St ' R14 tf Wanted-To Buy WA TED To buy an kinds of second hand furniture Geo. F, Totams, Redfleld's old stand. 48 Harrison St. Telephone 1015-2. P 10 tf. I BUY OLD HORSES to kill. Re move dead ones fre of charge any where within 25 miles of Bridge port. 7. H. Daniels, 2867 Madison Road. Tel. 4887. Lll $ WANTED Td buy all kinds of seo . ond hand furniture Geo. F. Totams, Redfleld's old stand, 43 Harrison St Telephone 1015-2, . B18 a p XOH, WANT any old Junk or - old - things around your premises. but: WA mint thAm aa .. , . for our business. Sell them to Jacob Bros. We will pay you the highest price and get them out of your way. Prompt attention and satisfaction Is our record. '55 Kos suth St. Tel. 236. R6 t Pianos and Musical Instruments FOR SALE. Used piano of reputable make in 'fine condition. Will sell - cheap for cash, - Address Piano, care of Farmer. H 28 tf. PIANOS TUNED and repaired by an experienced factory man terms reasonable Send postal. Tuner, care of Farmer. . H 8a tt FOR SALE House organ. $30;plano, $145. Zither, 'patented design. Will accept weekly payments. Ad dress JL A. M. care Farmer. ; - - - - - ' - ' Tt a PIANOS TUNED y our wn taetory man, thorough experience and ab solute satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 2524, Wiasner Warerooms, Broad and gtata Ste - . T8 a USED KNABE PIANO, taken In ex change for player, beautiful tone perfect condition, will sell cbeap for cash or easy payments. William A. . Tomlinson. 16 Fairfield avenue np stairs, Sagal Building. Room 100 Z63. TS tf. WANTED To buy all kinds of sec ond hand furniture Geo. F. Totams, Redfleld's old stand, 48 Harrison St Telephone 1015-2. " R 14VJp - BUY AND SELL all kinds of -empty : barrels. Sawdust for sale. Bridge port Barrel Co.. 58 Beardsley St. Phone 1371. A25 tf Educational PIANO INSTRUCTION-" Given by a young lady, terms reasonable Call or address, 149 Golden H11L ' - B 20 a p STUDENTS wanted In practical ad vertising class. Terms reasonable. Theoretical, practical, scientific and psychological advertising in all its ttrancnea taugnt For full informa tion address Box 450, City. T9 tf THE UNTVERSITY SCHOOL, 836 Fairfield avenue. Class, group, and private instruction in preparation for the colleges and technical schools.; Special advantages in ar ranging now for next year's work. Summer school, individual work only, August 4 to September SO. ' v P 8 a J Fire Department Inadequate You probably noticed this statement Better think about some Insurance hadn't yon? We would rather Insure yon here than hereafter. BABTBAM & GREENE Franklin Block. All kinds of Insur ance Bonds and Real Estate IF, YOU HAVE $1,500 to invest, where you wish td double your income on a first class two family house,come in and see us. Anderson & Co. 53 JOHN STREET II Business Directory Save Time. Phone Your Orders Save Time, Telephone Your Orders, They -will receive the same careful attention from the merchant whose cards appear herewith, as though you called at-their several places of business in person. Use this Directory FBEEIiY you will find it great ccn i venience. Art Glass BRIDGEPORT ART GLASS OO, 138 John St Phone 1017-6 ! Automobile Dealers H. M. FORD Distributor Maxwell Cars and the B. C H. 390. 1837 Main St . Phone 127S CTARBUCK A MATTICE, FORD CARS, 869 Fairfield Ave v Phone 4075-S AutomobfleSupplies N. E. AUTO SUPPLY CO, Let us prove how we can save you 2S to 40 'per cent on your suppllee 616 Mala St Phone 4369 Auto Tires and Bepairing THE A. L. SCBAVOTJR CO 85? Fair field Ave . Phone 1663 CONN. AUTO TTRBJ CO. Recovering and Repairing a Specialty New and Second Hand Tires In stock 841 Connecticut Ave Phone 963 Bakers MRS. HILL'S BAKERY. Bread that makes a feast ef every men!. Once tasted, never wasted. 3.66 Wood Av. - - Phone 2803 CROUCH A PLASSMAW. Try "Never Enough Bread." 601 Howard Ave Phone 1657-6 . Beaver Board ' THE A. W. BURRITT CO Khowlton St Phone. 606 Bottlers jacob Btrmwrs brewery,! rib Houaatonio Ave Phone 677 WALTER 6TAPLKTON, Lumber St. hona 1048 Clothing THE STJRTTUSE STORE, Beeartty , Bldg. ' r . , Phone 1608 -.'Coal .-; , THE WHEELER A HOWES CO Inc. 1221 Main St Phone 844-8 PEOPLE'S COAL AND WOOD YARD ' : Admiral and Carbon Ste Phone $3-4 . Confectionery . O. T. LANE, 1040 Main St Phone S. 4 Doctor. DR.' ALICEpTj. FITCH, 9 53 , Iranlstan Ave. near Stat -St Office hours: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone 4821. Druggists , JENNTJB5 HAMILTON PHARMACY. Cor. Main and State Sts. Phone 883 Employment Bureau BRIDGEPORT 3EMPLOYMENT BT REAU, supplies companions, moth era helpere nurse maids and com petent domeatia help, 670 State St Phone 4111-3 Furniture Mover H. G. DEMME CO. Xf you want your piano or furni ture moved safely give the job to Demme 163 Union Ave Phone 8399 Garages BLUE RIBBON GARAGE, $95 Fair field Ave. . Phone 3136 BOULEVARD GARAGE,agents "Win ton Cars;" second hand cars alse 245 Conn. Ave Phone 1054-3 ELM AUTO CO, 184 -Elm Bt . ' Phone 1901 WOOD AVENUE GARAGELl 0 3 Wood Ave Phone 243 GIRLS-: .WANTED! - CORSET DEPARTMENT f I Single - needle, operators, strippers and side steel oprators. j ' BOX DEPARTMENT f j On all kmds of paper boxee ' j METAL DEPARTMENT j For light foot press work. , . j The Warner Brothers Co. APPLY - j j EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, Corner Lafayette and Gregory Sta f j Gas and Gasoline Engines WALDORF MOTOR A MACHTJCB CO. buys and sells cagines and ma chinery. First clan repairing. 183 Cannon St Phone 3807-8 Gowns THE WOMEN'S SMART SHOP A little Paris all our own For those who select gowns at hem 167 Golden HUL Phone 643-8 - Hotels ADAMS HOUSE, 40-42 'Farfle!3 Ave Phone 1438 Ice Dealers " ' DENIS Ja -SQUIRES, 914 f7emaaS6lm4 Ave Phone 8688 IiaundrleJ 7 I WOOD AVENUE LAUNDRY We treat your clothes as our wn j If yon like the Idea telephone,. i Wood and Benham Avee 1 Phones It 13-4 j i , .,. , Iaumber FRANK MTTiTiER LUMBER OO, Iff B. Wash. Ave Phone lot f tlotor Cycl3 EXCELSIOR MOTOR CTCLES. fj. T. Kellogg, 616 State St Phone 136 . ITurses Begistry NURSES- CENTRAL REGWTTIY . AND HOME. Our telephone is tm your accommodation, plus exped!- ency and judicious selection. 10 8 Fairfield Ave - I hone 834 . v ( - NURSES' WEST END REGISTRY AND HOME, 378 State St i - ' Phone 8323 Papers, Magazines, Bags DISBROW . A LAW 205 John St . Phone 181f-f Piano Tuning WISSNER PIANOS, Cor. Broad a State Ste Phone S61 Pianos WM. A. TOMLTNSON, IS Fa'rftlJ Ave Phone 30S7-4 Beal Estate Agents BARTRAM A GREENE, 14 State F. ! Phone 4tili Second Hand Furniture H. A. JASMIN, 856 State St Co. 1 DP 1068 and get 10 per cent more for your goode Why t Low rent; larger business, quick salee Shoe stores S. B. THUfO A CO., 116S Main Bt , THE CAKXWIUGEI fcilO R CO, I Main St Phone ltts Spring Water HIGHLAND MINERAL SPRTfl WATER CO. A pure water bill la better than a doctor's bill and less expensive 46 Warrea St Phone 9ST POWHATTAN SPRINGS. Nature' . crystal beverage Is man's drink 1794 North Ave. Phone 1043-S Tailors L. E. NUNNOLD, 193 ITalrfleld Ave Theatres LVRIO THEATRE. 1428 Main p Phone 4611 POLI'S THEATRE. 89 Fairfield Avow Phone 374 Typewriting-Multagraphiri GEO. N. SEARS. Notary Public. 191 Meigs' Building. Phone 923-4 Typewriters MULLTNS TYPEWRITER jrjxehaft " 167 State St Phone 91 PLUMMER TTPEWIUTER El. CHANGE, 156 Fairfield Ave Phone 131 WANT ADVS. ONE CENT A WORD, i - :